jumping up & down!feb 02, 2020  · junior warden –beth portocalis ... opel family, and parent...

Post on 09-Jul-2020






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The Shepherd’s Crook The Church of the Good Shepherd

Pitman, NJ The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector February 2020 The Rev. Carl Dunn, Deacon

“We Love Our Church”

Jumping Up & Down!

When was the last time you were so excited by something that you just had to jump up and down?!

You were so excited that you couldn't contain yourself!

We had a wonderful annual meeting here at Good Shepherd — all good news! Our budget is

balanced. Our attendance is up. We have some great new people coming to our church. For me, our

excitement and joy was exemplified by the sight of the children of St. Joseph in Camden for Camden


Deacon Carl frequently provides us with a video showing us this year’s Camden Christmas

celebration. It always shows the joy of the Rowan student shoppers and the joy of the present wrappers,

and the unbridled delight of the children as they opened their presents. This year in particular I was

touched by the reaction of the children of the Joseph Fund of Camden. A wonderful young filmmaker

by the name of Julian Zuniga has been with us for a few years. He follows Carl around with our

volunteer Rowan students as they go shopping with the funds we all have collected and donated. They

run through toy stores and toy departments collecting the toys the children requested, making sure they

will get what they want for Christmas.

The children who receive these gifts have so few choices in their lives. They have hopes and dreams,

but they have so few indications that their dreams will ever be realized, no matter how hard they work.

They have such low expectations, even at the ages of 5 & 6. They lose their ability to dream. Our

dreams propel us through life. Our ability to dream gives us the sense that we can be more, we can

succeed, that God is with us in our lives.

So receiving even a simple silly little toy tells a child that somebody cares about them, that they are

worthwhile, that they too can dream.

Carl tells the story that after the children received their gifts, many of them asked if they had to give

them back after they had played with them for awhile. They needed to be told that the gifts now

belonged to them, the gifts were theirs and they could take them home.

That sense of ownership, that sense of being worthy of ownership is a gift too.

So, many of the children jumped up and down with their barely contained excitement. They jumped

up and down with a new-found confidence and sense of themselves as worthy, worthy of gifts. We

gave this to them and I thank God for the opportunity, every year, to give gifts to the children of

Camden. And I thank God for all of you, for your generosity, for your care, for being willing to share

God’s unconditional love with others.


Mother Susan+


Deacon Carl’s Corner

February – the Month of Love!!!

I really enjoy finding a Valentine’s card for my wife each year. I always purchase at least two – one humorous card and one to make up for the humorous card and everything else I need to apologize for since January 1! We always have a great time on the 14th!

To me, this is a month we can prove to those around us that “love is action”. And, we follow someone that demonstrated that more than any other person in history. Here are just a few examples of how Jesus taught us about love and how to express it:

1. Matthew 14:14 Jesus heals the sick - in love: “When Jesus landed, he saw a large crowd, he had compassion and healed their sick.”

2. John 11:35,38 Jesus Raised the Dead in Love “Jesus wept…once more deeply moved...”

3. Matthew 15:32 Jesus Fed the Hungry in Love “I have compassion for these people; they have been with me for three days and have nothing to eat…..”

4. Mark 6:34 Jesus Preached the Kingdom in Love “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion for them…”

5. John 17:20-21 Jesus Interceded for His Disciples and the Church in Love “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.”

6. John 3:16 Jesus Gave his Life for the World in Love “For God so LOVED the world that he gave – he gave- his only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

I do believe that Jesus would give you and me a “humorous” card to make us smile. What would follow would be a look, a word, a hug, a memory that would remind us how he expresses his love throughout that day and every other day.

Enjoy being loved today. Be sure to look up, take his hand and tell him how much you love him!

Deacon Carl


The Annual Meeting of the Church of the Good Shepherd was held on Sunday, January 26th, 2020. At the Meeting, the ministry and business of the Parish for 2018 was reported on and reviewed and the 2019 Budget was presented. A delicious lunch was provided by some of our adult and youth volunteers. The election results for the positions of Junior Warden (2 Year term), 3 Vestry members, and 3 Delegates and 3 Alternates to the Diocesan Convention and Convocation are as follows:

Junior Warden – Beth Portocalis

Vestry Members – Jeff Bathurst, Brad Davies, Dana Szilier

Delegates – Jack Daugherty, Rich Harrington, Mel Caron

Alternates – Jason Vail, Kathy Pastiu, Lori Bathurst


We have changed our approach for collecting food donations for the Pitman Food Pantry. Each week we will be collecting a different food item. We will announce the upcoming needed food item each week in the trifold. Also we will have a monthly list in the Crook.

Food donations for February are: 2/1 & 2 – Canned Fruit 2/8 & 9 – Jelly 2/15 & 16 – Cereal 2/22 & 23 – Mac & Cheese 2/29 & 3/1 - Canned Fruit

All donations are greatly appreciated and accepted.

The Pitman Food Pantry is open on even dated Tuesdays each month from 6pm – 7pm.

College Scholarship Forms

There are a few College Scholarships available through the Church. The forms are in the white envelopes on the bulletin board across from the Conference Room. Please check the Deadline dates and have your paperwork & recommendations needed in on time. Any questions please see Mother Susan+.


Ash Wednesday and Lent are just around the corner, February 26th. Please bring in your blessed palms from last Palm Sunday to be burned and made into the ashes we use during our services on Ash Wednesday. There is a box at the back of the church for your palms. Thanks in advance.

Altar Flowers &

Sanctuary Candle

If you are interested in funding Altar Flowers

or the Sanctuary Candle in memory of

someone or in thanksgiving for someone, the

forms are in the Parish Hall, on the back wall

on the Bulletin Board near the kitchen. Please

fill out the appropriate form with your

information for your desired date, as long as it

is available, on the appropriate chart on the

bulletin board. Please put your completed form

in Parish Administrator’s mailbox or under her

office door.

We do not have flowers during Advent or

Lent. The Sanctuary Candle is available year



Let’s get in the habit of taking pictures of

everything around here! Pictures of Sunday

School, meetings, even of events at

services if you can be surreptitious! Please

identify who is in each photo and what the

event is. Thank you!

Maryanne has received some great pics

from people keep ‘em coming!

CHURCH MINISTRY LEADERS These are some of their names and numbers, if you have

any questions.

Rector - The Rev. Susan Osborne-Mott – 732-759-4358

Deacon - The Rev. Carl Dunn – 609-868-7102

Senior Warden – Len Clark – 856/582-1113

Junior Warden – Beth Portocalis – 856/357-3938

Treasurer - Lee Braidwood - 856/228-0737

Asst. Treasurer - George Funk - 856/232-0941

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Wayne Szalma – 856/469-3028

Women at the Well - Diane Wall - 856/374-9081

Altar Guild - Shelly Harris - 856/589-8160

Youth Group - Chelsea Richmond – 856-723-4123

2020 VESTRY LIAISONS Endowment Planning – Diane Wall

Personnel – Amanda McNally

Youth Group & Activities – Lauren Kaltwasser

Sunday School – Brad Davies

Outreach Ministries – Dana Szilier

Newcomers/Greeters – Len Fedullo

Internal Ministries – Steve Mackay

Columbarium – Diane Wall

Choir – Jeff Bathurst

Women at the Well - Diane Wall

Brotherhood of St. Andrew – Brad Davies

Adult Christian Education – Aimee Burgin

Website & Social Media – Len Fedullo

Creation Care Ministry – Lauren Kaltwasser

Stewardship Committee – Len Clark – Chair, Steve

Mackay (2020), Len Fedullo (2021), Jeff Bathurst


Senior Warden – Len Clark

Junior Warden – Beth Portocalis

Treasurer – Lee Braidwood

Clerk of the Vestry – Chuck Lezenby

Assistant Clerk of the Vestry – Mel Caron

Don’t forget to drop your spare change in the SQUIRRELS’ NESTS!

They are in the back of the Church and in the Parish Hall



We need your Palms



We hope that everyone had a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you again for all the donations of clothing and shoes that you left for us to deliver to the people of Camden in 2019. Let’s start 2020 off on a giving note and as you put away your Christmas things and all the new gifts that you rec’d, weed out some of your clothing and shoes that you no longer need to make room for the new! The people of Camden can use them! They are always in dire need of men’s shoes and clothing. If you have items that you wish to donate, please place them in manageable size bags only, on our front porch and we will be happy to take them to St. Wilfrid’s clinic to be distributed. We live at 223 Highland Terrace, Pitman.

Thank you, Deacon Carl and Ellie Dunn

Contemplative Prayer Time Before Our Worship Services

For those who seek a time for quiet prayer on Saturdays and Sundays, Mother Susan opens the church on Saturdays at 4:30 PM for the 5:30 PM service. We ask that 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM be a quiet prayerful time. Likewise, for Sundays, she will be in the Church at 9 AM for a quiet time from 9 AM to 9:30 AM. We ask that all who come early to church honor these times as times for quiet prayer and contemplation.

PAGE TURNERS’ BOOK GROUP (Third Sunday each month, 11:30-1 pm)

02/16 HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG by Andre Dubus 03/15 THE LAKE OF DREAMS by Kim Edwards 04/19 THE RIVER by Peter Heller 05/24 IN A DARK DARK WOOD by Ruth Ware 06/21 UNSHELTERED by Barbara Kingsolver 09/20 WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING by Delia Owens

The Page Turners meet once a month, immediately following the 10am Holy Eucharist, in the Conference Room.

Prayers for Parish Families For February

Newkirk family, Nicolle family, Opel family, and Parent family


Each Sunday during Communion time, our team of Pray-ers offer prayers with our parishioners. We have now expanded this meaningful ministry to our Saturday evening Holy Eucharist at 5:30pm.

After you receive Holy Communion, if you want/need additional prayers, there will be a team of Pray-ers in the front of the Church who are willing to pray with you. These prayers can be offered in joy for a Blessing you have received, or can be to help ease a burden which lies on your heart. Please take advantage of this wonderful ministry of our parish. All prayers are confidential.

Anyone interested in being a Pray-er Minister at the Saturday night or Sunday services please

contact Barbara Elliott @ 589-3980 or elliottb@rowan.edu


Morning Prayer is on Tuesday & Thursday

mornings at 9 AM with Mother Susan in the



Mother Susan is now offering Healing Prayer

with anointing and laying on of hands on the

first Saturday and Sunday morning of every

month following the services.


Rental Forms &

Special Events Checklist

The Vestry has adopted an updated Rental

Form for Not for Profit outside groups who would

like to rent the Parish Hall and/or

classrooms. This includes birthday & anniversary

parties, showers, community & civic meetings,

instructional programs, etc.

The new forms are available in the Parish Hall

and will also be on the Church website as a Fill-in

PDF form. All forms are to be submitted to the

attention of our Claude Coulson, Event


Also new is a Special Events Checklist Form to

be utilized by Church ministry leaders when

scheduling special event activities and functions

such as paint nights, Quiz Bowl night,

Progressive Dinners, and the like. The checklist

is intended as a guide in planning events to

insure all details required have been addressed,

from Church availability to publicity. Claude

Coulson has volunteered to act as the liaison to

those in charge of organizing the event. The

Special Event Checklist forms are also in the

Parish Hall and on the Church website; and may

be sent to Claude directly or left with Maryanne in

the Church office. Claude may be contacted

at cecoulson1@gmail.com or via phone/text at

410-218-2877 for more information.


Our Taizé Contemplative Service with Eucharist, will be offered Saturday, February 22 at 5:30 p.m. Join us for this time of quiet contemplation, chant and scripture readings, followed by the Holy Eucharist.

Thank You God for Your Special Words

By Alice Aultman

It was with pleasure that I was in a recent discussion group. There were

questions that made us all think about how we felt about our lives and what we believed.

So I’m going to cheat a bit and use a scripture reading I firmly believe in. This is Galatians 5:22-23. This is a list

the fruits of the spirit, but it covers many things: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self-control.

If we were to investigate each of the fruits separately we would have pages

of suggestions as to how we are to live. Let’s just think about a few general ideas about these verses. Yes, we are

to love others as ourselves and treat them as we wish to be treated. That

shouldn’t be too hard but sometimes I think of others as none of my concern. This is not right.

Do we always exercise patience when

we want something? I sure need help with this one. Sometimes it is so hard

to wait for something I want …. and I complain.

Joy is something that can be hard to show sometimes when things are not

going our way. We should all be joyful, having our needs met. Many in the

world have nothing to be joyful about.

Next on my list is self-control. If one has this, some of the others just fall into place.

Thank You God for your guidance and

the directions you provide us for our lives.


Saturdays: 4:30 PM – Contemplative Prayer 5:30 PM – Holy Eucharist

Sundays: 9:00 AM – Contemplative Prayer 10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9 AM Morning Prayer


Raymond Harris, III

Steven Sanders

Matt Spangler

Lynn Spangler

Scott Thomas



Dan Hurlbut

Zak Bartelt

Brian Randazzo

Buzz Parish

Charlie Hiemeril

John A. Lukacs

Joe Sheridan

Hal Wagner

Matt Rebecca

Jon S. Lehr

Keith Tucker

Dave McElwain

Hugh Robinson

Andrew Olsson

Joshua Albright

Zachary Guise

John Joseph Whaley Anne Lewis Edna Spratt Katherine Lesher Steelman family Sophia Capano Joseph Capano Evelyn Recinello Family of Jessica Carter Chris Burness Janet Murphy Andrew Knox Yvonne Dolores Concio Hilda & Carey Myra The Santores Tannine Jacquie Kelly Nancy Smith family Ellis family Naomi Cressman Lori Bathurst Mary Lanie Deborah Keser Frank Ziemetz Art Dilworth Betty Beard Triste Audrey & Ed Harlow Gerry Betty Steinberg

Scott McPherson

Matthew Cushinotto

Theresa Cushinotto

Mike Grzybowski


Mike McHugh

Bonnie Weis

Kane Lawlor

Drew Naphy

Rhen Brinkerhoff

Brian Opel

Jonathan Dickson


Michael Marta


Bryan Jensen



Ryan Bubnoski



Robert J. Kunze

Celenies Rodriquez

Brad Mott Church of the Good Shepherd

Prayers of the People

Prayers for the Church and Clergy For all Churches in the Diocese of NJ & Ecuador Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop William “Chip” Stokes, Our Bishop The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector Sister Cass, AF Charles Nakash – Missionary in the Dominican Republic Rev. Carl Dunn, our Deacon

Prayers for the Nation Donald Trump, Our President Phil Murphy, Our Governor

“For all those who serve and protect us at home”

Prayers for the Sick and in Need Tod Porter Tara McFadden family Seely family Audrey Buck Joe DeMarco James Anna Candyce Rich Reiniello Mike Daly Maripat Makalusky Helen & Ken Michelle Siegle Natasha Tuoy Melissa Czechowicz Paul Kathy Busser Janet Paraschak Debbie Crystal Snoke Dorothy Marylou Mitchell Morgan Janice Enstrom Robert Linda Rebecca Sharon Reneé April Ellerbe John & Candace Jemilo

Denise Ladd Gattinella family Howard Caitlin

Prayers for all Military Personnel

* We pray for our enemies and for those with whom we are at war. *

“Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

John Opel Emily Ziemek


WHAT’S HAPPENING IN FEBRUARY All Tuesdays & Thursdays - 9 AM Morning Prayer

All Thursdays – 9:30 AM Thursday Study Group 6 PM Bell Choir in the Conference Room 7:15 PM Choir Practice

February 1 & 2 – EPIPHANY 4 Saturday, 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayer Sunday, 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Children’s Choir 11:30 AM Adult Forum

February 5 - 10 AM Contemplative Prayer 7 PM Brotherhood of St. Andrew

February 8 & 9 – EPIPHANY 5 Women at the Well – Soup Sale Saturday, 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday, 9 AM Open Prayer 9 AM Parish Breakfast 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Children’s Choir 11:30 AM Vestry Meeting

February 10 – 7 PM Women at the Well - ECW

February 11 – 9:30 AM Caring Hands

February 12 – 7 PM Property Committee Meeting

February 15 & 16 – EPIPHANY 6 Saturday, 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday, 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Children’s Choir 11:30 AM Youth Group 11:30 AM Page Turners

February 19 – 10 AM Contemplative Prayer 6:30 – 8 PM Good Shepherd Quilters

February 22 & 23 – LAST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY Saturday, 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Taize Service Sunday, 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Children’s Choir

February 25 – 9:30 AM Caring Hands

February 26 – ASH WEDNESDAY 7 AM Ash & Dash Noon & 7 PM Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes

February 28 – 7 PM Stations of the Cross

February 29 – LENT 1 Saturday, 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist


01 – Andrew Winship

02 – Eric Long

04 – Stu Lynd, Sr.

07 – Patricia Fortney

08 – Amanda Beard

08 – Susan Burkhard

10 – Maryalice Ross

11 – Tom Rigg

11 – John Richardson

14 – Allyson Tuttle

18 – Dan Snodgrass

18 – Piper Klein

19 – Megan Chimenti

19 – Nancy LaBarge

20 – Braydon Startare

22 – Alice Aultman

22 – Valerie Baker

22 – Jason Pelletier

23 – Kristi Chimenti

23 – Brian McNally

23 – Keith Rigg

24 – Ethan Szilier

24 – Oliver Strulovitz

25 – Betsy Dunn

27 – Paige Bathurst

29 – Steve Parker


We meet at 10 a.m. in the Conference Room on the first and third Wednesday of the month. (February 5 and 19). We sit for 20 minutes of contemplation, followed by a section of Fr. Richard Rohr’s The Naked Now. We will begin a second part of this series. Looking for a peaceful beginning to the year? Give Contemplative Group a try!


Shawl/Caring Hands Ministry

Every so often we get a request for a Prayer

Shawl to be given to someone in need.

Sometimes it is during an illness, sometimes

during grieving periods after the loss of a loved

one. The Shawls are crocheted or knitted by the

women in this ministry. Every other Tuesday

morning you will find our Caring Hands Group

knitting/crocheting the shawls in our Conference

room. They are made with prayer for those who

will receive them.

I can’t begin to tell you of the peace and comfort

these shawls have brought to so many people.

They need not be members of our parish. Need is

spread everywhere.

If you know of a need, just ask Pat Braidwood.


Adult Forum will meet on Sunday, February 2 following the 10 a.m. service. They will continue with Marcus Borg’s “Embracing an Adult Faith.” (Note: this is the final forum under Mel Caron’s facilitation.)

THURSDAY STUDY GROUP (Thursday mornings, 9:30-11 a.m.)

The Thursday Study Group will continue with

Living the Questions - Painting the Stars:

Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith” This

series will now conclude February 20. Our next

study will be based on Bishop Shelby Spong’s

book, Why Christianity Must Change or Die.”

Participants should order a copy and come

prepared on February 20 to take a look at

Chapter One.

Lauren & Diane surrounded by 32 pounds of plastic!


The Trex® Bench Challenge began on November 3, 2019. Since then, with your help, we have collected almost 200 pounds of plastics! We are on track for collecting the 500 pounds of plastic needed to receive an outdoor bench donated by Trex®. More importantly, these plastics are not recyclable through your local municipal services so it’s a win-win!

Please pack your clean plastics in a small bag the size of a grocery bag.


The deadline for the March 2020 Crook will be on February 15, 2019. Please e-mail all articles and pictures to goodshepherdpitman@gmail.com.

Maryanne Charlton Parish Administrator

PASTORAL EMERGENCIES If a Pastoral Emergency should come up for

you, hospitalization, death in the family,

please call the Church Office 856-589-8209 or

after office hours please call Mother Susan at



2019 Camden Christmas


Treasurer's Blog - January 2020 Results for 12 months of 2019

Total Income:

Here is a breakdown of our income for 12 months of 2019:

Budget Actual

Loose Plate 2,000 2,191 Envelopes 199,881 221,538

Special 8,000 8,551

Other 200 415

Budget 237,158

Deficit (27,077)

Income 210,081 232,695

Our envelope income finished strong. It appears that many parishioners added to their pledges and other contributors gave at a greater amount than anticipated. We had anticipated having an income deficit of over $25,000 and it was less than $5,000 for the year.

Thank you for your support during 2019. We ask for your continued support of 2020 stewardship campaign in 2020.

Total expenses:

Here is a recap of our expenses for 12 months of 2019.

Budget Actual

Expenses 237,158 226,382

Our expenses finished lower than our estimates for this year due to gas heating that was lower, pension payments which were adjusted by the Church Pension Group, not having a full-time organist for four months, and a few line items that were lower than budgeted.

As a result of your increased income support and our expense controls we were happy to report a surplus for 2019 of $6,313. Congratulations to everyone who helped make this possible.



Friday 2/28 at 7PM in the Church

Friday 3/6 at 7PM in the Church

Friday 3/13 at 7PM in the Church

Friday 3/20 at 7PM in the Church

Friday 3/27 at 7PM in the Church

Friday 4/3 at 7PM in the Church

Friday 4/10 (GOOD FRIDAY) at 10AM

in the Church - Children's Stations of the


Friday 4/10 (GOOD FRIDAY) at 12PM

in the Church - Primary Stations of the Cross

(The Lay Leaders will be Jack Daugherty

and Chuck Lezenby, Clergy involvement

at their discretion.)

Stations of the Cross are a very solemn

way to walk the Way of the Cross, the

same as Jesus did over 2000 years ago.

Although we know the outcome of the

Great Triduum, at that time Jesus’ friends

and followers did not. We must place

ourselves in that same mindset of not

knowing Jesus' triumphant outcome!

Please join us. It is twenty minutes of

worthwhile time on the seven Friday's in


Lenten Meditations &


On the table at the back of the church you

will find an array of booklets and

pamphlets for Lent. Please help yourself,

take home and use these meditations to

strengthen your Lenten devotion and

prayer time.

Please Be Considerate of

Our Neighbors!

We are so glad you're here! But when you

park near the church, please be considerate

of our neighbors and make sure you have

fully cleared their driveways. Thank you!


February 2020








1 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayer

2 EPIPHANY 4 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Children’s Choir 11:30 AM Adult Forum


4 9 AM Morning Prayer Sumer Lunch Program

5 10 AM Contemplative Prayer 7 PM Brotherhood of St. Andrew

6 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Thursday Study Group 6 PM Bell Choir

7:15 PM Choir Practice


8 Women at the Well Soup Sale 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

9 EPIPHANY 5 Women at the Well Soup Sale 9 AM Open Prayer 9 AM Parish Breakfast 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Children’s Choir 11:30 AM Vestry Meeting

10 7 PM Women at the Well - ECW

11 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Caring Hands

Crook Info Due

12 7 PM Property Committee Meeting

13 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Thursday Study Group 6 PM Bell Choir

7:15 PM Choir Practice


15 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

Crook Info Due

16 EPIPHANY 6 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Children’s Choir 11:30 AM Youth Group 11:30 AM Page Turners


18 9 AM Morning Prayer


10 AM Contemplative Prayer 6:30 – 8 PM Good Shepherd Quilters

20 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Thursday Study Group 6 PM Bell Choir

7:15 PM Choir Practice


22 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Taizé Service

23 LAST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 10 AM Sunday School 11:30 AM Children’s Choir


25 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Caring Hands


7 AM Ash & Dash Noon & 7 PM Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes

27 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Thursday Study Group 6 PM Bell Choir

7:15 PM Choir Practice

28 7 PM Stations of the Cross


Place Fridge Magnet here!


Church of the Good Shepherd 315 Highland Terrace Pitman, NJ 08071

Telephone – 856-589-8209 E-mail – goodshepherdpitman@gmail.com


The Shepherd’s Crook

Pitman, NJ

February 2020

Church of the Good Shepherd

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