julius caesar egging collaboration project

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking



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Julius Caesar

Group 22 Sarah Elsherif / Lilia Adra / Joana Nunes

/ Sana El-Bakry

Casting It’s important to choose performers with the

best suited personalities and physical

characteristics for each role ❏ Age, sound of voice, physical appearance, and facial

gestures will all have a factor in which actor is chosen

❏ Typecasting is deeply necessary for an effective


❏ The people who audition will be judged on how they

talk,move, and interact with the audience

❏ The ones who will take roles in this play have to be

staunch, they have to speak shakespearean english,

and have to be believable with some arrogance

already embedded in their personality

❏ Almost every character is ambitious so this needs to

be portrayed too

The CastJulius Caesar- Hugh Jackman

Octavius Caesar- James Franco

Marcus Antonius- Ben Affleck

Marcus Brutus-Denzel Washington

Cassius- Johnny Dep

Casca- Bruce Willis

Trebonius- Mel Gibson

Ligarius- Jude Law

Decius Brutus- Sean Penn

Metellus Cimber- Dustin Hoffman

Cinna- Kevin Spacey

Artemidorus-George Clooney

Calpurnia- Meryl Streep

Portia- Angelina Jolie

Soothsayer- Jack Nicholson

Minor Characters not included

because assistants will arrange their


Script❏ Choosing the script is the directors job and it requires the

directors attention, attraction, and basic

understanding of the script❏ When a play is new and has never been tested in production,

there is a period of give-and-take between the playwright and

the director in which there is spirit of cooperation,

compromise, and mutual respect in this relationship

❏ Each director has their own personal approach to preparing

the production with regards to the script

Once the script is chosen, the actual work

on the production begins

Analyzing the ScriptFor this play, it’s necessary to take the Worshipful approach of analyzing the script in which

❏ Cause the SCRIPT to create an exciting theatre

❏ He thrills the audience with the brilliance of the textAs Director, I think that it is best to interpret Julius Caesar through the script that Shakespeare wrote. Not only

because he is the best playwright of all time, but I feel like his script is very descriptive and it conveys the

message that arrogance will hurt in the long run. Therefore, not only does Shakespeare do an excellent job

in conveying this message but I will too as I will make my audience notice how Caesar ignores all the signs in front

of him. Furthermore, It will be another one of my goals to make the audience understand that one’s intentions are

so important, that is why Brutus will not be caught easily as a conspirator because he looks out for Rome’s best

interest. I want the audience to live through Shakespeare’s magical work and not through my interpretation. The

IDES OF MARCH is the day that Caesar should beware and that will be the center of the plot

The SpineThe play is centered around the fact that Cassius is more than ready to

avenge Julius Caesar and this will amount to TreasonBut in order for that to happen Cassius has to convince Brutus because

Brutus is loved by Caesar and all Brutus does is for the good of Rome

because of Brutus’s family’s reputation. So I will make this evident by

choosing a sly actor who knows how to be convincing for Cassius’s role.

The theme of the play that I want to make evident is Fate vs Free

will, therefore, my set designer and my master carpenter will have to

work in unity to make the signs evident that Caesar takes for granted and

that lead to his doom. Rehearsals have to happen until everything is done

without mistakes, or else the theme would not be evident to the audience.

Style❏ The style is the way a play is presented

❏ Style involves giving an imprint on: the look of

the scenery, and the lights, and the way the

performers speak and handle their costumes

and props

❏ Also involves the rhythm and pace at which the

play moves

❏ The style will be that of nonrealism for this

play and more specifically it will be


Style❏ Allegory is very effective in a play like Julius Caesar because there are many symbols that need to be


❏ Elements of production like scenery will have to show that the omens are real

❏ Most importantly, the lighting and fog are necessary to show Calpurnia’s dream that could have stopped

Caesar from thinking he is invincible

❏ The omens need to look like they happen at random because they are signs sent to make Caesar aware,

thus the scenery must be realistic in terms of the setting, ghosts can’t touch the ground, they must float so

the actors must work with set designers to make this believable to the audience. The blood must come out

when characters get stabbed, so makeup artists must focus on that too.

❏ Julius Caesar and Cassius both personify arrogance. Caesar thinks he’s invincible and Cassius wants to

avenge Caesar but he doesn’t expect his doom, a morale is taught to the audience by the end of the play

but it is up to the audience to interpret the omens and morals to their standards

❏ As a Director though, the way the performers speak and look will be with great realism

Directional ConceptConcept and Period❏ For Julius Caesar, I want to stick to the period 44 B.C ancient Rome

❏ The way the characters dress MUST depict the time period-costume designer needs to implement togas for


❏ The setting will also be clear so the stage designer and the master carpenter will need to make things look

as realistic as possible so that the audience will enjoy their theatre experience

Concept and Central Image❏ Ill Omens are visible throughout the play and they will create lingering ideas in Caesars head

❏ The central image will be a bloodstained statue that is will be on set. Monologues will happen as the

actors are circling the statue of a an bloodstained emperor

❏ Tragic drama

Concept and Purpose❏ The purpose is not to see my (the directors) creativity, but to be bewildered with Shakespeare’s originality

All in the directors responsibility is to make sure that there is consistent unity throughout the play.

Therefore, for Julius Caesar I will have to be in contact with many people so that the elements of

production are coordinated. What is most important is that the theme fate vs. will is presented by the

scenes of the ill omens and Julius Caesar’s characteristics and interactions with the Soothsayer and his

wife. My actors must do their part in personifying the characters so that the overall message, whether it’s

don’t let your arrogance eat you or don’t be power hungry, is conveyed clearly the way Shakespeare

would have wanted it presented to his audience.

❏ Costumes are built or pulled

Created in costume shop Rented

Saves money and timeMade specifically to your needs

❏ Elements of a costume Designer:

1. Line, shape and silhouette of the outfit.

2. Color

3. Fabric

4. Accessories

❏ Roman toga to represent time and local of the play.

❏ Include a red silk shale and a crown to signify major

character and suggest royalty.

❏ The silhouette (line element) of the toga is free flowing.

❏ Shoulder pads can be added to include depth and exaggeration.

❏ The color of the toga is white throughout the play to represent

the good intentions of the character. Red shale to represent

strength and courage.

❏ Pulled.

❏ Sleeping garment worn. Free flowing and simple.

❏ Color of gown: pink to represent love and caring.

❏ Fabric of nightgown: silk to reflect royalty or status.

❏ Make-up: dark circles underneath her eyes to represent

her having nightmares and being worried about Caesar.

❏ Pulled.

❏ Roman toga to represent time period and setting.

❏ Blue sash to represent loyalty to his country.

❏ The toga will be white at the beginning of the play

but as the play comes to an end, the toga will be black.

This will symbolize how his good intentions will push him

to do bad things which turns him into an evil character.

❏ Include shoulder pads to increase depth.

❏ Pulled.

❏ Dressed in a simple and elegant stola and palla.

(minor character)

❏ Stola - White

❏ Palla - Yellow to symbolize comfort and


❏ Make-up: Worried facial elements like wrinkles

and dark circles under eyes because her

husband isn't sharing what worries him.

❏ Built.

❏ Roman toga

White toga - represents goodness and purity

Blue sash - represents loyalty to Caesar and Rome

❏ Free flowing silhouette.

❏ Pulled.

❏ Roman toga

Black toga - represents evil intentions, jealousy

and betrayal.

Red sash - represents determination for power

and boldness.

❏ Shoulder pads to portray wider shoulders and build

authority figure.

❏ Pulled.

❏ Roman toga

White toga - represents his good intentions.

Purple sash - represents ambition and power.

❏ No shoulder pads to portray, metaphorically, a student

that is still learning from Antony.

❏ Accessories will include a crown to denote succession to

the throne.

❏ Pulled.

Main theme

❏ Evolution of color will

reflect the evolution of


particularly with Brutus

and Caesar.


❏ Brutus: Blue >>> evolving

to red

Protagonist ❏ Caesar: Red >>> evolving to blue.

Act I-II: Plotting

❏ Brutus, Cassius, and

their cohorts, plot to kill


❏ Both sides are

definitively defined by

their color.

Act III : Killing of Caesar❏ The second that Ceasar is

stabbed, the lights will cut to

symbolize the killing of


❏ At this point in the play, the

lighting will cross creating

purple, symbolizing the lack of

clarity in finding a definitive


Act IV-V: Epilogue❏ Brutus and Cassius have switched

to red in the beginning of Act IV.

❏ Brutus can no longer live with what

he has done and decides to end his


❏ Cassius ends his life because of

what he thinks he did to his best


❏ The lighting switches once more

and their deaths causes them switch

to blue.

Lights on the Skrim❏ Day and night will be represented by the Selecon 1200

Fresnel light. The lights will be reflected on the skrim.

❏ For day: orange/light blue.

❏ For night: dark blue/ purple.

Lights used on the Characters❏ Red used on Caesar to coordinate with

the Costume Designer's red sash, and

blue is used for Brutus to coordinate the

Costume Designer’s blue sash.

❏ As the play moves forward the lights

switch to represent the change in good

and bad.

❏ Green lights will be used when the

Soothsayer speaks to Caesar, or for

nightmares, etc.


❏ Creates the visual world for a play

❏ Decides if a scene is realistic or fantasy like

❏ Chooses what the audience sees

❏ Sets the mood and style of a production


❏ Indicates the type of place we are in (ex:

outdoors, indoors, future, ancient Rome, etc)

❏ With an episodic play that requires different

sets, the set designer needs to make sure

that the changes of scenes run smoothly

❏ Deal with practical and aesthetic

considerations (ex: know which way a door

should open or how high each tread should

be on a flight of stairs)

❏ Symbols play a large role in design. One

single item onstage can signify a whole room

Act 1 - Crowded street in Rome

The Feast of Lupercal is taking place.


❏ Roman citizens coming and going

❏ A couple of businesses

❏ Trees

❏ Bloodstained statue in the


Act 2 - Scene 1 - Brutus’ Garden


❏ Flowers

❏ Grass

❏ Shrubs

❏ Water fountain

❏ Bloodstained statue

Act 2- Scene 2 - Caesar’s house


❏ Bookcase

❏ Red rug

❏ Chair

❏ Small table

❏ Bloodstained statue

Act 2 - Scene 3 and 4 - Dark Street


❏ Moon

❏ Stars

❏ Businesses

❏ Bloodstained statue


❏ Capitol building

❏ Roman citizens

❏ Podium

❏ Trees

❏ Bloodstained statue

Act 3 - Before the Capitol

Act 4 - Brutus' House

Dark room


❏ Table

❏ Chair

❏ Candle

❏ Bloodstained statue

Act 5 - Plains of Philippi


❏ Grass

❏ Trees

❏ Ancient Rome ruins

❏ Bloodstained statue

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