jesus i never knew - · 怀恩堂2016-2017 双年主题 “...

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从未认识过的耶稣基督2017 年第一季门训部主日学


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『耶稣』- 睇真啲

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怀恩堂 2016-2017 双年主题

“ 活出真理、效法基督 ”

§ 耶稣作为基督信仰的中心人物 - 是基督徒需要正确、深入认识并效法的对象。

“因為我以認識我主基督耶穌為至寶.” (腓3:8)

§ 2017 年一月初 – 成人主日学举办了‘历史对耶稣的见证’讲座(李振群博士)


§ 本季课程以“耶稣真貌”一书为蓝本. 对一些与耶稣生平相关的课题根据圣经与同学一同探讨。


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The Jesus I Never Knew 耶稣真貌

获选『今日基督教』(Christianity Today) 杂志20世纪百大好书之一。


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Books of the Century (APRIL 24, 2000)

Christianity Today asked more than 100 of its contributors and church leaders to nominate the ten best religious books of the twentieth century. …. meant those that not only were important when first published, but also have enduring significance for the Christian faith and church. …included books which do not always prompt agreement, but which are important for evangelical Christians to read and contend with.

1. C. S. LewisMere Christianity

2. Dietrich BonhoefferThe Cost of Discipleship

3. Karl Barth

Church Dogmatics

4. J. R. R. TolkienThe Lord of the Rings (trilogy)

5. John Howard YoderThe Politics of Jesus

6. G.K. Chesterton


7. Thomas Merton

The Seven Storey Mountain

8. Richard FosterCelebration of Discipline

9. Oswald ChambersMy Utmost for His Highest

10. Reinhold Niebuhr

Moral Man and Immoral Society


Edward John Carnell

The Case for Orthodox Theology Willa Cather

Death Comes for the Archbishop Dorothy Day

The Long Loneliness Annie Dillard

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Documents of Vatican II

W. E. B. Dubois

The Souls of Black Folk T. S. Eliot

Four Quartets Ralph Ellison

Invisible Man Jacques Ellul

The Technological Society Shusaku Endo

Silence Anne Frank

The Diary of Anne Frank Victor Frankl

Man's Search for Meaning Sigmund Freud

Civilization and Its Discontents The Fundamentals

Langdon Gilkey

Shantung Compound Carol Gilligan

In a Different Voice Graham Greene

The Power and the Glory

John Howard Griffin

Black Like Me Gustavo Gutiérrez

A Theology of Liberation Philip Paul Hallie

Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed Stanley Hauerwas

A Community of Character Václav Havel

Living in Truth Richard Hays

The Moral Vision of the New Testament Carl F. H. Henry

God, Revelation, and Authority (six volumes) John R. Hersey

Hiroshima Abraham Heschel

The Prophets Aldous Huxley

Brave New World William James

The Varieties of Religious Experience Franz Kafka

The Trial Martin Luther King, Jr.

A Testament of Hope Thomas S. Kuhn

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird

Aldo Leopold

A Sand County Almanac C. S. Lewis

The Chronicles of Narnia (especially The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) and The Screwtape Letters J. Gresham Machen

Christianity and Liberalism Alasdair C. MacIntyre

After Virtue Malcolm X and Alex Haley

The Autobiography of Malcolm X George M. Marsden

Fundamentalism and American Culture FranÇois Mauriac

Viper's Tangle Jürgen Moltmann

The Crucified God Richard John Neuhaus

The Naked Public Square Lesslie Newbigin

The Gospel in a Pluralist Society Reinhold Niebuhr

The Nature and Destiny of Man (two volumes) H. Richard Niebuhr

Christ and Culture Kathleen Norris

The Cloister Walk Henri J. M. Nouwen

The Wounded Healer

Anders Nygren

Agape and Eros Elizabeth O'Connor

Journey Inward, Journey Outward Flannery O'Connor

A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories Rudolf Otto

The Idea of the Holy J. I. Packer

Knowing God Alan Paton

Cry, the Beloved Country Jaroslav Pelikan

Jesus Through the Centuries Josef Pieper

The Four Cardinal Virtues Michael Polanyi

Personal Knowledge Chaim Potok

The Chosen Walter Rauschenbusch

Christianity and the Social Crisis Dorothy L. Sayers

The Mind of the Maker Albert Schweitzer

The Quest of the Historical Jesus Nevil Shute

On the Beach Ronald J. Sider

Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The Gulag Archipelago and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich John R. W. Stott

Basic Christianity Paul Tournier

The Meaning of Persons A. W. Tozer

The Pursuit of God Barbara Tuchman

The Guns of August Evelyn Underhill

Mysticism Miroslav Volf

Exclusion and Embrace Gerhard von Rad

Old Testament Theology Andrew F. Walls

The Missionary Movement in Christian History Max Weber

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Simone Weil

Waiting for God Elie Wiesel

Night Charles Williams

Descent into Hell Walter Wink

Engaging the Powers Philip Yancey

The Jesus I Never Knew


By alphabetical order of author name

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被推荐:Billy Graham, Max Lucado, Jimmy Carter, J.I. Packer, BONO…

以探讨『苦难』著名 - 故在VirginaTech Shooting … 等等事件后常被邀


Introducing: Philip Yancey (介绍: 杨腓力)

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Grew up in a strict, fundamentalist church in the southern USA• “We were taught that God answers prayers, miraculously, but my father died

of polio just after my first birthday, despite many prayers for his healing.”

• “Along the way I realized that God had been misrepresented to me. Cautiously, warily, I returned, circling around the faith to see if it might be true.”

• His writing took a… personal (个人层面) and introspective (自省、自我审视 ) tone…

Introducing: Philip Yancey (介绍:杨腓力)


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Philip Yancey (杨腓力)


13 Gold Medallion Awards from Christian publishers and booksellers

more than 15 million books in print, published in 35 languages worldwide

Note: Partial selection only

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In his words,…

“I’m a pilgrim” “I write books for myself” “My books are a process of exploration and investigation of

things I wonder about and worry about” “I understand that feeling of disappointment, even betrayal” “I tend to go back to the Bible as a model, because I don’t

know a more honest book” “I feel called to speak to those living in the borderlands of



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“My books are a process of exploration and investigation of things I wonder about and worry about” – Philip Yancey


如何能接触到看不见的 神?



祷告 – 所为何事?有用吗?



“I feel called to speak to those living in the borderlands of faith.” – Believers and non-Believers alike.

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读 Philip Yancey 的书的一些感想:

Ф 他以自己为一个『朝圣者』 (pilgrim)

Ф 他称自己为一个Journalist (vs. reporter)

Ф 他的每一本书,都在邀请读者与他一同踏上一个一个的信仰探索的旅程。在这个旅途中,他会犹如打开他的属灵日记般地与你分享他的所见所闻、敞开他个人(私人)的思路历程、反省、困惑、矛盾与挣扎 -- 读者经常会发觉自己的困惑、矛盾与挣扎,作者也有!

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1. 选读Philip Yancey的任何一本书

2. 一同来,睇真啲『耶稣』!

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