jan 2015 membership call

Post on 21-Jul-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

Membership Call

January 2015

Goals of Today’s Call

Engage GGJ members on our analysis of the moment, areas of work, and key dates in 2015

Discuss questions on 2015 plan

Hear what members are excited about in 2015 and connections to local/regional/national work


Call Agenda

Roll Call

New Members in 2014

Analysis of the current moment

Introducing the three themes of 2015 and updates on main areas of work

GGJ’s 10th Anniversary celebrations

GGJ 2015 calendar

Questions and Discussion3

14 New Members in 2014 Young Women United, Albuquerque NM

Iraq Veterans Against the War, National

Got Green?, Seattle WA

WEACT for Environmental Justice, NYC and DC

Worchester Roots Project, Worchester MA

Migrant Justice, Vermont

EJ League of Rhode Island, Providence RI

Right 2 Survive, Portland OR

Youth Organizing Institute, Durham NC


14 New Members in 2014RESOURCE ALLY MEMBERS

Grassroots International, Boston MA

Progressive Technology Project, National

The Ruckus Society, Oakland CA

Design Action Collective, Oakland CA

Media Mobilizing Project, Philadelphia PA

Makes a total of 52 orgs!


GGJ Political Assessment


Assessment of Social Movement

forces around the world

The role GGJ plays on the

international level and relationships

we hold6

GGJ Political AssessmentNationally

Moral Mondays and #BlackLivesMatter


Stop the Keystone XL pipeline

Domestic Workers Bill of Rights

$15/hour livable wage fights

People’s Climate March


GGJ 2015 Action Theme

Gender and Climate

Defending our Bodies and Our


Just Transition to the Next



World March of Women We Will Keep Marching Until We Are All Free:

Defending Our Bodies and Our Homes

March 8th Activities in 10-15 cities

April 24th Action in 10-15 cities

Developing out the US Chapter of

the WMW


The Road to Paris

Context of Paris CoP21

What does it mean for us?

Global Days of Action leading up to



Climate Justice Alliance

Our Power Campaign

New Pilot Sites

Summer of Our Power


Just Transition Assemblies to the Next Economy

What does the Next Economy look like?

GGJ members will host 3 Assemblies in

2015 to help us advance our thinking and

practice alliance-wide.

Applications are in, we will let folks know

by the end of this month.12

It’s Our 10th Birthday… and we wanna celebrate around the country!

Envisioning a series of parties tied to planned events. Let Sha (sha@ggjalliance.org) know if you’re interested in hosting one! We’re in the process of creating an events kit.

First one will be in January in San Antonio!

And we’d love to have a bunch more!



Questions and Discussion

? What are your reactions to GGJ’s plans for 2015?

? What are you most excited by? How does this intersect with the work of your organization?

? Is there anything missing?15

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