january 19, 2014january 19, 2014 - sudley united methodist ......e eryone is elcoe at counion˙ you...

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Where past and future joyfully unite in Jesus ChristWhere past and future joyfully unite in Jesus ChristWhere past and future joyfully unite in Jesus ChristWhere past and future joyfully unite in Jesus Christ

January 19, 2014January 19, 2014January 19, 2014January 19, 2014


Welcome and Announcements

Passing the Peace


Welcome to the House of the Lord.

All are welcome here.

Here you will find light for your darkness,

companionship for your loneliness,

healing for your wounds,

the beginning of answers for your ques�ons,

nourishment for your soul,

for here, though only two or three would gather,

you will find in our midst the Christ,

Emmanuel, God with us.

*Your Favorite Hymns

(Be ready to share the page # of your favorite hymn and we’ll sing a

verse of it)

Opening Prayer

O Lord our God,

you are always more ready to bestow your good gi$s on us

than we are to seek them,

and are willing to give more than we desire or deserve.

Help us so to seek that we may truly find,

so to ask that we may joyfully receive,

so to knock that the door of your mercy may be opened to us;

through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.


Welcome to Sudley Church! We are so pleased to have you worship with us.

We believe that you will experience Christ today because He promised to be

with us whenever we meet in His name. Please fill out the Connec#on Card

and place it in the offering plate.

ORDER OF WORSHIP (8:00am & 11:00am)


Children’s Message

Musical Offering (11:00) Adult Choir

Dedica�on of New Church Officers

Bible Reading 1 Corinthians 1:1-9

L: This is the word of God for the people of God.

P: Thanks be to God!

Message Round Wheels: Part 1

Next Sunday – (8 & 11) Round Wheels: Part 2 (1 Corinthians 1:10-18)

(9:15) – Revela#ons on Revela#on: Part 3 (sermon

series on the Book of Revela#on)

*Hymn #568 -Christ for the World We Sing

(During this hymn you are invited to come to receive Jesus as your

Savior and Lord. Also, persons may come forward at this #me to

rededicate your life to Christ or to express your desire to become a

member of our church. This is Bap#sm Sunday. Anyone who wishes

to be bap#zed today, may come forward at this #me)

Joys and Prayer Concerns

Morning Prayer

Offering & Offertory

Lord, your offerings we bring,

and your praises we sing.

You and you alone we adore,

we give you thanks for evermore.

*Doxology #94



Let’s roll out into God’s world as God’s gi>ed people, ready in every

way, everywhere we can to share the Good News of God’s great love

for all. Let’s roll! Amen.


(*Please stand, as you are able)

Prayer Ministry I urge, then, first of all, that pe ons, prayers, intercession and

thanksgiving be made for all people 1 Timothy 2:1

Be part of Sudley’s Prayer Ministry

� Receive no#fica#ons of prayer requests by joining our Prayer Chain

(Contact the church office or sign up for the Prayer Chain Group

through Sudley Connect (sudley-methodist.org)

� Come to our weekly prayer mee#ngs each Thursday at 9:00am.

9:15 Order of Worship

Ligh�ng of Altar Candles

Welcome & Announcements

Passing the Peace

*Music for Celebra�on

Children’s Message

Sunday School Song

Dismissal of Children to Sunday School

Joys and Prayer Concerns


The Lord’s Prayer

Worship with Tithes and Offerings

*The Doxology

Dedica�on of New Church Officers

Bible Reading Revela#on 1:9-11

Message Revela#ons on Revela#on: Part 2

(A sermon series on the Book of Revela#on)

*Hymn of Invita�on

Recep�on of New Members David and Sarah McAbee

If you have not joined our church family, why not do it today with David & Sarah?

Holy Communion

Everyone is welcome at communion. You do not have to be a member of our church.


*Please stand as you are able



8:00am Tradi#onal Worship

9:15am Contemporary Worship & Sunday School

11:00am Tradi#onal Worship & Sunday School


10:00am Pastor Bible Study

7:00pm Disciple II

7:30pm Boy Scouts


9:30am Staff Mee#ng

6:00pm Sudley Supper

6:45pm Sudley Kids

6:45pm Youth Group

7:00pm Choir Prac#ce

8:00pm Praise Team Prac#ce


9:00am Prayer Mee#ng

6:00pm Youth Band Prac#ce


10:00am Educa#on CommiKee & Children’s

Ministries Mee#ng - Anyone is

welcome to aKend to give input

and make plans for the new year!

Looking Ahead

Our first Council mee#ng of 2014 will be held at

7pm on Monday, January 27th. All commiKee

chairs and members are encouraged to aKend.

Pick up your 2013 Giving Statement

2013 Giving Statements have been prepared and are in the Fellowship Hall.

Please help us save on postage by picking yours up today. Those that have

not been picked up will be mailed out next week. Thank you.

Our third annual Men’s Retreat will be on the weekend

of March 7-9th at Camp Highroad. Mark your calendar

NOW and plan to join us. The sign up sheet is on the

Men’s bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall (next to the

kitchen door). The cost is $100 and must be received

no later than February 23. Checks can be made paya-

ble to Sudley UMM with “Men’s Retreat” on the memo

line. Contact Fred Eckstein at f.eckstein@yahoo.com

for more information.

SERVE Dona�ons

We will collec#ng cereal for SERVE next Sunday, January

26th. Thanks for remembering to add this most basic food to

your list when grocery shopping. All dona#ons greatly

appreciated. Look for the white laundry basket under the big

window in the Fellowship Hall marked SERVE.

Electronic Giving

Throughout the year, many of you support the

congrega#on with your #me, talent and financial

contribu#ons. We encourage you to look into

electronic giving. It’s convenient for you and

provides much-needed dona#on consistency for

the church. Forms are in the Fellowship Hall.

Sudley Church Contacts

Mailing address: PO Box 96, Catharpin, VA 20143

Phone: 703-754-4380 Email: office@sudley-methodist.org

Fax: 703-753-1628 Website: www.sudley-methodist.org

Pastor: Bass Mitchell Facebook Fan Page: Sudley Church

Pastor’s Cell: 703-727-0776 Pastor’s Email: pastor.bass@gmail.com

Program Director: Deb Angerman Children’s Minstry: Debbie Murschell

Secretary: April Braun Music Director: Eugene Iosilevich

Nursery: Melanie Williams, Brandi Bryden, Brenda Holloway, Vicky Runyan

Stewardship Report

Last Week 2014 YTD

Total General Giving $ 5,828.11 $107,275.03

Opera#ng Budget $ 6,644.77 $104,671.08

Tithe to Missions $ 582.81 $ 10,727.50

Budget Comparison $ -1,399.47 $ -8,123.55

Designated Giving $ 626.00 $ 18,671.57

Last Week’s AKendance: 8:00 9:15 11:00

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