
Post on 17-May-2015






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Overview• it’s merely a JavaScript Library.

•First created by john Resig linkedin

•Open source MIT & GPL dual License

•Planned for in 2005 Announced in 2006.

•Lightweight 19kb

Overview•Widely used

• Microsoft integration shipped with MVC , the new VS has it’s Intellisense.

The Outline

•Why to use it •Versions , including jQuery •Selectors•CSS •Traversing•Manipulations•Events •Effects and Animations•Extensions, Plug-ins

•Ajax with jQurey•UI

jQuery Controls Themes

Why jQuery

•a fast JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and many other tasks

•allow u to focus your efforts on your main functionalities and requirements ,taking off the burden from you ( i.e. handles the Cross browser , UI Controls ..)

Why jQuery

•You are not alone ! It’s a community .Constant development and improvement through plug-ins and extensions .

•utility functions that implement common functionality missing– or is a nightmare – in JavaScript (clone objects, string trimming )

• Highly customizable UI Controls

Why jQuery •Clean separation

Core , UI, Validation plug-in …Any additional required functionality can be in a modular fashion—so you can easily count your footprint and bandwidth calories.

•You should learn it it’s everywhere Google , Microsoft... Hence you’ll be seeing it for a long time to come !

Including jQuery• Including a javaScript File

<head> <title>Hello jQuery world!</title> <script type='text/javascript'

src='jquery-1.4-min.js'></script> </head>

• Current version 1.6.2• files come in

Compressed : smaller file size, Delay in execution, not available in all versions .

Uncompressed : debugging, reading .Minified , recommended .

Including jQuery

•Compressed (minified) ,Comments ,spaces and line breaks have been removed and variable names are shortened.

• Its your call : Bandwidth cost Vs readability

Getting started into syntax

•The Simplest statement in this general form :

Selector . Action . Parameters


•You can use the alias “$” for jQuery


•$(document).ready(function() { alert(‘doc is ready are you ready !');});

Shortcut •$(function() {alert(‘doc is ready are you

ready !');•});• Its preferable to do the actions ..selections

in this event , to ensure that doc are ready and loaded , a little bit faster than JavaScript event


•There are many !•Tag name

$(‘div’)•Class name

$(‘.classname’) • ID

$(‘#ID’)• Combination

$(tagname .classname ') $(‘#Ancestor descendant’)$('div .fancy p span')

•$(”*")▫Select all elements.

•$(“div,span”)▫Selects Div AND Span element, Multiple

Selection •Attribute :▫$("input[name='newsletter']")

Filters on selections• Like having with group by,,are defined by a colon,

followed by the filter name

• :even, :odd filters keeps every (even)-indexed element in the selection and removes the rest.

• $("div:hidden")Select all hidden divs.

• $("div:visible")Select all visible divs .

Other Filters• Child Filters:▫$("div span :first-child")

• $("div:contains(‘me')")▫Finds all divs containing “me" .

• Form Filters:▫$("input:enabled")▫$(“ input:not(:checked)”)

Decorating CSS

Accessing CSS poperty • $('#celebs tbody tr:first').css('font-size');

Setting • $('#celebs tbody tr:even').css('background-


Decorating CSS• Object literals in setting Css

$('#celebs tbody tr:even').css({'background-color': '#dddddd', 'color': '#666666'});

• Toggleing Classes▫ $('#celebs').addClass(class1 class2ifany');▫ $('#celebs').removeClass(classA');▫ $(this).toggleClass(‘classB');


•Setting and getting text or Html •$(‘div’).text()•$(‘div’).text(‘this text goes in the div ’)




• .append(Dom obj )$('.container').append($('h2'));If $(‘h2’) found it’ll be moved into containerA similar one is (markup\Dom obj ).appendTo(container)

• Insertbefor(target), insertAfter(target)$('h2').insertBefore($('.container'));

• .remove()Remove the set of matched elements from the DOM.

• .clone()Create a deep copy of the set of matched elements.


Traversing filters • .first()• .last()• .eq()▫$('li').eq(2).css('background-color', 'red');

• .not(selector\fn), is(selector\fn)▫ $('li').not(':even').css('background-color', 'red');▫ $(this).is(":contains('Peter')")


Tree Traversing

• .children()• .parent(), parents()• .next(), .prev()• .sibilings()

Events and Binding• .bind()

$(selector).bind(eventName, handlerFn);$(selector).event(handlerFn);

• .unbind()$(selector).unbind(eventName, handlerFn);

• .trigger()


Interaction HelpersCoupled events • .hover()

$(selector).hover(overHandler, outHandler)

• .toggle()$(selector). Toggle(handler1, handler2….)

Spice itEffects and Animations

Adding Effects -visibility• .show ()• $('#showButton').click(function() { $

('#disclaimer').show();});• .hide()• Mimicking toggle • $('#toggleButton').click(function() { if ($

('#disclaimer').is(':visible'))• { $('#disclaimer').hide(); }• else {$('#disclaimer').show(); }});• .toggle()• Or simply• $('#toggleButton').click(function() { $


Extra parameters

•Speed \Duration▫slow, fast, or normal (speed)▫Or in Milliseconds (duration)

•CallBack Fn▫Specify a code that needs to run after the

effect has finished.

Adding Effects - Fading

• fadeIn( speed, [callback] ) • fadeOut( speed, [callback] )

$('#hideButton').click(function() { $('#disclaimer').fadeOut(‘slow’);});

Adding Effects – Sliding

• .slideDown()• .slideUp()• .slideToggle()•Same previous parameters

Animations • animate(params, speed, callback)• Params : an object literal list styles in a form of

property and value .• Style properties in Camel Case ;

font-size= fontSize• Ex:

$(‘div’).animate({width:’280px’, height: ‘500px’});


•The magical word toggle !!$('#mediv').animate({ width: 'toggle' }, ‘fast’);

•$('#mediv').stop();Stop all animations done on an element .

Extending jQuery and Plug-ins


• I f you are facing an issue check the plug-in repository before re-inventing the wheel !.

•How to use it ? Just include it <script type=”text/javascript”


•How to make one ?There are some guidelines, basically they are

based on closures

Extending jQuery

•You can add a function to jQuery library

• jQuery.fn.extend()

$.fn.extend( Object literal goes here );where Object literal {funName :function (){}}

Misc•Browser Sniffing ▫$.browser▫$.support.opacity

•Live and die▫$('#description').live('mouseover', function() { $

(this).css('background-color', 'yellow');});

•Extending • jQuery.extend( [deep], target, object1, [objectN] )

•$.each▫jQuery.each( collection, callback(index,

value) )



Misc•$.ajax ▫$.ajax(

{ type: 'Get\Post‘, url: ‘service.asmx\method‘, data: { id: 142 }, success:function(data) {


jQuery UI

jQuery UI

• Widgets • Interactions• Effects• Themes

UI Widgets

1. Select your control to download2. Theme it ! 3. Download some files and reference them

<link type="text/css" href="css/themename/jquery-ui-1.8.15.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-


4. and call it you have it .

Lets see it

Interactions ▫Draggable▫Droppable▫Resizable▫Selectable▫Sortable


You just have fun exploring

▫effect( effect, [options], [speed], [callback] )

▫toggle( effect, [options], [speed], [callback] )

▫Show \Hide

▫addClass, removeClass, switchClass


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