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North Grand River Baptist Association

The Encourager 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Volume 37, Number 1

January, 2013

“Churches working together to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.”“Churches working together to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.”“Churches working together to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.”“Churches working together to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.” Matthew 28:18Matthew 28:18Matthew 28:18Matthew 28:18----20202020

In This Issue DOM Report 2 WMU Report 4 BSU Report 5 Financial Report 8 Church Reports 6-7 Birthday & Anniversary 3 Men’s Breakfast 3 Bookstore Sale 3 Executive Board 3 Sparrow Ministry 9-10 Sonrise Poster 11 MBC Evangelism 3 Camp News 7

Director of Mission’s E.J. Barnes

Ministry Assistant Debbie Dickinson

BSU Director Diann Barnes

Assistant BSU Director

Gene Schreffler

North Grand River Baptist Association’s Purpose- “To mutually and prayerfully support, encourage and challenge one another as churches to exalt Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, to edify and equip His disciples to serve him and one another, and to evangelize those who have yet to come to know Him personally.” Matthew 28:19-20


Edinburg* Gallatin*


Jameson Jamesport


Lineville Medicine Valley


Modena Princeton*


Rural Dale Salem


Spickard Tenth Street

Trenton First

















Early Bird VBS ClinicEarly Bird VBS ClinicEarly Bird VBS ClinicEarly Bird VBS Clinic Pastors & VBS DirectorsPastors & VBS DirectorsPastors & VBS DirectorsPastors & VBS Directors January 28January 28January 28January 28 Mission CenterMission CenterMission CenterMission Center 7:00 pm7:00 pm7:00 pm7:00 pm Kayla Michael will be sharing with the Directors and Pastors about the VBS for 2013. You can place your order for sampler kits and other VBS supplies.

A Prosperous New Year!

The New Year lies before me,

A spotless, shining thing,

Bright as the promises of God,

Fresh as the breath of spring.

A year to fill with lovely thoughts,

And kindly, helpful deeds,

Losing all consciousness of self,

In prayer for others’ needs

-Sybil Leonard Armes

E-Encourager 2

From My Heart to YoursFrom My Heart to YoursFrom My Heart to YoursFrom My Heart to Yours “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, es-pecially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:7-10

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself,

lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to blood shed striving against sin.” Hebrews 12:1-4

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. There is no searching of His understanding. He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might. He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:28-31

If you are like me, you are tempted to give in to the discouragement at times. We are tempted to give up serving our Lord and others like we are called to do. We are tempted to give over our lives to sin. But we do not have to succumb to weariness. We must not– our lives and the lives of others are at stake.

These Scripture passages the Lord has given to me for this year encourages us to 1.) “sow to the Spirit”, 2) “look to Je-sus” and 3) “wait on the Lord (God).” If we will surrender to the Holy Spirit, consider the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and remember to trust in our Heavenly Father, we shall reap eternal fruit. We shall resist sin victoriously. We shall rise up to experience strength to fulfill who we are in Him and not be overcome!

Let’s keep praying fervently! Let’s keep preaching (witnessing) boldly! Let’s keep teaching God’s Word faithfully! Let’s keep caring for others compassionately! Let’s keep serving our Lord obediently! Let’s keep looking for Jesus and God’s will to be done expectantly!

Your Fellow Servant

E.J. Barnes

Pastors Prayer & Fellowship Time at Pizza Hut

2nd Monday of each month

January 20th, 2013

E-Encourager 3

Devotion Books– On Sale–

15% off NGR price till January 25 Includes devotion books preschool to adult with titles “Sticky Situations for Kids”, “Devotions for Women on the Go”, “Men of the Bible”, ‘Great Songs of Faith”, “Devos 4 Sports

Fans”, Tony Dungy- “Uncommon Life”, “Coffee with God” and many more to choose from “Last Ounce of Courage” DVD- $15.50

(This is the movie that Lewis & Mabel Rogers’ son-in-law helped to produce & has 3 of their grandchildren in it). There has been all positive remarks on this movie. Get your copy at the NGR Bookstore.

Curl up this winter with a good book- Fiction 15% off

CD’s, DVD’s, Children’s DVD’s & CD’s,

Accompaniment CD’s– many to choose from– or we can order for you.

Edinburg Baptist

Church Saturday, 8:00am

January 19, 2013

All Men Invited!

2- Chris Neeley 7 Rebecca Nance 14 Cathie Whitley 18 Gene Schreffler 26 Iva Gail Ratliff

State Evangelism/Discipleship Conference February 28—March 1, 2013


First Baptist Church Branson

400 S Sunshine St. Branson, MO 65616


Michael Catt– Senior. Pastor– Sherwood BC, Albany, Georgia

Tom Eliff– President of IMB

Ken Jenkins– Photographer & Naturalist

Ronnie Floyd– Sr. Pastor, Cross Church Northwest, Arkansas

Daniel Simmions– Sr. Pastor, Mt. Zion, Albany, Georgia

Mark Willard, Sr. Associate Pastor of Worship,- Sherwood BC, Albany, Georgia

There is no charge (Provided by CP funds) but you have to register– open to Pastors & Church

leaders now at mobaptist.org

North Grand River Association Executive Board Meeting

January 21, 2013

On the agenda will be the decision for the date of the NGR 2013 Annual Meeting.

The date submitted was Saturday, Septem-ber 29th. If you prefer a Sunday afternoon or another time please let your pastor or Board Representative know what you prefer.

Priscilla Shirer Live at First Baptist Church, Raytown

March 1-2, 2013

A moving Bible Study and Worship Experience. Worship led by Anthony Evans. Price starts at $39.

Festivals of Marriage

March 8-10, 2013 Branson, Missouri

Featuring Les 7 Leslie Parrott

Brandon & Jen Hatmaker and Ken Davis Worship by Carl Cartree

E-Encourager 4

Welcome to the New Year! What a blessing all received from hearing Bill and Carol Bowers share about their ministry in South Africa! We also want to thank them for making us aware of the needs, especially for the unen-gaged, unreached people groups and the bucket ministry of Baptist Global Response. It was also exciting to hear Belinda Hogan’s report on Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry. Thanks to Evelyn Trickel for leading the devotional and prayer time for our missionaries with birthdays. And, as usual, lunch was wonderful and so was the time of fellowship. Thanks also to Laurie Bonta and her helper Mercedes, both from Tenth Street for their hard work in decorating and helping with the

luncheon. Our January 15th New Year’s Celebration will be at 11:30 am at the Mission Center. Please note the change in time from our normal meeting time. We will be taking up an offering for a special project. Let’s have a soup/chili luncheon. (I’ll make a batch of chili) and maybe cheese/crackers, dessert. Next month we will emphasize WMU Focus Week February 11-17. There are some great ideas in the WMU Yearbook. If you don't have one, please contact me and I will get the information to you. Our February Celebration will be February 12th, the second Tuesday, instead of the third Tuesday, in connec-tion with WMU Focus Week. As a special mission project, we will be filling “Cups of Appreciation” for our lo-cal firefighters and possibly others of our public servants. Details in the February Encourager. January and February are good months to promote Pure Water, Pure Love, if you need ideas for a missions project. We can “Make a Change” for our missionaries. As the Lord leads and allows, Shelly Sims and I plan to visit more WOM groups in the coming months. I pray everyone will have a joyous New Year!

Bev Martin WMU Director

Received this email back in January of 2008. Still a good prayer for our country today.


"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guid-ance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's posses-sions and called it ambition We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'' Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a lar-ger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God.'

E-Encourager 5


The Fall term has ended and the students of the BSU are now focused, asking God, "What is YOUR Mission plan for the Spring?" Before we share that, let me back up and mention some highlights of the Fall term.

September saw the BSU students observing "See You At The Pole". October had four major missional events. The 1st weekend was the state-wide student retreat, GetAway, which was attended by 17 NCMC stu-dents with many new faces to the 2012 Fall ministry. During the 3rd weekend, NCMC students partnered with Galt Jr. Firefighters to have one of the best MODays Parade entries we have had in a long time. Fifteen American flags carried by baseball students and Jr Firefighters plus a 7 foot cross marched the parade route preceded by Pirate Pete and a student twirling a saber and flags. During the parade, six other students handed out children's gospel tracts sharing the story of Jesus. The last October weekend, saw 5 BSU stu-dents spending the weekend leading small group discussions in a "Discipleship NOW" weekend hosted by Stephen Williamson. Through the entire month, students were challenged to minister to others by donating toilet paper and paper towels to both KC Ronald McDonald Houses. This donation was delivered the 1st Sat-urday in November, when the BSU students took the collection to KC and met another college group serving lunch to the houses and a second group of FCLA student volunteers cleaning rooms for new families to move into the facilities. November also witnessed our annual Thanksgiving feast to 40+ with John Hill, evan-gelist, as guest speaker. And finally, the 1st week in December witnessed one of our most inspiring Tuesday night worship services, with one of our first year students preaching God's Word to those attending.

The entire semester held multiple serious conversations of who Jesus is and what He should mean to each of us, along with, "What are you going to do about HIM?" Throughout the term we had students asking ques-tions, students prostrating themselves in prayer before God during worship services, students seeking to right wronged relationships, and students stepping out of their comfort zone to share their faith with others.

This spring, we are praying that these missional experiences will continue to escalate. In January, new stu-dents will be given BSU backpacks with the gospel of John. In Feb. NCMC students will join Maryville, St. Joe and Truman State in a 24 hour retreat at Grand Oaks, to be challenged by a pastor from Iowa who has been sharing Jesus on campuses for 15 years. Also in Feb. our more serious BSU leaders will attend a Leadership Development conference in St. Louis to learn how to be our next generation of church leaders. (NGRBA churches, please pray and ask God if He wants you to provide funds to sponsor one of these student leaders to this conference. We desperately need church leaders without gray hair!) March will host our Spring Break mission trip. Pray with us as we seek God's plan for this week. Then May 16-24th will be our 5th annual trip to Canada to minister to First Nation's children who need to hear the story of Jesus.

As you know the BSU is continually praying and asking God for ways to impact our campus and community with the gospel of Jesus. With this focus in mind, we are now facing one of our biggest resource needs. This spring term will be Christina Boatright's, our NAMB semester missionary, last full semester of service with us. Her term of service and funding from NAMB will end August 2013. The BSU has already begun asking God to provide a way in which Christina may remain with us and continue to minister to the NCMC students in her very unique and effective way that God has lead her to minister. Christina's calling from God is to minister to college students and NCMC-BSU students have heard Jesus' story in a very clear way through her ministry. Pray with us, that God will provide a way for her to continue her ministry with us.

He is Worthy to Receive the Rewards of His Sacrifice—Souls

Diann Barnes

E-Encourager 6

Edinburg- The church had their Christmas Program on Dec. 2, what a delightful program with lots of singing, and a children’s play to bless us and reminding us what Christmas is all about. There were 46 in attendance. The Christmas shoe boxes were sent out and prayers blessed them as they are sent to witness to children all over the world. The WOM ladies have worked hard on these and we are thankful for them and everyone who donated to this ministry. As Christmas approaches, peo-ple purchase their gifts for loved ones, as Christians we have a special gift to share with the world. May your presents be nice, but may your spiritual gift be the one that only you can receive- Jesus! Edinburg Baptist Church members hope you have a blessed and joyful Christmas. We hope that the New Year brings you blessings beyond belief! Our Christmas Eve Communion Service will be De-

cember 24, at 6:00 PM. Thank you to all the associate pastors who have been helping us while we search for a pastor. May God give them an extra pouring out of his blessings for the work they have done. Our church services are Sunday at 11:00 with Sunday School at 10:00. Sunday night services at 6:00 and Wednesday night services at 7:00. Stop in and visit anytime.

Salem- December 16th was our Christmas program. Afterwards we passed out sacks for the children and had a card and gift exchange. We ended with refreshments. On Christmas Eve we are having a candlelight service with commun-ion. On December 9th, we had Katelyn Trickel, come to give her testimony and talk with the kids. She also blessed us with a song. What a blessed young woman. She is an inspiration to us all. Her father David and younger sister came also. Dec-9th we started Mission kids, with Michelle Johnson and Marie Clark leading. Refreshments were served dur-ing their break. Salem wishes everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Gallatin- Our Adult Choir Cantata was Sunday morning, with the choir having it all memorized, and it went very well. God really blessed. Our church Children’s program, was Sunday night and it was wonderful. We had 181 Sunday Morn-ing and 158 Sunday evening in attendance.

Shelly Sims will leave on her mission trip to rural Haiti January 22 and return on February 5th. The group will include 8 people from mid-Missouri. This will mark the 14th time that she has made the trip and she will be setting up a free medi-cal clinic along with another nurse from St. Louis. Other members will be doing Bible School, evangelism door to door and have evening revival services. Pray for God’s will to be done

Gallatin First Baptist Church Red Cross Blood Drive, Monday, January 14, 2013 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. To make an appointment, please call Myrlene at 660-663-3593. Walk-in welcome, appointments take priority. All donors must present a photo ID.

Princeton- December 19th, The crocheting women gave all the Kings Kids a hat & scarf they had made for them in love.

On December 22 the church went caroling to the shut ins. We delivered food, fruit, and Christmas presents to needy families in the community. A Candlelight Service was held on Christmas Eve.

On Dec. 31 we had a New Year's Eve Party with everyone bringing snacks & games.

We continue to have our weekly visitation for the sick, shut ins and prospects.

Every Wednesday night services for Kings Kids and Youth. Prayer meeting at 7:00 pm.

All Men's Breakfast 2nd Saturday of each month at 7:00 am.

Sanctity of Human Life will be observed on Sunday Jan. 20, 2013.

Medicine Valley- On Sunday December 2, following the morning services we had our annual Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner. This is not only a time of fellowship, but an important part of our ministry as all who receive food assistance dur-ing the year are invited to participate.

On Saturday evening December 15, we co-hosted along with some community leaders, representatives of the town board, a Wild Game Dinner. Those present enjoyed the wild game, and/or fried chicken, vegetables, salad and desserts, as well as a sing a long of Christmas carols. Special music was also provided by a children’s group who attend the Tues-day night Bible Studies at Humphreys.

Our distribution of Christmas Food Boxes was Thursday, December 20 from both locations, the Food Pantry at Newtown and the Community Building in Humphreys.

E-Encourager 7

Medicine Valley Continued: We expect to assist over 300 people in approximately 100 households to a happier Christmas with needed food supplies.

We are able to provide families with turkeys this year, for the first time, due in part to financial assis-tance in this from the Newtown Christian Church.

At our most recent Celebrate Recovery service we showed the movie “Last Ounce of Courage”. A reminder of all we have for which to be thankful in this great nation, and the importance of maintain-ing our freedoms and honoring the God of all creation.

We remain exceedingly grateful for all those throughout the surrounding area who continue to make these ministries possible. Without the support of our fellow Baptists, the Newtown-Harris School, and others we would not be able to maintain these ministries in meeting the needs of so many people.

May the blessings of God be upon you all.

Trenton First– Our Awanas went caroling December 12th. On the 18th was the store and they will not meet again until January.

Senior Adults enjoyed Thanksgiving and Christmas meals at the Galt Café. January and February they will have break-fast at the church due to uncertain weather. December 30th will be our 5th Sunday Celebration in the evening at 6 pm.

We had a Christmas Eve service at 5:30 pm.

Our Bow shoot ministry meets Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. Shooters and observers are welcome.

Union- “But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is; and that he is

a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

This month activities include all Church Skating Party on January 12th at Trenton Skating Rink from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Call Pastor Doug & Dianna for details at 359-3094. Business meeting is the third Sunday, January 20th at 6:00 pm.

Every Wednesday night is supper at 6:00 pm with Bible Study at 7:00 pm. Call Ryan Hughs for rides from Brimson at 654-0435 or Mike & Sherry Knapp for rides from Trenton at 789-3841 or Doug & Dianna Crawford. Sunday School at 9:30 am with Morning Worship at 11:00 am and Sunday Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm with worship at 6:00 pm. Everyone is welcome!

Remember to continue to Celebrate Jesus throughout the year! We challenge everyone to make a New Year’s Commit-ment to read your Bible completely in one year! Have a safe & blessed 2013.

Note: Due to unknown weather conditions; you may want to contact Pastor Doug regarding cancellations of service or activities at 359-3094.

Grand Oaks Camp– 2013 Youth Camp– May 28th-May 31st Children’s Camp– July 8th-12th

Please be in prayer for camp. Please pray for: The Children and Youth; Cabin Leaders; Camp Pastors; Kitchen Staff; Camp Missionary; Camp

Worship Leaders; Bible Study Leaders; Camp Committee; Parents of


How is God leading you to serve at camp this year?

E-Encourager 8

North Grand River Baptist Association 1108 N Main Director of Missions

Trenton, MO 64683 Rev. E.J. Barnes

Fax: 660.359.0200 Ministry Assistant

E-Mail: ngrmission@sbcglobal.net Debbie Dickinson

BSU Telephone– 660.654.0785 BSU Director

DOM’s Office– 660.359.3365 Telephone – 660.359.3897 Diann Barnes

Web Page– www.northgrandriverbaptist.com

Church Giving Church Service Times

November 2012

Reports Monthly Inc.

BSU Inc. SS AM PM Weds.

Alpha $ 265.76 $ 25.00 9:30 10:30 6:30 7:00

Edinburg $ 527.58 $ 58.62 10:00 11:00 6:00 7:00

Gallatin $ 563.33 $ 50.00 9:30 10:40 6:00 7:00

Galt $ 127.00 $ 25.00 10:00 11:00 6:00 7:00

Jameson $ 5.00 9:30 10:30

Jamesport $ 25.00 $ 25.00 9:45 10:45 7:00 6:30

Laredo $ 400.00 $ 150.00 9:30 10:30 6:30 6:30

Lineville $ 271.19 $ 90.40 9:45 10:45 6:30 7:30

M. Valley $ 31.95 $ 25.00 9:30 10:30 6:00

Mercer $ 216.00 $ 25.00 9:30 10:30 6:30 6:30

Modena $ 120.54 $ 100.00 10:15 9:00 7:30 7:00

Princeton $ 514.01 $ 50.00 9:40 10:40 7:00 7:00

Ravanna $ 62.86 $ 26.94 9:30 10:45 6:00 6:30

Rural Dale $ 629.53 $ 75.00 9:45 10:35 7:00 7:00

Salem $ 107.68 10:00 11:00 6:00 7:00

Shelburne $ 386.22 $ 75.00 9:30 10:40 6:45 7:00

Spickard $ 60.00 9:30 10:30

Tenth St. $ 935.33 $ 155.88 9:30 10:30 6:00 7:00

Trenton FB $ 977.17 $ 217.15 9:30 10:40 6:00 6:30

Union $ 251.34 $ 100.00 10:00 11:00 6:00 7:00

Total $6,472.49 $1,278.99 Join any of these churches in worship

Chilli, FBC $ 45.00

MBC $ 460.00

Gilman BC $ 200.00 November 2012 NGR Account

Beginning Balance $2,899.68 Income $11,769.39 Total $14,669.07 Expenses $11,455.59 Ending Balance $3,213.48

Line Items in General Checking Designated Funds $3,083.51 General Fund $129.97 Checking Balance Total $3,213.48

NGR October– November 2012 (Does not include designated funds)

Income $23,830.26 Expenses $23,107.89 Difference $722.37

Seminary Checking $300.21 Seminary Savings $2,052.38

Benevolent Savings $742.44

NGR Savings $432.62

BSU– November– Income to Expense Beginning Balance $3,893.63 Income $2,083.99 Total $5,977.62 Expenses $2,164.06 Ending Balance $3,813.56 General BSU Fund $3,291.98 Designated BSU Fund $601.65

E-Encourager 9

November 2012 Report - SPARROW MINISTRY P.O. Box 457 Trenton, Mo. 646683 Cell Phone 573-301-9736

E-mail earlnance@sbcglobal.net

December 3, 2012

Dear Partners and Friends,

Thank You for letting me partner with You, my friends, in this endeavor to reach souls for Jesus Christ.

Because of our joint efforts, God has allowed us to witness one hundred eighty six precious souls make

decisions to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, or recommit their lives to Him, and the privilege to

speak twenty one times at fifteen locations in six states. I pray that many more, out of the two thousand

plus people that we ministered to, in planting seeds of truth, will also come to the Saving knowledge of

Christ. There is room at the Cross for many more. Jesus tells us that He is not willing that any should

perish, but that all would come to repentance.

Because of an aggressive schedule, coupled with copy machine failure, the report was late in being sent

to you in November. Through upgraded equipment, and careful scheduling, I hope to have the monthly

report sent on a timelier basis this month.

We have two ministry opportunities to add to our schedule this December: First, speaking in Peoria, IL,

Tuesday the eleventh, before traveling the forty seven miles to Galesburg to speak Wednesday. Second,

on the third Friday, when already in Kansas City, MO, I will be speaking at “Faith Hope Mission” earlier

that morning. Let’s pray that this will be a monthly occurrence. It would be great to be able to signifi-

cantly expand the ministry opportunities with very little additional time or expense, thereby making bet-

ter use of the resources that are provided by God through our partners. We will continue to strive to do

more with less, a key to advancing in troubled times.

It is difficult to imagine that we are already at this special time of the year when we celebrate the birth of

our only hope, the Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. He is the greatest gift ever given to fallen man,

which we all are. When we accept the gift that is offered to all, we can know that we have life with Him

forever. It has been purchased by His sacrificial gift of shedding His own blood for our sins. Scripture

tells us that we all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God, and that the only remedy for our sins

is the shedding of blood. Animal sacrifices will no longer work, and if we pay for our sins with our own

blood, since it is polluted with our sins, it will not cleanse us either. Our only hope of life is in the Savior

Jesus Christ who was born of Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified, dying for us, and was resurrected

from the dead to reign in glory with His Father forever.

If You have already accepted this gift from God, this is a very special time of the year, but if You have

not, won’t you join those of us who have by admitting with your mouth that Jesus died for You, a sinner,

as well as believing in Your heart that He rose from the dead. The Bible tells us that if we personally do

that, we are saved, making us part of His eternal kingdom.

Love in Jesus the Christ,

Earl Nance


January 2013 Sparrow Ministry Phone 660-359-3467 - Cell Phone 573-301-9736 - e-mail earlnance@sbcglobal.net

Evangelist Earl Nance - PO Box 457 - Trenton, MO 64683

As time allows, I am available for mission conferences, presentations, or pulpit supply

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes-


Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

Shreveport, LA


Bossier Rescue


6:00-7:00 PM


Dallas, TX Dal-

las Life Mission

6:00-7:00 PM

4 Longview, TX Hwy. 80 Mis-

sion 7:00-8:00 PM


6 Brookfield,

MO Freedom Bap-

tist 10:00 AM

7 8 9

Galesburg, IL

Galesburg Res-

cue Mission

7:00-8:00 PM

10 Chicago, IL

Pacific Garden



Available PM

11 Chicago, IL

Pacific Garden

Available AM &



13 14 15


City Union Mis-


7:00-7:45 PM


17 18 KC, MO Hope Faith 10:30-11:15

AM City Union 11:45-12:30 PM


20 21 22

Tulsa, OK

John 3:16 Mis-


6:00-6:30 PM


Omaha, NE

Open Door


6:30-7:30 PM

24 25 26 Ft. Dodge, IA Beacon of Hope

Shelter 7:00-8:00 PM

27 Ravanna, MO 10:00-12:00

AM ------------------

- Salina, KS

Salina Rescue


6:00-6:45 PM


Wichita, KS

Union Rescue


7:00-7:45 PM

29 Denver, CO

Denver Rescue


6:30-7:00 PM

30 31

February 6 Shreveport, LA

February 7 Dallas, TX

February 8 Longview, TX


Soup/Chili Supper & Cake/Pie

Auction Fundraiser

Saturday, January 26th, 2013


Auction at 6:00PM

Blessed Sacrament Parish

1208 South 25th Street Bethany, MO 64424

Eat & Help


Warm This Winter!

All Funds raised to pay for Propane Gas and General Expenses.

To Donate items or for inquires, please call Georgetta Young at 660-748-3909.

SONRISE CHILDREN’S HOME is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization directly

serving Harrison, Grundy, Mercer, and Putnam Counties.


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