jibjib - ultimate twitter client for your phone

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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#jibjib - the ultimate twitter client on the road

You should know me since you see this slide.

If not, please turn back time to BarCamp Bangkok Winter 2008 to see "Twitter Rules"

Twitter is now a part of my lifestyle.

Can't stop tweeting.

What do I tweet?

Not only what I am doing but also what I have in mind.

How often?

I don't know. Don't ask me. I don't care.

I tweet because I like to tweet.

On PC or laptop, I use Pidgin + #mbpurple.

The most important for Twitter client on computer is responsiveness.

#mbpurple gives me the ultimate responsiveness.

Anyway, laptop is not always available.

Sometimes, it's too lazy to boot laptop for just quickly tweeting.

Cellphone is another twitter device.

Anyone doesn't have cellphone?

I guess 0.5% or less (I mean in this room)

What do you really expect to get from twitter device?

I don't know your mind.

For me, I have several features I really want.

Low power consumption.

I want to tweet all day without recharge.

Medium font.

It's not easy to read small font when you are moving.

Fault tolerant.

It's possible to fail while read/write.

I don't want to lost my text. It must let me redo without retype.

Low bandwidth consumption.

GPRS/EDGE is now very cheap in Thailand.

Imagine when you are abroad with IR.

I don't want to waste money.

Picture uploading from internal camera.

Sometimes picture is better to explain what you see.

That's all I want.

If you have iPhone, you are lucky!

Twinkle is what you want.

Sadly, I don't have iPhone.

Anything else?

Last four months, no.

Now? Yes!

Do it yourself!

Inspired by #Twim and #lolotwitter

#jibjib is another open source j2me twitter client


I wanted to fulfill my need.

Why open source?

In case you want more features which I can't, you may do it yourself.

Requirement: CLDC 1.0/MIDP 2.0 or CLDC 1.1/MIDP 2.0

Basic principles: your phone, your rule.

No auto-detect. You must configure #jibjib

No more no less. Just tweet as fast as possible.

Highly customizable.

Adjustable timeline length.

Adjustable gateway.

Default gateway is twitter.com

Why do we need another gateway?

laconi.ca? identi.ca?

#birdnest is another gateway.

#birdnest is the gateway to heaven.

Or else run your own gateway somewhere.

#playground is another gateway.

Super flexible camera settings.

Unlike other mobile applications, #jibjib let you define capture device yourself.

If you have 2 cameras, you may choose the right one for you.

You may adjust picture format and also dimension if your phone supported.

Customizable start screen.

For minimalism, blank page is a must

Write or read are other choices of start screen.

Customizable time offset.

Your phone may have incorrect timezone setting.

#jibjib let you define your own time offset.

Are you using DTAC?

DTAC has done something weird.

You can't use any mobile twitter clients via DTAC.

#jibjib has workaround for this issue.

Quick @reply.

If you have friends with long screen name, you might hate them.

#jibjib adds @name automatically.

Quick @screen_name and #hashtags.

You may refer to your friends but not in @reply form.

#jibjib let you choose @screen and #hashtags from automatic updated list.


You can mark favorite any tweets you see

Picture attachment via #twitpic

No need to share picture from camera via email or open web browser.

#jibjib let you take a picture, optionally add caption and tweet!

If you don't like viewfinder, just hide it!

Extremely debugable.

When you get any errors or failure you will see exception and error message.

If you want to know what happen inside, just trace the log.

Wanna try?

Why not?


Stable or Beta?

Beta is the next stable.

Beta release cycle is faster.

Problem? follow @sugree and tweet.

SS? Why not try it?



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