
Post on 15-Feb-2016






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. . . . . . . . . . . . JE’PARDY!. Kindergarten. $100. $300. $100. $100. $500. $300. $500. $500. $500. $300. $300. $100. Alphabet. Mathematics. ELA. Science. ?. $100. BIOLOGY. Cardiologists are medical doctors who specialize in this human organ. $300. BIOLOGY. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



$100Cardiologists are medical doctors who specialize in this human organ.BIOLOGY$300The process by which plants convert water and sunlight into chemical energy, releasing oxygen in the process.BIOLOGY$500Humans of average height and weight contain this many quarts of blood. BIOLOGY$500If Dantes Hell is filled with fire and brimstone, then its not only hot, but it probably smells terrible, just like this element.CHEMISTRY$300Instead of asking for sodium chloride (NaCl) to put on your popcorn, you might get better results if you used this, its more common table name. CHEMISTRY$100This combination of elements represents a drinkable substance that we commonly call water.CHEMISTRY$300Scientists still debate whether this energy source travels as a particle or a wave at 186,000 miles per second.

PHYSICS$500This famous equation became the basis for Einsteins Theory of Relativity. PHYSICS$500The term, lava, refers to molten rock spewed from a volcano, but when it remains underground, this term is used instead. GEOLOGY$300Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic are three types of this naturally occurring aggregation of minerals. GEOLOGY$100Although west coast citizens near San Andreas fear the big one, this term is commonly used to describe natural shifts in tectonic plates. GEOLOGYIn theory, time travel is possible by passing faster than the speed of light through this, a cylindrically warped plane of geometric spacetime.ASTRONOMYFinal Jepardy!

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