
Post on 16-Jan-2017






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Jon C May

ABOUT MEA Pioneer In Training...

...Jon exemplified the qualities of a true tipping point leader, quickly leveraging the strengths and minimizing the weaknesses of the organi-

zation. He is a force to be reckoned with.” - Phillip Adepbiembe Inc. Buying/Purchasing

What is a Pioneer in Training you ask? They are someone who never seeks to settle for what is but always desires to help shape what will be, they are always in training because the never stop learning from others or themselves.

In grade school my favorite subjects were anthro-pology, psychology, world history, and art (although I wasn’t really good at art). Put all those together and what do you get?... Marketing and Advertising, yes you read right, advertising and marketing are all about understanding how people think, react, and feel. This made me want to be a part of the special moments a really creative marketing and advertising campaign can create.

Because of that desire I have worked in marketing and advertising with companies such as: NBC, Turner Broad-casting, Fox, and CNN, helping to gain over $1 billion dollars in box office revenue. I helped promote for the biggest sporting event in the world, Super Bowl XLV, and served in leadership as CEO of my own media marketing firm that consulted for one of the biggest college sport-ing events in the Atlanta Area bringing in over 300,000 attendees and millions of dollars in revenue for charita-ble organizations including The 100 Black Men of Amer-ica. and I’m just getting started...

As I continue to learn about what it takes to truly be sucessful in

these industries; I begin to see a clearer vision of how I would like to

impact it and how I would like it to impact me.

One of my main goals is to either work as project manager or brand

manager for an amazing and innovative firm or a truly captivating

brand. Not only at prolific firms like Wieden + Kennedy or Young & Rubicom, or brands like Coca-Cola or Nike, but also smaller firms

and up and coming brands that I can help grow from unknowns

to powerhouseses. This gives me some of my best motivation and

inspiration to spend hours trying to make something unknown,


Eventually I want to use those skils to become a principal of a firm

and help to lead it into the future as a flagship of the industry.


“Always have a healthy disregard for the impossible...”

There has to be this PIONEER, who has the ambiton to overcome obstacles...

I” didnt start out knowing everything, and I still don’t

But I wont stop trying to learn ; from failure and

success. “

LEARNING FROM THE BEST...My first real encounter with Marketing and Adver-tising came at Liquid Soul Media. A prestiguos and award winning lifestyle marketing agency. As an intern at Liquid Soul Media my tasks included: help-ing create new business development and account managementThrough which I helped arrange and execute over multiple large scale promotions at events with over 800,000 attendees annually, such as Atlanta Clas-sic, Essence Music Festival, and Dub Auto Show, also I helped Liquid Soul gain new clients such as NBC, and Sony Alcon bringing in in over $1 Million in new revenue..

LEARNING FROM TRIAL AND ERROR..In 2012 I decided to use the skills I had learned to start my own small business to help market to milleni-als in the Tallahassee and Southeast area. As CEO of Xcentric Media, I Lead a team of extremely creative minds on projects ranging from social media cam-paigns, web commercials, to flash mobs. Some of the many duties as CEO included: enthusiastically selling solutions to customer to work specifically towards growing business or conveying a desired message.Ultimately myself and the other owners parted ways after graduation, but not before I learned so much about myself and what it takes to wake up everyday with a desire to succeed.

“...turn mirrors into windows.”

Management is motivating people to do their best...





Project Management is the part of advertising and marketing that brings elements of both entrpreuership, team building, and pure creativity into one job its about knowing what those goals are and inspiring yourself and your team to achieve them. Thats why I love it so much...

After Effects / Visual Effects Photoshop / Image Editing Software

Illustrator/ Vector Illustrating Indesign/ Print/Publishing Software

Although I am still not an expert when it comes to creative design software, I believe that a basic understanding of the software is important for anyone in the advertising and marketing indus-try, It allows you to better communicate with advanced creatives, and get your message across intellegently.

Design isn’t what it looks like. Design is what it feels like...

“The supreme accomplishment is to blur the lines between WORK and PLAY.”

Bealls Hometown Hero / Social Media Marketing,Influencer Marketing, Print &Digital

NBC-Universal / Market Research & Influencer Marketing bellamy/Brand Development

He has an excellent understanding of what it takes to successfully plan execute and complete a project. I strongly believe that he would make an outstanding asset to any team.” - Nick F. Nelson CMO/Founder of Liquid Soul

Video Production & Social Marketing

Promptional Items & Influencer Events

Lavish Ent.


Video Production

Influencer Events Screenings & College Outreach

FAMU Athletics

CNN Black In America 2

I believe that Jon May, has the tremendous caliber to achieve, and will be a tremendous asset as part of a new batch of mil-lennial game changers...” - Troy Harris Global Brand Manager at AT&T Inc.

Brand Development

Promotional Items, Influencer Events & Contest & Giveaways

Gigil Childrens Appearal

Lottery Ticket

“Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it’s produced the most extraordinary results in human culture.”

Jon C May

901 Riggins Rd Apt 735Tallahassee, FL 32308

Phone : 850.566.0522Email :


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