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    360 Journal of Basic Microbiology 2010, 50, 360 367

    2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Research Paper

    Production of laccase fromPleurotus florida

    usingagro-wastes and efficient decolorization of Reactive blue 198

    P. Sathishkumar1, K. Murugesan

    2and T. Palvannan


    1Bioprocess and Genetic Engineering Lab, Department of Biochemistry, Periyar University, Salem,Tamil Nadu, India

    2School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology,San, Hyojadong, Namgu, Pohang, Republic of Korea

    Pleurotus florida NCIM 1243 produced laccase as the dominant lignolytic enzyme during the dye

    decolorization. Banana peel was the best substrate for extracellular laccase production under

    solid state fermentation when compared to mandarin peel and cantaloupe peel. The maximum

    activity of laccase (5.4 U/g) was detected on the 10 day. The ratio of banana peel : mandarin

    peel : cantaloupe peel (5:2:3) showed increased production of laccase (6.8 U/g). P. florida pro-

    duced two extracellular laccase isoenzymes (L1 and L2). The half life of laccase at 60 C was 2 h

    and at 4 h it retained 25% residual activity. P. florida laccase showed high thermostability and

    an interesting difference was noticed in the behavior of laccase isoenzymes at different

    temperature. The L1 isoenzyme of laccase showed remarked thermostability at 60 C in the

    native PAGE when compared to L2 isoenzyme. The optimum pH, temperature and enzyme

    concentration for maximum decolorization was found to be 4.5, 60 C and 1.2 U/ml, respec-

    tively. Partially purified laccase enzyme showed excellent decolorization activity to Reactive

    blue 198. The maximum decolorization (96%) was observed at lower dye concentrations

    (50100 ppm) which decreased markedly when the dye concentration was increased beyond

    150 ppm. The thermostable laccase ofP. florida could be effectively used to decolorize the

    synthetic dyes in the textile effluent and other biotechnological applications.

    Keywords: Laccase /Pleurotus florida /Thermostability / Solid state fermentation / Dye decolorization /

    Reactive blue 198

    Received: December 02, 2009; accepted: April 07, 2010

    DOI 10.1002/jobm.200900407


    Synthetic dyes are widely used in the textile, paper,

    cosmetics, leather, dyeing, color photography, pharma-

    ceutical and food industries [1]. In textile industries,during dyeing process, about 1030% or more of the

    dyes used are released into water bodies [2], causing

    serious environmental problem in many parts of the

    world. Although some of the dyes are not themselves

    toxic, after release into the aquatic environment their

    degradation products are often carcinogenic [3, 4]. De-

    colorization of dyes by physical or chemical methods

    Correspondence: Dr. T. Palvannan M.Sc., Ph.D., Bioprocess andGenetic Engineering Lab, Department of Biochemistry, Periyar Univer-sity, Salem 636 011, Tamil Nadu, IndiaE-mail: pal2912@yahoo.comPhone: +91 427 2345766, 2345520

    Fax: +91 427 2345124

    including adsorption and precipitation methods, che-

    mical degradation or photodegradation has practical

    disadvantages. Further, they are also expensive, com-

    mercially unattractive, time-consuming and mostly

    ineffective [5]. On the other hand, dye decolorizationusing oxidative enzymes has received great attention in

    recent years due to its efficient application [6].

    White rot fungi have been shown to be able to decol-

    orize synthetic dyes due to their lignolytic enzymes

    such as lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and

    laccase [710]. Generally, the white rot fungi produce

    either one of the above or all the three types of the

    above lignolytic enzymes. Most of the white rot fungal

    strains produce laccase as the main enzyme during dye

    decolorization process.

    Laccase (p-diphenol: oxygen oxidoreductase, EC is a widespread group of multi-copper enzy-

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    Journal of Basic Microbiology 2010, 50, 360367 Production of laccase from Pleurotus florida using agro-wastes 361

    2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    mes which can catalyzes the oxidation of a variety of

    organic compounds, with concomitant reduction of

    molecular oxygen to water. The potential applications

    of laccases have been shown in various biotechnological

    process including pulping, detergents, textile dyes,

    biosensors, food industries, detoxification of pollution

    and enzymatic conversion of chemical intermediates [6,

    1115]. One of the advantages associated with laccases

    is that they do not require H2O2 for substrate oxidation

    unlike peroxidases and moreover they have broad sub-

    strate specificity [16]. Thus, laccases of fungi have at-

    tracted considerable attentions for academic and indus-

    trial applications. Up to date, more than 100 laccases

    have been isolated from fungal cultures and their bio-

    chemical properties as well as their catalytic characters

    have been characterized.Submerged fermentation does not mimic the natural

    living conditions of white rot fungi. Solid state fermen-

    tation (SSF), defined as the fermentation of solids in the

    absence of free water, has the advantage of supporting

    the growth and metabolism of microorganisms under

    moisture conditions [17]. Production of enzymes by SSF

    on agro-wastes has gained much attention in biotech-

    nology due to its higher productivities and low produc-

    tion costs [18]. The use of such wastes, besides providing

    alternative substrates, helps to solve environmental prob-

    lems, which are caused by their disposal. In addition,

    most of these wastes contain lignin or/and cellulose andhemicellulose, which act as mediators of the lignolytic

    activities. Furthermore, most of them are rich in sugars,

    which make the whole process much more economical.

    All these facts make them very suitable as raw materials

    for the production of secondary metabolites of indus-

    trial significance by microorganisms [19]. Laccase pro-

    duced from SSF system using agro-wastes has been

    proved as an effective synthetic dye decolorizer [20, 21].

    Pleurotus florida is a white rot fungi which has great

    biotechnological importance and its application on

    industrial effluent is well known [2224]. In this study,

    we used banana (Musa cavendishii), mandarin (Citrus re-ticulata) and cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) peels as the sub-

    strate to produce extracellular lignolytic enzyme from

    P. florida by the SSF. The extracellular enzyme was

    evaluated for its decolorization capability against syn-

    thetic dye, Reactive blue 198.

    Materials and methods

    Microorganism and chemicals

    The white rot fungus, Pleurotus florida NCIM 1243 em-

    ployed in this study was purchased from National Col-

    lection of Industrial Microorganism, National Chemical

    Laboratory (NCL), Pune, India.

    ABTS (2,2-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic

    acid) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Dye used in

    this study [Reactive blue 198 (RB 198)] was procured

    from commercial textile dyeing industry at Erode, Ta-

    milnadu, India and all other chemicals were of analyti-

    cal grade.

    Dye decolorization ability on agar plate

    Dye degradation ability ofP. floridawas screened in low

    nitrogen basal medium [25] amended with RB 198 dye

    at concentration of 100 ppm in the presence of 1.5%

    agar plate. Mycelia was placed on the centre of dye agar

    plate and incubated at 30 C under dark condition.

    Plates were regularly monitored for dye decolorizationactivities through the change of color from blue to

    colorless for every 24 h.

    Agricultural wastes

    Chopped banana (Musa cavendishii), mandarin (Citrus reti-

    culata) and cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) peels (particle size

    7.5 mm 7.5 mm) were procured from local market,

    and used as substrate for laccase production by P. florida

    under SSF condition. Substrates were pre-treated as

    follows: 10 g of each substrate which was freshly

    collected were first soaked for an hour in 30 ml of

    83.17 mM KOH at room temperature to neutralise or-ganic acids [26]. Then, they were thoroughly washed

    with distilled water and dried at 50 C temperature.

    Enzyme production and preparation

    Laccase production was carried out in SSF using three

    different agro-wastes such as banana peel (BP), manda-

    rin peel (MP) and cantaloupe peel (CP) as the substrate.

    Ten grams of moistened peels were transferred sepa-

    rately to conical flask (250 ml) and autoclaved at 121 C

    for 15 min. Five mycelial discs were transferred to each

    flask supplemented with 100 M CuSO4 to induce lac-

    case production and incubated at room temperature.Cultures were harvested at every 2 d interval for the

    quantification of extracellular laccase enzyme.

    Extracellular enzyme from SSF was extracted by

    soaking the culture with 100 mM sodium acetate buffer

    pH 5.0 at 4 C overnight. The culture supernatant was

    filtered and centrifuged at 10,000 g for 15 min to

    remove the fine particles. The supernatant was concen-

    trated by Millipore Amicon ultrafiltration stirred cell

    through a 0.22 m (10 kDa) filter under vacuum, until a

    20-fold concentration was achieved. The enzyme was

    precipitated with ammonium sulfate to a final concen-

    tration of 80% (w/v). After standing in the ammonium

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    362 P. Sathishkumar et al. Journal of Basic Microbiology 2010, 50, 360 367

    2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    sulfate solution for 5 h at 0 C, the precipitate was col-

    lected by centrifugation at 10,000 g for 30 min and

    resuspended with 100 mM of sodium acetate buffer

    (pH 5.0) and dialysed against the same buffer for 12 h.

    The resulting solution was used for the decolorization


    Enzyme assay and protein estimation

    Laccase activity was measured using ABTS as the sub-

    strate at 30 C [27]. The assay mixture contained 50 mM

    sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0), 1 mM ABTS and diluted

    laccase source. One activity unit was defined as the

    amount of enzyme that oxidised 1 mol ABTS per min-ute. The absorbance increase of assay mixture was

    monitored at 420 nm (420 = 36.0 mM1 cm1) in a UV

    Vis spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Lambda 25, Ger-many). The enzyme activities were expressed as unit

    (U/ml or U/g).

    Protein was estimated by the method of Lowry et al.

    [28] using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a standard.

    Decolorization of RB 198 by P. floridalaccase

    Dye decolorization efficiency of P. florida laccase en-

    zyme obtained from SSF, was accessed using RB 198.

    Reaction mixture contained of RB 198 dye, partially

    purified laccase and 100 mM of buffer in a total volume

    of 1 ml. The reaction mixture was incubated for dye

    decolorization and the decolorization was measuredby monitoring the decrease in absorbance maximum

    (592 nm) of RB 198 dye in a UVVis spectrophotometer

    and expressed in terms of percentage. In parallel, con-

    trol samples were maintained with heat inactivated

    partially purified laccase.

    Effect of different parameters on dye decolorization

    The effect of pH ranging from 3 to 9 on the enzymatic

    decolorization was monitored with fixed concentration

    of dye (100 ppm) and enzyme concentration (2 U/ml) at

    30 C. The pH of reaction mixture was adjusted by

    citrate-acetate-phosphate (37) and TrisHCl (89). Tofind out the effect of temperature on the enzymatic

    decolorization, the reaction mixture was incubated

    with fixed concentration of dye (100 ppm), enzyme

    (2 U/ml) and pH (4.5). The temperature range was be-

    tween 20 to 80 C with 20 C increment. In order to

    check the effect of enzyme quantity on dye decoloriza-

    tion with fixed concentration of dye (100 ppm) and pH

    (4.5) at 60 C, reaction was started with different quan-

    tity of enzyme from 0.2 to 2 U/ml with the increment of

    0.2 U/ml. The effect of dye concentration was tested

    using 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 ppm concentrations

    with fixed concentration of enzyme (1.2 U/ml) and pH

    4.5 at 60 C. For all these experiments, the decoloriza-

    tion was monitored after 10 min incubation as descri-

    bed above.

    Thermostability of laccase

    The thermostability of laccase was studied by incubat-

    ing the enzyme at various temperatures from 20 to

    80 C with the increment of 20 C. The residual laccase

    activity was measured at different time intervals using

    ABTS as substrate under standard assay condition.

    Native PAGE

    In order to identify the number of laccase isoenzymes

    produced by P. florida and their thermostability, the

    enzyme was subjected to non-denaturing polyacryla-

    mide gel electrophoresis (10%). For zymogram analysis,the gel was incubated in 100 mM sodium acetate buffer

    with 10 mM guaiacol for the laccase activity detection.

    Results and discussion

    Screening of dye decolorization

    Decolorization ability ofP. floridawas screened by agar

    plate amended with RB 198 dye. The mycelial growth

    covered the agar plate completely on 6 d with 70%

    decolorization zone. Further incubation lead to com-

    plete decolorization on the 10 d (Fig. 1b). The decolori-zation of RB 198 proceeded through a color change

    from blue to light pinkish blue and later colorless. Af-

    ter 10 d of incubation, the plate was evaluated for the

    type of lignolytic enzymes involved in dye decoloriza-

    tion. In plate incorporated with 1 mM MnSO4, a very

    slight brownish flake was observed indicating the in-

    significant production of manganese peroxidase (Fig. 1c).

    Another plate was screened for the laccase production

    by incubating the plate with 1 mM ABTS in 50 mM

    sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0). An intense oxidation of

    ABTS was observed by the formation of bluish green

    color, indicating that the decolorization process wasmainly due to the production of laccase from P. florida

    (Fig. 1d). The same result was observed during the de-

    colorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) by white

    rot fungi Ganoderma lucidum [10].

    Laccase production in solid state fermentation

    Laccase production from P. florida in SSF using agricul-

    tural wastes such as banana peel, mandarin peel and

    cantaloupe peel are presented in Fig. 2 and Table 1.

    Mycelial growth on the substrates was observed after

    36 h incubation and the fungal mycelium completely

    colonized the substrate within 6 days. The production

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    Journal of Basic Microbiology 2010, 50, 360367 Production of laccase from Pleurotus florida using agro-wastes 363

    2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Figure 1. Screening for dye decolorization by P. floridaNCIM 1243and its lignolytic enzymes on 100 ppm of RB 198 dye amendedagar plate. (a) Control; (b) after decolorization (10 days incubated);(c) Formation of manganese flakes (brown color) in MnSO


    amended plate indicates manganese peroxidase production. (d)Oxidation of 1 mM ABTS in 100 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0)indicates laccase production.

    of laccase was monitored for every second day. The

    maximum laccase activities ofP. florida was found to

    be 5.4 U/g (banana peel), 3.1 U/g (mandarin peel) and

    4.0 U/g (cantaloupe peel) on 10 d incubation. Previously,

    Osma et al. [29] reported that banana skin was novel

    substrate for the growth and laccase production fromTrametes pubescens under SSF. This was attributed to

    high carbohydrate content that might be easily metabo-

    lized by the microorganism [30]. The same result was

    observed in our study using P. floridawhich suggested

    that banana peel can be used as cheap source for lac-

    case production. Further experiments were carried out

    with different ratio of BP:MP:CP for the laccase pro-

    duction. The results indicated that a ratio of 5:2:3

    (BP:MP:CP) increased production of laccase (6.8 U/g)

    from P. florida (Table 1). This may be due to the syner-

    getic action of the components present in all three


    Figure 2. Production of laccase in SSF by P. floridaNCIM 1243.

    Table 1. Effect of mandarin peel and cantaloupe peel supp-lementation to the banana peel in laccase production fromP. floridaNCIM 1243.

    Ratio of banana peel : mandarin peelcantaloupe peel (w/w)

    Laccase activity(U/g)

    Banana peel (control) 5.4Mandarin peel (control) 3.1Cantaloupe peel (control) 4.05:5:0 4.75:4:1 5.65:3:2 6.15:2:3 6.85:1:4 6.25:0:5 5.6

    Effect of different parameters on dye decolorization

    by P. floridalaccase

    P. florida extracellular laccase prepared from mixed

    substrateculture (BP:MP:CP 5 :2 :3) was employed for

    dye decolorization studies. The influence of pH on dye

    decolorization was determined at different pH ranging

    from 3 to 9 (Fig. 3). The results showed that the laccasehighly decolorize the dye in the range of pH 4 to 6. The

    optimum pH for maximum decolorization (96%) was

    pH 4.5. The decolorization activity decreased at pH 7

    and no activity was observed at alkaline pH. Our result

    shows that P. florida laccase favoring acidic range for

    higher decolorization of RB 198 dye. This observation

    was similar to the previous reports obtained by Mu-

    rugesan et al. [10] and Kandelbauer et al. [31].

    The effect of temperature on RB 198 dye decoloriza-

    tion is shown in Fig. 4a. Temperature is one of the fac-

    tors involved in dye decolorization. The result clearly

    show that the optimum temperature for maximum de-

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    364 P. Sathishkumar et al. Journal of Basic Microbiology 2010, 50, 360 367

    2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Figure 3. Effect of pH on decolorization of RB 198 by P. floridaNCIM 1243 laccase.

    colorization was 60 C, beyond that decolorization de-

    creased sharply. In the case of dye samples at 30 C,

    29% of decolorization was decreased when compared to

    60 C. Murugesan et al. [10] reported that the white rot

    fungi G. lucidum laccase had an optimum temperature

    for RBBR decolorization at 60 C, which was achieved

    by means of 1 h incubation. This was similar to our

    result. However, P. florida laccase decolorize the dyemore rapidly (within 10 min). When incubated below

    60 C, the percentage of decolorization was increased

    with increase in time (data not shown). Some of the

    white rot fungal laccases have been described as ther-

    mostable, even though the most laccases are not active

    at higher than 50 C [3235]. For example P. ostreatus

    laccase showed a half life of 30 min at 60 C [36] and

    P. eryngii laccase retained 10% residual activity at 60 C

    after 30 min incubation [37]. However P. florida laccase

    showed a half life of 2 h at 60 C and at 4 h it retained

    around 25% residual activity (Fig. 4b) which indicates

    its better thermostability than other Pleurotus specieslaccases. This could be due to the different ecological

    origination of strains and entirely different culture

    conditions. Further, in the above studies liquid culture

    with chemically defined medium was used for laccase

    production whereas in our study SSF with banana peel

    was used. The laccase activity decreased rapidly at 80 C

    and the complete inactivation occurred at 1 h incuba-


    The effect of enzyme concentration on dye decolori-

    zation (50 ppm) was studied to find out the amount of

    enzyme essential for maximum decolorization. The

    optimum concentration of laccase required for maxi-

    Figure 4. a) Effect of temperature on decolorization of RB 198 byP. floridaNCIM 1243 laccase; b) Thermostability of P. floridaNCIM1243 laccase at various temperature.

    mum decolorization was 1.2 U/ml (Fig. 5). However the

    decolorization increased with increase in enzyme quan-tity. Previously, Soares et al. [38] had also reported that

    increasing concentration of laccase increased the rate

    of dye decolorization. Similarly, Pant and Adholeya [39]

    reported that the concentrated laccase from P. florida

    EM1303 obtained by ultrafiltration efficiently decolor-

    ized undiluted distillery effluent. This further proves

    the P. florida laccase utility in treating various effluents.

    The effect of dye concentration on decolorization was

    tested with different initial dye concentration from 50

    to 250 ppm with constant amount of enzyme (1.2 U/ml).

    The maximum decolorization (94%) was observed at

    lower dye concentrations (50100 ppm) which decreas-



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    Journal of Basic Microbiology 2010, 50, 360367 Production of laccase from Pleurotus florida using agro-wastes 365

    2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Figure 5. Effect of enzyme quantity on RB 198 dye decolorization.

    ed markedly when the dye concentration was increased

    beyond 150 ppm (Table 2). The results revealed that the

    decolorization decreased with increasing dye concen-

    tration. However on further increasing the time of

    incubation, a maximum decolorization was observed

    (data not shown). It indicates that the tested dye con-

    centrations up to 250 ppm are not inhibitory to the

    enzyme whereas only the percentage of decolorization

    was decreased with increasing dye concentration. At

    high dye concentration the efficiency of enzyme wasreduced but did not completely diminish. This opti-

    mized conditions, RB 198 was decolorized by partially

    purified P. florida laccase and the absorbance spectra

    were recorded Fig. 6. RB 198 decolorization was carried

    in a UVVis spectrophotometer with the above opti-

    mized condition and the results indicate the complete

    decolorization of dye evident from the spectral scan

    done between 480 and 680 nm. Interestingly, our P.

    florida laccase rapidly decolorize the dye without addi-

    tion of any mediator.

    Laccase isoenzymesMany of the white rot fungi produce more than one

    laccase isoenzyme. P. florida NCIM 1243 crude laccase

    Table 2. Decolorization of RB 198 by P. florida NCIM 1243laccase at different dye concentration.

    Decolorization of RB 198 (%)Dye concentration (ppm)

    10 min 120 min

    50 96 99100 93 99150 79 97200 43 93250 22 84

    Figure 6. UVvis absorbance spectra of RB 198 decolorization byP. floridaNCIM 1243 laccase under 60 C and pH 4.5.

    was subjected to zymogram analysis for the identifica-

    tion of laccase isoenzymes. The results revealed that

    two laccase isoenzymes (L1 and L2) were produced by

    this strain (Fig. 7a). Of these two isoenzymes, L1 was

    more dominant than L2. Similar pattern of laccase

    isoenzymes was observed by Das et al. [32] in a previous

    study using P. florida. In order to identify thermostabil-

    ity of these isoenzymes, crude laccase was incubated at

    different temperature for 1 h and analysed the stability

    for guaiacol oxidation on native-PAGE (Fig. 7b). L1isoenzyme was more stable at 60 C than L2 isoenzyme

    indicating that L1 isoenzyme of laccase is mainly re-

    sponsible for dye decolorization at 60 C. At 80 C both

    isoenzymes lost their activity within 1 h.

    Figure 7. (a) Zymogram analysis of P. floridaNCIM 1243 laccaseisoenzymes (L1 and L2) on native PAGE by guaiacol oxidation. (b)Thermostability of P. florida NCIM 1243 laccase isoenzymes after1 h incubation at different temperature. Lane 1, 2 and 3 incubated

    at 80 C, 60 C and 40 C, respectively.

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    366 P. Sathishkumar et al. Journal of Basic Microbiology 2010, 50, 360 367

    2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


    To our knowledge, this is the first report on thermosta-

    ble laccase fromP. florida and its efficient dye decoloriz-

    ing activity. Production and preparation of laccase from

    this fungus using agro-wastes is easy and economical.

    As the laccase in the present study shows good thermo-

    stability at high temperatures it could be effectively

    used to decolorize the synthetic dyes in textile effluent.


    The corresponding author (Principal Investigator

    Project No.: BT/PR8973/GBD/27/57/2006 Dt 14/08/07) is

    grateful to Government of India, Ministry of Science &

    Technology, Department of Biotechnology for financialsupport.


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    ((Funded by

    Government of India, Ministry of Science & Technol-

    ogy, Department of Biotechnology))

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