jewish home at rockleigh resident possesses postcard

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SEPTEMBER 2014 l ELUL 5774

Alex Strachman, a resident of the Jewish Home at

Rockleigh along with his wife Dona, has a precious

postcard which was mailed from the Warsaw Ghetto

on November 5, 1941. The card tells a special and

heartbreaking story about his parents. Still more

mysterious, the postcard, mailed to his uncle

Franklin in the Bronx, did not arrive for several

years…not until September 12, 1945. Alex believes

that there was a day of grace when the Germans

allowed people to write to their families. It was

intended to assure Franklin that Alex’s parents were

still alive, but no one knows exactly what happened

to the card during the intervening years or how it

was finally mailed to the U.S. His uncle’s niece found

the postcard when going through her uncle’s papers

after his death.

Alex was born in Lodz, Poland in 1916, into a family of culturally assimilated Jews.

Many in his mother’s family were classical musicians while his father Hersch

was a language teacher at a

high school, which Alex later

attended. At the age of 16, Alex

was proficient in reading, writ-

ing and speaking Polish, Latin,

German and English. When he

completed gymnasium or high

school, he attended university

and subsequently law school in

Cracow. Alex became engaged to

a young woman, Bronya, who

was studying to be a physician.

Subsequently they were married

by proxy, enabling her to live in

the Warsaw Ghetto with her parents at the same time

that Alex’s parents were there.

Alex fled from Cracow when he was tipped off by a

former student of his father’s that the SS were about

to arrest him for translating some “subversive”

articles. Germany and the Soviet Union partitioned

Poland in 1939. Alex left the German zone and spent

the war years in the eastern part of Poland which

was administered by the Russians. He eventually

joined the Polish forces that were helping the

Allies during World War II and acted as defending

counsel for the Polish troops in exile. Sadly, he never

discovered what happened to his parents or his first

wife and her family after they were trapped in the

Warsaw ghetto.

Eventually Alex immigrated to the U.S. where he

met his beloved wife Dona through friends. “She came from Lezajsk, a town in

Poland with many Jewish inhabitants and of great religious significance,” said

Alex. The Reb Elimelech Weisblum, a rabbi and one of the founders of the Hasidic

movement, was buried in Lezajsk. Each year Hasidim congregate at his grave to

mark the day the Rabbi was born.

Alex worked as an importer of tex-

tiles, opening a company in New

York City, while he and his family

lived in Westbury, Long Island, NY.

When Alex and Dona installed me-

morial plaques in their synagogue,

Dona made sure that a plaque for

Bronya, Alex’ first wife, was

included. As this indicates, Alex and

Dona’s devotion to each other

extended to others around them.

Jewish Home Leadership Goes to WashingtonSunni Herman, Executive Vice President, JH at Rockleigh

Sunni Herman, Executive Vice President of

the Jewish Home at Rockleigh (JHR),

joined by Myrna Block, President of the

JHR Board, and Eli Ungar, Chairman of

the Jewish Home Family, met with the

staffs of NJ Senators Corey Booker, Robert

Menendez, and Congressman Scott Garrett

who represents the 5th District of NJ.

Sunni Herman spoke on June 13th at

a morning-long symposium on issues

affecting the elderly. The Symposium was

organized by the Association of Jewish

Aging Services and was held at the White

House in Washington, D.C. Sunni and

Richard Schwalberg, Administrator of

Menorah Park Center for Senior Living in

Beachwood, Ohio spoke to the group

about the eligibility

requirements for a

Medicare benefi-

ciary’s stay.

Traditionally, if

someone qualifies

for Medicare be-

cause they are over

65, they have been

admitted to the hos-

pital, have stayed

there for three nights, and they would

benefit from rehabilitation services in a

nursing home, Medicare will pay 100% of

the cost of the stay in the nursing home for

the first 20 days and 80% from days 21

thru 100, as long as they continue to make

steady progress. Over the past year, nurs-

ing homes across the U.S. have been see-

ing a steady increase in the

number of individuals who would benefit

from receiving rehabilitation services

from places such as the Jewish Home at

Rockleigh and who have stayed in the

hospital for 3 or more nights, but

were held ‘under observation status’

instead of being admitted to the hospital.

Under these circumstances, Medicare

does not reimburse

for inpatient subacute

rehab stay. This sum-

mer, the Senate’s

Special Committee on

Aging has held hear-

ings on observation

stays to change the

legislative require-

ments for a skilled

nursing facility stay.

ECLC School Program at JHALLauren Levant, CALA, Executive Director, JHAL

Three students from Early Care & Learning Council (ECLC)

of New Jersey’s vocational school in Ho-Ho-Kus have been

volunteering since last year at the Jewish Home Assisted

Living in River Vale, NJ in order to get work experience and

develop social skills. ECLC of New Jersey was formed in 1970

by a group of parents in order to provide early intervention

services to a handful of pre-school children, according to its

website. Today it’s an accredited, non-profit organization that

educates students aged 5 to 21 at schools in Ho-Ho-Kus and

Chatham. It also has full-time adult day programs and a sup-

ported employment agency that finds meaningful jobs for

students upon graduation. ECLC guarantees lifelong services

of education, enrichment, and employment to its students

and adult clients with special needs, including autism. At

present, there are about 78 students in the program, said

teacher Russ Bargiel.

At the Jewish Home Assisted Living, students Ruth, Joseph and

Eric, have done a variety of jobs as part of their training. Ruth has

helped the activities staff with various programs, while Joseph

and Eric have helped the dining staff by folding napkins, pour-

ing milk, and passing out water and menus. “It’s a great

program. JHAL is a new location for us. We began last March

and we hope to continue it for a long time,” says Bargiel. “The

young people are welcomed and they love it,” he added.

“Generally, they work one or two mornings a week. We try to

keep participation in the program under 10 hours per week so

that they can keep up with their schoolwork,” he explained.

These three students have just graduated from the program and

one of them, Joseph, has been hired to work at JHAL part-time.

Alex Strachman’s parents

L to R: Myrna Block, Sunni Herman, Eli Ungar

Alex and Dona Strachman

Jewish Home at Rockleigh Resident Possesses Postcard from Warsaw GhettoIris Rosendahl, Public Relations Coordinator, Jewish Home Foundation

Eva Lynn & Leo Gans Wedding Anniversary Sep 8

Jayne & David Petak Wedding Anniversary Sep 9

Orli Michelle Bruhim Birthday Sep 10

Eva Holzer In Memory of Erich Holzer Sep 12

Yvette & Louis Tekel Wedding Anniversary Sep 15

Mel & Rita Wallerstein Wedding Anniversary Sep 15

Gayle & Mel Gerstein Wedding Anniversary Sep 28

Sharon & Michael Jaffin Wedding Anniversary Oct 7

Debbie Himmelfarb Birthday Oct 7

Bernie Levere In Memory of Zelda Levere Oct 9

Shyli Ruth & Tali Sarah Bruhim Birthday Oct 12

Shirley Gralla Birthday Oct 21

Helene & Bob Lapin Wedding Anniversary Oct 24

Beth & Rafael Levin Wedding Anniversary Nov 2

Shelley & Jeff Cohen 40th Wedding Anniversary Nov 2

Ann Oster Birthday Nov 2

Jonathan Izak Birthday Nov 4

Sylvia & Stanley Shirvan Wedding Anniversary Nov 9

Harley & Eli Ungar Wedding Anniversary Nov 12

Myrna & Yale Block Wedding Anniversary Nov 13

Jill Carus-Bier In Memory ofJeannette & Victor Carus Nov 14

Eric Himmelfarb Birthday Nov 16

Wendy Ezor Engler & Mitch Engler In Honor ofGilda & Isidore Ezor Nov 28

Judy & Joe Klyde In Memory ofAnne & Mack Engelhardt Nov 28


Lauren Levant Receives AwardCharles P. Berkowitz, President and CEO, Jewish Home Family


The beautiful patio in the back of the Jewish Home Assisted Living in River Vale

has been the site of the Billie Kramer 2014 Summer Concert Series. This is the first

year that the concert series has taken place and it is funded by a generous gift

from the Vogels, Billie Kramer’s family. Billie was a former resident of JHAL.

Laurette Vogel, Billie’s daughter, said, “my Mom went to Juilliard and loved

anything related to the arts.” So this concert series seemed to be an ideal tribute

to her. “I wanted to give the residents something they could look forward to,”

she added.

The series was kicked off by singer Jason Craig who performed favorites from the

1940s to the 1970s. It was standing room only and people were singing along with

him. The patio was full of energy and excitement. Pianist George Tuzzeo

performed on July 23rd , playing a variety of low-key, relaxing songs. Other sched-

uled performances will include Adrianne Hick, a singer and cabaret performer

who will sing Broadway show tunes, and Exodus Supreme, a band that plays

Calypso, Reggae and Latin. The

series will be topped off by Ed

Goldberg and the Odessa Klezmer

band that will play a variety of

Eastern European music, Latino

and Middle Eastern pieces.

The residents enjoy having

evening entertainment. We al-

ways tell them to close their eyes

and pretend they’re sitting on the

Great Lawn in Central Park. They

get a big kick out of it.

JHAL Enjoys Outdoor Summer Concert SeriesJulie Cochrane, Director of Activities/Volunteer Services, Jewish Home Assisted Living

I am pleased to share with you that Lauren

Levant, Executive Director of the Jewish

Home Assisted Living (JHAL), was chosen

to be the recipient of the 2014 Howard E.

Charish Award for Professional

Excellence, awarded by the Jewish

Federation of Northern New Jersey. I was

particularly pleased to nominate her for

this award. The criteria were as follows:

“The awardee will be someone who, through her/his professional practice,

demonstrates the capacity to make lasting change in the Northern New Jersey

community by:

• Working at a Jewish agency in Northern NJ, with at least 7+ years

experience in the field of Jewish communal service,

• Demonstrating through their leadership and achievements a commitment

to a vibrant, collaborative and strong Northern NJ Jewish community,

• Exemplifying innovation and kindness, and

• Serving as a role model who motivates and inspires peers, colleagues

and volunteer leadership.

Having read the criteria and conferring with Jason Shames, Executive Director

of the Jewish Federation of NNJ, I was pleased to nominate Lauren. The Kaplens

and I were responsible for the hiring of Lauren to the position of Executive

Director. Once the building was completed, Lauren was responsible for the start-

up of JHAL, which included the hiring of staff and the admission of residents

into the facility. Now after 7 years, I am pleased to report that the facility is op-

erating well and has achieved a wonderful reputation.

Lauren began her professional career in 1991 as a social worker in a Bergen

County nursing home. In 2004, she became the Executive Director for Atria

Senior Living in Riverdale, NY, which was one of only two kosher facilities for

the National chain. Lauren was involved in the final stages of the joint venture

between Atria and the UJA Federation in NY to ensure the opening of the Mollie

and Jack Zicklin Jewish Hospice Residence, which was located within the Atria

Riverdale community.

Lauren has been involved with the ‘One Book, One Community’ program as a

member of the selection committee in 2012. In 2014 she was selected to be a part

of the cohort for the Berrie Professional Excellence Program, joining her col-

leagues Melanie Cohen, Sunni Herman and Brandy Stefanco. She has been

elected to the Board of Directors of Temple Emanuel of Pascack Valley. For the

past three years, Lauren has been involved in the Hillsdale Education


In her spare time, Lauren is the wife to Rick and mother of two wonderful young

girls, Leah and Alyssa.

I have been pleased to call Lauren a colleague from the day I met her and look

forward to her being involved with JHAL throughout her professional career.

FeaturingJoan Lunden

Award-winning journalist, tv personalityand best-selling author


The Rockleigh26 Paris Avenue, Rockleigh, NJ

RSVP deadline is September 30th

To place a Journal Ad or attend the Gala DinnerPlease R.S.V.P. to Molly Shulman at

201-784-1414 x 5539


Please join us for a very special evening...

Annual GalaSunday, October 19, 2014

5:30 pm

Be a Part of the Jewish Homes’Commemorative Journal

In Honor of

Charles P. Berkowitz’“Lifetime of Caring”

for his professional role with the Jewish Home Familyand his selfless commitment to

professional eldercare organizations and our community

Journal deadline is September 15th

Sheila Cherry Sep 2Esther Robinson Sep 2Victor Farber Sep 7Doris Malinowski Sep 8Evelyn Sulcov Sep 9Isidore Haliczer Sep 11Zona Fennelly Sep 12Edith Silber Sep 13Judith Golden Sep 14Loretta Buniva Sep 15Renee Kleinberg Sep 18Aldina DeMarco Sep 19Dorothy Yaphe Sep 20Sally Gideon Sep 21Faye Julie Sep 25Annette Pedowitz Sep 25Bayla Cohen Sep 26Betty Saperstein Sep 26Edith Max Sep 27Ruth Shapiro Sep 29Mildred Bookman Oct 1Mary Sussman Oct 1Joan Foley Oct 3Rosa Herband Oct 5Janet Gill Oct 10Harold Cohn Oct 12Angelina Ferraro Oct 12Sam Kagan Oct 12Jay Gilbert Oct 16

Allan Gilbert Oct 20Ruth Barnett Oct 21Cecelia Horowitz Oct 21Joanie Koch Oct 23Inge Silbermann Oct 23Bernice Mitchel Oct 25Ruth Widman Oct 25Sanford Rosenblum Oct 26Edna Spiegel Oct 27Lois Tagliani Oct 27Connie Celestino Oct 28Susan Rich Oct 28Janet Schwartz Oct 28Amelia Scribano Oct 31Henny Schachter Nov 1Joan Hillman Nov 7Eleanor Eisler Nov 11Joseph Wolfson Nov 11Nora Kaufman Nov 13Ethel Deutsch Nov 14Peggy Tierney Nov 14Jeanne Salzberg Nov 16Austin Davis Nov 21Robert Modlinger Nov 22Helen Inchiosa Nov 23Pearl Hordof Nov 24Elayne Bross Nov 28Marshall Kozinn Nov 29

Residents, families and members of the community are invited to

celebrate birthdays and simchas, or honor/remember loved ones by

sponsoring either a Shabbat or Yom Tov Kiddush ($150), or by

dedicating a large print Holiday Prayer Book ($36). For further

information, contact the Development Office at 201-784-1414 x5538.

Honor Your Loved Ones

Master Builder The Russell Berrie Foundation The Kaplen Foundation

Designer Marion & Albert HessWilliam Lippman The Norman & Barbara SeidenFoundation

BuilderElaine & Myron Adler

ArchitectJoan & Robert HessLewis Family Trust –Larry Levy, Trustee

Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation

DraftsmanLucille J. AmsterAnonymousEva HolzerHenry & Elaine Kaufman FdtnLynne & Charles Klatskin

EngineerMichelle & Gary BettmanAnita & Howard BlattMyrna & Yale BlockEnglewood Hospital & Medical CtrEleanor & Edward EpsteinJudy & Ary FreilichJudy & Jonathan FurerGayle & Mel GersteinThe Burton & Anne Greenblatt FdtnDebbie & Stuart HimmelfarbRichard H. Holzer Memorial FdtnLisa & Jack LangerSherri & Howard Lippman The Martin FamilyMaxine & Robert PeckarRampart Benefit Planning

Donna & David SchweidThe Shapiro Family FoundationThe Sylvia & Stanley Shirvan FdtnLeah & Jonathan SilverHarley & Eli Ungar Valley National BankThe Weiss Family FoundationLynne & Marty ZaikovThe Zaro Family

PlannerAnonymousTina & Ron AroestyBarnett Design, Inc.Jane & George BeanLovey BeerJanet & Bernard BoberJill S. Carus-BierJudith & Robert Cook Cheryl & Edward DauberRena Rosenberg &Roy Davidovitch

Eden Memorial Chapels –Frank Patti

Marvin Eiseman Carl EpsteinEsther & Warren FeldmanEva Lynn & Leo GansWendy & Richard Goldstein Rheba & Murray GolubGralla Family Philanthropic FundMargie & Brett Harwood HomeWell Senior CareRobin & Robert JaffinLinda & Ilan KaufthalThe Kissler Family FoundationJudy & Joseph KlydeMarie Adler-Kravecas &Saul Kravecas

Norma & Sol D. KuglerLee Langbaum Lapin Family FoundationArlene & Howard LemelsonKathy & Richard LeventhalBernie Levere Bernice & Herb Levetown Beth & Rafael LevinPearl Ann & Max MarcoRita Merendino Beth & Mark Metzger Foundation Ilene & Howard Pakett JoAnn Hassan & Martin PerlmanJayne & David PetakPharmscript, LLCLinda & Kalmon PostJill Melnick & Ron SedleyDiane & Mark SeidenPearl Seiden Select Medical Rehabilitation Svcs Shapiro, Croland, Reiser, Apfel & DiIorio, LLP

Carol & Alan SilbersteinMarilyn & Leon SokolJeanette & Seymour SpiraMindy & Barry SprungIris & Norbert StraussLilo ThurnauerTobi & Scott Weinstein Naomi WilzigBertha Witt - Rubin Cohen FdtnFran Ziegelheim

Apprentice Gloria & Wilson AboudiAnonymousDebbie & Donald Aronson Pearl & Michael BergsteinRachel & Charles Berkowitz

Berit & Martin BernsteinGail & Gene Bokor Susanne BrunellMelanie & Jeff CohenMarion & Curt de JongeNancy & Richard EichenbaumWendy Ezor-Engler &Mitchell Engler

Nancy & Larry EpsteinFreedom Home Healthcare, Inc.Sandra & Arnold Gold Steven Morey Greenberg Beth & Harvey GrossRonnie & Edward GrossmannGutterman and MusicantJewish Funeral Directors

Dorothy & Aaron HenschelSunni & Jonathan HermanBeth & Gary HirschbergMargi & Irwin HirshbergIPPC PharmacyMiriam KasselTerri & Lawrence KatzShari Leventhal & Steve KaudererPatti & Richard KurtzLauren & Rick LevantCynthia & Stanley LowLisa & Bruce MactasNina Kampler & Zvi MaransMobilex USANetwork DoctorThe Oster Family Foundation Susan & Deane PennEthel & Irving Plutzer FoundationSylvia & Robert RacheskyRockland County JewishHome for the Aged

Cheryl & Mordecai Rosenberg

Eileen & Daniel RubinNancy & David SharpSusan & Charles SilbermanJoan & Dan SilnaNancy & David SimpsonEllen & Lloyd SokoloffCynthia & Abe SteinbergerElizabeth & Michael SternliebEllen StrahlRoslyn SwireShelley & Ira TaubBenay & Steven TaubYvette & Louis TekelVNA of EnglewoodBarry WienInge & Paul WolffXPEDX

NoviceGeri & David Cantor –Elayne Bross

Shelley & Jeffrey CohenConstruction Technology Corp.Crestron Electronics, Inc.Amy & Jeffrey GoldsmithJudy & Marc Joseph –Amy Klette Newman Fdtn

Sharon & Kenneth KaufmannDebra & Herb KleinbergerGail & David LazarusNaomi LevineMercadien Consulting, LLCAna & Henoch MoherRoberta Abrams-Paer & Lew PaerNadine & Steven PosnanskyRight at HomeSheila & Gabe Schlisser

“Happy is he who performs a good deed: for he may tip the scales for himself and the world” Talmud: Kiddushin 40:2

*List includes donors who havecommitted as of August, 2014


One of the most popular customs on Shavuot is to eat cheesecake. The residents at the

Jewish Home at Rockleigh, along with their families, took eating this delicious delight

one step further. They decided to host a cheesecake bake-off.

Staff and residents worked vigorously gathering famous family recipes to submit. Recipes

were submitted for Cherry Cheesecake by Yael Rudolph — granddaughter of Ruth

Waldman, Chocolate Cheesecake by Lisa Mactas (using her mother’s recipe) — Vice

President of JHR, and Ultimate Cheesecake by Mindy Orlinsky — daughter of Mary

Sussman (and baked by Linda Collins and Jean Rosenblum). A dietetic alternative, Farmers

Cheesecake, was offered by Marilyn Wechter (though not a submission to the bake-off).

Those who were brave enough to accept the challenge stood side by side in hopes of

becoming the winner of our first annual cheesecake bake off. Yael Rudolph not only had

the pressure of executing her grandmother’s famous cherry cheesecake recipe to a T,

but also making her proud.

Each participant worked on mixing their ingredients and informing the audience of the

steps it takes to make the perfect cheesecake. The audience waited in anticipation to

taste a sliver of each.

Beth Janoff Chananie, Editor at the Rockland Jewish Media Group, was invited to be

our celebrity judge, sitting on a panel with our very own Rabbi Feld, Sunni Herman,

and residents Lenore Lippert and Marilyn Wechter. After tasting all 3 cheesecakes, it

was unanimously decided...we had 3 winners. One of the recipes (below) was featured

in the Jewish Standard.

Shavuot Cheesecake Bakeoff at JH at RockleighTracey Couliboly, Director of Recreation, Jewish Home at Rockleigh


Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe by Lisa Mactas1 box chocolate wafers (9 ozs)12 oz bag semi sweet chocolate morsels6 T melted butter3 – 8 oz packages cream cheese

1 cup sour cream 1/8 tsp salt1 cup + 2 T sugar1 tsp vanilla extract3 eggs

Preheat oven to 350o. Before preparing crust, unwrap cream cheese and allow to soften.

Crust: Crush chocolate wafers into powder in Cuisinart (do in batches). Transfer to mixing

bowl and add 2 Ts sugar and mix. Add 6 Ts of melted butter to wafer and sugar mix and

blend. Pour into 9” springform pan and press firmly against bottom and sides with fork.

Filling: Melt chocolate morsels in the top of double boiler. Use mixer to blend 3 eggs and 1

cup sugar until light and frothy. Slice packages of cream cheese into 6 even chunks per pkg.

Add 1 pkg at a time to batter in mixer bowl and blend. Add melted chocolate morsels from

mixture and blend. Add 1 tsp vanilla extract and blend a little. Add 1/8 tsp salt and blend.

Add 1 cup sour cream and blend. Add container of water to oven while baking for moist-

ness. Pour mixture into refrigerated crust and bake on center rack in 350o oven for 45-50

mins or until hairline cracks form. Center will jiggle but outer edges will remain firm. Once

hairline cracks begin to form about 1” from edge, remove from oven and place on wire rack

to cool. Cover with saran wrap after 2 hours of cooling. Refrigerate overnight. Use spatula

to free edges from side of pan. Open pan and use spatula to loosen bottom. Carefully move

onto serving plate.

Administration 201-750-4230Business Office 201-750-4232Volunteer Services 201-750-4237

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Main Number 201-784-1414Main Fax 201-784-0006Administration 201-750-4246Social Services 201-750-4243Admissions/Marketing/Tours 201-750-4234Recreation 201-518-1171Human Resources 201-750-4235Director of Nursing 201-750-4242Medical/Dental Suites 201-784-8209Rehabilitation Services 201-750-4236

Main Number 201-666-2370Main Fax 201-664-7111Administration 201-478-4260Health Services 201-478-4263Business Office 201-478-4261Marketing & Sales 201-478-4262

Jewish Home at Home 201-750-4247Gallen Adult Day Health Care 201-750-4238

Charitable Solicitation Disclosure Statement: Jewish Home Foundation of North Jersey, Inc. (“JHFoundation”) is a New Jersey non-profit corporation with its primary address and principle placeof business at 10 Link Drive, Rockleigh, NJ 07647.New Jersey: Information filed with the Attorney General concerning this charitable solicitation andthe percentage of contributions received by the charity during the last reporting period that were ded-icated to the charitable purpose may be obtained from the Attorney General of the State of New Jerseyby calling 973-504-6215 and is available on the Internet at with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement.New York: A copy of JHFoundation’s latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, by writingto Jewish Home Foundation, Attn: Melanie Cohen, Executive Director, 10 Link Drive, Rockleigh, NJ07647 or from the New York Sate Attorney General Charity Bureau, Attn: FOIL Officer, 120 Broadway,New York, NY 10271.

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The Jewish Home Family® Happeningsis published quarterly by theJewish Home Foundation

10 Link Drive, Rockleigh, NJ

Molly Shulman Editor

Phone: 201-784-1414 x5539Fax: 201-784-7049


Melanie S. Cohen, CFREExecutive Director, Jewish Home Foundation

Charles P. BerkowitzPresident & CEO, Jewish Home Family®

Boneh Olam Donor Thank You Evening — Mangia Italian Night on July 23, 2014

Jewish Home Employee Recognition HonoreesProgram Sponsored by the Bella & Martin Himmelfarb Endowment Fund

Simeon SamaniegoJHR Jun 2014

Ryan De GuzmanJHR Jul 2014

Alison PaddockJHR Aug 2014

Elena MartishevaJHAL Apr – Jun 2014

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