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Post on 11-Jun-2020






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Acting in response

to COVID-19~To prevent expansion of the infection from the view point of a supervisor~

Japan Joint Staff

Table of Contents

Contents Page

1 Introduction P 2

2 JSDF Response P 3 ~ P 7

3 Lessons Learned P 8

4 Protective standards for individuals P 9 ~ P 1 0

5 Protective standards within facilities, etc.

P 1 1 ~ P 1 5

6 Instruction for JSDF personnel P 1 6

7 Supervision of implementation P 1 7

1 Introduction

We are facing the unprecedented situation that the global number of infected cases and deaths

caused by the novel coronavirus are above 3,000,000 and 200,000 respectively. Even in Japan, more

than 10,000 people have been infected. Thus, the Japanese Government has declared a state of

emergency for all prefectures.

In these emergency situations, JSDF provided several assistance such as transportation of the

passengers who returned on the chartered flights, basic assistance at the accommodation on the

ground, and assistance on the cruise ship “Diamond Princes” from January 31, 2020. Since March

28 of the same year, JSDF has also provided the quarantine assistance, transportation for

returning Japanese nationals and visiting foreigners to the accommodation to stay until the PCR

test result are confirmed, and basic assistance to those staying at these accommodation. In

addition, we have provided training for the staffs of local governments and the private companies.

JSDF have never experienced the response to such large-scale infectious disease. However, JSDF

was able to respond and prevent the infection adequately based on the education and training

concerning biological/chemical agents protection. Consequently, as of April 2020, missions were

accomplished with ZERO deployed personnel infected with our deployed personnel.

We made this document so that supervisors who are responsible for infection control measures

can make use of the lessons learned from this precious experience. We hope this document will be

useful to you.

2 JSDF Response

Disaster relief assistance for the returned passengers and on the cruise ship




Jan 31, 2020 – Mar 16, 2020

➤ Transportation for returned Japanese

➤ Basic Assistance for returned Japanese staying at the accommodation.

(distribution and collection of meals,etc.)

➤ Response to “Diamond Princess” cruise ship

・ Medical Assistance(examinations, collecting samples, prescription of medicine)

・ Basic Assistance(distribution of supplies of necessities, unloading baggage,

sanitization inside the ship)

➤ We established operating procedure for accommodation/basic assistance as well

as transportation support(covering, sanitization, etc.) and carried out the


➤ We established our standards to prevent infections. And we accomplished our

missions without causing ZERO infected in deployed JSDF personnel, conducting

thoroughly its standards and confirming their executions.

2 JSDF Response

Disaster relief for reinforcement of measures to prevent infection in the city



JSDF response

March 28,2020~

➤ We apply the lessons of the last disaster relief operation to this case.

➤ We share the lessons learned with all of the related organizations in Japan.

・ Training support for the local government staffs and the private companies

・ Posting the infection protection measures and infection risk management on

the Japan Joint Staff website

➤ Assistance of Quarantine, transportation and basic supports for returned

Japanese and visiting foreigners

➤ Basic support for the patients who tested PCR positive(asymptomatic/ mild


➤ Training support for the local government staff and the private companies

(Instruction on wearing protective clothing, Procedure of basic support for

at the accommodation, etc.)

Lecture and training before operation to ensure basic procedures Lecture and training before operation to ensure basic procedures

Medical LectureMedical Lecture Training on putting on / off protective clothing

Training on putting on / off protective clothing Training for putting on /off gownTraining for putting on /off gown

2 JSDF Response

JSDF Personnel protect themselves from infection in accordance with the prescribed procedure and the Commander confirms the procedure during activities

JSDF Personnel protect themselves from infection in accordance with the prescribed procedure and the Commander confirms the procedure during activities

Transportation of the passengers Transportation of the passengers’ baggage Transportation of the passengers’ baggage Medical support in the cruise ship

2 JSDF Response

Utilize and widely share the lessons which we have experiencedUtilize and widely share the lessons which we have experienced

Training support for municipalitiesTraining support for municipalitiesBasic support in hotelsBasic support in hotelsTransportation support for returneesTransportation support for returnees

2 JSDF Response

3 Lessons learned

○ Establish standards and plans to block the novel corona virus infection route

○ Execute those standards and plans thoroughly

1 Establish standard prevention measure of infection for each duty.

2 Establish behavioral criteria to prevent spread of infection

Standard prevention measure of infection for individual

Standard prevention measure of infection for facilities, etc.

Lessons to prevent infection

Education and acquirement of protective measures to prevent infection, as well as the confirmation of the execution are important.

1 Separate infection-free area from potentially infectious area by zoning

2 Establish measures of covering inside the car prior to transportation

3 Establish standard for waste disposal4 Establish procedures of sanitization for

facilities and vehicles.

Examples of the current strengthening border measures(extraction)

4 Protective Standards for individuals

1 Establish Protective Standards to prevent infection for Task

○ Designate necessary protective equipment for each task.○ Adopt higher standards for some tasks , after analyzing the lowest standard to prevent

infection when JSDF personnel conducting task.


4 Protective Standards for individual

2 Establish the standards to prevent infections in the city

○ Checking the health condition of the staffs before doing tasks is necessary. Don’t let the person who has some symptoms engage in his/her task , instead make him/her see a doctor as soon as possible.

○ While on duty, sanitization of fingers with quick-drying alcohol, as well aswearing a mask at all times must be essential.

○ During or after duty, person who experience some symptoms, such as fever or coughing, has to see a doctor with a mask on.

○ After duty, you must sanitize your fingers with quick-drying alcohol and wear a mask before moving to other places .

○ After duty, non-essential travelling must be refrained.


5 Protective standards within facilities, etc.

1 Draft the Zoning-plan of the facilities.○ Separating the zone clearly, so that the same person doesn’t cross between infection-free zone and

potentially-infectious zone to prevent the spread of the infection.○ In order to clearly distinguish between infection-free and potentially-infectious zones, consideration for

separating routes of the individuals on each floor not to come across with each other and zoning by using tapes or screens, etc. are necessary.

・ Kitchen staffs and staff who cares for guests should work separately at different zones.

・Kitchen staffs hand over JSDF personnel the meals for guests only in the delivery area.

・ Designate the guest floor for returned Japanese only・ Designate the elevator for returned Japanese only so that

they don’t come across JSDF personnel.


2 Establish measures to cover inside cars

○ Prevent secondary infection by covering inside the car with plastic sheets in advance when transporting infected persons.

○ Collect the plastic sheets and sanitize inside the car after transporting infected persons.

Affix plastic sheets to the window and cover the curtain

Cover backrests and seats with plastic sheets (or with plastic bag etc.)

Cover all of seats and spare seats with plastic sheets (or with plastic bags)

5 Protective standards within facilities, etc.



3 Establish standard to waste disposals

Indicate separated waste boxes’ classification clearly Carry out wastes with thorough infection protection

5 Protective standards within facilities, etc.

○ Separate trash bags for the infection-free areas from those for potentially-infectious areas.

○ The wastes of the potentially-infectious area, such as protective equipment, guest meal boxes, etc. must be separated from the general wastes.

○ Wastes must be distinguished those in the potentially-infectious areas from general wastes, so that secondary infection is prevented by indicating the classification of the waste clearly.


廃棄物の処理4(1)Establish the measure to sanitize the facilities

○ Sanitize parts and area, such as a door knob, which may be touched by an unspecified large number of people, with sanitizer like ethanol.

○ Prevent infection by setting the sanitizer like ethanol near the entrances of the public, such as door ways, convention rooms, etc.

・ Disinfect shared areas such as door knobs, switches of elevators, toilet, etc. regularly.

・ Wear a mask and gloves when sanitizing.

・ Set up the ethanol for sanitization by the entrance.

5 Protective standards within facilities, etc.


廃棄物の処理4(2)Establish measure to sanitize vehicles

Sanitizing a railing Sanitizing a ceiling Sanitizing drivers seat Sanitizing a trunk room

5 Protective standards within facilities, etc.

○ Sanitize hands and fingers with sanitizer before getting on cars.

○ Sanitize the parts like railings which may be particularly touched by passengers, with sanitizer like ethanol after finishing a transportation mission.

○ Sanitize a ceiling, driver’s seat and trunk rooms with sanitizer like ethanol.


6 Instruction for JSDF personnel

廃棄物の処理Conduct Lecture and training for JSDF deployed personnel before tasks

Conduct lecture and training for JSDF personnel about the outline of infectious disease, the

protection standards and putting on/off procedure of protective equipment (protective

clothing, mask and glove etc.) and protective measure to prevent the infection before tasks,

and then provide them with knowledge and technique to work with confidence.

Training on putting on/off procedure of the goggles Training on putting on/off procedure of a gown


7 Supervision of implementation

廃棄物の処理Conduct Supervision of implementation

Confirmation and guidance on site (transportation bus ) by Commander

Examination of the site(hotel) and guidance by Commander

○ Commander examines the site and confirms by himself that the protective measures are

thoroughly implemented in accordance with the instruction.

○ Commander investigates the cause and improves the situation when these measures are

not implemented as prescribed.

Production Cooperation : Japan Ground Self-Defense Force

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