january 2012 - volume 2 issue 1 moving forwardshamrock.primtek.net/documents/uploads/shamrock...

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MOVING FORWARDJason Bergeron, Vice President

I hope everyone had a Merry Christ-mas and I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! 2011 was a very challenging year! A weakened economy, disasters both natural and man-made, rising health care cost and our military involvement abroad made 2011 a tough year for many families and businesses. In addition to these things, Shamrock experienced its own growing pains. While we did feel the impact of all these forces, I am proud to say that we persevered and grew despite the conditions. I have often said that tough times define people and orga-nizations. It forces everyone to dig down deep and rely upon your team members. Leaders emerge because they chose to step up and you have to make the most of limited resources. Our growth is a direct reflection of the dedicated and hardworking people

within our company. I want every-one to realize how hard growth is to achieve. It doesn’t just happen, you have to make it happen! I once read that all problems are in the past, but solutions are right now. The mantra inside an outstanding organi-zation is often as simple as ‘onward’! People within this great organiza-tion know it’s better to keep moving forward. As we put 2011 behind us and em-brace the new year we have a lot to be excited about. Analysts are forecasting 2012 to be a great year for our industry! Our company is poised for growth and we have a great team of people that want to win. I hope each of you are proud to be part of the Shamrock Management team. We know you have a choice and we are happy that you have cho-sen Shamrock!


SHAMROCK MANAGEMENTBUSINESS UNITS:SPECIALIZED CONTRACT LABORPRODUCTION OPERATIONSGLYCOL EQUIPMENT SERVICINGMECHANICAL MAINTENANCEI&E SERVICESMEASUREMENT SYSTEMSVALVE/WELLHEAD SERVICESENGINE STARTING COMPONENTSGENERATOR SALES/RENTALS ---------------------------------------------The Rock Report is distributed via e-mail on a quarterly basis for the purpose of sharing infor-mation with all Shamrock Management employ-ees, customers, vendors and friends.

If you have an idea for an article, or would like to write an article, please e-mail the editor at keli.bonvillain@go-shamrock.com.

If you would like to begin receiving this news-letter via e-mail, please e-mail a request to our editor at keli.bonvillain@go-shamrock.com.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter:www.facebook.com/ShamrockManagementwww.twitter.com/ShamrockMngt

1.866.289.1056 www.go-shamrock.cominfo@go-shamrock.com

Congratulations to the following employees for their five plus years of service to our company as of December 2011. We appreciate your commitment and look forward to many more years with you on our team!12 YEARSAlbert GueniotBubba HimelShanna Kornegay

9 YEARSGlenn BeardenDwayne Johnson

8 YEARSGreg CraneRandy Stinson

7 YEARSErnest Babin

William BourgeoisGeorge Keller Jr.James MenascoRachal PujolAndrew TharpDon White

6 YEARSRichard Bodish Jr.Wilbert BoudreauxLawrence Danos Jr.Thomas DehartShaun DelcoRandell Dowden

Sandon Kemp Jr.Chris LevronMurray MizeHarold Seghers Jr.Jack ShultzJason Theriot

5 YEARSCody AdamsJamie BridgesCharles BroussardWesley Broussard Jr.Rodney Cavallin Jr.Michael Chamblee

Joseph ChanceLawrence ChapmanJeffery ConerlyGinnie CorbinClayton DardarMarcus DeBateDonald DupreDon GaspardEric HebertCartna HerpinCharles JohnsonSterling MarchiveRonnie McCarson

Michael LeJeuneRobert Riche Jr.Charles StuartSteven VeazeyAmanda Worrell

Since we’re known as Shamrock Management’s “Glycol Department”, it is probably clear to most that we specialize in repairing and cleaning glycol dehydration and production equipment. However, what may not be as clear are the other cost-saving services our department provides.

Filter SalesDoes it take weeks for your platform to replace used filters? Tell us the types of filters used on your equipment and we’ll keep them stocked in our warehouse. Call us when you need a replacement and they’ll ship right out to you. You’re only charged when we ship the filter to you.Equipment SalesDoes your facility use Kimray glycol pumps? If so, instead of just purchasing a new one when it malfunctions, let us provide you with a quote to rebuild the one you have. We also offer repair and return programs on several other brands. But if it is something brand new you need, we work directly with manufacturers on a regular basis and can provide your facility with competitive pricing. Preventative Maintenance ProgramsThrough quarterly inspections, glycol analysis, filter chang-es, and reporting, our team can help prevent costly down

time at your facility. Our inspectors will map out the char-acteristics of a unit so that you can be proactive instead of reactive. Ask us for a cost savings analysis – you’d be surprised at how effective this program can be.Laboratory Glycol AnalysisAnother preventative tactic is collecting routine glycol sam-ples. The sample analysis allows us to track issues within the unit and correct problems early. You’ll receive a report and suggestions for keeping the unit running smoothly. LaborIs your group short-staffed? Even if you just need general labor for changing filters or replacing rusty bolts, we have the people and experience to do the job efficiently.

Whether you’re a Shamrock Management employee contracted to an operator or working directly for an opera-tor yourself, let’s discuss the ways our department may be able to save your facility time and money! Our programs are designed to keep our customers’ cost down and production up. From glycol units to heat ex-changers, and other production equipment, we provide the sales, service and advice to make your job easier. The bigger we get, the better we get.

‘AROUND THE CLOVER’ WITHSHAMROCK’S GLYCOL DEPARTMENTChris Jimison, Sr. Service Technician/Office Manager

Doing without things that most of us take for granted is a way of life for some families in our community. Some chil-dren cannot go to social events, expect certain gifts from Santa or even have a Christmas tree because their families cannot afford these expenses. Fortu-nately, local needy families have Catho-lic Charities’ Adopt A Family Christmas Program to help make the dreams of their children come true. (via the HT Diocese website).Shamrock Management and L&H Elec-tric employees again participated in this program by adopting three families for Christmas. We were given “wish lists” from all ten of the adopted children and collected donations to give these fami-lies the Christmas they so deserve. We were able to help two families who are still struggling from the affects of last year’s oil spill on our economy and a single mother of two who had to move her children out of their home and into a

shared family member’s home in order to make ends meet. We would like to thank everyone who made a donation to the three adopted Shamrock families. It is through ev-eryone’s continued support that we are able to participate in the program each year. Throughout the entire program, 411 children were blessed with gifts this Christmas season.

CHRISTMAS ADOPTIONSCraig Billiot, Electrical Supervisor/Electronics Manager


UNIFORM ORDERSUniform order forms were mailed to our employees at the end of last month. Please submit completed order forms by February 15, 2012. Contact Diane Lof-ton if you did not receive an order form.

UPDATED RESUMES NEEDEDShamrock has a new policy requiring us to keep updated resumes on file for all employees. Please send an updated resume, including 3 references, to Diane Lofton via fax (985) 655-3786 or email diane.lofton@go-shamrock.com.

RELAY FOR LIFE TEAMShamrock will again be participating in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event in Terrebonne Parish in April. In addition to supporting a great cause, we had a blast last year and would love for more people to join us! Contact Diane for more details.


We would like to recognize the fol-lowing Shamrock Management em-ployees who recently participated in an inspection where no INCs were written on their facility. Congratula-tions and keep up the good work!

Mitchell AltomDarren Burnley

Jeff Conerly Marcus Debate

Thor MazacRicky McCoy

Jonathan Spears Charles Stuart

Chancey Wallace

If your name was acc identa l ly le f t o ff o f th is announcement , we apologize! P lease contact Kel i Bonvi l la in so we can recognize you in our next issue.

WHEN THE UNEXPECTED BECOMES A REALITYCraig Robichaux, Safety Coordinator & Todd Sims, Mechanic

How often are you participating in emer-gency drills? During these drills are you engaged and paying attention? Do you understand why training is a requirement and not an option? After being involved in a vessel accident while on a field run, Todd Sims, a Sham-rock Management Mechanic, came face-to-face with the reality of why all of these things are important.As you read Todd’s account below of the incident, imagine how different the end result would have been if everyone would have panicked and no one would have taken charge. Todd credits his years of training for the way he responded under pressure. Throughout his career, he completed several training classes, participated in emergency drills, and completed numer-ous water survival exercises.

Incident Review by Todd Sims:My day began as most work days do; nothing was out of the ordinary. Between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM the foreman instructed a few routine field moves to begin rounding up the crew for the night. Thus, we secured our work areas and gathered our belongings.

We then boarded the vessel and began our field run. We settled in and even put a movie on to pass the time. That’s when the chaos began. We heard a loud noise and were

jolted forward. We were all in awe. We were running in open water, at full throttle and now were at a complete standstill.

Startled from the sudden halt, I ran towards the front of the vessel to see what we hit. I could not see anything, but noticed we were already taking on water.

We gathered PFD’s and instructed the panicked crew members, while the captain radioed our coordinates. We headed for the life rafts. We had a few minutes to grab water and supplies before abandoning ship into the life rafts. Then the waiting began. We were in life rafts for about 2 hours before being rescued. It seemed like an eternity.

After having time to reflect, I am very thankful for the positive outcome. The ending could have easily been very different.

I am also thankful for the training I reluctantly attended. I can assure you, I will not be reluctant anymore. I now understand the importance of the training required of me and hope you, my fellow employees, do as well.

This event has definitely made me view life differently. I now prepare for the worst, hope for the best, but live like each day is my last.

Please let this incident serve as a re-minder to us all of how important our re-quired training courses are. If you have a certification that is nearing expiration, please contact Jamie Percle at (985) 655-4730 to schedule training.

NOW HIRINGCONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTSmultiple yrs of exp. in both prod. and const. required.

CONTRACT OPERATORSoperator exp required.

MECHANICexp in high speed comp., nat gas/diesel gen., P/L pumps, maint. cranes; call-out.

MEASUREMENT TECH SUPER.project work and call-out.

PLC/OMNI TECHtroubleshooting and programming skills; call-out.

PNEUMATIC TECHinstall tubing/trays; troubleshoot panels; project work and call-out.

SR. ELECTRICIANstrong troubleshooting on elec. circuits; inland/offshore, call-out

SHAMROCK COMPLETES PROJECT FOR CHEVRONAlbert Gueniot, Director of Packaged SystemsShamrock Management’s Measurement Systems department has just completed a new L.A.C.T. unit for Chevron North America Exploration & Production. Included be-low is a picture of the completed unit. Chevron will use the L.A.C.T. unit to measure crude oil from their Big Foot Field Development located in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The system has been designed for an 85,000 BPD continuous flow rate.Shamrock’s capabilities include many different types of mea-surement and process systems and products. We handle all phases of development from design and engineering to automation, site installation and start-up and commissioning.

Tony Hebert, Keli Bonvillain and I had the privilege to tour the Lafourche cam-pus of the LA Technical College. Their mission is to “prepare individuals for im-proved quality of life, workforce success and lifelong learning while addressing the needs of business/industry.” We then met with the directors of the Process Production and Electrician programs. We hope to provide their students with real world work experience through internships or actual employ-ment positions within our company when we have a need; a real win-win for all. Both programs succeed with the hands-on teaching process they offer, provided through generous donations from local businesses. If you work for a company that has items in inventory of no value to them, the college offers a tax credit for the donation and will even pick the item up. Below is a list of items the Produc-

tion Program needs. Please contact Dean Bourgeois to make a donation, (985) 447-0924 ext 135.

• LACT skid w/ pneumatic and transmitter devices, sample pot w/ mixing pump

• Turbine meter with MC2 head• Centrifugal pump• Adjustable Choke body and stem• ASH gas detection panel with detector head• Pig launcher/receiver w/ sample pigs• Well Manifold/Header (test, LP, IP, HP)• 3 Phase separator• Storm Choke• Positive Displacement pump• Back Pressure valve• Electronic devises, any kind• Float cell• Sump system• Mc Farland pump• ARO or any type of pneumatic pump.

LA TECHNICAL COLLEGE VISITCody Adams, Operations Coordinator

Hey Shamrock Management, it’s time to get to know your co-workers. Contact the newsletter editor so we can feature you next issue!


A Operator for Apache, HI-A334-B

Loves movies, seafood, hunting and fishing.

Is looking forward to his Key West vacation later this year.

Will turn 50 years old on 12/12/12 @ 12:00.

Todd’s youngest son, Jacob Marc Thomas (18), leaves for the U.S. Navy this June. His oldest son, Cpl. Ryan Joseph Thomas (22), is a U.S.M.C. and also gave Todd his first grandson, Landen Joseph (2).

Photo: Todd taking a break from work.


HR Generalist, Corporate Office

Loves all reality TV!

When it comes to fast food, it’s BK for the burgers, but Mickey D’s for the fries.

Diane and her husband Mike have been married for 16 yrs and have a 3 yr old son named Michael Jr.

Some of her favorites - chocolate milk, the ‘Left Behind’ book series, Christmas, any animal that doesn’t bite, and her camp in Mississippi.

Photo: Diane & “Fun Oscar” @ Painting with a Twist

James Kittrell on the birth of his daugh-ter, Lillie Ashton, born 11/01/11Wendell Murphy on the birth of his son, Levin, born 11/29/2011Justin Granger on the birth of his daugh-ter, Piper, born 12/20/2011Henry “Andy” Scadlock on his marriage to Marissa on 12/9/2011Jamie Percle on her engagement.

Peter Orgeron Jr, Troy Poinecot, Mat-thew Rutledge and Michael Deville who all won $100 gift certificates to various places at our Christmas Luncheon. Dan Chaney on winning the grand prize of an additional paid vacation day from Shamrock Management.Have some great news yourself? Please fill us in so that we may share it with everyone!

CONGRATULATIONS...Rachal Pujol, HR Manager



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