journal of research in personality, in press towards a resolution … · 2005-09-08 · personality...

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Journal of Research in Personality, in press

Towards a Resolution of the Personality Triad: Persons, Situations and Behaviors

David C. Funder

University of California, Riverside

David C. Funder

Department of Psychology

University of California, Riverside

Riverside, CA 92521

Data gathering for Funder & Colvin (1991) and Furr & Funder (2004), summarized in this paper,

was supported by NIMH grant R01-MH42427 to David Funder.

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The issue of the variant vs. invariant in personality often arises in different forms of the “person-

situation” debate, which is based on a false dichotomy between the personal and situational

determination of behavior. Previously reported data are summarized that demonstrate how

behavior can change greatly as a function of subtle situational changes while individual

consistency is strongly maintained. Further discussion considers the personal source of

behavioral invariance, the situational source of behavioral variation, the person-situation

interaction, the nature of behavior, and the “personality triad” of persons, situations, and

behaviors, in which each element is understood and predicted in terms of the other two. An

important goal for future research is further development of theories and methods for

conceptualizing and measuring the functional aspects of situations and of behaviors. One reason

for the persistence of the person situation debate may be that it serves as a proxy for a deeper,

implicit debate over values such as equality vs. individuality, determinism vs. free will, and

flexibility vs. consistency. However, these value dichotomies may be as false as the person-

situation debate that they implicitly drive.

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Towards a Resolution of the Personality Triad: Persons, Situations and Behaviors

The issue of the variant vs. invariant in personality translates into a concern over whether

the behavior of a typical person is consistent (invariant) enough across time and situations to be

usefully attributed to individual characteristics. The alternative possibility is that behavior is so

inconsistent (variable) that only the situation matters. For the past several decades this

fundamental issue has recurred in various forms and under various labels, the most common of

which is the “person situation debate” (Kenrick & Funder, 1988).

The persistence of this debate into the 21st century is something of a mystery. Since at

least the 1930’s, deep thinkers as diverse as Gordon Allport (1937) and Kurt Lewin (1951) have

argued that invidious comparisons miss the point because behavior is a function of an interaction

between the person and the situation. By the 1980’s this recognition had deteriorated into a

truism. Nowadays, everybody is an interactionist. Still, the argument persists. In the modern

personality literature, it is not unusual for the obligatory recital of interactionist clichés to be

immediately followed by some sort of implicit but clear revelation of which variable the writer

favors, usually the situation. Sometimes this preference is expressed subtly, such as via a

graceful paean to the flexible adaptivity of human nature. Other times expression is blatant, as in

citations of the “fundamental attribution error” (FAE) the putative tendency to think that aspects

of the person importantly contribute to behavior when really the situation is all that matters.

Gentler expositions of the FAE suggest that people emphasize the causal power of the person too

much, and the power of the situation not enough. Either way, to treat the relative contributions

of person and situation to behavior as a zero-sum game in this manner is to demonstrate the exact

misunderstanding that the interactionist consensus had supposedly risen above.

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Precisely because the interactionist consensus has become a truism, it is rarely if ever

closely examined. The purpose of the present article is to seek to begin such a re-examination. I

shall reframe the person-situation interaction in the determination of behavior in terms of a

“personality triad” of persons, situations, and behaviors, in which not only do the first two

elements determine the third, but each of the other pairs likewise determines the remainder. I

shall try to work through some of implications of this point of view, suggest directions, as

always, for future research, and finally end on a philosophical note that takes me far, far away

from any data.

The Situation and the Person

The person-situation debate has generated no shortage of arguments, but directly relevant

data remain scarce. To yield relevant data, the behavior of a sample of subjects must be directly

measured in more than one situation, so that their consistency can be assessed. Direct behavioral

measurement is difficult and expensive and accordingly has been rare in personality research

(Funder, 2001). Repeated behavioral measurement has been even rarer. The very recent

literature includes signs that this situation may be starting to change (e.g., Mehl & Pennebaker,

2002; Wolf, Borkenau, Angleitner, Riemann & Spinath, 2004), which is good, because when

behavior is directly measured on more than one occasion, illuminating analyses become possible.

To illustrate, consider a simple study Randy Colvin and I published a few years ago

(Funder & Colvin, 1991). One hundred and forty undergraduate subjects were observed in two

different experimental situations. In the first, two undergraduates of the opposite sex who had

never met before were shown into a small room containing little except a couch and a video

camera. The experimenter told them that they could “talk about whatever you like,” said he

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would be back in a few minutes, activated the camera (in plain view), and left. The second

situation occurred a few weeks later, and was exactly like the first, except that each subject was

paired with a different opposite-sex partner, and both of them were there for the second time.

The usual behavior in this situation amounted to a kind of getting-acquainted

conversation, but within that limit still varied widely across individuals. To capture this

variation, we employed an early version of the Riverside Behavioral Q-sort (RBQ; Funder, Furr

& Colvin, 2000), which included 62 items describing overt aspects of social interaction. Trained

research assistants viewed each videotape, and then sorted these items into a 9-step distribution

ranging from very characteristic to very uncharacteristic of the behavior of the individual who

was observed. Four research assistants viewed each tape and their ratings were averaged;

nobody rated or saw a given subject more than once.

The Situation. In essence, this is a simple repeated-measures experiment, with 62

dependent variables. Data analysis is equally simple. For each of the items, a repeated-measures

t-test can reveal whether the behavior it describes varied significantly between the two situations.

Some results are shown in Table 1 (for the full results, see the original article). At the first

session, subjects’ behavior was rated as relatively awkward, tense, disinterested, distant,

insecure, and fearful. But by the second session, behavior was observed to have become more

relaxed, socially skilled, interesting, expressive, fluent, and all-around enjoyable. These results

are not difficult to explain. At the second session, subjects were much more at ease. They had

been in the laboratory situation before, they had even met the research assistant, and the

environment had transformed itself from one that was strange and unpredictable to one in which

they visibly felt and acted much more comfortable. Overall, 20 of the 62 behavioral items

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changed between the two sessions (at the p < .05 level, at which about 4 would be expected by

chance), all of which are consistent with this interpretation.

This is exactly the kind of evidence so often used to demonstrate the power of the

situation, and rightfully so. While the two situations may at first glance seem only slightly

different, it is clear that on a psychological level the difference between being in an experiment

for the second time as opposed to the first time can be powerfully important, with major,

observable and even dramatic effects on behavior. In the psychological literature we have often

read phrases to the effect that seemingly small changes in situations can have major

psychological importance, and here we see a sterling example.

The Person. But what about behavioral consistency? Effects like these, and phrases such

as just mentioned, are often taken to imply that the consistency of behavior across these

situations, and therefore the influence of personality on behavior in them, is – must be – low.

However, the influence of personality is reflected in individual differences in behavior and that

requires a separate analysis.

The analysis is again simple. For each of the 62 behavioral items, one calculates a

Pearson correlation between individuals’ behavior at Time 1 and their behavior at Time 2. Some

of the results are reported in Table 2. As can be seen, the consistencies are numerous and

impressive. Some of the cross-situational correlations exceed .60. Our subjects were quite

consistent in the relative degree to which they spoke loudly, acted timidly, laughed, smiled, and

were expressive, unexpressive, awkward, and enthusiastic. Overall, 37 of the 62 correlations

calculated were significant at p < .001, of which 34 were higher than .30 (once touted as the

“personality coefficient”) and 25 were higher than .40 (only this last group is shown in Table 2;

for the complete results see Funder & Colvin, 1991).

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But wait. What’s so impressive about all this consistency? Weren’t these situations

pretty similar, after all? No. If the preceding analysis of behavioral change made no other point,

it surely made that one. These situations, seemingly similar on a superficial level, turned out to

be psychologically very different, and consequentially so. People felt differently between them

and changed their behavior accordingly. At the same time, they maintained their individuality.

The most fearful people in the first session were still the most fearful – compared to their peers –

in the second situation, the most expressive in the first situation were still the most expressive in

the second situation, and so forth.

Situations and Persons. The point of this demonstration is not that it is possible to

demonstrate impressive degrees of cross-situational consistency to behavior (although admittedly

it does make that point rather well), but that behavioral change and individual consistency are

orthogonal phenomena. Indeed, the same data here offer three lessons. First, they underline the

power of the situation – including seemingly minor aspects of situations – to change behavior in

major and important ways. Second, they demonstrate the impressive stability of individual

differences in behavior across situations. Third, they demonstrate the independence of

behavioral change and consistency, at the item level as well as at the aggregate level. In a further

analysis, we correlated the degree to which each of the 62 items changed (in mean level) across

the two situations with its cross-situational consistency correlation. The correlation was -.01.

The important contrast revealed in these data, therefore, is not the traditional one between

behavioral variance and invariance, but between examining behavior at the level of the sample as

opposed to the level of the individual. At the sample level, many behaviors changed across the

two situations – some did not. At the individual level, many behaviors maintained consistency

between the two situations; a few did not. But these were not necessarily the same behaviors.

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The -.01 correlation just mentioned demonstrates that the properties of a situation that make it

susceptible to mean level change across situations are unrelated to those that make it likely to

maintain individual differences across situations. Consider a single individual who was lucky

enough to be recruited for our study. Like most of his peers, he was probably much less nervous

at the second session than he was at the first session. At the same time, if he was more nervous

than most participants at the first session, he was probably still also more nervous than most

participants at the second session.

The moral of this story is that the variant and invariant in personality are not competing

phenomena, though they often are discussed as if they were. Except in the rare cases where

individual differences in behavior are utterly obliterated (are there any such?), one does not

imply anything about the other. This ought to be a basic methodological point understood by

everyone, certainly everyone with a Ph.D. in personality or social psychology. But I fear it is

not. One reason for this fear is that I still come across articles that trumpet the powerful effect of

situations on behavior as if they somehow undermine the importance of individual differences in

personality. (For some reason, I don’t see the reverse point made very often.) Until this stops,

demonstrations such as the one just summarized will continue to be necessary (see also Fleeson,

2001, 2004).

If the point of this demonstration is grasped, then the future of personality psychology

can (finally) become more interesting. In the remainder of this paper I shall briefly consider five

aspects of the field’s agenda: (1) the source of behavioral invariance, (2) the source of

behavioral variation, (3) the person-situation interaction, (4) the nature of behavior, and (5) the

personality triad of persons, situations and behaviors.

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The Source of Behavioral Invariance

A definitive task for personality psychology is to further explicate the source of the

behavioral invariance or behavioral consistency that is repeatedly found, irrespective of the

situation. The first step in this enterprise is to assimilate the patterns of behavioral consistency to

broader traits that subsume and begin to explain them. For example, it is not difficult to

assimilate many of the consistent behaviors in Table 2 to a trait we could reasonably call

extraversion, which implies that people are consistent across these two situations because they

possess varying degrees of this trait and express it in both contexts. The next step is to seek the

source of the trait, with the usual suspects being genes, the environment and, of course, their

interaction. (Indeed, the “nature-nurture” controversy parallels the “person-situation”

controversy in many ways, including its putative resolution (interactionism) and its conceptual


For example, to seek the source of the consistencies illustrated in Table 2, one might

investigate the child-rearing tactics that produce extraverted children, the temperamental bases of

extraversion, and the way these two elements interact. This is the traditional and honorable

agenda of personality psychology, and much has been accomplished along these lines. Still,

much remains to be done, especially concerning the way personality is manifested in behavior

(Funder, 2001).

A key aspect of this research tradition is that it ignores behavioral variation due to the

situation. Critics of personality psychology often lament this fact. But if one is interested in the

stable characteristics of a person that contribute to his or her behavior regardless of the situation

he or she inhabits, this is really the only way to proceed. Once a researcher has assessed the

ways in which people consistently act differently from each other, it becomes possible to seek

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the sources of these individual differences. It can be useful to ignore the situation in order to

highlight the ways in which people are different from each other.

The Source of Behavioral Variation

The situation is important too, of course. But it is difficult to pin down just how

situations are important, in part because of the common but unilluminating practice of assigning

“the situation” responsibility for all the behavioral variance not accounted for by a particular

personality trait, without specifying what aspects of the situation are psychologically essential

(Ahadi & Diener, 1989, Funder & Ozer, 1983). There is a good deal of confusion concerning

how situations should be conceptualized.

On the one hand, it has frequently been argued that the psychologically important aspects

of situations lie in the eye of the beholder. As Gordon Allport wrote, “similarity is personal”

(1937, p. 283). Bem and Allen (1974) argued that “the classification of situations…will have to

be in terms of the individual’s phenomenology, not the investigator’s” (1974, p. 518), and

Mischel has observed that “any given, objective stimulus condition may have a variety of effects,

depending on how the individual construes and transforms it” (1977, p. 253). These comments

might seem to imply that the only valid way to assess a situation would be ask each individual in

it for his or her possibly idiosyncratic perceptions of its salient aspects.

On the other hand, there are reasons to wish for a more objective conceptualization that

does not require a situation to be redefined anew for each individual who encounters it. Allport

also acknowledged that “some basic modes of adjustment…from individual to individual are

approximately the same” (1937, p. 298), by which he meant that while each individual’s view of

reality is ultimately unique there is enough overlap from one person to another to allow

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meaningful and useful classification of stimuli. Moreover, people are not always aware of the

aspects of situations that drive their behavior; behavioral as well as psychoanalytic

psychotherapy begins with an attempt to identify the aspects of the client’s life that importantly

affect his or her behavior, and often one problem turns out to be that the client is not initially

aware of what these are. A further consideration is that an objective conceptualization of

situations raises the possibility of experimental or therapeutic manipulation. If the behaviorally

effective aspects of a situation can be identified, then the situation can be changed to affect

behavior in the desired way, at least on average.

The most important reason for psychologists to seek objective ways of conceptualizing

situations is that to define a situation in terms of the perceptions of the persons in it runs the risk

of circularity. If a situation is defined as “hostility evoking” for a particular person because it

makes this particular person feel “hostile,” there is no way to separate out the degree to which

the person is dispositionally hostile all the time from the degree to which the situation would

deeply aggravate anybody. A related concern is that the “eye of the beholder” conceptualization

of situations is suspiciously similar to the post-modern, deconstructionist philosophy that has

influenced literary criticism and much of the rest of the humanities, a philosophy that is

interesting but also, it could be argued, fundamentally anti-scientific.

The distinction between personal and objective definitions of situations was addressed in

a pair of studies recently published by Mike Furr and myself (Furr & Funder, 2004). Study I was

based on the same Harvard data set that was the basis of the demonstration summarized earlier.

After the end of their second experimental session, the participants in that study were asked to

rate, on a simple Likert scale, “how similar” they found the two situations to be. We correlated

these ratings with a variable-centered and a person-centered measure of each individual’s

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behavioral consistency across the two situations, and in both cases found a positive correlation (r

= .28 and r = .23, respectively, p < .01 for both). The more similar a person rated the two

situations, the more consistently he or she behaved across them. This finding confirms that the

“same” two situations can differ in how similar they seem to different participants, and the

subjective similarity in turn is behaviorally consequential.

Study II looked at objective similarity. In this study, the behavior of 180 undergraduates

at the University of California, Riverside was videotaped in each of 6 situations with two

different partners as they performed three different tasks. Thus, 9 “similar” pairs of these

situations objectively shared one element (either the partner or task), and 6 “dissimilar” pairs

shared neither element. Again, the behavioral consistency was assessed using a variable-

centered and person-centered measure, and in both cases objective situational similarity had a

strong effect on behavioral consistency – 95% of the individual participants and 98% of the

behavioral variables assessed were more consistent across the similar than across the dissimilar


These findings are good news. People are more consistent across “more similar”

situations, compared to dissimilar situations, no matter whether the assessment of consistency is

variable centered or person centered, and whether situational similarity is defined subjectively or

objectively. These findings reassure us that participants have some degree of access to and

ability to rate the behaviorally important aspects of the situations they find themselves in. They

also suggest that the psychologically salient aspects of situations enter the mind of the beholder

via his or her contact with objective reality. Most people don’t hallucinate. Their subjective

representation of reality, which is what matters at a psychological level, is typically closely

related to the objective nature of reality. This is a good thing, because it means that objective

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features of situations, such as the identity of the participants or the nature of the task, are

reasonable to include in psychological analysis. The objective basis of subjectivity also is what

makes possible phenomena such as social interaction, civilization, and survival. While it is true

that one’s behavior with respect to a cliff depends upon one’s subjective representation of it,

jumping off of it is a bad idea, objectively speaking.

The particular variables that objectively defined the situations in the Furr study were ad

hoc and used only because they were available – surely there is more to a situation than the

identity of one’s partner and the task one is assigned. An important future direction for

personality psychology, therefore, is to begin to formulate the variables that psychologically

characterize situations. Most of the few, early attempts in the current literature seem to focus on

lexical analyses (e.g., Van Heck, Perugini, Caprara & Froeger, 1994; Yang, Read & Miller,

2005, who used Chinese idioms), but ultimately the test of the adequacy of a set of situational

variables will be the degree to which they can predict and are useful for explaining behavior (see,

e.g., Kelly, Holmes, Kerr, Reis, Rusbust & Van Lange, 2003; Ten Berge & De Raad, 2002).

The Person-situation Interaction

As was mentioned earlier, the claim that behavior is best conceptualized as the result of

an interaction between the person and the situation has attained the status of a truism. There is

something ironic, therefore, in the fact that reliable and replicable interactions have proven

difficult to find (Chaplin, 1991). Indeed, when one looks again at the robust main effects of both

the situation and the person in Tables 1 and 2, it is possible to wonder how much stable and

meaningful behavioral variance is really left for the person-situation interaction to account for.

Every practicing psychological researcher knows that robust main effects are much easier to find

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than are replicable two-way (not to mention higher-order) interactions, and the literature as a

whole contains remarkably few. This observation does not mean that person-situation

interactions are not important, but it does caution us that we should not expect them to be

ubiquitously strong, easy to find, or replicable.

If-then patterns. One prominent way to conceptualize the person-situation interactions is

in terms of what Mischel and Shoda (1995) call “if-then” patterns of behavioral variability, as is

illustrated in one of their figures reproduced in Figure 1. The Figure illustrates that while Person

A and Person B have the same average level of Behavior X, the pattern of the expression of this

behavior across situations is different for the two individuals. For example, Behavior X is

equally likely for both persons in Situation 3, more likely for Person B than for Person A in

Situation 4, and more likely for Person A than for Person B in Situation 8. Mischel and Shoda

suggest that this is how psychologists should conceptualize not just person-situation interactions

but individual differences in general. Their approach enjoys an important advantage over the

conventional method of regarding Person A and Person B as equivalent in their average

manifestation of Behavior X, by showing that this similarity potentially hides important

differences in the patterns of their behavior.

This conceptualization also raises several questions. One set of questions is empirical,

and arises from the fact that Person A, Person B and Behavior X, and their elegant patterns, are

all hypothetical. While a few empirical demonstrations have been reported recently (e.g.,

Wright, 2001), it is still not clear how often this kind of within-person behavioral variability will

be found, how often it will be stable, and how often it will be meaningful. The difficulties

already mentioned that psychologists have had in finding strong and replicable person-situation

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interactions suggest that whatever empirical success the if-then conceptualization achieves, it

will not be won easily.

Two further questions are theoretical. First, are the if-then patterns such as shown in

Figure 1 completely idiographic? If so, then personality assessment would seem to demand a

different set of if-then charts for every possible behavior, for every person on earth – a daunting

prospect. Second, what is the source of these if-then patterns? Classic behaviorism would

suggest that each individual’s unique pattern of behavior is a function of his or her unique

learning history. If that is the case, then the if-then conceptualization of personality amounts to a

restatement of some of the more orthodox teachings of B.F. Skinner. More reasonably, it seems

likely that “basic modes of adjustment…from individual to individual are approximately the

same” (Allport), which implies that a relatively small number of if-then patterns per behavior

may be sufficient to account for most individuals. For example, if at a party then most people try

to have fun, whereas if at a funeral then most people are inclined to be serious. To the extent a

pattern like this holds for all individuals, the approach reduces to an analysis of the main effects

of situations. To the extent a pattern like this holds for all individuals but individuals still vary

on their mean levels of behavior, then the if-then approach becomes equivalent to an analysis of

traits. And to the extent that a limited number of person-situation patterns is sufficient to

account for the behavior of most individuals, then the approach amounts to a revival of the type

approach to personality – each type being characterized by its own if-then behavioral pattern.

Template matching. A different way to conceptualize the person-situation interaction is

to conceptualize situations in terms of the behaviors that different kinds of people perform in

them (Bem & Funder, 1978). For example, consider two undergraduate institutions, UC

Berkeley and Harvey Mudd College. The kind of student likely to succeed at Berkeley is

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assertive, sociable, and self-motivated. A student who is less assertive, less socially engaged and

who needs a more constant diet of external support and guidance is more likely to thrive at

Harvey Mudd. Notice how nothing has yet been said about the relative enrollment, social

atmosphere, or amount of faculty guidance provided at these two institutions, but already a clear

view of their differences has begun to emerge. Bem and Funder called this conceptualization of

situations “template matching,” in which templates describing the persons expected to have

particular behavioral outcomes are matched with particular situations. An empirical example

was their demonstration study concerning delay of gratification, in which the children who

waited longest for a preferred reward (raisins vs. pretzels) were independently characterized not

as possessed of iron will and consummate self-control, but rather as being sweet, obedient,

cooperative and not particularly intelligent. This finding implied that Bem and Funder’s version

of this experimental paradigm tapped into a tendency to cooperate with experimenter’s wishes

more than it revealed mechanisms underlying self-control.

The next step that is required both for Mischel’s “if-then” and Bem and Funder’s

template-matching approach to person-situation interactions is a method for the description of

the psychologically important aspects of situations. The hypothetical situations labeled 1-10 in

Figure 1, as well as the delay of gratification situation and others studied by Bem and Funder,

will both yield more understanding of the dynamics underlying behavior when psychology has

developed a way to conceptualize and measure the aspects of them that are psychologically

relevant. As was mentioned earlier, this enterprise is barely begun.

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The Nature of Behavior

If situations are under-studied, the matter is even worse when it comes to behaviors.

When, as in Figure 1, a psychologist charts the expression of Behavior X, does it matter what

kind of behavior X is? If so, how can we think about differences between different kinds of

behaviors? Only a very few attempts to begin to answer this question have been ventured. Both

B.F. Skinner (1938) and David McClelland (1984) – psychologists who otherwise were about as

different as can be imagined – argued that it was important to differentiate between “operant”

and “respondent” behaviors. Briefly, operant behaviors are those that are expressed

spontaneously and are in that sense “emitted” by the organism, whereas respondent behaviors are

reactions to particular stimuli and are in that sense “elicited” by the environment. It would seem

to follow, therefore, that individuals’ operant behaviors should be more consistent across

situations than are their respondent behaviors, a prediction that was confirmed in a study by

Funder and Colvin (1991). More recently, the study cited earlier by Mike Furr and myself (Furr

& Funder, 2004) gathered ratings of behaviors included in the Riverside Behavioral Q-set

(Funder, Furr & Colvin 2000) as to the degree to which they were “automatic” as opposed to

“controlled.” Automatic behaviors included such behaviors as laughing and acting in an

animated or expressive fashion. Controlled behaviors included offering advice and expressing

criticism. Over all the behaviors assessed, ratings of the degree to which a behavior was

automatic as opposed to controlled correlated with cross-situational consistency with an r = .50.

While much more remains to be done, the general lesson is clear. Not all behaviors are

alike. Personality psychology needs to move beyond analyses of “Behavior X,” because

Behavior Y might be very different. Some behaviors are more consistent than others, and no

doubt they differ in other important ways as well.

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The Personality Triad

At the core of everything discussed in this article, and perhaps also at the core of

personality psychology itself, lies the personality triad, which consists of (1) persons, (2)

situations, and (3) behaviors (Funder, 2001, 2004; see also Bem, 1983). A useful way to

conceptualize each of these three fundamental elements to personality might be in terms of the

other two. A person, for example, can be thought of as the sum total of all of his or her

behaviors in all the real and potential situations of his or her life. This is not very different from

Mischel’s “if-then” conceptualization of personality. In a similar way, a psychological situation

can be thought of in terms of the kinds of people who would be expected to perform specified

behaviors in it. For example, as we have seen, a college environment could be characterized by

the kinds of students who are most likely to succeed and fail, and an experimental delay of

gratification situation can be characterized by the kinds of children likely to delay the longest.

This is parallel to Bem and Funder’s template-matching approach. Finally, and closest to the

classic Lewinian conception of interactions, a fruitful way to conceptualize the psychological

nature of a behavior might be in terms of situations in which different kinds of people perform it.

For example, it might become useful to think of behaviors such as aggression or altuism in terms

of the person-situation combinations under which their expression becomes most likely, and such

an analysis might illuminate the psychological dynamics that underlie them.

A second and related implication of the personality triad is that in a fully developed

psychological science each of these three terms ought to be derivable from the other two (Figure

2). For example, if one knew and understood everything about a person and about the situation

he or she is in, it ought to be possible to predict what he or she will do (again, this is the classic

Lewinian position). By the same token, if one knew everything about a behavior and about a

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situation, it ought to be possible to predict the kind of person who would act that way under

those circumstances. Finally, if one knew everything about a person and the behavior he or she

is performing, it ought to be possible to say something about the situation he or she is in.

This analysis reminds us of how persons, situations and behaviors are tightly intertwined.

It can be useful to average an individual’s behavior across situations to highlight how he or she is

different from another individual. It can be useful to average across the behaviors of a group of

individuals to highlight how behavior in that situation is different from behavior in another

situation. And, it can be useful to cross those two kinds of variables, treating them as

independent, in order to illuminate one form of person-situation interaction. But these analyses,

useful as they are, can be potentially misleading if they lead us to forget the mutual dependence

of these variables. A situation without people in it has no psychological meaning at all. Every

behavior has to be done by somebody, somewhere. A person cannot exist outside of a situation,

and a person who has ceased to emit behavior is dead.


The present paper has argued that personality psychology still has much to do to

understand the source and dynamics of person variables, to develop the conceptualization and

measurement of situations, and to begin serious consideration of the diverse nature of what has

traditionally been monolithically referred to as “behavior.” At the same time, it is abundantly

clear from every analysis of theory and data that the traditional dichotomy between the person

and the situation, in which one gains power only as the other loses, is a false dichotomy and

therefore that the person-situation debate is and always was a false debate. So why does the

debate persist? Why, for example, do psychologists continue to speak naively of a “fundamental

Personality Triad 20

attribution error” that derives directly from a dichotomy that they know, or ought to know, to be


Discussions of this putative error and other persistent manifestations of person-situation

dichotomization make so little overt sense that one is led to suspect that deeper values and even

ideologies may be at stake. Indeed, it is not difficult to think of moral and political values that a

situationist outlook might serve, beginning with a basic belief in human equality, and ranging

further to include beliefs that one enjoys free will only when one can cast off of the shackles of

selfhood and invent oneself anew in every situation one encounters, and even ideologies of

victimization in which nothing anybody does is her or her fault because behavior is really caused

by society, the media, or parental mistakes. The other, person side, begins with an assumption

that “one size fits all” is not an appropriate framework for understanding human nature. A

person-centered approach might also be seen as favoring values such as a belief that free will

resides in the capacity to be true to oneself regardless of the situation one finds oneself in, and

that an important purpose in life is to develop a consistent self that seeks to take control of one’s

own destiny rather than remain a pawn of external forces. Values like these, while generally

implicit rather than explicit, are deeply held indeed, and I wonder how often debates about data

interpretation are really proxies for disagreements concerning the meaning of life.

Perhaps the final resolution of the person-situation debate can teach us that the

dichotomies that underlie the competition between these values, like the person-situation contrast

itself, are false. For example, does acknowledging the influence of social conditions on life

outcomes really make personal responsibility irrelevant? Is individual freedom of action really

incompatible with being true to oneself? Must we choose between these core values, and

continue to argue (perhaps implicitly) in favor of one at the expense of the other? If a close

Personality Triad 21

analysis of the data and theory related to the continuity and discontinuity of personality can lead

to a clear comprehension that the answer to these and related questions really is “no,” then

personality psychology, and one of its core debates, will have made a useful contribution to

human understanding.

Personality Triad 22


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Personality Triad 25

Table 1

The Effect of the Situation: Mean Differences in Behavior between the First and Second

Experimental Session

Behavioral Q-sort Item Session 1 Session 2 t

Items Higher at Session 1

Talks at rather than with partner 3.98 3.51 4.96

Exhibits an awkward interpersonal style 4.19 3.60 4.50

Shows physical signs of tension or anxiety 5.19 4.66 3.76

Shows lack of interest in the interaction 3.98 3.55 3.33

Keeps partner at a distance 4.81 4.40 2.97

Expresses insecurity or sensitivity 4.77 4.49 2.93

Behaves in a fearful or timid manner 3.98 3.64 2.85

Items Higher at Session 2

Exhibits social skills 5.94 6.46 4.65

Appears to be relaxed and comfortable 5.56 6.13 3.98

Says or does interesting things 5.78 6.08 2.79

Is expressive in face, voice or gestures 5.11 5.42 2.68

Note. N = 140, df = 138. All differences are significant at p < .01. Table is adapted and

abbreviated from Funder & Colvin, 1991, Table 5, p. 783. Reprinted by permission.

Personality Triad 26

Table 2:

The Effect of the Person: Cross-situational Consistency Correlations between the First and

Second Experimental Session

Behavioral Q-sort Item r

Speaks in a loud voice .70

Behaves in a fearful or timid manner .65

Laughs frequently .63

Is expressive in face, voice or gestures .63

Is reserved an unexpressive .62

Exhibits an awkward interpersonal style .60

Smiles frequently .60

Behaves in a cheerful manner .60

Has high enthusiasm and energy level .59

Speaks quickly .59

Exhibits social skills .58

Engages in constant eye contact with partner .57

Expresses insecurity or insensitivity .56

Appears to regard self physically attractive .55

Shows lack of interest in the interaction .54

Appears to be relaxed and comfortable .48

Exhibits condescending behavior .47

Shows physical signs of tension or anxiety .45

Is unusual or unconventional in appearance .45

Personality Triad 27

Exhibits high degree of intelligence .44

Acts in an irritable fashion .43

Behaves in a masculine or feminine style or manner .43

Seems to genuinely enjoy interaction with partner .42

Speaks fluently and expresses ideas well .42

Initiates humor .41

Expresses cynicism or skepticism .40

Note. N = 140. All correlations are significant at p < .001 (two tailed). Table is adapted and

abbreviated from Funder & Colvin, 1991, Table 2, p. 780. Reprinted by permission.

Personality Triad 28

Figure 1

Figure Caption. Illustration of Mischel and Shoda’s “if-then” conceptualization of individual

differences in behavior. The chart shows the conditional probability of Behavior X for

persons A and B across Situations 1-12. From Mischel and Shoda, 1995, Figure 1, p.

247. Reprinted by permission.

Personality Triad 29

Figure 2

The Personality Triad

Situation = Behavior x Person

Person = Situation x Behavior

Behavior = Person x Situation

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