jug utrecht 2013 - have you tried turning it off and on again? problemen oplossen in joomla

Post on 16-Apr-2017



Self Improvement



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Have you tried turning it
OFF and ON again? Troubleshooting Joomla! problems

Peter Martin, twitter: @pe7er
Joomla User Group Utrecht, 9 december 2013

Peter Martin

Joomla website specialistMarketing + Communicatie achtergrond & technische affiniteit

Vrijwilliger Joomla:Global Moderator

Community Leadership Team

Open Coffee Nijmegen

Linux User Group Nijmegen

Nijmegen, vrouw, dochter 6, zoon 1,5Interesses:

Open Source Software

Linux sinds 2007
(Ubuntu Debian Arch Linux Debian)

Raspberry Pi

Muziek (Vinyl)


Website: www.db8.nl e-mail: peter@db8.nl
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pe7er Twitter: @pe7er

Overview Presentation

>>> Sheets via: www.db8.nl Global Configuration > [Server] > Error Reporting: Maximum

Increase PHP error level:


php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting -1

2. Deprecated

2. Error: Deprecated

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/public_html/includes/sef.php on line 393

Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /var/www/libraries/phpmailer/phpmailer.php on line 1218

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /var/www/modules/mod_exmenu-j15/exmenu/exmenu.class.php on line 56

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /var/www/libraries/phpmailer/phpmailer.php on line 470

I'm sorry,
are you from
the past?

2. Solution Deprecated

Error Warning: Some PHP function will not be available anymore in next PHP versionGet it fixed!

Report in bugtracker

3rd party extension?
Contact developer with warning message

Hide warning

In php.ini:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED

In .htaccess:
php_flag display_errors off

3. Missing Class

3. Error: Missing Class

Fatal error: Class 'JConfig' not found in /var/www/includes/framework.php on line 56

Fatal error: Class 'XMLReader' not found in /libraries/cms/feed/factory.php on line 69

Fatal error: Class 'ModMenuHelper' not found in /joomla/administrator/modules/mod_menu/
tmpl/default_enabled.php on line 173

Fatal error: Class 'JError' not found in /public_html/includes/framework.php on line 42

Fatal error: Class 'JMailHelper' not found

I am the head of IT
and I have it on
good authority thatif you type "Google" into Google,
you can break the Internet.

3. Solution Missing Class

Google the error

Not too specific!

Remove unique text like your own folder structure

Re-upload files

get original Joomla full package from same version

upload all files overwriting the ones on the server

4. Change did not work

4. Error: Change did not work

I changed x but does not work

Start Publishing does not work at all

Show Title does not work

Article changes not visible in front end

Main menu not showing on Multilingual website

Articles option not working in Joomla 2.5

Articles not showing...!? How could this be?

My site description not showing on google

Images not visible in Category Blog

Submenu items not visible anymore in J3.1.1?

Memory is RAM!

4. Solution Change did not work

Refresh (hard refresh: CTRL + F5)

Check with other browser

Empty browser cache

Empty Joomla's cache

Disable hosting server cache via .htaccess

Switch off SEF URLs

Change parameters with extreme numbers

Check Template Overrides

Check Template for hardcoded stuff

Check ACL, Language etc

5. 404

5. Error: Links give 404 error

Menus don't work

Site does not work after move to other server

404 error for all article/site links

404 Error on All Links


please help!!!! menu items give 404 error

Menu item no longer working - returns with 404 error

404 errors on all links, front page of joomla fine

Strange URL's in Joomla 2.5.9 URGENT HELP

URGENT help error 404

What does
IT stand for?What does it stand for?....What doesn't it stand for?

5. Solution Links give 404 error

SEF = Search Engine FriendlyApache:
rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess

Microsoft IIS7:
rename web.config.txt to web.config

put in virtual domain block:
location / {
index index.php index.html index.htm;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$request_uri;

6. Can't login

6. Error: Can't login

I can't login to my admin panel

Site Hacked and now locked out of admin

Joomla 2.5 can't login to Admin or Site

Cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Can't login admin or user.

Cannot Access Administration Page

Cannot login to backend

After move of site cannot login, loop

Locked out of the Admin

Super User Locked Out of Joomla 2.5

HelloHello ComputerHello

6. Solution Can't login

Use phpMyAdminReset password: new password + Function MD5,
after login User Manager, New password!

add new Super Admin + password, see: http://docs.joomla.org/How_do_you_recover_or_reset_your_admin_password%3F

check plugins in #__extensions:
plg_user_Joomla enabled = 1 ?
plg_authentication_joomla enabled = 1 ?

Security extension? ?token-after-url

7. Can't install

7. Error: Can't install

Cannot install any templates, plugins, modules or components

Cannot install extensions on Joomla! 2.5

Help - Can't install extensions, JFolder::files: Path is not a folder.

JInstaller::install: Failed to copy file

Unable to Find Install Package

Cannot install XYZ in Joomla on Hosting ZYX

Joomla cannot install; JSON issue

JInstaller::Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file

Can't install extensions

7. Solution Can't install

With specific Extension or all Extensions?

Extension right Joomla version?

Check PermissionsFiles 644, Folders 755

System > System Information > Directory Permissions

Check Ownership (FTP user vs Webserver)With FTP

Check PHP File Upload & Upload Sizefile_uploads = ON, upload_max_filesize = e.g. 10M

Check Disk Space

Unzip in /tmp/ folder & Install from Directory?

8. How to remove?

8. Question: How to remove XYZ

Changing the background color?

How can I Remove the "Powered by XYZ"?

How to change the colour of the article title text?

Change logo?

Beez3 header change?

Possibility to change text color in article?

Logo change position?

Change module position beez20?

Change H3 to another header in moduletable:

Remove copyright info at the bottom?

8. Solution How to remove XYZ

Analyze HTML/CSS with browserGoogle Chrome or FireFox + addons:Web Developer

FireBug (or Google Chrome's Inspector)

Module? Display Module Positions:Extensions > Template Manager > Preview Module Positions: enabled

URL + ?tp=1

Template? Change template as test

Plugin? Disable plugin as test

Component or Module? HTML override?

IDE (Netbeans, Eclipse, Firestorm)

9. The Need for Speed

9. Error: Website slow

Why is my website so slow to load?

Slow website! Is it my hosting?

Website loading to slow

Changes to web page slow to load

My website is loading extremely slow

Slow queries on large website

Slow loading website (unstable performance)

Very slow page loading (Waiting on fonts.googleapis.com)

Trying to increase the speed of my website

It's too slow

Have you tried
an unexpected

9. Solution Website slow

Analyse database queriesUse Joomla's debug mode & check queries

Analyze loading timeUse Yslow (FireFox / Chrome browser addon)
analyse loading of website

Compare with other hostingBackup (with Akeeba)

Local webserver op PC (with XAMPP)

Restore backup on local PC, test speed & compare

10. S1t3 G0t H@ck3d!

10. Error: Site got hacked

Unwanted Advertiser Pop-up appearing on admin front end.

I got hacked.... Cant reset superuser password

Just got hacked, advice needed

I just got hacked by xxxx -aarrgghh!

Website got hacked by insert PHP code in all file

Joomla site hacked

Several sites compromised

My site has been hacjed! please help

Webhost malware scan deletes some files

Got Hacked

Dear Sir stroke MadamFire, exclamation markFire, exclamation markHelp me, exclamation mark

10. Solution Site got hacked

Do you have a back-up?

Find the causeDid you keep all software up-to-date?

Analyze server log files

Search for similar hacks on shared hosting neighbors

Outdated Joomla & extensions version?

Weird files in /images/ ?

SSH access?Search recent modified files

Search for eval(base64_decode

http://docs.joomla.org/Security_Checklist You have been hacked or defaced

e) Tools

e) Tools 1/3


Other Joomla site with example installation

Joomla Debug mode

Joomla SEF OFF -> full URL with all commands

Joomla System InfoPHP Information

Directory Permissions (and or use FTP to analyze permissions & owner/group)

Admin Tools (3rd party Extension)Analyze & fix directory permissions

Repair & optimize database tables

e) Tools 2/3


Webserver access & error logfiles

PHP error logfile




GUI based SQL navigator (Sequel Pro)

Code (PHP, HTML, Language strings)

IDE (e.g. NetBeans, Eclipse, FireStorm)

e) Tools 3/3

HTML Output

Inspect HTML / CSSGoogle Chrome Inspect Element

FireFox + Firebug Addon

Web Developer Addon (Chrome + FireFox)

Yslow (Browser Addon)

DatabaseAkeeba Backup


diff (GUI: Meld, WinMerge)



Presentation available at www.db8.nl

Peter Martine-mail: info at db8.nlwebsite: www.db8.nl twitter: @pe7er

Used Photos 1/2

IT Crowd 2006-2010, Produced by Talkback Thames for Channel 4 Television Corporation.

IT Crowd photos: http://spoilertv.co.uk

power button - "gerard79" http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1009485

Old Polish TV - Konrado Fedorczyko http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1187553

Discarded - Therese Branton http://www.sxc.hu/photo/705372

chains - Pablo Herrera http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1381655

Motherboard 4 - Lisa Zanchi http://www.sxc.hu/photo/103914

note paper - ilker http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1266532

Roadside Assistance Required - jamie brelsford http://www.sxc.hu/photo/603001

Used Photos 2/2

Doodled desks 2 - "igoghost" http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1193228

Tree of Change 1 - Kimberly Vohsen http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1077609

_error - Alexandre Galant http://www.sxc.hu/photo/682383

Lock - Robert Linder http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1395379

tap joint - Asif Akbar http://www.sxc.hu/photo/864387

claws - esra su http://www.sxc.hu/photo/206896

Speedometer Abdulhamid AlFadhly http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1390189

Crowbar - Richard Dudley http://www.sxc.hu/photo/854266

Tools - J Boontje http://www.sxc.hu/photo/805571

signs signs - Jason Antony http://www.sxc.hu/photo/751034

Face - Questions - Bob Smith http://www.sxc.hu/photo/418215

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