jessica tenuta at tedxnormal: the world is changed by those brave enough to question it

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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The world is changed !by those brave enough !

to question it.!!Jessica Tenuta | Cofounder of Packback

Every great innovation!is born out of a great question

…but today’s students aren’t !learning how to ask questions.

“Why do I need to learn this ?”

“How will I use this in the real world ?”

The real problem to solve is how to help students get value out of their education.

“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, !but certainty is absurd.”!


~ Voltaire!

Students are taught to focus on !answering questions…not asking them.

“Computers are useless.!They can only give you answers.”!


~ Picasso!


We are living in a Search Engine Culture.

But we can’t afford to teach students to outsource their critical thinking, too.

What role do professors play today?


“No one can build you the bridge

on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life.!


~ Nietzsche!


The solution to today’s education !woes doesn’t require a massive

overhaul of the system.

It’s incredibly simple.

Our hypothesis:!!

A safe space to be curious + a little training =!!

Independent, critical thinkers

“I teach an intro level class. They stare at me blankly in class, but when I saw the questions they were asking on Packback, I was amazed. !!

I had completely underestimated them…I never realized that they were thinking and wondering all of this below their quiet surface.

Judge a man not by his answers,!but by his questions. !


~ Voltaire!!

1. Create a “no-judgement” space for curiosity

2. Regard curiosity as highly as a “right answer”

3. Teach them how to ask a great question

“Why me?”!

“Why not me?”!

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