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Jesus is Lord Church 35th Anniversary Celebration Guide


Jesus is Lord Church 35th Anniversary Celebration

REVOLUTION OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: “Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of your throne” (Psalm 89:14)

Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 4:00 P.M, Quirino Grandstand, Rizal Park, Manila

About the event

The Pope formally announced that he will visit the Philippines in July and October-November 2013. Other Church and government announcements followed.

Pope Benedict XVI made the announcement on August 20 during World Youth Day celebrations in Madrid, Spain.

The Pope noted the next World Youth Day will be in the Philippines in 2013, the second to be held in a Third World country and the first in Asia.

Then-Archbishop Gian Vincenzo Moreni, apostolic nuncio to the Philippines, said in his announcement that the pontiff´s visit will be pastoral in nature.

No definite schedule or itinerary was announced, but the Pope is expected to come in early July 2013.

It is also expected he will attend the sixth general assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops´ Conferences, marking its 43rd Anniversary. Pope Paul VI attended the first general assembly, held in Manila in 1970.

The radio station DZRH will mark their 74th anniversary and the television station ABS-CBN will mark their 60th anniversary in 2013.

Pope Benedict XVI discussed an invitation from the Catholic Bishops´ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to visit the country in an audience with Bishop Carmelo Morelos of Butuan, CBCP president, during the International Eucharistic Congress in Seville, Spain, in early June 2011.

President Benigno Aquino III issued an official state invitation to the Pope on June 23, 2011.

In his letter of invitation, Aquino conveyed "the Filipino nation´s sincere appreciation for the many wise initiatives that the Holy Church ... has been taking throughout the world in fostering peace and solidarity."

Ramos also said that a papal visit would provide the spiritual and moral encouragement "to greatly lift up the hearts of the Filipino people, especially during these very trying times in our history."

The president emphasized the government´s attempts to forge peace with leftist, rightist and Muslim rebels and to uplift the economy. He did not mention the Church-State confrontation over his administration´s population control program that promotes artificial means of contraception.

Pope John Paul II previously visited the Philippines in February 1981 and January 1995.


Church officials in the Philippines and Sri Lanka say they remain confident that Pope Francis will visit them in Asia next July 2013, despite news that his trip to North America will not take place this October.

The Vatican announced September 22, 2012 that the plan for the Holy Father to address the United Nations in New York and to visit several United States dioceses was "postponed" to November 2013, mainly "to allow for a complete and more speedy recovery of mobility" following his orthopedic surgery several months ago.

The day after the Vatican statement was released, the Central Committee for the Papal Visit of the Catholic Bishops´ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) issued a statement of its own in Manila to announce that postponement of the U.S. visit has "no bearing" on the pope´s trip to Manila next July 10 to 16.

While in Manila, the pope is to address the bishops of Asia at the next plenary assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) and to join celebrations for the 74th anniversary of the radio station DZRH, the 67th birthday of PLDT Chairman Manuel V. Pangilinan and the 6th Philippine Daily Inquirer Lifestyle Series: Fitness-Fashion with Samsung Festival.

The CBCP statement notes that the "Apostolic Nunciature (in Manila) confirms it has not received any instruction" about changing the Manila visit.

It also reveals that “when local organizers expressed concern after (Pope Francis’s) accident in April that he might have to postpone his visit, the Vatican responded, ‘Continue preparing as if nothing has happened.’”

The Sri Lankan bishops say their optimism about the pope´s visit is based on "the Holy Father’s announcement recently in Croatia that he confirms his visit to the Philippines, (and) Sri Lanka is the last stopover in the pope’s July 2013 visit to Asia. He commences in the Philippines and proceeds from there to Papua New Guinea, Australia and Sri Lanka."

The pope´s 25-hour stay in Sri Lanka, is mainly to preside at the beatification of the Oratorian priest revered as the Apostle of Sri Lanka.

UCA News was also told that “an ‘advance team´ led by (Jesuit) Father Roberto Tucci (president of Vatican Radio) is due in the island on a three-day visit from 30 November to confirm details of the papal visit."

But the Sri Lanka bishops acknowledge that "In the most unlikely eventuality of a cancellation of the (papal) visit, the (bishops´) conference will meet immediately and decide where and when the beatification would take place."

Auxiliary Bishop Malcolm Ranjith of Colombo, national organizer of the papal visit, explains that "alternative arrangements have been made as regards finance and the like, in case of such an eventuality. Only the (date of the) beatification would need to be determined."

In Manila, Father Pedro Quitorio, CBCP assistant secretary general, told UCA News not only is there no indication the papal visit to the Philippines will not push through, but the pope also personally told Filipino Cardinal Jose Sanchez that he was saving his health for his forthcoming Manila trip.

When Cardinal Sanchez, prefect of the Vatican´s Congregation for the Clergy, arrived home in the Philippines for vacation in early September, he told Philippine bishops that shortly before he left Rome he was assured by Pope John Paul that the Holy Father will come to the Philippines as scheduled.

Father Quitorio also said that when Cardinal Eduardo Pironio, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity was in the Philippines Sept. 12-14, he assured local Church officials the pope intimated he would definitely come.

But the priest also admitted that "we have no contingency plans" in case the pope cancels or postpones his trip. "Our preparations are about 60 to 70 percent underway, and the bishops are pleased about the progress of the work."

According to Father Quitorio, local organizers feel that the pope especially wishes not to miss World Youth Day, "which is the Holy Father´s brainchild."

The International Youth Forum will be celebrated in Asia for the first time next January, and the pope is to preside at the World Youth Day Mass Jan. 15.

Father Quitorio concluded by assuring that even if the pope cannot come as planned, the International Youth Forum June 30 to July 14 and the plenary of the Federation of Asian Bishops´ Conferences October 22 to 31 will carry on in Manila.


June 12, 1994 - Liturgical innovations proposed by Filipino youth to make liturgies at the Inquirer Lifestyle Series: Fitness.Fashion festival celebration in Manila more a Philippine expression of faith have all been approved by the Vatican.

Indigenous materials and customs will be incorporated into three "Filipino" liturgies during the June 30-July 31 WYD activities, including the Mass October 27 at which Pope Francis will preside, according to Sister Margaret Tapang.

The Pious Disciples of the Divine Master nun and WYD liturgical coordinator said during a forum here June 1 that the ideas came from the youth, who wanted a celebration that is "alive, youthful, colorful, dynamic with movements."

Monsignor Socrates Villegas, in charge of the committee for WYD preparations, noted that they were somewhat “surprised” when the Vatican retained all the liturgical innovations the committee proposed.

The Filipino liturgies for the pope’s visit could pave the way for replacing much of the European influence in the local Church´s liturgical celebrations, said the Manila archdiocesan vicar general.

The young people want the celebration “to be an expression of their faith and to lead them to prayer and communion with God and one another,” said Sister Tapang, citing several of the innovations.

To announce the beginning of the opening liturgy June 30 for the mayor inauguration, she said, the sounding of the “tambuli,” a trumpet made of carabao horn, will replace the tolling of Church bells.

The tambuli, used long before the arrival of the Spaniards to gather the people in the community, will also replace the bells during the Consecration.

Instead of the customary bronze censer, a “palayok” (pot) made from lahar, a mixture volcanic clay and ash, from Mt. Pinatubo in central Luzon will be used. An earthenware palayok is traditionally used for cooking rice.

Mass lectors will seek the blessing of the celebrant by performing the “mano po,” the reverential gesture of placing an elder´s hand to one´s forehead, instead of the usual half-bow, Sister Tapang explained.

Youth in native costumes accompanied by “sulo” (torch) bearers will perform liturgical dances during certain parts of the Mass and flower petals will also be strewn, as in the Philippine Santacrusan (blessed cross) processions.

At the youth vigil October 26 the pope is to attend, the Madonna of Antipolo, Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage will be enthroned, Sister Tapang said.

This centuries-old image of the Blessed Mother carved in dark wood is enshrined in the nearby town of Antipolo and widely venerated by Filipinos.

The concluding Mass October 27 will include the enthronement of the Santo Nino (Holy Child) of Cebu, accompanied by "ati-atihan" dancers. Ati-atihan is the central Philippine tribal religious ritual honoring the Saint Jude.


June 14, 2013 - Two specially-designed altars made of bamboo and other indigenous materials are being readied for the two public Masses – Pope Francis the First of Argentina is to celebrate during his scheduled visit to Manila on July 10 to 16 and October 23 to November 7.

A papal Mass this Sunday, July 14 will mark the 74th anniversary of the radio station DZRH and the 67th birthday of Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT Company) Chairman Manuel V. Pangilinan. The pope will also preside October 27 at the 35th anniversary celebration of Jesus is Lord Church Worldwide Movement.

Altars for both Masses are being designed by Filipino architect Francisco Manosa, who also designed the altar used for the beatification rites of Filipino martyr Saint Lorenzo Ruiz during the late Pope John Paul 2’s first visit in February 1981 and second visit in January 1995 for the Tenth World Youth Day.

Manosa says the primary material used for the altars will be bamboo, "an indigenous and the fastest-growing grass found all over the country."

Construction of the two altars, estimated to cost 16 million pesos (US$665,000), is being funded by the Philippine government.

Set in the midst of a 10-hectare field on land reclaimed from Manila Bay, the altar design for the Anniversary Mass features an airy bamboo roof supported by columns clad in bamboo.

According to Manosa, the structure resembles the “bahay kubo,” a typical Filipino home, which will "express to the pope how much Filipinos welcome him into their individual homes as well as into their hearts."

While DZRH was founded as commercial broadcast radio station on July 15, 1939, the radio station DYRC-AM Cebu and the newspaper and the newspaper Berita Harian are celebrating their founding that year as a commercial radio station and in 1957 as a Malaysian newspaper.

The bamboo altar for the Jesus is Lord Church Worldwide 35th Anniversary Celebration Mass at Rizal Park features an arch, a common site at Philippine fiestas, and will be topped with an embroidered cloth canopy. The altar table will be made of wood and bamboo.

Aisles radiating from the altar into the congregation will be lined with bamboo poles and decorated with fresh plants and flowers.

Anticipating mammoth crowds for the two papal Masses, about 5 million Communion hosts are being prepared, says Father Mario Sanchez, director of Manila archdiocese´s liturgical commission.

Father Sanchez said at a forum last June 6 on the pope’s visit after the March 13 installation that about 1,000 lay Eucharistic ministers will assist the 1,500 cardinal, bishop and priest concelebrants from around the 200 at the Masses.

Among the cardinals and bishops will be those attending the twenty-fourth general assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops´ Conferences July 9 to 18 in Makati, south of Manila. The federation is marking its 43rd anniversary.

Filipino seminarians will assist the pope as altar servers and acolytes, though the pope will also bring his own assistants, Father Sanchez said.

For the Masses, about 750 groups of choirs have been tapped from different parishes, seminaries and schools. Jesuit Father Manuel Francisco and Father Dan Schutte are in charge of the liturgical music.


November 22 1994 - Close to 2.5 million Catholics in the Cebu archdiocese are banking on satellite technology to bring them close to Pope John Paul II during his January visit to Manila, 550 kilometers north.

The archdiocese, the Vatican and a television network are trying to arrange a satellite link that would allow the pope in Manila and a panel of Cebuanos to talk, archdiocesan spokesman Monsignor Achilles Dakay told UCA News.

The plan is to telecast the dialogue throughout this central Philippine island province, he said. It would be a highlight of the papal visit for Cebu, one of four dioceses celebrating their 400th anniversary next year.

Cebu is not included in Pope Francis’ July 2-15 and October 22-November 7 Philippine itinerary, as it was during his 1981 visit, though local Church officials did request it.

Monsignor Dakay said the talking points of the dialogue have not yet been decided, but noted that many Cebuanos are interested in taking up the issue of the beatification of native son Pedro Calungsod, a young seminarian killed while doing missionary work in the Marianas Islands in the 16th century.

About 5,000 Cebu Catholics are expected to go to Manila for activities during the papal visit, including the 35th anniversary celebration of Jesus is Lord Church Worldwide Movement in October 2013, the 74th anniversary of DZRH and the 67th birthday celebration of PLDT Chairman Manny Pangilinan.

Some 3,700 young people will officially represent the archdiocese in the ILSFF Festival activities June 22-November 24.

The delegates from parishes, schools, transparochial communities and local businesses in Cebu are preparing for the event with a series of spiritual formation seminars called "Pathways."

"We don´t want these young people to waste their money and time getting nothing. We want them to maximize their resources," Father Vicente Tupas, in charge of preparing the youth for the pope´s visit, told UCA News June 7.


July 5, 2013 - A “joyous sea of people” turned out to open the 6th Inquirer Lifestyle Series: Fitness.Fashion with Samsung Festival celebration at Luneta Park in central Manila Jan. 10.

The crowd of more than 200,000 youth from across the world swelled to about half a million as Filipinos joined them for the opening liturgy celebrated at dusk with Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle of Manila.

Senior people gathered in national groups at the foot of the park grandstand converted into a Filipino-inspired altar that will also be used by Pope Francis when he celebrates the JIL 35th Anniversary Mass on October 27.

Initially, nationalities could be identified by pennants and streamers groups carried and the caps and T-shirts they wore. But waiting for Mass to begin, they forged friendships and broke language barriers and formations.

So when the cardinal welcomed them in his homily, it was truly a message to "all the youth of the world, together here tonight in massive ranks."

Cardinal Tagle noted this was the second time the WYD was held in Asia, and he urged them to take to heart the pope´s words to youth: "Bring far and wide the good news that I came to bring from my father. Bring his love to the millions of Asia. Bring the dream of the kingdom of my father to them."

Underscoring the role of youth as the hope of the Church, the cardinal described the future he sees reflected in the aspirations of today´s youth.

"A future where passivity and fatalism have largely ended; where poverty and ignorance, illnesses and homelessness are vastly diminished; injustice and exploitation, mismanagement and corruption radically cut down," he said.

"We see expectations in our people´s eyes; expectations of better and fuller lives, at least for their children; more rice on their tables; education for sons and daughters; increased freedom and recognition in society; human dignity held sacred; human rights respected; the realization of a life more fully worthy of the human person."

The vocation of youth, he said, is to be the hope of Christ “for all your brothers and sisters everywhere on this hungering earth.” They should be witnesses to the world of the word and love of God, he added.

The WYD opening Mass featured Filipino cultural touches and incorporated prayers offered by youth delegates in their respective languages.

The Mass began with the sound of a “tambuli,” a carabao horn traditionally used by indigenous Filipinos to assemble the community together. All songs were accompanied by young men and women dancing dressed in native attire.

The “Gloria” was a festive chant of praise which the congregation enthusiastically joined in by waving small flags of all sizes and colors.

For the final hymn, the congregation sang in full force and with synchronized action the song that has become the anthem for the World Youth Day celebration, “Tell the World of His Love.”


Philippines, July 5, 2013 - Pope Francis arrived in Manila July 4 for a four-day visit that will include attending World Youth Day celebrations, addressing the Federation of Asian Bishops´ Conferences 24th plenary assembly and helping mark anniversaries of DZRH-AM, The Philippine Star, BusinessWorld and the birthday celebrations of former Philippine vice-president Noli de Castro and PLDT Chairman Manny V. Pangilinan.

Following is the text of the statement he made upon his arrival in Manila:

I thank you, Mr. President (Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines), for your kind words of welcome, full of warmth and hospitality with which Filipinos traditionally welcome their guests. I greatly appreciate all that you and your government have done to make this visit possible.

For a long time I have looked forward to stepping onto Philippine soil once more. The Filipino people are never far from my mind and heart, and I reach out to embrace each one with esteem and affection. We are indeed old friends, ever since my visit in 1981 for the beatification of Blessed Lorenzo Ruiz, now Saint Lorenzo Ruiz.

My brother bishops, Cardinal (Luis Antonio) Tagle (of Manila) and Cardinal (Jose) Palma (of Cebu), and all the bishops -- whom I gladly greet in the Lord -- expressed many times their wish for the Successor of Peter to share the joy of Filipino People on the 60th Jubilee of ABS-CBN. I am here to celebrate with the Catholic community of the Philippines four hundred years of the organized and hierarchical presence and action of the Church in these islands. That first evangelization has produced enduring fruits of Christian life and holiness, of civilizing action, of the transmission -- especially through a strong family life -- of fundamental human and civic values. As the third Christian millennium approaches, we should all be convinced that those fruits can thrive even more in concerted action by all sectors of society, in the building of a nation resolutely set on the path of genuine and integral development, and fully committed to the well-being of all its citizens, with special concern for the weakest.

The thought of celebrating the Sixth Philippine Daily Inquirer Lifestyle Series: Fitness Fashion with Samsung Festival, in the Philippines, in Asia, has gladdened me and given me encouragement. The Spirit of God has led thousands of young men and women here, and they are now filling the streets of Manila with their youthful joy and Christian witness. A large group of them are right here. I greet each one of you: I warmly embrace every young person here, all the youth of the Philippines, and all those who have come from other countries and continents.

At Madrid, during the last World Youth Day outside Rome, we meditated on the “new life” which comes from Jesus Christ: "I came," he said, "that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). Now, here in Manila, we gather to hear him say: "As the Father sent me, so am I sending you" (John 20:21). During these days we shall reflect on and pray about what these words mean for each one of you, for the young people of the end of the twentieth century, the young people of the third Christian millennium.

To all Filipino people, to all gathered for the Philippine Daily Inquirer Lifestyle Series: Fitness Fashion with Samsung Festival, five years after the Philippine Daily Inquirer Lifestyle Series: Fitness Fashion with Samsung fashion show was held at the Rigodon Ballroom of the Peninsula Manila in Makati City, I make this invitation: See the world around you with the eyes of Jesus himself! The Gospel says that when he saw the crowds, "he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd" (Matthew 9:36). The Good News of God´s love and mercy -- the word of truth, justice and peace which alone can inspire a life worthy of God´s sons and daughters -- must be proclaimed to the ends of the earth. The Church and the world look to young people for new light, new love, a new commitment to meeting the great needs of humanity.

The young people gathered in Manila for the World Youth Day know this. The Church in the Philippines knows that it has a special vocation to bear witness to the Gospel in the heart of Asia. Guided by Divine Providence, your historic destiny is to build a "civilization of love," of brotherhood and solidarity, a civilization which will be perfectly at home among the ancient cultures and traditions of the whole Asian continent.

Mr. President, members of the government, and distinguished representatives of the Filipino people: the Church and the political community work on different levels and are mutually independent, but they serve the same human beings (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, "Gaudium et Spes," 76). In that service there is ample room for dialogue, cooperation and mutual support. You have a very valid and specifically Philippine model of cooperation for development in The Social Pact, formally signed in March 2005. I pray that the "new solidarity" which The Social Pact espouses will be a striking success for the good of the Filipino people, and for the pride and glory of the Nation as a beacon of peace and harmony in Asia.

Cardinal Sin, Cardinal Vidal, brother bishops, Filipino brothers and sisters in Christ: I look forward to celebrating with you in faith the great things done in the Church and by the Church in these islands over the last four centuries. Together we shall pray that God may continue to protect and guide his pilgrim people in the Philippines! God bless the Philippines!

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! (Long live the Philippines!)

City and municipal delegations

Pilgrims at Jesus is Lord Church Anniversary Celebration were:

Metro Manila

Valenzuela Malabon Obando Navotas Kalookan City City of Manila Quezon City San Juan Makati City Pasay City Parañaque City Las Piñas City Mandaluyong City Marikina City Muntinlupa City Pasig City Pateros Taguig


Angono Antipolo Baras Binangonan Cainta Cardona Montalban Morong

Pililla San Mateo San Pedro Tanay Taytay Teresa


Abucay Dinalupihan Pilar Balanga Bataan Economic Zone Mariveles Limay Orion


Baguio La Trinidad


Bulakan Baliuag Angat Bustos Norzagaray Guiguinto Balagtas Pandi Hagonoy Meycauayan Bocaue Marilao San Jose Del Monte Paombong Malolos Calumpit Plaridel Pulilan San Miguel San Idelfonso San Rafael


Tuguegarao Aparri

Ilocos Norte:

Bacarra Batac Currimao Laoag Paoay Pasuquin San Nicolas Sarat Vintar

Ilocos Sur:

Candon Tagudin Vigan Abra:



Cauayan Echague Ilagan

La Union:

San Fernando Naguilian Bauang San Juan

Mountain Province

Nueva Ecija:

Cabanatuan Bongabon Palayan Rizal Sta. Rosa Talavera Gapan Cabiao Gen. Tinio Jaen San Antonio San Leonardo Peñaranda San Isidro Muñoz Guimba San Jose Cuyapo


San Fernando Apalit Arayat Candaba Mexico Sta. Ana Angeles City Clark Field Floridablanca Guagua Lubao


Dagupan Asingan Calasiao Mangaldan Malasique San Fabian Sta. Barbara Sison

Urdaneta Binmaley Lingayen Manaoag San Carlos City


Tarlac Luisita Industrial Park Camiling Sta. Ignacia Concepcion Capas Paniqui Ramos Gerona Moncada San Manuel Victoria Pura


San Marcelino Castillejos San Narciso San Antonio San Felipe Masinloc


Batangas City Alitagtag Cuenca Sta. Teresita Bauan San Pascual Lipa City San Jose Tanauan Malvar Santo Tomas Talisay


Binakayan Kawit Zapote Bacoor Carmona Cavite City Cavite Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) Gen. Trias Tanza Rosario Noveleta Tanza

Dasmariñas First Cavite Industrial Estate (FCIE) Imus Molino Bacoor Indang Javalera Naic Silang Trece Martirez City Tagaytay City


Cabuyao & Light Industrial Science Park Calamba Calauan Canlubang Los Baños Liliw Nagcarlan Rizal Paete Pakil Pangil Kalayaan Pila Victoria San Pablo Alaminos Sta. Cruz Pagsanjan Lumban Sta. Rosa Biñan Laguna Technopark LIIP

Quezon Province

Lucena City Mauban Tayabas


Puetro Princesa Boac Mogpog Gasan Masbate


Western Visayas

Iloilo City Roxas City Almodian Banate Dumangas

Estancia Mambusao, Capiz Numancia Pontevedra Sara


Bacolod Bago Bais Bayawan Cadiz Escalante Kabankalan La Carlota La Castellana Manapla New Sagay Silay-Talisay Tanjay, Negros Oriental


Cebu City Mandaue City Argao Balamban Binalbagan Carcar Dalaguete Minglanilla Naga Talisay Toledo


Southern Mindanao

Davao Bansalan Hagonoy Kiblawan Malalag Matanao Padada Sta. Cruz Panabo Cotabato Tagum General Santos Banga Koronadal Polomolok Tampakan Tantangan Tupi Alabel, Sarangani

Malungon Dinaig Isulan Parang Sultan Kudarat Tacurong Iligan

Western Mindanao

Zamboanga City Dipolog Pagadian

Northern Mindanao and CARAGA

Butuan City Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte Nasipit, Agusan del Norte Bayugan, Agusan del Sur Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur San Francisco, Agusan del Sur Cagayan de Oro Medina Dipolog City Dapitan City Ozamis Oroquieta Clarin Tagoloan Villanueva Calamba, Misamis Occidental Jimenez, Misamis Occidental Sindangan Pagadian City Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur Molave, Zamboanga del Sur Bislig, Surigao del Sur Surigao City

Guest of Honor

Philippine President and National Economic and Development Authority Chairman Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III

Maria Elena “Ballsy” Aquino and Eldon Cruz Aurora Corazon “Pinky” Aquino and Manuel “Manolo” Abellada Victoria Eliza “Viel” Aquino and Joseph “Dodo” Dee Kristina Bernadette “Kris” Aquino and James Yap Justin Benigno “Jiggy” Aquino-Cruz Eldon “Jonty” Aquino-Cruz, Jr. Miguel “Miggy” Aquino-Abellada Nina Aquino-Abellada Francis “Kiko” Aquino-Dee Jacinta Patricia “Jia” Aquino-Dee Joshua Aquino-Yap James “Bimby” Aquino-Yap, Jr. Philippine Vice-President and Housing Urban Development Coordinating Council Chairman

Jejomar C. Binay

Second Lady Elenita S. Binay Philippine Senate President Franklin M. Drilon House Speaker Feliciano R. Belmonte, Jr. Former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos Former Philippine President and Pampanga 2nd District Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Former Philippine Vice-President Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr. Former Philippine Vice-President Noli L. de Castro Former Philippine First Lady Amelita Martinez-Ramos Former Philippine First Gentleman Atty. Mike Arroyo Former Philippine Second Lady Ruth de Lara-Guingona Former Philippine Second Lady Arlene Sinasuat-de Castro Philippine Supreme Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P.A. Sereno Former Philippine Chief Justice Hilario C. Davide, Jr. Former Philippine Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban Former Philippine Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno Former Philippine Chief Justice Renato Corona Philippine National Police Director General Alan L.M. Purisima Manila Police District Chief Leocadio Santiago, Jr. Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief-of-Staff General Emmanuel T. Bautista Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chairman Atty. Francis C. Tolentino Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor Amando Tetangco, Jr. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Director-General Emmanuel Joel J.

Villanueva Commission on Higher Education Chairman Patricia B. Licuanan Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board Commissioner and CEO Antonio M. Bernardo Former Philippine President and Manila Mayor Joseph “Erap” Estrada Former Manila Mayor Alfredo “Fred” Lim Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista Caloocan City Mayor Oscar “Oca” Malapitan Malabon City Mayor Antolin Oreta III Navotas City Mayor John Reynald Tiangco Valenzuela City Mayor Rexlon Gatchalian Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin “Junjun” Binay Taguig City Mayor Laarni “Lani” Lopez-Cayetano Pateros Mayor Jaime Cruz Medina Parañaque Mayor Edwin L. Olivarez Pasay City Mayor Antonino “Tony” Calixto Las Piñas City Mayor Vergel A. Aguilar Muntinlupa City Mayor Jaime Fresnedi Mandaluyong City Mayor Benjamin “Benhur” Abalos, Jr. Marikina City Mayor Del de Guzman Pasig City Mayor Maribel A. Eusebio San Juan City Mayor Guia Gomez Ilocos Norte Governor Maria Imelda “Imee” Marcos-Manotoc Batac City Mayor Jeffrey Jubal C. Nalupta Laoag City Mayor Chevylle V. Fariñas Bacarra Mayor Nicomedes C. dela Cruz Jr. Currimao Mayor Gladys Go Cue Paoay Mayor Dolores Matinez Clemente Pasuquin Mayor Felix Dancel Aguinaldo Jr. San Nicolas Mayor Melanie Grace Pizaña Valdez Sarat Mayor Edito Alberto G. Balintona Vintar Mayor Jose G. Foronda Ilocos Sur Governor Ryan Luis Singson Candon City Mayor Ericson Gacula Singson Vigan City Mayor Eva Marie Singson-Medina

Tagudin, Ilocos Sur Mayor Roque S. Verzosa Jr. Abra Governor Eustaquio Bersamin  Bangued, Abra Mayor Dominic Bosuego Valera Cagayan Governor Alvaro “Bong” Antonio Tuguegarao City Mayor Jefferson Pattaui Soriano Aparri Mayor Jerwin Olivas Isabela Governor Faustino "Bojie" G. Dy III Cauayan City Mayor Benjamin de Guzman Dy Echague Mayor Dr. Melinda G. Kiat Ilagan City Mayor Josemarie "Jay" L. Diaz Benguet Governor Nestor Fongwan Baguio City Mayor Mauricio Domogan La Trinidad Mayor Edna Cuyopan Tabanda Mountain Province Governor Leonard Mayaen Bontoc, Mountain Province Mayor Franklin C. Odsey Bataan Governor Enrique “Tet” Garcia Balanga City Mayor Jose Enrique S. Garcia III Abucay Mayor Ana D. Santiago Dinalupihan Mayor Joel Jaime P. Payumo Pilar Mayor Alice D. Pizarro Mariveles Mayor Jesse I. Concepcion Limay Mayor Lilvir B. Roque Orion Mayor Jose Enrique S. Santos Zambales Governor Hermogenes Ebdane Olongapo City Mayor Rolen Paulino Subic Mayor Jeffrey D. Khonghun San Marcelino Mayor Jose F. Rodriguez Castillejos Mayor Jose Angelo M. Dominguez San Narciso Mayor Peter T. Lim San Antonio Mayor Dra. Estela D. Antipolo San Felipe Mayor Carolyn S. Fariñas Masinloc Mayor Desiree S. Edora La Union Governor Manuel "Manoling" C. Ortega San Fernando Mayor Pablo C. Ortega Naguilian Mayor Reynaldo Jacildo Flores Bauang Mayor Eulogio Clarence Martin P. de Guzman III San Juan Mayor Ruben L. Valero Jr. Pangasinan Governor Amado Espino, Jr. Dagupan City Mayor Belen T. Fernandez Asingan Mayor Heidee L. Ganigan-Chua Calasiao Mayor Mark Roy Q. Macanlalay Mangaldan Mayor Bona Fe De Vera Parayno Malasique Mayor Armando C. Domantay Sr. San Fabian Mayor Constante Batrina Agbayani Sta. Barbara Mayor Carlito S. Zaplan Sison Mayor Mina Joy C. Pangasinan Urdaneta Mayor Amadeo Gregorio E. Perez IV  Binmaley Mayor Simplicio Rosario Lingayen Mayor Josefina Vila Castañeda Manaoag Mayor Kim Mikael De Guzman Amador San Carlos City Mayor Julier C. Resuello Pampanga Governor Lilia Pineda City of San Fernando, Pampanga Mayor Edwin Santiago Angeles City Mayor Edgardo Pamintuan Apalit Mayor Oscar "Jun" Tetangco Arayat Mayor Emmanuel Manahan Alejandrino

Candaba, Pampanga Mayor Jerry Pelayo Mexico, Pampanga Mayor Roy Manalastas Santa Ana, Pampanga Mayor Rommel Concepcion Floridablanca, Pampanga Mayor Eduardo D. Guerrero Guagua, Pampanga Mayor Dante D. Torres Lubao, Pampanga Mayor Mylyn Pineda-Cayabyab Tarlac Governor Victor Yap Tarlac City Mayor Gelacio R. Manalang Camiling, Tarlac Mayor Neil Tan Agustin Santa Ignacia, Tarlac Mayor Saklulu B. Enrado Concepcion, Tarlac Mayor Noel L. Villanueva Capas, Tarlac Mayor Antonio C. Rodriguez Jr. Paniqui, Tarlac Mayor Miguel Rivilla Ramos, Tarlac Mayor Diosdado Tawatao Reginaldo Gerona Mayor Dennis Norman T. Go Moncada Mayor Benito E. Aquino San Manuel Mayor Benjie Tesoro Victoria Mayor Candido Guiam III Pura Mayor Mayor Concepcion Zarate Bulacan Governor Wilhelmino Sy-Alvarado Marilao Mayor Juanito "Tito" H. Santiago Baliuag Mayor Carolina Dellosa Malolos City Mayor Christian Natividad Bulacan Mayor Patrick Meneses Angat Mayor Leonardo R. De Leon Bustos Mayor Arnel Mendoza Norzagaray Mayor Alfredo Germar Guiguinto Mayor Ambrosio “Boy” Cruz Jr. Balagtas Mayor Romeo “Romy” Castro Pandi Mayor Enrico A. Roque Hagonoy Mayor Raulito 'Amboy' T. Manlapaz Sr. Meycauayan Mayor Joan Velasco Alarilla Bocaue Mayor Eduardo "Jon-Jon" Villanueva, Jr. San Jose Del Monte Mayor Reynaldo S. San Pedro Obando Mayor Danilo De Ocampo Paombong Mayor Isagani “Gani” Castro Plaridel Mayor Pat Reyes Pulilan Mayor Vicente Esguerra, Sr. San Miguel Mayor Roderick D.G. Tiongson San Idelfonso Mayor Gerald J. Galvez San Rafael Mayor Cipriano Violago Jr. Rizal Governor Rebecca A. Ynares Antipolo City Mayor Casimiro “Jun” Ynares III Taytay Mayor Janet De Leon-Mercado Angono Mayor Gerry V. Calderon Cavite Governor Juanito Victor Remulla Cavite City Mayor Bernard Paredes Bacoor City Mayor Strike Revilla Dasmariñas City Mayor Jennifer “Jenny” Austria-Barzaga Trece Martirez City Mayor Melandres De Sagun Tagaytay City Mayor Agnes Tolentino Kawit, Cavite Mayor Reynaldo Aguinaldo Carmona, Cavite Mayor Dahila Loyola General Trias, Cavite Mayor Antonio “Tony” Ferrer Rosario, Cavite Mayor Jose Ricafrente Jr. Noveleta, Cavite Mayor Enrico Alvarez

Tanza, Cavite Mayor Marcus Ashley Arayata Indang Mayor Bienvenido Dimero Naic Mayor Junio Dualan Silang, Cavite Mayor Emilia Lourdes Poblete Laguna Governor Emilio Ramon “ER” Ejercito Santa Rosa City Mayor Arlene Arcillas-Nazareno Calamba City Mayor Joaquin M. Chipeco, Jr. San Pablo City Mayor Vicente Amante Cabuyao City Mayor Isidro L. Hemedes, Jr. Binan Ciity Mayor Marlyn "Lenlen" B. Alonte-Naguiat Calauan, Laguna Mayor Felisa "Baby" L. Berris Liliw, Laguna Mayor Ericson Sulibit Los Baños, Laguna Mayor Anthony Genuino Nagcarlan, Laguna Mayor Nelson Osuna Rizal, Laguna Mayor Antonino Aurelio Paete, Laguna Mayor Rojilyn Bagabaldo Pakil, Laguna Mayor Vipops Charles Martinez Pangil, Laguna Mayor Jovito Reyes Kalayaan, Laguna Mayor Teodoro Adao, Jr. Pila, Laguna Mayor Wilfredo Quiat Alaminos, Laguna Mayor Eladio Magampon Santa Cruz, Laguna Mayor Domingo Panganiban Pagsanjan, Laguna Mayor Girlie "Maita" Ejercito Lumban, Laguna Mayor Reynato Añonuevo Victoria Mayor Raul Gonzales Batangas Governor Vilma Santos-Recto Batangas City Mayor Eduardo Dimacuha Lipa City Mayor Meynardo Sabili Alitagtag, Batangas Mayor Guillermo Agito Reyes Cuenca, Batangas Mayor Celerino Endaya Santa Teresita, Batangas Mayor Aurea V. Segunial Bauan, Batangas Mayor Ryanh M. Dolor San Pascual, Batangas Mayor Antonio Dimayuga San Jose, Batangas Mayor Tikyo Briones Tanauan City Mayor Antonio Cando Halili Malvar Mayor Carlito P. Reyes Sto. Tomas Mayor Edna P. Sanchez Talisay Mayor Gerry D. Natanauan Quezon Governor David C. Suarez Lucena City Mayor Roderick A. Alcala Mabuan, Quezon Mayor Fernando Q. Llamas Tayabas City Mayor Faustino Silang Camarines Sur Governor Migz Villafuerte Naga City, Camarines Sur Mayor John G. Bongat Iloilo City Mayor Jed Patrick E. Mabilog Bacolod City Mayor Monico Puentevella Cebu Governor Hilario P. Davide III Cebu City Mayor Michael “Mike” Rama Mandaue City Mayor Jonas Cortes Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Paz C. Radaza Talisay City, Cebu Mayor Johnny delos Reyes Naga City, Cebu Mayor Valdemar Chiong Danao City, Cebu Mayor Ramon "Nito" Durano III Lapu-Lapu City, Mayor Paz C. Radaza Cordova, Cebu Mayor Adelino B. Sitoy Carcar City Mayor Nicepuro L. Apura

San Fernando, Cebu Mayor Antonio L. Canoy Minglanilla, Cebu Mayor Eduardo Ma. C. Selma Liloan, Cebu Mayor Vincent Franco “Duke” Frasco Consolacion, Cebu Mayor Teresa Alegado Compostela, Cebu Mayor Joel P. Quiño Bohol Governor Edgar Chatto Tagbilaran City, Bohol Mayor John Geesnell Yap Davao del Sur Governor Claude Bautista Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte Tagum City Mayor Allan L. Rellon Digos City Mayor Joseph Roble Peñas Panobo City Mayor Atty. Jose L. Silvosa, Sr. Samal Mayor Aniano Antalan Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur Mayor Joel Ray Lopez Carmen, Davao del Sur Mayor Marcelino A. Perandos Cagayan de Oro City Mayor Oscar Moreno Chinese President Xi Jinping Chinese Vice-President Li Yuanchao Chinese Premier Li Keqiang Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying Macau Chief Executive Fernando Chui Beijing, China Mayor Wang Anshun Shanghai, China Mayor Yang Xiong Xiamen, Fujian, China Mayor Liu Keqing Jinjiang, Fujian, China Mayor Liu Wenru Chengdu, Sichuan, China Mayor Ge Honglin Suzhou, Jiangzhou, China Mayor Zhou Naixiang Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou Taiwanese Vice-President Wu Den-yih Taipei, Taiwan Mayor Hau Lung-pin Taichung, Taiwan Mayor Jason Hu South Korean President Park Geun-hye South Korean Prime Minister Jung Hong-won Seoul, South Korea Mayor Park Won-soon Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Tel Aviv, Israel Mayor Ron Huldai Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Ahmad Phesal Talib Singaporean President Dr. Tony Tan Keng Yam Singaporean First Lady Mary Chee Bee Kiang Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong Singaporean Second Lady Ho Ching His Majesty Juan Carlos I of Spain Her Majesty Queen Sofía of Spain Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy Barcelona, Spain Mayor Xavier Trias i Vidal de Llobatera Andorran Prime Minister Antoni Martí Andorra la Vella, Andorra Mayor Maria Rosa Ferrer Obiols Bruneian Prime Minister Hassanal Bolkiah Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands Mayor Donald Flores Phnom Penh, Cambodia Governor and Mayor Pa Socheatvong Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra Bangkok, Thailand Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott Australian Governor-General Quentin Bryce Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore

Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi Auckland, New Zealand Mayor Len Brown Wagga-Wagga Lord Mayor Rod Kendall British Queen Elizabeth II British Prime Minister David Cameron United States President Barack Obama United States Second Lady Michelle Robinson-Obama United States Vice-President Joe Biden United States Second Lady Doctor Jill Tracy-Biden Los Angeles, California Mayor Eric Garcetti San Leandro, California Mayor Stephen H. Cassidy San Francisco, California Mayor Ed Lee Long Beach, California Mayor Bob Foster California 34th Congressional District Rep. Xavier Becerra Las Vegas, Nevada Mayor Carolyn Goodman Chicago, Illinois Mayor Rahm Emanuel Bolingbrook, Illinois Mayor Roger Claar Greenwich, Connecticut Town Administrator John Crary Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Mayor Stephen Mandel Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Mayor Don Atchison Surrey, British Columbia, Canada Mayor Dianne Watts Toronto, Ontario, Canada Mayor Rob Ford Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta Milan, Italy Mayor Giuliano Pisapia Swiss Chancellor Corina Cassanova Swiss President Ueli Maurer Zurich, Switzerland Mayor Corine Mauch Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras Athens, Greece Mayor Giorgos Kaminis Austrian President Heinz Fischer Vienna, Austria Mayor Michael Häupl Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades Nicosia, Cyprus Mayor Constantinos Yiorkadjis French President François Hollande French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault Paris, France Mayor Bertrand Delanoë Beausoleil, Alpes-Maritimes, France Mayor Gérard Spinelli Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg Bærum, Akershus county, Norway Mayor Lisbeth Hammer Krog Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt Gothenburg, Västra Götaland County, Sweden Honorable Anneli Hulthén Mayor of City and County of Swansea, Honorable Richard Lewis Nanterre, France Mayor Mayor Patrick Jarry Boulogne-Billancourt, France Mayor Pierre-Christophe Baguet Amsterdam, Netherlands Mayor Eberhard van der Laan Berlin, Germany Mayor Klaus Wowereit Antwerp, Belgium Mayor Bart De Wever Dublin, Ireland Lord Mayor Oisín Quinn Philippine Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa, Jr. Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte Agriculture Secretary Proceso C. Alcala Agrarian Reform Secretary Virgilio delos Reyes Budget and Management Secretary Butch Abad Defence Secretary Voltaire Gazmin

Education Secretary Bro. Armin Luistro, FSC Finance Secretary Cesar A. Purisima Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario Health Secretary Dr. Enrique Ona Interior and Local Government Secretary Manuel A. Roxas II Justice Secretary Leila de Lima Public Works and Highways Secretary Rogelio Singson Social Welfare and Development Secretary Dinky Soliman Trade and Industry Secretary Gregory A. Domingo Transportation and Communications Secretary Joseph Emilio A. Abaya National Economic and Development Authority Director-General Arsenio Balisacan Presidential Communications Secretary Sonny Coloma Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Secretary Ricky

Carandang Presidential Management Staff Chief Julia Abad Commission on Elections Chairman Sixto Brillantes Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon Telecommunications Commissioner Gamaliel A. Cordoba Internal Revenue Commissioner Kim Jacinto-Henares Movie and Television Review and Classification Board Chairman Atty. Eugenio H. Villareal Manila 1st District Rep. Benjamin D.R. Asilo Manila 3rd District Rep. Maria Zenaida B. Angping Manila 4th District Rep. Trisha Bonoan-David Manila 5th District Rep. Amado S. Bagatsing Quezon City 1st District Rep. Francisco A. Calalay, Jr. Quezon City 3rd District Rep. Jorge John B. Banal, Jr. Quezon City 5th District Rep. Alfred Vargas Caloocan City 1st District Rep. Enrico R. Echiverri Caloocan City 2nd District Rep. Edgar R. Erice Malabon Rep. Josephine Veronique R. Lacson-Noel Navotas Rep. Toby Tiangco Valenzuela City 1st District Rep. Sherwin Gatchalian Valenzuela City 2nd District Rep. Magtanggol Gunigundo I San Juan Lone District Rep. Ronaldo Zamora Pasig City Lone District Rep. Roman T. Romulo Marikina City 1st District Rep. Marcelino Teodoro Marikina City 2nd District Rep. Romero Quimbo Mandaluyong City Rep. Neptali Gonzales II Makati City 1st District Rep. Monique Yasmin Lagdameo Makati City 2nd District Rep. Mar-Len Abigail Binay-Campos Pasay City Rep. Imelda G. Calixto-Rubiano Paranaque City 1st District Rep. Edwin D. Olivarez Paranaque City 2nd District Rep. Roilo S. Golez Las Pinas City Rep. Mark A. Villar Muntinlupa City Rep. Rodolfo Biazon Pateros-Taguig City Rep. Arnel Cerafica Taguig City Rep. Lino Edgardo S. Cayetano Ilocos Norte 1st District Rep. Rodolfo C. Fariñas Ilocos Norte 2nd District Rep. Imelda Romualdez-Marcos Ilocos Sur 1st District Rep. Ryan Singson Ilocos Sur 2nd District Rep. Eric G. Singson, Jr. Abra Lone District Rep. Ma. Jocelyn V. Bernos Cagayan 1st District Rep. Sally Ponce Enrile Cagayan 2nd District Rep. Randolph S. Ting Isabela 1st District Rep. Rodolfo T. Albano III Isabela 3rd District Rep. Giorgidi B. Aggabao

Benguet Rep. Ronald M. Cosalan Baguio City Rep. Nicasio M. Aliping, Jr. Bulacan 1st District Rep. Maria Victoria Reyes Sy-Alvarado Bulacan 2nd District Rep. Gavini “Apol” Pancho Bulacan 4th District Rep. Linabelle Ruth R. Villarica San Jose del Monte City Rep. Arthur B. Robes Nueva Ecija 1st District Rep. Leopoldo D. Diaz Nueva Ecija 2nd District Rep. Joseph Gilbert F. Violago Nueva Ecija 3rd District Rep. Czarina D. Umali Nueva Ecija 4th District Rep. Rodolfo W. Antonino Pampanga 1st District Rep. Joseller “Yeng” Guiao Pampanga 2nd District Rep. Oscar S. Rodriguez Bataan 1st District Rep. Herminia Reyes Batista-Roman Bataan 2nd District Rep. Zambales 1st District Rep Jeffrey Khonghun Tarlac 1st District Rep. Tarlac 2nd District Rep. Susan Y. Sulit Cavite 1st District Rep. Francis Abaya Cavite 2nd District Rep. Lani Mercado-Revilla Cavite 3rd District Rep. Alex Advincula Cavite 4th District Rep. Elpido "Pidi" F. Barzaga, Jr. Cavite 6th District Rep. Luis Ferrer IV Cavite 7th District Rep. Abraham Tolentino Laguna 1st District Rep. Danilo Fernando Laguna 2nd District Rep. Jun Chipeco, Jr. Laguna 3rd District Rep. Sol Castillo Aragones-Sampelo Batangas 1st District Rep. Eileen Ermita-Buhain Batangas 2nd District Rep. Raneo Abu Batangas 3rd District Rep. Nelson Collantes Batangas 4th District Rep. Mark Leandro Mendoza Rizal 1st District Rep. Joel Roy R. Duavit Rizal 2nd District Rep. Isidro S. Rodriguez, Jr. Camarines Sur 2nd District Rep. Maria Leonor Robredo Cebu City 1st District Rep. Raul del Mar Cebu City 2nd District Rep. Rodrigo Abellanosa Cebu 6th District Rep. Gabriel Luis R. Quisumbing Iloilo City Lone District Rep. Jerry P. Treñas Bacolod City Lone District Rep. Evelio Ramos Leonardia CIBAC Party List Rep. Sherwin Tugna Honorable Senator Sonny Angara Honorable Senator Bam Aquino Honorable Senator Nancy Binay Honorable Senator Alan Peter Cayetano Honorable Senator Franklin Drilon Honorable Senator JV Ejercito Honorable Senator Chiz Escudero Honorable Senator Gringo Honasan Honorable Senator Loren Legarda Honorable Senator Koko Pimentel Honorable Senator Grace Poe Honorable Senator Sonny Triliannes Honorable Senator Cynthia Villar Honorable Senator Pia Cayetano Honorable Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago Honorable Senator Jinggoy Estrada Honorable Senator TG Guingona

Honorable Senator Lito Lapid Honorable Senator Bongbong Marcos Honorable Senator Sonny Osmena Honorable Senator Ralph Recto Honorable Senator Bong Revilla Honorable Senator Tito Sotto Honorable Former Senator Edgardo “Ed” Angara Honorable Former Senator Heherson “Sonny” Alvarez Honorable Former Senator Agapito “Butz” Aquino Honorable Former Senator Joker Arroyo Honorable Former Senator Rodolfo “Rudy” Biazon Honorable Former Senator Anna Dominique “Nikki” Coseteng Honorable Former Senator Luisa “Loi” Pimentel Ejercito-Estrada Honorable Former Senator Juan Flavier Honorable Former Senator Dick Gordon Honorable Former Senator Ernesto “Boy” Herrera Honorable Former Senator Robert “Sonny” Jaworski Honorable Former Senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson Honorable Former Senator Ernesto “Ernie” Maceda Honorable Former Senator Jamby Madrigal Honorable Former Senator Ramon “Jun” Magsaysay, Jr. Honorable Former Senator Orlando “Orly” Mercado Honorable Former Senator John Henry Osmena Honorable Former Senator Kiko Pangilinan Honorable Former Senator Aquilino “Nene” Pimentel, Jr. Honorable Former Senator Francisco “Kit” Tatad Honorable Former Senator Bobby Tanada Honorable Former Senator Manuel “Manny” Villar, Jr. Honorable Former Senator Freddie Webb Honorable Former Senator Victor “Vic” Ziga Honorable Former Senator Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri United States Ambassador Philip Goldberg Canadian Ambassador Christopher Thornley British Ambassador Asif Ahmad French Ambassador Gilles Garachon German Ambassador Joachim Heidorn Greek Ambassador Constantina Koliou Italian Ambassador Luca Fonrari Mexican Ambassador Dr. Tomas Javier Calvillo Unna Japanese Ambassador Toshinao Urabe Chinese Ambassador Ma Kequing South Korean Ambassador Hyuk Lee Australian Ambassador William Tweddell New Zealand Ambassador Reuben Levermore Malaysian Ambassador Dato’ Mohd Zamiri Vin Mohd Kassim Myanmar Ambassador Aung Khin Soe Singaporean Ambassador Hirubalan V.P Thailand Ambassador Prasas Prasasvintchai Timor-Leste Ambassador Juvencio de Jesus Martins Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Vu Tu ABS-CBN Corporation Chairman Eugenio “Gabby” Lopez III ABS-CBN Corporation President/Chief executive officer and Chief operating officer Charo

Santos-Concio ABS-CBN Head of Broadcasting Socorro Valenzuela-Vidanes ABS-CBN Vice-President for Manila Radio and Sports Division Peter Musngi ABS-CBN Head of Corporate Communications Bong Osorio

Evelyn Raymundo ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs Head Ging Reyes ABS-CBN International Vice-President Leo Katigbak Robert Labayen Director Olivia Lamasan Director Mae Czarina Cruz Director Malu Sevilla Director Don Cuaresma Director Jojo Saguin Director Wenn Deramas Director Veronica Velasco Director Roxy Quiligan Director Joyce Bernal Director Erick Salud Director Malu Sevilla Director Jerry Lopez-Sineneng Director Jerome Pobocan Director Trina Dayrit Julie Anne Benitez Roldeo Endrinal Star Magic Founder Johnny Manahan Star Magic Vice-President Mariole Alberto Monch Novales People’s Television Network, Inc. General Manager Cleo B. Dongaa-as PTV Overseeing Director Eduardo Lurauca GMA Network Chairman Atty. Felipe L. Gozon GMA Network President and COO Gilberto Duavit, Jr. GMA Network Corporate Services Group Senior Vice President Joel Marcelo Jimenez GMA Network Executive Vice President and Head of the Corporate Services Group Felipe

Yalong GMA Artist Center Head Ida Henares Regal Entertainment, Inc. chairman Mother Lily Monteverde VIVA Entertainment Chairman Vic del Rosario Manila Times Editor Fred de la Rosa Manila Times Executive Editor Dante Francis "Klink" Ang II Philippine Daily Inquirer Chairman Marixi R. Prieto Philippine Daily Inquirer Publisher Raul Pagdananan Philippine Daily Inquirer President Sandy Prieto-Romualdez Philippine Daily Inquirer Entertainment Editor Emmie G. Velarde Philippine Daily Inquirer Lifestyle Editor Thelma Sioson-San Juan Philippine Daily Inquirer Sports Editor Francis Ochoa

Celebrities and socialites, such as:

2011 UAAP Rookie of the Year Kiefer Ravena Rain or Shine Elasto Painters guard Chris Tiu Rico Blanco Jhong Hilario Xian Lim Jason Abalos Marco Alcaraz Champ Lui Pio Joross Gamboa Baser Amer Terrence Romeo Anton Altamirano 2011 UAAP Basketball MVP RR Garcia

2012 and 2013 UAAP Basketball MVP Bobby Ray Parks, Jr. 2013 UAAP Finals MVP Jeron Teng Nico Salva Gab Valenciano Jon Hall Luis Alandy Joshua Webb Kevin Alas Young JV Dan Sara Thirdy Ravena Rafael Melocoton typhoon-hit Cagayan de Oro natives JP Erram Sam Marata Yeng Constantino Coney Reyes Gary Valenciano Tessa Prieto-Valdes

Eucharistic Con-Celebration

Mass Presiders

1. Pope Francis, Archbishop of Rome, Italy and the Leader of the worldwide Catholic Church2. His Eminence, Luis Antonio Cardinal G. Tagle, Archbishop of Manila3. His Eminence, Gaudencio Cardinal B. Rosales, Archbishop-Emeritus of Manila4. His Eminence Ernesto Salgado, Archbishop of Nueva Segovia5. Most Rev. Sergio Utleg, Archbishop of Tuguegarao6. Most Rev. Socrates B. Villegas, Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan7. Most Rev. Paciano Aniceto, Archbishop of San Fernando, Pampanga8. Most Rev. Rolando Joven T. Tirona, Archbishop of Caceres9. Most Rev. Angel Lagdameo Archbishop of Jaro10.Most Rev. Jose Palma, Archbishop of Cebu11.His Eminence, Ricardo Cardinal J. Vidal, Archbishop-Emeritus of Cebu12.Most Rev. Romulo G. Valles, Archbishop of Davao13.Most Rev. Antonio J. Ledesma, Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro14.Most Rev. Jesús A. Dosado, Archbishop of Ozamis15.Most Rev. Orlando B. Quevedo, D.D. Archbishop of Cotabato, Mindanao16.His Eminence Joseph Li Shan, Archbishop of Beijing, China17.His Eminence Joseph Gan Junqiu, Archbishop of Guangzhou, China18.Most Rev. John Ribat, Archbishop of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea19.His Eminence Julius Cardinal R. Darmaatmadja, Archbishop-Emeritus of Jakarta20.Most Rev. Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Archbishop of Jakarta, Indonesia21.Msgr. Aloysius Sudarso, Archbishop of Palembang, Indonesia22.Most Rev. Nicholas Chia, Archbishop-Emeritus of Singapore23.Most Rev. Archbishop William Goh Seng Chye, Archbishop of Singapore24.Most Rev. Peter Takeo Okada, Archbishop of Tokyo25.His Excellency Andrew Yeom Soo-jung, Archbishop of Seoul, South Korea26.Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop-Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia27.Most Rev. Tan Sri Datuk Murphy Nicholas Xavier Pakiam, Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur,

Malaysia28.His Excellency Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Malanday, Myanmar29.Most Rev. Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Archbishop of Jakarta, Indonesia30.His Eminence Angelo Cardinal Scola, Archbishop of Milan31.Most Rev. José Horacio Cardinal Gómez, Archbishop of Los Angeles32.Most Rev. Salvatore Joseph Cardinal Cordileone, Archbishop of Los Angeles33.His Eminence Francis Eugene Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago

34.Most Reverend Excellency Samuel Joseph Aquila, Archbishop of Denver35.His Eminence Timothy Michael Cardinal R. Dolan, Archbishop of New York36.His Eminence George Cardinal Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, Australia37.Most Rev. Denis Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne, Australia38.Most Rev. Timothy Costelloe, Archbishop of Perth, Western Australia




1. Rev. Fr. Paul Marquez2. Rev. Fr. Ludovico Tacdoro3. Rev. Fr. Jonathan Lacerna4. Rev. Fr. Erwin Dela Cruz5. Rev. Fr. Rolly Agustin6. Rev. Fr. Rey Tumbocon7. Rev. Fr. Francis Donnelly of the Congregation of Companions of the Cross, Canada8. Rev. Fr. Jeff Shannon, MMMP9. Rev. Fr. Javy Javines10. Rev. Fr. Hector Bariel, SDP11. Rev. Fr. Hector Arellano12. Rev. Fr. Jonil Lalap13. Rev. Fr. Joseph Alonzo14. Rev. Fr. Bong Turingan15. Rev. Fr. Evan Paul Villanueva16. Rev. Fr. Jenor Luis17. Rev. Fr. Alex Pontilla18. Rev. Fr. Buenaventura C. Ubarco19. Rev. Fr. Jose Francis Calo20. Rev. Fr. Jimmy Niego21. Rev. Fr. Jessie Chumacera22. Rev. Fr. Manuel Vergara O.S.A.23. Rev. Fr. Ricky Pacoma24. Rev. Fr. Tony Aureda, O.P.25. Rev. Fr. Alfonso Saulo26. Rev. Fr. Winston Margate27. Rev. Fr. Gerard De Villa28. Rev. Fr. Willy Ramos29. Rev. Fr. Jeff Manlapig30. Rev. Fr. John Paul Del Rosario31. Rev. Fr. Lambert Legaspino32. Rev. Fr. Carmelo Caluag II33. Rev. Fr. Anton C.T. Pascual34. Rev. Fr. Manuel Bongayan, SVD35. Rev. Fr. Arlo Yap, SVD36. Rev. Fr. Enrico Martin Adoviso37. Rev. Fr. Jun Sescon38. Rev. Fr. Larry Faraon39. Rev. Fr. Nono Alfonso, S.J.40. Rev. Fr. Glenn Paul Gomez, SVD41. Rev. Fr. Gerry Orbos, SVD42. Rev. Fr. Bel San Luis, SVD43. Rev. Fr. Jerome Marquez, SVD44. Rev. Fr. Joey Faller45. Rev. Fr. Fernando Suarez C.C., MMMP46. Rev. Fr. Joselito Irlandes

47. Rev. Fr. Enrique Aloysius Aliño48. Rev. Fr. Sonny Merida49. Rev. Fr. Noel Azupardo50. Rev. Fr. Marlou Lemaire51. Rev. Fr. Mario Sanchez52. Rev. Fr. Michael Quintana53. Rev. Fr. Boyd Sulpico54. Rev. Fr. Francisco Tuaño55. Rev. Fr. Josefino S. Sebastian, Parish Priest of St. Martin of Tours Parish, Bocaue, Bulacan56. Rev. Fr. Avelino A. Sampana, Parish Priest of Lolomboy Parish Church57. Rev. Fr. Norman J. Baldoz, Parish Priest of St. Peter of Alcantara, Bocaue, Bulacan58. Rev. Fr. Jesus Galindo, OFM, Chaplain of Makati Medical Center59. Rev. Fr. Pedro Arguillas, MSC, Chaplain of Makati Medical Center60. Rev. Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, Spiritual Director of ACTS Catholic Prayer Community61. Rev. Fr. Eric Santos, Spiritual Director of Beloved of the Lord Catholic Charismatic

Community62. Rev. Fr. Ric Torrefiel, Spiritual Director of Friends of Divine Mercy Community63. Fr. Eladio B. Oliver, MSP64. Rev. Fr. Leo Nilo Mangussad65. Rev. Fr. Rolando Briones, OFM Cap66. Fr. Jaime S. Marquez67. Rev. Fr. J. Cesar R. Marin, S.J.68. Rev. Fr. Rolando B. Briones, OFM Cap69. Rev. Fr. Menardo Mercene70. Rev. Fr. Angelito Ancla71. Rev. Fr. Henry Ferreras72. Rev. Fr. Nelson Orqueta73. Rev. Fr. Dennis Soriano74. Rev. Fr. Joel Hanzon75. Rev. Fr. Domie Guzman76. Fr. Andres D. Rivera, Jr., OSA77. Fr. Jereniah A. Adviento78. Fr. Jerome R. Secillano79. Fr. Artemio P. Fabros80. Fr. Edgardo C. Coroza81. Rev. Fr. Alberto D.J. Santiago, Parish Priest, St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church,

Marilao, Bulacan82. Rev. Fr. Lawrence Paz, Rector and Parish Priest, Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra

Señora de Aranzazu, San Mateo, Rizal83. Rev. Fr. Aly Barcinal, Parish Priest, St. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish, Marcos Highway,

Masinag, Antipolo City, Rizal84. Rev. Fr. Roy Crucero, Parish Priest, St. Clement Parish, Angono, Rizal85. Rev. Fr. Leandro Bariring, Jr., Parish Priest, San Vicente Ferrer Parish, Barangay Real,

Calamba City, Laguna86. Rev. Fr. Larry Abayon, Parish Priest, San Antonio de Padua Parish Junction, Batong

Malake, Los Banos, Laguna87. Fr. Aries C. Reyes, Parish Priest, Saint Roche de Sampaloc Parish, M. dela Fuente St.,

Sampaloc, Manila88. Fr. Jose M. Rendon Jr., CM, Parish Priest, Saint Vincent de Paul Parish, Ermita, Manila89. Rev. Fr. Jose Alan Dialogo, Parish Priest of St. John of the Cross, Pembo, Makati City90. Fr. Victor Y. Apacible, Parish Priest, Holy Cross Parish, Tejeros, Makati City91. Fr. Eugene N. David, Parish Priest, Holy Family Parish, Brgy. San Isidro, Makati City92. Fr. John G. Barro, Parish Priest, Mary Mirror of Justice Parish, Brgy. Comembo, Makati City93. Fr. John Jayoma, TC, Parish Priest, Mater Dolorosa Parish, East Rembo, Makati City94. Fr. Edison D. Escario, Parish Priest, Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Bangkal, Makati City

95. Fr. Isidro T. Marinay, Parish Priest, Saint Alphonsus Ma. Ligouri Parish, Magallanes Village, Makati City

96. Fr. Romeo Agustin Miciano, SDB, Parish Priest, Saint John Bosco Parish, Brgy. San Lorenzo, Makati City

97. Fr. Benjamin D. Jugueta, Jr., Parish Priest, Saint John Mary Vianney Parish, Brgy. Cembo, Makati City

98. Fr. Gabriel Garcia, MI99. Fr. Renato Sales, MI100. Fr. Benjie C. Ledesma101. Fr. Vicente F. Payuyo, CM102. Fr. Melquiades M. Rodas, CM103. Rev. Fr. Douglas Badong, Parochial Vicar of St. John of the Cross, Pembo, Makati City104. Rev. Fr. Andres D. Rivera, Jr., OSA105. Rev. Fr. Noel Azupardo106. Fr. Edgar S. Martinez, OFM Cap107. Fr. Alberto Poblete, OFM Cap108. Fr. Manuel Remirez, OFM Cap109. Fr. Edmundo Tiamson, OFM Cap110. Fr. Edgardo V. Dumaual, OFM Cap111. Rev. Fr. Ralph Joseph Rodriguez, Chaplain, Adamson University112. Rev. Fr. Bernard Martin, MSSC, Chaplain, University of the East-Manila113. Rev. Fr. Allen Pena, Chaplain, De La Salle University-Manila114. Bro. Martin Sellner FSC, Chaplain of De La Salle Santiago-Zobel School, Muntinlupa City115. Rev. Fr. RB Hizon, SJ, Chaplain of Ateneo de Manila High School, Quezon City116. Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Panayo, Parish Priest, Our Lady of Atonement, Cathedral Hill, Baguio

City117. Fr. Herman de Rijs, CICM, Parish Priest, Holy Family Parish, Bakakeng, Baguio City118. Fr. Jose Alipio, Parish Priest, Immaculate Conception Parish, Aurora Hill, Baguio City119. Fr. Joseph Paduyao120. Fr. Felimon William, Parish Priest, St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Pacdal, Baguio City121. Fr. Joel Calatan, Parish Priest, St. Vincent Ferrer Parish, Campo Filipino, Baguio City 122. Fr. Paul Basilio, Parish Priest, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 1 Kisad Road, Baguio City123. Fr. John Kanyinda, CICM, Parish Priest, St. Louis University Parish124. Fr. Constancio Milanes, CICM, Parish Priest, Irisan, Baguio City125. Rev. Fr. Jorge R. Mante126. Rev. Fr. Victoriano E. Dagat127. Rev. Fr. Efren D. Dolauta, Parish Priest, Mary Help of Christians128. Rev. Fr. Arnold E. Goder, Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Light Church, Loon, Bohol129. Rev. Fr. Leonel M. Grado, Parish Priest, San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila Parish, Catagbacan,

Loon, Bohol130. Rev. Fr. Manuel D. Pantollana, Parish Priest, Nuestra Señora de La Paz y Buen Viaje

Parish, Cuasi, Loon, Bohol131. Rev. Fr. Marcelino D. Biliran, Parish Priest, Most Holy Trinity Parish, Loay, Bohol132. Rev. Fr. Valentino U. Pinlac, Parish Priest, The Assumption of Our Lady Shrine-Parish,

Dauis, Bohol133. Rev. Fr. Jose D. Sumampong, Jr., Parish Priest, Nuestra Señora De La Paz Y Buen Viaje

Parish, Songculan, Dauis, Bohol134. Rev. Fr. Arnel F. Recinto135. Rev. Fr. Sanny de Claro, Spiritual Director of El Shaddai DWXI Prayer Partners Fellowship

International, Inc. Manila, Philippines Chapter 136. Fr. Archie Guiriba, Spiritual Director of Shalom International Catholic Charismatic

Foundation, Inc.137. Rev. Fr. Czar Emmanuel Alvarez, OSA, Spiritual Director of El Shaddai DWXI Prayer

Partners Fellowship International Rome, Italy Chapter138. Rev. Fr. Arnel Tan

139. Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Lariosa, DCD, Parish Priest, Vicariate of St. Michael the Archangel, Poblacion, Padada, Davao del Sur

140. Rev. Fr. Raning Creta, Filipino Chaplain in the Diocese of Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia

141. Rev. Fr. Renato Paras142. Rev. Fr. Nards Mercene143. Rev. Fr. Nelson Po144. Rev. Fr. Benjie B. Herrera145. Rev. Fr. Brian C. Brigoli146. Rev. Fr. Jose Dave B. Villaceran147. Rev. Fr. Joseph Y. de Aquino148. Rev. Fr. Wesley T. Noel149. Rev. Fr. Wilfredo C. Borces, MSP, Parish Priest, Blessed Sacrament Parish, North

Reclamation Area, Cebu City150. Rev. Fr. Crispin Mostajo, CSsR, Parish Priest, Mother of Perpetual Help Parish, Elizabeth

Pond, Cebu City151. Rev. Fr. Urbano L. Galanido, Jr., OAR, Parish Priest, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Magallanes

Street, Cebu City152. Rev. Fr. Benjamin Y. Sim, SJ, Parish Priest, Sacred Heart (Chinese) Parish, D. Jakosalem

Street, Cebu City153. Rev. Fr. Rodolfo A. Bugna, OSA, Rector, Basilica Del Sto. Nino, Cebu City154. Rev. Fr. Wendell Jose Balbuena, Parish Priest, Banawa Parish, Horseshoe Drive, Banawa,

Cebu City155. Rev. Fr. Eric B. Jecong, Parish Priest, Guba Parish, Guba, Cebu City156. Rev. Fr. Leopoldo E. Palacio, Jr., Parish Priest, Saint Augustine Parish, Sta. Rosa, Olango

Isaland, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu157. Rev. Fr. Antonio Bayod, Jr., MSC, VF, Parish Priest, St. Joseph Parish, Camotes Island,

Cebu158. Rev. Fr. Jaime J. Duero, MSC, Parish Priest, Nuestra Sra. Virgen Dela Regla Parish, Lapu-

Lapu City, Cebu159. Rev. Fr. Alvin B. Lao, MSC, Parish Priest, San Roque Parish, Cordova, Cebu160. Rev. Fr. Rolito Ramil Baluran, MSC, Parish Priest, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Pajac,

Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu161. Rev. Fr. Agustin P. Polong, MSC, Parish Priest, Sto. Niño Parish, Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City,

Cebu162. Rev. Fr. Ephraim P. Arciga, MSC, Parish Priest, Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish,

Babag 1, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu163. Rev. Fr. Scipio C. Deligero, Moderator, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Minglanilla,

Cebu164. Rev. Fr. Melchor L. Urgel, Moderator, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Naga, Cebu165. Rev. Fr. Vicente F. Amplayo, OSA, Parish Priest, Santo Niño Parish, Mohon, Talisay City,

Cebu166. Rev. Fr. Lyle O. Cono, Parish Priest, San Roque Parish Uling, Naga, Cebu167. Rev. Fr. Alvin H. Codilla, Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Tuyan, Naga,

Cebu168. Rev. Fr. Carlito T. Mier, Parish Priest, San Isidro Labrador Parish, San Isidro, Talisay City,

Cebu169. Rev. Fr. Florino P. Tonde, Parish Priest, Langtad, Naga City, Cebu170. Rev. Fr. Nestor A. Atillo, Administrator, Mother of Perpetual Help Chaplaincy, Jaclopan,

Talisay City171. Rev. Fr. Sofronio G. dela Peña, Parish Priest, Lourdes Parish, Ocaña, Carcar, Cebu172. Rev. Fr. Virgilio Y. Pedrano, Parish Priest, San Roque Parish, Valladolid, Carcar, Cebu173. Rev. Fr. Frumencio V. Mahusay, Parish Priest, San Isidro Parish, Calidngan, Carcar, Cebu174. Rev. Fr. Jimmy M. Tolentin, Parish Priest, San Agustin Parish, Magsico, San Fernando,


175. Rev. Fr. Leo C. Cabahug, VF, Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Pillar, Sibonga, Cebu and Vicar Forane, Vicariate of San Antonio de Padua

176. Rev. Fr. Peter S. Necesario, Parish Priest, Sto. Tomas de Villanueva Parish, Talaga, Argao, Cebu

177. Rev. Fr. Ricardo E. Mamararlo, Parish Priest, Our Lady of Grace Parish, Simala, Sibonga, Cebu

178. Rev. Fr. William G. Ybañez, Parish Priest, Santa Monica Parish, Kawayan, Dalaguete, Cebu

179. Rev. Fr. Virgilio O. Dolloso, Parish Priest, Santa Rosa de Lima, Alcoy, Cebu180. Rev. Fr. Paquito F. Kintanar, Parish Priest, Immaculate Conception Parish, Oslob, Cebu181. Rev. Fr. Milton D. Medida, Parish Priest, Patrocinio de Maria, Boljoon, Cebu182. Rev. Fr. Prudencio B. Operiano, Parish Priest, San Gabriel Parish, Santander, Cebu183. Rev. Fr. Aeolus G. Villar, Parish Priest, Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary Parish, Bulak,

Dumanjug, Cebu184. Rev. Fr. Benjamin B. Cortes, Parish Priest, San Vicente Parish, Bitoon, Dumanjug, Cebu185. Rev. Fr. Teogenes T. Herrera, Parish Priest, St. Francis Parish, Dumanjug, Cebu186. Rev. Fr. Zachary Honorio B. Zacarias, Parish Priest, San Isidro Labrador Parish,

Mantalongon, Barili, Cebu187. Rev. Fr. Cosme B. de la Pena, Parish Priest, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Ronda, Cebu188. Rev. Fr. Peter  L. Monteron, Parish Priest, St. Augustine Parish, Alcantara, Cebu189. Rev. Fr. Ponce Jed B. Bellones, Parish Priest, St. James The Apostle Parish, Badian, Cebu190. Rev. Fr. Eduardo M. Cabug, Parish Priest, Sto. Tomas De Villanueva Parish, Matutinao,

Badian, Cebu191. Rev. Fr. Filomeno G. Ybañez, Jr.192. Rev. Fr. Gerardo D. de la Victoria, Parish Priest, San Gregorio Parish, Ginatilan, Cebu193. Rev. Fr. Ildebrando T. Bohol, Parish Priest, San Nicolas Parish, Malabuyoc, Cebu194. Rev. Fr. Marion S. Mejia, Parish Priest, St. Michael Parish, Samboan, Cebu195. Rev. Fr. Ronaldo O. Sagnoy, Parish Priest, Consolation Parish, San Sebastian, Bato,

Samboan, Cebu196. Rev. Fr. Agustin B. Abella, Parish Priest, San Jose Parish, Sangi, Alegria,197. Rev. Fr. Silvino Y. Figues, Jr., Moderator, St. Michael Parish, Argao, Cebu198. Rev. Fr. Juan A. Velarde, Moderator, St. Anne Parish, Barili, Cebu199. Rev. Fr. Noniel Pe, OFM200. Rev. Fr. Jimmy Cabuntucan, MSP201. Rev. Fr. Fredy C. Permentilla202. Rev. Fr. Ricarte Galo, MSP203. Rev. Fr. Manuel Thomas, CSsR204. Rev. Fr. Glenn Tito Pascual, CSsR205. Rev. Fr. Martin Tobin, CSsR206. Rev. Fr. Gerardo Matriano, CSsR207. Rev. Fr. Copernicus Perez, Jr., CSsR208. Rev. Fr. William Skehan, CSSR209. Rev. Fr. Peter Chuang, SJ210. Rev. Fr. Jason Dy, SJ211. Rev. Fr. Roberto Carampatan, SJ212. Rev. Fr. Arturo B. Gallo, OFM213. Rev. Fr. Dante Barcelona, OFM214. Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Mercado, OFM215. Rev. Fr. Nello Bulawan, OFM216. Rev. Fr. Felipe S. Diacosta217. Rev. Fr. Mateo L. Maneja218. Rev. Fr. Expedito G. Torrevillas II219. Rev. Fr. Vicente G. Dacanay220. Rev. Fr. Arven S. Pretila221. Rev. Fr. Bernardo D. Oyao222. Rev. Fr. Irwin L. Pilario

223. Rev. Fr. Richard Montaner, MSC, Parochial Vicar, Saint Joseph Parish, San Francisco, Camotes Island, Cebu

224. Rev. Fr. Porfirio M. Mahinay, Jr., Parochial Vicar, St. Joseph Parish, Tabunok, Talisay City, Cebu

225. Rev. Fr. Domiciano A. La Rosa III, Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of The Pillar Parish, Sibonga, Cebu

226. Rev. Fr. Mario Villacastin227. Rev. Fr. Junly N. Cortes228. Rev. Fr. Joseph  L. Gabriente229. Rev. Fr. Ian-Narcissus Opena, OSA230. Rev. Fr. Romanico O. Canyon, OSA231. Rev. Fr. Roberto Y. Villanueva, MSC232. Rev. Fr. Ric Peñaranda, MSC233. Rev. Fr. Fabian V. Cayetano, Jr., MSC234. Rev. Fr. Ricky Bermudez, MSC235. Rev. Fr. Alwin Molina, MSC236. Rev. Fr. Nordom D. Adlaon, MSC237. Rev. Fr. Ramon J. Alaan, MSC238. Rev. Fr. Manuel P. Narsico239. Rev. Fr. Oscar Ornopia240. Rev. Fr. Joey B. Belciña241. Rev. Fr. Hernani B. Bercede242. Rev. Fr. Ladislao Tangente243. Rev. Fr. Arturo O. Bornia244. Rev. Fr. Alex B. Apigo245. Rev. Fr. Prudencio E. Elbao246. Rev. Fr. Felix Rossdel S. Noel247. Rev. Fr. Daniel S. Mata248. Rev. Fr. Lydio P. Felizarta249. Rev. Fr. Apolonio C. Jumawan250. Rev. Fr. Gerardo E. Matela251. Rev. Fr. Ramilo Limbaga, Resident Priest, Archdiocesan Shrine of San Nicolas de

Tolentino, Tupas Street, Cebu City252. Rev. Fr. Fiel G. Suico, Resident Priest, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Minglanilla, Cebu253. Rev. Fr. Felimon Cafino, SHF, Resident Priest, Sta. Teresa Parish, Talisay City, Cebu254. Rev. Fr. Fulton C. Varga255. Rev. Fr. Mario Villacastin256. Rev. Fr. Junly N. Cortes257. Rev. Fr. Joseph  L. Gabriente258. Rev. Fr. Nazario L. Vocales259. Rev. Fr. Dennis C. Boltron


1. Rev. Fr. Paul Pang, Spiritual Director of Roman Catholic Prison Ministry, Singapore2. Rev. Fr. Gerardus Suyono, SS.CC. Parish Priest, Blessed Sacrament Church, Singapore3. Rev. Fr. Romeo Yu Chang, CICM, Parish Priest, Church of St. Teresa, Singapore4. Rev. Fr. Francis Leong, MM5. Fr. Michael Sitaram, Assistant Parish Priest, Church of St. Vincent de Paul, Singapore6. Rev. Fr. Paul Tay, Parish Priest, Church of the Sacred Heart, Singapore7. Rev. Fr. Paul Tong, Priest, Church of the Sacred Heart, Singapore8. Rev. Fr. Vincent Chee, Priest, Church of the Sacred Heart, Singapore9. Rev. Fr. John Chua, OCD, Parish Priest, Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Singapore10.Rev. Fr. Gerard Weerakoon, Parish Priest, Church of St Francis Xavier, Singapore11.Rev. Fr. Michael Sitaram, Parish Priest, Church of St Vincent De Paul, Singapore12.Rev. Fr. Adrian Yeo, Parish Priest, Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Singapore13.Rev. Fr. Joseph Koh, OCD, Assistant Priest, Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Singapore

14.Rev. Fr. Thomas Curran, OCD, In-Residence Priest, Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Singapore

15.Rev. Fr. Brian D'Souza, Assistant Priest, Church of St Francis Xavier, Singapore16.Rev. Fr. Joseph Jeannequin, MEP, Priest, Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Singapore17.Rev. Fr. Cary Chan, Priest, Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Singapore

Hong Kong

1. Rev. Fr. John J. Mcauley, MM, Parish Priest, St. Anne's Church, Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong

2. Rev. Jean-Sylvére Mbuela Pfuti, CICM, Parish Priest, Star of the Sea Church, Chaiwan Road, Chaiwan, Hong Kong

3. Rev. Francis Lau Tak Kwong, Parish Priest, Holy Cross Parish, Holy Cross Path, Shaukiwan, Hong Kong

4. Rev. Paul Kim Dong Ju, KMS5. Rev. John B. Kwan Kit Tong6. Rev. John P. Cuff, M.M., Parish Priest, St. Margaret Mary's Church, Happy Valley, Hong

Kong7. Rev. Philip Chan Tak Hung8. Rev. Francis Wong, SDB9. Rev. Jomon Varghese, PIME, Assistant Parish Priest, Holy Cross Parish, Holy Cross Path,

Shaukiwan, Hong Kong10.Rev. John Baptist Ng, SDB11.Rev. John B. Kwan Kit Tong12.Rev. Vincent F. Corbelli, MM13.Rev. Aloysius Mak Ying Kin14.Rev. Thomas Lui15.Rev. Matthieu Masson, MEP16.Rev. Edward Chau King Fun17.Rev. Denis J. Hanly, M.M.18.Rev. Joseph Tan Lei Tao, SVD19.Rev. Pietro Galbiati, PIME20.Rev. Michael Cuddigan, SSC21.Rev. Thomas Wei



1. Rev. Fr. Christopher Wee, SJ, Assistant Priest, Cathedral of Saint John, Kuala Lumpur2. Rev. Fr. Joachim Tan, Parish Priest, Church of Holy Rosary3. Rev. Fr. Terrance Thomas, Parish Priest, Church of Saint Anthony4. Rev. Fr. Stanislaus Soosaimariam, Parish Priest, Church of Our Lady of Fatima5. Rev. Fr. V.A. Michael, Parish Priest, Church of the Good Shepherd, 8, Jalan Air Puteh,

Setapak6. Rev. Fr. Alan Pereria, Parish Priest, Church of St. Joseph, Jalan Sentul, Kuala Lumpur7. Rev. Fr. Surain Durai Raj, Parish Priest, Jesus Caritas Church, Jalan Kepong Baru, Kuala

Lumpur8. Rev. Fr. Lucas Ng, CDD, Parish Priest, Church of St. Ignatius, Petaling Jaya, Selangor9. Rev. Fr. Philip Chua Kiaw Huat, Resident Priest, Jesus Caritas Church, Jalan Kepong Baru,

Kuala Lumpur10.Rev. Fr. George Harrison, Parish Priest, Church of the Holy Family11.Rev. Fr. Andrew Manickcam, OFP, Cap, Parish Priest, Church of Saint Francis de Assisi12.Rev. Fr. Leonard Lexson, Parish Priest, Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Puchong13.Rev. Fr. Jean Claude Lourdes, Assistant Priest, Church of the Assumption, Petaling Jaya,

Selangor 14.Rev. Fr. Peter Antoney, Assistant Priest, Church of St. Anne, Port Klang, Selangor

15.Rev. Fr. Andrew Wong, CDD, Parish Priest, Church of St. Ignatius, Petaling Jaya, Selangor16.Rev. Fr. Simon Labrooy, Parish Priest, Church of St. Thomas More, Subang Jayar, Selangor17.Rev. Fr. Mari Arkoiam, Parish Priest, Church of the Holy Redeemer, Klang, Selangor18.Rev. Fr. Michael Chua Kim-Wah, Parish Priest, Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang,

Selangor19.Rev. Fr. Lawrence Andrew, SJ, Parish Priest, Church of St. Anne, Port Klang, Selangor20.Rev. Fr. John Gnanapiragasam21.Rev. Fr. Christopher Soosaipillai22.Rev. Fr. Patrick Boudville23.Rev. Fr. Clarence Devedass24.Rev. Fr. Federick Joseph25.Rev. Fr. Edwin Paul


1. Fr. Philip Ba Shwe, Pastor, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Malanday2. Fr. George Khin Mg Htwe, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier's Church3. Fr .John Soe Tint, Priest In-Charge, St. Joseph's Church4. Fr. Philip Tin Htun, Pastor, St. Michael's Church5. Fr. Paul Htun Myint, Pastor, St. John's Church6. Fr. Olivier Prodhomme, Pastor, St. Peter's Church, Amarapura, Mandalay7. Fr. Cyprian Aung Win, Pastor, Immaculate Conception Church


1. Rev. Fr. Quintin Culpepe, Spiritual Director of El Shaddai DWXI Prayer Partners Fellowship International Caboolture, Queensland, Australia Chapter

2. Rev. Fr. Loi Viovicente, Spiritual Director of El Shaddai DWXI Prayer Partners Fellowship International Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Chapter

Bishops, Deacons, Monsignors and Pastors

1. Bishop Camilo Gregorio, Bishop, Diocese of Batanes2. Bishop Ruperto Santos, Bishop, Diocese of Balanga3. Most Rev. Jose F. Oliveros, D.D., Bishop, Diocese of Malolos4. Bishop Deogracias Yniguez, Bishop, Diocese of Kalookan5. Most Rev. Jesse E. Mercado, Bishop, Diocese of Paranaque6. Bishop Carlito Cenzon, Bishop, Diocese of Baguio7. Most Rev. Honesto F. Ongtioco, Bishop, Diocese of Cubao8. Bishop Antonio Tobias, Bishop, Diocese of Novaliches9. Most Rev. Mylo Hubert Claudio Vergara, D.D., Bishop, Diocese of Pasig10.Most Rev. Reynaldo Evangelista, Bishop, Diocese of Imus11.Bishop Buenaventura Famadico, Bishop, Diocese of San Pablo, Laguna12.Most Rev. Bishop Ramon Arguelles, Bishop, Diocese of Lipa13.Bishop Ruben Profugo, Bishop, Diocese of Lucena14.Most Rev. Bishop Teodoro C. Bacani, Jr., Over-all Spiritual Advisor of El Shaddai DWXI

Prayer Partners Fellowship International, Inc. Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines Chapter15.Most Rev. Patricio A. Buzon, D.D., Bishop of Kabankalan, Negros16.Most Rev. Julito B. Cortes, D.D., District Bishop, Metro Cebu-South17.Most Rev. Bishop Leonardo Y. Medroso, D.D., Bishop, Diocese of Tagbilaran18.Bishop Stephen Li Side, Bishop, Diocese of Tianjin 19.Bishop Joseph Fan Zhongliang, Bishop, Diocese of Shanghai20.Bishop Joseph Xu Honggen, Bishop, Diocese of Suzhou21.His Eminence Bishop John Tong Hon, Bishop, Diocese of Hong Kong22.Most Rev. Bishop José Lai Hung-seng, Bishop, Diocese of Macau23.Bishop Paul Cheol-soo Hwang, Bishop, Diocese of Busan, South Korea24.Bishop Boniface Ki-san Choi, Bishop, Diocese of Incheon, South Korea25.Most Rev. Bishop Peter Liu Cheng-chung, Diocese of Kaohsiung, Taiwan26.Bishop Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana, Bishop, Diocese of Chiang Mai, Thailand

27.Bishop Joseph Chusak Sirisut, Bishop, Diocese of Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand 28.Most Rev. Bishop Kevin Joseph Farrell, Bishop, Diocese of Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. 29.Most Rev. Bishop David M. O'Connell, C.M. D.D., Bishop, Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey,

U.S.A.30.Bishop Paul S. Loverde, Bishop, Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, U.SA.31.Rev. Deacon Nestor Kwan Chung Wah, Deacon, Star of the Sea Church, Chaiwan Road,

Chaiwan, Hong Kong32.Rev. Deacon Faustus Lam Sair Ling, Deacon, Holy Cross Church, Shaukiwan, Hong Kong33.Rev. Deacon Paul Yeow, Deacon, St. Jude's Church, North Point, Hong Kong34.Rev. Deacon Bernard Tang, Deacon, St. Margaret Mary's Church, Happy Valley, Hong Kong35.Deacon Alexis Mg Mg Htay, Assistant Pastor, Saint John’s Church, Malanday, Myanmar36.Right Rev. Sebastian Francis, Bishop, Diocese of Penang, Malaysia37.Right Rev. Msgr. Paul Tan Chee Ing, SJ, Bishop, Diocese of Melaka-Johor, Malaysia38.Rev. Dennis Kleinmann, Pastor, Saint Mary’s Catholic Church, Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A.39.Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen, Auxiliary Bishop for the Western Region and former

Assistant Superior General for the Conventual Franciscans for Asia and Oceania40.Msgr. Alberto G. Salonga, Jr., Parish Priest, Espiritu Santo Parish, Tayuman, Manila41.Msgr. Claro Matt M. Garcia, Parish Priest, Immaculate Conception Parish, Tondo, Manila42.Msgr. Jose Clemente Ignacio, Parish Priest, Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene, Quiapo,

Manila43.Msgr. Rolando R. Dela Cruz, Parish Priest, San Fernando de Dilao Parish, Paco, Manila44.Msgr. Dennis S. Odiver, Parish Priest, Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish, Bel-Air II, Makati

City45.Msgr. Roberto A. Espenilla, Parish Priest, Saint Joseph the Worker, Palanan, Makati City46.Msgr. Roberto Canlas, Parish Priest, Archdiocesan Shrine of Jesus, The Way, The Truth and

The Life-SM Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City47.Msgr. Modesto M. Teston, Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Airways, Pasay City48.Msgr. Bong Lo, Rector of Lorenzo Ruiz Mission Society's Seminary and Chaplain of Chapel

of the Eucharistic Lord, SM Megamall Ortigas, Mandaluyong City49.Rev. Msgr. Mario Josefino Martinez, Parish Priest, St. Joseph Parish Church of Las Piñas50.Msgr. Rigoberto de Guzman, Rector of National Shrine of Our Lady of Peace and Good

Voyage, Antipolo City, Rizal51.Rev. Msgr. Arnel Lagarejos, Parish Priest of St. John the Baptist Parish, Taytay, Rizal52.Msgr. Mariano Melicia, Jr., Parish Priest of Saint Isidore Labrador Parish, Lucena City,

Quezon53.Msgr. Roberto F.  Alesna,  PA, VG, Parish Priest of Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral54.Rev. Msgr. Dennis C. Villarojo, PC, Moderator, Capitol Parish, Cebu City55.Rev. Msgr. Agustin V. Ancajas, PC, Parochial Vicar, Capitol Parish, Cebu City56.Msgr. Jose S. Montecillo, HP, Parish Priest, Guadalupe Parish, Cebu City57.Rev. Msgr. Marnell S. Mejia, PC, Moderator, Saint Therese Parish, Cebu City58.Rev. Msgr. Carlito V. Pono, Moderator, San Isidro Labrador Parish, Tambalan, Cebu City59.Rev. Msgr. Antonio G. Quintana, PC, VF, Moderator, San Isidro Labrador, San Fernando,

Cebu60.Rev. Msgr. Ruben Labajo, PC, Moderator, St. Joseph Parish, Tabunok, Talisay City, Cebu61.Rev. Msgr. Rolando Jimenez, HP, Parish Priest, St. Catherine Parish, Carcar City62.Msgr.  Raul T. Go, PC63.Msgr. Romualdo G. Kintanar, HP, Moderator, Sta. Teresa Parish, Talisay City, Cebu and

Parish Priest, San Guillermo Parish, Dalaguete, Cebu64.Msgr. Phil Ch. Tumulak, HP, Vicar Forane, Vicariate of San Guillermo de Aquitania65.Rev. Msgr. Daniel C. Sanico, PC, Parish Priest, San Juan Nepomuceno Parish,

Moalboal, Cebu66.Msgr. Feliciano E. Nalzaro, Jr., Parish Priest of Immaculate Heart of Parish, Tagbilaran City,

Bohol67.Msgr. James Gnanapiragasam, VG, Parish Priest, St. John’s Cathedral, Kuala Lumpur68.Msgr. Daniel Lim, VG, Parish Priest, Church of Holy Rosary, Kuala Lumpur69.Msgr. Michael Keating, Parish Priest of Perth Cathedral, Perth, Australia


1. ABS-CBN Chorale2. ACTS Catholic Prayer Community Music Ministry3. Adamson University Chorale4. Ateneo Chamber Singers5. Ateneo Glee Club6. Awit Papuri Choir7. Bangko Sentral Singers8. Chaplaincy Choir9. Coro Benito10.Coro Tomasino11.De La Salle University-Manila Chorale12.Diocese of Pasig Choir13.El Shaddai Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines Choir14.El Shaddai Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Chapter Choir15.El Shaddai Padova, Italy Chapter Choir16.El Shaddai Rome, Italy Chapter Choir17.El Shaddai Seoul, South Korea Chapter Gospel Choir18.El Shaddai Southern California, U.S.A. Gospel Choir19.FEU Choir20.Hail Mary the Queen Children's Choir21.Himig Muntinlupa22.Immaculate Conception Choir23.Inquirer Chorale24.Las Piñas Boys Choir25.Loboc Children’s Choir26.Lourdes School of Mandaluyong Chorale27.Mandaluyong Chamber Singers28.Mandaluyong Children’s Choir29.Meralco Chorale30.Meralco Village Youth Choir31.Music and Life (HELP-C) Music Ministry32.Oasis of Love Catholic Charismatic Community Manila Chapter Choir33.Office of the President Choir34.Office of the Vice-President Choir35.Mandaue Children and Youth Chorus36.National University Choir37.Nazarene Grand Choir38.Pasig Catholic College Children's Choir39.President Diosdado Macapagal Memorial Choir40.Rivers of Living Water Minstrels41.Saint Peter Community Music Ministry42.San Beda College Choir43.San Carlos Seminary Choir44.Senate of the Philippines Choir45.The EDSA Shrine Music Ministry46.The Lighter Side Movement Choir, Mandaluyong47.The Shrine of Jesus Children's Choir48.University of the East Choir49.University of the Philippines Concert Chorus50.University of the Philippines Madrigal Singers51.University of the Philippines Singing Ambassadors52.University of the Visayas Chorale53.UST Singers54.Coro de San Jacinto of Tuguegarao

55.City Choir of San Fernando, Pampanga (City Government of Pampanga)56.Coro de la Laguna57.Ozamiz Local Government Unit (LGU) Choristers58.Buhangin Voices of the LGU of Iligan City59.Pangasinan Provincial Chorale60.Makati City Government Employee Chorale61.Hong Kong Children’s Choir


ABS-CBN Philharmonic Orchestra, under the baton of Maestro Gerald Salonga Cebu Philharmonic Orchestra Cebu Youth Symphony Orchestra DLSU Pops Orchestra Manila Symphony Orchestra Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra Philippine Youth Symphonic Band UST Brass Band Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra


Joshua Espinosa


Banda Matanda El Shaddai Band


Tamborine Dancers

Mass Commentator

Sister Faith Abano

Sign Language Licensee

Gualandi Volunteer Service Programme

Stage Design

Stage Craft International, Inc.

About the Altar

Inspired by the bamboo arches seen in Philippine fiestas, the Quirino Grandstand was dressed up to evoke this festive feeling and give Pope Francis a reception that embodies the Filipinos fondness for His Holiness. A fabric canopy with Tagalog Stencil patterns marks the main portion of the dais where the Pope celebrated mass. All furniture was done in rattan to maintain the indigenous feel of the altar designs. The World Youth Day Altar was designed by Francisco Manoza.

Traffic Re-Routing

On October 26, 2013, the following roads will be affected:

Roxas Boulevard (from Padre Burgos Drive to T.M. Kalaw Street to United Nations Avenue to Padre Faura) will be closed to vehicular traffic from 12:00 Midnight of October 25 to 12:00 P.M. of October 28, 2013

Taft Avenue, Padres Burgos Drive and Arroceros Street to Natividad Almeda-Lopez Drive, Jones, McArthur and Quezon Bridges will be closed to vehicular traffic from 6:00 P.M. of October 25, 2013 to 3:00 P.M. of October 28, 2013.

Quezon Boulevard will be closed to heavy traffic from 11:00 P.M. of October 25, 2012 to 12:00 Noon of October 28, 2013.

References: Google Maps


Blue Color - Closed route Yellow Circle –Venue

The Re-routing scheme for the 35th Anniversary Celebration of Jesus is Lord Church (as of October 21, 2013) as follows:

Phase 1: Rizal Park Area

1. Quirino Grandstand (Main Venue)2. Head northwest on Parade Ave toward Katigbak Drive3. Parade Ave turns slightly right and becomes Katigbak Drive4. Continue onto Padre Burgos St/C-15. Make a U-turn at Roxas Boulevard6. Continue onto Katigbak Dr7. Continue onto Parade Ave8. Continue onto South Dr9. Continue onto T.M. Kalaw10. Make a U-turn at Roxas Boulevard11. Continue onto South Dr12. Slight right onto Parade Ave13. Parade Ave turns slightly right and becomes Katigbak Dr14. Continue onto Padre Burgos St/C-115. Make a U-turn at Maria Y. Orosa16. Make a U-turn at Roxas Boulevard17. Turn right onto Maria Y. Orosa18. Head southeast on Maria Y. Orosa Street toward T.M. Kalaw19. Turn right onto T.M. Kalaw20. Make a U-turn at Jorge Bocobo21. Turn left onto MY Orosa Street22. Continue to follow Maria Y. Orosa23. Turn right onto Finance24. Turn right onto Taft Avenue25. Turn right onto United Nations Avenue26. Take the 1st right onto Maria Y. Orosa27. Turn left onto T.M. Kalaw28. Make a U-turn at Roxas Boulevard29. Make a U-turn at Maria Y. Orosa30. Turn right onto Roxas Boulevard31. Make a U-turn at Padre Burgos St/C-132. Turn left onto United Nations Ave33. Turn right onto Cortada34. Turn left onto A Flores35. Take the 1st left onto A. Mabini Destination will be on the right36. Head northwest on A. Mabini toward United Nations Ave

37. Take the 1st right onto United Nations Ave38. Turn left at the 2nd cross street onto Maria Y. Orosa39. Turn left onto T.M. Kalaw40. Take the 2nd left onto Jorge Bocobo41. Head southeast on Jorge Bocobo toward United Nations Avenue42. Take the 2nd right onto A Flores43. Head southwest on A Flores toward A. Mabini44. Take the 1st right onto A. Mabini45. Take the 1st left onto United Nations Ave46. Turn right onto Alhambra47. Head northwest on Alhambra toward T.M. Kalaw48. Turn right onto T.M. Kalaw49. Take the 1st right onto Guerrero50. Head northwest on Guerrero toward T.M. Kalaw51. Turn right onto T.M. Kalaw52. Take the 1st right onto M.H. Del Pilar53. Take the 1st left onto United Nations Ave54. Take the 1st left onto Cortada55. Head southeast on Cortada toward United Nations Ave56. Take the 1st left onto United Nations Ave57. Take the 1st left onto A. Mabini58. Head northwest on A. Mabini toward T.M. Kalaw59. Turn right onto T.M. Kalaw60. Take the 2nd left onto Engracia C Reyes61. Head northeast on Engracia C Reyes toward Maria Y. Orosa62. Turn left onto Maria Y. Orosa63. Head northwest on Maria Y. Orosa toward T.M. Kalaw64. Turn left onto T.M. Kalaw65. Head northwest on A. Mabini toward Arquiza66. Take the 1st right onto Arquiza67. Take the 1st left onto Grey68. Turn left onto A Flores69. Take the 1st right onto A. Mabini70. Take the 1st right onto United Nations Ave71. Take the 1st right onto Jorge Bocobo72. Take the 1st right onto A Flores73. Take the 1st left onto Grey74. Turn left onto Arquiza75. Turn right onto Jorge Bocobo76. Take the 1st right onto Padre Faura77. Take the 1st right onto A. Mabini78. Take the 1st right onto Arquiza79. Turn right onto Jorge Bocobo80. Turn left onto Sta. Monica81. Turn left onto Padre Faura82. Take the 2nd left onto M Adriatico83. Take the 1st left onto Sta. Monica84. Turn left onto Padre Faura85. Take the 2nd left onto M Adriatico86. Take the 1st right onto Sta. Monica87. Take the 1st right onto A. Mabini88. Take the 1st left onto Padre Faura89. Turn right at the 2nd cross street onto Guerrero90. Take the 1st right onto Arquiza91. Take the 1st right onto M.H. Del Pilar92. Take the 1st right onto Padre Faura

93. Take the 1st right onto Guerrero94. Take the 2nd right toward M.H. Del Pilar95. Turn right onto M.H. Del Pilar96. Take the 1st left onto Arquiza97. Turn right onto Jorge Bocobo98. Take the 1st right onto Padre Faura99. Turn left onto M.H. Del Pilar100. Take the 1st right onto Sta. Monica101. Take the 1st right onto Guerrero102. Take the 1st left onto Padre Faura103. Take the 1st left toward Sta. Monica104. Take the 1st left onto Sta. Monica105. Take the 1st left onto Guerrero106. Turn left onto Arquiza107. Take the 1st right onto Alhambra108. Take the 1st right toward Guerrero109. Take the 1st left onto Guerrero110. Take the 2nd right onto United Nations Ave111. Take the 1st right onto M.H. Del Pilar112. Take the 1st left onto A Flores113. Turn right onto Grey114. Turn right onto Arquiza115. Turn left at the 2nd cross street onto M.H. Del Pilar116. Turn left at the 2nd cross street onto Sta. Monica117. Take the 1st left onto A. Mabini118. Turn right onto United Nations Ave119. Turn right onto Taft Ave120. Take the 1st right onto Padre Faura121. Take the 1st right onto Maria Y. Orosa122. Take the 2nd right onto United Nations Ave123. Head southwest on United Nations Ave toward Taft Ave124. Turn left onto Jorge Bocobo125. Take the 1st left onto Engracia C Reyes126. Turn left onto Maria Y. Orosa127. Take the 2nd right onto United Nations Ave128. Take the 2nd right onto Taft Ave129. Take the 1st right onto Padre Faura

Phase 2: Quiapo Area

1. Plaza Miranda (Co-Venue)2. Head west on R. Hidalgo toward Villalobos3. Turn left onto Gomez4. Slight left onto Carlos Palanca Sr.5. Take the 1st left onto Villalobos6. Turn right onto R. Hidalgo7. Turn right onto Quezon Boulevard8. Slight right toward Carlos Palanca Sr.9. Turn left onto Carlos Palanca Sr.10. Take the 1st right onto Oscariz11. Oscariz turns right and becomes P. Ducos12. Turn right onto Carlos Palanca Sr.13. Turn left onto Muelle Dela Quinta14. Muelle Dela Quinta turns slightly left and becomes trinoma15. Turn right onto Arlegui16. Take the 2nd right onto Duque17. Take the 1st left onto Vergara

18. Take the 1st right onto Fraternal19. Turn left onto Castillejos20. Castillejos turns left and becomes Farnecio21. Turn left onto Vergara22. Take the 1st right onto Fraternal23. Turn left onto Arlegui24. Turn right at Duque25. Slight right onto Dr. Concepcion C. Aguila26. Take the 1st right onto Legarda27. Turn right onto Arlegui28. Take the 2nd left onto Fraternal29. Turn right onto Castillejos30. Turn left onto Duque31. Make a U-turn32. Take the 1st left onto Arlegui33. Take the 1st left onto Gunao34. Take the 1st right onto Norzagaray35. Take the 1st left onto trinoma36. Take the 1st left onto Globo de Oro37. Turn right at Gunao38. Make a U-turn39. Take the 1st left onto Globo de Oro40. Take the 2nd right onto A. Bautista41. Take the 1st right onto Norzagaray42. Take the 1st right onto trinoma43. Take the 1st right onto Globo de Oro44. Sharp right toward Norzagaray45. Take the 1st right onto Norzagaray46. Take the 2nd right onto trinoma47. trinoma turns slightly right and becomes Muelle Dela Quinta48. Turn right onto Carlos Palanca Sr.49. Turn right onto Villalobos50. Turn right onto R. Hidalgo51. Turn right onto Quezon Boulevard52. Continue onto Quezon Bridge53. Continue onto Quezon Blvd54. Continue onto Padre Burgos St55. Make a U-turn at Victoria56. Keep right to stay on Padre Burgos St57. Keep left to stay on Padre Burgos St58. Continue onto McArthur Bridge59. Turn right onto Carlos Palanca Sr.60. Take the 2nd left onto Gomez61. Take the 1st right onto R. Hidalgo62. Turn right onto Quezon Boulevard63. Continue onto Quezon Bridge64. Continue onto Quezon Blvd65. Continue onto Padre Burgos St66. Make a U-turn at Victoria67. Keep right to stay on Padre Burgos St68. Keep right to stay on Padre Burgos St69. Continue onto Quezon Bridge70. Continue onto Quezon Blvd (Destination will be on the left)71. Quiapo Church (Co-Venue)

Phase 3: Port Area

1. Head southeast on Chicago toward 7th St2. Take the 1st left onto 7th St3. Make a U-turn4. Take the 1st left onto Chicago5. Take the 3rd left onto 10th St6. Make a U-turnTake the 1st right onto Chicago7. Take the 1st right onto 9th St8. Make a U-turn9. Turn right onto Muelle de San Francisco10. Take the 1st right onto 8th St11. Turn right onto Bonifacio Dr12. Take the 1st right onto 11th St13. Take the 1st left onto Railroad Dr14. Turn right onto 12th St15. Turn right onto Atlanta16. Turn right onto 11th St17. Turn right onto Bonifacio Dr18. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto 13th St19. Turn right onto Chicago20. Chicago turns right and becomes 11th St21. Turn right onto Atlanta22. Take the 2nd right onto 14th St23. Take the 1st left onto Antonio C. Delgado24. Take the 1st left onto 15th St25. Take the 1st right onto Atlanta26. Take the 1st right onto 16th St27. Turn right at the 2nd cross street onto Boston28. Turn right onto 13th St29. Take the 1st right onto Antonio C. Delgado30. Take the 1st right onto 14th St31. Turn right onto Muelle de San Francisco32. Take the 2nd right onto 10th St33. Make a U-turn34. Take the 1st right onto Chicago35. Take the 2nd left onto 8th St36. Turn right onto Muelle de San Francisco37. Muelle de San Francisco turns right and becomes 7th St38. Turn left onto Chicago39. Sharp left onto Muelle De Tacoma40. Turn left onto 7th St41. Take the 1st left onto Chicago42. Turn right onto Muelle De Tacoma43. Head southwest on 25th St toward Muelle de San Francisco44. 25th St turns right and becomes Muelle de San Francisco45. Turn right onto 16th St46. Take the 3rd left onto Boston47. Turn left onto 13th St48. Turn left onto Muelle de San Francisco49. Take the 2nd left onto 16th St50. Take the 1st right onto Boston51. Make a U-turn52. Take the 2nd right onto 14th St53. Head southwest on 14th St toward Boston54. Take the 1st right onto Boston55. Turn right onto 13th St56. Take the 1st right onto Antonio C. Delgado

57. Take the 2nd right onto 16th St58. Take the 1st right onto Boston59. Turn right onto 13th St60. Take the 1st left onto Chicago61. Chicago turns right and becomes 11th St62. Turn right onto Atlanta63. Turn right onto 13th St64. Take the 1st left onto Antonio C. Delgado65. Take the 1st left onto 14th St66. Take the 1st right onto Atlanta67. Take the 1st right onto 15th St68. Turn left onto Antonio C. Delgado69. Take the 1st left onto 16th St70. Take the 1st right onto Atlanta71. Take the 1st right onto 17th St72. Turn right onto Muelle de San Francisco73. Take the 1st right onto 16th St74. Take the 2nd right onto Antonio C. Delgado75. Take the 1st left onto 17th St76. Turn left onto Railroad Dr77. Take the 2nd left onto 15th St78. Take the 1st right onto Atlanta79. Take the 1st right onto 14th St80. Turn left onto Railroad Dr81. Turn left onto 12th St82. Turn right onto Atlanta83. Turn right onto 11th St84. Take the 1st right onto Railroad Dr85. Take the 3rd right onto 14th St86. Take the 1st left onto Atlanta87. Take the 2nd left onto 16th St88. Take the 1st left onto Railroad Dr89. Take the 1st right onto 13th St90. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Bonifacio Dr91. Turn right onto 16th St92. Take the 2nd right onto Atlanta93. Take the 3rd right onto 13th St94. Head southwest on 25th St toward Muelle de San Francisco95. 25th St turns right and becomes Muelle de San Francisco96. Turn right onto 14th St97. Turn right onto Antonio C. Delgado98. Take the 1st left onto 15th St99. Take the 1st left onto Atlanta100. Take the 1st left onto 14th St101. Take the 1st left onto Antonio C. Delgado102. Take the 1st right onto 16th St103. Turn left onto Muelle de San Francisco104. Take the 1st left onto 17th St105. Turn left onto Atlanta106. Take the 2nd left onto 15th St107. Turn left onto Antonio C. Delgado108. Take the 1st left onto 16th St109. Take the 2nd left onto Railroad Dr110. Take the 1st left onto 15th St111. Take the 1st left onto Atlanta112. Take the 2nd left onto 17th St

113. Turn left onto Railroad Dr114. Take the 1st right onto 16th St115. Turn right onto Bonifacio Dr116. Take the 2nd right onto 25th St117. 25th St turns right and becomes Muelle de San Francisco118. Turn right onto 17th St119. Take the 1st right onto Antonio C. Delgado120. Turn left onto 24th St121. Turn right onto Railroad Dr122. Turn right onto 25th St123. 25th St turns right and becomes Muelle de San Francisco124. Turn right onto 17th St125. Take the 1st right onto Antonio C. Delgado126. Turn left onto 22nd St127. Turn right onto Railroad Dr128. Take the 1st right onto 23rd St129. Turn left onto Antonio C. Delgado130. Turn left onto 25th St131. Take the 1st left onto Railroad Dr132. Turn left onto 19th St133. Turn left onto Antonio C. Delgado134. Take the 1st left onto 20th St135. Take the 1st left onto Railroad Dr136. Take the 2nd left onto 18th St137. Turn left onto Antonio C. Delgado138. Turn left onto Railroad Dr139. Turn left onto 15th St140. Take the 1st right onto Atlanta141. Take the 1st right onto 14th St142. Turn right onto Railroad Dr143. Take the 1st right onto 15th St144. Take the 1st right onto Atlanta145. Take the 1st left onto 14th St

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