jean baudrillard research

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Jean baudrillard research


Jean Baudrillard

By Georgia Leaper

Biography Main theories Quotes and Quotables Terminology/language Cirticism Application to media text

Biography Born 27th July 1929 – 6th March 2007 in

Reims, France Died 6th March 2007 in Paris, France

(aged 77) French sociologist, philosopher , cultural

theorist, political commentator and photographer

His main interests are Mass Media and Postmodernity

Schools include Western Marxism, Post-Marxism and Post-Structuralism

Biography Main theories Quotes and Quotables Terminology/language Cirticism Application to media text

Main theories

Hyperreality Sign Value Simulacra

Hyperreality In reference to Semiotics and

Postmodernism, Baudrillard’s theory of Hyperreality is a conscious effort to break down the barriers between reality and hyperreality in order to create a more mediated version of reality itself

Hyperreality defines the blend of physical reality with virtual reality and human intelligence with artificial intelligence


The theory of hyperreality was coined by Baudrillard in Simulacra and Simulation

Baudrillard defined hyperreality as “The generation by models of a real

without origin or reality” He believed hyperreality involves

creating a symbol or set of signifiers which actually represent something that does not actually exist – e.g. Father Christmas

Main theories

Hyperreality Sign Value Simulacra

Sign Value

Regarding sociology and economics, the term sign value denotes and describes the value accorded to an object because of the prestige (social status) that it imparts upon the possessor, rather than the material value and utility derived from the function and the primary use of the object

Sign Value

Example: Rolls Royce – could be valued as a mode of transport yet could also value it as a sign to signify the owner’s wealth or status in societyTransport function = primary (raises use-value)Social prestige function = secondary (raises sign-value)

Sign Value

Baudrillard proposed the Theory of Sign Value as a philosophic and economic equivalent to the argument of exchange-value vs. use-value, which Karl Marx recognized as a characteristic of capitalism as an economic system.

E.g. Sims game – The furniture which you can purchase for your Sims house has a “Room enhancing value” which is treated as a form of sign value.

Main theories

Hyperreality Sign Value Simulacra

Simulacra Representation or limitation of a person or a

thing. Fredric Jameson suggested that photorealism

is an example of artistic simulascrum Argues that a simulacrum is not a copy of

the real, but becomes truth in its own right: the hyperreal.

Supports pastiche as Simulacra believes that the copy of something is an original piece in its own right.

Photorealism is a genre of art that encompasses painting, drawing and other graphic mediums, in which an artist studies a photograph and then attempts to reproduce the image as realistically as possible in

another medium.

Biography Main theories Quotes and Quotables

Terminology/language Cirticism Application to media text

Quote and Quotables

“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.”

“The secret of theory is that truth does not exist.”

“Philosophy leads to death, sociology leads to suicide.”

Quotes and Quotables

"Henceforth, it is the map that precedes the territory — precession of simulacra — it is the map that engenders the territory and if we were to revive the fable today, it would be the territory whose shreds are slowly rotting across the map." — Jean Baudrillard, "The Precession of Simulacra," Simulacra and Simulation

Biography Main theories Quotes and Quotables Terminology/language

Cirticism Application to media text

Post Modern Terminology/Language

Signifer Hyperreality Pastiche Deconstruction Aporia (An aporia is a philosophical

puzzle, paradox, or impasse often used in conjunction with 'deconstruction‘)

Simulacra Dystopia

Biography Main theories Quotes and Quotables Terminology/language Cirticism Application to media text


Biography Main theories Quotes and Quotables Terminology/language Cirticism Application to media text


The direct address from the artist suggests to the audience that the artist knows she is on camera

and therefore real life and hyper reality are merged

into one.

In my case study, Nicki Minaj ft Cassie – The Boys, there are

lots of examples of post modernism, particularly the

use of hyperreality.

HyperrealityAgain, this element of

hyper reality is introduced as the MES suggests Minaj is in a “Barbie world”, seen

through the pink settings and the “Ken dolls” pink tuxedos.

This could also be an intertextual reference to herself, as the artist as been know to refer to herself as the “Black Barbie” whilst also

naming her album, of which this song features

on, “Pink Friday”.


Again, hyperreality is used consciously in Minaj’s video as she has removed the roof of the hair salon in order to show the pink candy floss clouds.


Through editing, the audience again begin to question the concept of reality. The editing are very animated, suggesting they are not real, however as the rest of the video is so exaggerated too, the

line between reality and hyper reality becomes thinner.

Sign Value

Here is a good example of sign

value as the artist is posing in

front of a $70,000 car. By

posing in front of it as opposed to

driving, she creates a secondary

function and suggests social



Minaj is suggested as a Barbie once more, as she is seen having her hair “blow-dried” by the plastic hair dryer. This is pastiche of a typical Barbie toy set which would contain plastic accessories such as these.

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