journal ran

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    Journal information

    ID Ranking Research Journal Name ISSN FoR

    17724 A* ACM Transactions on Algorithms 1549-6325 0802

    17726 A* ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization 0803

    2 A* ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 0098-3500 0802

    6720 A* Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 0044-5975 2103

    6722 A* Acta Comeniana 2103

    4742 A* Acta Materialia 1359-6454 0912

    5 A* Acta Mathematica 0001-5962 0101

    11 A* Acta Numerica 0962-4929 0103

    3657 A* Advances in Applied Mechanics 0065-2156 0913

    20 A* Advances in Mathematics 0001-8708 0101

    1951 A* Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 0168-1923 0401

    1951 A* Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 0168-1923 0705

    6734 A* Agricultural History Review 0002-1490 2202

    3193 A* Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 0167-8809 07

    20004 A* American Educational Research Journal 0002-8312 1318315 A* American Journal of Agricultural Economics 0002-9092 1402

    27 A* American Journal of Mathematics 0002-9327 0101

    31 A* Analysis 0003-2638 0101

    31 A* Analysis 0003-2638 2203

    40 A* Annals of Mathematics 0003-486X 0101

    11269 A* Annals of Science 0003-3790 2202

    776 A* Annals of Statistics 0090-5364 0104

    19645 A* Annals of Tourism Research 0160-7383 1506

    1286 A* Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 0066-4189 0203

    1286 A* Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 0066-4189 0915

    4868 A* Annual Review of Materials Research 1531-7331 0912

    4317 A* Architectural Engineering and Design Management 12016831 A* Architectural History 0066-622X 1201

    20837 A* Architectural Research Quarterly 1201

    20839 A* Architectural Science Review 0003-8628 1201

    53 A* Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 0003-9527 0101

    53 A* Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 0003-9527 0102

    20008 A* Australian Educational Researcher 0311-6999 13

    5177 A* Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 0004-9409 07

    5178 A* Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 0816-1089 07

    5383 A* Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 1322-7130 0706

    5035 A* Biomaterials 0142-9612 0903

    20005 A* British Educational Research Journal 0141-1926 13

    20263 A* British Journal of Educational Technology 0007-1013 13034160 A* Building and Environment 0360-1323 1202

    4161 A* Building Research and Information 0961-3218 1202

    448 A* Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 0273-0979 0101

    81 A* Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 0944-2669 0101

    81 A* Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 0944-2669 0102

    20353 A* Cambridge Journal of Education 0305-764X 13

    5745 A* Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 0706-652X 0704

    3460 A* CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 1526-1492 0915

    4169 A* Coastal Engineering 0378-3839 0905

    101 A* Communications in Partial Differential Equations 0360-5302 0101

    103 A* Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 0010-3640 0101

    103 A* Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 0010-3640 0102

    30736 A* Computational Complexity 1016-3328 0801

    30736 A* Computational Complexity 1016-3328 0802

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    30535 A* Computer Aided Design 1203

    4173 A* Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineerin 0045-7825 0905

    3468 A* Construction Innovation 1202

    30501 A* Construction Law Journal 1801

    30501A* Construction Law Journal 1801

    3469 A* Construction Management and Economics 0144-6193 1202

    30502 A* Cost Engineering 1202

    20963 A* Design 0011-9245 1203

    133 A* Duke Mathematical Journal 0012-7094 0101

    4182 A* Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 0098-8847 0905

    1721 A* Earth-Science Reviews 0012-8252 04

    3236 A* Ecology 0012-9658 0602

    20010 A* Educational Researcher 13

    20490 A* Educational Studies in Mathematics 0013-1954 1302

    4186 A* Engineering Construction and Architectural Management 1202

    4188 A* Engineering Structures 0141-0296 0905

    20858 A* Environment and Planning A 0308-518X 0502

    20858 A* Environment and Planning A 0308-518X 1205

    20859 A* Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design 0265-8135 1205

    30308 A* Environment and Planning C 0502

    30308 A* Environment and Planning C 2103

    5933 A* Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 0263-7758 1205

    5933 A* Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 0263-7758 2002

    4674 A* Environmental Science & Technology 0013-936X 0502

    33340 A* Fordham Urban Law Journal 1801

    3253 A* Forest Ecology and Management 0378-1127 0705

    154 A* Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1615-3375 0103

    159 A* Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0165-0114 0101

    159 A* Fuzzy Sets and Systems 0165-0114 0801

    20348 A* Higher Education Research and Development 1301

    5953 A* Housing Theory and Society 1403-6096 120517872 A* IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 1063-6706 0801

    3599 A* IEEE Transactions on Robotics 1552-3098 0906

    3600 A* IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 1042-296X 0906

    181 A* Indiana University Mathematics Journal 0022-2518 0101

    181 A* Indiana University Mathematics Journal 0022-2518 0913

    3610 A* International Journal of Robotics Research 0278-3649 0906

    5955 A* International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 0309-1317 1205

    5955 A* International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 0309-1317 1402

    5955 A* International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 0309-1317 1604

    201 A* Inventiones Mathematicae 0020-9910 0101

    32334 A* Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees 0021-7824 0101

    20491 A* Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 0021-8251 13021349 A* Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 0021-8561 07

    20881 A* Journal of Architecture 1201

    19359 A* Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 0923-4748 1202

    19359 A* Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 0923-4748 1503

    3685 A* Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE 0733-9399 0905

    1294 A* Journal of Fluid Mechanics 0022-1120 0203

    1294 A* Journal of Fluid Mechanics 0022-1120 0915

    242 A* Journal of Functional Analysis 0022-1236 0101

    4227A* Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineeri1090-0241 0907

    30481 A* Journal of Housing Economics 1051-1377 1402

    4229 A* Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE 0733-9429 0905

    4360 A* Journal of Information Technology in Construction 0899

    4360 A* Journal of Information Technology in Construction 1202

    257 A* Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 0924-9907 0102

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    257 A* Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 0924-9907 0801

    257 A* Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 0924-9907 0802

    21072 A* Journal of Project Management 1202

    30505 A* Journal of Property Management 1205

    816 A* Journal of Quality Technology 0022-4065 0104

    816 A* Journal of Quality Technology 0022-4065 0913

    4239 A* Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE 0733-9445 0905

    274 A* Journal of the American Mathematical Society 0894-0347 0101

    5962 A* Journal of the American Planning Association 0194-4363 1205

    516 A* Journal of the European Mathematical Society 1435-9855 0101

    827 A* Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistica1369-7412 0104

    20890 A* Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 0037-9808 1201

    20892 A* Journal of Urban Design 1357-4809 1205

    7358 A* Journal of Urban History 0096-1442 1205

    7358 A* Journal of Urban History 0096-1442 2103

    18066 A* Machine Learning 0885-6125 0801

    1006 A* Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports 0927-796X 0912

    311 A* Mathematical Finance 0960-1627 0102

    311 A* Mathematical Finance 0960-1627 0104

    321 A* Mathematical Programming 0025-5610 0802

    326 A* Mathematics of Computation 0025-5718 0103

    326 A* Mathematics of Computation 0025-5718 0802

    328 A* Mathematics of Operations Research 0364-765X 0102

    328 A* Mathematics of Operations Research 0364-765X 0104

    328 A* Mathematics of Operations Research 0364-765X 0802

    329 A* Mathematische Annalen 0025-5831 0101

    32411 A* Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 0065-9266 0101

    345 A* Numerische Mathematik 0029-599X 0103

    345 A* Numerische Mathematik 0029-599X 0802

    356 A* Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 0101

    20915 A* Progress in Planning 0305-9006 120518116 A* Quantum Information & Computation 1533-7146 0802

    17478 A* Science 0036-8075 multisci

    20610 A* Science Education 0036-8326 1302

    393 A* SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 0036-1399 0102

    395 A* SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 0895-4801 0101

    395 A* SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 0895-4801 0802

    396 A* SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 0036-1410 0101

    398 A* SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 0036-1429 0103

    398 A* SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 0036-1429 0802

    399 A* SIAM Journal on Optimization 1052-6234 0103

    399 A* SIAM Journal on Optimization 1052-6234 0802

    1140 A* Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 0927-0248 0914858 A* Statistical Science 0883-4237 0104

    20829 A A + U-Architecture and Urbanism 0389-9160 1201

    3 A Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 0167-8019 0102

    5296 A Advances in Agronomy 0065-2113 0703

    16 A Advances in Applied Mathematics 0196-8858 0102

    769 A Advances in Applied Probability 0001-8678 0104

    31054 A Advances in Cereal Science and Technology 0703

    1400 A Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 0001-8686 0306

    17 A Advances in Computational Mathematics 1019-7168 0103

    18 A Advances in Differential Equations 0101

    30201 A Advances in Fluid Mechanics Series 1353-808X 0904

    30201 A Advances in Fluid Mechanics Series 1353-808X 0913

    5379 A Advances in Horticultural Science 0394-6169 0706

    1665 A Advances in Polymer Science 0065-3195 0303

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    4147 A Advances in Structural Engineering 1369-4332 0905

    5228 A Agricultural and Food Science in Finland 1239-0992 07

    18314 A Agricultural Economics 0169-5150 1402

    6733 A Agricultural History 0002-1482 2202

    5173 A Agricultural Systems 0308-521X 0701

    26 A Algorithmica 0178-4617 0802

    5381 A American Journal of Potato Research 1099-209X 0706

    770 A American Statistician 0003-1305 0104

    5444 A Animal Feed Science and Technology 0377-8401 0702

    5585 A Animal Feeding and Nutrition : a Series of Monographs 0707

    32521 A Annales Academiae Scinetiarum Fennicae-Mathematica 0101

    772 A Annales de L Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilites et Statis 0246-0203 0104

    32209 A Annales de l'Institut Fourier 0373-0956 0101

    457 A Annali di Matematica Pura et Applicata 0101

    774 A Annals of Applied Probability 1050-5164 0104

    32007 A Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1012-2443 0801

    32007 A Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1012-2443 0802

    41 A Annals of Operations Research 0254-5330 0102

    41 A Annals of Operations Research 0254-5330 0103

    41 A Annals of Operations Research 0254-5330 0802

    775 A Annals of Probability 0091-1798 0104

    48 A Applied Mathematical Modelling 0307-904X 0102

    49 A Applied Mathematics and Computation 0096-3003 0102

    49 A Applied Mathematics and Computation 0096-3003 0103

    49 A Applied Mathematics and Computation 0096-3003 0802

    5246 A Applied Soil Ecology 0929-1393 0503

    3447 A Aquacultural Engineering 0144-8609 0999

    5734 A Aquaculture 0044-8486 0704

    31067 A Aquaculture Research 1355-557X 0704

    4150 A Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem 1052-7613 0704

    5775 A Aquatic Living Resources 0990-7440 070420831 A Architectural Design 0003-8504 1201

    20838 A Architectural Review 0003-861X 1201

    18331 A Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economi 1364-985X 1402

    70 A BIT Numerical Mathematics 0006-3835 0103

    17774 A BIT Numerical Mathematics 0006-3835 0802

    20952 A Built Environment 0263-7960 1205

    77 A Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6093 0101

    18336 A Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Cana 0008-3976 1402

    5668 A Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne0045-5067 0705

    83 A Canadian Journal of Mathematics-Journal Canadien de M0008-414X 0101

    98 A Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 0219-1997 0101

    30731 A Communications in Mathematical Sciences 1539-6746 0101490 A Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 1069-8299 0103

    105 A Compositio Mathematica 0010-437X 0101

    3732 A Computational Mechanics 0178-7675 0913

    111 A Computers & Mathematics With Applications 0898-1221 0102

    111 A Computers & Mathematics With Applications 0898-1221 0103

    111 A Computers & Mathematics With Applications 0898-1221 0802

    111 A Computers & Mathematics With Applications 0898-1221 0803

    5305 A Crop Science 0011-183X 0703

    121 A Differential and Integral Equations 0101

    2206 A Differentiation 0301-4681 0601

    127 A Discrete Applied Mathematics 0166-218X 0102

    127 A Discrete Applied Mathematics 0166-218X 0802

    32272 A Dissertationes Mathematicae 0101

    17840 A Distributed and Parallel Databases 0926-8782 0804

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    17840 A Distributed and Parallel Databases 0926-8782 0805

    131 A Documenta Mathematica 1431-0643 0101

    3878 A Energy & Fuels 0887-0624 0904

    18356 A Energy Economics 0140-9883 1402

    4016 A Energy Exploration & Exploitation 0144-5987 0914

    4018 A Energy Sources 0090-8312 0914

    3477 A Engineering Optimization 0305-215X 09

    3477 A Engineering Optimization 0305-215X 0802

    32280 A Enseignement Mathematique 0101

    5934 A Environment and Urbanization 0956-2478 1205

    146 A European Journal of Applied Mathematics 0956-7925 0102

    5256 A European Journal of Soil Science 1351-0754 0503

    20865 A European Planning Studies 0965-4313 1205

    18362 A European Review of Agricultural Economics 0165-1587 1402

    5937 A European Urban and Regional Studies 0969-7764 1205

    5937 A European Urban and Regional Studies 0969-7764 1604

    3669 A Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 0894-1777 0913

    5309 A Field Crops Research 0378-4290 0703

    1290 A Fluid Phase Equilibria 0378-3812 0203

    1290 A Fluid Phase Equilibria 0378-3812 0904

    1290 A Fluid Phase Equilibria 0378-3812 0914

    20492 A For the Learning of Mathematics 1302

    17856 A Formal Methods in System Design 0925-9856 0802

    17856 A Formal Methods in System Design 0925-9856 0803

    521 A Forum Mathematicum 0933-7741 0101

    3883 A Fuel 0016-2361 0904

    170 A Historia Mathematica 0315-0860 2202

    5387 A Horticultural Reviews 0163-7851 0706

    8444 A Hypatia 0887-5367 2203

    30198 A IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineeri 1545-5955 0913

    174 A IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 0272-4960 0102177 A IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 0272-4979 0103

    3753 A International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 0735-1933 0913

    187 A International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineerin0029-5981 0103

    188 A International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 0271-2091 0103

    188 A International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 0271-2091 0203

    188 A International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 0271-2091 0915

    20618 A International Journal of Engineering Education 0949-149X 1302

    4202 A International Journal of Geomechanics 1532-3641 0914

    3755 A International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 0142-727X 0913

    3678 A International Journal of Impact Engineering 0734-743X 0913

    195 A International Journal of Mathematics 0129-167X 0101

    3680 A International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 0020-7403 091319334 A International Journal of Operations & Production Manage 0144-3577 1503

    20614 A International Journal of Science and Mathematics Educati1571-0068 1302

    3649 A International Journal of Vehicle Design 0143-3369 0902

    32326 A International Mathematics Research Notices 1073-7928 0101

    20878 A International Planning Studies 1356-3475 1205

    805 A International Statistical Review 0306-7734 0104

    5229 A Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 0791-6833 07

    203 A Israel Journal of Mathematics 0021-2172 0101

    32331 A Japanese Journal of Mathematics 0289-2316 0101

    565 A Journal d Analyse Mathematique 0021-7670 0101

    32335 A Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees 0021-7824 0102

    4219 A Journal of Advanced Transportation 0197-6729 0905

    4219 A Journal of Advanced Transportation 0197-6729 1507

    18399 A Journal of Agricultural Economics 0021-857X 1402

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    5187 A Journal of Agricultural Science 0021-8596 07

    5314 A Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 0931-2250 0703

    5956 A Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 0738-0895 1201

    5049 A Journal of Biomechanics 0021-9290 0903

    5049 A Journal of Biomechanics 0021-9290 1106

    3365 A Journal of Biotechnology 0168-1656 10

    228 A Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 0377-0427 0102

    228 A Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 0377-0427 0103

    228 A Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 0377-0427 0802

    813 A Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1061-8600 0104

    234 A Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 1023-6198 0101

    234 A Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 1023-6198 0102

    32348 A Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1040-7294 0101

    4035 A Journal of Energy Engineering-ASCE 0733-9402 0905

    4035 A Journal of Energy Engineering-ASCE 0733-9402 0914

    20617 A Journal of Engineering Education 1069-4730 1302

    239 A Journal of Engineering Mathematics 0022-0833 0102

    3612 A Journal of Field Robotics 1556-4959 0906

    3687 A Journal of Fluids and Structures 0889-9746 0913

    241 A Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1069-5869 0101

    241 A Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1069-5869 0102

    3781 A Journal of Heat Transfer 0022-1481 0913

    21000 A Journal of Housing Research 1205

    4234 A Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-Asce 0733-9437 0905

    17258 A Journal of Law and Society 0263-323X 1602

    17258 A Journal of Law and Society 0263-323X 1801

    256 A Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 0022-247X 0101

    256 A Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 0022-247X 0102

    584 A Journal of Mathematical Behavior 0732-3123 0101

    584 A Journal of Mathematical Behavior 0732-3123 1302

    587 A Journal of Mathematical Economics 0304-4068 1401589 A Journal of Mathematical Logic 0101

    3690 A Journal of Mechanical Design 1050-0472 0913

    5148 A Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 0377-0257 0915

    3784 A Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Tr0892-7219 0913

    3784 A Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Tr0892-7219 0914

    20885 A Journal of Planning History 1205

    18170 A Journal of Productivity Analysis 0895-562X 1402

    19367 A Journal of Scheduling 1094-6136 0102

    19367 A Journal of Scheduling 1094-6136 0103

    19367 A Journal of Scheduling 1094-6136 1503

    5856 A Journal of Sustainable Tourism 0966-9582 1506

    277 A Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1474-7480 010132375 A Journal of the London Mathematical Society-Second Seri 0024-6107 0101

    281 A Journal of the Mathematical Society Of Japan 0025-5645 0101

    5224 A Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 0022-5142 07

    5224 A Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 0022-5142 0908

    5966 A Journal of Urban Planning and Development-ASCE 0733-9488 1205

    5968 A Landscape and Urban Planning 0169-2046 1205

    30863 A M2AN Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 0103

    318 A Mathematical Population Studies 0889-8480 0102

    318 A Mathematical Population Studies 0889-8480 1603

    320 A Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophic 0305-0041 0101

    322 A Mathematical Research Letters 1073-2780 0101

    323 A Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 0378-4754 0102

    323 A Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 0378-4754 0103

    323 A Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 0378-4754 0802

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    323 A Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 0378-4754 0803

    324 A Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 1081-2865 0102

    324 A Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 1081-2865 0105

    20493 A Mathematics Education Research Journal 1302

    327 A Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems 0932-4194 0102

    331 A Mathematische Zeitschrift 0025-5874 0101

    653 A Michigan Mathematical Journal 0026-2285 0101

    30899 A Moscow Mathematical Journal 0101

    5204 A Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 0028-2928 07

    32424 A NoDEA-Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1021-9722 0101

    32425 A NoDEA-Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1021-9722 0102

    32426 A Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1021-9722 0101

    341 A Nonlinearity 0951-7715 0102

    678 A Osaka Journal of Mathematics 0030-6126 0101

    348 A Pacific Journal of Mathematics 0030-8730 0101

    683 A Philosophia Mathematica 0031-8019 2202

    683 A Philosophia Mathematica 0031-8019 2203

    20912 A Planning Perspectives 0266-5433 1205

    21021 A Planning Practice and Research 0269-7459 1205

    20913 A Planning Theory 1473-0952 1205

    20914 A Planning Theory and Practice 1464-9357 1205

    841 A Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 0266-8920 0104

    841 A Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 0266-8920 0913

    843 A Probability Theory and Related Fields 0178-8051 0104

    367 A Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 0033-5606 0101

    368 A Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 0033-5614 0102

    692 A Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 0033-569X 0102

    18614 A Regional Science and Urban Economics 0166-0462 1205

    18614 A Regional Science and Urban Economics 0166-0462 1402

    4066 A Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 1364-0321 0914

    4067 A Renewable Energy 0960-1481 091430531 A Research in Engineering Design 0934-9839 1204

    30469 A Resource and Energy Economics 0928-7655 1402

    382 A Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 0213-2230 0101

    3624 A Robotica 0263-5747 0906

    3623 A Robotics and Autonomous Systems 0921-8890 0906

    3626 A Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 0736-5845 0906

    5404 A Scientia Horticulturae 0304-4238 0706

    720 A Selecta Mathematica 0101

    394 A SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 0363-0129 0103

    397 A SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 0895-4798 0102

    4074 A Solar Energy 0038-092X 0914

    3821 A Structural Engineering and Mechanics 1225-4568 0905404 A Studia Mathematica 0039-3223 0101

    406 A Studies in Applied Mathematics 0022-2526 0102

    19339 A Supply Chain Management-an International Journal 1359-8546 1503

    745 A Tohoku Mathematical Journal 0040-8735 0101

    2298 A Traffic 1398-9219 0601

    416 A Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 0002-9947 0101

    4295 A Transportation 0049-4488 0905

    4295 A Transportation 0049-4488 1507

    4300 A Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies 0968-090X 0905

    19637 A Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environm 1361-9209 1507

    4301 A Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transporta 1366-5545 1507

    4303 A Transportation Science 0041-1655 1507

    5329 A Weed Research 0043-1737 0703

    2672 A Weed Science 0043-1745 0703

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    422 A Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 0044-2275 0102

    422 A Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 0044-2275 0105

    21040 A* Town Planning Review 0041-0020 1205

    4298 A* Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 0965-8564 1507

    4299 A* Transportation Research Part B-Methodological 0191-2615 1507

    3650 A* Vehicle System Dynamics 0042-3114 0902

    4 B Acta Arithmetica 0065-1036 0101

    5409 B Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae 0706

    7 B Acta mathematica Hungarica 0236-5294 0101

    30631 B Acta Mathematica Scientia 0252-9602 0101

    9 B Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series 1439-8516 0101

    3655 B Acta Mechanica 0001-5970 0913

    3656 B Acta Mechanica Sinica 0567-7718 0913

    32189 B Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 0001-6969 0101

    4863 B Advanced Engineering Materials 1438-1656 0912

    3585 B Advanced Robotics 0169-1864 0801

    3585 B Advanced Robotics 0169-1864 0906

    32193 B Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis 0102

    437 B Advances in Difference Equations 1687-1839 0101

    32198 B Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics 0102

    22 B Aequationes Mathematicae 0001-9054 0101

    22 B Aequationes Mathematicae 0001-9054 0104

    5227 B Agricultural and Food Science 1459-6067 07

    5227 B Agricultural and Food Science 1459-6067 0908

    30498 B Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 1068-2805 1402

    5245 B Agricultural Water Management 0378-3774 0799

    5233 B Agriculture and Human Values 0889-048X 1402

    5233 B Agriculture and Human Values 0889-048X 1608

    5174 B Agrociencia 1405-3195 07

    5380 B American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 0002-9254 0706

    28 B American Mathematical Monthly 0002-9890 01013442 B American Society of Agricultural Engineers Transactions 0999

    3727 B American Society of Mechanical Engineers Transactions 0913

    32207 B An Inequality in Pure and Applied Mathematics 0102

    30658 B Analysis Mathematica 0133-3852 0101

    42 B Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 0168-0072 0101

    777 B Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 0020-3157 0104

    3728 B Annual Review of Heat Transfer 1049-0787 0913

    43 B ANZIAM Journal 1446-1811 0102

    3444 B Applied Engineering in Agriculture 0883-8542 0999

    50 B Applied Mathematics Letters 0893-9659 0102

    51 B Applied Numerical Mathematics 0168-9274 0103

    51 B Applied Numerical Mathematics 0168-9274 0802778 B Applied Stochastic Models In Business And Industry 1524-1904 0104

    778 B Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 1524-1904 0806

    52 B Archiv der Mathematik 0003-889X 0101

    465 B Archive for Mathematical Logic 1432-0665 0101

    467 B Arkiv foer Matematik 0101

    56 B Asian Journal of Mathematics 0101

    60 B Asymptotic Analysis 0921-7134 0101

    60 B Asymptotic Analysis 0921-7134 0102

    4153 B Australian Geomechanics 0914

    4155 B Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building 0905

    4155 B Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building 1202

    4155 B Australian Journal of Construction Economics and Building 1402

    4159 B Automation in Construction 0926-5805 0905

    4159 B Automation in Construction 0926-5805 1202

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    3590 B Autonomous Robots 0929-5593 0801

    3590 B Autonomous Robots 0929-5593 0906

    474 B Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques 0007-4497 0101

    73 B Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 0004-9727 0101

    20753B Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education 1302

    85 B Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 0008-4395 0101

    32227 B Central European Journal of Mathematics 1895-1074 0101

    3662 B Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 0913

    32234 B Collectanea Mathematica 0010-0757 0101

    10652 B Collection Building 0160-4953 0807

    90 B Colloquium Mathematicum 0101

    94 B Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 0101

    32246 B Complex Variables: Theory & Applications 0101

    32247 B Complex Variables: Theory & Applications 0102

    4882 B Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing 1359-835X 0912

    32248 B Comptes Rendus de l'Acadmie des Sciences Serie I-Mathematics 0101

    107 B Comptes Rendus Mathematique 1631-073X 0101

    3663 B Comptes Rendus Mecanique 1631-0721 0913

    3733 B Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 1232-308X 0913

    3470 B Construction and Building Materials 0950-0618 0905

    5112 B Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 0935-1175 0915

    118 B Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 0011-4642 0101

    32265 B Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics 0102

    129 B Discrete Mathematics 0012-365X 0101

    129 B Discrete Mathematics 0012-365X 0802

    507 B Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 1365-8050 0101

    507 B Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 1365-8050 0103

    30755 B East Journal on Approximations 0101

    30755 B East Journal on Approximations 0102

    32860 B Economics of Planning 0013-0451 1402

    139 B Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 1072-6691 0101140 B Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 1081-3810 0101

    32276 B Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 0101

    798 B Electronic Journal of Probability 1083-6489 0104

    32864 B Energy & Environment 0502

    4185 B Energy and Buildings 0378-7788 0905

    4185 B Energy and Buildings 0378-7788 1202

    3474 B Energy Conversion and Management 0196-8904 0906

    4015 B Energy Engineering 0199-8595 0914

    4017 B Energy Journal 0195-6574 0914

    4019 B Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environ 1556-7036 0906

    4019 B Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environ 1556-7036 0914

    5894 B Environment Development and Sustainability 07014675 B Environmental Technology 0959-3330 0907

    5118 B European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids 0997-7538 0915

    1288 B European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids 0997-7546 0203

    19387 B European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Managemen0969-7012 1503

    5308 B Experimental Agriculture 0014-4797 0703

    149 B Experimental Mathematics 1058-6458 0103

    150 B Expositiones Mathematicae 0723-0869 0101

    151 B Extracta Mathematicae 0101

    3670 B Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 8756-758X 0912

    3670 B Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 8756-758X 0913

    3671 B Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 0168-874X 0913

    153 B Finite Fields and Their Applications 1071-5797 0101

    32525 B Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1687-1820 0101

    32525 B Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1687-1820 0102

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    5121 B Flow Turbulence and Combustion 1386-6184 0915

    3741 B Fluid Dynamics Research 0169-5983 0913

    3957 B Fluid-Particle Separation Journal 0904

    3480 B Fracture of Polymers Composites and Adhesives II 0912

    4021 B Fuel Science & Technology International 0884-3759 0914

    524 B Functional Analysis and Its Applications 0016-2663 0101

    525 B Functional Differential Equations 0101

    158 B Fundamenta Mathematicae 0016-2736 0101

    30777 B Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika (Moscow) 0101

    30777 B Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika (Moscow) 0102

    5310 B Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 0925-9864 1001

    165 B Glasgow Mathematical Journal 0017-0895 0101

    32291 B Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0102

    3745 B Heat Transfer Engineering 0145-7632 0913

    168 B Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 0101

    171 B Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 0101

    172 B Houston Journal of Mathematics 0362-1588 0101

    3593 B Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing 1090-8471 1203

    4452 B IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 0885-8969 0906

    3672 B IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 0018-9391 0913

    3746 B IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1524-9050 0905

    3746 B IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1524-9050 0913

    5074 B IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 0018-9545 1005

    3602 B IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 1083-4435 0910

    173 B Illinois Journal of Mathematics 0019-2082 0101

    5184 B Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 0019-5022 07

    5313 B Industrial Crops and Products 0926-6690 0703

    5128 B International Applied Mechanics 1063-7095 0915

    3484 B International Energy Journal 1513-718X 0906

    20497 B International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning 1302

    20503 B International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 13023603 B International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technol 0268-3768 0910

    33029 B International Journal of Advanced Transportation 0197-6729 1507

    20281 B International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Lear 1382-3892 1303

    21094 B International Journal of Construction Education and Rese 1550-3984 1302

    21066 B International Journal of Construction Management 1202

    194 B International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 0101

    194 B International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 0102

    3756 B International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 0017-9310 0915

    5900 B International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Devel 1740-8822 0701

    3494B International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Sy 09

    3494 B International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Sy 0801

    19349 B International Journal of Logistics 1367-5567 150319348 B International Journal of Logistics Management 0957-4093 1503

    32320 B International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 0104

    20498 B International Journal of Mathematical Education in Scienc0020-739X 1302

    5134 B International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 0020-7462 0102

    5134 B International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 0020-7462 0915

    3498 B International Journal of Project Management 0263-7863 1503

    197 B International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0101

    197 B International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0102

    4210 B International Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics 0905

    20374B International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education1467-6370 1301

    5902 B International Journal of Sustainable Development 0960-1406 0701

    3264 B International Journal of Sustainable Development and Wo1350-4509 0701

    3767 B International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 0913

    204 B Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0101

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    204 B Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0102

    4215 B ITE Journal-Institute of Transportation Engineers 0162-8178 0905

    32329 B Izvestiya: Mathematics 0101

    5186 B JARQ-Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 0021-3551 07

    30546 B Journal for Education in the Built Environment 1302

    30480 B Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 0162-1912 1402

    807 B Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Stati 1085-7117 0104

    5188 B Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropi1612-9830 07

    5189 B Journal of Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics 0041-3186 07

    5190 B Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 0041-994X 07

    3773 B Journal of Applied Mechanics 0913

    5140 B Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 0021-8936 0915

    808 B Journal of Applied Probability 0021-9002 0104

    810 B Journal of Applied Statistics 0266-4763 0104

    5047 B Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of th 0148-0731 0903

    30508 B Journal Of Building and Construction Management 1202

    20284 B Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 1303

    3510 B Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-A 0733-9364 0905

    3510 B Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-A 0733-9364 1202

    4224 B Journal of Construction Research 1609-9451 0905

    4224 B Journal of Construction Research 1609-9451 1202

    5316 B Journal of Crop Production 1092-678X 0703

    3611 B Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-T0022-0434 0910

    3611 B Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-T0022-0434 0913

    3775 B Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of 0195-0738 0914

    3686 B Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer 1065-5131 0913

    5847 B Journal of Environment and Development 1070-4965 0502

    5847 B Journal of Environment and Development 1070-4965 1402

    4357 B Journal of Environmental Engineering-Asce 0733-9372 0907

    3778 B Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing 1065-3090 0913

    3688 B Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of the ASME 0098-2202 091318001 B Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 1526-1719 0802

    247 B Journal of Graph Theory 0364-9024 0101

    247 B Journal of Graph Theory 0364-9024 0802

    5144 B Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME 0022-1481 0915

    5392 B Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 1462-0316 0706

    30548 B Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 1566-4910 1205

    4359 B Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE - E-journal 0905

    249 B Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1443-5756 0101

    249 B Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1443-5756 0102

    251 B Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 0101

    251 B Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 0102

    4233 B Journal of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences 090530213 B Journal of Management in Engineering 0742-597X 0905

    30213 B Journal of Management in Engineering 0742-597X 1202

    32362 B Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1549-3644 0101

    32365 B Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1549-3644 0104

    32366 B Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University 0023-608X 0101

    261 B Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 0101

    261 B Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 0102

    32368 B Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1402-9251 0105

    30550 B Journal of Planning & Environment Law 1205

    271 B Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 0022-4049 0101

    3616 B Journal of Robotic Systems 0741-2223 0906

    5263 B Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 0022-4561 0503

    31051 B Journal of Soils and Sediments 1439-0108 0503

    817 B Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 0094-9655 0104

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    818 B Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment 1742-5468 0104

    820 B Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 0378-3758 0104

    821 B Journal of Statistical Software 1548-7660 0104

    3696 B Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 0309-3247 0913

    19368 B Journal of Supply Chain Management 1523-2409 1503

    5191 B Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 1044-0046 0701

    275 B Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1446-7887 0101

    32373 B Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A- 0263-6115 0104

    4045 B Journal of the Energy Institute 1743-9671 0914

    5193 B Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University 0023-6152 07

    4046 B Journal of the Institute of Energy 0144-2600 0914

    278 B Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 0304-9914 0101

    19644 B Journal of Transport Geography 0966-6923 1507

    7357 B Journal of Transport History 0022-5266 2103

    4363 B Journal of Urban Planning and Development 1205

    3700 B JSME International Journal Series A-Solid Mechanics an 1344-7912 0913

    3617 B JSME International Journal Series C-Mechanical System 1344-7653 0910

    600 B Kodai Mathematical Journal 0101

    604 B Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 1340-6116 0101

    303 B Manuscripta Mathematica 0025-2611 0101

    617 B Matematica Contemporanea 0101

    4961 B Materials & Design 0261-3069 0912

    4803 B Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion 0947-5117 0912

    3642 B Materials and Manufacturing Processes 1042-6914 0910

    3642 B Materials and Manufacturing Processes 1042-6914 0913

    4804 B Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 0912

    4805 B Materials Characterization 1044-5803 0912

    1113 B Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Material0921-5107 0206

    1113 B Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Material0921-5107 0912

    4975 B Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 0912

    4806 B Materials Technology 1066-7857 09124807 B Materials Transactions 1345-9678 0912

    32395 B Mathematica Journal 0101

    307 B Mathematica Scandinavica 0025-5521 0101

    308 B Mathematical and Computer Modelling 0895-7177 0102

    308 B Mathematical and Computer Modelling 0895-7177 0103

    308 B Mathematical and Computer Modelling 0895-7177 0802

    32397 B Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Syst 1387-3954 0103

    310 B Mathematical Engineering in Industry 0169-121X 0102

    1748 B Mathematical Geology 0882-8121 04

    1748 B Mathematical Geology 0882-8121 0102

    313 B Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1331-4343 0101

    313 B Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1331-4343 0102628 B Mathematical Logic Quarterly 0942-5616 0101

    32404 B Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1024-123X 0102

    20496 B Mathematical Thinking and Learning 1302

    20499 B Mathematics Teacher Education and Development 1302

    646 B Mathematika 0025-5793 0101

    330 B Mathematische Nachrichten 0025-584X 0101

    3705 B Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 0888-3270 0913

    3706 B Mechanism and Machine Theory 0094-114X 0913

    3527 B Mechatronics 0957-4158 0910

    32413 B Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 0105

    4727 B Metal Science and Heat Treatment 0026-0673 0914

    4811 B Metals and Materials International 1598-9623 0912

    4812 B Metals Materials and Processes 0970-423X 0912

    30893 B Methods and Applications of Analysis 0101

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    652 B Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 0101

    654 B Milan Journal of Mathematics 1424-9286 0101

    333 B Monatshefte fur Mathematik 0026-9255 0101

    335 B New York Journal of Mathematics 1076-9803 0101

    5320 B New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 0114-0671 0703

    5320 B New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 0114-0671 0706

    32524 B Nonlinear Analysis 0101

    338 B Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications 0362-546X 0101

    342 B Notices of the American Mathematical Society 0002-9920 0101

    343 B Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 0163-0563 0102

    343 B Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 0163-0563 0103

    3804 B Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications 1040-7782 0913

    3805 B Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals 1040-7790 0913

    672 B Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1070-5325 0101

    344 B Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 0749-159X 0103

    5209 B Outlook on Agriculture 0030-7270 07

    18101 B Parallel Algorithms and Applications 1063-7192 0802

    18101 B Parallel Algorithms and Applications 1063-7192 0805

    18104 B Pattern Analysis and Applications 1433-7541 0801

    18104 B Pattern Analysis and Applications 1433-7541 0802

    350 B Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 0031-5303 0101

    5211 B Philippine Agricultural Scientist 0031-7454 07

    1691 B Polymer Degradation and Stability 0141-3910 0303

    1692 B Polymer Engineering and Science 0032-3888 0303

    1692 B Polymer Engineering and Science 0032-3888 0904

    1697 B Polymer Testing 0142-9418 0303

    1697 B Polymer Testing 0142-9418 0912

    4376 B Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction1084-0680 0905

    5325 B Precision Agriculture 1385-2256 0703

    842 B Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 0269-9648 0104

    353 B Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 0002-9939 010132445 B Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 0013-0915 0101

    4268 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transpor 0965-092X 0905

    30223 B Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planni 1205

    3710 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 0957-6509 0913

    3620 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 0954-4054 0910

    3711 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 0954-4062 0913

    3648 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 0954-4070 0902

    3582 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 0954-4100 0901

    3621 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 0959-6518 0910

    3713 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 1350-6501 0913

    3714 B Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 1464-4193 0913

    355 B Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series a-Mathematic 0386-2194 0101358 B Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical and 0101

    359 B Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 0101

    3544 B Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 0360-1285 0904

    361 B Publicacions Matematiques 0214-1493 0101

    32449 B Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical S 0034-5318 0101

    30935 B Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 0101

    30935 B Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 0102

    5213 B Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 1742-1705 0701

    375 B Reports on Mathematical Physics 0034-4877 0105

    32456 B Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Publications 0101

    378 B Results in Mathematics 1422-6383 0101

    18468 B Review of Agricultural Economics 1058-7195 1402

    32923 B Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 0917-0553 1605

    381 B Revista Matematica Complutense 0101

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    4274 B Road and Transport Research 1037-5783 0905

    385 B Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 0035-7596 0101

    386 B Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1061-9208 0105

    712 B Russian Mathematical Surveys 0036-0279 0101

    32468 B S A M S A Journal of Pure and Applicable Mathematics 0102

    717 B Sbornik Mathematics 1064-5616 0101

    20629 B School Science and Mathematics 1302

    388 B Science in China Series A-Mathematics 1006-9283 0101

    32481 B Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica. Boletim, Nova Serie 0101

    5270 B Soil & Tillage Research 0167-1987 0503

    3554 B Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 0267-7261 0905

    4383 B Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 0038-0741 0905

    5277 B Soil Use and Management 0266-0032 0503

    403 B Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 0101

    856 B Statistical Modelling 1471-082X 0104

    857 B Statistical Papers 0932-5026 0104

    859 B Statistics 0233-1888 0104

    860 B Statistics & Probability Letters 0167-7152 0104

    4276 B Steel and Composite Structures 1229-9367 0905

    4277 B Steel Construction 0905

    863 B Stochastic Analysis and Applications 0736-2994 0104

    864 B Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessmen1436-3240 0104

    864 B Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessmen1436-3240 0502

    864 B Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessmen1436-3240 0907

    866 B Stochastic Models 1532-6349 0104

    868 B Stochastics and Dynamics 0219-4937 0104

    4280 B Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 1541-7794 0905

    4280 B Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 1541-7794 1202

    4281 B Structural Design of Tall Buildings 1062-8002 0905

    408 B Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1027-5487 0101

    1300 B Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 0935-4964 02031300 B Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 0935-4964 0915

    412 B Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 0040-5779 0105

    872 B Theory of Probability and its Applications 0040-585X 0104

    32500 B Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 0101

    413 B Topological Methods In Nonlinear Analysis 1230-3429 0101

    30554 B Topos-the international review of landscape architecture and urban desig 1201

    4294 B Transport Engineering in Australia 0905

    3563 B Transport Reviews 0144-1647 1507

    4297 B Transportation Planning and Technology 0308-1060 0905

    4302 B Transportation Research Record 0361-1981 0905

    4302 B Transportation Research Record 0361-1981 1507

    419 B Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1300-0098 0101748 B Ukrainian Mathematical Bulletin 0101

    32508 B Universitaet Hamburg. Mathematisches Seminar. Abhandlungen 0101

    874 B Utilitas Mathematica 0315-3681 0104

    3567 B World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 1302

    765 B Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 0044-2267 0102

    32180 C A St A - Advances in Statistical Analysis 0104

    32181 C Abstracts from the Siberian Advances in Mathematics 0101

    32182 C Academia Paedagogica Nyiregyhaziensis. Acta Mathematica 0101

    32183 C Academia Sinica. Institute of Mathematics. Bulletin. New Series 0101

    32184 C Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Mathematique 0101

    32185 C Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts. Classe des Sciences Mathe 0101

    32186 C Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Atti. Matematica e Applicazioni. Rendic 0101

    17564 C Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche Matema multisci

    4142 C ACI Structural Journal 0889-3241 0905

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    4142 C ACI Structural Journal 0889-3241 1202

    5331 C Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 0703

    3385 C Acta Biomaterialia 1742-7061 10

    429 C Acta Ciencia Indica Mathematics 0101

    430 C Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 0101

    32188 C Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis 0101

    32519 C Acta Mathematica Sinica 1000-9574 0101

    30632 C Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae New Series 0101

    10 C Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 0101

    433 C Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 0168-9673 0102

    4860 C Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 0894-9166 0912

    4143 C Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica-Civil Engineering and Building Construct 0905

    4861 C Advanced Composite Materials 0924-3046 0912

    32190 C Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 0101

    768 C Advances and applications in statistics 0104

    32192 C Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis 0101

    32197 C Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics 0101

    32199 C Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics 0101

    5332 C African Crop Science Journal 0703

    30645 C African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics 0101

    32845 C Agribusiness 0701

    18313 C Agribusiness Review 0701

    31188 C Agricultural Finance Review 0002-1466 1502

    5226 C Agriculture and Environment 0304-1131 0701

    5893 C Agronomy for Sustainable Development 1774-0746 0701

    32201 C Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanislawa Staszica. Rocznik. Opuscul 0101

    446 C Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 0101

    878 C American Journal of Mathematical and Management Scie 0196-6324 0104

    32206 C An Inequality in Pure and Applied Mathematics 0101

    454 C Analysis in Theory and Applications 1672-4070 0101

    35 C Annales Polonici Mathematici 0101456 C Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sectio a Mathematica 0101

    32211 C Annali Di Matematica 0101

    880 C Annals of Applied Statistics 0104

    32212 C Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1012-2443 0103

    32213 C Aportaciones Matemticas 0101

    32214 C Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 0101

    46 C Applicationes Mathematicae 0102

    461 C Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition 0253-4827 0102

    881 C Applied Mathematics and Optimization 0095-4616 0802

    462 C Applied Mathematics E-Notes 0102

    463 C Applied Mathematics Research eXpress 0102

    5107 C Archive of Applied Mechanics 0939-1533 09154748 C Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 0912

    32217 C Archivum Mathematicum 0044-8753 0101

    21054 C Asia Pacific Building and Construction Management Journal 1202

    468 C Asociacion Matematica Venezolana. Boletin 0101

    32218 C Assiut University Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 0101

    18327 C Australasian Agribusiness Review 0701

    18330 C Australian Agribusiness Review 0701

    32219 C Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0102

    5238 C Australian Journal Experimental Agriculture 07

    64 C Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 0101

    64 C Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 0102

    3660 C Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 0913

    67 C Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 0101

    68 C Australian Mathematical Society Journal 0101

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    781 C Austrian Journal of Statistics 0104

    3400 C Biotechnology for Biofuels 1003

    30694 C Boletim Sociedade Paranaense de Matemtica 0101

    30696 C Boletin de Matematicas 0101

    32222 C Boletinn de la Sociedad Matemtica Mexicana 0101

    20509 C British Society for the History of Mathematics 2103

    21057 C Building Acoustics 0913

    21057 C Building Acoustics 1202

    21059 C Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 0143-6244 0905

    20951 C Buildings and Landscapes 1201

    30703 C Buletinul Academiei de S tiinte a Republicii Moldova Matematica 0101

    729 C Bulletin de La Societe Mathematique de France 0037-9484 0101

    475 C Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section E-Mathematics 0101

    475 C Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section E-Mathematics 0102

    32225 C Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society 0101

    76 C Bulletin of the Korean Mathematics Society 0101

    78 C Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics 0101

    32226 C Bulletin of the Tbilisi International Center of Mathematics and Informatics 0101

    5181 C California Agriculture 0008-0845 07

    31007 C Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 0102

    33032 C Canadian Journal of Transportation 1507

    478 C Carpathian Journal of Mathematics 0101

    32228 C Centre de recherches mathematiques, CRM proceedings and lecture not 0101

    20956 C Centre for Education in the Built Environment Transactions 1302

    32231 C Chicago Lectures in Mathematics 0101

    32232 C Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B 0252-9599 0101

    483 C Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics 0101

    484 C Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications 0103

    486 C College Mathematics Journal 0049-4925 0101

    487 C Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli 0101

    32237C Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science. 010232238C Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science. 0103

    32239 C Communications in Mathematical Analysis 0101

    100 C Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Si 1007-5704 0102

    100 C Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Si 1007-5704 0103

    32240 C Communications in Statistics-Stochastic Models 0104

    32241 C Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 1225-1763 0101

    30733 C Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis 0101

    32244 C Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1661-8254 0101

    32245 C Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 0101

    32249 C Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 0103

    108 C Computational and Applied Mathematics 0101-8205 0102

    108 C Computational and Applied Mathematics 0101-8205 010332250 C Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 0965-5425 0103

    32251 C Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 0965-5425 0105

    30737 C Computational Mathematics and Modeling 1046-283X 0103

    110 C Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 0102

    110 C Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 0103

    32252 C Computational Optimization and Applications 0926-6003 0103

    32253 C Computers and Mathematics 0102

    32254 C Computers and Mathematics 0103

    32255 C Contemporary Mathematics 0101

    32257 C Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 0101

    5339 C Crop Management 0703

    32258 C Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem 0101

    33033 C Defense Transportation Journal 1507

    119 C Demonstratio Mathematica 0101

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    500 C Differential Equations 0012-2661 0101

    501 C Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 0101

    32264 C Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics 0101

    32270 C Discrete Mathematics and Applications 0924-9265 0101

    32270 C Discrete Mathematics and Applications 0924-9265 0102

    32271 C Discussiones Mathematicae 0101

    794 C Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics 0104

    30752 C Divulgaciones Matematicas 1315-2068 0101

    32273 C Doklady Mathematics 1064-5624 0101

    32274 C East Asian Mathematical Journal 0101

    512 C East-West Journal of Mathematics 0101

    32275 C East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics [became Journal of Numeri 0103

    18161 C Economics and Mathematical Methods 1401

    5239 C Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities 07

    514 C Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Eq 1417-3875 0101

    32277 C Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences 0101

    32279 C Elemente der Mathematik 0101

    5115 C Energy 0360-5442 0915

    4551 C Energy Sources Part B Economics Planning and Policy 1402

    32282 C ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 0102

    32283 C ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 0103

    33034 C European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure 1507

    517 C Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102

    519 C Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0101

    5182 C Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 0096-607X 07

    20504 C Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics 1302

    5784 C Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis Piscaria 0704

    5345 C Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinesis Agricultura 0703

    32284 C Foundations and Trends in Stochastic Systems 0104

    156 C Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 0101

    32285 C Frontiers of Mathematics in China 1673-3452 01013742 C Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China 1673-3479 0913

    530 C Gazette des Mathematiciens 0101

    160 C General Mathematics 0101

    5183 C Georgia Agricultural Research 0016-8122 07

    531 C Georgian Mathematical Journal 0101

    30786 C Glasnik Matematicki Serija III 0101

    20976 C Global Built Environment Review 1205

    32288 C Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0101

    32289 C Global Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (GJMMS) 0101

    32290 C Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 0101

    20505 C Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education 1302

    32293 C I A E N G International Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102

    175 C IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 0102

    176 C IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 0265-0754 0102

    176 C IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 0265-0754 0103

    176 C IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 0265-0754 1503

    32294 C IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Indu0953-0061 0102

    32295 C IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biol 0265-0746 0102

    180 C Indian Journal of Mathematics 0101

    537 C Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 0019-5588 0101

    537 C Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 0019-5588 0102

    5290 C Indian Society of Soil Science Journal 0503

    5348 C Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 07034197 C Indoor and Built Environment 1420-326X 0905

    32299 C Industrial Mathematics 0019-8528 0102

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    3674 C Industrial Robot-an International Journal 0143-991X 0913

    32300 C Institut Mathematique. Publications 0101

    3751 C Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Electrical Mechanical 0906

    3751 C Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Electrical Mechanical 0913

    32301 C Integral and Stochastic Geometry 0103

    32302 C Integral and Stochastic Geometry 0104

    5897 C International Institute for Environment and Development Sustainable Agri 0701

    32877 C International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governan1462-4605 1402

    31062 C International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 0703

    190 C International Journal of Applied Mathematics 0102

    32305 C International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics 0104

    32306C International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences 0102

    32307C International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences 0103

    32308 C International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 0102

    5898 C International Journal of Applied Sustainable Development 0701

    32310 C International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 0102

    32311 C International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 0103

    547 C International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Appli 0103

    32313 C International Journal of Computer Algebra in Mathematics Education 0101

    17927 C International Journal of Computer Mathematics 0020-7160 0802

    32314 C International Journal of Computer Mathematics 0020-7160 0103

    20661 C International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education1560-4624 1301

    32315 C International Journal of Difference Equations 0101

    32316 C International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations 0101

    5899 C International Journal of Environment and Sustainable De 1474-6778 0701

    5899 C International Journal of Environment and Sustainable De 1474-6778 1402

    32086 C International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Manage 0806

    18549 C International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 1402

    4343 C International Journal of Low Energy and Sustainable Buildings 1202

    3634 C International Journal of Manufacturing Research 0910

    3635 C International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and M 1368-2148 09103761 C International Journal of Materials & Product Technology 0268-1900 0912

    32319 C International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 0101

    32321 C International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 0103

    32322 C International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical S 0161-1712 0101

    32323 C International Journal of Mathematics Sciences 0101

    30802 C International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerica1565-1339 0103

    553 C International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 0103

    3607 C International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 0910

    3608 C International Journal of Production Engineering and Computers 0910

    3498 C International Journal of Project Management 0263-7863 1202

    3499 C International Journal of Renewable Energy 0906

    5901 C International Journal of Rural Management 07019710 C International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 0908

    31050 C International Journal of Soil Science 1816-4978 0503

    32325 C International Journal of Statistics and Systems 0104

    5903 C International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 0701

    3638 C International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing 0910

    33035 C International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 1507

    18392 C International Journal of Transport Economics 0303-5247 1507

    3651 C International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems 1471-0226 0902

    3652 C International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems 0902

    3653 C International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration 0902

    32327 C International Mathematics Research Papers 1687-3017 0101

    3769 C International Review of Mechanical Engineering 0913

    557 C Iranian Mathematical Society Bulletin 0101

    20510 C Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teache 1302

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    558 C Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii Matematika 0021-3446 0101

    562 C Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0916-7005 0102

    5185 C Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture 0021-5260 07

    33461 C Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development Law 1801

    8463 C Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 1187-7863 2201

    18398 C Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 1402

    32887 C Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 1542-0485 1402

    9713 C Journal of Agricultural and Food Information 1049-6505 0908

    2921 C Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 1523-5475 0608

    20669 C Journal of Agricultural Education 1302

    20662 C Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 1302

    13616 C Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 1074-7583 1117

    30819 C Journal of Applied Algebra and Discrete Structures 0101

    214 C Journal of Applied Analysis 0101

    214 C Journal of Applied Analysis 0102

    32337 C Journal of Applied Functional Analysis 0101

    32338 C Journal of Applied Mathematics 1110-757X 0102

    32339 C Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1598-5865 0102

    32340 C Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 1173-9126 0102

    32341 C Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 0102

    205 C Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 1048-9533 0102

    205 C Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 1048-9533 0104

    20882 C Journal of Architecture Planning and Environmental Engineering 1201

    20996 C Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 1201

    32343 C Journal of Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathemati 0102

    21068 C Journal of Building Acoustics 1202

    21099 C Journal of Building Appraisal 1202

    221 C Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 0101

    221 C Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 0802

    19423 C Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1382-6905 0103

    32344 C Journal of Combinatorics 0101571 C Journal of Computational Mathematics 0254-9409 0103

    32345 C Journal of Computational Mathematics and Optimization 0103

    230 C Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics 0102

    573 C Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis 0101

    237 C Journal of Discrete Algorithms 1570-8667 0103

    574 C Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 0101

    4034 C Journal of Energy 0146-0412 0914

    33914 C Journal of Energy & Development 1801

    33479 C Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 1801

    5142 C Journal of Energy Heat and Mass Transfer 0915

    3776 C Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology-Transa 0094-4289 0912

    3776 C Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology-Transa 0094-4289 09135852 C Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 0964-0568 0502

    32349 C Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 0101

    520 C Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 0101

    520 C Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 0102

    17999 C Journal of Global Information Management 1062-7375 0806

    17999 C Journal of Global Information Management 1062-7375 0807

    18000 C Journal of Global Information Technology 1503

    21100 C Journal of Green Building 1202

    579 C Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics 0101

    3613 C Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 0921-0296 0801

    3613 C Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 0921-0296 0906

    32355 C Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1064-1246 0102

    32356 C Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1064-1246 0103

    582 C Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 0101

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    32359 C Journal of Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0102

    3614 C Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Trans 1087-1357 0910

    4794 C Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 1059-9495 0912

    929 C Journal of Mathematical Biology 0303-6812 0102

    585 C Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 0259-9791 0102

    32360 C Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 0102

    588 C Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1422-6928 0102

    32361 C Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1072-3374 0101

    896 C Journal of Mathematical Sociology 0022-250X 0104

    896 C Journal of Mathematical Sociology 0022-250X 1608

    30228 C Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control 0906

    260 C Journal of Mathematics (Wuhan) 0101

    591 C Journal of Mathematics and Music 0102

    591 C Journal of Mathematics and Music 1904

    593 C Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 0102

    3782 C Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 1738-494X 0913

    265 C Journal of Numerical Mathematics 1570-2820 0103

    269 C Journal of Partial Differential Equations 0101

    5354 C Journal of Plantation Crops 0304-5242 0703

    4940 C Journal of Polymer Materials 0970-0838 0912

    4941 C Journal of Polymer Research-Taiwan 0912

    4362 C Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education a1052-3928 0905

    4238 C Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering-ASCE 0733-9380 0905

    33037 C Journal of Public Transportation 1507

    21102 C Journal of Real Estate and Construction 1202

    4945 C Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0731-6844 0912

    21004 C Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning 1201

    5150 C Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the 0199-6231 0915

    900 C Journal of Statistical Research 0104

    822 C Journal of Statistical Studies 0104

    901 C Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 010413692 C Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety 1117

    30838 C Journal of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 0101

    5192 C Journal of the Central Agricultural Experiment Station 0549-5873 07

    276 C Journal of The Indonesian Mathematical Society 0101

    32374 C Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 0102

    33030 C Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 1046-1469 1507

    5963 C Journal of the Urban Planning & Development Division-A 0569-8081 1205

    5153 C Journal of Thermal Science-International Journal of Thermal and Fluid S 0915

    5155 C Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 0887-8722 0915

    4954 C Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 0892-7057 0912

    33038 C Journal of Transportation and Statistics 1094-8848 1507

    4248 C Journal of Transportation Engineering-Asce 0733-947X 090533039 C Journal of Transportation Law Logistics and Policy 1507

    33039 C Journal of Transportation Law Logistics and Policy 1801

    19716 C Journal of Travel and Tourism Research 1302-8545 1506

    5242 C Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science 07

    5242 C Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science 0908

    32376 C Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics 0101

    5194 C Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Publication 07

    21006 C King Saud University Journal Architecture and Planning 1201

    32377 C Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathemati 1226-0061 0102

    284 C Korean Mathematical Society Communications 0101

    32378 C Kozepiskolai Matematikai es Fizikai Lapok 0101

    286 C Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 0101

    603 C Kyoto University Journal of Mathematics 0101

    288 C Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 0454-8124 0101

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    32379 C La Matematica e la sua Didattica 0101

    32380 C Le Matematiche 0101

    32382 C LEnseignement Mathematique 0101

    33040 C Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport 1507

    606 C Lettera Matematica Pristem 0101

    293 C Libertas Mathematica 0101

    294 C Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys 0101

    610 C Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 0363-1672 0101

    611 C Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 0101

    32383 C Logic and Analysis 0101

    32385 C London Mathematical Society Journal of Computation and Mathematics 0103

    5197 C Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Circular 07

    32386 C Maghreb Mathematical Review 0101

    32387 C Majalah Ilmiah Himpunan Matematika Indonesia 0101

    304 C Matematicheskie Trudy 0101

    32390 C Matematicheskii Sbornik 0101

    32391 C Matematicki Bilten 0101

    32392 C Matematicki Vesnik 0025-5165 0101

    620 C Matematikai Lapok 0101

    32393 C Matematychni Studii 0101

    622 C Matematyka Stosowana 0101

    32394 C Math Horizons 0101

    623 C Mathematica Balkanica 0101

    305 C Mathematica Bohemica 0101

    624 C Mathematica Macedonica 0101

    625 C Mathematica Moravica 0101

    306 C Mathematica Pannonica 0101

    626 C Mathematica Slovaca 0101

    309 C Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Syst 1387-3954 0802

    32396 C Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Syst 1387-3954 0101

    931 C Mathematical Biosciences 0025-5564 0102627 C Mathematical Communications 0101

    32398 C Mathematical Gazette 0025-5572 0101

    316 C Mathematical Journal of Ibaraki University 0101

    629 C Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 0170-4214 0102

    317 C Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1432-2994 0102

    317 C Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1432-2994 0104

    317 C Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1432-2994 0802

    630 C Mathematical Methods of Statistics 0104

    32399 C Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 0102

    32399 C Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 0103

    32400 C Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computing 0102

    32401 C Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computing 010318074 C Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing 0802

    32402 C Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 0102

    634 C Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 0218-2025 0102

    30877 C Mathematical Notes 0001-4346 0101

    637 C Mathematical Reports 0101

    638 C Mathematical Social Sciences 0165-4896 0102

    638 C Mathematical Social Sciences 0165-4896 0103

    32405 C Mathematical Society of Japan. Memoirs 0101

    32406 C Mathematical Spectrum 0101

    20508 C Mathematics and Computer Education 1302

    32407 C Mathematics Applied in Science and Technology 0102

    32408 C Mathematics in Computer Science 0102

    32409 C Mathematics in Computer Science 0103

    325 C Mathematics Magazine 0025-570X 0101

  • 8/6/2019 Journal Ran


    647 C Mathematische Gesellschaft in Hamburg Mitteilungen 0101

    648 C Mathematische Semesterberichte 0101

    5911 C Mcgill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 1605

    5911 C Mcgill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 1801

    3798 C Mechanical Engineering 0025-6501 0913

    3799 C Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 1539-7734 0913

    4980 C Mechanics of Materials 0167-6636 0912

    5159 C Mechanics Research Communications 0093-6413 0915

    3526 C Mechanizacja i Automatyzacja 0902

    32410 C Mmoires de la Socite Mathmatique de France 0101

    32412 C Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 0101

    835 C Metron - International Journal of Statistics 0104

    5201 C Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 07

    30895 C Miscolc Mathematical Notes 0101

    5231C Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station Research Report 07

    5202 C Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin 07

    5203 C Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 07

    32414 C Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0899-6180 0101

    32415 C Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 0104

    657 C Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 0101

    32422 C New Mathematics and Natural Computation 0103

    5206 C New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 0028-8241 07

    5207 C New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 0301-5521 07

    336 C New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 0101

    663 C Nihonkai Mathematical Journal 0101

    339 C Nonlinear Analysis Forum 0101

    664 C Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory 0102

    666 C Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 0101

    1266 C Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics 1543-0537 0206

    667 C Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 0102

    32427 C Nonlinear Science Today: an electronic adjunct to Journal of Nonlinear S 0102669 C Normat: nordisk matematisk tidskrift 0101

    32428 C Notas de Matemtica 0101

    670 C Note di Matematica 0101

    671 C Numerical Algorithms 1017-1398 0103

    671 C Numerical Algorithms 1017-1398 0802

    32429 C Octogon Mathematical Magazine 0101

    32430 C Ontario Mathematics Gazette 0101

    32434 C Pakistan Journal of Statistics 0104

    32435 C Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 0102

    32436 C Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 0104

    5359 C Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research 0703

    349 C Panamerican Mathematics Journal 010132438 C Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: advances in mathematical theo 0102

    32439 C Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: advances in mathematical theo 0103

    32440 C Pentagon: a mathematics magazine for students 0101

    4373 C Periodica Polytechnica Transport Engineering 0905

    3808 C Periodica Polytechnica-Mechanical Engineering 0913

    5292 C Plant Soil and Environment 1214-1178 0503

    5004 C Plastics Rubber and Composites 1465-8011 0912

    1690 C Polymer Composites 0272-8397 0303

    1690 C Polymer Composites 0272-8397 0912

    1693 C Polymer International 0959-8103 0303

    1693 C Polymer International 0959-8103 0912

    1694 C Polymer Journal 0032-3896 0303

    1695 C Polymer Science Series A 0965-545X 0303

    1696 C Polymer Science Series B 1560-0904 0303

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    3542 C Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 0912

    1698 C Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 0360-2559 0303

    1699 C Polymers & Polymer Composites 0967-3911 0912

    1700 C Polymers for Advanced Technologies 1042-7147 0303

    687 C Portugaliae Mathematica 0101

    32443 C Pro Mathematica 0101

    906 C Probability and Mathematical Statistics 0104

    32444 C Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Georgian Academy 0101

    3712 C Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 0954-4089 0913

    4270 C Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 0954-4097 0905

    5059 C Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 0954-4119 0903

    5008 C Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers P 1464-4207 0912

    5212 C Progressive Agriculture in Arizona 0033-0744 07

    362 C Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen 0033-3883 0101

    32448 C Publications De Linstitut Mathematique 0101

    365 C Quaestiones Mathematicae 1607-3606 0101

    32450 C Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 0104

    33041 C Recherche Transports Scurit (Revue RTS) 1507

    32451 C Red-Mat: revista electronica del departamento de matematicas 0101

    32454 C Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo 0101

    374 C Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell'Universita di Padova 0101

    32455 C Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Universita e Politecnico di Torino 0101

    30951 C Rendiconti dell'Instituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste 0101

    5368 C Research on Crops 0703

    32457 C Review of Mathematical Science 0101

    702 C Revista Colombiana de Matematicas 0101

    32460 C Revista Mathematica 0101

    704 C Revue d'histoire des Mathematiques 2202

    32462 C Revues des Mathematiques de l'Enseignement Superieur 0101

    32463 C Ricerche di Matematica 0035-5038 0101

    5214 C Rivista di Agricoltura Subtropicale e Tropicale 0035-6026 0732465 C Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Izvestiya. Seriya Matematicheskaya 0101

    32466 C Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical 0927-6467 0103

    713 C Russian Mathematics 0101

    32467 C S A M S A Journal of Pure and Applicable Mathematics 0101

    30971 C Saitama Mathematical Journal 0101

    33771 C San Joaquin Agricultural Law Review 1801

    32471 C Sankt-Peterburgskii Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 1. Matematika, Mekhanik 0102

    32472 C Sankt-Peterburgskii Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 10. Prikladnaya Matemat 0101

    32473 C Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 0101

    5978 C Scandinavian Housing & Planning Research 0281-5737 1205

    32475 C Scientia. Series A: Mathematical Sciences 0101

    719 C Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 010132476 C Sequential Analysis 0747-4946 0104

    723 C Siberian Advances in Mathematics 0101

    724 C Siberian Mathematical Journal 0037-4466 0101

    32479 C Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki 0101

    31052 C Soil & Sediment Contamination 1532-0383 0503

    5294 C Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida Proceedings 0096-4522 0503

    5243 C Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 0038-0768 0503

    4072 C Solar Age 0914

    4073 C Solar Cells 0379-6787 0914

    402 C Soochow Journal of Mathematics 0101

    18484 C Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Economics 1402

    32483 C St. Petersburg University. Vestnik. Mathematics 0101

    32487 C Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 1387-0874 0104

    32488 C Statistical Methodology 1572-3127 0104

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    30990 C Statistical Methods and Applications 1618-2510 0104

    32489 C Statistics and Decisions 0104

    32490 C Statistics Surveys 0104

    865 C Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 0931-1955 0104

    32491 C Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 0104

    32492 C Stochastics: an international journal of probablitiy and stochastic process 0104

    7737 C Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica 0101

    32494 C Studies in Mathematics (Washington) 0101

    21038 C Studies in Regional and Urban Planning 1205

    32495 C Surveys on Mathematics for Industry 0102

    387 C SUT Journal of Mathematics 0101

    32498 C Symposia Mathematica 0101

    409 C Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 0049-2930 0101

    410 C Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences 0101

    20507 C Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications 0268-3679 1302

    20776 C Teaching Statistics 1303

    5217 C Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 07

    5218 C Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Miscellaneous Publication 07

    32499 C Textos de matematica Serie B 0101

    31003 C Thai Journal of Mathematics 0101

    871 C Theory of probabaility and Mathematical Statistics 0104

    19379 C Total Quality Management 0954-4127 1202

    19379 C Total Quality Management 0954-4127 1503

    19380 C Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 1478-3371 1503

    19686 C TOURISM 1

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