jeremy and amber little, volz dixon wed in osgood announce … · 2019-03-03 · blake little and...

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BlakeLittleandBriannaVolzarepleasedtoannouncetheirengagement. Blake is fromGaynorsville, Indiana.He is the sonofCamillaAtchley.HegraduatedfromSouthDearbornHighSchoolin2012andiscurrentlyemployedatPremierAginGreensburg. Brianna,Osgood,isthedaughterofBrianandEvaVolz.She graduated from Jac-Cen-Del High School in 2013andiscurrentlyemployedatAgProductionEnterprisesinGreensburg. A2019fallweddingisbeingplanned.

Little, Volz announce engagement

Blake Little and Brianna Volz

Jacob Orr and SierraBillman are planning to bemarriedonMay25,2019. BothJacobandSierraarefrom Osgood, and gradu-ated from Jac-Cen-Del –Jacobin2013andSierrain2014. Sierra is the daughter of

Carl and Bonnie Billman.Jacob is the son of HarleyandJanetOrr. Sierra is a registerednurseatSt.AndrewsHealthCampusinBatesville.Jacobworks as an engineer atHonda Manufacturing inGreensburg.

Orr, Billman plan spring wedding

Jacob Orr and Sierra Billman

Jeremy andAmber Dix-on ofOsgood,were unitedin marriage onAugust 18,2018. The couple chose

the Osgood First BaptistChurch with Pastor SteveAllenofficiating.

Jeremy and Amber Dixon wed in Osgood

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Dixon

Stephanie narwold& Michelle FowkeS


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Page2,SectionB TheVersaillesRepublican Thursday,March28,2019

Ashley Brown was sur-prisedwhenshewenttogetsome family pictures takenrecently. She said, “Thephotographer told me totakeaphotowithmydaugh-ter, Alexis, 7 and Kyle’sdaughter,Zoe,whoisfour.” Brown stated that theywere almost finished withthe photo session and asthis last picture was beingtaken, Kyle Negangard, of

Osgood,saidhernameandsheturnedaround.“Iturnedaround to this wonderfulsurprise!”sheexclaimedasshefoundKyleononekneeaskingforherhandinmar-riage. “He could not havepickedabettertime.” The couple plan to bemarried in May of 2020with a beautiful outdoorwedding.

Brown, Negangard engaged

Kyle Negangard and Ashley Brown

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Call or email for more information. PatrickBakerandKaylaRowlettegotengagedattheirAlma Mater, Butler University, during the summer of2018. Patrickisa2013MilanHighSchoolgraduateandthesonofMichaelandStephanieBaker. Kayla is a 2013 graduate of South Dearborn HighSchoolandisthedaughterofMarkRowletteandPatriciaStevens(Cleeter). PatrickandKaylaworkandliveonthenorthsideofIn-dianapoliswiththeirdog,Moose.ThehappycouplewillbemarriedinJulyof2019.

Baker, Rowlette plan July wedding

Patrick Baker and Kayla Rowlette

Thursday,March28,2019 TheVersaillesRepublican Page3,SectionB

Alex Schoettmer andHannah Eaton, Batesville,were engaged December8, 2017. The wedding isplannedforJune8,2019. AlexgraduatedfromJac-Cen-Delin2014andworks

at Bandy Carroll HeilligeAdvertising in Louisville,KY. Hannah graduated fromJac-Cen-Delin2016andisinnursingschoolatIndianaUniversitySoutheast.

Schoettmer, Eaton plan June wedding

Alex Schoettmer and Hannah Eaton

ChristaAnnHauserandDavid Anthony Rumage,both of Evansville, arehappy to announce theirengagement. Christa is the daugh-ter of Connie Hauser andthe late Bob Hauser ofOsgood. She is a 2009graduate of Jac-Cen-DelJr. Sr. High School and a2013 graduate of PurdueUniversity. Her maternalgrandparents are SharonandRogerLinkmeyerandthe late James Biddle ofNapoleon. Her paternalgrandparents are Bob andClaraSmithofHoltonand

thelateRoabertHauserofLawrenceburg. DavidisthesonofJackRumage andWandaDav-id of Evansville. He is a2008 graduate of CentralHighSchool.Hismaternalgrandparents areCharleneand Tony Thomas. Hispaternal grandparents areShirleyandRichardRum-age. The couple are plan-ningtobemarriedat2:30p.m.onSaturday,May11,2019,attheNewHarmonyInninNewHarmony,Indi-ana.

Hauser, Rumage announce engagement

Christa Hauser and David Rumage

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Connie Mozingo andDavidRayCanadaJr.weremarriedJanuary31,2019inLaVergne Tennessee at theLaVergne Freewill BaptistChurch. Thecouplewasbothbornat theDecaturCountyMe-morial Hospital in Greens-burg. They were married dur-ing the Polar Vortex onDavid’s44thbirthday.Theyarebothveryactiveintheirchurch, LaVergne FreewillBaptist Church. “We loveserving our Lord and Sav-iour,”theynoted. Thecouple isplanningahoneymoon to the SmokyMountainsthisspring.

Mozingo, Canada wed in Tennessee

Mr. and Mrs. David Canada

Did you know? A first dance song at thewedding reception often setsthe tone for the upcomingfestivities and can exemplifyjusthownewlywedsfeelabouteach other. Couples mayagonize over which song tochoose, but there are manydifferent resources availablethat can help couples narrowdowntheiroptions.Spotify,thepopularstreamingmusicserv-ice,hascompileda listof themost popularwedding songs,basedonglobal respondents.Their top pick was “Perfect,”by Ed Sheeran, a song thatmanymightsuspectwascom-posed with wedding dancesin mind. Sheeran’s “ThinkingOut Loud,” Etta James’ “AtLast,” John Legend’s “All ofMe,”andElvisPresley’s“Can’tHelpFallinginLove”filledouttheremainingtopfivespotsonSpotify’slist.

Brides and grooms fear the prospects ofrainy wedding days. But even couples whohave contended with everything from a fewdrops to an all-out deluge on their weddingdayslookbackfondlyontheceremoniesandreceptions. In fact, how couples handle anyprecipitationcanaffecthowhappythefestivi-tiesmaybe. •Havearainydaygameplan.Rainaffectsoutdoor weddings more than any other typeofceremonyorreception.Ifthegoalistoex-changevowsoutdoors,workwiththevenuetomakethispossiblewithatentorgazebo. •Investingolfumbrellas.Coupleswholivein notoriously damp climates can purchasegolf umbrellas,which tend to be larger thantheaverageumbrella,andkeepthemstationedindecoratedstandstoeasetransitionsbetweenwedding sites and keep everyone as dry aspossible. • Wear waterproof cosmetics. Women inthe bridal party, including the bride, can asktheirmakeupartiststousedurable,waterproof

products. This can help salvage beautifullycomposed looks should somedrops begin tofall. • Know vendors’ rain policies. Some livemusicianswillnotplayindampweather.Flo-ristsmay need tomake accommodations forarrangementsblowinginthewind. •Movepastitquickly.Itisokaytogetupsetif theweather turns for theworse.Butdon’tdwellonit.Guestswillsensenegativeenergy,andcouplesshouldset thetoneofstickingitthroughdespitealittleadversity—whichcanbeagoodlessonforthemarriageaswell. •Embracetherain.Whileacoupleprobablywon’twishforrain,therearesomebenefitstoovercastskies,saytheweddingprofessionalsat Brides magazine. Flowers are less likelytowilt in rainyconditions. In theabsenceofbright sunlight, outdoor photographs can re-allypop. Don’t letrainonaweddingdaybecomeadrag.With preparation and perspective, cou-plescanhandlerainyweddingdays.

How to handle rain on your wedding day

Page4,SectionB TheVersaillesRepublican Thursday,March28,2019

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TheengagementofMor-ganWidenerandCalebVin-up is being announced bythe couples’ parents, Mon-ica and Eric Widener andAmeia Schwagmeier andJeremyVinup,allofMilan. Morgan and Caleb are2016 graduates of Milan

High School. Morgan is aretailmanager atWal-MartandCalebworksforWiden-erdrywallandplastering. The high school sweet-heartsareplanninganOcto-ber19,2019weddingattheDearbornCountryClub.

Widener, Vinup plan fall wedding

Morgan Widener and Caleb Vinup

Billie’sLookin’ Good

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Caleb Huntington, son of Greg and Karen HuntingtonandRebekahandChuckGunterofVersailles,andCourtneyMcGuire,daughterofGrantandJoniMcGuireofVersailleshaveannouncedtheirengagement. CalebandCourtneyaregraduatesofSouthRipleyHighSchoolwheretheywerehighschoolsweethearts. CalebiscurrentlypursuingacareerinOccupationalTher-apyAssistingandCourtneyisgoingbacktoschoolforPhysi-calTherapyAssisting.

High school sweethearts announce engagement

Caleb Huntingtonand Courtney McGuire

BeckyTrowbridgeofVersailles,andAdamKinneofSt.John,wereunitedinmarriageonOctober1,2018attheIndyHostel,IndianapoliswithJosephBromanofficiating. Bridesmaidswere:MeganWebb,AllyConner,andLaurenWesley. Groomsmen were:Matt Hoover-Kinne, Jon Kinne, andAdam Flint. The ushers were John Trowbridge and MattProwant. BryanandTerriTrowbridgeofVersaillesaretheparentsofthebride.DeannaandthelateRonTrowbridgeofVersaillesare thegrandparents of thebride.Thegroom’sparents areMarkandSueKinneofSt.John.

Trowbridge, Kinne exchange nuptials

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kinne

Couplesabouttoembarkon their wedding journeyswill likely learn a thing ortwo about party planningonce their engagements areoverandtheyarenewlymar-ried.Wedding planning canseem overwhelming and atadconfusingattimes,butacrashcourseinweddingter-minology can help couplesmakemoreinformedchoicesalongtheway. • Blusher: A short, sin-gle-layerveilthatcoversthebride’s face before the cer-emony. • Boutonnière: A singleflowerbudwornbythemeninthebridalparty. •Canapés:Bite-sizedap-petizers served during thecocktailhourofareception. •Civilceremony:Amar-riage ceremony conductedby a council official or jus-ticeofthepeaceatamunici-pal location rather than in ahouseofworship. • Cocktail hour: Typi-cally an hour-long interludebetween the wedding cer-emony and themain dinnerofthereception.Guestshavetimetoarriveandminglebe-forebeingseated. • Corkage fee: A feesome establishments chargetoallowgueststobringtheirownwine. •Dais:Apodiumorplat-form raised from the floor

where the bride and groomareseated. • Deposit: A percentageof the total cost of servicegiventoavendortosecureadatefortheirservices. •Dragées:Round, smalledibleballsofsugarthatap-pearonweddingcakes. • Escort (seating) cards:Printed cards that direct re-ceptiongueststotheirseats. • Fondant:A sweet, ply-ableproductusedtodecora-tivelycoverlayeredcakes.Itcanbeusedinlieuofstraightbuttercream. •Handlewrap:Ribbonorfabricthatwrapsaroundthestemsofabouquetthebride

andweddingpartycarries. •Maid/matron of honor:Thetitlegiventothewomanwho assists the bride andstands closest to her at thealtar.“Maids”arethosewhoare unmarried, while “ma-trons”arewomenwhoare. • Master of ceremonies:Anindividualwhowillworkwith the DJ or band to an-nounce the various compo-nentsof thewedding recep-tion. •Nosegay:Asmallbou-quet or flower arrangementtypicallygiven to themoth-ers of the bride and groombeforetheceremony. • Processional/Reces-

sional: Musical pieces thatmark the entrance and exitfromtheweddingceremony. • Receiving line: A lineofthekeypeopleinthewed-dingwhowelcomeandgreetguests. • Stationery: All of thepaper products used at thewedding, including invita-tions, programs and enclo-sures. •Tablescape:Awordthatdescribes themultiple com-ponents of centerpiece de-signs. Learning some basicwedding terminology cansimplifyweddingplanning.

Get schooled on wedding terminology

Thursday,March28,2019 TheVersaillesRepublican Page5,SectionB

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Aaron and Sara (Math-es) Salyer were united inmarriage on October 20,2018inVersailles. Thebrideisthedaughterof Steve and BethMathesofVersailles.ThegroomisthesonofChrisandJennySalyer. PastorDougNormanof-ficiated thewedding. Pho-tography was by RachelWright.

Mathes, Salyer united in marriage

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Salyer

Buildingaweddingregis-tryisataskunlikeanyothercouplesmay encounter dur-ing their lifetimes.Weddingregistries are invaluable re-sourcesthatprovideengagedcouples’ loved ones withgift suggestions. In spite ofthatvalue,couplesmayfindit daunting and even a littleuncomfortable tobuild theirweddingregistries. Building a wedding reg-istry can feel like walkinga tightrope. Couples likelywon’t want to ask for toomuch or for gifts that aretoo expensive, but a poorlybuiltregistrycanbeamajorinconvenience for guests.The following tips can helpcouplesbuildadequateregis-tries that benefit themwith-outaskingtoomuchoftheirguests. •Registerwithmorethanone store. It’s important toregisterwithmore than onestore.Doingsomakesthingsas convenient as possiblefor guests and increases thechances theywillbeable toshopatstores they’refamil-iar with. Unless your guestlist is predominantly local,try to register with at leastonenationalchainsoguestswholiveindifferentregionscan shop for gifts in-personiftheyprefertodoso. •Makealargelist.Somecouplesarehesitanttomakelarge wedding registries,feeling that doing so givesthe impression that they’reasking for too much. Butlarge registries simply giveguests more options tochoose from. Many indus-try insiders advise register-ingfortwotothreegiftsperguest.Thatmightseemlikealot,butguestswillappreciatehavingallofthoseoptions. • Don’t hesitate to in-clude expensive items onyour registry. Couples alsomay be hesitant to includeespecially expensive items

Wedding registry tips

on their wedding registries.However, the couples’ par-entsandothercloserelativesmaybehonoredtopurchasemore expensive items, socouples should not feel em-barrassedtoincludethemontheirlists.It’salsoimportantto note that many retail-ers, after couples’ weddingdays have come and gone,discount registry items thatweren’t purchased. So evenifnoonepurchasesthemoreexpensive items, includingthemon a registrymay sig-nificantly reduce their costforcoupleswhowanttobuysuch items themselves aftertyingtheknot. •Varythepricesofitemson the list. In addition toincluding more expensiveitems on the registry, make

sure to include moderate-ly priced and inexpensiveitems. This gives guestsmore options and ensuresguestswhomightbespend-ingalottotraveltoandfromthe wedding can still pur-chase gifts without diggingtoo much deeper into theirpockets. • Periodically update theregistries. Periodically up-date your registries to re-moveitemsyouhavealreadyreceived and to add itemsif many of the less expen-siveoneshavealreadybeenpurchased. This also makesthings more convenient forguests. Building a wedding reg-istry is a unique task thatcouplescanembraceastheirweddingdaydrawsnear.

Shouldapersonhearthatacouple“tiedtheknot,”it’simme-diatelyknownthattheygotmar-ried. But just when andwheredoes the term “tying the knot”come from?The phrase “tyingtheknot”issteepedintradition,thoughtheoriginsofthephraseremain open for debate. Oneoriginstorystatesthattyingtheknotcanbetracedback to theRoman empire, when brideswore girdles that were tied inknots, and the groom had toeventually untie those knotsto consummate the marriage.Tying the knot also may betraced to the custom of hand-fasting. The marriage contractwas established between abride and a groom by joiningtheir hands together and tyingthem. Although accounts varyas to whether the hands weretied only during the ceremonyorlater,thisisbelievedtobeanancient Renaissance or Celtictradition.Othersspeculate thatthephrase traces itsorigins toHinduweddingsinwhichbridesandgrooms tiedanecklaceofflowersaspartofwedding tra-dition. Yet another theory sug-gests that the phrase can betracedbacktotheknottedstringthatsupportedbedspriortotheuseofmetalsprings.Therefore,in order to make a marriagebed,couplesfirstneededtotiethe knot. Knots also representa difficult-to-break bond,whichiswhytheyhavelongbeenas-sociatedwithmarriage. In oneunity tradition, couples maybraid or knot together threestrands, with one representingthe bride, one symbolizing thegroomand the third represent-ing God as they join togetherin faith. Similarly, the phrase“getting hitched” is associatedwith knot-tying as well. Thesaying implies that two peoplearebeingtiedtogetherjustlikeahorseistied,orhitched,toawagon.

Did you know?

Because fashion prefer-enceswere once ornate anddependent on precise fits,ready-to-wearclothingreallydidnotbecomewidelyavail-ableuntiltheearly20thcen-tury.Suchattireisnowavail-able in just about any retailstore. Because ready-to-wearclothing is so readily avail-able,theaveragepersonmaybe unfamiliar with custom-made or tailored items. Infact,acouples’weddingmaybetheonlyinstanceintheirlives when they require theservices of a seamstress ortailor. Fittingsareapartofwed-ding planning, and here’show brides-to-be can navi-gate the process of findingandbeingfittedforadress. • Try on sample gowns.The first step is to makeyourroundstovariousgownshopsandtryonthesamplesthey have available. Mostsample sizeswillnotbe thesizeyouwear everyday, soexpect them tobe ill-fitting.Donotbediscouraged.Oncea gown is chosen, the dressshopwilltakeyourmeasure-ments and order the gownaccording to the manufac-turer’s sizing guide. Again,this can be shocking, sincethesizewill likelybe largerthanwhatyouwearinstreetclothes. • Schedule the first fit-ting. The first fitting shouldbe anywhere from eight to12weeksbeforetheweddingdate.Thisisthetimeittakesto complete most standardalterations. Complex cus-tomizations can take evenlonger. Brides should alsobudget a minimum of $500foralterations,whichmayormay not be included in thepriceofthedress. • Bring shoes and un-dergarments. Remember tobring along the exact shoesand undergarments youwillwear with your gown. A

Wedding dress fitting guidechangeinshoesorbra/corsetcan result in the alterationsfitting poorly the next time.Bringtheseitemsalongtoallsubsequentfittings. •Speakup.MarthaStew-artWeddingssuggestsspeak-ingupatfittings ifanythingis uncomfortable or needstweaking. Seamstresses aremasters at their crafts, butonly if they understand thedesiresofthebride. • Check the details. Thesecondfitting isdesigned tocheck that all issues fromthe first fitting have beenaddressed,thegowniscom-fortable and you can movefreely.Atthelastfitting,askthe maid of honor to comealongsothatsheunderstandshow to bustle or help youhandlecomplicatedstrapsorclosures. Open communicationwithaseamstressandbridalshop can ensure brides-to-begetadressthatfitslikeaglove.

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