javascript 1 - language basics - · 2018-07-28 · javascript –javascript object...

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JavaScript I – Language Basics

Chesapeake Node.js User Group (CNUG)



➢ Introduction to JavaScript✓ Language History

✓ Language Features

✓ Strict Directive

✓ Data Types

✓ Basic Syntax

✓ Variables

✓ Constants

✓ Operators

✓ JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

✓ Arrays

✓ Execution Control

✓ Functions

✓ Adding “modules”

JavaScript Language History

➢ Developed by Brendan Eich at Netscape (1995)❑ Turned over to the:

✓ European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA)

➢ Current Language Specification is ECMA-262:❑ v8.11.3 (ECMAScript 2017) – Long Term Support (LTS)

❑ v10.7.0 (ECMAScript 2017) – Current

➢ Initially developed for Front-End (Web Browser) Use:❑ Enabled Dynamic HTML (DHTML) for Browser Runtimes

❑ Over a dozen Front-End frameworks (Angular, Dojo, React)

➢ Expanded to Back-end (Server):❑ Node.js – 2009 (Express - 2010, LoopBack - 2013)

❑ npm (Package Manager) – 2010

JavaScript - Language Features

➢ JavaScript variables are loosely typed.❑ Scalars (Strings, Numbers)

❑ JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Data

❑ Function definitions

➢ Automatic Type Conversions❑ Strings → Numbers

➢ Supports Recursion

➢ Has Object Oriented (OO) Features

➢“Sloppy” vs “Better Programming” modes❑ “use default”; versus “use strict”; directives

JavaScript - Strict Directive

➢ Directive is scoped❑ Global (e.g. first line of program)

❑ Function (e.g. first line in a function)

➢ Variables must be declared before use

➢ Deleting (“delete”) a variable/object is not allowed

➢ Octal literals and escapes are not allowed

➢ Writing to a read/get only property is not allowed

➢ The “with” statement is not allowed.

JavaScript – Data Types

➢ There are 7 Data Types

❑ Contain Data

✓ String

✓ Number (Integer, Floating Point, (-)Infinity, NaN)

✓ Boolean (true, false)

❑ Do Not Contain Data

✓ Null (Unknown variable or value)

✓ Undefined (Variable defined but never assigned)

❑ Object Oriented

✓ Object (Variable contains an Object instance)

✓ Symbol (Unique identifier for an Object)

JavaScript – Basic Syntax

➢ Commands delimited by a semi-colon (“;”)

➢ Comments❑ Within a line begin with two forward slashes (“//”)

❑ Multi-line begin with “/*” and end with “*/”

➢ Code Blocks❑ Code Blocks may be defined to control the scope of

code executed in a Function, Conditional, or Looping


❑ Code Blocks are begun and terminated by braces

✓ { … }

JavaScript – Variables (1)

➢ Variable Names❑ Alphabetic (Upper and Lower case; A – Z; a - z)

❑ Numeric (0 – 9); First character may NOT be numeric!

❑ Dollar Sign (“$”) and Underscore (“_”)

➢ Variables ARE NOT typed❑ A named variable may contain any of the 7 Data Types

❑ The Data Type inside a variable can change over time

➢ Variables DO NOT have to be declared prior to use❑ “use strict”; - Directive requires declarations (“var”)

JavaScript – Variables (2)

➢ Declare variables❑ var variableName;

❑ let variableName;

❑ const variableName;

➢ var declaration (Largest Scope)❑ “Hoists” declared variable✓ Variable considered declared at start of program / function

❑ Variable scope is therefore entire program or function✓ Regardless of where the variable is actually declared!

❑ Variable may be redeclared without error✓ Variable declared more than once

JavaScript – Variables (3)

➢let declaration (Limited Scope)❑ Variables are not “hoisted”

❑ Variable scope is restricted✓ Code block (braces) containing declaration

✓ Function containing declaration

❑ Variable may not be redeclared within the same scope

❑ Variable may be redeclared within a smaller scope✓ New declaration replaces previous within declared scope

➢ const declaration (Constants)❑ Create “constant” when declared; changes not allowed

❑ Variable scope is restricted (similar to “let”)

❑ Variable may not be redeclared

JavaScript – Variables (4)

➢ Variables may contain a single Scalar value❑ String

❑ Number

❑ Boolean

❑ Null or Undefined (Declared but never assigned a value)

➢ Variables may contain multiple named Scalars❑ Data

❑ JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) syntax

✓ Key : Value pairs

✓ Referenced by variableName.keyName

➢ Variables may contain Function definitions❑ Method

JavaScript – Data

➢ Strings❑ Strings must be enclosed in quotes

❑ Three kinds of quotes

o Double (“), Single (‘), & Grave / “Backtick” (`)

❑ Only strings in Backticks may span lines

❑ Expressions within backticks are evaluated

➢ Numbers❑ Integers

❑ Floats (with decimal point)

❑ Scientific (following by e9; where “9” is the Base 10 exponent)

❑ Binary (0b…), Hexadecimal (0x…)

➢ Boolean❑ Set equal to true of false (no capitals, no quotes; not strings)

JavaScript – String Escape Characters

➢ Escape Characters❑ Within a String, the “escape” character indicates that

the following character is to be interpreted as data.

❑ The JavaScript escape character is a backslash (“\”)

➢ Escape Sequences❑ \\ Backslash

❑ \n End of Line character(s)

❑ \’ Quote – single

❑ \” Quote – double

❑ \t Tab - horizontal

JavaScript – Binary Operators

➢ Assignment❑ = (set left side equal to right side)

➢ Equality❑ == (equality), === (strict equality; no type conversion)

❑ != (inequality), > (greater than), >= (greater than or equal to)

❑ < (less than), <= (less than or equal to)

➢ Arithmetic❑ + (addition if numbers or concatenation if a string)

❑ - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division)

❑ ** (exponentiation)

➢ Logical❑ && (and), || (or)

JavaScript – Unary Operators

➢ Conversion❑ + (convert text to number)

➢ Increment / Decrement❑ ++ (increment)

❑ -- (decrement)

➢ Negation❑ - (negate sign of number)

➢ Logical (Binary Operators)❑ && (and)

❑ || (or)

JavaScript – JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) - 1

➢ Variables may contain more than a single value.

➢ Multiple values are stored in “Key/Value” pairs.

➢ JSON is a subset of JavaScript syntax.

➢ Two syntaxes for referencing a variable Key

✓ variableName [keyName]

✓ variableName.keyName

➢ Object expressions use braces (“{“, “ }”)

➢ Array expressions use brackets (“[”, “]”)

➢ Keys and Values are separated by a colon (“:”)

JavaScript – JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) - 2

➢ Key/Value pairs are separated by a comma (“,”)

➢ Keys may be:

✓ Strings (Surrounded by quotes)

✓ Numbers

✓ Variable that contains a String or Number

➢ Values may be:

✓ Any JavaScript Data Type

✓ A JavaScript Function

JavaScript – JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) - 3

➢Sample JSON in JavaScriptaVariable = {

key1 : value1 ,

key2 : value2


address = {houseNumber : 5 ,

streetName: “My Street” ,

city : “My City” ,

state : “CA” ,

zipCode : 12345


JavaScript – Arrays (1)

➢ Arrays are variables containing specific JSON data ❑ Variable containing a Key of “length”✓ The length value = largest numeric key + 1

❑ Array element Keys are all “numeric”

❑ Object with a Symbol.iterator method (OO topic)

❑ Possible to break/mangle arrays✓ Recommendation: Use only standard Array syntax

➢ Array Declarations❑ array1 = [ ] ;

❑ weekDays = [ “Monday”, “Tuesday” … ] ;

❑ array1 = new Array (); (Using OO “Array” class)

JavaScript – Arrays (2)

➢Array References❑ Normal JavaScript variable rules apply

❑ Array elements numbered beginning with zero

❑ weekEnds = [“Saturday”, “Sunday” ] ;

❑ numberOfElements = weekEnds.length; (= 2)

❑ firstDay = weekEnds [0]; (= [“Saturday”)

❑ lastDay = weekEnds [weekEnds.length - 1];

➢Array Processing❑ Special “For Of” loop to iterate through array elements

JavaScript – Execution Control Statements

➢ Conditional

❑ “if” Statement (Standard syntax)

❑ “if” Statement (Ternary syntax)

❑ “switch” Statement

➢ Looping

❑ “do while” Statement

❑ “for” Statement

❑ “while” Statement

JavaScript – Execution Control (1)

➢ Conditional Execution (“If” Standard syntax)

if (expression) { … }

else { … }

❑ The expression to be evaluated is within the parentheses

❑ The “else” statement is optional

❑ The commands to be executed within the “if” and “else”

sections are bounded by braces (“{“, “}”)

❑ Individual commands within the braces are terminated by a

semi-colon (standard JavaScript syntax)

JavaScript – Execution Control (2)

➢ Conditional Execution (“If” Ternary Syntax)

(expression) ? trueCode; : falseCode;

❑ The code to be executed however the expression is evaluated

may either by a value or an expression

❑ The true and false sections are separated by a colon

❑ Each true and false expression is terminated by a semi-colon

❑ This syntax does not add any additional language capability,

it is only provided as a shortened syntax

JavaScript – Execution Control (3)

➢ Conditional Execution (“Switch” syntax)

switch (expression)

{case expression1:


case expression2:




JavaScript – Execution Control (4)

➢ Conditional Execution (“Switch” continued)

❑ “switch” expression is compared to each “case” expression.

❑ If the expressions are equal, the “case” is executed.

✓ If a “case” does not have a “break” statement, then execution continues

falling through to the next sequential “case”

❑ The “default” statement is executed if none of the other “case”

statements apply or if no “break” statement was encountered.

JavaScript – Execution Control (5)

➢ Loops (“Do While” syntax)




while ( expression );

❑ The “Do While” loop iterates through the loop and

evaluates the expression AFTER executing the code.

❑ Individual commands within the braces are terminated

by a semi-colon (standard JavaScript syntax)

JavaScript – Execution Control (6)

➢ Loops (“For” syntax - standard)

for (initCmd, conditionalExpression, incrementCmd)



while ( expression )

❑ Similar to the “C” language “for” loop.

❑ Condition is evaluate BEFORE executing the loop.

❑ All of the three expressions are optional. The commas

separating them, however, are not optional.

JavaScript – Execution Control (7)

➢ Loops (“For” syntax – “For In” syntax)

for (let aValue in aVariable)

{aNewVariable = aVariable [aValue] ;


❑ The “for in” syntax loops through the JSON Key/Value

pairs within a variable or object.

❑ Recommended for iterating an Object’s properties.

❑ The order in which the Key/Value pairs are returned

should not be relied upon.

JavaScript – Execution Control (8)

➢Loops (“For” syntax – “For Of” syntax)

for (let aValue of anArray)

{currentArrayElement = aValue;


❑ “for of” syntax loops through the elements of an Array.

❑ Recommended syntax for processing Arrays.

❑ Only “Key/Value” pairs with numeric keys are selected.

❑ Syntax will also iterate through variables containing a

String. Each iteration returns a character in the String.

JavaScript – Execution Control (9)

➢ Loops (“While” syntax)

while ( expression )



❑ The “While” loop evaluates the expression BEFORE

iterating through the code.

❑ In all other respects, identical to the “Do While” loop.

❑ Individual commands within the braces are terminated

by a semi-colon (standard JavaScript syntax).

JavaScript – Execution Control (10)

➢ Loop Execution Control Commands

❑ JavaScript provides two control commands that affect

the processing of loop iterations:

✓ continue (immediate end current loop iteration)

✓ break (immediate exit loop)

➢ Loop Labels

❑ A loop command may be preceded by a label:

✓ aLabel: loopCommand

✓ The continue and break commands may be immediately

followed by a label indicating the scope of the command

✓ Useful for control within nested loops.

JavaScript – Functions (1)

➢ JavaScript Functions❑ Separate “mini” programs defined within a program

❑ Function itself returns a value.

❑ No parameters values are returned.

➢ Function behavior❑ Scope of variables✓ Global variables defined in program visible in Function

✓ Variables defined inside Function only visible in Function

✓ Name collisions (Program & Function) use Function variable

❑ All arguments are “Call by Content”✓ Arguments may only be used to pass “Inbound” data

❑ Number of parameters passed not enforced

JavaScript – Functions (2)

➢ JavaScript function syntax❑ Function declaration (“function”)

❑ Function name (surrounded by spaces)

❑ Function arguments (surrounded by parentheses)✓ Arguments separated by commas

❑ Function body (surrounded by braces)✓ Arguments separated by commas

➢ Returning from a Function❑ return expression; (JavaScript statement)

❑ If the “return” statement is omitted or the value

supplied is “null”, then “undefined” is returned

JavaScript – Functions (3)

➢ Sample Function

function returnSum (number1, number2)


return number1 + number2;


➢ Function Expressions❑ Functions are considered a special type of value

❑ Special value represents an “action” rather than “data”

❑ Function declaration may be assigned to a variable

❑ Variable can then be used as a named Function✓ Can pass a Function as a parameter (to another function)

JavaScript – Output to the Console

➢ The JavaScript console Object

❑ A JavaScript built-in Object✓ A single instance of the object

✓ Similar to an OO “Singleton” pattern

❑ Object encapsulates a “console” (e.g. stdout)

❑ Object methods✓ console.log(“A String”); - Write message to stdout

✓ console.trace(“A String”); - “Trace” message to stderr

✓ console.warn(“A String”); - “Warning” message to stderr

✓ console.error(“A String”); - “Error” message to stderr

JavaScript – Sample Code (“Hello World”)

// ==============================

// Always use "Strict" mode for new code.

// ==============================

"use strict";

// ====================

// Declare Global Variables.

// ====================

var helloMessage = "Hello, World. It's Me (JavaScript in Node.js)!";

// =============

// Define functions.

// =============

function repeatMessage (count, message) {

var idx;

for (idx=0; idx < count; idx++) { console.log(message); }


// =================

// Main body of program.

// =================

repeatMessage(3, helloMessage);

JavaScript – Sample Code (“Web Service”)

// ==============================

// Always use "Strict" mode for new code.

// ==============================

"use strict";

// ================

// Load HTTP module.

// ================

const http = require("http");

const hostname = “”;

const port = 8000;

// ===================

// Create an HTTP Server.

// ===================

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {

res.statusCode = 200;

res.setHeader(“Content-Type”, “text/plain”);

res.end(“Hello World. It’s me, JavaScript, running in Node.js!\n”);


server.listen(port, hostname, () => {

console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);


JavaScript – What has not (yet) been covered

➢ JavaScript Objects❑ JavaScript has a number of built-in Objects✓ Like an OO “Singleton” Class instance

✓ They extend the language

➢ JavaScript Classes

➢ JavaScript Modules❑ Modules extend the JavaScript language✓ They are like packages or libraries in other languages

✓ These will be covered in a future presentation

➢ I/O Capability (Supplied by external Frameworks)

JavaScript – References

➢ ECMA Standard (ECMA-262)https://www.ecma-

➢ W3 Schools Tutorial

➢ Modern JavaScript Tutorial


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