july 2017 - tudorvillage.com.au€¦ · during the post gfc period, many operators have sought to...

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JULY 2017

Spring blossoms on Tudor Village Drive


In June we farewelled Alan and Wendy who made the very difficult decision to leave their unit, 39A at Tudor Village. The unit is now for sale through Pinnacle Living. Jacqueline is managing the sale of the property through our waitlist, with viewing by appointment. Jacqueline is at Tudor Village on Mondays and Tuesdays. To make an appointment please call 9739 6122.

Dear Residents, I was disappointed to read and see the sensationalist media coverage of the Retirement Village “industry” earlier this week. Even though the coverage focussed on Aveo, it was derisive of all retirement villages and painted operators in a dim light, and therefore inferred all those 180,000 odd people who live in villages around the country had been deceived in one manner or another. Pinnacle Living does not approach exit fees like Aveo. Our exit fees are proposed to residents at a level that meets the minimum commercial requirements, but are a long way from being at a punitive of unfair level. Our exit fees are all in the range of a total of 3.0% to 3.5% per annum of the resale price of the property, up to a limit of 10 years. Reviewing the growth of property prices at our villages indicates our homes have grown in value at approximately 6% per annum over the life of the village at Yarrbat Place or as far back as the last 12 years at Tudor Village. Bellarine Springs is also following this trend, even though it’s very early. The exit fees are indicatively one half of the growth in value of the property. For that not insignificant price, residents enjoy all the benefits that our communities and villages offer, which you are very well aware of. This is a fair balance of the unavoidable commercial necessities and a price for the facilities, product and services. During the post GFC period, many operators have sought to enhance their returns. Aveo is not alone. Many operators now accumulate a maximum fee over 6 years, rather than 10 years. Many also retain a substantial portion of the capital growth of the property for themselves, in addition to exit fees. We have deliberately resisted this greedy temptation. Individual purchasing decisions and market variability in the future cannot allow us to say emphatically what a particular outcome for a particular resident or specific village may be, however we are extremely confident and even more resolute after this week that our exit fee arrangement is balanced and fair, and more particularly sustainable. After all, over 600 people who have purchased homes in Tudor Village, Yarrbat Place or Bellarine Springs over 20 years could not be wrong. Geoff Reeve Chief Executive Officer - Pinnacle Living

July 2017



July 2017

Dear Residents

Your committee held the monthly meeting on Friday 9th June. The minutes are posted on the notice board. Winter has finally arrived and we have had a great run of lovely warm days and the blossoms in Tudor Village Drive look amazing. The interest groups have had a number of activities to entertain us. Make sure you keep your village news handy to avail yourself of the upcoming activities and keep an eye on the notice board.

We now have a sponsor for the Village News. Heritage Holden have agreed to a 12 month sponsorship and they will have an A4 advert in the Newsletter each month. The building permit for the glass roof over the barbeque area has been approved and will be constructed in summer. The policy for residents and staff disputes has been updated. A copy will be placed in the library. A group from Tudor Village took up an invitation from a new resident Barry to attend his 17 piece big band, OPUS 21 at Cherry Tree village on 17th June. We were treated to a great night of ‘’Big band ‘’ and swing music and the vocalists were terrific. If we are able we should have the social club look at an invitation to have OPUS 21 at Tudor Village in the near future.

Yarra Ranges Council continues to dodge our issue with the drainage problem in the village. It seems that they think because the drains are built to “specifications’’ it is our problem. It is really their problem in so far as if it overflows it causes damage to houses. They have been put on notice of this fact by letter which has been conveniently ignored. Watch this space!!!

Keep well & warm Richard

A MESSAGE FROM THE VILLAGE MANAGER Dear Residents, July, middle of winter! Hope you are all staying warm and resting if you are unlucky enough to have caught a cold or flu. It is important to stay hydrated during the winter months as heating and our bodies working harder to stay warm. July 1 commences the new financial year and the new service fees are $312.40 per month. 2 Construct, the builders of your Community Centre engaged plumbers at their expense to resolve the water leaks in the board and lounge area. They changed the fall of a concealed gutter to ensure water flows to downpipe. Late December and March we had very heavy rain fall that caused numerous problems in the village. There is a council storm water drain between Unit 174 and 175 through the village to the lagoon. During excessive rain the drain cannot cope. Geoff and I have spoken with numerous staff at Council and met with Coordinator of Investigating & Approvals on site to discuss whether the council will assist with fixing the problem. They explained the drains are built with the regulations and unfortunately there will be times when there is excessive heavy rains where the drains will flood. As the council are not able to assist we have engaged the Services of a specialised plumber who is working with Geoff with his engineering hat on devise a plan with the possibility of an additional drain. After the wonderful efforts of Russell, we now have a sponsor to cover all the costs associated with distributing the monthly newsletter. We are proud to announce Heritage Holden as the sponsor. If you are in the market for a new car, mention you are a resident of Tudor Village and see what they can do for you. Dr Barbara will be consulting on the 13th July and will have a medical student with her to observe only. If you would prefer the student not sit in on your consultation, please advise Stephanie when making your appointment Melanie Ryan Village Manager

July 2017

F.O.T.V.G FREINDS OF THE VILLAGE GARDENS MONDAY 3RD JULY 1:30PM Our June 5th Meeting with succulent specialist “Attila Kapitany” was a very successful day and very busy. Prior to our meeting many people attended buying plants and checking his display. Attila and Michele have extensive horticultural knowledge plus many years experience, both were very willing to share their expertise. Thank you for all your support, busiest day ever for our garden club and have received many great reports of his meeting. As Attila mentioned before the film and his talk, June 20th there was a release at most post offices of stamps photographed and named by Attila and Michele. Look out for these stamps on your mail, $1 each. Thank you also for those purchasing plants on the table oppo-site the BBQ. There is an honesty jar on site with plants varying for $2-$6. Next Months meeting will be Monday 3rd July at 1:30pm. There will be a great informative talk by Marissa, a Grand Daughter of Des and resident at Tudor Village. Marissa will kindly share some of her knowledge on Roses. Over the last 13 years or more Marissa has worked worldwide budding roses. Please come along and support our special guest. Hoping to have many attend this meeting as July is a good time to prune your roses. Marissa recently planted 4,000 roses. Also available will be rose plants for sale, and she hopes to bring rose blooms. Happy Gardening. Val.

LADIES DISCUSSION GROUP MONDAY 24TH JULY 3PM The ladies discussion group is held on the 4th Thursday of every month in the board-room of the Community Centre at 1.45pm.

Topic for MONTH is “Coping with a changing world”

All ladies welcome.

CRAFT GROUP 2ND & 4TH THURDAYS OF THE MONTH 10AM The sales of our winter woollies has been quite amazing with many scarves, hats and children’s knitwear being sold, however we still have good stocks of all these goods. We also have a new supply of knitted toys which are adorable and well worth a look and perhaps a consideration for a Christmas present for the little ones. Also well worth considering is our new range of embroi-dered cards and the button necklaces and bracelets. Wanda.

FLIM NIGHT SATURDAY 15TH JULY 7PM The June film shown was “Warm Springs” – the story of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Sixteen residents attended and all enjoyed the film. Details of film to be shown in July will be posted on the notice board early in July. Lois and Peter.

July 2017

BOWLS - INDOOR AND LAWN BOWLS OUTDOOR BOWLING SUNDAYS & THURSDAYS AT 1.30PM. INDOOR BOWLING 1.30PM SATURDAYS. Welcome to the July news from the bowling group. At our last committee meeting it was decided that the twilight competition starting in November will not be a ladies & men’s competition as in the past but a combined score competition. This is due to the small number of lady bowlers. The indoor bowlers are still getting good numbers on Saturday afternoons with 2 mats in use most Saturdays. Anybody wishing to try either indoor or outdoor bowls should give me a call we have sets of bowls to loan with coaching one on one until you are ready to join the group. Happy bowling Jim

WHAT’S ON IN JULY - SOCIAL COMMITTEE Can you believe it? It's July already, just where did that 6 months go? We hope you are all keeping snug and warm and avoiding any ills that are going around. We are sorry that we had to cancel our Menswear Fashions on 28th Jun, but the company have gone out of business. Maybe we can source another company to come and show some of their wares. EVENTS FOR JULY

Sunday 9th - Casserole Day 12 noon. This is quite a popular lunch, so please put names on list and what you will be bringing. Thank You. BYO Drinks.

Wednesday 12th - Cancer Council Biggest Afternoon Tea at 2pm in the Centre. $5 entry. Prizes for the prettiest fan and mask. Please bring along a plate of goodies to keep our cost down, as every cent raised will go to Cancer Council. Bert has kindly donated his time to entertain us for the afternoon.

Wednesday 26th Cliché Fashions in the Community Centre 2pm.

Thursday 20th - Lunch at Yering Meadows. Bus leaves 11 am. Names on list at the notice board. Thank you.

Tuesday 11th - Morning Melodies at International (Bobby James) . Bus leaves 10.15 am.

Wednesday 5th - Healthy Ageing & Lifestyle Seminar - This consists of a 1hr talk to be followed by a cuppa.

It would help if, when bringing a plate to the centre for a function, that you have your name on the bottom for identification. Thank you. Your Social Committee.

Electricity Bill Due Service Fees Due


Village Bus 9.45 - 11.45 Lilydale

Village Bus 9.45 - 11.45 Lilydale

11.15 - 1.30 Chirnside Park

Hairdresser Mandy 3

9.00 Exercise 10.00 Water Exercise 10.15 Exercise with Clare 1.30 F.O.T.V.G Meeting 1.30 Men’s Snooker 3.00 Scrabble 3.30 Tudor Singers

Hairdresser Mandy 4

9.30 Water Aerobics Class 10.00 Art 1.30 Mixed Snooker & Eight Ball 2.00 Rummiking 7.00 Cards

Hairdresser Jennifer 5 10.00 Devotions 1.30 Matinee Movie 2.00 Healthy aging & lifestyle seminar 7.00 Cards

9.00 Exercise 10

10.00 Water Exercise 10.15 Exercise with Clare 12.45 Legacy Bus 1.30 Men’s Snooker 1.30 Scrabble 3.30 Tudor Singers

Hairdresser Mandy 11

9.30 Water Aerobics Class 10.00 Art 10.15 Morning Melodies 1.30 Mixed Snooker & Eight Ball 2.00 Rummiking 7.00 Cards

Hairdresser Jennifer 12 10.00 Devotions 1.30 Matinee Movie 2.00 Biggest Afternoon Tea 7.00 Cards

Hairdresser Mandy 17

PODIATRIST by appointment 9.00 Exercise 10.00 Water Exercise 10.15 Exercise with Clare 1.30 Men’s Snooker 1.30 Scrabble 3.30 Tudor Singers

Hairdresser Mandy 18

9.30 Water Aerobics Class 10.00 Art 1.30 Mixed Snooker & Eight Ball 2.00 Rummiking 2.30 Birthday Afternoon Tea 7.00 Cards

Hairdresser Jennifer 19 10.00 Devotions 1.30 Matinee Movie 7.00 Cards

9.00 Exercise 24

9.30 Men’s Shed Outing 10.00 Water Exercise 10.15 Exercise with Clare 1.30 Men’s Snooker 1.30 Scrabble 3.00 Ladies Discussion Group 3.30 Tudor Singers

Hairdresser Mandy 25

Monthly Cinema Outing 9.30 Water Aerobics Class 10.00 Art 1.30 Mixed Snooker & Eight Ball 2.00 Rummiking 7.00 Cards

Hairdresser Jennifer 26 10.00 Devotions 1.30 Matinee Movie 2.00 Cliché Clothing 7.00 Cards

Hairdresser Mandy 31

9.00 Exercise 10.00 Water Exercise 10.15 Exercise with Clare 1.30 Men’s Snooker 1.30 Scrabble 3.30 Tudor Singers

1 2


Village Bus 9.45 - 11.45 Lilydale

11.15 - 1.30 Chirnside Park


1.30 Indoor Bowls 7.00 Hollywood Musical Movie


1.00 Canasta 1.30 Lawn Bowls

1.30 Classic Movie

Hairdresser Jennifer 6 9.00 Doctor - David 9.45 Bingo 1.30 Lawn Bowls

Hairdresser Jennifer 7 9.00 Exercise 2.00 Exercise with Clare 5.00 Happy Hour 7.00 Cards


1.30 Indoor Bowls


1.00 Canasta 12.00 Casserole Lunch 1.30 Lawn Bowls

1.30 Classic Movie

Hairdresser Jennifer 13 9.00 Doctor - Barbara 10.00 Craft 1.30 Lawn Bowls

Hairdresser Jennifer 14 9.00 Exercise 2.00 Exercise with Clare 5.00 Happy Hour 7.00 Cards


1.30 Indoor Bowls 7pm Monthly Film Night


1.00 Canasta 1.30 Lawn Bowls

1.30 Classic Movie

Hairdresser Jennifer 20 9.00 Doctor - David 9.45 Bingo 11.00 Yearing Meadows Lunch 1.30 Lawn Bowls

Hairdresser Jennifer 21 9.00 Exercise 10:30 FREE Thai Chi Class 2.00 Exercise with Clare 5.00 Happy Hour 7.00 Cards


1.30 Indoor Bowls


1.00 Canasta 1.30 Lawn Bowls

1.30 Classic Movie

Hairdresser Jennifer 27 9.00 Doctor - David 10.00 Craft 1.30 Lawn Bowls

Hairdresser Jennifer 28 9.00 Exercise 2.00 Exercise with Clare 5.00 Happy Hour 7.00 Cards


1.30 Indoor Bowls


1.00 Canasta 1.30 Lawn Bowls

1.30 Classic Movie

Hairdresser Mandy 0408 606 019 Hairdresser Jennifer 0418 512 131 Physiotherapist Clare 0407 867 530

Social Events Men’s Shed Events Monthly Events Garden Club

Wednesday 12th July 2pm at the Community Centre

See the notice board for more information

July 2017

HAPPY HOUR FRIDAYS AT 5PM Another good month for the Happy Hour group starting with a Pizza night and ending with us combining with the Men's shed committee to present a talk on security around the village, at home and when in, or parking the car. This followed the men's group organising the very successful number plate screw changeover to anti tamper screws on the Friday afternoon prior to Happy Hour. It's amazing that numbers continue up around the 90's even though winter is well upon us and is an indication of the success of the evening. With a number of the regulars heading north over the next few weeks we appeal to anyone that can assist in the night to see President Bernard and offer your help. Upcoming is a "Souper" night where soup will be on the menu. A number of residents will be pitting their homemade skills to present a variety of soups for all to enjoy and sample. Bert Burrows returns with his music at 7pm on the first Friday of each month starting in August. Your committee Bernard (President), Paul (Secretary), Glenice (Treasurer), Helen, Ernie, Lorna, Haydon .

MEN’S SHED Another busy month with our replacement of number plate screws with one way screws helped by the supply of screws from Victoria Police. In total we replaced close to 100 and still going. If you missed out please contact us and we may be able to help. We were fortunate to have Craig Wetjen to talk to us about Men’s Health and Sheds, he presented a wonderful selection of Men’s sheds on the big screen. Craig has been a professional photographer for 16 years and has written a book called Men and their Sheds, it has 100 photos of Men’s sheds. He touched on his own experience and emphasised the importance for men who are feeling down to contact Beyond Blue and seek help and the importance of family and friends for our wellbeing. After the talk we had a great lunch cooked by our volunteers with much gusto, Craig also had copies of his coffee table book for sale, if anyone wants a copy please call me. All who attended were im-pressed with his presentation. Our next outing will be the Badger Creek Men’s Shed trip, it will be on Monday 24th leaving at 9.30 am, this is a car pool event and should be very interesting with three sheds and a World War One Jeep being restored, we will have a light lunch locally after the tour. Please place your name on the notice board list.

Trevor, Events Coordinator.

July 2017


BIRTHDAY AFTERNOON TEA On Tuesday 20th June we held our first birthday afternoon tea for residents celebrating birthdays in the month of June. It was a great afternoon with 17 residents in attendance enjoying a cup of tea or coffee, some cake and great company. We look forward to celebrating with residents who’s birthdays are in July on Tuesday 18th July.

DEVOTIONS WEDNESDAY’S AT 10AM The weather is cold and windy, but our fellowship is warm and encouraging. Come and join us on Wednesday mornings in the theatrette at 10am, where you’ll be warmly welcomed. Our speakers for July are: 5th Matthew Connelly St Johns Anglican Church, Lilydale 12th To Be advised St Patricks Catholic Church, Lilydale 19th Miles Fagan Presbyterian Church, Mt Evelyn 26th Peter Los - Baptist Church Lilydale Cuppa and Bikkies at close - ALL WELCOME

If you have never tried Thai Chi, or have enjoyed Thai Chi for many years come along and Try Jana’s class. Tai Chi offers so many wonderful benefits to the body and mind. We have been lucky enough to have sourced a very experience Tai Chi Master who would like to run Thai Chi classes at Tudor Village if there is enough interest. Classes would run on Fridays at 10.30am and would be approximately $10 per class, payable to the instructor on the day of the class.

The free trial class will on;


Wednesday 5th July, 2pm at the Community Centre

July 2017


Sunday Afternoon Classic Movies at 1:30 pm

July 2nd: Islands in the Stream July 9th: Flying High

July 16th: Open Range July 23rd: 35 Days at Peking

July 30th: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Wednesday Matinee Movies at 1:30 pm Star of the Month – Sean Connery

July 5th: Marnie July 12th: Dr. No

July 19th: Robin and Marian July 26th: The Hunt for Red October

Hollywood Musical Movie Night Saturday Evening at 7:00 pm

July 1st: My Sister Eileen

For more information see the notice board or ring Ernie

MONTHLY CINEMA OUTING - TUESDAY 25TH JULY On the fourth Tuesday of each month the Village bus takes residents to Reading Cinemas to see the latest movies. After lunch, the bus then picks residents up from Chirnside Park Shopping Centre. To see what movies are showing or add your name to the list to book a place on the bus please see the notice board at the Community Centre a few days before the outing.

RESIDENT MESSAGE BOARD A very special thank you to all the residents who have sent me cards and get well wishes, phone calls and flowers after my fall and surgery on my broken ankle. I am now recovering slowly at Donvale Rehab and looking forward to returning home be-fore too long. Many thanks, Rosemary.

Bridge Builders and Food for Families donations Thanks to the generosity of residents, another $500 has just been donated to the Youth Organisation above, making $2000 since November 2016. On the noticeboard is a letter of appreciation from the Wesleyan Mission for the supplies which are continuously given for those in need. If you are a donor in any way, please read the letter. Wendy.

July 2017 July 2017


Day Destination Depart Time

Return Time

Monday Lilydale 9.45 11.45

Wednesday Lilydale 9.45 11.45

Chirnside Park 11.15 1.30

Friday Lilydale 9.45 11.45

Chirnside Park 11.15 1.30

If you would like to utilise the Tudor Village shopping bus, please notify reception and be at the

Community Centre 15 minutes prior to departure.

If you are unable to get to the Community Centre, please ensure you call reception on 9739 6122 to

book your pickup and place on the bus.

Date First Name

July 1 Jim

July 1 Beryl

July 2 Shirley

July 2 Robert

July 3 Harold

July 4 Val

July 4 Wendy

July 4 Pat

July 5 Margaret

July 5 Rosemary

July 5 Lynn

July 11 Ruth

July 11 Margaret

July 11 Cheryl

July 12 Dianne

July 14 Maria

July 15 Ann

July 15 Norm

July 16 Lois

July 16 Doreen

July 16 Ricky

July 18 Heather

July 20 Gwenda

July 22 Des

July 22 Faye

July 24 Josef

July 25 Ron

July 25 Richard

July 27 Edna

July 27 Barbara

July 27 Jim

July 28 Robert

July 30 Paul

July 31 Cedric



Date First Name

August 1 Keith

August 1 Glenda

August 2 Yvonne

August 2 Beverley

August 3 Heather

August 3 Bob

August 4 John

Water Aerobics

The weather outside is frightful, but the pool is so delightful!

Come along and try Water Aerobics in the

heated indoor pool at the Community Centre.

The Water Aerobics class runs every Tuesday at 9:30am and is approximately

45 minutes in length. For more information contact reception on 97396122.

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