joint spatial and radical analysis network for...

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Joint Spatial and Radical Analysis Network ForDistorted Chinese Character Recognition

Changjie Wu, Zi-Rui Wang, Jun Du, Jianshu Zhang, Jiaming WangNational Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing

University of Science and Technology of ChinaHefei, Anhui, P. R. China,,,,

Abstract—Recently, a novel radical analysis network (RAN)has been proposed for Chinese characters recognition (CCR).The key idea is treating a Chinese character as a composition ofradicals rather than a single character class. Compared with tra-ditional learning ways, two serious issues in CCR, i.e., enormouscategories and limited training data, can be effectively alleviated.In this paper, we further excavate the potential capability of RAN.First, we validate RAN can reduce the equivariant requirementof regular convolutional neural network (CNN) owing to finermodeling and a local-to-global recognition process, especiallyconsidering the rotation transformation. This modeling approachof RAN can be regarded as one instance of compositional models.Second, we propose a joint spatial and radical analysis network(JSRAN) to handle more general situation in which the testdata includes kinds of affine transformations. No matter forrotated printed Chinese characters or natural scene, JSRAN canoutperform RAN and traditional CNN-based classifier. Finally,according to visualization analysis, we empirically explain whyJSRAN can yield a remarkable improvement.

Index Terms—Chinese characters, Radical analysis, Spatialtransformer, Attention


Chinese characters recognition (CCR) has a widespreadapplication and has been studied for decades. All researchefforts can be divided into two categories, namely character-based CCR (CCCR) [1], [2] and radical-based CCR (RCCR)[3]–[5].

Due to the large number of characters in Chinese dictio-nary, the character-based approaches usually focus on 3755common Chinese characters [2] and can achieve excellentrecognition accuracy with deep learning [6]. However, thiskind of approach has obvious shortcomings: 1) Training dataneed exponential growth with the increasing of classes; 2) Nocapability to handle unseen situations. The shortcomings canbe described as combinatorial explosion [7], which leads to amore strict requirement for our models, e.g., the equivarianceproperty [8]. For regular convolutional neural network (CNN)[9], it is easy to observe that the convolutions are equivariantto translation, i.e., a translation followed by a convolutionis the same as a convolution followed by a translation [8],which means CNN can still capture the corresponding featuresto correctly recognize the input image if the input image ischanged by a translation operator. But it is a pity that CNN isnot equivariant to most common operations, even for simplerotation operator, which makes CNN based CCCR fail.

As a more reasonable approach, the RCCR regards aChinese character as a composition of radicals. In [10], theauthors over-segmented characters into candidate radicals andsearched an optimal path for recognition based on thesecandidate radicals. Recently, the authors [3] used a deepresidual network with multi-labeled learning to detect position-dependent radicals. More recently, in [4], [5], the authors pro-posed radical analysis network (RAN) to identify radicals andanalyze their corresponding two-dimensional spatial structuressimultaneously, which is a successful application under theencode-decode framework [11].

The proposed RAN and other RCCR approaches are real-izations of the compositional model [7], in which the algo-rithm focuses on the basic components and their structuralrelationships. Similar to human-learning, the potential idea ofthe compositional model is the infinite changes of samples canbe addressed if the model can learn the intrinsic representation.From another view, a local mistake has larger probability to becorrected in the compositional model. For example, althougha rotated character is never seen in the training data, it still canbe recognized by RAN due to the possibility that the rotatedradicals have been learned, which makes the model relax theequivariant requirement.

To further improve the generalization capability of RAN, aspatial transformer mechanism (ST) [12] is equipped in RAN,yielding the proposed joint spatial and radical analysis network(JSRAN). ST is an effective solution for the affine-transformedimage, which is also helpful to reduce the equivariant re-quirement for models. Intuitively, JSRAN can generate doubleeffects. We will observe this phenomenon in the experimentalsection and analyze it. It should be noted that the rotationis a special transformation in affine transformation and theproposed JSRAN is an end-to-end system that is free to anyextra assumptions [12].

The structure of JSRAN is illustrated in Fig. 1. The spatialtransformer mechanism and DenseNet [13] are used as theencoder to extract high-dimensional features. The extractedhigh-dimensional features are sent to the decoder. The de-coder consists of an attention block and GRUs. The attentionblock performs weight redistribution of the high-dimensionalfeature vectors to generate a new representation for currentprediction. The new generated feature vector is sent to theGRUs [14]. Finally, the decoder predicts the current result.

To detect the radicals and internal two-dimensional structuresimultaneously, a coverage based spatial attention model isbuilt in the decoder [15], [16]. The main contributions of thisstudy are summarized as follows:• We further explore the potential capability of RAN from

both new opinions and massive experiments.• The proposed JSRAN can generate double effects for

relaxing the equivariant requirement of CNN. Comparedwith CNN and RAN, JSRAN can yield a remarkableimprovement.

• Visualization analysis is conducted to experimentallyexplain recognition results.

• The source codes of our own JSRAN are publicly avail-able1.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,we illustrate the structure of JSRAN in detail. In Section III,we present and analyze the experimental results. In Section IV,we conclude our study.


The architecture of our proposed JSRAN includes two parts:CNN encoder with spatial transformer (Section II-A) and RNNdecoder with spatial attention (Section II-B). The encodertakes the image as input and performs two operations onit. First, the image is rectified by the spatial transformationmechanism, and then the FCN is used to extract the high-dimensional features of the rectified image to generate a fixed-length context vector. Then the decoder takes the contextvector as input to generate a sequence of spatial structures andradicals. The details are described in the following sections.

A. Encoder with spatial transformer

1) Spatial transformer: As shown in Fig. 1, the spatialtransformer mechanism consists of 3 parts: localisation net-work, grid generator and . A localisation network, which is asimple CNN, takes the Chinese character image I ∈ RH×W×C

and outputs a 6-dimensional vector θ. Then, the grid generatoruses θ to generate a sampling grid G = {Gi}, where eachelement Gi is the target coordinate (xti, y

ti) of the regular grid

in the output image. We can get the set of sampling pointsAθ (G), where Aθ is a 2D affine transformation. Finally, thesampler rectifies the original Chinese character image:

O = S (I,Aθ (G)) (1)

where O ∈ RH′×W ′×C and S means a bilinear interpolationfunction for the input image I by using the sampling gridAθ (G). This sampling function is differentiable, which im-plies that ST can be trained with gradient descent methods.More details can be found in [12].

2) FCN: The convolutional neural network is capable ofextracting high dimensional features from an image. Sincea spatial attention mechanism is equipped in the decoder,we do not add any fully connected layers following the lastconvolution layer and we call this kind of CNN structure fully


convolutional network (FCN). Through the feature extractionof FCN, we can obtain a three-dimensional array of sizeH ′′ ×W ′′ × D. And then the array is reshaped into a two-dimensional array of size L×D, where L = H ′′ ×W ′′. Therow vectors in matrix can be denoted as:

A = {a1, . . . ,aL} , ai ∈ RD (2)

where ai is the ith row of the matrix. Each element of Acorresponds to a local area of the input image.

B. Decoder with spatial attention

The decoder generates a sequence of spatial structures andradicals of input Chinese character. The output sequence canbe represented by Y as a sequence of one-hot vectors.

Y = {y1, . . . ,yC} , yi ∈ RK (3)

where K is the number of total spatial structures and basicradicals. C is the length of the output sequence.

It is should be noted that C is with a variable length fordifferent characters while L is constant in the training anddecoding stages. In the decoder, the attention mechanism hastwo important functions: First, it can solve the problem ofconverting a sequence from a fixed length to a non-fixed lengthsequence of vector ct. Second, the attention mechanism is ableto focus on the most relevant information instead of all featuresat each step of prediction by increasing the weight of usefulinformation and reducing the weight of useless information.Given the vector ct, the decoder adopts two unidirectionalGRU layers to calculate the hidden state ht:

ht = GRU1 (yt−1,ht−1) (4)

ct = fatt



ht = GRU2

(ct, ht


where ht−1 denotes the previous GRU2 hidden state, ht

denotes the current GRU1 hidden state, and fatt denotes theattention mechanism.

Considering the spatial relationship between radicals, weuse a spatial attention mechanism. At every step t of predic-tion, the vector ct is calculated by the following equations:

ct =∑L

i=1αtiai (7)

where αti denotes the spatial attention coefficient of ai at timestep t. And αti can be calculated:

F = Q ∗∑t−1

l=1αl (8)

eti = νTatt tanh(Wattht +Uattai +Uf fi) (9)

αti =exp(eti)∑L

k=1 exp(etk)(10)

where F is a coverage vector based on the summation of pastattention probabilities αl. Let n′ denote the dimension of νattand m′ denote the number of feature maps of filter Q, thenWatt ∈ Rn′×n, Uatt ∈ Rn′×D and Uf ∈ Rn′×m′












𝜽 A𝜽 𝑮

Localisation Net Grid generator


Input image Rectified image




FCN: DenseNet GRU with attention

Fig. 1. Architecture of JSRAN.

Finally, the probability of target word yt is computed bythe following equation:

P(yt|yt−1, I) = fs (Wofmax (Wcct +Wsht +Eyt−1))(11)

where fs denotes a softmax activation function, fmax denotesa maxout activation function, Wo ∈ RK×m

2 , Wc ∈ Rm×D,Ws ∈ Rm×n, and E denotes the embedding matrix, mand n are the dimensions of embedding and GRU decoder,respectively.


In order to more clearly explore the principles, advantagesand disadvantages of JSRAN, we first designed several sets ofexperiments on rotated Chinese characters. Then we designeda set of experiments on Chinese Text in the Wild (CTW) [17] toprove the practicality of RAN. All experiments are presentedby answering the following questions:• What are the advantages of RAN in recognizing rotated

Chinese characters (Section. III-B)?• Is JSRAN effective in recognizing rotated Chinese char-

acters when the number of rotated samples in training setis small (Section. III-C2)?

• What is the rotation range when JSRAN is still ableto effectively recognize rotated Chinese characters (Sec-tion. III-C3)?

• Why are spatial transformer in the encoder and radicalanalysis in the decoder strongly complementary in rec-ognizing rotated Chinese characters (Section. III-D)?

• Is JSRAN effective in recognizing Chinese characters inthe wild (Section. III-E)?

A. Training and testing details

In the experiment, the localisation network consists of threeconvolutional layers and two fully connected layers. The firstconvolutional layer has 8 convolution kernels of size 9×9. Thesecond has 16 convolution kernels of size 5× 5 and the thirdhas 32 convolution kernels of size 3×3. There is a 2×2 maxpooling layer between the first and the second convolutionallayers. The number of units in the two fully connected layersare 64 and 6 respectively. The full convolutional networkemploys DenseNet [13] mainly composed of DenseBlocks andTransitions. We set the depth of each DenseBlock to 22, which

Fig. 2. Attention visualization of recognizing one Chinese character withdifferent rotation angles.

is connected directly to all subsequent layers. In DenseBlock,the number of channels for each layer is 24. A transition layeris inserted between every two DenseBlocks. Each transitionlayer is a 1x1 convolution layer with halved channels to reducethe computational cost and storage overhead. The first layer ofDenseNet is a convolutional layer with 48 convolution kernelsof size 7× 7. We employ batch normalization [18] after eachconvolution layer and the activation function is ReLU [19].

The decoder employs two unidirectional GRU units. Thedimension of GRU units n and the dimension of embeddingm are set to 256. The convolution kernel of Q is set to 3× 3and the number of feature maps M is set to 512. The lossfunction is cross entropy loss and the optimization algorithmis adadelta [20] with gradient clipping.

B. Visualization of recognizing rotated Chinese characters

In order to better analyze the advantages of RAN in rec-ognizing rotated Chinese characters, we do not add the STmechanism in this experiment. The dataset is generated by3755 Chinese character categories in Song font style. EachChinese character category has three angles: 0◦, 60◦ and −60◦.Among them, 3755 samples of 0◦ Chinese characters, the first3000 samples of 60◦ Chinese characters and the first 3000samples of −60◦ Chinese characters are used as the trainingset. The remaining 755 samples of 60◦ Chinese characters and755 samples of −60◦ Chinese characters are adopted as thetest set. In Fig. 2, we show the recognition results and processof recognizing one character with the pronunciation “qi” byvisualization of attention. As shown in Fig. 2, in each stepof predicting the spatial structures or radicals, the attention

Fig. 3. Description of dividing training set and testing set.

mechanism focuses on the local regions with strong correlationin the feature map. The red color in the attention maps repre-sents the spatial attention probabilities, where the darker colordescribes the higher attention probabilities. Interestingly, weobserve that when Chinese characters are at different angles,the attention area will also change accordingly. Although arotated sample of character has not been learned by RAN inthe training stage, the rotated radicals of this sample can belearned from other Chinese characters, which indicates that theequivariance property of the radicals can still be satisfied andthe requirement of equivariance of the whole Chinese characteris relaxed. Therefore, the unseen characters with 60◦ and −60◦rotations in Fig. 2 can be correctly recognized by RAN.

C. Experiments on rotated Chinese characters

To prove that JSRAN is more effective in recognizingrotated Chinese characters, we design other three networksfor comparison, namely RAN without ST, whole characterclassifier based on DenseNet and STN-DenseNet (DenseNetequipped with ST). To perform a fair comparison, the sameDenseNet structure and configuration is used in the fournetworks.

1) Datasets: We select 20 fonts from [1] to generate ourdatasets. As shown in Fig. 3, N represents the maximumrotation angle. The blue area represents the training set, inwhich, the number of 0◦ Chinese character category is 3000and the number of rotated Chinese character category withdifferent angles is X . We have two test sets marked withyellow and green colors. The yellow shaded area represents thetesting set that contains 500 seen Chinese character categories.The green area section contains 755 unseen Chinese charactercategories used to validate the ability to recognize unseenChinese character categories. These 3,755 Chinese characterswere split into 406 radicals and 10 spatial structures. Duringthe training process, all data with different angles are randomlyrotated between −10◦ and +10◦.

2) Experiments on limited rotated Chinese characters: Asshown in TABLE I, when the number of rotated Chinesecharacter categories in the training set is 200, the recognitionaccuracies on the test set with yellow color in Fig. 3, are55.52%, 80.31%, 59.12%, and 91.56% respectively. The exper-



N 60 60 60X 200 500 1000

DenseNet [13] 55.52 65.03 84.49STN-DenseNet 80.31 89.39 95.52

RAN [4] 59.12 88.19 96.50JSRAN 91.56 97.27 99.01



N 20 40 60 80 120X 500 500 500 500 500

DenseNet [13] 99.80 93.52 65.03 38.11 23.60STN-DenseNet 99.85 97.61 89.39 65.32 29.78

RAN [4] 99.95 95.50 88.19 73.67 49.44JSRAN 99.98 98.83 97.27 93.13 60.56

imental results of STN-DenseNet and JSRAN are significantlybetter than those of DenseNet and RAN, implying that theST mechanism can yield significant improvements for a smallamount of rotation training set. When the number of rotatedChinese characters increases from 200 to 500, the recognitionaccuracies are increased to 65.03%, 89.39%, 88.19% and97.27% respectively. We can observe that the performance ofRAN has been greatly improved, which means that RAN needsabout 500 Chinese character categories to cover most of theradicals. When the number increases to 1000, the recognitionaccuracies are 84.49%, 95.52%, 96.50% and 99.01% respec-tively. For all datasets, JSRAN can consistently outperformother networks, which indicates that JSRAN is able to com-bine the advantages of ST and RAN. Moreover, RAN andJSRAN can recognize unseen Chinese character categories byrecognizing the radicals and spatial relationships. For example,the accuracies of unseen characters with green color in Fig. 3are 0%, 0%, 47.4% and 63.45% for DenseNet, STN-DenseNet,RAN, and JSRAN, respectively. We can increase the accuracyof unseen Chinese characters by increasing the number oftraining categories [4].

3) Experiments in different rotation ranges: The rotationrange is determined by N as shown in Fig. 3. In TABLE II,when N = 20, the four networks can achieve high accuracies.Obviously, the recognition task becomes more challengingwith the increasing of N , yielding the decline of the recogni-tion accuracies for the four networks. When N = 80, exceptfor JSRAN, which still maintains a high recognition accuracyrate of 93.13%, the recognition accuracies of the other threenetworks have dropped significantly. When N = 120, theperformance of JSRAN also becomes poor. In this case, it isdifficult for ST to learn the correct parameter θ used to rectifythe rotated image to be frontal due to the large rotation range.These experiments prove that JSRAN is robust and effectivein recognizing Chinese characters within a reasonable rotationrange.

Fig. 4. Comparisons on different angle intervals.

D. Complementarity between ST and RAN

We use the partial results in Section III-C2 as an exampleto further analyze the complementarity between ST and RAN.

1) RAN is benefit from ST: Fig. 4 shows the recognitionaccuracy of Chinese characters in different rotation intervals.The recognition accuracy of DenseNet severely degrades whenthe rotation angle increases, which proves that the conventionalCNN-based classifier needs a higher requirement for equivari-ant and can not learn the rotated information effectively. Thetrends of sharp decrease of accuracies with large rotationsin STN-DenseNet and RAN have been alleviated, but theirperformances are still worse than that of JSRAN. JSRANmaintains high performance when the rotation angle increases.ST can rectify the rotated Chinese characters to a smallerrotation range. This demonstrates that the combination of STand RAN can improve the performance of recognizing rotatedChinese characters.

2) ST is benefit from RAN: The main role of ST is to per-form affine transformation for input images. The affine trans-formation includes rotation, scaling, and translation. Thesetransformations help extract useful information from inputimages and reduce the interference caused by edges and posi-tions. Fig. 5 shows images rectified by ST in STN-DenseNetand JSRAN. We can find that Chinese characters rectifiedby JSRAN is bigger and more frontal than those by STN-DenseNet, which indicates that the rectified images in JSRANretain more accurate and useful information. Experimentsshow that the combination of RAN and ST can improve therectification effect for rotated Chinese characters.

E. Experiments on CTW

In order to prove the superiority and practicability of JS-RAN, we choose a more challenging dataset named as Chinese

Fig. 5. Rectification of rotated Chinese characters by ST.

Fig. 6. Distorted images in CTW and the rectified images by ST in JSRAN.


Network Accuracy on distort Accuracy on allAlexNet [9] 71.64% 76.43%

OverFeat [21] 72.11% 76.84%ResNet50 [23] 76.05% 79.46%ResNet152 [17] 77.52% 80.94%

Inception-v4 [22] 79.03% 82.28%DenseNet [13] 76.79% 79.88%STN-DenseNet 77.83% 80.81%

RAN [4] 81.56% 85.56%JSRAN 83.97% 87.57%

Text in the Wild (CTW) [17]. CTW is a large dataset of Chinesetext in natural scene containing planar text, raised text, text incities, text in rural areas, text under poor illumination, distanttext, partially occluded text, etc. In CTW, the proportion ofdistorted text is about 26%. As shown in Fig. 6, we selectedsome representative images to show the correction effect ofST in JSRAN.

In addition to DenseNet, STN-DenseNet, RAN and JSRAN,we train several other typical convolutional neural networkson CTW, including: AlexNet [9], OverFeat [21], Inception-v4 [22], ResNet50 [23] and ResNet152. Same as [17], weonly consider recognition of the top 1000 frequent Chinesecharacter categories. TABLE III presents detailed accuracies ofthese networks. Furthermore, we also compute the recognitionaccuracy of distorted Chinese characters in the test set. We canobserve that the recognition accuracy of JSRAN is much betterthan other networks for both distorted Chinese characters andall Chinese characters.


In this paper, we propose a joint spatial and radical analysisnetwork to recognize distorted Chinese characters. Throughmassive experiments on rotated Chinese characters, we provethat ST and RAN have complementarity and the couplingof them can greatly improve the recognition accuracy. Fur-thermore, we demonstrate JSRAN outperforms RAN andtraditional CNNs on Chinese Text in the Wild, which shows itsgreat practicability. In the future, we will continue to explorehow to solve more complex distorted Chinese characters, suchas excessive distortion.


This work was supported in part by the National Key R&DProgram of China under contract No. 2017YFB1002202, theNational Natural Science Foundation of China under GrantsNo. 61671422 and U1613211, the Key Science and Technol-ogy Project of Anhui Province under Grant No. 17030901005.This work was also funded by Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab.


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