jane collings and pete watton understanding the organisation session 6

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Jane Collings and Pete Watton

Understanding the Organisation

Session 6

Module AimsModule Aims• to support the learner in identifying and reviewing how organisations are structured and

managed• to facilitate exploration of the learners’

immediate and wider work context in order to promote professional development

ObjectivesObjectivesBBy the end of this session you will be able to: • conduct a Stakeholder analysis for your own

organisation• conduct a PESTLE analysis of your own

organisation• conduct a SWOT analysis of your own


Organisations need to regularly reflect on who are their stakeholders and the external ,internal factors and influences that impact on their operation.

The findings from these analyses are then used to review and inform the organisational planning process

Without this analysis organisations cannot ensure their future direction is based on evidence.

This session is going to use three analyses:- Stakeholder – to identify who are they and what are their interests PESTLE – to examine external factors SWOT – to examine internal factors

Organisational analysis

Who are the stakeholders? – Anyone who has an interest in the success of organisations including:-

A stakeholder analysis is used to identify the key persons, groups or organisations with an interest in the organisation

It can provide an overall picture of involvement It identifies their relationship and interests e.g. a

customer, supplier etc It can identify potential conflicts

Customers Staff Local community

Government Creditors Suppliers

Stakeholder Stakeholder Analysis Analysis

Stakeholder Importance Relative influence Risks/assumptions


The steps

Draw up a stakeholder table/diagram identifying who the stakeholders are.Assess each stakeholder's importance and their relative power/influence. Identify risks and assumptions which will affect the success of the organisationMany different methods are used including :-

Stakeholder Analysis – different methods Stakeholder Analysis – different methods

Stakeholder Analysis – different methods Stakeholder Analysis – different methods

Stakeholder analysis – different methods

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stakeholder_%28en%29.png Accessed: 05/07/2011Created by Grochim

Stakeholder Importance




Volunteers and Trustees

High High Will we have enough to staff the cafe

Ensure we motivate, train and care for our volunteers

Customers / community

High High They will want to use the cafe Other cafes will become more popular

We need to consult & survey them on a regular basis

Suppliers Medium Low We need goods at a competitive prices

We need to constantly seek new & different suppliers

Local Authority Environmental health

High High as they can close us

We need to pass all the inspections

Rigorous hygiene standards

Paid cafe manager High High

The manager will leave Ensure we motivate, train and care for our paid staff

Example stakeholder analysis – Community Cafe

Activity 1

Stakeholder analysis

•Undertake a stakeholder analysis of your organisation or department / section

•Ensure you consider both internal and external stakeholders and consider the impact, influence and potential risks they have on your organisation/department/section

PESTLE and SWOT Analysis PESTLE and SWOT Analysis

In order for organisations to plan for the future they need a clear idea of the external and internal environments they are operating

This can be carried out through using the PESTLE and SWOT tools for analysis

PESTLE Analysis PESTLE Analysis

An analysis of external influences that impact on an organisation can be carried out using the PESTLE tool

P- Political what is the effect of current or anticipated government policy E – Economic how does the economic climate affect the organisation – is the market/demand expanding or contracting S- Socio – Cultural How do attitudes beliefs ethical standards affect your organisation what makes people want what you offer – will changes in demography affect you ? T- Technological How does technological changes affect you L – Legal How does the law and changes to the law affect your organisation E – Environmental How does the environment and sustainability issues impact on your organisation

Political Economic Sociocultural

Local Authority support Tax relief for not for profit organisationsRules for social enterprise

Food costs Fuel costsWage costs Insurance Customer income

Attitudes to volunteeringUnemploymentAttitudes to communityHealthy Eating Leisure time

Technological Legal Environmental

Availability and cost of WiFi

Environmental health lawH and S laws Employment lawVAT

Energy consumption Waste disposal

Example PESTLE analysis – Community Cafe

Activity 2

PESTLE analysis

•Undertake a PESTLE analysis of your organisation or department / section

•Ensure you consider the impact of these external influences they have on your organisation/department/section

SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is an excellent tool for an internal analysis of your organisation/department/section

Strengths Weakness

Good volunteer base Trustees commitment Customer base Strong local community

Lots of other cafes Location not high street Pricing levels Profit margin to pay for manager

Opportunities Threat

Adult education, health and training Community garden Use of young people on work experience Funding from health

Price of foodLegislation Council tax

Example SWOT analysis – Community Cafe

Activity 3

SWOT analysis

•Undertake a SWOT analysis of your organisation or department / section

• To complete this analysis ensure you consider your organisation/department/section objectively

Drucker, P. (1995) Managing at a Timer of Great Change. Butterworth-Heinemann. Investors in People website www.investorsinpeople.co.uk Accessed 14th February 2011



Examples:Kolb, D. (1984) 'Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

JISC OER IPR Support Project (2010) OER IPR Starter Pack.http://www.web2rights.com/OERIPRSupport/starter.html Accessed 31st January 2011.


For further information see:University of Plymouth Learning Development (2008) University of Plymouth Guide to referencing. University of Plymouth. https://exchange.plymouth.ac.uk/intranet///refman/Public/Ref_guide_2006_content/How%20to%20reference.doc Accessed 31st January 2011.


This resource was created by the University of Plymouth, Learning from WOeRk project. This project is funded by HEFCE as part of the HEA/JISC OER release programme.

This resource is licensed under the terms of the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/uk/).

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2. The JISC logo, the and the logo of the Higher Education Academy are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution -non-commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK England & Wales license. All

reproductions must comply with the terms of that license.Author Jane Collings, Pete Watton

Institute University of PlymouthTitle Organisational Analysis

Description PowerPoint Presentation

Date Created 31st March 2011

Educational Level Level 4

Keywords UKOER LFWOERK UOPCPDWBL Learning from Woerk WBL Work Based Learning CPD Continuous Professional Development

Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC-SA

Author Jane Collings, Pete Watton

Back page originally developed by the OER phase 1 C-Change project

©University of Plymouth, 2010, some rights reserved

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