
Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Ing. Kamila Poláková


Teresa Rafael (Portugal)


The brand of teas Jemco We deliver and is only provided in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The Jemco has several ranges of products for their consumers.

This work aims to address the external factors of the company in Portugal, so it can be distributed in that country.

Company Presentation

It started in 1958, of course Jemnice (Jemča Jemnicky = tea). At that time, the state enterprise Packers Trade Prague based tea packing plant. From the original hand-packing the wood dark areas over time developed a company with a modern packaging lines in air-conditioned halls

A milestone in the life of the company Jemča year was 1992, when the company was privatized.Since Jemča greatly expanded its range of specialty tea and fruit teas. Jemča aim has always been to deliver high-quality teas Czech households at an affordable price.

Another, equally important milestone was the year 2006, when Jemča bought the British company Tetley, which is part of a successful Indian's Tata Group. Tetley Group, based in the UK, selling more than 60 brands of tea to 40 countries. Tetley is the second largest tea brand sáčkového the world leader in Britain and Canada, also has a strong position in the U.S., Australia, Poland and France. Since 2009, black and green tea brand Tetley available on the Czech market. Tata Tea Ltd.. founded in 1964. Today is the world's second largest producer of branded tea and operates in more than 40 countries. In addition to trade in tea, Tata Tea runs large tea plantations in India and Sri Lanka.

In autumn 2010, the unification of the Tata Group of companies under a single name Tata Global Beverages. In connection with these changes as well as Jemča company name to Tata Global Beverages Czech Republic, and Czech-known brand Jemča course remains unchanged.

Tata Beverages Company Global United now has modern production lines, which annually pack almost 1400 tons of tea. At its plant in Jemnice produces more than 50 types of tea - fruity, herbal, black and green. These products include Pigi tea, berries, rose hip, a collection of fruit, black, green and herbal teas Gastro Club of tea, a range of teas "Golden", a number of high quality teas, unusual taste Jemča Exclusive brands and popular range of fruit teas Jemča VIVA. 

In recent years, the company invested heavily in brand support, which included, inter alia, a TV ad, citylight displays, sampling, consumer promotions and PR support continuous. Innovation and went through all product packaging and appeared to have a new logo. 

Tata Beverages Company Global United and its brands have Jemča during their work on the Czech market, earned numerous awards. Among the most significant include sultana Golden Seal, which won the following three consecutive years and was ranked among the top 100 Czech companies in the food industry. Currently reaping the success of many fruit Jemča VIVA, which won first place in the poll in 2010 Consumers' Choice in the category of tea, while the award in the Packaging of the Year for its packaging solutions.

Tata Global United Beverages, the largest producer of tea in the CR Jemnice employs around 80 staff. 

TGB, and has repeatedly achieved the largest share of the amount of tea sold in the Czech Republic. Generating sales of over 300 million per year. It produces more than 50 products. Wrap each year over 36 million boxes of tea, which is over 1.3 billion tea bags.


Viva Jemca

Fruit Tea

Green Tea

Herbal Tea

Black Tea


Golden Tea

Loose Tea

Slim Program




External Factors

1.1 Controllable factors

1.1.1 Competition

In this market, we noted that the national and international brands competing for the new product are:





White Marks

1.1.2 Suppliers

The brand can choose from various vendors, but for a more rigorous marketing, only bet a leading provider of Portugal:- NabeirosDist, the Delta group. These have a high bargaining power, given that many vendors have great difference whether the level of technology, the level of quality distribution.This group bets on big names to keep the tops of suppliers and distribution, having a very strong marketing.

1.1.3 Consumer

Jemca Tea is a product aimed at people with an age range between 25-65 years.

It is intended for those who like to enjoy a product with specific characteristics, unique taste, healthy and relaxing. It is also intended for people appreciative of teas and all the benefits this has for health. The people living in cities and who like to enjoy a relaxing moment at the end of a busy day in the comfort of your home. The people who practice healthy eating and also for people who do not like to drink coffee or related beverages hot. Thus, our target is families or individuals who are active, modern, and especially appreciative of healthy teas.

Tea Jemca aims to give consumers a healthy beverage with characteristics conducive to their own tastes and great moments of pleasure and relaxation.

1.1.4 Distribution

This market can be analyzed through two segments, which are differentiated by place of consumption: the immediate consumption, known mostly by channel hospitality (hotels, restaurants and cafes), and consumption at home.With regard to distribution, these are the channel hospitality (hotels, restaurants and cafes), already mentioned above, traditional shops, supermarkets and hypermarkets.

1.2 Uncontrollable External factors

1.2.1 Economics environment

Economical in terms of context, it appears, Portugal, increasingly a decrease in purchasing power, which ultimately it is a consequence of rising unemployment, which will result in a decrease in consumption, and if notpredicts big improvements in these matters.

1.2.2 Demographics environment

The Portuguese territory has a total area of 92,391 km2 and is divided into 18 districts and these in turn into 308 councils or municipalities. The estimated population is 10,529,255 people and that this age group that most stands out is that of 15-65 years with about 67.3%.The Portuguese population shows a low growth rate, which is not more than 0.3%, and mainly caused by immigration.In Portugal, the urban growth is seen to increase gradually have more opportunities and offers over the rural areas, thus verifying the phenomenon of rural exodus.

1.2.3 Tecnlogical environment

This market are those companies that have technological advances higher and that can win the majority market share.

In short, if you can say for this market and an intense need of evolving technology to improve product quality, and one of its values and modernity.

1.2.4 Sócio-culture environment

Portugal is a country with a low illiteracy rate, with a tendency to decrease over the years. It has a good education system, and compulsory education for 16 years or 9 years and requires a change to a mandatory 12 years in the medium term.

These factors make the population in Portugal to present cultural indexes fairly high, thus allowing a significant improvement in their quality of life. This quality of life can be reflected in employment, in housing, health and the very way of life.

Being increasingly in vogue issues related to stress and health, the Portuguese population has increasingly high levels of concern relating to these matters, thus conditioning their way of life and their food, going to select the modes of occupation leisure as well as their own food in order to improve their health and wellbeing.

1.2.5 Political/ Legal environment

In political matters this market benefited from the inputPortugal in the European Union and open borders, taking into account that made it more attractive and competitive, so besides having spurred the Portuguese economy.

Moreover, the legal level, the laws on environmental requirements are very stringent, because companies are fiscalisadas by ASAE (Authority for Food and Economic Security).

1.2.6 Natural+Geographical environment

Portugal, officially Portuguese Republic, is a country located in southwestern Europe, where it is located in the west of the Iberian Peninsula and islands in the North Atlantic. It has a total area of 92,090 km ² and is the nation's most western European continent. The Portuguese territory is bounded to the north and east by Spain and the south and west by the Atlantic Ocean, and includes the mainland and the autonomous regions: the Azores and Madeira.

Portugal has a Mediterranean climate, Csa Csb on the south and north, according to the climatic classification of Köppen. Portugal is one of the milder European countries: the average annual temperature varies in mainland Portugal from 13 ° in the mountainous north to 18 ° C in the southern basin of the Guadiana. Summers are warm in the highlands of the north and the coastal region of the far north and the center. Autumn and winter are typically windy, rainy and cool, and cooler in the central and northern districts of the country where freezing temperatures occur during the colder

months. However, in cities as far south as Portugal, temperatures only very occasionally drop below 0 ° C, going up by 5 ° C in most cases.


It is always important and that for a mark, make a marketing plan so you can maximize your development, one of the very important steps in that plan, clarify the factors outside the company in the country where you want implent.Thus the brand while executing this plan would be more protected from possible decision taken in the last minute. Moreover, the projection of future operations, as has been proposed that aim to increase and strengthen the marketing communications brand Jemca.

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