jordon paschal and deon rogers comm 303

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Jordon Paschal&

Deon Rogers

Comm 303

Final Project

What The World will Look like InCommunication Technology

In 2022


• Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations

• Moore’s Innovation Adoption Rate

• Critical Mass Theory

• Social Information Processing

• Uses and Gratifications Theory

• Media System Dependency Theory

• Social Learning Theory/Social Cognitive Theory

• The Theory of the Long Tail

• The Principle of Relative Constancy

• The Umbrella Perspective on Communication Technology

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations

• Knowledge-In this stage the individual is first exposed to an innovation but lacks information about the innovation. During this stage of the process the individual has not been inspired to find more information about the innovation.

• Persuasion-In this stage the individual is interested in the innovation and actively seeks information/detail about the innovation.

• Decision- In this stage the individual takes the concept of the change and weighs the advantages/disadvantages of using the innovation and decides whether to adopt or reject the innovation. Due to the individualistic nature of this stage Rogers notes that it is the most difficult stage to acquire empirical evidence

• Implementation-In this stage the individual employs the innovation to a varying degree depending on the situation. During this stage the individual determines the usefulness of the innovation and may search for further information about it.

• Confirmation-In this stage the individual finalises his/her decision to continue using the innovation. This stage is both intrapersonal and interpersonal, confirmation the group has made the right decision.

Moore’s Innovation Adoption Rate

• Suggest that the marketer should focuses on group of customers at a time. Most of these technologies may start off in businesses. When thinking about our technologies we focuses on the business professionals first. The technologies will not be cheap though mainly for the rich and wealthy.

• Also talk about how things will only get adopted if there is a major new benefit that comes with it.

Critical Mass Theory

• The Critical Mass Theory explains the use of communication technologies being use worldwide. We have the power to make these technologies better and better. Instead of use waiting for things to happen we can make it happen faster.

Social Learning Theory/Social Cognitive Theory

• Social learning theory and Social Cognitive Theory both influence learning, socialization, and experience. They also relate to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences.

• So In 2022, the technology that we invent will be toward our social benefit.

Uses and Gratifications Theory

• Gratification Theory is the pleasurable emotional reaction of happiness in response to a fulfillment of a goal.

• I-phone could be a perfect example because apple was happy that they made I-phones and they achieved their popularity goal because everyone is buying I-phones.

Media System Dependency Theory

• Media System Dependency Theory talks about our relationship between the media and our society. The media plays a major role in our society.

The Theory of the Long Tail

• The theory of the Long Tail is that our culture and economy is increasingly shifting away from a focus on a relatively small number of "hits" (mainstream products and markets) at the head of the demand curve and toward a huge number of niches in the tail.

• For example, apple is going to be selling I-phones forever because people love the phone and they keep make better versions of the I-phone to keep the demand high.

The Principle of Relative Constancy

• The Principle of Relative Constancy is a model for analyzing how much money is spent on media by both consumers and advertisers.

• For example, Michael Jordan pays to advertise on the same channel consumers pays to watch.

The Umbrella Perspective on Communication Technology

• The Umbrella Perspective is broken down into5 parts: The Social System, The OrganizationalInfrastructure, Hardware, Software and the User.

• These 5 parts helps us understandcommunication technology.

Cell Phones

Old cell Phones Cell phones in 2022

Cloud memory

• In 2022 this is where all information will be stored there will be no more need for a hard drive.

Smart Screen Technology

Cars in 2022

Computers in 2022

This Is the way we will watch television in 2022

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