jammu and kashmir civil services special provisions act,2010

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  • 7/24/2019 Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Special Provisions Act,2010


    L L w . m

    L L w . m

    L L w . mL L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Special Provisions Act,2010


    L L w . m



    NO. JK-33

    T H E


    Vol. 12.31

    Jax~i~ i iu .'hu.. t l i r 29th Apri l . ? 0l0 /9l l i Vai.. 1932.



    Scpar;~:c pa:iiip is given to this part in order that i t ma): he l i le d as a

    separateco~iipi lat ion.

    I 'ART I11

    Laws. Regulat ions and Rules passed thereunder.

    G O V E R N M E N T OF J A M M U A N D K A S H M I R

    C I V I L S E C R E T A R IA T - L AW D E P A R T I\ IE N T

    Jammu. the 29th April. 2010.

    'The f i l l~> i r i~ igct as pajscd by t i le Jammu and Kash~nirState

    Legislature received the assent o f the Gov erno r on 28th A pr il, 2010



    herzby p i~b l ish ed or general inform ati011


    I r l E J A M M U A N D K A S H M I R C I V I L S ER VIC ES



    (A c t N o. X I V df 2010)

    [?8th Ap ril, 20101.

    A n A c t


    p ~ o v i d eor re ~u la riz at i on f the employees appointed

    on ud f ro . contractual or con\olidated ha5is.

    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Special Provisions Act,2010


    L L w . m


    J K

    Go vl. Gazrlte. 29 thA pril . 2010'9th Vai.. 1932. [No.

    ~ ~ ~


    Be i t enacted by the Jammu and Kasliniir State Legislature in

    11ie Sisty-first Year of' the Repc~hlico f Ind ia as fc~ l low s:--

    I .

    S h o r i i i i l e r o d co ~ ~ rn im ce ~ n e r ii . -- -I


    'This Act may he called

    the Jarn~nu nd K aslim ir Civ i l Services (Special Provisions) Act. 2010.


    I t shall come into force l?om the date of its publication in

    the Government Gazette.

    2. Dc:fi~iiriot~.v.-In this Act, unless the context otherw ise


    (a) "Act" means t l ie Janin n~and Kasl imir C iv i l Serv ices

    (Special Provisions) Act. 2010 :



    hoc appointee" means


    person who has been

    appointed on r hoc basis against any post under the

    ~ 6 v e r n n i e n t


    ( c )

    "appointed day" means the date o f commencement o f

    th is Act ;


    "competent authority" means the autho rity hav ing pow er

    to make appointmeli t on trd hoc or contractual or

    cot iso l idated bavs under ru les povern i~~ghe service or

    post .


    "consolidated appointee" meqns a person wh o has been

    appointed against any post under the Go ve rn ~n en t on

    consolidated nionthly salarylwages ;


    "contractual appointee" means


    person who has been

    appointed on contract basis against any post under the

    Government ;


    "Empowered Cornminee" means tlie Empowered Com mittee

    constituted under sub-sectio~i ( I ) o f section 10 ;

    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Special Provisions Act,2010


    L L w . m

    No.541 'The


    Govt. Gazette. 2911iApril. 201019th Vai., 1932.


    (11) "Governme nt" means the Go ve rn~ ne nt o r Jamm u and

    Kashmi r :


    "po\t.' mean s a pcrsl horne o n the estahl is l~mento f a n\

    D epanm en t o r tl ie G o \ e r ~ ~ m en t

    (i) "re cru it in g agenc}" shall mean the 1'11blic Service

    C o ~ n ~ n i s s i o nnd Service Select ion Boa rd and shal l inclu de

    an other authori ty empowered to make select ion for

    appointment to any post or service under t l ie

    i0\ ern 111e11t :

    (k )

    "re gu la ri~ ed employee" means a person \ \hose services

    a r e r e g l ~ l a r i ~ e dnder section

    5 :



    "rules" mean t l ie rules regulat ing tl ie appointment to any

    post or service under t l ie Government.

    3 . A l ~ / d k . i ~ l i o ~ ~f /he .4c/. -The provis ions o f this Act shal l

    apply to such posts under t l ie Government as are held hy any person

    hav ing been appoi~ i ted n

    l r c l

    hoc or contractual basis including those



    consol idated pay provided that s i ~ cl i ppointments have

    heen made against t l ie clear vacancies. hut shall not apply to


    (a) persolis appointed i n ternis o f Government Orde r

    N o. 125-G AD o f 2001 dated 01-02-2001. on cont ract bas is

    in t l ie personal sections o f l ie Ministers or other aut l ior i t~ es

    e~ i .jo }ing t l ~ e ta us o f


    Minis ter



    persons a ppo in~e d n tenure posts co- ter~ ninus r i t l i t l ic

    l i fe o r t l ic Project or Sclreine o f the Staie or Cen tral



    t l ie case may be. andthoseappointed on

    acade~?i ic;rangenlent for a f ixed term, in any G b v e r ~ p e ~ t



    ( c )

    11c )li-goveni~ iienta l g ~ ~ c i c \r autonomous bod ies o r p ~ ~ h l i c

    sector undenahingh or corporations or governm ent compan ies

    or societies or other local authorities which have their o\\n

    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Special Provisions Act,2010


    L L w . m


    The J K


    (;azetre, 29 th Apri l. 2010 9rh Vai., 1932. P o 5 4

    rules and reg~~lat ionsove r~i in g heir funct ioning : and

    ( d )


    or \t.a\onal employees including those whose

    wages are pa~drom out o f the local funds or cont ingent


    4. Exclu.siot~ ,fi .om /he pitrlriotv of r ~ c r u i l i t ~ p gencies.

    No twiths tand ing anything to t l ie contrar) cc)ntai~led n any other la\ \,

    for t l ie t ime being in force, the posts referred to under section 3 shall

    be. and shall always be. dee~nrdo have been excluded from l ie pur view

    o f t l ie recrui t ing agencies.

    5 Re pu l~ rr ix ti io t~ (a1 hoc or iotrrrtrclrtol or consuliclttrcrl

    op1 011. . -Not i t l i s ta~id i~~gnything to t l ie contrary contained in any

    law for t l ie t ime being i ~ r c e o r any j udg~ nen tor order o f any cour t

    or t r ibunal, the 1x1 huc or contractual or consolidated appointees referred

    to in section


    s l ia ll be regular ized on fu l f i l l lnent o f the fo l low ing

    c ond it ions. n a m e l :-


    that lhc has been appointed against a clear vacancy or




    that he continues as such on the appointed d,iy :


    t l iat l ie possessed the requisi:e qn al i f icat io n and el ig ib i l i t y

    Tor tlie post on the date oT lhii in i t ia l appointment ' on

    ~ w ltoi.

    o r c o ~ i t r a c t i ~ a lr consolidated b;~>isns prescrihrd

    uhder the recruitment rules governing the service or



    ( iv)

    t l iat n o discipl inary or cr im inal proceedit igs are pending

    against l l i~n n the appointed day



    ( v ) . that he bas cnnip eied sevc,: years o f service as sucli on

    t l ~ r ppo i l ~ t ed a j :

    P ro \~ dc d iat the reg~1lar i7at ion f the e l ig ib le ud hue or

    contracruel or con,olidated appointees under this Act ~ l i a l l

    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Special Provisions Act,2010


    L L w . m


    5 4 1

    The J K Govt. Gazette, 29th Ap ril, 20 1019thVai., 1932.


    have effect o nly from the date o f such regularization,

    irrespective o f the fact that such appointees have

    comp leted more than seven years o f service on the

    appointed date or thereafter but before such



    Provided further that any ad hoc or contractual or

    cons olidated appointee who has not com pleted seven years

    service on the appointed day shall continue as such

    ti l l

    com pletion o f seven yewrs and shall thereafter be en titled

    to regularization under this Act.

    6. Relaratrun i n upper age limit.- ( I ) The upper age lim it as

    prescribed under rules, for entry into Government service shall be

    relaxed, in case the a d huc or contractual or cons olidated appointee

    i s otherwise eligible for regularization under this Act ; provided such

    appointee has crossed the age lim it at the time o f his regularization

    but was with in the prescribed age for appointment into the G overnm ent

    service at the time o f his ini tia l appointmen t as such or his age was

    relaxed by the com petent authority at the time o f his initi al appointment.

    (2) The a d h o ~r contractual or consolidated appointee shall be

    treated as an in -service candidate so far as the upper age l im it i s

    concerned for direct recruitment to Government service


    provided his

    a d hoe or contractual or consolidated service i s subsisting on the date

    o f issue o f the adv er t isen~e ~~totification by the recruiting agency.

    7. Fixa tion of pay.-Every regularized q p l a y e e shall from the

    date of h is r~gq ar i za t ion e entitled to fixation o f p y n the time scale

    o f p ay a p p ~ k a t i ~ eo the post against which he is-'iegularized.




    training.-Wherever any test or train ing



    as a for declaration o f comp letion o f pro,batihn n a service,

    the regularized employee shall pass such test or undergo such training

    within one year from the appointed day, failing which



    increments shall be stopped and








    or undergo

    such train ing even by the end o f the fau* year from the


    o f h i s

    regularization, his services shall be terminated.

    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Special Provisions Act,2010


    L L w . m




    J K

    Govt. Gazette, 29th Apri l. 20lOi9th





    SenioriQ.-The seniority o f the regularized employees shall

    be determined w it h reference to the date o f their regularization


    Provided that the inter se seniority o f the regularized employees

    shall be determincd with reference to the date of heir ini tia l appointment

    on ad hoe or contractual or consolidated basis, as the case 11uy bcc:

    subject to the meritlselect list. if any :

    Provided further that


    the date o f initial appointment on



    or contractual or consolidated basis o f wo o r more employees is same,

    then an employee older in age shall rank senior to an employee younger

    in age subject to merit/select list,




    Empowered Co~wniffee.--3 There shall be an Empowered

    Committee consisting of-


    Administrative Secretary,

    Finance Department




    Admin istrative Secretary.

    General Administration Department : Member

    (iii) Administrative Secretary o f the

    concerned Department



    iv) Director, General Accounts and




    v) Director, Codes, Finance Department




    (2) The Department shall within sixty days from the commencement

    o f this Act, refer al l the cases o f


    hoe or contractu


    or consolidated

    appointees eligible for regularization under section


    to the Member-

    Secretary for being placed before the Empowered Committee for

    scrutiny and verification wi th regard to their entitlement to regularization

    under this Act.

    L L w . m

  • 7/24/2019 Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Special Provisions Act,2010


    L L w . m


    No.511 The

    J K

    Govt. Gazette,29th April, 201019th


    1932. 7

    (3) The Empowered Committee shall examine such cases and

    notify the names o f such ad hoclcontractuallconsolidated employees

    whd have been found eligible for regularization under said section


    in respect o f each Department within fifteen days period for fi ling o f

    objections before the Committee.

    (4) The Empowered Committee shall thereafter examine the



    any, received and make appropriate recom~nendations)

    to the concerned administrative department with regard to regularization

    in respect o f each case on fulf illment o f the conditions specified under

    section 5 or rejection o f the case.

    (5) The concerned Administrative Department shall issue orders

    o f regularization after seeking the approval o f he Chief Minister through

    the Chief Secretary, in coordination.

    I .

    Appeal.41) Any



    o f


    recommendation (s)

    made by the Empowered Committee under sub-section (4) o f section

    10 on account o f being leftout may prefer an appeal within 30 days

    from the date o f recommendation by Empowered Committee before

    the Chief Secretary or any other officer nominated by him.

    (2) The appellate authority may, after hearing the appellant and

    after seeking comments from the Empowered Committee, pass

    appropriate orders in this behalf which shall be final and conclusive.

    12. Penal@-In case any officer or officia l fabricates or forges

    any document to give undue advantage to any person in the matter

    o f regularization or aids and abets any person to secure any fabricated

    or forged document to claim regularization under this Act, he shall be

    liable to disciplinary proceedings and the salary drawn by such

    regularized employee shall be recoverable from such defaulting off~cer

    or of ficial as arrears of land revenue.

    13. Creation of addit ional posts.-Additional posts of equal

    number as are required for regularization and continuation o f a d hoc

    or contractual or consolidated appointees may be created if the posts

    are not available in the Department when the regular appointments on

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  • 7/24/2019 Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Special Provisions Act,2010




    The J K Govt. Gazette. 29thApril. 2010/bthVal.. 3932. wo.54

    the basis of the reco~nmendations f recruit ing agencies, to which the

    posts held by the

    ad hor

    or cantractual or consolidated appointees have

    been referred for making selection, are made against such posts and

    the additional posts so created shall cease to exist once posts become

    available in the concerned Department of the Government :

    Provided that no additional posts shall be created without prior

    concurrence o f the Finance Department.

    14. Restrrcrion on Jiurrher ad hoc or conlracrual or consolidafed


    +I) With effect from the commencement o f this Act,

    no appoir~t~nenthall be made by any department against any post on

    od hoe

    or contractual or consolidated or temporary basis and al l the

    vacant posts shall be filled up strictly in accordance with the rules

    governing the recruitment to the respective services or posts.

    (2) Where any appointmertt is made by any off icer in contravention

    to the provisions o f sub-section I ) , he shall be liable to disciplinary

    action under rules and the salary drawn by such appointee shall be

    recoverable fiom the defaulting officer as arrears of land revenue.

    15. Rej~a1. The Jammu and Kashmir Contractual Appointment

    Rules. 2003 are hereby repealed.

    (Sd.) MOt iA MMAD AStiRAF,

    Additional Secretary toGovernment,

    Law Department.

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