joyreport · 3 from the president’s desk dear friend, easter is the greatest celebration on the...

Post on 19-Mar-2020






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Spring 2020

JoyreportThe Living Word Transforming Lives

Hearts Scrubbed CleanNew Life Begins



For over 50 years, Bible League Canada has been committed to doing missions differently. How? By strategically building extraordinary international partnerships with national ministries in over 40 countries, equipping local believers to do ministry.

Bible League Canada diligently tracks each copy of God’s Word placed, connecting Canadian donor champions with global champions to see maximum impact and multiplying transformation.

For more information, please visit

Bible League Canada is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a charitable organization,registration number 10822-2084-RR0001

Box 368, Grimsby, ON L3M 4H8 1.800.363.9673 |


All Peoples. Everywhere.Transformed by the Living Word of God!


From the President’s Desk

Dear Friend,

Easter is the greatest celebration on the Christian calendar: Jesus died for our sins, and then conquered death when He rose again. Hallelujah!

House cleaning is such a great visual representation of what happens to our hearts when Jesus is at the centre. We put away our old selves, and embrace a new life in Christ! Our hearts are scrubbed clean by the blood of Jesus.

This Joy Report is filled with beautiful reflections of that new life in Christ. As 9-year-old Noryar in Armenia declares, “the best days of my life!”

God bless you for your support in helping people like Noryar hear the Good News.

Christ is Risen!

Paul Richardson President, Bible League Canada

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;

old things have passed away; behold, all things have

become new.2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 NKJV


You made a difference in a young mother’s life!

Her life isn’t easy, but it was all she knew. Erina and her family live in a small mud house. It was messy and cluttered, and not very clean—and her family often had health problems as a result.

Erina works as a maid. She has never gone to school. Sadly, illiteracy is common in Erina’s home state of Jammu & Kashmir. Literacy rates among women are very low, with only 56.4% of women being literate.

Now, through your generosity, God is doing a great work there!

Sumi, a trained volunteer teacher, invited Erina to join an Adult Literacy Class nearby. With Sumi’s guidance, Erina gradually began to write small words and do simple math problems. She learned quickly!

Sumi shared the Gospel with her students. Erina received a Bible, and Scripture is woven throughout the class’s curriculum. Erina came to understand that Jesus died on the cross for her, to wash away her sins. She went home and told her husband what she had learned, and together, they left their superstitious beliefs behind and now follow Jesus!

Clean Heart, Clean Home!


Erina also participated in a special training that teaches her best practices for health and hygiene. The lessons gave her a well-rounded education, and she eagerly puts her new knowledge into practice. Her cluttered home was soon clean and tidy, and her family’s overall health has improved as a result!

Today, Erina and her husband are part of a worshipping group and are growing in their faith. In the spiritually-dark state of Jammu & Kashmir, their hearts are filled with joy and they have new opportunities ahead, thanks to you!

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a

steadfast spirit within me.PSALM 51:10 NKJV

Erina A mother who can read

thanks to your support but many more are waiting!

With your support, an adult learns to read at a grade 5 level after 1 year in a Literacy Class!



Scrubbed Clean

Last September, we introduced you to Pastor Nancy, a volunteer teacher in the Philippines through the Values Education Program, teaching kids about Jesus right in their classrooms.

In October, a review team met with Pastor Nancy, and she eagerly showed us the building where her

group meets because they want to study the Bible and worship together in the evenings, after school.

A businesswoman loaned Pastor Nancy this building for her ministry work, because she sees the difference in the kids from the Values Classes. She said, “Use it for free, but you will need to fix it”.

The Philippine Sea - Witnessing the baptism of 17 youth from Pastor Nancy’s group!


Pastor Nancy and her students have been hard at work! The 20mx5m space has been scrubbed clean, repainted, and the ceiling repaired. It is regularly packed with 50 or more young people, sometimes spilling out into the street, all eager to hear about and celebrate new life in Christ.

Many of them come from broken homes, but the joy on the faces of these students is evidence of lives made clean and whole by Jesus!Pastor Nancy is most excited about the 17- and 18-year-olds she is discipling to take on

leadership roles for the small groups. She asks for prayers for these young adults to be blessed with wisdom and understanding to lead the younger students. These small groups are key to building relationships that will help kids find the hope in Christ that is the answer to the frustration and anger many of them live with.

There is a need for more Bibles for Pastor Nancy’s group, and a greater need across the Philippines for many more Bibles, and to provide training for the volunteer teachers lined up to share the love of Christ through the National Values Education Program!

You can provide Bibles for the Philippines at

“Local champions in

the Philippines need your support.

Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” PSALM 51:7B NKJV

Helen, from White Rock, BC, is a prayer warrior for Bible League Canada. She faithfully receives the weekly prayer requests from and sends us her prayer for the week. Some weeks ago, Pastor Nancy was her prayer target, and we are so thankful for the answers to her prayer!

“Our Holy Father in heaven, thank you for Pastor Nancy in the Philippines who is bringing not only the children to your holy Kingdom, but the parents also. Hallelujah!! Jesus, continue to have her church group grow as no one has ever seen

before. Father, let all of the folks that are involved in the Values Education programs continue to praise your Holy Name. Lord, let them sing, dance, and praise only you. Heavenly Father, open their eyes wide, looking up towards the heavens praising your Holy Name and glorifying your love. Remove any dark, heavy scales from their eyes that keep them from seeing your love, beauty, grace, and peace.

Holy God I ask all of this in your Son’s holy name, Amen!”


My times are in Your hand… PSALM 31:15A NKJV“Update on Projects

Bible Placement in Ethiopia Because of you, Ethiopian believers are able to read the Living Word of God in the language of their heart. In June, your generous support provided over 8,700 Bibles.

You exceeded the goal of 5,000 Bibles, but thanks to your generosity, a greater need than anticipated was able to be fulfilled! Praise the Lord!

Longstanding tensions continues to spark unrest in Ethiopia. Please pray for the safety of local champions committed to bringing these Bibles to new believers.

Bible Placement in Cambodia In July, you responded to the exciting goal of providing a Bible for every new believer in churches started in Cambodian villages.

You helped to provide more than 11,500 Bibles!

Please pray for Vibol, a bold leader and local champion in Cambodia, who is gravely ill and in hospital. Pray for all the leaders he has trained to go out, that he can rest assured while he awaits the Lord’s healing mercies.

Children’s Ministry in the Philippines In September, your support made it possible for over 1,300 children to be enrolled in the Philippines National Values Education Program.

They received a Bible, and heard all about the love of Jesus from trained volunteers. Parents, educators, even townspeople notice the difference this is making in their children. The waiting list for this program continues to grow!

See page 6 for the full update.


Where you are needed most today

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”


God bless you! When you hear about the needs in specific countries, you respond to the Holy Spirit’s leading. The Word of God is transforming lives in so many places, because of you! You are an important part of the goal to see

All Peoples.


Transformed by the Living Word of God.

Mail in reply slip Phone: 1.800.363.9673 Go to

How to Give


“I want to give special thanks to the people who have given us this chance to go to camp and receive love and care through our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!”

Norayr Norayr loves the Bible he received at Camp!

C H I L D R E N ’ S M I N I S T R Y

The Best Days of my Life!Here is what 9-year-old Norayr tells us about the camp he was able to attend in June, because of your support...

“I want to tell you about the best days of my life, spent at the yard camp!

I asked my mother if I could go to the camp being organized in our town. The organizers said they had a nurse, so my mother allowed me to go. Why is a nurse important?

Well, before my father left us two years ago, my parents were always quarreling.

He often beat my mother, and he would lock us in our room for hours at a time. The day he left, he was really angry, and he put my sister and I in the car and started driving. It was dark, and after

This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. PSALM 118:24 NKJV

Just $5 gives a child in camp a


what seemed like a long time, he suddenly stopped, ordered us out and drove off. There was no one around. Terrified, we walked in the dark all the way home. It took hours. For days, I couldn’t stop trembling. When doctors examined me, they discovered diabetes and my sugars were too high. I needed a careful diet plus medication, and was taught how to inject myself.

Here at camp, leaders like Sister Emma were so

loving and caring. The very first day, I made lots of friends. We learned the 10 Commandments, and most special to me, I learned how to pray for healing. I returned home with a great joy in my heart. The second day I felt so good I didn’t need to use the insulin all day long. Every morning I was the first one at camp. The last day, I did not want to leave my friends and leaders, but Sister Emma said she would visit us.

Now my little sister and I read Bible stories from our new Bible every day. We love the pictures.

Sister Emma has already visited us. She will take us to church so we can learn more about God. My mother smiled and said she is coming with us! She has not smiled for a long time.


You make Bible literacy happen in Canada.

Because of your support, University students curious about the Bible, many of them non-believers, are able to participate in Intervarsity’s MARKcamp. Students spend one week, six to nine hours a day, in an intensive inductive study of Mark’s Gospel to learn more about Jesus’ sacrifice and service. As they walk alongside Jesus and His disciples, they discover the life-transforming invitation He has for them.

Pastor Vera, a University of Toronto Campus Minister writes:

“Just over 100 students participated, and they loved it. Over 50 students came for daily prayer ministry, 4 students asked to be baptized and 3 non-believers accepted Jesus as their Saviour! I had the privilege to sit and pray with

2 of these students as they told Jesus they wanted the new life He had to offer.”

“I asked God for at least one U of T student to make a decision to follow Jesus. God answered that prayer in abundance in Florian, a 4th year student...”

“At MARKCamp I expected to learn about scripture, enjoy the Muskoka environment, and meet new people. I enjoyed reading the book of Mark in a much deeper way, but my most valuable moments came from hearing other people’s experiences of Christ in their lives. After hearing from them, I decided to bring to Jesus the concerns I had about God’s justice and my own need for control and achievement. When I met Jesus in prayer, I gave up an unhealthy sense of pride and superiority and was able to view everyone as children of God. I have found great joy in this new state of being and I decided to pick up my cross and follow Him.”

Please pray for the students that are able to attend MARKcamp because of your support!


B I B L E L I T E R A C Y I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word. PSALM 119: 15-16 NKJV


Why Volunteer?


...with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.” EPHESIANS 6:7 NKJV“When someone cleans out their house or garage, the team of volunteers at the local Mission Thrift Store are ready to receive the unwanted clutter to reuse, reduce, recycle… resell!

Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Mission Thrift Stores! Why do they do it? Everyone has a different reason.

“to give back”“for fellowship”“to stay busy”“to work for the Lord”“to do meaningful work”“to work in my community”

S P O T L I G H TRecently, the Woodstock Mission Thrift Store celebrated their 25th year. The staff is ready to serve 80 to 100 customers a day that come through the doors.

“’s also an amazing opportunity for volunteers to work and come where they can be passionate

about what they are doing,” says store Manager, Angela Hess.

“We’re also a great place for people to buy needed supplies for their day-to-day life. There’s a really community feel in the store.”

She notes that people from all walks of life use the store and that many volunteers have been around since day one! “We’re excited because they have such a drive and passion and dedication for helping,” Hess said.

Check out your local Mission Thrift Store, and see if there is an opportunity for you to volunteer. And you might just find a treasure or two while you are there!

There are more than 50 Mission Thrift Stores across Canada. Visit to find a store near you.


Starting New Churches in Latin AmericaMauricio has been a pastor in El Salvador for some years. He was comfortable, but he felt called to do more... to go and make disciples. He was very excited to participate in training to start new churches, made possible with your support.

He then went home and led the training for his church and found 3 volunteer leaders who were excited to start churches in other neighbourhoods. Since then, Mauricio has been multiplying the effect of his training by coaching them how to reach more people with the Gospel.

Reaching out brings obstacles. After being exposed to the Good News and being confronted about their way of life, seekers decide that changing is too difficult, and they stop coming. “This is very discouraging,” says Mauricio.

But, praise God, there are also fresh starts! Mauricio has

seen that people are losing their fear of the Gospel. Many of them had mistaken or superstitious beliefs about Christianity. Now, people are listening for themselves, and are confronted and convicted with the truth of the Gospel.

The joy of seeing people change their attitude toward Jesus motivates Mauricio to continue serving in the Great Commission with the leaders he is training. “There can be discouragements, but that’s when we pause, pray, and say that this is the work

of God and we move forward,” he says.

Please join Pastor Mauricio in his prayer to see multiplying growth for these new worshipping groups and Bible studies: that more people can know Christ as their Saviour and live for Him!

Fresh Starts

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... MATTHEW 28:19A NKJV

With a population of almost 7 million people, El Salvador is the most densely populated country in the Americas.

Fresh StartsPlease Pray with UsB I B L E L E A G U E C A N A D A A N N U A L D A Y O F P R A Y E R J U N E 1 0 2 0 2 0 .

Your prayer support is an important part of the ministry work happening around the globe. Nothing can be accomplished without the Lord, and calling on Him together for provision is a blessing!


• Young leaders being raised up in the Philippines. (page 6)

• University students in Canada being confronted with the the truth of the Gospel and giving their lives to Jesus. (page 12)

• The multiplying transformation that is happening in El Salvador. (page 14)

Bible League Canada Annual Day of Prayer is happening on Wednesday June 10, 2020. Please join us, wherever you are, and pray for God’s provision. And, we are delighted to pray for you! If you have a request you would like us to pray over, please email

Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. MATTHEW 18:19 NKJV


“My agenda helps me a lot. As I have a lot of things going on in my life, it is very handy to write everything down.

When I am having a bad day or just need a little bit of encouragement, I read the verse in my agenda and it helps encourage me. I think that it encourages lots of other students too.”— A grade 5 student in Ontario

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