james siebach sales acceleration summit 2014-light template1

Post on 10-May-2015






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#SalesSummit | @insidesales

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

Three Survivors of an Eleven Man CrewLouis Zamperini, Bombadier

Russell Philips (Phil), PilotFrancis McNamara (Mac), Tail Gunner

Raft 6 feet long 2 feet wide5 half-pint tins of water

5 Chocolate barsFish hooks and line

One flair gun and five flairs47 Days adrift at sea

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

Why Do Two of Three Survive?Louie, Phil and Mac:

All are faced with the same obstacles, the same predicament.

All have similar physical resources. Mac actually has the advantage of youth, and Phil is disadvantaged by his head--

injury.They have the same implements—hooks, fishing line, etc.All suffer the same physical dangers, they suffer the same

harm from the elements.

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

Disruptive Sales Psychology: Resilience and Optimal Sellers

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

Disruptive PsychologyNew ways of thinking which dramatically alter conventional

thinking about how to conduct inside sales.

A Paradigm Shift in understanding optimal sellers.

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

Three Essential Dispositional Elements of Optimal Sellers

Resilience:the ability to adapt one’s mental and emotional state to blunt adverse facts—obstacles,

failures, adversities—in order to minimize anxiety and optimize performance.

Empathy: empathy has two aspects:

1. Cognitive, an ability to sense what someone else thinks, believes, motivates;

2. Affective, an ability to feel what someone else feels or suffers.

Ambition: Ambition is a desire for general well-being, faring well, flourishing, success in the broadest

sense. Ambition is most broadly, the desire to live a happy life. Success in business-matters—achievement—is a specific application of ambition generally; ambition is a broader concept.

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

Cognitive Habits (Thinking Styles) of Optimally Resilient Persons

1. Control thoughts and beliefsa. “What really frightens and dismays us is not external events themselves, but the way in which

we think about them. It is not things that disturb us, but our interpretation of their significance.” Epictetus 1st century B.C.E.

b. Thinking and interpretation are within our control. We can reduce and/or eliminate fear and anxiety, by altering our thoughts and by changing our perspective.

c. We erode resilience by thinking that we are fated to failure, impotent to overcome obstacles. Genetics, unfavorable upbringing, lack of opportunity, perceived or actual injustice determine

our current condition; we lack control. Do not abdicate your self-determination.

d. Distinguish between actual facts and perceived “facts”: we naturally tend to enhance difficulties, failures and fears, while underestimating our own abilities

e. Optimally resilient minds deflate negative “facts” and inflate their own abilities

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

Optimal sellers are not pros at losing. They are pros at denying there is a loss.

Optimally resilient minds are not pros at failure. They are pros at denying failure.

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

It’s Only a Flesh Wound?

Deflating adverse facts and inflating one’s abilities must be moderate and reasonable.

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

Cognitive Habits of Optimally Resilient Persons

2. Determined willfulness to succeed.a. Willingness to suffer anxiety in pursuit of success.b. Resolve not to quit or be defeated.c. Forward looking; anticipate the future and positive outcomes.d. Thoughtful improvising in overcoming obstacles.

3. Separate performance evaluation from self-valuation.a. Self-judgment and self-value distinct from criticism of performance.b. “Failure” is not personal; performance shortfalls are NOT metrics of your value as a person.

4. Self-control: the foundation of character excellences. a. “Control” means restraining AND authorizing at the appropriate time, to the appropriate degree; e.g.

self-control may dictate taking risks.b. Control of thoughts and control of impulses.

#SalesSummit | @insidesales

Cognitive Habits of Optimally Resilient Persons

1. Control thoughts and beliefs.

2. Determined willingness to succeed.

3. Separate performance evaluation from self-valuation.

4. Self-control: the foundation of character excellences.

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