jhonas cheetahs

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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Written byJhonas

Table of contents

• How fast cheetahs run.• Where cheetahs live.• What cheetahs eat.• About their bodies.

How fast cheetahs run.

How do cheetahs run fast? Their beck bends easily to leap 22 feet long and bends down to take longer steps.Cheetahs have long legs with strong healthy muscles. Cheetahs take big breaths when they run. Cheetahs run about 70 miles per hour. When cheetahs use their muscles they run about 70 miles per hour.

Where cheetahs live.

What types of areas do cheetahs live in?Cheetahs live in hot areas. They also live in grass land. They live in Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. Their habitat is under a tree. Cheetahs also live in little forests.

What cheetahs eat.

What do cheetahs eat?There are different types of animals that cheetahs eat. Cheetahs eat Gazelles, Deer, Rabbits, and Zebras. Cheetahs eat other deer-like animals.

About their bodies. Why do cheetahs have black spots and black lines on their faces?Cheetahs hide in tall grasses. Cheetahs use their black spots for camouflage. Cheetahs are in tall grasses and looking at its prey and the cheetah is using camouflage. Cheetahs have black lines on their faces and they use the black lines to shade their ayes sun while they hunt.

About the authorThe author of the book is Jhonas. He is in third grade. The author picked this topic because he likes cheetahs and cheetah are the fastest land animal.

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