james vi, trew law of free monarchies political science 3025 3.0 ross rudolph

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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James VI, Trew Law of Free Monarchies

Political Science 3025 3.0

Ross Rudolph

Announcements Moodle

Detailed lecture notes on English government and politics in 1603 now posted

Must login to your group. Starting next week, lecture outlines, etc. available only in Moodle

Reading for Monday class: James I, “Speech to parliament, 21 March 1610” Question to bear in mind: John Locke writes admiringly of

this speech in the Second Treatise, and praises James. What is there for someone so different to like?

First assignment now posted 4-6 typed, double spaced pages Drafts due on 24 January Student commentators provide feedback within one week Final version due in class on February 7 Use tips and study group on Moodle to ensure you

understand task and have strategy

Overview Finish discussion of 1603 English

conditions Trew Law was written while James was

still king of Scotland, responds to Scottish conditions

Addresses challenges to royal authority Presbyterian kirk claims authority equal

to king’s Radical resistance theory claims tyrants

can be resisted by anyone James offers classic defence of divine

right of kings, absolute non-resistance

Unity as normative Basic unit of politics is Christian

commonwealth, with enforced religious uniformity

Unity is regarded as normative, enforced by censorship and self-censorship

“Powers that be are ordained of God” refers to all powers

In traditional society, even change is justified by reference to the past

regarded as normative traditional society, even radical thinkers

proclaim that old is better

Scottish background to Trew Law Political rivalries

James’ birth in 1566 to Mary Tudor raises spectre of Catholic restoration

Result is revolt led by her natural brother, James Stewart, Earl of Moray

Success of regents meet untimely ends James’ person and life threatened until 1600

Strict Calvinists claim Kirk is king’s equal Church is Christ’s kingdom, in which King has

no special position Ministers teach King how to exercise his

authority according to God’s word Result is to subordinate King to Kirk

Resistance theory Calvinists developed doctrine to defend their position

in France Basic insight was that Kings were not the only

“powers that be” In many systems there were lesser magistrates

(ephors, consuls, etc.) Resisting is not right of private individuals, but duty of

public officials to check royal abuse George Buchanan, De Jure Regni apud Scotos (1579)

Denies humans are naturally sociable Supposes social contract involving all citizens on one

side, king on other Distinguishes between king and tyrant Even “the lowest and meanest of men” can rightly

resist, even kill, a tyrant

Trew Law

Outline: Arguments from Scripture From fundamental laws From laws of nature Responses to objections

Principal arguments of complete text Monarchy was divinely ordained Hereditary right was indefeasible Kings were accountable to God alone Non-resistance and passive obedience

were enjoined by God


What are some of James’ fundamental assumptions?

What are bases, or foundations, of James’ claims? See, e.g., the way he adduces Scriptural evidence

What is practical upshot of his argument? See in particular final paragraph in posted excerpt

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