january 21 2012 - chapleautahise demers register now for kindergarten at our lady of fatima call...

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PIZZA HUT & KFC There’s a ReasonWe’re Number 1“0 TRANS FAT”


Vol. 16, Issue 19, January 21, 2012

Talk about

good coffee!Miss Muggins Coffee and





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OUR MISSION....IS To Serve You Best


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of a Kobo eReader. T h e t o p

finishers in the 2.5 km event were Sydney B i g n u c o l o a n d Marshall Canning.

T h e t o p finishers in the 5 km event were Debbie C a n n i n g , J o h n O'Connor and Ashley Leach.

The winner of the Kobo eReader was Krista Frederiksen.

On behalf of the Chapleau General Hospital Foundation, thank you and con-

and the community's the volunteers that gratulations to all the

health first by exercis- assisted to ensure such p a r t i c i p a n t s f o r

ing and raising money. a successful event. e n j o y e d e n t i r e l y were won, along with alkers and starting the year right Thanks as well to all Happy New Year!different weather the pledge draw prize runners at putting your health

conditions than the + 3 Wt h e 3 r d temperature partici-Annual Together We pants enjoyed in last Run January 7th event year's event. This year, 29 walkers and runners braved -18 t empe ra tu r e , no t including the wind chill factor, and most importantly, raised just over $6,460 to go towards the Chapleau General Hospital's “Together we will G r o w ” m e d i c a l equipment campaign.

S e v e r a l participants also won great prizes during the random draw held after then event. Gift cards from Chapters, Home Hardware , Canadian Tire, Future Shop, Bon Appétit, C i n e p l e x , S e a r s Sports Chek, and the Between Friends store

3rd Annual Fun Run / Walk A Big Success

Participants John O’Connor and Debbie Canning.

All participants waiting for the green light.

Pictured with her mother and Pastor Dan is Sawoodia being presented with gifts provided from her sponsors who are students from the Chapleau Public School. The gifts were hand delivered by Pastor Dan Lee this past November. The photo was taken in front of a new school room.

Chapleau Public School sponsors child in Haiti

SundayHigh -2 Low -15

SaturdayHigh -12 Low -18

MondayHigh 0Low -6

TuesdayHigh -2Low -8

FridayHigh -13 Low -28

Long Term Forecast

WednesdayHigh -3 Low -9

Chapleau Express, January 21, 2012 - Page 2

The Chapleau Express P.O. Box 457

Chapleau (Ont.) P0M 1K0Telephone - Fax : 705-864-2579

e-mail : chaexpress@sympatico.caPublished every Saturday/Sunday

Deadline for receiving ads is Wednesday at 4 p.m.

The Chapleau Express is delivered free of charge to every household each Saturday. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact us. Subscriptions: $80.00 per year (Canada) $160.00 U.S per year (U.S.A). Canadian Publications Products Sales Agreement #30183799


Come and see us at12 Birch Street E.


705-864-0430Everyone is welcome

- Skills Training for high demand jobs- Financial support to go back to school- Resume’s & cover letters- Incentives for employers- use of computers, printers, and fax- Referral to SECOND CAREER

- Formation professionnelle pour un emploi a forte demande- L’aide financière pour le retour a l’école- Résumé et lettre de motivation- Récompense pour employeurs- Utilise nos ordinateurs, imprimante et Télécopieurs- Référence a DEUXIEME CARRIERE

Venez nous voir au12 rue Birch E.,


705-864-0430Tous sont bienvenue

The Township Of ChapleauRequires a DJ or band

To provide music from 8pm – 1am For the winter carnival dance

February 18, 2012.

If you are interested please submit lump sum, no riders quote to:

Township of ChapleauBox 129

Chapleau, On P0M 1K0Attn: Kevin Morris

Clearly marked “sealed DJ/Band quotation”For more information contact kevin morris at 705-

864-0154 or email kmorris@township.chapleau.on.ca

By January 27th, 2012.

Animateur (dj) ou groupe musicalrecherchés par le Canton de Chapleau

pour offrir de la musique de 20h –1h du matin dans le dadre du Carnaval du 18 février.

Les intéressés sont priés de soumettre leur prix total, sans clause additionnelle au:

Canton de chapleauC.P. 129

Chapleau, On POM 1K0 A/S de Kevin Morris

Bien libellé “sealed dj/band quotation”

Information: kevin morris au 705-864-0154 ou par courriel au: kmorris@township.chapleau.on.ca

au plus tard le: 27 janvier 2012.

businesses to ask if February 1st, 2012 and they would support I will send them off this petition with a with the petition to the letter. I have received following people:I would like to petition if you would one letter back so far, 1 . M i n i s t e r o f take this opportunity like to keep a public and I am hoping to Education Hon. Laurel to let everyone know school in our commu-receive the other by Broten, Gov . of how we are doing with nity. Students, teach-Monday. I would like Educa t ion Pub l i c our public school ers, parents, doctors, to ask if any other Information Office, petition. In the month lawyers, everyone.businesses or organi- Mike Mantha (MPP), of December, in just The petitions zations would like to Wa n d a M c Q u e e n twenty working days, are still at your local support this petition (Trus tee) , Rober t we r ece ived 340 post office, and will with a letter stating McEachren (Trustee), signatures supporting remain there only until that Chapleau needs a R u s s e l l R e i d our petition. In the the end of January. public school in our (Trustee). month of January, the Only one signature per community. If so, signatures have been person is allowed. please bring your slowing down. I h a v e letters to me, at your EVERYONE a p p r o a c h e d t w o local Post Office by is allowed to sign this

Thank YouTahise Demers

Register now for Kindergartenat

Our Lady of FatimaCall 705-864-1081

8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.Or

Leave a Message AfterhoursCome Learn, Explore and Grow in Catholic Education

Your future starts here!

Huron-Superior CatholicDistrict School Board

Are you interested in participating in a weekly FAMILY Skate? There is a possibility to have this activity on the

weekends at a small cost. Just email me if you

have any questions or if you




Initiation - Jr. & Sr.

Chapleau Huskies Timbits vs. Wawa Travellers TimbitsSaturday January

21st 2012

Sr. Game Times 11:00am and 1:30pm

Jr. Game Times

11:45am and 2:15pm

Chapleau Express, January 21, 2012 - Page 3

Cha leauree Auto/Truck

864-9090Monday - Friday8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.

“Preventive Maintenance keeps you on the road”


for anappointment



Motor Vehicle

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byMichael J. Morris

W h e n R e v. and In te rmedia te Howard Strapp tried teams as well as the to step down after local hockey league serving three terms as with teams that played p r e s i d e n t o f t h e weekly in the "old old Chapleau Hockey a rena" on Lorne Club at its annual Street, on the site meeting in 1948, the where by 1951, the members insisted that Chapleau Memorial he accept another Community Arena term, prompting him was located. The to say, perhaps rather Trappers, the Junior appropriately, "I've team, was sponsored been railroaded". for years by Mrs. A.W.

Mr. Strapp, the 'Hockey' Moore after minister at Trinity whom the arena in the United Church at the Chapleau Recreation would be involved the Northern Ontar io T h e s a m e the Dominion budget, time, was praised for Centre is named. club's activities. Hockey Association issue of the Chapleau with every detailed his hard work and Joining Mr. The Chapleau in Kirkland Lake, Post reported there item listed on the endless efforts that Strapp on the execu- Post also reported that Chapleau would be was a "very good balance sheet. This have helped to build tive were N.W. 'Newt' Vern Goldstein was entering both the possibility" that a car serves to illustrate the highly efficient Pellow as vice presi- reappointed to the Junior and Intermedi- would travel over the how well the club is C h a p l e a u c l u b , dent, Ovide Cote as position of "whistle ate teams in the league road in January 1949. being conducted from according to a report secretary-treasurer tooter" or referee in playoffs in 1949. At In fact, it happened. a business point of in the Chapleau Post. and executive com- chief. Mr. Goldstein t h i s t i m e i n On a cold winter day, view."

The hockey mittee members J.E. reported to the meet- Regarding the Chapleau's history, January 30, 1949, c lub had overa l l Edwards, F. Hamlin ing that as a result of local league, the teams travelled by Highway 129, was responsibil i ty for and A.E. 'Gussie' his attendance at the report said it was too train to play in other declared officially competitive Junior Evans all of whom annual meeting of the e a r l y t o d i s c u s s communities. completed.

As an aside, Mr. Goldstein players, coaches and the first reference I had also been recog- team setups but even have found to a road nized by the NOHA as at this early date in trip was in 1893 when a First Class Official November (remember a local team travelled Referee who may be they played on natural to Sudbury. Unfortu- called upon to travel ice at the time), many nately, they lost 2-1 to and referee games in street corner conver-Sudbury. o t h e r N o r t h e r n sations were being

Mr. Goldstein Ontario centres. He held and the "boys are also reported that as also planned to attend beginning to get soon as Highway 129 a referee school in things lined up. A big opened, Chapleau Sudbury. year in hockey is would be placed in the After Mr. Cote approaching."Soo Line League with delivered the club's My s ince re teams from Little financial statement thanks to Ken and Current, Espanola, w h i c h s h o w e d a B e v e r l y ( Ya n t a ) B l i n d R i v e r , favourable surplus, LeClaire for sending Thessalon and other the Chapleau Post me the Chapleau Post. communities outside reported editorialized My email is mj.morris of Sault Ste. Marie. that "It sounded like @live.ca

Big year in hockey planned in 1948 as Rev. Howard Strapp returned as president andVern Goldstein named chief "whistle tooter" at annual meeting of Chapleau Hockey Club

The Chapleau Trappers of 1949. a junior team sponsored by Mrs A.W. 'Hockey' Moore. Back from left H. Fortunato, Rev Howard Strapp, B. Collings, M.McAdam, C. McAdam, R. May, T. Godfrey, J. Dillon, F. Lucky, T. Collinson. Front from left R. Longchamps, Daddle Swanson, Tee Chambers, D. Chambers, R. Morin, Y. Morin, R. Burns.

The Chapleau Huskies Intermediate team of 1949. Back row are from left O. Robinson, D. Swanson, L. Riley, G. Lucas, Tee Chambers, F.Goheen, K. Strapp, T. Collinson, 'Sonny' Bignucolo, D.O. Payette (manager), P. Serre, R. Hamlin, G. Payette. Front from left, Yen Hong, B. Evans, R. Sonego, Ross Thornton (coach), T. Jardine, A. Mione, J. Morin, M. Mione, C. Fiaschetti.

We will be in Chapleau on Wednesday and Thursday Jan. 25th and 26th, 2012

Experienced and consistent investment advice for:- your RRSP, RRIF, TFSA, Locked Account

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Call (800) 362-9221or 864-1558 while in Chapleau

Maurice Labelle, B.A., M.A., FMAFinancial Management Advisor

Chapleau Express, January 21, 2012 - Page 4

Please stop by the Centre at 28 Golf Road or call 705-864-1886to register or request information for a new program we will be offering at the

French Child Care Centre beginning in January 2012

Let us be a part of your child’s learning experience!

The Chapleau Child Care Centre


Above, Sebastien Sylvestre (goalie for the Chapleau Peewee Huskies) presents Larry Donivan, winner of the annual Chapleau Minor Hockey Draw, with a cheque for $5000. The draw (which was sold out again this year) took place at the Moore Arena on December 23rd at 7:00pm. Congratulations Larry! Chapleau Minor Hockey would like to thank everyone who purchased a ticket in support of local youth playing hockey and wish you all a healthy & prosperous New Year.

$5000 Draw Winner

By Mark Hamel dropping the opener 4- today would get us into went back and tied it, to haunt us). Our burying the puck in the On January 2. the semis. We met b u t C o c h r a n e penalty killing was net. As for the pipes, I

13th the Chapleau In the second Cochrane Rush in the responded again 9 supreme, and we came now realise that Jayme M i d g e t H u s k i e s game the Huskies were third match. Cochrane seconds later. With no out winners 3 -2. But Marte l has many travelled to Hearst, matched up against ha s a lways been other choice the net due to the fact that we acrobatic skills includ-taking part in a 7 team l e a g u e r i v a l s y n o n y m o u s f o r was pulled but to no were locked in a 3 way ing standing on his “A” Division tourna- Kapuskasing Timber having Sequoia like avail, as Cochrane tie for 5th place, we head!ment . Participating in Wolves. The Huskies defence and this year tallied an empty netter needed that one point the tournament were still appeared Jet was no exception. Our as well. Final 5-3 to move on.the 4 teams in our lagged and Kap drew speedy forwards would Playing their In reflection, league (Kap, New first blood 45 seconds just have to work final game, the Huskies the coaching staff feels Liskeard Hearst & after dropping the around this obstacle. met the Nipigon Elks. that the jet lag played Chapleau) and 3 new puck. Even though our By the middle of the By now we all seemed an effect on Friday, but comers from other penalty killing has s e c o n d p e r i o d , to know the Hearst “ s i n c e S a t u r d a y “A” Division leagues been in the high Chapleau was up 2 -1. refereeing staff on a morning, I now feel (Nipigon, Cochrane percen tages , Kap With less than 5 personal basis, but by that we have the team and La Sarre) managed to pick up 2 minutes left in the no means in the finally firing on all

The Huskies power play goals. Then “CHEERS” type of cylinders” stated Kirk game, Cochrane got a f i r s t contes t was they closed the door way. (Remember the Ellis. Manager Sue lucky bounce off of 2 against the home town late in the third period g o a l s t h a t w e r e Lindquist added, “The different sets of leg,

So get off the Hearst Lumber Kings. ending the game 4-0 allowed and called defensive unit played then 27 seconds later couch and support your With the home town On Saturday back in the first game extremely well. Our another bounce from Huskies!crowd behind them and morning the Huskies this would come back goal scores were the far corner off a

a goal that was errantly found that, due to the skate blade. 2 bad counted and another close scores of all of bounces and now 3-2 that was not counted the o ther games , for them with less than (Huskies being on the (mostly ties) we were 4 minutes left. Coach crappy end both times) just 2 points from a tie Ellis called a time out, the Huskies ended up for first place. 2 wins the Huskies regrouped,

For future Midget Husky League Games,

your Huskies are in action this weekend at

Home. Sat, Jan 21st 8.00 pm

Moore ArenaSun Jan 22nd 11.00

am Moore ArenaSat Feb 4th 8.00 pm

Moore ArenaSun Feb 5th 11.00

Moore Arena

Midget Huskies Action

(EN)—Lorsque les tenir compte de la Canada (ACFC) peut couples parlent de retraite dans vos plans vous aider à déter-

miner vos priorités, à leur vie commune, les financiers. Quand établir le montant que finances doivent faire voulez-vous prendre vous devrez épargner partie de la conversa- votre retraite ? Quel et à faire un budget tion et ils doivent m o d e d e v i e avec lequel vous s'entendre sur les souhaitez-vous à la pouvez vivre et qui dépenses, l'épargne et retraite ? Songez-v o u s p e r m e t t r a les emprunts. vous à voyager ? d ' a t t e i n d r e v o s Voulez-vous Certes, la retraite peut objectifs.acheter une maison paraître encore loin,

Pour des ren-ou fonder une famille m a i s l e f a i t d e seignements supplé-? C o m m e n t c o m m e n c e r à menta i res e t des é p a r - g n e r e z - v o u s é p a r g n e r t ô t ressources, consultez pour atteindre ces influencera grande-l e s i t e We b d e objectifs? ment le montant que l'Agence à acfc.gc.ca. Quelles seront vous accumulerez au V o u s p o u v e z les répercussions sur fil des ans.éga lement su ivre votre mode de vie ? L'Agence de la @ACFCan sur Twitter Il est égale- consommation en et sur YouTube.ment important de matière financière du

Il n'est jamais trop tôt pour épargner en vue de la retraite

Chapleau Express, January 21, 2012 - Page 5



Identify these five young ladies who were all dressed up in their finery for the Chapleau High School initiation of 1955.



thWednesday January 25

12:30pm to 3pm

at our new location ~ 20 Teak Street

Please call the school at

705-864-1170to register a time for that day.

If you are unable to join us on January 25th please call the school to set up a more convenient time to register your child. Your early registration allows us to ensure our

classrooms and programs are sufficiently staffed and planned for your child's attendance!

Junior Kindergarten – Children born in 2008 may register

Senior Kindergarten – Children born in 2007 may register



Dave Laughland (left), President of the Rotary Club of Chapleau, and Michel Sylvestre, President of the Chapleau Minor Hockey Association, display a plaque from the Trillium Foundation of Ontario that proclaims the Foundation's support for healthy sporting activity. Two Peewee players, Tyson Noel and Joshua Joyal, proudly wear the new team game sweaters that came their way, thanks to the Trillium Foundation and the good offices of the Rotary Club of Chapleau. Joanne Laughland, Past President of the Chapleau Rotary Club, completes the picture.

The C.M.H.A. President, Michel Sylvestre, stands with the Peewee goalie, Sébastien Sylvestre. The expensive goalie equipment was also purchased by a grant from the Trillium Foundation. In all, the Trillium grant of $11,400 provided three Chapleau Minor Hockey Association teams with game sweaters and four sets of goalie equipment. These sweaters and this goalie equipment will see C.M.H.A. players through several seasons to come. The Rotary Club of Chapleau is very proud to have been able to assist the C.M.H.A.'s volunteers to acquire this morale-building gear for their young players.

New Equipment for C.M.H.A. Players

Photo Gifts and AwardsJigsaw Puzzles - Mugs - T-Shirts

Mousepads - Aprons Christmas Tree Ornaments

Special Occasion Plaques and Awards







15 98 69 41-


Chapleau Express, January 21, 2012 - Page 6




Chapleau Village Shops

YOUTH / KIDS DANCECome enjoy an evening of dancing4

Proceeds go towards

Chapleau Girls Hockey

$5.00 / entry

Friday, January 27, 2012@

The Royal Canadian Legion

Grade 1-3 from 5:00-7:00pmGrade 4-7 from 7:00-9:30pm

Grade 8-12 from 9:30-12:00am

Canteen will be open for snacks and refreshments

THANKS to John J. McLellan (Regional Marketing Manager, Tim Hortons Advertising & Promotion Fund (Canada) Inc) and Linda Venneri and Rick Lauzon From Tim Hortons in Timmins and South Porcupine. It is thanks to you all that our Chapleau Huskies Timbit teams look GREAT while having fun and playing hockey.

Initiation Hockey Teams Looking Good

Thank you for supporting the Ski Club at the


The penny sale basket winners are:Fishing - Lindsay Hawthorne

Toys - Allison MurphyLadies - Carmelle CardMovie - Juvit Moreau

Cooking - Shelley Bernier

The Canadian Cancer SocietyChapleau Branch

is pleased to announce that volunteer drivers are available to take you to your

cancer related appointments!

PLEASE CALL 1 800 267 0003 EXT 3714 TO BOOK YOUR RIDE.

Chapleau Express, January 21, 2012 - Page 7




WEDNESDAY 4:00 p.m.

Regular Classified AdsFirst 25 words or less $6.25

Each additional word $0.16+GST

No refunds on cancelled

classified ads.


Drop off at Between Friends (Cedar Grove)

Mon to. Fri. 8 am-noon and 1-4 pm



MONDAY TO FRIDAY1lb. to 10,000 lbs.





Northern Lights Ford Sales


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P.O. Box 1700,55 Broadway Avenue,

Wawa, OntarioP0S 1K0

Phone (705) 856-4970Fax (705) 856-2713

Alain BouffardSales Representative61 Mission RoadWawa, Ontario, P0S 1K0Tel: 705-856-2394Fax: 705-856-4290alainbouffard@missionmotors.com


Derek BouchardSales Representative

1180 Riverside Drive, Timmins, ON P4R 1A4Tel. 705-268-2226 Fax 705-264-2735

Toll Free 1-877-419-9984E-Mail: derek_nissan@live.ca

Large Used


Large New


NEW BOOKSBloodshot - Cherie Priest

Smoked - Garry RyanA Game of Thrones Book 1 - George R.R. Martin

A Clash of Kings Book 2 - George R.R. MartinA Storm of Swords Book 3 - George R.R. MartinA Feast for Crows Book 4 - George R.R. Martin

Yeast Free Life - Sarah L. RhodesA Trick of the Light - Louise Penny

Coming Up for Air - Patti Callahan HenryKill Me If You Can - James Patterson

Highway 17 NorthP.O. Box 1033

Wawa, ON. P0S 1K0Business 705-856-2775

Fax 705-856-4862sales@northernlightsford.ca

Andrew G. McKenzie11 Years of Service



CHADWIC HOME, FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE. Offers shelter, emotional support, and information for women and their children who are in crisis situations. We have a Toll Free Crisis Line which is staffed 24 hours a day. We can arrange for free transportation to the Centre for women who live in the Algoma/Chapleau area. We also offer support to women who live in the communities of Chapleau, White River, Dubreuilville, and Hornepayne through our Outreach Program. Our Outreach Worker travels to those communities to meet with women who need emotional support as well as information about their rights and options. If you need to speak with the Outreach Worker when she is in your community, you can call the Centre at any time to set up an appointment. You do not need to be a resident of the Centre in order to use our services. I f you need someone to talk to or if you just need someone to listen, call our Toll Free Crisis line at 1-800-461-2242 or you can drop in at the Centre. We are here for you.


Offers help to anyone who desires to stop drinking. Open d iscuss ion meet ing on Sundays at 2:00 p.m. Trinity United Church basement. Telephone contacts: 864-2786

Societe Alzheimer Society meetings will be held at the Chapleau Hospital every 1st Monday of each month starting from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A).Open discussion meeting every Monday evening. Brunswick House First Nation Band office lounge 7pm. Narcotics Anonymous(N.A) every Tuesday same place same time. NNADAP Worker @ 864-0174 info.

1970 Paris Street, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 3C8


1970 rue Paris, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 3C8


VILLAGE SHOP APARTMENTS2 & 3 bedroom Apt. available . Laundry on site, secured entrance. Please call Lucy 864-1114.

Large and small cabins as well as one house, all have electric heat. Plenty of parking for big t r u c k s a n d e q u i p m e n t . Reasonable rates. For more information call after 9:00 p.m. (705)864-0589 as for Ray.Jan21

H o u s e / a p a r t m e n t f o r rent/sale. Located at 23 Grey St.S. Upper Floor has a 2 bedroom apartment avail. Jan 1, 2012. Lower floor has a 3 bedroom apartment avail. Jan 1, 2012. Fully furnished available if needed. Call 705-864-0499 for details on renting or purchase.Feb11

TransformYour PhotosIn One Of A Kind Gifts


Jig SawPuzzles


Community Futures Development Corporation

Société d'aide au développement des collectivités

Attention: Are you a Small Business Owner? Do you require financing? Thinking of starting a business?The staff of the Superior East Community Futures Development Corporation will be in Chapleau on January 26, 2012. The CFDC offers small business loans and counselling to current small business owners or individuals looking at starting a business. To make an appointment to discuss financing options, please call 1-800-387-5776, ext. 221.

Attention: Êtes-vous propriétaire d'une petite entreprise? Êtes-vous en besoin d'aide financière? Vous-voulez vous partir en affaires? Le personnel de la Société d'aide au développement des collectivités Supérieur Est sera à Chapleau le 26 janvier, 2012. La SADC offre des prêts financiers et des services-conseils aux propriétaires actuel(le)s de petites entreprises et aux individu(e)s intéressé(e)s à se partir en affaire. Pour prendre rendez-vous et discuter de vos besoins d'aide financière ou pour obtenir des services-conseils, communiquez avec nous au 1-800-387-5776, poste 221.

In Honour of“January is Alzheimers Awareness Month” the Alzheimers Forget Me Not Support Group

are hosting a

Door opens at 6pmand bingo starts at 7pmHeld at Recreation Hall

Licence NO M679460

Tickets can be purchased at3 Mills, Corner Store,

Denise’s Flowers and Such, Home Hardware Furniture.

All proceeds will benefit LTC and The Hospital Foundation.

NOTICE TO CREDITORSIn the Estate of Philip Richardson.

Deceased.All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named deceased, late of the town of Chapleau, Province Of Ontario, who died on or about the 29th day of November, 2011 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of March 2012, after which the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have.

DATED at Chapleau this 21st of January, 2012

Steve PintarP.O. Box 335

Chapleau, Ontario P0M 1K0

2 bedrooms apartment. 1st floor, no steps. Includes fridge, stove, washer and dryer. Pr ivate parking, central location. $495.00 month. Call or leave a message. 705-864-9075







5 Licensed BodymenInsurance Claims

Windshield Repairsand Replacement

State of the Art Frame

Chapleau Express, January 21, 2012 - Page 8

Moments from the past

This photo was taken in the late 1940's at the rear of Mione’s Grocery at 60 Lorne Street. Back row standing from left to right: K. Nakashima, Jack Mitchell, Angelo Arena. Sitting front row left to right: Eddy Bignucolo, Joe Bignucolo, Albert Bignucolo, Howard Goheen, Alcide Brunette and George Mitchell.(Submitted by Mike Mione)

top related