june 2014 - gwrrail-o.org fileam it was installed on our bike. have never been there take the...

Post on 03-Nov-2019






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Chapter “O” Staff

Chapter Directors

Dave & Betty Story


Assistant Director

Dan & Martha Ribbing


Treasurer & COY

Mike & Karen Morgan


Member Enhancement

Carol Evans



Martha Ribbing


MAD Coordinator

Larri Wiggand

Individual Of the Year

Bernie Lavezza

Webmaster & Newsletter

Roy & Cheryl Miller


Chapter Host

Carol & Dan Evans

June 2014

“Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge”

Monthly Meetings

3rd Thursday

6:00 pm eat

7:00 pm meeting

Golden Corral

3360 Green Mount

Crossing, Shiloh

Officer’s Articles 1-5

Member’s Article 6

Member’s Corner 7

Calendar 8-9

National, Region & District 10-14

Flyers 15-16

For Sale & Sponsors 17-18

Inside this issue:

Niehaus Days have come and gone and I believe

everyone has survived. We had a good year but not as

good as last year. I don’t believe the crowd was there.

Friday was just miserable cold, wet and windy.

Saturday was a little better and Sunday was better


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the

members who volunteered their time and energy to

make this successful. There is always a certain few that work tirelessly for

the better of the Chapter and never ask for recognition. To them I say Thank

You without your help it could have not been done.

Betty won a Cobra exhaust system, Dan won a $50.00 gift certificate and I

also won a $50.00 gift certificate so I feel Chapter O was well represented.

Betty was real excited about the exhaust system so being the nice guy that I

am it was installed on our bike.

We had a Mystery Dinner Ride on May 31, and we had 12 riders show up.

We went to Springfield and had lunch at Quaker Steak & Lube Grill. If you

have never been there take the opportunity and go. There is plenty to see and

the food was excellent. Next door there was a sporting goods store that had a

full size Ferris wheel in the center and Ray being the adventurist person he is

bought two tickets to ride but was more than willing to share with Mary.

I also purchased two tickets for Betty and myself so we could go for a ride. I

would hate to say how many years it has been since I rode a Ferris wheel but

it was very enjoyable.

Take the time to support your Chapter Events, the rides may not be the

greatest but the friendship of fellow rider will be. We all have a lot to be

thankful for so get out and enjoy life. If you have an idea for a ride make your

voice be heard not set back and complain about where we should have went.

Look left, then right and one more time to the left before pulling out

from a stop”.

Chapter Directors,

Dave and Betty

Visit our website @ www.gwrrail-o.org



I sit and type this as the television in the family room beeps the all

too familiar severe thunderstorm warning tones. There is nothing un-

usual about that except that today it concerns me more than usual.

This afternoon we enjoyed the company of over 100 of our dearest

friends. Today was the celebration of the 15th anniversary of Chapter O. We had guests

from Chapters far and wide, guests from the District, and lots of chapter members all joining

in games, good food, and good times. We were fortunate enough to have not only our current

District Director, but also the gentleman that shared the responsibility for the creation of our

chapter, the then-current Director, Chet Stevens from Berwin. We'd like to express a heart-

felt thanks to both of those people for traveling the distance to join us in our celebration. We

took a photo if the remaining Charter Members that were in attendance at the party, Lloyd

and Linda Acup, Bob and Jill Moore, Ed and Sue Roberts, Martha and yours truly. Forgive

me if I miss anyone but I remember seeing members from Chapters E, U, Q, S, D2, G, H2,

and PI and I probably missed some. It was fantastic! I would have liked to have spent a

little more time visiting with old friends but I got involved with the food preparation and, we

all know, there's nothing as important to GoldWingers as having enough food prepared.

We'll try to get back to as many of those visiting chapters as we can to offer a personal thank

you but, if we don't, rest assured we appreciated your attendance. We sincerely hope the

severe weather holds off until everyone gets safely home.

If we may back up a few weeks here, we'd like to extend a warm thank you and a hearty

well done to everyone that gave their time and efforts to the fund-raising booth at Niehaus

Days. We didn't fare as well as last year but we still did well. It's the efforts expelled by the

members at the fundraisers and the participation in the chapter activities that bring on the

festivities we discussed in the earlier paragraph. Keep up the good work guys and gals and

we can't help but fulfill the motto of our organization. We are truly “Friends for Fun, Safety,

and Knowledge”.

I know it's a little early in the year to bring it up but Dave and Betty have already

informed us they are stepping down as of the end of the year. We've agreed to handle the

duties of Chapter Director but we can't do it alone. We are definitely going to need a new

Chapter Educator because Martha is sure she doesn't want to have both positions of Director

and Educator. We haven't spoken to the current staff about retaining their respective position

and we'll be doing that as time goes on. If there is a position you'd like to have a little more

information on, let us know. We promise we won't assume you're volunteering just because

you asked to be more informed. We'll explain the tasks expected of the position holder and

then you can decide if you'd like to give it a shot. Then we'll speak to the current person in

the office and let them decide if they'd like to stay in or let someone else handle it, There's

no obligation on anyone’s' part. Please remember, it's not MY chapter, it's not YOUR

chapter, it's OUR chapter and if we don't work together it won't be anybody's chapter! Talk

to us about volunteering.


Assistant Chapter Directors

Dan & Martha Ribbing



I spoke of the evils of sunscreen and dehydration at the gathering

the other night and I think the following article, written by

renowned motorcycle safety enthusiast James Davis, is a timely

piece for the season.


Cooling Down In Very Hot Weather

Evaporation is everything By: James R. Davis

Riding when the temperature is well in excess of 90 degrees can be dangerous to your health.

Unless you take care to keep your body temperature under control even rides as short as an

hour can result in heat-prostration or even sun-stroke.

Many riders know that if you keep your neck cool, because the large veins that feed your

brain are so close to the surface, you greatly diminish these health risks. There are two very

popular devices that are simple and effective in this regard.

One is called a 'cool collar' and is made from a tube of bandana material that contains some

water absorbing beads sewn into it. The beads increase in size about 50 TIMES over when

they are dry. Thus, when dry, these collars store easily and take up very little room. But getting

them wet is not as easy as it sounds. That is, you have to take a dry collar and submerge it in

water for up to 1 hour before it has absorbed all the water it can. That hour is often not

available to you when you need it.

The reason the collar works to cool you off is that it takes even longer for the beads to dry out

than it did to get them wet. That is, water will evaporate from them over a several hour period.

Any evaporation activity cools - but only marginally so from the wearer's point of view. That is,

within half an hour of putting one of these collars around your neck, even if it had been in a

freezer before you put it on, the collar will be very nearly at the temperature of the air around


Far better than these 'cool collars', I have found, is the original design of them (sometimes

called 'Kool Kollars'). These are usually made of terry-cloth sewn together in such a way as to

contain a pocket into which a zip-lock bag is placed. These are filled with ice! This type of collar

REALLY cools your neck as the ice melts, AND they drip cool water. That dripping leaves the

front and back of your shirt sopping wet over time which provides a huge source of evaporation

- i.e., it helps to COOL! At every pit stop you make you can refill the 'Kollar' with ice (just pour

in a glass of ice water, ice and all).

The bead filled collar cannot be rapidly cooled again once it has gotten warm. Thus, you

usually find that people that use them have two - one of which is always sitting in an ice-chest.

One more way to handle high heat - those of you that wear skull-caps (helmet liners) can

simply saturate them with water before putting them on. This works very well indeed, for about

half an hour.

Further, of course, simply pouring water on your shirt helps a great deal - again, because it

provides a huge area over which evaporation takes place.

While on the subject let me remind you that your wet shirt is not the only large area that

evaporates - all of your exposed skin does the same. Thus, you NEED to DRINK lots of fluids


Copyright © 1992 - 2014 by The Master Strategy Group, all rights reserved.

http://www.msgroup.org (James R. Davis is a recognized expert witness in the fields of Motorcycle Safety/Dynamics.)

From the desk of Martha Ribbing

Rider Educator



We have all heard the saying

that I was at the right place at

the right time when an oppor-

tunity presented itself. That is what happened for

Chapter O on Friday night May 23. Everything

seemed to just fall into place to make the MAD

event a huge success. It started off with Jean

Potwora and Dan Evans setting the event up with

one of our sponsors. It made the sponsor happy

and gave Chapter O an opportunity to present

material to the public on MAD. E-mails and

personal invitations went out to other chapters

and individuals asking them to attend our event.

They heard the message and decided to attend.

We had five different groups that attended our

event. They were Missouri Chapter Z, Illinois

Chapter E, Blue Knights, HRCA23, and Illinois

Chapter O. I don’t think I have ever seen that

many different groups at any of our activities.

We had a total of 24 bikes and trikes at the event.

The groups came from every direction. Everyone

seemed willing to participate. Ray and Mary

Ruder put their mascot Clyde the Camel on their

bike to entice spectators to stop at the event. Bob

and Jill Moore came

with their trailer and

Bear mascot. Bob and

Jill Moore had baby

bears in their trailer

and gave one away to a

child that was excited

to see all the bikes,

lights, and mascots.

There were lights galore on

many of the bikes and this

made the people turn their heads to look. Rich

Stallard turned on his lights and made them

dance. This was a real show stopper.

We gave out material and also talked to prospec-

tive members. Walter Potwora gave a ride on his

trike to a lady that had never been on one. When

they returned, the lady was excited and couldn’t

believe how smooth the ride was and anxious to

possibly get one. If the event is what it takes to

get new members, then it might be something

that we consider repeating.

I want to thank all from the organizers, partici-

pants, guests, and sponsor for making it a success.

I am looking forward to a repeat performance.

Carol Evans



Carol Evans




Chapter O met on May 31st for a Chapter Mystery ride. What a pretty day it

started out with. We met at the Shell gas station in Hamel, IL. There were

six bikes and twelve people. We have a friend from our home town, Lincoln,

Il. named Donnie Osborne that had told us about this spot to visit. He also

rides motorcycles and had been there.

North we rode to Springfield, Il. We ended up at a little restaurant called

Quaker Steak & Lube it was really neat to see. It had all kinds of different

cars and motorcycles hanging from the ceilings upside down. You had to see

them to really appreciate how neat they looked. After checking out all the

cars we had a great meal, food was really good. After our stomachs were full

we thought we would stop over and check out a place called Scheels. It was a nice big mall

with all kinds of stores. In the middle it had a big Farris wheel. First ones to ride were Mary

and Ray Ruder and they really enjoyed it. You could have a bird’s eye view of the whole store.

Everyone did a little shopping and then we were on our way again. We rode back on a two lane

road and took a nice scenic ride until we rode into a cloud. Dave was riding slow trying to miss

it but it did catch up with us. So we ended up stopping at a little restaurant and having ice

cream. Everyone thought it was a good idea. We all sat enjoying the ice cream and good

company. After the rain had slowed down we all ended up going our own separate ways after a

very enjoyable day.

Betty Story

Assistant Director



Missouri District Rally “Wing the Ozarks”

Branson, Mo Jun 5-7 2014

My Co-Rider and I have been looking forward to this trip since we reserved our room last

year. There were some doubts though that we would be able to make this trip due to my

illness and recovery process earlier this year. I’m so grateful for all the prayers that helped

me recover completely and allowed us to make the trip.

We showed up at the designated time and place that was posted on the Chapter Calendar

for several months. We waited until 8:05, when no one else showed up, we were off to Branson. As last

year there was a possibility we were going to hit some rain, well this year we did hit the rain on the way to

Branson, but with the proper rain gear we were able to continue on our way without incident .

It’s always good to see familiar faces when going to these events and

the first person we met was Tom ‘Woofie’ Braun. We were welcomed

by several other Missouri members as well. We met up with the rest

of the Chapter “O” members that went to the Rally this year, Dan and

Carol Evans, Ed and Sue Roberts, and, Walter and Jean Potwora,

along with Wayne and Shirley Schmidt from Chapter “E” we all enjoyed

the free spaghetti dinner the first night. During the Opening Ceremonies

we were introduced to the GWRRA Directors Ray & Sandi Garris.

I do believe there were more vendors at the Rally this year with

Niehaus being one. Missouri really went all out, by getting several local

business to offer free items with one of the tickets given out, in addition to offering coupons for meals. This

just shows how much Branson businesses appreciate this GWRRA event.

Friday, started off with watching Redell Morgan change an air filter on a Honda Goldwing 1800. Sherry

gracefully offered up her trike for the demonstration. Redell started with taking off the seat, then the console,

side panels, then onto the other two layers before finally getting to the air

filter. I do believe it was the consensus of the group and understanding

why the motorcycle shops charge what they do for changing out the air

filter. During the process I do believe Sherry was having some doubts

about her trike ever running again. But everything went back to-

gether with no parts left over, and it even started back up. Afterwards

we went to the Brett Family show they are a very talented group and

we really enjoyed it. A few

events did get rained out on

Friday and the vendors had

to shut down during the down

pour. The rain did stop before

the light show at Branson Landing.

On Saturday, my Co-rider and I enjoyed an observation ride along

Bull Shoals Lake and took the Peal Ferry across it. The rest of the

group watched the Kansas City Twisters Drill Team perform they

said it was an awesome performance.

During the closing ceremonies it was

announced that Bruce Watkins was

promoted to Region E District Director.

I’m glad to say everyone arrived back

home safe and sound. Now onto to other

rides for the year.



May 15th Meeting Highlights

21 regular members

14 Guest – Illinois District - Mary & Bob Adams, Bob & Vicki Fowkes, Tom & Pam

Waller, Chet Stevens, Connie Godfrey, Chapter E -Wayne & Shirley Schmidt,

Chapter U - Steve & Jeannie Brungard and Bill & Bonnie O’Guinn

Dash for Cash - Chapter “O” is currently in the lead with 168 points

Door prizes - $30.00 - Jay Grant, $15.00 - Larri Wiggand , $10.00 - Chet Stephens

Sponsor donations:

Ravanelli’s – Chris Ribbing, Uncle Linny’s – Sue Roberts, Bobby’s - Cheryl Miller

Golden Corral - Gwen Grant & Connie Godfrey, LottaWatta Creek - Lorraine Kolling

Culver’s O’Fallon– Carol Evans, Culver’s Collinsville - Bonnie O’Guinn

Culver’s Edwardsville – Chet Stevens

Niehaus – Tom Waller, Pam Waller & Jay Grant

Belleville Honda - Jay Grant

Mary Adams presented Jean & Walter Potwora Chapter Ambassador award

Bob Moore will be replacing Jean Potwora as Roxana Bike Memorial Liason



Bill Sugg - 28 years

Dan & Martha Ribbing - 15 yrs

Ed & Vina Haggerty - 11 yrs

Jim & Frankie Eckert - 7 yrs

Ron Hahn - 6 yrs

June 24th

David & Judy Roberson

June 28th

Dave & Betty Story

June 30th

Henry & Sharon Ludwig

June 23rd - Bill Sugg

June 26th - Barb Jett

Trish Bishop

June 28th - Ed Haggerty

July 1st - Karen Gurley

July 3rd - Jean Potwora

July 6th - Vina Haggerty



Jun 22nd Chapter "O" 15th Anniversary Party - Conoco Phillips Park, Kendall Hill, Woodriver

Jun 25th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Freeburg, DQ - 804 N State St., Freeburg

Jul 2-5th Wing Ding 35 Greenville, SC - Madison, Wisconsin

Jul 6th Chapter Ride - Monastery Museum, Teutopolis meet @ Powhaten Rest. KSU 11 am

Jul 9th Ice Cream Run - Maryville, Bobby’s - 2525 N Center St., Maryville (M.A.D location)

Jul 11-13th Chapter Ride - Motorcycle Museum, Iowa meet @ Cracker Barrel, Caseyville KSU 9 am

2 nights @ Quality Inn North, 5055 Rockwell Drive, Cedar Rapids, Phone: (319) 393-8247

Jul 16th Ice Cream Run - Red Bud, DQ - 421 S Main St., Red Bud

Jul 17th Chapter "O" Meeting – 6:00 pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh

Jul 20th Chapter Ride - Lambert’s, Sikeston, Mo meet @ Mc Donald’s, Columbia KSU 9:00 am

Jul 23rd Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Trenton, Dairy King - 320 W Broadway, Trenton

Jul 24-26th - Holiday Inn, Mt Vernon 618-244-7100 GWRRA rate $84.00

Jul 30th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Grab N Go Frozen Custard - 3901 Pontoon Road Pontoon Beach

Aug 6th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Collinsville, Culver's - 100 United Dr., Collinsville

Aug 7-9th Region E Rally - Hotel Mead & Conference Center - Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin

Aug 13th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Edwardsville, Culver's - 6724 old Troy Rd., Edwardsville

Aug 16th Chapter Ride - Kimmswick, Mo meet @ McDonald’s, Columbia KSU 10:00 am

Aug 20th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Freeburg, DQ - 804 N State St., Freeburg

Aug 21st Chapter "O" Meeting – 6:00 pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh

Aug 24th Chapter Ride– Museum of Transportation meet @ McDonald’s, Columbia KSU 11am

Aug 27th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Belleville, Eckert's - 951 S Green Mount Rd., Belleville

Aug 29-31st GWRRA Weekend at the Opry for more info visit the website http://opryevent.gwrra.org/

Sep 3rd Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Troy, DQ - 810 Edwardsville Rd, Troy



Roy and I will not be attending Chapter “O” Anniversary, Wing Ding or the Region

E Rally. I would appreciate any help if you can write an article or send me pictures.

I will do my best to include all pictures in your article, but if it leaves me dead space

I can’t fill, I will have to eliminate some pictures. Also, Roy likes to use the pictures

on the index page since this is the first page people see when visiting the Chapter

website. It is sad to say some people like to specify how a picture can be used even when other

members are in the photo. When we receive a picture it may end up on the website, photo page

or in the newsletter. Please remember our objective on the website and in the newsletter is to

supply information and to show how much fun you can have when you participate.

I would like to apologize for the delay on posting pictures to the photo page. With Roy’s illness,

work and a new computer and operating system I fell behind. I plan on catching up within the

next week.

Cheryl Miller



Sep 7th Chapter Ride - Metropolis meet @ Good Ol Days, New Baden KSU 9:00 am

Sep 10th Ice Cream Run - Highland, DQ - 12613 IL-143, Highland

Sep 12-14th Southern Illinois Ride-In DuQuoin, IL

Sep 17th Ice Cream Run - Red Bud, DQ - 421 S Main St., Red Bud

Sep 18th Chapter "O" Meeting - Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh

Sep 24th Ice Cream Run – 6:30 pm Collinsville, Culver's - 100 United Dr., Collinsville

Sep 28th Chapter Ride - Elephant Rock State Park meet @ Cracker Barrel, Caseyville KSU 9:00 am

Oct 1st Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm O'Fallon, Culver's - 1702 W Hwy 50, O'Fallon

Oct 4th Chapter E 30th Anniversary– meet at Shell Station, Hamel off I-55 11:00 am

Oct 8th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Belleville, Eckert's - 951 S Green Mount Rd., Belleville

Oct 12th Chapter Apple Ride - Meet at the Flying J @ I-255 & Hwy 111 KSU 10:00 am

Oct 15th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Edwardsville, Culver's - 6724 Old Troy Rd., Edwardsville

Oct 16th Chapter "O" Meeting – 6:00 pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh

Oct 17-19th Eminence, Mo meet at McDonald’s, Columbia KSU 9:00 am

River’s Edge Resort 573-226-3233

Oct 22nd Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Grab N Go Frozen Custard - 3901 Pontoon Road Pontoon Beach

Oct 25th Halloween Party location to be determined

Oct 29th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Columbia, DQ - 1001 S Main St., Columbia

Nov 5th Sponsor Dinner – 6:00 pm Uncle Linny's - 4112 Pontoon Rd, Pontoon Beach

Nov 8th Training - Location to be determined

Nov 12th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm O'Fallon, Culver's - 1702 W Hwy 50, O'Fallon

Nov 20th Chapter "O" Meeting – 6:00 pm Golden Corral 3360 Green Mount Crossing Rd, Shiloh

Nov 26th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm Edwardsville, Culver's - 6724 Old Troy Rd., Edwardsville

Dec 10th Ice Cream Run - 6:30 pm O'Fallon, Culver's - 1702 W Hwy 50, O'Fallon

Dec 17th Ice Cream Run – 6:30 pm Collinsville, Culver's - 100 United Dr., Collinsville

Dec 20th Chapter "O" Christmas Party - Shiloh Eagles Club, 100 Eagle Dr. Shiloh


Jan 23rd– 25th Illinois District Winter Renaissance @ The Chateau, Bloomington PH: 309-662-2020

GWRRA rate is $89.00 per night www.bloomingtonchateau.com/


Check the Chapter website at www.gwrrail-o.org for last minute schedule changes & updates & up coming Events




National, Region & District Information

Dash for Cash - Other Chapter Meetings

Eat 6 pm Meeting 7 pm

July 1st -”F” - Ryan’s Steak House, 4615 Broadway, Mt Vernon

July 2nd - “Q” Bandana’s BBQ 309 E Main St, Carbondale

July 7th - Mo–Z Ponderosa 3601 Jeffco Blvd Arnold, Mo

July 10th - “E” Miners Family Rest. 304 S Macoupin St., Gillespie

July 21st - “U” Ponderosa 2727 Veterans Pkwy, Vandalia

Rally Registration forms

on Chapter Calendar

& website under

Event Flyers

Nebraska/South Dakota

June 19th—21st

Quality Inn Ogallala, Nebraska

Minnesota/North Dakota

July 18 – 19th

Best Western Plus

Mankato, Minnesota

Illinois District

July 24 –26th

Holiday Inn, Mount Vernon

Wisconsin District Rally

September 12 - 13th

Wintergreen Resort

Lake Delton, MI

Iowa District Rally

September 26 - 27th

King’s Pointe

Storm Lake, Iowa

Region E District Rally

August 7 - 9th

Wisconsin Rapids, WI

Mark your calendars


July 2-5, 2014

Madison, Wisconsin


1st place 2013

Let’s do it again!

168 Points



Article from GWRRA National E-Newsletter

National Officers


Ray & Sandi Garris


Directors of


Dave & Gwen Carter

Rider Education


Tony Van Schaick

Leadership Training


Paul & Cheryl Brosher

Member Enhancement


Bob & Karla Greer

Wing World Editor

Kevin Whipps

Global Affairs


Dan Sanderovich

Deputy Directors

Central (Regions E & H)

Bill & Dea Ann Gray

A Big Wisconsin Welcome! The City of Madison, in partnership with the City of Middleton, Wisconsin,

will be hosting a free, Wing Ding Welcome Party for all registered attendees!

July 1st, 2:00pm - 9:30pm On John Q. Hammons Drive and at the Hilton Garden Inn

1801 Deming Way, Near Greenway Station in

Middleton, WI

Get to Madison a day early, grab your registration packet (or register onsite) at the Alliant Energy Center anytime between noon and 5:00pm, and then take the scenic drive to Middleton for a big Wisconsin Welcome Party featuring live music, food and beverage ven-dors, and more!

2:00pm - 5:30pm Angels and Outlaws

Dane County's hottest new band!

6:00pm - 9:30pm Madison County

Dane County's best band!

Enjoy the Food Court featuring Falbo's: Pizza and Sandwiches, Club Tavern: Bur-gers, Brats and fresh roasted Corn on the Cob. Plus, kettle corn, pies, chocolate and more! Beverages by Pepsi and desserts by Hubbard Avenue Diner!


Tuesday, July 1, 3:00pm - 10:30pm, from the Hilton Garden Inn. Downtown Middleton fea-tures the National Mustard Museum, quaint shops, a 50's style diner famous for pies, and

much more! Check out visitmadison.com/wd36 for the

trolley route and more!





Bruce & Barb Beeman


Assistant Directors

Bob & Nicki Fowkes

Assistant Directors

Lance & Diane Brozek

Assistant Directors

Bob & Diane Phelps

Rider Educator

Jerry & Sue Allhands

Membership Enhancement

Brian & Tammy Anderson


Leadership Trainers

Bill & Nancy James

Medic First Aid

Mike & Jan Buzick


Fred Rennpferd & Robin Pettit


Bruce Watkins


Don & Cheri Walloch


Patch Shop

Wally & Jan Wallace


Public Relations

Walter & Jean Potwora


Belinda Schearf

Article from Region E Newsletter

Our Region Team has been preparing for another great Region E Convention,

on August 7-9, 2014, in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. You are invited to a free

ice cream social at the Honda dealership Thursday evening and then relax in a

great hotel with your friends. A hospitality room filled with cookies will be

hosted by the Missouri District this year. We will have guided rides for

your pleasure provided by our Wisconsin members. There will be vendors

from everywhere, fantastic off-bike games brought to you by the Illinois

District. The Region’s Educators are preparing to test your skills with on-bike

games you will enjoy watching if you don’t wish to participate. A lighted bike

parade through the city streets of Wisconsin Rapids will be organized and led

by our friends in the Wisconsin District. We have a great parade route thanks

to the police department of Wisconsin Rapids. Back at the hotel, a lighted bike

show will follow the parade with awards to the best lit bikes all being organized

by the Nebraska – South Dakota District. We will have an awesome (shine

& show) bike show with awards and a special Best of Show award all being

coordinated and judged by the Iowa District. A Talent Show featuring members

of our Region will happen Friday night so get your friends together and

participate. Our Region’s Couple of the Year and Individual of the Year will be

selected to represent us at Wing Ding next year. There will be competitions for

the best hat, shirt, chapter banner, newsletter, and scrap book being organized

by our Membership Enhancement Team so bring your stuff and show us your

Chapter pride. There will be seminars, the 2015 Calendar photo contest, a

District Team competition which will test their fishing skills and we have

found a great food vendor in Ben Hanson Park so you can have lunch along the

beautiful Wisconsin River. Minnesota – North Dakota will be serving us as

rally security (not that we’ll need any) to hold the doors open for us (ha ha).

Remember how much fun we had last year in Norfolk, NE? This year’s theme is

“Playing Hooky in Wisconsin” so when you use our “Hook 2” incentive you can

save on your registration expenses.

HOOK 2 INCENTIVE: Step one, you must have attended the 2013 Region E

Convention to earn a free registration; Step two, get two friends who did not

come to the 2013 convention to come with you to the 2014 Region E

Convention; Step three, both of you fill out the registration forms and mail

them together along with your friend’s registration fee (yours is free); Step four,

prepare yourself for a weekend of fun with all of us at Hotel Mead &

Conference Center in Wisconsin Rapids, WI.

Example: Bob & Nicki attended 2013 Region E

Convention; we need to recruit four people (two

people each) to the 2014 convention to get our

registration free.

Bob & Nicki Fowkes

Region E Assistant Directors



Article from Illinois District Newsletter


District Director

Mary Adams

hondagirl711@ yahoo.com

Asst. District Director


Steve & Diane Gottschalk


Leadership Trainers

Sandy & Steve Schlager

MAD Coordinator & Educator

Dan & Linda Davis

MFA Coordinator

Mike & Jan Buzick

District Treasurer

Sue Allhands

Couple of the Year

Wayne & Shirley Schmidt

Individual of the Year

Nancy Hutchings

Newsletter Editor

Dennis & Jean Bose


Gary Dabney


Lorie & Ron Heffelfinger


Jean & Walter Potwora

Illinois District Rally Competitions Theme: American Heroes

Mascot Competition You may participate in each Competition once.

Mascots must be submitted for judging only by fully

registered participants.

Cannot be a LIVE mascot! For judging purpose, a

Mascot must be able to fit on a 20 inch x 20 inch table


Judging will be based on having the following:


Evidence of GWRRA identification - Any patch, pin, etc. with GWRRA name or

logo (0 to 20)

Chapter, District & Region designation displayed (0 to 15 pts)

Appropriate to theme of convention (0 to 15)

Creativity (0 to 25)

Overall Appeal (0 to 25) Total (Maximum Score = 100 Points)

Windshield Cover Competition

You may participate in each Competition once.

Region, District, Chapter designation

displayed (0-15 pts)

GWRRA Logo (10 pts. )

Motto - Friends for FUN, Safety & Knowledge. ( 10 pts.)

Is it personalized Member name, town, ext.. ( 0-15 pts.)

Creativity (0-25 pts. )

Overall appearance( 0-25 pts. ) Total (Maximum Score = 100 Points)

GWRRA Hat Competition

You may participate in each Competition once.

Region, District, Chapter designation displayed (0-15 pts)

GWRRA Logo (10 pts. )

Motto - Friends for FUN, Safety & Knowledge. ( 10 pts.)

Must be personalized Member name, town, ext.. ( 0-15 pts.)

Creativity (0-25 pts. )

Overall appearance( 0-25 pts. ) Total (Maximum Score = 100 Points)



GWRRA Shirt Competition

You may participate in each Competition once.

Region, District, Chapter designation displayed (0-15 pts)

GWRRA Logo (10 pts. )

Motto - Friends for FUN, Safety & Knowledge. ( 10 pts.)

Must be personalized Member name, town, ext.. ( 0-15 pts.)

Creativity (0-25 pts. )

Overall appearance( 0-25 pts. ) Total (Maximum Score = 100 Points)

Baking - Cookies - Cut out Can not have CHOCOLATE in them.

Baked by a member of GWRRA.

Must include recipe with display.

Must display nut allergy warning.

Must be presented on a disposable plate.

Must provide at least 1 dozen.

Display must not be bigger than 12x12.

Can be in Theme.

All cookies left over will go to the Hospitality Room.

You may participate in each Competition once.

Baking - Cookies - Drop

You may participate in each Competition once

Can not have CHOCOLATE in them.

Baked by a member of GWRRA.

Must include recipe with display.

Must display nut allergy warning.

Must be presented on a disposable plate.

Must provide at least 1 dozen.

Display must not be bigger than 12x12.

Can be in Theme.

All cookies left over will go to the Hospitality Room.

Candy - Non Chocolate

You may participate in each Competition once

Can not have CHOCOLATE in them.

Baked by a member of GWRRA.

Must include recipe with display.

Must display nut allergy warning.

Must be presented on a disposable plate. Must provide a full plate.

Display must not be bigger than 12x12.

Can be in Theme.

All left overs will go to the Hospitality Room.

Hotel Door Decorations

GWRRA Illinois District is not liable for any damages to your hotel room door. It is registered in your name and you will be held responsible. You may only use Painters tape on the door itself. Any 3M or other hanging devices must be placed on top of the Painters Tape. Size is not limited but must not prohibit use of the door. Must be 3 dimensional. Lights are an Option.




Our Wall of Heroes






Parts from a 2012 trike conversion

Rear wheel with tire, saddle bags,

steering head (color red)

Make offer

James Caminiti

Phone: 618-345-0540



GWRRA IL Chapter “O”

Dave & Betty Story

228 Clarence Dr.

Red Bud, IL 62278

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