jcmk - strategic planning portfolio

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

Strategic Planning Portfolio

Curent location_Montréal (Qc) Canada - Open to relocation -

Phone_+1.514.574.8630 Email_jcmkikongi@gmail.com


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi, m.Adm


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio


Case 1 - Harley-Davidson Case 2 - Régie des rentes du Québec




On the topic of one’s career path, Brian Fetherstonhaugh, Chairman and CEO of OgilvyOne, wrote an essay on FastCompany and said that too many individuals « treat a career like a sprint, when in fact it is a 40-plus-year marathon… »

I agree.

I built this document in order to attract the attention of Planning Directors who could provide mentorship, who are working in agencies where creativity and innovation are core values, and therefore could provide me with valuable experiences and opportunities to hone and perfect my planning skills.

I believe that showcasing some of the work I’ve been part of might be of value to such an individual. So here it is.

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

Generate growth for a maturing brand by targeting the right audience – the right way – without alienating the core



Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

CHALLENGE In the Québec market, the brand was reaching maturity (51% of market share) and had to develop new segments while battling with lasting negative perceptions (costly, out-dated, baby-boomer brand, criminal bikers, etc.).


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

STRATEGIC CONTRIBUTION Uncovered consumer insight amongst the young urban male (hipster-ish) segment:

• Do not consider HD because they perceive it only through its baby-boomer/full-patch side.

• Yet, they actually are the modern incarnation of what HD stands for (unapologetic individuality & authenticity);

• Proof: in preferring brands like Triumph and other café-racer type bikes, they express a need for the aesthetic - the look and feel - that was created by HD in 1903.

Convinced the client to focus on a younger target audience rather pursuing the initial brief – compete with CanAM Spyder and promoting HD’s three-wheeler, the Trike, catering the needs of an even older demographic.

Developed the “Just Feel it” brand narrative: an invitation to experience the “perfect imperfection” of riding a Harley bike, leveraging the “authenticity first” movement.


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

OUTCOME A campaign platform based on the idea of #ParfaitementTROP, an oxymoron communicating the perfect dose of intensity one feels when riding a Harley-Davidson.


© 2013 H-D. Tous droits réservés. Harley, Harley-Davidson et le logo Bar & Shield font partie des marques de commerce de H-D U.S.A., LLC. Imprimée au Canada. #parfaitementTROP

In Store Display

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 7

TV - 30s

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 8




Harley-DavidsonMD Concessionnaire1234, rue du BoulevardX0X 0X0 . 514 000-0000


DétaiLLantaDresse DétaiLLant


© 2013 H-D. tous droits réservés. Harley, Harley-Davidson et le logo Bar & shield font partie des marques de commerce de H-D U.s.a., LLC. VérifiCation DU LégaL seLon Votre priX

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 9




Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

RESULTS Average of 12% increase on measured perception indicator.

Sporsters' category featured in the campaign was SOLD OUT before the biking season.

Sales objectives surpassed by 27%.

Generated online media coverage nationally and internationally: the TV spot generated close to half a million view on Youtube.


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

Educating employers and workers alike on a new governmental retirement saving program


*Quebec’s government body responsible for social security and promoting financial independence in retirement 11

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

The Régie, VSRP’s, etc. - SOME CONTEXT The Régie was running late on promoting the newly established Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans (VRSP’s), which are « group savings plans offered by employers and administered by authorized administrators », making such arrangements now available to all workers in Québec who did not have access to a group retirement savings plan with source deductions offered by their employers.

The law was adopted, the launch date was drawing near and the VSRP’s conversation was getting increasingly active thanks to the numerous financial institutions of the private sector. The Régie, as patron of the program, had to promote the VSRP’s, be it only to regain ownership over the conversation.


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

CHALLENGE The Régie had to effectively promote the VSRP’s to workers and employers alike - communicating different advantages, with different call to action - with hopes to generate early adoption, while maintaining a governmental posture in the VSRP’s conversation.


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

STRATEGIC CONTRIBUTION Developed a communication approach promoting the program’s launch VS of the financial product itself, asserting a more global benefice to adoption. This strategy …

• allowed for a clear governmental posture, clearly differentiating the message from the private’s sector’s conversation;

• simplified the message for mass media communication; • positioned the (worker’s or employer’s) adoption as a civic act: a

contribution to the greater good.

Tapped into the brand’s DNA – the Régie’s mission: to promote financial autonomy for retirement – to extract a heartfelt brand narrative for the VSRP’s launch: “A better retirement for everyone”

Devised a content component that addressed employers and workers distinctive communication needs.

Identified the risk for employers to see this new program as an added burden imposed on them by the government: leading to tactics engaging (and portraying) them as partners with the Régie in the program’s launch.


*COPY - A better retirement for everyone

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

OUTCOME Winning the business (it was a pitch).

An integrated campaign deployed in two phases: • Launch phase – preceded by an employer targeted offensive aiming at

enrolling them as ambassadors/partners for The Régie’s campaign – in the Spring (June-July): TV, Print, Radio, Web (Pre-roll, digital banner ads, social ads and Direct Email to employers) and PR.

• Sustain phase in the Fall, to increase reach and generate more traffic: TV, Radio and Web (Pre-roll, digital banner ads, social ads, retargeting)

The mass communication component directed the audience to an online platform with content addressing the specifics of the VSRP to employers and workers : website, online video, online app (web calculator).



Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 16

WebsiteTV - 30s

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 17

Web Banner Ad - 1

Online video

Web Banner Ad - 2

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

RESULTS Despite dramatic budget cutbacks (50%), the campaign’s launch phase managed to surpass the global objective – generating 100K visits on the Régie’s dedicated web platform – before the sustain phase, which ended up being cancelled: 132K unique visitors were attracted by the campaign.

As another proof of the campaign’s effectiveness, the Régie’s online content was viewed more than 30K times on Youtube, which is a lot, considering that this type of content rarely gathers more than 5K views…


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

Bringing to life a differentiating brand positioning for a university

UQAM – Université du Québec à Montréal


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

CHALLENGE With lower budget than most of its competitor, UQAM had to position itself as an institution that approach university level education in an innovative and creative way.


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

STRATEGIC CONTRIBUTION Orchestrated primary research efforts (quali-quanti) and identified key decision-making factors and insights (reputation - school AND program, online and through peers as main source of information, consideration set of two universities (avg.), etc.).

Uncovered the category’s conventions (in Québec and Int’l): • testimonials: student/teachers/alumni, etc • location-leveraging strategy; • showcasing of student life (sports/activities/lifestyle) • graphic design approach (colours, fonts, etc.).

Developed the “walk the talk” strategy: briefed the creative teams with the challenge to develop an approach where the campaign would embody the brand message (innovative and creative) instead of only delivering it.


*COPY - Innovators, raise your hand

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

OUTCOME Disrupted the formulaic “testimonial” approach with a campaign where visual artists where each tasked with creating a visual piece representing their own vision of a faculty after meeting some of its students and visiting it facilities.

Thus unfolded the «Inspired by UQAM» campaign, with its art-gallery themed narrative.

Content was created to document the whole process and champion the innovative and creative story.


Online Content

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 23

WebsiteOOH - Wild posting

OOH - Digital display

Web Banner Ad - Website domination

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 24

Web Banner AdOOH - Mural

OOH - Subway Station Backlight

Web Banner Ad

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 25

OOH - Subway Art Gallery (Double Mural)

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

*COPY - Innovators, raise your hand

RESULTS Post campaign research showed that individuals exposed to the campaign perceived it as a creative (75%), artsy (58%), audacious (24%) and innovative (22%) way to communicate for UQAM.

The campaign also generated a good deal of media coverage from industry and generalist media, locally and even at the international level.

Fun fact: It also rallied every single faculty deans, which had never been achieved before.


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 27

Closing thoughts

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

I won’t lie: I’m ambitious.

Someday I hope to set on a path that will lead me to regional/global planning opportunities. Heck, maybe one day I’ll make partner of a hip and innovative shop! And I have the feeling I will eventually make a stellar lecturer and teach at a university!

But for now, I need to accumulate skills, experiences and relationships that will fuel my journey there. You, know, kinda like a rocket…

If this document reached you, it is because I feel I could successfully achieve this with you and your team.


Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio 29


*SORRY, this part gets a little bit wordy...

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

Strategic Planner CART1ER April 2011 – Today • Went from a «planning analyst / social media strategist» to strategic planner. • Assumed planning direction responsibilities for a year (2014). • Leads strategy planning for major accounts (Harley-Davidson, QC Government, Club Med, Burton, etc.).

Responsibilities include: brand planning, creative briefing, creative review, research (quali/quanti), media (digital / traditional) briefing, tactical review, client presentation, etc.)

• Category experience: Automotive, CPG, Retail, Service, Financial (Savings), Institutional. • Actively takes part in agencies presentations and (winning) new business pitches. Contributed to

over a dozen new business wins in the last two years • Counsels and support on every interactive and 2.0 strategies


Junior Publicist (PR) Morin Relations Publiques 2011 (Paid internship – Full time – 4 months) • Coordinated and executed: press operations, event planning, etc. • Took part in strategic planning (YMCA Montreal)

Account executive CART1ER 2010 (Paid internship – Full time – 4 months) • Went from «account coordinator» to «account executive» • Handled the entire account management for a major account (Club Med) • Coordinated multiple redaction, production and creative projects, took part in strategic

planning and campaign ideation (Germain Larivière, BLG, Audi, Gilette)

Marketing Advisor Sobeys Québec 2009 (Paid internship – Full time – 4 months) • Brand management for the Rachelle-Béry banner • Coordinated multiple marketing and web projects



Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio


Alma mater: Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec Masters of Administration, spec. Marketing-Communication 2012 B.A. Communications, Writing & Multimedia – Marketing 2011 Certificate – French studies, Literature & Language (27 credits) 2008 Certificate – International Relationships 2007

Cégep de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec D.E.C. (College Degree) – Computer Sciences Technologies 2003


*YES, that is my face on the University’s website. Draw your own conclusions...

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio


President Executive Committee Association générale des étudiants de la faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines (AGEFLESH) – Student Body winter-summer 2009 • Coordinates every student body’s activities (socials, contest, lobbying, etc.) and lead

multiples meetings (executive committee, board meetings, etc.) • Rejuvenated, during the course of the first 4 months, the dean’s, the chancellor’s and the

student’s (as a whole) perceptions towards the student body organization

Official representative (volunteer) in Jamaica LDS Church 2004 to 2006 • Represents a worldwide organization to the locals • Organizes and participates in multiple service projects and other humanitarian programs

Programmer / Developer Denim Swift 2003 (Paid internship – Full time – 4 months) • Develops and implements an application on a PalmOS platform • Standardizes data taking processes for quality assurance on the production line • Learns a new code languages and trains colleagues



• Bilingual French/English • Strategic Vision • Ability to Synthesize • Great presenter (pitches, etc.) • An ear for music (I have a tendency to hum/sing at work) • High level of persuasiveness • Copywriting (FR/ENG) • Ease with Computer Technologies (those computer geeks can’t fool me!) • Efficient rapper (FR mostly) and appreciated music selector (DJ)

Jean-Claude M. Kikongi - jcmkikongi@gmail.com - +1.514.574.8630Strategic Planning Portfolio

Phone_+1.514.574.8630 Email_jcmkikongi@gmail.comLet’s talk!


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