jonah 1 - reluctant missionaries 1 - reluctant missionaries questions for study & discussion 1....

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Jonah 1 - Reluctant MissionariesNotes from the Message (October 3, 2010)



Jonah 1 - Reluctant MissionariesQuestions for Study & Discussion

1. Jonah 1:1-3 introduce the main themes of the book. From just these three verses, what is this book about?

2. Why did Jonah try to run away from God’s command for him to call out against the city of Nineveh (see 4:2)? What sins did Jonah commit in his attitudes and actions?

3. What was Jonah’s view of the Ninevites and why? Who do you tend to view in the same way? Explain.

4. What details indicate the severity of the storm? What does this tell us about God’s sovereignty over us and creation?

5. How would you compare the behavior of Jonah with the behavior of the sailors? What is admirable about the sailors’ response to what they learned about Yahweh?

6. Jonah acknowledges his guilt in verses 11-12. Do you think he is truly repentant at this point?


7. What was Jonah’s motive in asking the sailors to throw him overboard?

8. What practical lessons do we learn from Jonah’s actions and God’s responses in this chapter?

9. How would you compare the behavior of Jonah as a prophet with the behavior of Christ the prophet?

10. What do we learn about God’s character from the last few verses of the chapter? How have you seen God display similar character attributes in your life?

11. When was the last time God nudged you to speak his truth to someone who needed to hear it? How did you respond?

Scripture Memory: Ephesians 2:13But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.


Jonah 2 - Overwhelmed by GraceNotes from the Message (October 10, 2010)



Jonah 2 - Overwhelmed by GraceQuestions for Study & Discussion

1. What does God’s use of the fish tell us about Him?

2. How does Jonah’s prayer reflect his perspective of the events that have transpired so far? What are his thoughts and feelings?

3. How does Jonah’s perspective in this chapter differ from what we read in the opening verses of chapter 1?

4. Is the salvation that Jonah speaks of in chapter 2 referring primarily to his being rescued from physical death or to his being delivered from the wrath of God? What is the significance of this?

5. What do verses 8-9 tell us about salvation? How should these verses direct our view of the lost?

6. Does your response to salvation mirror Jonah’s? How might you apply the perspective and words in Jonah’s prayer to your own life?


7. What connection does Christ make between Himself and Jonah’s experience in the belly of the fish in Matthew 12:39-41? How were Jonah and Christ different? How were they similar?

8. Do you think Jonah learned humility from this experience? Do you think he understood mercy? Why or why not?

9. Describe a time God took you down into a “pit.” What did he accomplish in your life through that experience?

10. How might this chapter affect the way you respond to temptation, suffering, and affliction?

Scripture Memory: Ephesians 2:14For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.


Jonah 3 - Surprising SalvationNotes from the Message (October 17, 2010)



Jonah 3 - Surprising SalvationQuestions for Study & Discussion

1. What is significant about the phrase “a second time” in verse 1? How are Jonah’s actions different this time? What does this reveal about the development of his character?

2. How does Jonah’s experience in chapters 1-2 prepare him for his call and mission in 3:1? How does this parallel our own experience and mission?

3. Write down all the information we find about the city of Nineveh (note also 1:2 and 4:11).

4. What was Jonah’s message? Was this the totality of Jonah’s message or do you think there was more to it?

5. What view of God do the Ninevites display in this chapter?

6. What is faith? How did the Ninevites exemplify it?


7. What is repentance? How did the Ninevites exemplify it (note Matthew 12:41), and what evidence is there that the repentance was sincere?

8. How quickly do you repent from sin when it is brought to your attention? Is your repentance genuine?

9. Does the fact that God relented from bringing disaster and wrath on the city compromise the authenticity of His words in 3:4? Explain.

10. How is God’s heart towards the lost displayed in this chapter? Can you think of other passages in Scripture that reveal similar aspects of God’s heart?

11. How has God shown compassion toward you?

Scripture Memory: Ephesians 2:18-19For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.


Jonah 4 - Relentless MercyNotes from the Message (October 24, 2010)



Jonah 4 - Relentless MercyQuestions for Study & Discussion

1. What are the three questions God asks of Jonah? What is significant about each question?

2. What was Jonah’s reaction to the city’s repentance? Why?

3. What does Jonah say he knows about God in verse 2? Is this accurate? Do you ever have a similar reaction to God’s compassion on other people?

4. Why did Jonah continue to sit outside the city to see what would happen to it? What was he waiting for?

5. What did Jonah think and feel about the shade plant (vs. 6)? How did he react when it died (vs. 8-9)?

6. What was wrong with Jonah’s understanding and estimation of himself? Of the Ninevites? Of God? How do you fall into the same kind of thinking?


7. Jonah is more concerned with petty things than he is with the fate of thousands of people. What petty things overshadow your desire to see people saved?

8. Does God’s treatment of you motivate you to extend his grace to the people around you? Why or why not?

9. How do you view the lost– especially those dramatically different than yourself? Does your heart reflect the heart of God, or the heart of Jonah? How does it need to change?

10. How do we avoid the dangerous tendency that Jonah succumbed to?

Scripture Memory: Ephesians 2:22In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.





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