james c. pflrk,f^^tamt"^ aw£ u yi: • h * m m obr csoaesf^etea galvanized m» the, ~ act, d...

Post on 18-Apr-2020






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• /


u yi:

• H * M M


The, ~ act, d

Anchor Clothes Posts cost BO H»d**rW»«imore t h n good ?——*— —— l l 1 '" t T T 1 "*

^•id thqrli* more ttuu twiee as I


I— "51


ichor Post-GEORGE4VV FOR9TER, 8 «

SOME DAY Opportunity arrives

Unexpectedly- and then die. Eacy-

Me-ftw-the-Godd-Timera poor

out their Hard Luck stories of "If

I could only, etc." And while they

Jryjto ron»!e._thgiMdvc^, Ae Man ^

with the Ready MbnejaJSdleg and

idresOpportimrtyanJnde« away?


lTKe Cranford National Bank> Thw Per Cent. 00 S«vtot» Deposit*.

wtthStMNbaafseaann. Uwaataettaal assiioBef tha sobool, which willhe ceased nattt Qsnfirttr, sad H»».6aocg« Mueller was ta charge, givingth*. ehtttre* a »ery cnaUant talk oaQhtiatiandaorruMe. Kearlytbe entire;

•abera«lp eCeabolare, (U0> were•sat, iaolodiag tae ttaahtra. Steven

Asgwtia* and Aoael, from dacredHeart Coaveot, EUcsbeth. and the tt-o

' in wearing a collar tb ia jnst as atoooth aa irory on •j"-lh -»^gwr~ftiy'yN^~»"tB^j • iatMHBi«y=iigsara>---»

^-^yoarwUaxsTetnrned'fronr-tfcelaooQdry ironed and* —•shaped just like new with no broken edges. ForIhis kind of collar Bitiafaotion jon ehonJd^o to tbe

Xrer/<ooliat aa well as every otber.piece we laundergoes oat with a full gnaxaWe* of aatisfattion. ,r SEND A TRIAL PACKAGE


fRafiway Steam61-63*66 CuBiM Smt , Ri-w-y, ft J.

Cranford eoUustions Mondays. ndiTery Thnrsda^fc


H, J.


Lehigh Coal, lumberDAJN t»ifJB '



OMt OabCrut

.A» U nttoiruuMMt W M ontsUlr U tmt B. T:

llst Maf 8 dowa witit * to fUy.

dMitsLomUa.Bttrae. At an enirag*e>*ntfor tbeecbo1«rt to' »tudj

tbeir bitde Ueaooadgnng tbe jva. glruuostiBc at hooks end medals wait• a to those who Stood tbe blgbesf

la merits. JBleyea euosassful onae_ re-delved prises vbleb eriart handed tothenallbe cloea of the M«roie»» bythe BeT. Father Uutllar. Thoae reeetT-ug boners werei Qeonte Bediup, joba

tba MUSM Van Uo». Helen Kroaine,M«r7 Firmbaob «od Anaa Woods.

DMtk of Rev AdMrtt Nwtoo.Oemt Admiral Obwias /«. Nortoo, of

Ctril W<rfam». fflrd «t his honm^lnWestfleld on 8aturd»y,ill for some moolbs sad, suffered a re-lapse on Friday. Me waa bent- la Buff-alo In 1830. Bis, early lit* <rat apant inWlaeooaln with bis parents. U 1851he entered Annapollt, sod graduated in

Be reached the offloe of <IUarAdmiral in February 1, J890, and mir-ed inr 1896. Be want to Brooklyn toll»e and later movg^totbla Djaoev Fir*

only• hrotbflT, V\hi Norton, cteidae .totblatowo. Admiral Norton was twice•harried and Is surrlfed by s - widowand-adopted daughter, MIM FraooMNorton., Tbe funeral sarrioaa wareheld on Monday arening and were con-ducted by ^J.ttJUjRrof. or ibe -Pres:bjtertan Cborob, W*stlleld. Tba body

' -,- VaT, for iSter-msn|« Funeral Dlrtotor, NaumanGray, aooompanied the remaloe toVirginia.

MOMND'SMNCLDHAMHaTO you tried it? Sorred hotor cold it's delicious. Uplandis tba original and best Minced

„ Hob tUnt. was $nr vnAaL .A'uk...-yewr-dealer for it.

JACOB FRANCIS1109 EUubetn Ave.,EllMlieth)N.J,

Pole Agent forttortbero New Jersey


ContractorUltftkAiriM Oruftli I n Jtntf

CarpeQteraftd Builder


Carpenter mnd Buildtr,jTot>tMlcMI«»««a»*Bda><a t o


«Bdteta«MaiNlaa)«BrUM third CUBon eatorday at tbe Apawimb Unkt,JasMsO.Vtioktiidhtmdormtei. Qnih* MtMtoaaUk, foot waa hale bi«b^VautthW rest off (he grata ta two,whereat Uaratoa bad bean to troubleoa aia taoMtdi yettbroogb eantaas (wl-

h # O thole in 5 to«. He got Uut mateh ofen aiba bole and ales won out in theanal,

Tbe local golfers prored victoriousover the ttaburbaa Club of Elisabeth onSettrday Inabeat ball toureome'matebwinaiog by tbe teore of IS to 2. TbeNassau System of aoorlsgwat uaad. Hitmen played at tba Oranfard "llnka andeight at Elliatmh. Theacoreta sated

oumbe, C.O.0.3iKolte>i>d Artnatronir,8. O. 0. 0; Qellatly aarf Kioto, 0. U. U.U;B Vuin and Dvt'ahtm. 8. O. O. UBate*, and fusar, Of. 0 . 0 . 3r'A. V»ilnand O. Ltwie, 0, Total, Cranford, 6;Suburban, t.

b,G. S; MIlliRao and Cl*avts.«. O.

0. 0; Hinmair and' Wanton,-C. O. O. 0;illaclt sod Waurbury, B. 0.0.0; Con-raw and Hautal, C. 0 . 0 . 3; liaffut andWiiaun.S.U.C.U; Stark and K*nd«ll.C O O . 3i L. Gr«r and Or. Oner. 8.O. C 0. TuUl, Orauford, »i EIU»b.tlr,I.

K, A.Hcuitl) *oo the gulf twaepttakw, tba CMufatd links, OA JtaUteday,.

Judge frr J^- Oo)t-»ud-C, a Veotrite.tted fur second plao».- :, •

Cisiw Notes.• Tbe tDtertalnatnl comailUee it. prt-

pariDg!orag»latlmooo Uia olght oftha-Gup* ClUU 0«mt»alt Jul / »• Jteat-nu wiU'bepne»nt aud,furnltb muilo

men rout of town gu«it« will bit presantto aojoy the festivities. Tbe Oasloovaraoda will be a grand place for tbemembers to view the Carnival parade ofdecorated float*.

The popular gsme of pool wbloh heldforth during lbs past winter'montnt,baa not abated thin cummer and anoth-er tournament will soon be under way.Each contestant of tba proposed tourn-ey la to play every othar contestant |o0peletev-'Mabibes-areto be-ptsyeA onTueailarBRitThursday «T*ntBgsraHa> tila detlred that all entires should be inby Tuesday next. The |>rl*t- will o» sa silver cup. • >

The tpaoions platta which aurrounda<Bi^a^5jjftai't>eai>-tjeatiy painted byMr, Jahn's m*n And will be-snolostd.with tcrttp*: tablet end obsira willba plaped on tno'ftranda for aar«-iog ice owein »nd other hot wetthtr

Sdtool lions.The Teachers' Committee of (be

Board of Education report tbat kit thepositions' hi tbe teaohsrs1 corps for theeneulifg ytar havs been (tiled with oneexception, If its Kennedy of theBhtf.

ti dm

toetn*»Ungof theBoardot Educationon TbMrsday last, paratiaaioa was givtnthv Man's a q b tp .ins the AthletfaField.

Th^Oranford sohool teachers whoreside ou| of town- have alt left fortheir jmnvnex fn*Tajt|n>B., &&PB$.r$iktit!9.of toe High School corps who have Itfttbeir tuminer addresses are: • MlasAttnetU OrUler; Toronto,- "Can.'; MMSBeetle Lewis, Htanford, Conn.: MissClaire E. Bead, Mew Bettlai N. t. ;MtteMaryO. Cook, WyalojlBjr^ftt.: MtaeMiss Sarah BdmOndt, OocbectoOrN. I . jMiss a Dorothea PnlUips,Blgb. Bridge,* ; J.{ Mlas ZetU Stewart, JHtUbnrg,7a . Those of SbersMU Defaool are;Miss Ada M, Smith, Oatadonls.N. V.;Mlaa Mary Oavia, AU«n|to. Otyj Miss

;, Pa.; Mlas Nora faiUnfc Oaas-johsne, V. ijMm Annie. I* Xohnaotf,Ooraa»d4».T;i Mis* Kla MsaDaoolds,

fUO; Frbttur, |0O It; fadJeatals,SU.M,t0Cal,f3l7:»;B*iaiK»oa ba

^ * t This Cbmpanj spwialUes foa iU Banking" * H i k i n g b y M k i l *?n' io« w h i o h reaohat every town

^ in the 8Ute>f New Jereey.J j y / Our equipment enables us to give Una• ^ bujiineas expedition* and careful attentiuu

MaiL *° t n a t & o ">atUr when you Ii*« you wayrecsiTe A per cent, intereat on your mouity.Write for booklet whteh tella about ourinstho'ds and faoUitisa.

THE STATE TRUST COMPANYCapital, $100,000.00. Plalnflcld, N.

A Pair of-Juicy Broilers

75c. Delivered.



Clothing Department. OUR LEADBR IS THE


,-'«',•>•'«• g

ftmtiirtiii in-tha Unitud-/ HUteh.

fry garmsat (uaraoteedor a rurw one free.

/ All tba Intent »tylv» at oun ^

:"-«>-> - » «

Men's Fancy Suits 1Gray, Blue targe and other

goods, hand'Oikde but-K7 TSSSAPWi

"por^eot Ittfng"

I aotWng^-|^4-^^#^--^

1 y • _ "

NorfblkUtyloi all wool ^oods

||l,98to$3.Also L fall line in WASH

SUITS ate great reduction*.


f \JmQa,i\VtmtG,j „.__ v^ranforat IV. J.» Telephone 160-L.t • r - • • • '

-C 1 f4^^Ul-C^J*^iLli


'</,William Isleib,


» k


h ;'?#r,•<?/"% ^t i


• >»;« --iiL


CITIZEN (Incorporated.)CRAJOPOKiJ,

It la eaey to txlleve that «ht wattfli Una.

Tber* It t»oo«r hi automobile n »1fig for tboee who aurrlvo.

Mlaasurl Intenrti adopting' • atat*hymn. W« auggrat u a title. "StowMe"


TIOtT-"Ood a* owr « m a * <• TmrJWSSa «at»vla tioav

In tplt* of tb« decWon acaloat 1Uwe <o not etpoct lh« tobacco treat togd up In imok*

The tendon market la oraratockedwith mummiea from Egypt, ioma ofwhich dat« to 1000 0. C.

Doctor WlWy Ja | |V1B» groat offorieato tha |ile eattft br exposing iba eon-tcnti of tbttr favorite rood.


Jtilrit. h»nk»ri^Km, un«»fuanc* «f Itnbnrt Undnrwood.n( at Tala ] M 4 * a life or JI

^ • w a M -Jaffrlii.

hfl -£• l2?'Ilf» "•» daugwer < -J* Wa fathar. Ha IT out of wei

- Thlngi are aim a little wild incaa-•da. A Canadian Pacific locomotiveb*a been wrecked by » moqtt. "

alttlng itlll near an

fr» J .,o«"WraU atralta•nc« . Wan

JseUMR^BoJa^.ta"?"• clrruiMtanroa

<IUown»dl« out of work and InUntorwaod. who had

wi lo l(<"»rd'f «l«p-acMranllr 1* prvtpmr-

Taking advanf*e> ofA hi h t mBla Intlnary wltn Allrla, ha brciimn a

a»rt of aeofal highwayman.- pl»cov»rtn»hla tni« rharaetfr, Alicia donlao him fha» u t i lit aanda htr a »M» lhr»«t»nln«•ulna*. Art i)»alor» for whom h> a*t»<(air roramlHlnatr. d m u d

Annie returned bit angry took withthe ntmott eabn. . 6bt waa playingbar ctrda well..and tha knew It Shehad hit tbe old man In a eentttiveplace. Quietly, aba waat on: 1

"You'd aay •yeaj In a minute IfwainTfor Mr Jeffrlea."

- "Oh, you tilntt ao. do your 'hag t a p o d . . . •:.•• . — ; . ; . ..-•

'I'm lure of'lt," (be replied, conB-itly. Boldly ab» .west on: "You're

afraid of him." .Judge Drewater frowned, He <U4

not like t i e laatauatloa that ba waaafraid to do, the right thing btcauatIt might Interfere with bit emolu-menu. , Yet tecrotly. ba had to ad-mit to hlnSrtlf that aha. bad almoat

Thtro are aylalnra and aTtttora.. 6 P «~aa/« he coulrt b«»« l)lolte<J out tboMexican artnr and another tlta a cow.

Trettr (OOD toe r«turalo( ilah»nnanwill d«clki«, "fconeat lo goodbeaf, Ibaone (bat jot away waa two f«xt joogt"

The armpatbollo iralo«d: aura* I*g crowded lu roraanllo blutorr br

the t«lephoB» flrl with tbt aoothlna;T o l c t ' ' • • j ; "•• ' •

'*r4 drtni* Mm»»lf into • mmidllntonditlnn. and CM to,alr*p on a illvan.A-g«tlT la «nnnun">r) awJ Uu«l«ri»a«dJ


matter becauae ba Snow thateourae. would dlapleaae

tltby cllfpt. "

Mow»rri~ !• lurnwlCast I'llniotc*af(ri«*nt.' a

•<iirow«li «h»an axllwfy* .^

A Bt. loula man aat on bla bed, ahotmielf and nibard, tliua haying tot-

ter luck than If he hadn't known Itwaa loaded. , " " •• r r ^ ' •

r t « .~i. tor .

l»rtJinn«r*, |>utairii o>«r»*. and n . _ . , , . - , .

.(iiwiird'a «rlf-rl'rf In h»r hu»(wn(1'i Irll« on ittlr't..Br. H » i . - . , . ..-n|"»i-ah* *-fll- fana^m-io a <l!vnrr*.iv# ffrtyvAM*ah" (•on****'1', but whvnrt<t« lhat th# ?t4»r Joffrloa d0^a nnt In-

u1«» lir1 f i into*•* rfiw-rtn

* tl


for (*<*rIf4 d^rlln


. Chicago houaowlvca MtoJIIna; dt>-TO«»Mo puraulu, claanlfy illahwaiBIng*tu-an—art firm txbelara' degreeago with it. -.;'-


Waa he acting in conform-ila prpfaaalonal oath? Waa

he not letting hla ma'ttrlal .InUreaUInterfere with bla duty? He waa tl-lent for aeveral mlntitea", and tban, Into abientmlnded kind of wayj h«turned* to bla vlalton. ; ,

Bo you tlilnk l iu «fald of him, do,f . | , y • - .- ..^..•:.-•:-,'•: - ; % .'I'm aura of It," aha aald. Quickly.

"You:Uked .my huaband, and,' you'dloM to ruab in and light for him.

i Ila father thlnka be la guilty and,weJI—you' don't Ilka to dlaObey him.H'r very natural. Ha'a an Influential1P*U* *4Wr»onal_frlend of tbr-pfrttdtnt and all that. You know on whlcalde-your-bread la butUrtd,

A Maeaadmaettt man wat arrttttdfor'aolllng bla wife for MM Of

i -~—_- S*>» M«4 JNoLjnan^cai-Jttt-tUU-oC^htt-• —- w»f# that eaaijy;^ ,.:. ,.„.•;;: ,^.L.:......

"~ ro l l /OTbtdntng aviatora ~ia~Hf~ over- rrowda. They have fujl[ llcenat to— dent any landacape.. •

When bay aella a l | ! « a to j / i rotra" that he

•a than

"Tou'tv |to<ng on the "atagerfih* nmldr'd. • : ' . . ; • . ."I've had » very big bsftr." •

•.f™«?.i.J9 Ifiiil Btt.on* In. tha ouWt


When bay aella at l i t a Ionultliante conaumer ran rejolrala leta extravagsnt In lila taiare Ihe aybarlitc boraea



Juat »t prtaent no matter -,lfeSJS?»tl(*r,Ji*aJauj^oe-44»tla a general opinion (bM bf


A man baa oRered'.to tbt/goftrn'-(pent hit Invention of a dlrla/lble fog.Wliat h« ahovld pend hit a&WgiM to""""* '<*_ tjmadejOHar^ey rajn. '^_ .-^

Dr. Wiley b.aa j»c«ruiji«4,fHimpit manufacturer* that moat la not

fIf lau«h»d'ironically,i-"Vm mean that my f«th*r-lnlaw»|!| *h" it," «be.«nld. lightly. TUent'r tvuni :ooi •;,£~y -. -:-.- --.- — - — -•-ri'r~."You know I''a no «>o your aaklng

•mtiio'ftn'.cMt*1 anytblcB'...unlt'u youa^ref-tti.ctotv.Md "Howard,".

The Igwyer ahookhlii head."I f«n't--lt> ImiioMlUle," • ,"Tlitn.naUber can l.'"ahe«xclalmM,^*i^t==^^^%f"'»T*^?^«:"s==*?'^5=^"JLt!ilgc^.JtMi»«kir-owh>—not

frora--tnrttlii^r~ 'TB1« young womanaid actually: .;envtlcltd him Into an

atwuenl, Almoa)-mockingly, he aald:~s-'o you'r* ditrrmlntO to, have me.""yea."- « ic »IU, (Imply,


, , ;-,..;..; '"ai III™ T'l Tl fflW. nor cberrlta of ebtrry pit*. '

-••'• The rtatoo why «o many womendon't marry le thaj tb»y' never getaakod;! and tbt reaaon to many mendon't l» nobody will have them.

Feminine aviatora are breaking IntoPrint quite oft«n, but they a«ldom goany farther Into the game than to bephotographed" In th^avUUng eottume.

"Ihnt'a Juat It.'" ih« exclaimed,«MKtlr:."ay .hu»Uind l« not-a crim-inal He ta Innocent! I don't «sant a

J a * > » » w « i t i 4 }>»«ti«h4».<ir*«yri}«ffnTtnTrcrIifi:

Ionia 1 \\ant one «ho dtfende a munftR«r»iui# * 4 ' l l l

band COD-R«r»iui# *«,4»«.lTa erlmi\iigf rir^»atcrwa>ed

umpltiouily"Oo and te* tome other la»y«r—

rtir-r* are, plenty of 'em."Rhe leaned eagerly forwartU. M»r

r i » waa (Imbed from excltemunt her•yw fln«l|»«t

.v.':«rt!frtVjpn|>«he. MeHlmed.


—_ Howetar. hitlo be « fiindlcap to him ii

Jf tht right ttutt

one Hist Hrewater."tK't lbe greatMt


No, («nUe reader, tfio fact thatntwaptpera ara «4TocatlBg/U»t - •»•itrmlnatlon ot the fly doe* not ttteof;

—•arrty-TOMortturt TSe"w«p»p*r i m artbtcomlna; baldJaeadet 0

tbeTtrlmlnai» could havt .had tbtlreanwt* (Hrertea pr • aknU isptraUoiuIn Infajtcy. Some of tham «taa mighthav»>*comej noTtllata.

' Tha old. wbtajH) about aeelng a pinand picking it up and having- luck for'*. certain p«rlo<H la refuted br a NewVork woman *ho,«loop«<l to pick one


„ uneasily on hiIjt^didhtVlllit this tori*;**

.IPtft-fty.^he' wud^v-..".•,.::•:•,; '•• -• .'-:./i;',"Yo« ••H*!«Sf»f»i* .thHt..'-.Upon+ in;word. ( »1ij|l| 6fgtn lo brllovi it ««>o.'• "t ihiiHi«> (tilg«ln."lhe exclaimed,

•; mi •• 1 |w»i¥tpra»a i-rnund:: •v; Pheifi-«^.*"-WkHf^k:^-d«ip«ir'"-fS^l)Iface j wnfch Would have atnu«»d hl»f Juttof bid her trrand ' not b«»n t<

-Hoirottan do you intend that thitfl

';'•. :"EWry\ iiilr;*'*lit wplledi fctlinly. 'iahall a«y tt and think It uoul—untilIt''comn i#viiJ'fi":Z.'!Z'-:-. f-Jf-'l ::^V^''\

Judj» Prtwater tried to f « f *ngr>,

f*. haatOy. 1 got your familyfrom Mr. J # 4 M « , ^ u / ^

Bh» am lied aadly : .I f a a wonder yo«j (taat

_p—my folka wart adt allant -tot" Earoeetly aba"But my father waa all— - r thfetttrrthxi

I' atver aava V—> • > » « •.war Howard'a Cttkor kat

~The~ lawyer looked at bar tttediy

I - -*.vn.. ,.rwy|tar BOWB tor ma.-«

- , — -- .oa u«r u*u-is nori;*^«»f^:t^t«|r^h.* n u n . ; Tban waa dour-

around bit moota; m hla

Bit «<rrt•aM. ehavply

^ i for a moment" hi»^.•t'-wtaf^atlt.yptj;*

Haw do you

ahook hia bead."It'a too frmt,

really, I—-"Annie laugbod. and he aaked;"Why do you langhr ; r ."Whafa the uae of erylngr

aald." "JIal rtat Ifa almoat mYou're aorry, my father-to-law la aor-ry, and 1 auppoae my moUver-tn-law lalirtdtng tear* for «Bev-tnet--~Yotfrttil aorry and you're all wearing crapato in, but why cant aoma oC.yaa

p a o m e t h i n g ? " • ' • ' ; • ' . ' ' ' - . " . • . •

Tbe lawyer aeid nptblog. He otflla tared at'her In a.atrange. aboeacminded. kind ot-wty. until Anally ab#loat patience. DoldJy aha aald:

1ii«int to a«e m« aboot. Judgtr'I want to tell you taa* yoo muatat

.'coma here agejo.7 be aratwered.

a « u m witBttttt i •f*: •'••tv:-:' /"•'':

-Who are thawitneatear ahe later*! ruptod. contemptuoualr. "Policemen!"

"That makea. Bo 'dlflerence," he aaM.-He mada « c<mfetalpn and algned—"

Annie leaned'forward; What didthla<Jneatkm-«j*«ir-^»/ai:tBe'Judgebecoming tot«»»*ad.^iwral}f--HCT

:aaa»thWMt «t « | ^ wwaM. JE«TPC

Tn* Importance of tbJMrpMtlforma tta> aablort of tbla lt«t|mabown br t ie fact that ita Wttory »»v

/gtram^i three bookajrf tbaBIWtiaaaiiprobably rofertod to ta anothef, 'onpylBg aarea or elgtijt chaptorg, iaides tntcUy cylinder on. wUch^JIlutthorib nu>d« bit ow« rteor4^Mt

tory UkaV tha axodat,captlvityv-a ahjnatand warn and oncouitgaafS'Iartel in other grettfpinaS.natlana and ladlrldil ::>*£* '[ HeaaUah, although I *_ ^

fatttr (but a good n»! - m

.2^J^v«|-.ltair?a»v;ab*r(uurwartd. .."Ha; confwaed 't«alnit+B^;_m 'ir.

^ ^ • M l l d n - t *&?WbatCbVwatia talk

n n a a b t dlint kauw whatdoing at the) time." rro bad a talkwith the phyalciao wbe waa called ID—Dr. Bemataln. He taya that CaptClinton la a hypaotlat,, that.Jwu can

|co«pars*ople"to"iay what ba want*.1 thorn to oar. Wen. Howard te—.waatItber call a> aahjeet—they told ntm'ba1 did It OH ba baUarad ha did."

— . "'•"• « « repaui, ttorodf tta temple yT«dad for: tha :tmand; for popularfrom tht book* <i&K about'*Idolatry;

won. what'a tha i«o—rTba.iudge dulckly put out hla hand

tad partly puabed her back la thactuur. * *

klaa hadhonor."- Hla ,etrong and we/«*dangw threi ~lag powor of.ahlp Ahai-tha urgent

Paleatlnewith % doutBennaeheribIthe aurranAi

onoaI-. ~^Bopta"~faflvad

Quickly the aald: *-Dr. Bernatdn. Bealdea, Howard

old me ao hlmaelf, A friend of, blaI'at college utod to make-him cut all

wrfc, of captrt." ; •:••../ ",;--. : !:; -;-'.'"A friend at college; eh? .Do you

I remember hla name?"- rHoward._knbwa'lt" -; •- •;• v;-- • lV '•

i.'~ elaculated the lawyer. He

t 0

k»..to tuvw. a ,UtU* -talfc—MHemataln. I twmt m , , * i 7

, 7 « Madiaonclaimed, eagerly.

l o aaw t£o faU of trottha dlahonor of Ood'a name, * ^iovw and moral taw4o.tha *orUL-jhould pray for temporal olfor whatever *w« need; but

fiarih^WfoiktdJu^i3».•#*>. i*mtin'.afinaid. of M>n o t . d o y o u r : • . * ' • • • , • -<?• "

-Oh. no. notrroaUjr irrlHP'aha an-. . - . . "--j aqWi

|.fr.-fOrearthTr^n^ov7r.hSo71 • - ' -*"•»; butilathi»r1,

;tj* "*—~i ~it:' vr'eaaurtrjOt>eraonatthould make mort fntenif;:'tto0


IThen came a m«aagart noni»^

jMB^in^TOr^jnag^I to qat«,. thia bold young woman-.woo

bad not b e ^ afraid to ahow himwne re hui duty l«y^ Striving to. keej*at aerfooa face, hetald: •'- ' ' ' '• • ' - ^ ^ ^ i ^ d i a ^ t i d :

nt toOoatbat th*come to them aa a blttBkttaaft ooooarna tha


e looking out I * "AnvthiHi. . i . .»-

. Anala took ajarm. She wai


ttajjuayrtana a hundrtdaju|toora..Md ftr« thojmnd. Juafc,

art agalnat



i y , ^ridoatr ueUlmod thtJawyer .

- W t f tbt;bpnon[ol.joir htart.ou knaw Howiwl wbea bt 1-aa a bV

aJuuggod. , , . ^ ^ ^ . . ! W . . - - , ,-• -• •JsWftsftvU::?-Ob. weU,-tbi« la not a v ittcky d>>.

' Tb^: wovJdB'l let ma-tsti* tbe prlaaato aea Hflwa^ tt^day/ Cape Citato,doea^t like me, ;He haa alwaya trlod.^^MMpar^-tfH^iif i:How*rd.;ri»it.

|c«^t^ He caa make np hla mtedjoW t f tbt;bpnon[ol.

You knaw Howiwl wbea bty d ymi knaw b« U t , inthat urtnie a* roui tro." •

tt n»ahter

6b» nodded,

man ia going with hlathraa«piitli w p t o K w .

onay mad* by Ujw,' But thartp him ^ £

, bta».be#Mi-Jat;^trtmar la

y n a y mad* b j har«p. tp him at a w^torAaot £

;«e>»*©Bi;',.0pjS^ At you know ItRA l loakod

w theraa * • QJA,bow 1 know It',

TdWt d i Iy ^ bow 1 know

HlMrird TdWnt dp i t

Ptndtnt oalnand miraoolotur

From g««mt downthat a



• " • • > *

c*. or i v ^of tombatonee to tha

anywhere py.lrelintfraay l l H W ttyla—DM by the *aak

•<or'awath—your noaeVa venh or >*••' ' i t pax at «n—canvassers eaa

s a weeki I t t a the year round.", ,_j t wtur the Hugo of a keen and,«rlMreaaed man who called oa the

* 'WMow.tee In tbe village ot Medina' ;«ecaate he bad-been told that the had'• ported two- husbands and bad not

lereeted a stooe over the grave ot el*);ther. He -didn't *ay It however, until

ne- had vainly tried to get a coo£U ot

• "Tea, I have loat two hutbandt taxny time," she, admitted at the sighed

. two long tight, They were both goodmen* and .tome day I thai) boy grave-atones, but there's-no hurry aboutjt

waa what Both o&them aajd=-nolurn ahnrry."

"You've lived around here a goodasked the agent

'Bora, rained and married

"Then you know 'about every fern-

^hirntr saftfeai tottt^'-^'r-n you kno

ntr saftfeav "Bvery tingle .one or them for teaJkttUke_jroundJ£t?J always go,to everyW l i a M M U l U I U t v • am wfam/ew B)W >w v*w*>*

funeral within flVe~mlT«*rwnetbvrttT


- on washing day or not1

' "Then take an agency for BhswCow aad cantata, Youll get thirtyper cent commtnlon. We hava can-vtsaera wbo make ;^0 a week right•long. You Just para around among

. w^o Jhave Jott a dear one

gMrfeoag with m ,/ dWat t«U yo« there waa M

awry, and my hatband did. la tact,the Uat oa* said 1M'better Jw»7 hogewith UM moaejr." - " • •

A-weetrpaated aad neither- tb*widow nor the widows*- bad taken Mordart Tb*a l»a wMotr came drivingove* to Orafton aad to tha deacon'sf business. When aba bad gotseated the said: •. •

-Mr. Carter, I've been thinkingover roar cue, and I think tfa anawful shame the war rou bareneglected roar wire'* * grave. *"o»couMnt have loved her.**

"And did you lore' them t*o hus-bands or yours!" be retorted.

"Mr case Is different If you'd onlygive me an order to abow around Icould get a jtart and make tomemoney." " ~

"But why dont TOO give me anorder?"

"Deacon, roar wife It lyingthere, probably grieving at your

J b>Maae^^*aO0MvMEiLeJ*J«r'n>«c

b"!,;ter aud-eggat What do you think tha

"Mow It |t over In Medina, la yourcater'-The- wldow-tald-'ab* dM»t-**nl~tntar right oat that the deacon chokedhla wire to death to get rid at .her.but the wat a woman who had sus-picions, and when .those intplclootwere aroused It took a great deal tolull them. Tbat was bar.fling M aba

, „ _ „. ^ __ left tor home, and the deacon wasn'tand the thing la done. They "will "or~ ^ulcV'enougU "UTsntwer tbsr he baddar tram you where they won't from* stranger. Your voice and yourlook* are sympathetic, and you'll beargreat success. Make It your partlc--ttJar business to get after widowersand shame them Into putting up

^ombatooek— over-, ^long<nsgl«cUd.graves. Here It a list of twelve IJ t a i f t d up., It Isn't JUte.telling

beard of wives utlng tlow polaon.In the courte ot another w«°ek be

drove over.to Medina again. Hetenrlewed two or three pertoot onthe , tombstone • butlnett, and thenbrought up at the Widow Lee's.- .'I waa sort of. exijectin* >ou,"- thetald" la greeting. "I've talked .with


A Oan*en PejtyTJ» InvRatloa* ware made W abajpe

>f ve«euUat, pattema being takenfrom aeed catalogues, drawing pa<(e»waa naed. then they were tinted withwater color*. When*!) arrived, capls.numbered trow one to twenty-five'were passed with ttnaB-l>«i>eilt; thetotlowlnx Quettton* were written onthe carta. oae opposite eacb number;til to be answered by the ntmes of,well knows dowers:

J<!*•»LAairl *ald wlwo taswri la

9L War It* youni Udr

Math h«r window *. What th» wonian**W> 10 th» iramp. a. Th» •un»««. J U

T. Adml<*i &T all U>"*r%. *• Tworlrl*. *. ljjnulB*. IS. A f-JM ttr,IL What *lnal» s*n«l«n«Mra. Tart ne»d to railU.-Tti« nurW* ««U«ht. 115. A bMKh of *on>ethln« childrenIt What th« t«ach,«r <lld when n» rtKS. tack In Me chair. It. A dW»W*411. Pan of the wealth of Jacob. "• W h * '•tljl r*«naln«4 to Job la Ma tmwtT,The world. I t Wn«t -th^ tojd

aeatiy ontnoed la red, all Muds ofstarch, JL; hamper for tolled linen.laundry ind bath aoap, bath towel*, a

ta waaa cloths, bath brush, an Iran-lag board, srhtt* felt to -cover tt se*<ersl lanadry baga tor handkerchief*aad collar* aad colts: " these weremade ot white pique.* the monogram*,being worked. In "colors,,;. An electricIron woaid be a' fine adattloo tt I h«upeute la not too much, also a! goodttied dothee btaket. sad an apron orwaterproofMaterial. Ob, yea. I for-got, both ball and bottle bluing. Iron-ing holders. Iron*, rest and was.

Novel iouvenlra for a Progressive" :• ' ' ' ;.. Party.— - •—

At a recent'bridge parti, the hos-tess gave each guest a very prettybasket For games won the playersreceived articles for a work baaketjthere were bodkin*, dainty thimble*,traall embroidery scitsorty wee pincushion*, tape needles, tape measure*,needle books. ° emeries, papers of

thtn«*v«ry small


loup* «. B.a» la. «. The mornlna .lory,« Pink. 7 Moenflow.r. «. Rnwmary. »Pin*, to. BaUam. IL Bach.lor'* button*.11 SWMt William. II CrclamMk M. 8c»-l»t ninmr. U. Candr tuft It flow.rnrnro«. IS. Phlox. t» Jn«>'» • ' • ' • iCo»mo». II Hop B Fo*tlo»*.-a.Peaa.IL Onion. S. Ml*non»tt«.

A "five and Ten Cant" •hower.Encountoritog a bevy of glrla the

other day with "Polly" at their bead,all giggling and ralrly. babbling o.er«lth auppreased excitement .1 headedoff the proceealon to be literally "ranlots by (he, same, number oLboy,*i_ Jttee.ms tbat "one of the glrUt" who; It._ „ „„ teems that <» g .

several people about you, ,«ad ,tbey j w b«,» June J>rt°a objerted,«no»rt?tsy roil Bra a m»n to glve » "Wow o "thowera" us- the feared town tftea fajr chance. Have you'come over

Not exactly. I jutt -wanted todrive past the graveyard."

"I tee. Wanted to be aure thatboth ot mine were there yet! Well, 1hope you feel better."

jw ap"Don't It? Then let me tell you

that In both cases there ~wat a clr-cut lit town within a month aftertheir death and 1 never went, Hewabout an order Jor your dead wife?"

.Driving, tlowly home that day thedeacon muaad to himself:

"Pretty bright .wldowl House andlot! Home at neat at a pin! Beemalike a good worker! I hadn't thoughtof marrying again,, but—"

"And" »hen" bo~ had" departed"tremlieThoUae IDSTiriaow- - most* "t» her-•elf:

"Well, maybe he thought a heap ofhll wife! after all. Seems to be agood man. -He'* had otic and I'vebj|dJlw»^bjjl_.a_jmBn_needs_a wife andV Need*" a husband ir *ewcre both out of the tombstone bull-neaa—™ ~ * " " ~'" "*~

-Ten-asy* pawedi—aad—again . the.

on any terms, and youbut wh«n you come to a»k him

about tb« tombttone ha--ougbtbad up seven years ago, that's

'' ' ' -XLee ltttened to a greaV

talar aad was i at last. coo-She owned an old bora* aad

was thermtora. prepared to»«m»4HtB-wsw>oy^«««• bnalnaae polnlsra, and

l.troin'-8hkw> ft Co. passed ontoO mUaa

I he*found Deacon Carter, who' * Wft blitler for shipment

att the tune t»lk,!,atdA


deacon drove up to the widow's Kate,H«,Jlad fl lettK»Jtrom,,Chicago^aa'ylnnthat be' was' DO huader, and that J ibook, aamplet ahould be turned oto another canvasser,

"I've got a letter reBdlng Juat the"tttne," laid the widow when hebanded ber ' bit. • "Deacon, It you'donly'given me an order."\ "Or If you'd given me one.V ^ r I * ashamed that I aafd Ihad susplclona of *0U."-*Tb*t't all agnt-'

laa calling upon tho unsuspecting. v!£tlm and hod promiaed to atay until"they" came They bad ordered, re-rreahmentt aent from a nearby ca-terer and were iu«t having the time oltheir live*, as" one of the lad* oxpreaaed It I next taw the buncoaded down with n|l aorta ol parcel*,Including a sprinkling can. carpettieater, clothe* line, clothe* pint, tackhammer. *oap dlah. <<rc. As tbe youngcouple nece-golng U> lio««oke«pjpg._»tanco I «m.,aure thujjhowej^vas^jeajl^.moat atcoptable

Bath and Laundry Bhower.-.,A much, feted bride had had; .mem-

ngly every kind of a «ho«er, finally a•lever-yauug jnatronjiropoaod.a "uattlind laundry"* affair miifft wflEKgHBtlucceas.

Tbe twentyind, w tbero' «vora no dupllcatp*.


a month,..tt.rwaiit" He -was

,>lth; a list ot twelve wldowtOne or two husbands

f.the Widow

, had. tt go ovtr to Me-,D^butitMaa next day anyway,%yUMd^to caU on the widowtutamreft he found her getting

out .with, hor#e and buggy

tp get a long reit'l beg pardon.""And at I'm going to have a bolted

dinner'today 111 Invite yon to atay.""Wlth pleasure,*, wldo.w."

' Tbe deacon drove borne by moon*light that night, and on tbe way bekept saying to himself and smiling;^«§nWT» num^"two 'atid'TiroCnumber three, but:.what Providencebrlnga about'nobody abpujd kick over.Dm I 1 wouldn't have believed tbatany human being could cook such aboiled-dinner at that" i


aad i b * f thereforett;4 hfc

k^before.aaytng: *' i'.!» laoulrev «• wo. ba»e

i*^ q^j'^'fiA '

',. Proud^of, His A b l U e v' "Tne boldeat grafter r ever knew,"

taya a taagaxtae writer, -waa a sunvfter retort hotel man with whom 1 be-,came Involved but Aafcait 1 spenttV^a y p Mf'Joint, and couldn'iatand lt!-any longer.- Wh*«-1 'called

*ttKMd l i •!for mjr *ltt-KiMd, very ae»erelyithink you advertlted m«g*lflceai «c

t i W I aid;

jockctbooka of her friends, toto accent


Polly." always In for a lark, bad gatn-rcd the clan Rnd tboy were all going

lo the "Five and Ten Cent" eacb ae-Inctlng one article and then all wt>r<

go to tie- home ot.tb* brlde-tobeta "abower"' la,the,'good

er prliee gtvea. The Idea It a goodone. Air the things were ot one qual-ity; tbe thimble* had been pIckeiJLjupIn Italy for a mam uiOavbetng of altver gilt Mt with various teml-precloutatones. At anotber- party this aaolebosteas, gave amall one-play book* ofBbakeapeare boutid In toft red leather.Once abe bad a beautiful bag for «aobDlayer, jvgardtea* of *bb won or loat

— J e l l y and PIckTt Shower." "A brjdo of this inontb bad a mo*1

practical anil sccetuablo s'ho'war glyenher. The guctt* rach brought tjlthera Rim* of jelly or a jarof K H M kindof plclilet or rellth; recipe* for eachaccompanied the glft.and tlm ho»t»*»p*sate f f *a atutalawn t>iw»«rvtng••tie with a spoon of tbe aante material.•Mot buttered toatt, ortnge. manaaladjttnd tea was aeried. with candied 'gin-ger' and peppermlntt. The room wasdcboratoJ with aaetoniutHs.—:


i of tha f i r s t F a r m ProdocU to Reacfa Market la Springi A l w a y s Welcome—Wetl-Dralnetl, Friable

_ ^ __ ^Bea*. SoU| 8

Hold MoUture.

Betting gtra*b*rr)f J»l»nt

MX ROf CAOT. V^lt»r*lt» ft Mi«-1 arttlng the plant*. The aettlng of tbeBM.IIH.) .' ••• i plant In tho left I* too •hallow; t(iat

>e strawberry Is probably the moal , , . , n , rtllrt t» tbo deep; the centerTheiwidely-grown fruit In the world. There

rioiida. Our cultivated klnda .havebeen developed from the Chilian *tr»w-txrry <yr«iiarla chll«m»l» and |hncommon wild tirawberry "•" {Fragartavlrglnlaim). The Alpine tlrnwborry(Fragarla vesea) of Kurope It the par;ent.ot the «ver-be*,rlng>varieties whichare coming Into prominence juat nowIn tome placet. .They, however, arenot t t "yet""of aufnclentveJue-'0 ^sorvii much, attention. The .•.•tr»*-berr».la one tit the'tint frutta on tlm mar-ket'in the tprlng, and* bencu It alwayew e l f . o m ' e . • .••'• . - . '•.-—

Tho tlrawberrjr It prop'agatvd. by•red, by illvl«1ou and by aftaoti. Incommon with other frulla, thu »ood»


gjblaht It properly aet, with Ita crown


Secret of.Succeea In In QeUlntT' LiltU Poulle Well Started

—Should ne Atlnwod- Much

In hiiyltigyour brewllng slnck. b»num and jtet goad "Irotm, hnalthybird*. l:>out• KO arouml nmoim ymirnolghtxirn anil buy a few of tho cheap-n*t. scrub turkeys that you ran Urn),but b» willing to pny.n good prlco audbo aatlHtloit wlliivnotliluit but «(Kiil

^ lproduce planta llke-th» parent--plant'}"hence, division of tho old crown* ortntt^wrofAfttets'affbrd the only pr»io-,Ural mntbotlt of propagation

Heed planting It retorted to to get.now varietlet. Tho .berrliit are cruaiieaID aand aa soon at ripe, to get rid ofthe pulp nnd Juice, nail the teed lathen sown at once In ft sandy loam, In

g j r open J)qd,J_THb plants grow^j^TjvXss^niMiilTKe^lrtJOgl

and olberwlsv« , cuming"

Hers It a partial Hit or the gifts:b |)ne, J.doten. clotbea pint, t

*a ad of ilciilm' tho "naClotbea |)ne, J .doen. pbag fur »u*a mads of ilciilm', tho "name

Boleros/ *lecrel*»*.'promise v.a popuatliy•eauon. : ..• . ' : ' " ' •

King's blue Is poiatbly the shadethat -head* the colora for spring ands u m m e r . . ' . • • . ' • , ~ •

' Dim. blurred-looking eaatern em-broldefIv* are effective on work andhandbag*.

to get the younK turknyti well'Tl Eternal yigtlane*. 4* til*, lirtco. -ofaumva*.' "tho 'ymiUK ttirkny» will riotn«eil any ftied .tor 24 hours afterbnlchlUK.—Allil'tbun <lotl't ftiutl -tuumuch at a tlrao, but feed often. .

Turkwya enjoy n varluty lu feeda.Table acrapn arc good and tho torhiahaulil Include not only pnrtlant ptwmfifdrfSWT^W'HndBfngriipe soefls,


They Uliould b* mulched with ftbuut•Ix Incha'a of hay or tlrtw. aa toon tathe ground freetet. In the tprlng they,may be *« In «h# fruiting bed. Aboutonu plant In a thousand may prove orexceptional value/llowever, many poo-pin find pleaauro In dovoloplog nowvnrlcllo*. ' " • •

nivlalun (if tho old plants la neverused except In ea»* at a very ch,plce

iinbr y*r mm mt ^.J • „

u< „ t00llant color.Some'tailor hat* are Been with the

edK» i<ic« frlllod. Thc-y are known atGeprgettet. •• One of the new. Idea* I* the velvet.

Biiii alow"B Sle'inodT-TrofttalKirWofriut* or hinnnrt I* Inn best method.Thoao runners aro mart*;.during tlm•ummer, and the next uprlnit mny b«iepsmlfd from tho oldTiUiuf jod a»tout In the'

tr»»« • *ct!«**ofie« are ; voVy helpful.Tlm potalon* which are trio tinall furtable u«<vl! boliod and talteil a ll.ttln,

l b / l 'fhv»r».d«vcmi*il'gMMiNllly bynhwitil be fnd twlco «. wno-k at lf«»t.

The more wu try..lqtdo^ia«tA<tte'/mlconllno thorn "the tnore" auac«i$tlbl»tlmy lisi:iimii to dUeuae. Kvon In thonio»t nitiiro waather, turknyt ahouldbo allowvd to nioal nut door* and. for-

te.:<i<iihfeli It

'earlb XMl be thrown' ov«r the tip

gfrom whfeli It I*: .advlsuble toIhn bird*. TIMsV l» tbo wot,wwitliur, whmi itn"w or Ico m n f

ni fr»«M totholr pluiuitajo., Wfanu.wucb.a night liupeuda tbo old turboy


lar and «re ihown In both cottot> andsilk *o that even a wa*b gowu.maybe frintred-1*-deeh"**' >v> -• /--J '«',

The Midsummer Hat

a* the plnnis do not tlart to early Inllin stirlnK They 4hut wtcupii Ihe tinrly.

«JIB War picture bat la;at«rt» beat' wb**,'midtuwmer weataer calja

tor f« 4er»Mop«aiiC"la lace,lacy fabrlea. aad lor Umtt gamltursa.

t B . T^M, ehuroaa sad mUlrtteiry tealda#ai't*ef §•**»-»inspire the-Wi S t airy faadea which the worktIB<« <be poetry of hradwesr. A at*tala W. of nat) black cMffoa. ahlrrtd

* W f w W •* llko*tala W.da * kut* Wfw fimw•red *lrBj,-*ra» ia

oneatlk-oovwith * Bitla

iff "aUver braid and .trlanafdwHb7i*J0' bhtckr ptaBsti. ^TW» Mesa

' ,«at the darlgn waa w

ancr Wight's Dream" to the establish-ment where It was taaae "god manyeopl*» found their way over aa «PBf*


velvet about tha. tag*' t* the brim.and at tne top 'crown, _*• atiarf of 1renaaiasance lace It draped ovet-'-theupper" brim and a wreathfollagw and s-nall roMacrown. At in* lift hack; a u o v *looking willow plane la a m i r fagalnil the rrwraj. irlth III Call bead

w ut laa bris, _lt» at good • uma J* can frs Itwit . ,


froiciand Wdried out by tho hot tuuth and touthwett wlndt at fruiting time. Many'growers, however, obtain-* Rood result*on t toutkern llvpe. In spite- of tbe dis-advantages.

Any Und tbtt will grow * good cropot corn will groW strawberries. Bodland thouM never be uaed If It. run b«uTRyent«d.'M it°i> Uk«Iy to'containttmb* and Mt.JrorasV.wWeli wUI Satotf'tni 'roots of ileVIfWB^raWlls^A.1well-drained, iriable clay loam It prob-ably belt for strawberries—a soil tbatwarm* up easily and y<it will' holdsufficient moisture for the crop.

Strawberries require a,rich toll,hence It Is well to thoroughly manurethe Und th*t It to be used, for tbettep ttr-t»» tall, aad«tow«i«da».t«oavtour to tl» Incliet deep. In the spring,diik; drag and inootb thoroughly,This gtvet a loose toll 10 which to setthe plant*, and a firm subsoil to boldtbe moltturei and ytl-open enough tolet tbe root* through.

Tlie bstl time to tat a strawberry-bed It tbe early spring, aa toon M tbeland U la good condition and. tbeplants can be obtained. There It moremoisture at a rule at tbat time; aadthis, combined with the cool weather

<9UJ>riBt*Jt***-b*>titT gnarlng rnndl.Tuons than Augu« pUntlng. Plants

may'also be set in tbe (alt, It extra at.testlon and care are girm tatm. Itdota not t>ay ta ««t the pUnttJn dry

il In a dry teason, onlets plenty

drives'the whole'^aggregation InW.itl«rg«i • roomy-•fft*'! - k»pt; ,r«a4y,/orrt|jo

Tb* next morning they nroand

purpoie,tut n( liberty lirl«lll &nd t'irrryand (lien allowed ta main againIt,

nutJf, U»o 4i|g«tt JWB dry , ,nHTjji»l,lot.h.«weool tlie seasott^'lhoy an? "alloweij u>roost In tho sir, uway up In thabranchoi of the lorgo tree* near tbebarn.

Turkeys art very different fromotber farm fowlt. Thoy are brought-to the must prims condition wb*n al-lowed the.inotl freedom. They tbouldno more be forced to ett and drink

* l«)»«uaji!fr.fiwJMi.tfejiSKttti,ijwThey tbould lie f«d at tbe barn dairy,but be more or lets free to foftge inthe corn lot, tbe grain flald and themeadow and wood lands. It not too farfrom boine.



availableIt often happen* that strawberry

plants a*e reottved In a dry orwealt-•ned i l ^ o t h t tbe wU ttrnot

tt l e Baemy of Cro»|a AtlrmctUiM AtteliUoa in

Europe tutd la UUbU toHe Introduced, Hare.

Tne wart disease it a new enemy ottbe potato crop which is attractinggreat attention In Ecrap«, and whichj«_JjaJbte-.Ji»--JeUny.rodiirar1 Info life •


Vnited Btatet at t i y .time, tt affect*tbe'tuber*, forming trge rouab un-tightly warts, and,.ln severe' atutcki,completely dtatroyt the crop. O M «the fungus gets Into tbe toil. It It Im-

y•ned MaBitlm^or tbe wU ttrready for tjwtr pUutlag. Tbeyraay.be

dW torrilt^lantd la

SSSer. »laauT - _ „ . .U» ptoau, ao oat ( W vni n «

k th U Bnolr over UM 'fooPBCK the*aU Bnolr overUMroofavfOwin ag< in tm. U tni piaattDM- »«*•»«« ill uwAt. ton

tbaded It* • H» 4*>a mtjl


the land for. several year*.The fungus which cautet this dl*>

eat* waa dlacmeiwd In 1WS 1A po-Uto*»groim In Hungary. It It nowprevalent In many pltcee In England

d h i t danger that It ma/prevalent y pand there it great danger that It ma/


pakred in tbe United State*.•i « (a tpread hy;aa)ntj atXeetefTpO'

Kitt , , 4 . , - ^

Hi <pnlt«4.'fHtf— aanariagrlculturt baa raeepUi- Ittuad 4

u££vk«va*tmm > Si*m


gijt fcranmtiiiniTTHE OEAirOlD

wf AfDM m %tftt Itntf AlMf

OrMfitM, MM UMMA • Ml*.meet giving tte relative staadliw «T tht

th* mrittn aaaM at a . , _.ge« i fmUh. Th*, VMum trill printeeatsMninaliM* on any *«ty*c{ «/mntreUuUruttjth* peoplt of Cram-

I 6*1 dcmt e#f th*r*b$ ammme as*/or opinion* wale* way


«A ,

S«iWipWii'Vi<mSS«-rMkl'i» "t a< * V w I * '

. Tbe deal* at WestBeld last weekof Admiral Norton, while of directlocal interest/ front the fact that heresided here some yearn ago andthat hie brother is now one 0/ ourcitixena, bring* forcible to mindtbe faet that tbe generation offiifhterewho too)Lpart-in-XXrtl WerTsrapidly passing away.Admiral Norton aerved bis Countrywith great distinction from Uie

, time he left Annapolis until bisretirement, full of^ honor* in tbeservice. His was"continuou* activeservice from the first, includingmany: of the moat important navalactions of tbe Civil War, Hisdeelb adds one-mora to the Hat' o?

•estadvaaeedthe matter at


^ 2 ;olon int'OwnUpg each bgjsttiioaa* Ineiw

Ing eiril service, pottle utilities, directprimaries,, direct eipresaloa (or peltediMeUe Senator, dlrebt eipresaloa formeldMt and vies pnaideat, and tbeInitiative and referendum, tbe standingof the States Uae follows: ,

Civil Hervioe, eounUog state service

°Vew Jersey tCMorsdo, Illinois. Mass-aehusettajrew rork.. Wleaoosln.

»y, Kan-enuMWe. New rork. WPublioUUIIties.-New

•L^we are too apt to overlook tbegreat services rendered the Country

"". ~hj'mm~ot laf-1"-1"™--3"~-'- '^rr'-r-


' K»aWORTH NOTES.O w two hundred Invited gur'sts

ibledinthe college obspel buttig to witness the msr-kla Johnson, tbe old'

Thursday evening to witness the marnageofilissTekra Johnson,ti

of. Mr. and.Mrs.

O. Tbumb former graduate ofU t ^ t t > l l £ , . who has luM rStuTnedfron DuluMi, Iflnn.. wljere be wasordained minister, after oompletlaRhtoMMirwatn the Seminary at -BookIsland, in. Promptly at 8 o'clockUrn Ellen NeJsrunes bt Brooklyn, tookaerseatatUMiptanp and.played the

tagnnoei tbe «rniof berfatjiw, u>ibbower of crimson rambler roses arrant1

" of thefljremoay waa gwfowaed by Rev. $tW, Hweoaon.' The bride waa neatly•utred In a go»n ot wfaite aatla andcurled » bouquet of bridal roaue. Mlsaiilida Jotonaon,alaterotUi»bride, waa

^"••^otnMiQr « a d « « g o H d lotnMiQr «affi« o w


«agoHnedlnow eadn and

the lug*dining lull where a receptionwas tteM and • wedding supper served.ML Uitbet or atventbiirgTrX aotedas tnajtmaater and response* werenude by maay of those present, Includ-ing eighteen visiting clergymen-wfauwitnessed tits ceremony,. Besidesbeing ibe recipients of a targe numberof handsome and uaoful presents,'ih«

t wushoweredwith letters

ess. Ohio, MaryUod.New Hampshire,

OoaslD.- _ .Direct Primaries!Mandatory,—New Jersey, California,

Idaho, Illinois, lows, Kaasss, Louisi-ana, MlobigM.MInnfwote.M&eisslppl,Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, HewHampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Okie*boma,:qre«on. ~ - -

fanafo. _.,..Optional.-Alabama, Arkansas. tU>-

rlda, Oeoncia. Keotuekv, Maryland,North Oarolina, South Oftnltoa; Vif.glola.

"•fr'he Hit «i»e»abuT»i>as It stow! e year ago, except that NewJeraey has moved from the partial tothe-eompleie-«laae.~ Doubtless-oibetchanges have occurred during the

OlreotNew Jebtaratkk.Mertda.Ohlo.O

Direct expresalpo for'lot President.—Mew JeiVI

North Dal



tew Jereey, Mebrwkaros, M'lsooosln,-eferMdum.-Aaopt-

itutlooal ameodmeitt.' Maine, Missouri,

Mootsna. Nsfada, Uklahoma, Orexon,South Dakota/ • -

Ameadneui pendlo», not yet aotedon by tbe people.—California, Florida,Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wash!iDgtoo, Wyoming.

New Jersey Ibaa not yet ootumittedbarwlf totbeioUiatiTB and reterenauoi

neruWveiy. In -ojUes adoptlu7 W t « < the liwimtalod piao of


• • » « • « seswaed IB .the order theywill start, tieeatrk* ioeted. t£3>fjom Weeosab Osnor eien, Tesearerafjub, FMd aod Biver. Oraalbrd sadDlbbifa Oanos Outba. Tbeee orgaans-tioo* are. all atttiaied with tbe NewJersey: Canoe Asaoatatioa. About *T£worth of nr&se will be dWtributed. s

Xike similar oeoseions tbe pmgramwill iseloda er<H(M snob as. 8ii "Tsiidems, Barry Beurrv. 100Hwtm. and Tjltlog race. Theraearenofflob«au. ,

At the close of ibe sports the •bars of the vMHn* clubs witt be 'enter-tained at. a "feed" at the expense o*tbeUlhlgb boys, and rbey expert towind up the day with a araodtimeTables for serving the refreshmentswill placed to position, while CatererErnest Tyres, aed his assistants, willserve tbe edibles to at least one hso-tfred guests.

GARWOOD NOTES.The Y. M. OrWIII cross baU with the

Mlltburn t«-«m on Atturday- afteraooBat Uiilborn.

lira. Wm; Oaoxel la entertaining hersMar and family.

D.a.Burasaotl ramlh/bave movedto Westflold. r

The, Otrt'S Prognsslve CDub baveonmpleted their tennis court on North

mar aport. *'The Aeolian Company will close tbolr

fsoton tomorrow aod it will remamclosed for tbe next two weeks.

Over MQ Japanese laoUrna made avervprettysosneattli* Garden Partyon ."tday end Saturday night heldunder the auspices nt the—Suusliinr

Ja llauna «e* Jsraay as the mostvmped of the proffrl t tJ

adva llaunamped ofd I b d

« e * Jsraay as the mostthe proffrsaslve states, re-both t th Md d

admped of the proffrsaslve states, re-gard Is bad both to the Md oovered•iid the oharaour of the iwrUUtion.In the latter reapeot, oolablV in barelaotlon law, oortUpt tl t demplorttt* immt lutrsiiie,

baot, aod

, oolablpt praqtloa aot, aod

law. hlrppsJi^B Uthe furthest limit of


« « . »««av a*v. mumiwg win si-eume tb* pastorate of the HwelllshIjuUteran Ohoroh at that plaoe.

Toe eommenotmvnt exercises rend-«red last Kridsy evening more than

«* „ . were neitherm half y t r *""

aptlw of two books:d d O l M

f*>i*<»sa**,"- ~, 1 \?~\-i;~<t.; f"»."i«-r-.

— jey, siar-. J Sullivan, FrankKyle, and Alfrtd

twaoaace Ike following pupils were***"»«»•_Prt«»«fone book: Martinwr«ulllr , Fred Plnkel,

.Alvut BWIM,wieeftifloau of merit tor M

,.Arthur,A f «t-

d d

ajjlvll servloe examination for «teotlonnffloars.

U.-An interesting question arises astothoreUUvsnttitude of the two po-litical parties, toward the ttgislslionepeoted,

We Hod*rst, that all that hu beendone, has bean orowded within tbs pastQv*years, oommenclbg with too}.

Io that year, Governor sad Senateware Ilopuulloan and the .Assembly

s, all-werrtand

Senate Republican. Counting • theGovernor aa the determining factor inthe years when the legtslsture wasdivided, 11 Is a fair general statement


(Jol.dofdVMaVkVEp^.liShSS:The*ff»lr wai baia at Mra. Backer's onNorth Av*.,and *30 waa iwiUied by tbeparty.

Tbe five oeat trolley fare from Oar.wood to Elisabeth took vffeqt to-day.The news ot tbe P. 8. (V« latest obaogaIs good oat* to all.- sspecially 10 tfa«*hoptmpiflv«»ft

. ^ ^ - . ^ . . o . . . . . , . . - , ^ ~ . , . ^ ^ ^ ^ . H , ,.-..-..„.-.<- , - . . . ^ ! . . .

DODO Outing]\

Afternoon end Eveem*.




W.aDRYSDALE,M Easttnao Street 'Phone 13

lam T

; C. R Wheeler:

,. I Flour Feed, Baled Hay ;Strrw, Poastry feed, Etc i

303 5outh Ave.,


p p f lWalter f, Sargent is preparuur to

ifiov^nw the boarding house adjoiningUeoker's auditonom, la which place beh e e t l h d i

Rev. Dr. Qreene will conduct eervkMnin the ohape'l during tbeanseace of Rev.Russell, who atsrted this week" on bisvaoation.

Prof. Rosalie and family left this

d h Wsetegdeteai

ad tbe WjMt J3nds of FlaitiBeld. after ahard earned victory. Duabanek andPaoker were in thefioiaU for the hometeam and Smith end DUoo for theWaetBoda. Itwaa' due tp the hardhlltln(t_of the Uarwoods that enabledtbem to win out by a adore of 10 to 0,

Mr. and- Mrs. Bnrtls ot RiversideDrive, Ne* York, renewed old aqqualn-tanoea In town on Sunday.

. W. Singer and ramily ware atXJblyiwiaw-yMt^Ba^Baoaay-*

they » r B t g «-iiirD;pakou, which la now la oommlatloo.

A. J. ^rellinger, who recently movedInto the Washburo house, w to removeto Pln|ufl»ld on July I.

,The A. J. Bsoklsy

5pexiaJ Ordinance. No. 32TAN ORDINANCE to a.o»nd an Or.

Ulnanoe Mtltlsd "An Ordioanc*preaerlblmr. the manner In whicboorpunttona or individuals aball ei-etrlse any prlvilrsa granted to tbeuiIn tbe use or asy street, road or

'•highway, or In digging up th»

Be*t?Tor4stnIed* by' tit* Mayor indCouncil of tne Uoonigh ot Qarwood:

BectkaU^Ihat- - • - -dlnaooe entitled. "An ordinance prat,ssriblog tbe manner in which oorpor-atkmt or Indivldoals shall eiiareiM an;privilege granted to them in tne use ofany street, road orhigbway, or in dig-i h f


yoqr trade that yott easy par-tutpAtssS I n -%k ' ~ ~m

ready bnov.~yoo to tlml the

It is easy- for- reeaoo for this'

eatiaTaetioa. Try. - 'J. R. REAY,

« Union Are., CruM

farther neeM

Special Ordlaance No. 31.AM ORDINANCE tooonwnjote eon-

«ret,e sidewalk on e e p u r ^ iWlnitow Placy,!rr=S3B=SWBBl

andIU 1 or0a|iH<d by thp M»ror aOoiinoll of the Borougff ntilnrmmd:JM«*ti!>»!jirrTJia.L lidejrallui <>> <v

rrpl«Tx» conDtriR-tMl on Imlh aide* ofWIUHIOW Place from North 'Avoooe U>8eeoiHrAviMfD*fnr n *>idtb of foarU)tr«t aiul«<l«pUi orfoUi- (4) tocb'ea; onIhe'eiist elde'c* Anchor Plane, fromNorth A w n w to Second Aveeue forawidth of four (i\ teat, mtd a depib offour W inuha.; l : l f l f WillA n f

pb oWillow

An»a_fron»JOnlar-Str«*to-Wee*Htrool for a widtb of four (4) fret and adopth or roiir (4) inrheo; on both aidesofLticiut Avenun from Onhter Htraetro UV*( street for a width or four («lrcet and a depth ot rmir (4) Inches.

Brotlona.—Tbataonmohorthe costnpd expense of »uob luprovemant aeeon fuwfully'be aaaesaM] upon the pro-Wr*i?Pfel5piJ*J!itlit«Ljin»Jlbb»=»a-

by Dummiulonere or' Aes*>»* v . - . > . - , • ;

sj»ltl imprbvemthtm l t d d h

M t O O . I f T b H t sj»ltl imprbvemthtshall lw oiAde itftd completed under the

i'tf W

r l i u n o f t h e Uumugli i.urvsyqr,otion*:-rThHilWs ordihaooe shallf f f t I l t l

y r , gy,ging: up the same for anywhatever, approved]'June 8.


1 or peraoos, conapaQyball dig up or c»u«e

. -T j atreet dr portion of•treat in the Borough. oLXhuwtdd lai

- of laying any water, gaa,draiosge main or lateral

pipe or conduit, or tor aoy other pur-nose, without Qrst having obtained apermit from the Chairman of -theStreet Committee of the Borough ofQarwood who ahall send « copy of thepermit to the Bmretary of the Board

- - - • - - ieju*ited=»iii

ttratio, and that of prior years, Repub-lican." - "

prugrfsslve laws diatrtbulaci ludlacrlm-insUly through the whole Hvo yean

i -*

feld, Margaret <flWfs,

dOereuee, If any, resting tu the factthat the t«jiislailo« of last wmtetln eaehsnbiwt treated, reaohad theeJttreme mform and suUstanoe, > J.

Apuraded Is a ohroaologloal sute-m»« of th» legialatlon: - f• iM&v Direct expression for O. S.



•adr*b** , W I

w4ts*l* ,aweetrsessITh


at Lake Ooorge, N. V., after July 4.

tikanV both thy<HaTaisaaTg£gth therwnod,._. The Uarwood Electric Oomps'aT

t'he latter company has a big govern-cpant oootrwi to ooropUte. • _ ^

Oil wood man a little Inconvenience onFriday evening. It was all this way.William Q'DooneU ot WssUield, droveInto town with-hle-donkay attached toaruoabout, sod nut up at Dooliog'snostslry... Wblle-be wu buay insW*.two of our young men > thought theywould take a drive Oranfont wayBilly1* expf oseiot course •'

aaid-Cbairman. ot the- Street Ooinmlv-me tbe aum of $0.00 for each on« hun-dred feot ot atnwttu be opened, whichshall aarve as security, tot the re-placing; 6t tbe street, aurb, oronwalkor aidewalk to thelrfqrroer-'Cbnilluoi),and no atteet shall b d t

Te^itKntn^ff^reSfanaTedone time unless by special p«r-

ff f n t ih t C^^rrnT rtf thg

take fffw;t tmniMliately..Approved, June bth, 10)1.

. Attest: Mayor.

AN ORDINANCE to macadam oerfaWJ t d S l f S dSectionsSlf-Scflond Avenue, Cedar

-fcUreeVanJOntwHtrMf. --'-Be It ordained by the Mayor and

Council of the Borough, of UirWood:Section, lj~That Second Avenue fordistance 6f eight hundred and sixty<*>) f»*t rroin lu intersection withralutUStrecrUi iU intersection with

G*dar*8treot he



Aas«lo8edl(iMUser HupW• ••- P »


adiatano(rof:NtKnntttr(«hbn<)rfeet from Ita iDUiiwction withA u i to i l l th N

cT (300)

Street Committee, and-id- proper lights,•hill be pUce.1


j f j i l t oame to' town. They wereifioed under arrest ind the Wires 'wejrepretty warm with explanations before

do .First M.E.

eand giiardasaid opeaing/ both Jay and

night, to prevent accidents or injury toUts*«kMeT-' "BuntMieh• »**4**'r^tilled In layers tit sli lochea and oaohlayer thoroughly tamped. When thotrench baa been dlledwithin one/font ofthejaarfeoetbleiditab shall be,thoroi>Kh-It puddled to settW same,<ibd when thusthocougbU settled, tfaa'etreet shall tiei«ewfaeed and left In aagood ooodition«s before tbework wsM, oa>ineooed,and

Aveuuii to inlfr»M:llon with North Ave>

teen (10) f»»t nnil to a depth or eight'"""-" that Center Htre?t from I

to the norl]r"sMA nf^^« intinf South Avenue be

mned-rpr-s;»(ctth Uf Jkw.olyifour (iM o m f e j J h t ulriB (!) Inch--,,

t Oni.ter Street frcitti tbe north sideof South Avebtm to tbe south tlife ofSPK*? 4'tWVS1 «»»»n4»»»»e«lr(i;o>,the'Jfiilth o^ielit (8) Tret on ntchsidetofthe trolley truck and to a depib of nine(0) lochea and that -Oanfer Street' fromthe. South side or Spruce Avenue to thtsmili] aide, or-I«MMi«i.Av*ntte b»ma«bodamlzed for a width of eixteen (Tj)feet and tp a depth oroine (0) Indies.

) OIie.tbe post

ovost. Architect, 1

ttra'at;l e « b , » tert*• «ua»ntae ut

b* e«tiltertlfltd

after notjoe. make .the' nteeitoyrepalm ordered by the:Ohairm«nFi«f theS n e t Committee, aod ttJtbe work: hasnot been done iq twentHout bott»e af.tetootioa baa bean, sent, the Cbatrmanrftbe Utrnet Committee may employ,

WS&t L""fJs*j..TV . . .

. is. permit,, aitram tb^depoett above;



, ._ _ months, jui the ohairaan ot the

• shall return W ;th»vhle or their de-r « same as shall

shall be made end oompteUid.undsfcihBsuperyfatoh ot the Bor&ugh sutveyor.- Section 4:—That thi* ordinance aball

t«*e affect Immediately: :A d J 8* a e t Imediately: :

.Approved, June 8,1011?

Dahd Oanrettl.

im m


iaf i




€oWwell lawn Mower


f - . - v

M-N««<*Br- ?^_-_.j,- M _ ^

t*»! IMajk wUfi'M5tad Mn. K A- <Mfcek**j*5 •*•

unmiu.Hinni . UhMa».». •

ia*sKl«al* Frith h*a i w mhat homela H*w T o * , aft* •*Ub friend* iauiira,



Ml** aM»l)eMs»n 1* home f- - - - Has..

OnV* Aw., K, left afr?rid*y for Uielramuaer bow* at Sprint Uk*. N.J.

MtatQerurnd* MctXAHth of Oil City,fes, who hat been tb« guee* U MissHUU*r>rt tor b«r home on Monday.

Mr. and Mra. W. a Bragdon of

' Xi


l i c r ^ 1 ZM

ist th* B » W l i Gennl p- 10** MlrtwHnnphrey Is spending

- tiki M U N I at Toronto. Canada

-Tearing to Ma b o m by arnra'illness.X. P. Wile of Jfltolly stneCB** a new

. foai asatsd. S passenger Overland

' _. BO v k4 sick

ir streetSet*.

• . fls. i ~ AH— OKford of B**t Orange. 1*• viator at the home of MS: Join

* 7 ^ l

v jTn* approaching warm w*elh*r baa" <*i**«l th* Boy** Brigad* V> *•"*-"tfmathair drills until Fall

Mr*. Frank Out of South • Av*.. laa s at in* boat* ot h*r_ii*renl*_at

, Mr*. J .F . hntt loa of North Ave... J^,fa*»bs**o«>nfln*d to her borne tthe

>.j*at w—k by Ulna**.r- xi**aUAd*m*ofCnlon,r**urned-•Mm* ion Monday night from a few

. "*—Tatar *t Atlantic City.


#. aianM,haw been fp*«ai*« • «*wi 4 * P i k


A TOO. at to* nom* of Mr. Bragdoa',*mother. I

Mrs. h. M. liyon has returned fromher sojourn In California and Is •top-ping with Mra. Clark on Cranford

Wastneld ha. signed • thirty-yearoontnet with. PUInlleld-Ualon WaterQMapsny tor water supply from Neth-arwood. The town will pay •** f»t

dyav+iwjaI k * Bet**

Itlaa Dorothy Wiring the Finished Home

to to

A MMHtitatloo tad4 adopted,

of ib . Alia taSimw* lowaadtt»

r Cmoton) abool1hrf«Ur». 1h» aawMl

JMM> BowMlaf* ar» promtawl v» to«iat»ral* affair* with a banqnH m luantartaiamaat. taewdM tb» <MiMt

•MMlag^ » ». a*d they wltt b*•Meals the nature or a iwrakMt.fct•.a.— f i f c t rtls>*j*aaa»l '

Ota**, aa* Mabel Smock, MUI tMMl**** Vet* Merriam. Jeauca Kv*r*u,HMti*J*a*br, Oar* Melpp. FloJeoc*

SalaarlM Waraar.aiitialtliacAUbtw,V d Lwto Mor

B S M K U S , BaiitialtliacAUbtw,atarnartt* H»ye», Vreda Lewto, Mor-•iK»MMNiek, Ttoroihr Smith. Doro-thy H'ood alas Albert ft*. fnA Ham-ilton, Santiago Porovlla. KaoaatbJ O o n a Lawremw and WWiltJOir

G*org* Lawrence, anduamuaSey. Many other fewer « wd*ato«ave announced their Intentionor adding their names to the member-ship roll.

S 5 5 5 * * ^aajaaw —«• «av^*BBBa)w*«^ ^*^w^ •

. Having iwaovired from" her1 /re&SHt

•- ta»ilrat Sbeiler Island for the 8um-

hydrantstoamUe.Mra.Qeonr* 0. Islelb and Mr. and

tttwrJahn -flTaafleld-tjf-'-llMH Vorkrwere the guests ot Mr. and Mr*. Wm.IsWlb on Fndsy last. They werebound for their new home in I**Angeles, 0*1., and Mr*. Islelb stoppedover to say good-bye'to her sou.-Wtin'am.

With the exception of the Golf d o btennis court, the new double courtnow under course of construction byMr. Balph Abry of Forest Ave., willbe.the Isrgeatof Its kind In town. Thecourt Is being nude In the vacant lotIn the rear of Mr. Olden's residence.

'$4 i T h * stow* In town will obserte thei;~-"' <*' Rational BoHday by olosiBg_on Wed-

" y next. The usual holidayi wUl be obewrved at the post

, 00 N venue.Mia* 0. U Adama ot CrsuronT Are.,

rnturhatl nftTMy th^* .y**^.' rroro asojourn at Atlantic a t? .

Leonard Dleklson of Cranford. I*spending the summer with bis auat,Mrs, i>. R. aoodricb_at Owego.

Ofwence Seward tried his lurk n*h-ingonSatunliiyand Sunday withpaitrot friends a t Bayslde, U I.

A new tiatstable went Into effect onthe Central Railroad. Sunday: Therewere only one or two sUght change*In the schedule ot the local trains.

Mia. Henry Bomanet anlv*d borneon Monday from a nve months' stay

afternoono«iriy*%pn«ni»»» w »»one of th* best ewr held on th* traok«t thut place. It 1* to be h.ld at

^Acreatractk, one of th* speediesth&miloTai. tracks In the8|a!*.und.rthe auspioes of the Wesl8»ld 0)nvlngaodBidinif <:>ub. Oootl puree* areoffered In *ll events.

A call atO. U Bell's offlpa laat «e>kweek rouo3 the rWcalferc* «Djoylng

Azure Lodge. F. & A. M , heldlust meeting for I be summer on Mon-day evening. It was one or th* larg-est session* held tbls Mason, guest*being present from many nearby towns.

The announcement of th* nierriac*ot Miss Margaret Johnson, of Hl«bISriifKeiBdrrs^gaf.of-tbe firm ot

£stMfa pattwn. UU obnitruoIioiT with;

Dr. F. 'A. MaadevUle of'(^eatennTalATB., baa rented •Ho^eT' D#th>. real-

ran 'X Sohth Avenue andffa Ham, a id will take po*-

i about Sept. 14Dr. C. W. MaoOonusll baa rented

'U*-bomeoa Eastman Street-far thei .TV&TNaftUonndU;

wJU leave on ^ednwday bstt for their• aamaar-eaniDat Kaaasburg, N. J."" W. W.'Groff, th* resident piano

tnn*r will promptly attend to alloidian Mi at ""Howard1* J*w*lry

was doing bis lovel beet to mske ithot for those cm the outside. Pro-prietor Bell badrooentiy returned fromanother trir> to- Nova -Scotis, and. was.quite Jubilant over the lumber Hadecondition* lu Canada. Although thinseasonhaanotbeenan active vne inthe building line, this concern reports

'number of contranta compleie<l or. J progress wnicE inoiuil*a,.lbe:~ rerpod-eillng ot J. B. rtosch'* resldeno* onParker Ate. Anew building Includeingstofe for B. Bernsen,- Qarwoed^also a bouse ho course of erection forMr*. & B. Ltrabee, at Westneld.


$V! f P ^ •UTlO9#' a^S)Ca^*sw 0 0 *yv* v* - ^ ^ - T -w- ^

''X'"'' and poultry. David B. Herman^ 10

" Mn*<>d U i s - j M B B t w - F*>«u a o D

and itenghtef^ and: Mr. and -Un.,Jaines,,A. Knowl**. leave on Sstur-

l.'d»j-«B»Warstown, S . J.. wher*-Hh*jfwtllenjoy* few dsys1 fishing Wp at

they have jiiet finished a-ooxy bungs,loirfor George E. Halt


Because your house was not wired when it was built, js noreason why you should be without electrical service.

W e can wire any house without unduly marring the walls andthe wires will be kept concealed. Nor wilhhe work disturb the house-hold routine.

The cost, including artistic fixtures, is only from $ 6 to $8 anoutlet for a ten outlet installation, which will meet the demands of theordinary household.

i E k d r k service in the home means more comfprt and greaterconvenience. And the expense can be met in smalPrnonthty payments.

Our representative wiU be pleased to give further information.

Public Service Electric CompanyHJ-mnrX-i-JJui.-au*:!: *rr^rrT*j-*-r jn.ii-4 •ti-wnst-rvsrji

" - r-W£t t£& t^n. V**-1.*. > » J


Real Estate Bouaht, Sold and ExchangedRenting and management ol property pet •oua

J. C. W. RAN KINTol«phone 160-J.



DKESaMAKlNCl in all Us brunches.Children'* < I M M a •peolalty. Mr*,OBtldren* drMsw a •peolalty. Mr*.Catherine{lonld, VI Union AT*., NorUi.

month. Mr. and Mrs. Apgat wii!tike up their residence In this plao*.

Tbe"Juel H'rlght" Hboe hs* beooin*very popular with the trad* at »h*Shapiro Depattneot Hiure. so ra»chso, tbst Proprleior>. M, Hhsplru v*nt-ed the metropolis yesterday whet* h*met the representative of the WrightbhoeOompanf sF^Wotel .Ht*aun.-«B<1placed a big order' for bl* Pall andWinter *to«k.

It was decided at the meeting or th*Union County Athletic League to

You can feel safe; when (intrusting JOUI coiiiiuoliou* ,ur tranWor w o r k ^ _ . _.__


Mlsa N. P. Fhelah of Brooklyo, gavean lnterealin(<' address on Sunday

Macadam .-aZZ^!

aA*rndonbefbrB«tr«nd*y8eboolt*s«h*raat the Presbytar-Ian Church. The meeting ws* heldnadsttb* iiniploes of the CranfordSunday Sobool Unlbn. Mist Fhelan'ssubjeot was, "Every Child in HisPlace-Every Sunday in the Tear,How." MIssVeraA. Hay ot Ellis-

baTf„ . „ . „ Bowlle-'fllgh -School anaBahwar be played off in tb* PalU


In Hudaoo. Eaacx. Morria,PasaaJc Bergen, Sussex,Warren ft Union Countte*.

.New Jersey. Write us

T«r* Meek Ks-

There were *lao a number 01 prouiO*filed and • lirely discussion followedbut htf aJMon-w»» tttoa. -tt«*W*ntL. D. Deyo presided At the meeting.* On Saturday the DUI* Olante (color-ed) again sustained their reputation bydefeating the IrvingWn Flald Olttb byBaJoreofiToO. Tn* game* arrangedrorSaturdayand ne«t week, on thehome grounds are: July t. DUie

I l t d Itdy t mom

^•8t<(*»l*Ja«k"Crowlay, with tb«arm of BlakeeTe* ArPhilp, is to-

fUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER.Also private room for fuueral*. '1'hs only undertaker tbat ha*a lady asstitant. Dav night anil liospitHl onlln given |>rouptattention.

4 0 6 WastficM AvemM. WwlfWd. N. j . Id . » o3o [ „ S l t t c s a r l N J T«l 2 b R

hie;noa*- throagb theeoUtaijttp.dldoea Inpt ^peum1 door, euttfag 1 up • cuooea 10

'r'*- U*naial*i 8ome«nouitthe was, after

Oor former resident. "'LonlsSvend-«dn,*he now botds the position orbaggagemaster at EHzabelhport,prov«1 himself to be a life saver at tbatstation'the othstdoy; and la certainlyentltlad to a Carnegte medal. - As- the

l U U g t^hto

PresbftwUftw jk on hie an-

wlll enjoyfor

arduon* duties of handling baggage,when a fashionably, pressed w m « rkalked upon the tracfc.dlreotly In frontot,an approwhlog P. & B., t -

' woman'*

day ehgBg'ed tn the hatardottstaak of painting the' ninety-foot4agpol*i«B-tb« Linooln..Schoolbuiding, \V«at£*ld.

PreparaUons for another saneFourth in Cranlord a n under way.Many will enjoy the canoe regattaon t ie Rahway river, while other*are organising parties to ptenioalong the river Unka. Oolf and

called at« o'clock.Fred Eosie returned bom* lastre

waekstrom;* trip along the•yWanla Bailroad In Waatant MewYdrfc In the lnteie*t of the AmericanBallwayr Awoelstldn. Me Boame. withUU WwopriwBawpinpaat idtgr


attefi^on of tW Gofffeitt^ ««»-Ur.. An .UWr.Udi.pl iji»r fire-work*, that wiU eclipae anythinghtoUuc' ahown, u promsed at

t h l h ll bhmntoUuc ahown, u promsed attbe Ooit Clot, whloh will be an ap:,propriatecloaing of th* holiday,

Th» tall game hetweeu th*Banket* and th* JJarchanU last

t 4 t t B l > d l

Tailor-Hade Suitsro»


At Reasonable Prices I

Cleaning, PressingScouring, Dyeing:


A T * Otooatda resulted i s defeatfar tk* Bankers b r tb» olow soor.o t t a tjB M.' *Tri» inning* w*t*

*kidMid*tk«gtuaa.1 - - " - BaBkar**

the ab-bil*



Our delivery wagon U at your servicu nnd null ordersgiven prompLattenlion. Our work i» guarHiitouit, only flmt-clasa workmen are employed in our workrooum. (JOIXIS re-ceived before noon trill b* rnady 4 o'islork t ied day.

A tetaphona call ot postal will recoivo prompt attention.

New York Ladies' and G^nts Tailoring Ci».A. GOLDBERG, P«pH*tor -


, -t


3kntim*rH*tux*r for partW* tiaw,. JrW nmpiring alsotad to t i at f/,, « w«*t- S ^ ;«& an^ bM faiwdt Jbat «n»:

W* tiaw,. JrW nmpiring alotain-d to aowont in part for

fi O f i B d j k '

aB^^a^BB^SB^^a^^a^^a^^a^^aa^aB^*B^aB^aB^aB^aBM*^**^a*BHBiH*i^*BBi*i*i^Bv^aip * l ^ * * a ^ * | ^ ^ * J ^ * J * W * ^ * * ^ * i ^ a ^ * a ^ a w ^ a ^ * w ^ * ^ a F ^ * r ^ * ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ r ^ ^

[Cranford HotelWtoo and Walnut Ate*.

Y' Acco»niodatlatt» for Ptrm»a-mt

' Booms n.byitMuo,and in(not*

y furnlsbadi huted>|«d by etootrlclty

adapted to .pro*d convenience.

Witt S«rvaa>t *\i HottM;HASStG,Prop.



New Jersey Central.AlSO^UNOAV. JU.V 2


Mauch Chunk , CteOnoksITh^Swkcatadi

Painter and



Estlfflitra rumtaltwd


CIVILJWIIEEI _j*..tggmTawnshlp EngL

ii84T*ej>s. Belli ^r,Dafetopm«nt Plan*,

• ' ifi^^A



fwCrinfonJ. H.


• . „ •

1 - 5 - " - " . ' . - •

:v3 . i,

•innarl—si—£D "

W.-frrWsarafcM'rtWi-iAC '

day much wbat the gorgeousmorning parade, or better ft,tb* "grand entree" -and pageantof all nations, ia to a long awaitedclrcut—that la In tb* «ye* of tb*

„ average small boy It is at oweIff* herald and foretaste of tb*

glories to come. And what man, whatever bityoars or present-day responsibilities, can'wholly forgot tbe keen anticipation withwbfrh ho awaited that early morning turn-moos, if. indeed, he waa not down -on "thei-ommona" or the vacant field at Uia edge o!town to see wlfJa his ovn'eyei Ui* burklniot the tamed dug of War. .

from time out of mind tbe firing of salute*•with ran Aat> h*»- been llie^of tb* approvedmethods of celebrating1 the f*>urt».6f July and« I* likely JhaMi «riU £antinn*._loJ>ft,th* fa»h-Ion to the end of the chapter, no matter wbatother change* may be mado In tb* approvedform of commemorating our festival of Inde-pendence. Tb* (discharge of big gun* on tb*July holiday I* simply an elaboration from tb*noise making standpoint of young ^mr Ira'spractice of exploding firecracker*, and sincetbe average red blooded cillien Is merely a ••mall boy grown tall, tier* Is widespreadsympathy with. If not yvoperatlim In, this »D**JfJr ""knowlodgmeBt of tbe glorlou* F W J L _"JI(tal~rta^^«T1!15t!tIiob* "t axed


awe oody odor*. Every dainty wa*a> *its manr ethera.- ../••

aad to purify monthafter nutHng. 'tan cans

• Toilet AnMaepUe at anyPrice Me and 50c, or by

.W turn The Piston T<*-W * * * ****, who wtll send* * ***• aampje It you- would like *•

• tor ttbefrtw buying "»«?»"".THJE REASON. ' '

\ \


brate, uit be admlitod that tbe pr«etle»^ne Home change* with the muting

In tbo days of our grandfather!of tho big guna kept up pretty

ddeBd .J^. -tb»»* -da**^- tteof tho new republic liked

_,,.. ,^ruu> infl-ruurtir, nnt ~m-Tt\«n(tB|and Christmas and New,Yi>ar'* aa well. And0h Independence j j a r if l h o booming did notliterally keep up all dny at least thora -wa/t aprolonged salute at siiintta, another at noon,a third at auniot and a final thuuderlrfg along•with the skyrockets and Komnn candles In thoevening, J _

in this Jhort dscorovl generation' wo haveto bo content, most of u», with onu salute of*nj».-*prl onjUlO-.E'oiwUv-Al -U.-S, tvfcvy-yardir-BDd mllllaxr~"tm*l«' »n<t" nl l iu n»u...b..__^..i

g u n n c r i growtired or the pow- 'der wa'a ethau'it-«d and when thevoluui'i>-ot each -pcnl of aritflc'lal

according - ...guesswork of tboa m a t e u r s Inmtatn'fing o u Ithe powder.' In one way,though. It la apity that therehad - to be any

- ' In tho•of flrins

" Vs.In pat on Independenceday. Bxtenalvs uie laalao made on the Fourthof the standard national,aaluta of twenty-oneguni. Ordinarily thlanumber-of-guna IS-BJKI-

d b I tnumberofguna ISBJKIaceepted at tbo Interna-

. De Qui*-«Ar*—y<nt--!n -favor~Ot-«safe and sane Fourth of JuIyT

De mis—No: let the boys bar*all the giant firecrackers they want

De QuU—But such things are dan*gerout.

De Whit-1 \hoyf it. I haven't any,nor* . , 7


T liava been, afflicted tor twenty,yeart with an o&tUnate akin UUease,called by tome M. tt'a. paorlaait, andotbera Uproay, commencing; on nj•calp; and In aplte of sJ), 1 could <]'With the help of the moat "skilful.<f<pra,Jt slowly but aureljr extand«ttit a year ago UUa wint i t<p,Jt lowly but aureljr extandtit a year ago UUa winter i t co

_*5*_ -^li'ill?.' V«»l«' and' other gnvrrhmnniiil th^ftaiilh-i^J^ijL-ga^y-j,^.^,

the •Vfrhso tnwn er city'where tho Mvlllnn* **It0' whercus It is'no'nioro nor leu'than" a0>i.»< do the tlrlnff-especlally It these stolf. otfUl of tho day', work for Untie Sam's gun'name civilians are to pivrtlclpnte In a plrnlc »•>* «n<li7fd It may surprlto-toais of owor * narndc-the reaulptlon tnlwft la lent echo- reader* to learn that there are artlljorymen

-oF-ftst-- fjf-polirsf; tf ttiere'ft to bo a cere- °H' imval vpasels. who thoroughly detest thBmonlal fl«g raiting durjrg the day, or a raonq- roaI' "f the big guns.. It Is uot that they'am

"""IS1?.1'.16 m% u"fi**IlB>l ofWrnohlglLup publlo" afraid-or are larking In experience, for aome

J « n » r h."e r e l ) 0 M e d l* '««•> death In a»arioty of forma and yot many a veterannoypr «_«|U over hls-UJaHka <tf Jibe (Ua-at etosoriui o, ' ,'

Ilut then the enthualaatlo crowds that onho Kourth of July.hear tho echoing salutes

In tho distance have no Idea of the shocksmlnilnlstertd to t)ie men behind (he gun whena "shooting iron" of any slse luts go. Tbe

of the president -U n i t e d Statef! ;;.^*~*a> -« *"iace, aiwhenever tbe er '•••atoD about Sept llatrate vli«s a 4 ' D r . 0. W. Uaobostep*.' aboartf L _ mbomeoa Eaatm. *. ivesseL The aata *Junni«r monihT Y\popular on the PobZ'tU. , .^ mT," • / , . - Jbecause tt_*eems toJust about tbe propei

"length and It* ~Uie

" Hrlnr «f a»loTw.OnTmH<j<rBatce warahiliarIrhoro guna of every caliber we at hand. from,which to pick and chooae the aalutlng la-nsually done with tbrevpoandera and on aborelight artillery or Oeld plecca of about tbe tame<Hmonilon» are uttttted:

by the fact that the 'number twenty-one Itformed by the addition of tbe figures 1, 7, 7, «,comprising tho numsrala in Uncle Sam's Urtb-dayy«^j


mctal l yft MUitq a« a aort of accoinpanlinent for tho,function, but for the moat part nowadoyt tbn

"lVf*fJ!lk£w«r!wf ">m«nlt fat l J

of discharges haMng a certain ^ ^ ^and one or another of these regulation salutes»'« flred «hen tbo noise-making Is In the.

'ng vettel In the United State*

; - . « » tbo nolaemi 1 "? ' . 0 ' ™««>«ror «mBleer

. -i

on the'Kwurth' with one formal salute.Another chtng* that ha* come with tba

patting of the y«ar* Hrlnjte matter of the ar-riinteiuentt for tho flrlng.of the aalqteo. Theaverage Individual who listens to the reverber-ation of tbe distant guns never gives a thoughtto this part of It, but qb,vt«usly somebody hatto Attend to Ihla part of the celebration, In


«)ay no niatterej^hether sAe ba at Anch0r..ln~a.foreign port, tied up in one of our navy yardsor cruliilng A t of sight of land ip

The- national

to claim extensive license In this. , . —. — . _ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ - , m-^m ^ v y i k i v i i i aaejMajt vgft

na prescribed la Uncle Sam** books or regu-lations that may be adopted tor the Fourthof July greeting. Veihapa the most .exten-sively used of all Is the American sarata ofone gun for every ttate In tbe Union. Byallowing- an Interval or a minute and a halt be-tween discbarges this salute can be itnffig

, out for more than an hoi.r and at

*,b4KW«y- -Tb« *aiuU».of olnui*.<«nnaj^ ^ ^scribed under certain condition*-in the navy,but the regulation Interval between gun* Inall sajntea Including - the national aalute oftwenty-one gun* Is Are aecondi/.i Durinj

" firing of the salute all the oncer* and1

stand at attention, n n wittomaor to? to*«lgn warships anchored In American harbor*

>*o«tribat»4tor » • p^irae^^ia^oiSafaerlScompetent to act as artilleryman f >r tbe orea-won. Similarly almost anything that wouldawwer the aurpOfhj'trf « ennnon was acceptedas a vehicle of, noise making. How often un-der *uoh circumstanced was « worn old (laidPiece drugged forth t6'4(» tucb duty and load-e8 4i!gb to the.muule. by cnthuttastt who

\ . l Z " '""' •" w u ' u »°" Bunner la (truckIn the, face as though, by * sharp «utt of windand auataina a Jarring, particularly of thetnint, which ^m»y fere* hint' to. have a me-mento all tbe remainder ot^the day In thefora of a mere, headache. Of court* gumof tbe largest slie are never employed in th«

Another salute that la used on this holiday'and. that la appropriate'to the occasion la theold Federal salute of thirteen guns—one loreach of tbe thltteen original states. This sa-lute-Is no longer med to any gnat extenton other ceremonial occasion*, bat It cornea

— w V H w n w w* i w m s i * IW\M mM9, lVat*JAlp*lwhen Tank**, naval craft,are spending theeventful holiday In alien water*. ' "any foreign aulhortUea or ships mtlonal salute, the firing ia no soonerthan an offlcer from too Amerlport matte* an official call uponofficial* and extend* thanks.

the** Bthought 1 *c<hospital, but•Ing. Mich'Ing. Ono Dr.'

I earnestly pt-through the wacross my riifeet badly awejflngonalla

'hair", dttavdi ijstraw, p my'Mr sister•We will try<plledta one \ithere waa r*l,burning sensf,Th«y« Inuaedu

> N

m m onwtbatb-we. i ^ :

' i r


„.. .__. ._, .a »«nSr*rlr5|rgi of aTmmunltloiu-Bomrtltnfs a follow lofi "orTtvin aJ length ofpipe wat wade.to-fcjrt>iML£lubstttute.. -". Th* natural tequel ofettch' a happy-go-luckyscheme of Orlng. rourth of July salntea cam*lDv.*w*°2lU,?Ur ltt?f*a»ln« »«<>rd pt accident*,.which finally bestirred-pvttla teuUment on,theaubject. Wsulfestly s>>iffli* shart*ot,(he>

JUleo\the »ewapan*ri onj>ths day following

MOLLY PITCHER,beat-known of all the Auarlcan hero-

rf battle 1* Molly, Mtc»nr<the story otaOmturea especially on tb» batUe

tdlUkc thenf laplr nt 1.

ft" >-

rf battle 1* M. aOmturea,

st it


.'Odtobkr It, .tudwlg, and

'< mUiar with

< e story oton tb» batUe-

b tnThe

the lett*^ battle h w huaband, a gunner. h*>lallen. when ah* aprang to hit puce, and HMdth* cannon.he cannon, r , . ^mB

MoUy had bew, omrfag water to th» aqt- A farther

honor*, bnt her grate .™„„,Ul 18T«, when. Peter Spahre d n d the rdte/ot erecUnj a xu.

A monument on the battltflildams#lft flhi i i f i » i f c t • • 1 1 1 . «rf .4* *^~.M.M

•v^-'-'T- ^r» "7™w ^"Htav* tm) t a v WIV W*K*i *%9l*^ Xfr1 *»,«• Ml PWpf when. h*> beeam* tac*~*acitat*4,-

It' U aat4 •*•'dropped her pal]. Mixed.therammer, and vowed that an* would avenge

_*SML **^k, » • pro*** .** excellent mhatt-'

','Vj^ "^yfA**fr

wounded ta thertothe


tSS^^Kitis^5Sew •#? ' ' S f j


tJ*fSSt2SJS5^*l^W I with


m a t UHOEWE WAISTS PUZZLt 1 0 SAW PORTER The One Thing N«tdfu«"Anna acd lis» is* i u t , ,

pettsable after aU,' rrmatkrd tlwho narrowly ••»>.•*K-I nit) ->


iad TWo Shooting SenatorsMartfc Car*fl*a Was ReafWMntad by

JCsb Vance, llrtw •f.hot Oft- HI*Meet*" and at. W. ftaneem,

WIM-Shot Hit Coffer

_ l _

' V-• "ir'i

Daring tlM administration of4em Hayee u d for ran* eighteenyear* lawr. no oUMr state w*s repre-

- seated In tbe United Sttjte* Most* bytwo j&en so comoletely different Inphysical, intellectual and tamparamea-t«l characteristica M wa» •North Caro-lina.

-That two senator* were Matthew W.Ransom, wfco a* a Confederate gen-eral fought in many of the great bat-tlaa of the Civil war. and Zebutoa B.Vance, who was elected governor ofhta atato while In. the tUld for the

uths Differing, aa they^dld. to-per-sonal characteristics and In the metb-.oOa which distinguished them while•enaUirs, these two North Carolinians

•Were warm penonal friends.



ances by hla elegant manners- — —» F " I ' ' " ' " " " ' " " • " "

chamber Sinless be wore the conven--tfenaTTrtorcoat and black trousers.

Hla linen waa conspicuous for Its fine-ness as well a* Its whiteness. Hewore a close-trimmed griixly graybeard, and he waa. fond of plucking ata chin whisker. He rarely spoke, andIf be, did address the chair, It waausually to put a question fir If Trik»a brief motion. He jilwayt did this-with studied dignity-'and grace. \ltwaa possible to see In him "the so-called typical southern gentleman. Hewas one of the two or three Demo-cratic senators with whom SenatorKoecoe Conkllng of New York permtUed himself to be on terms of per-sonal Intimacy.

Senator "Zeb" Vance, a* be wasftftBftInftfiTy" ynTfaffffar" syMJi T^ '"OUtt"* Ot*i"iitjr*™CUlean frame. He seemed tn .havecome directly, from the plain people.Hla head, of -noble shape and poise,

' wa* surmounted by a mass of brown-liar hair, tossed about with a sort of

iless contempt of brush and comb.le wore a very heav\i mustache of/f.wny color _HB appeared, to help

ht to tbe cuTbTbjt clothes, andI no objection to enftriug'tbe sen-

-suit,"stuffed with


ummrtt- V'£**-• *

I His colleagueItasRes. while

TbrM^ntly - perchedold-fashioned

|a man of In-wit He il-

way* ' commanded dote attention,when he apofem Hla colleague" nevertailed to pay him that court**?- of tak-ing a seat close ;to Vane* and listen-ing with apparently absorbed atten-tion to the entire speech. And whenSenator Vance bed flniahed, BeoalorRansom was the But to extend a son'g r a t u l a t l a g h a n d . • . •• -:-. '•'.' • ,

One Saturday afternoon I taw Sen-ator Vance walking around the Them- [ U •hooting hi*as Circle, looking aitha^itatoe of1 ' "Oeaerar Tbomat from, all point* of»lew. ' ' . • . . ;

"That Is a fine statue -of -Thomas,?,he said. "I sometime! think he wasthe beat soldier, on the Union side.' allthings considered.; My colleague; Ran-•om, agrees with me." -

I rentured to say to Senator Vancethat I had observed that hla colleaguealways made It a point to betbe first(o congratulate,-him. altar he hadmade.a speech.. .

"Ves, be does do that" was the rr-ply, "and he is sincere In It, too. t

' "It baa sometimes bee* said of as."Senator Vance eoatUnued—and Iknew by the twtakle of his eye andtaa twitching of hla nottafhe thatsome humorous thought was paaatnlthrough hla mind—"tt baa often be**said tb*t North Carolina ta repremat.«d by twe shooting seaaiors, and ye*in spJta or that fact 1 think Raaaoaasd I, ar# aboatt, aa grnfIs *11spostlioned men aa are in the senate.* ,

senator saw-that I JookwJ ptw"The; say." b* explained, that

t shoot'-off sxy mouth while Raaaoai

1 saw the point at once. SenatorRansom waa dlatlogaithstd not onlyfor the length aad rolMcs of but shirtcuffs, and for their capacity. toLeskr»lop hta hands, but also tor a hahlthe had of constantly polling the tuffs,when they had slipped back, to thetraccustomed placu, so that lh»y coa-c«aled all of his hands but the tingcra,In the sums; of the day this was called

the ease of itagerle vaista Motarn *a atand the weekly boillag by theboate lamadreaa. the alternative of the

eetabBahment is a dip Into

nsds and a IMB oa the soiled

Uea rolled «» wet and left »n ntgttta a eMns bowt In the morning, with-oat further handling, it la rinsed inwans water, the »at»r being changedoati) the anal rinsing teavea It per-f»«ly dear. The usual bluing andstarching process tolWura and thewalat la dried In the sun. It Is thendampened and rolled up-until It ahowtaa «rc« dampnen suitable for Iron-ing sad la pressed quickly end care-fully, care being, taken a boat havingaa troa of the right degree of beat.The proceea gtvea a lovely, clear»^'tf'*— to <*>» ""«" nr-rmtnuj fab,de of the blonae and doea not rot•veo the flaect goodal U may net beleaarted to for colored materials, buttar anything white It Is Invaluable. . IndMM daya when electric "trona mayb* uatd In the privacy of one's ownroom at the summer hotel, a capableBWM can do up all the best waists Int i l l way. • .' • • • « • •

IRONING BOARD FOR SLEEVES•••hooting the cuffs." 'Of course, noeiplanatlon need be made of SenatorVance's-remark that be was accusedof "•booting off hla. mouta.- *>n- be} D**e*M •*• 'Ohle- Ma« That Will. Bew u a'preuy consUnt and vtgorouaL : AptmcUtett by t><e Wlae


Origin of Two -Cent PostageSuggestion of a Friend That Induced—John Hill lu Advocate f l n t t t i s

Postal Card and Then -thi—~Reduced Rate. .

In tbe spring of 1883, a few week*after the adjournment of congress, Ihad a-good opportunity to chat withJpbn Hill of New Jersey, whose termas a member of congress expired onMarch 4 of that year.~"«r.

cess In persuading congress to adoptthe two-cent rate for letter postage.I presume you have been congratu-lated, and I want to tell you that Ihave heard members of congressthat your triumph It'the only onethey know pf i h e J l j B a j f l Jcluslvely a one man's'flgbt (rom thebeginning to the end."

- mtnr eitpreUaWnr oflatlon. and some from quarters whereI least expected them.. I am abso-lutely certain that all I predicted asA result of reducing letter postagefrom three cents to .two. cents willbe found to have been accurate with-in the next two or three years," .

—about the


Bookkeeping Lesson

• -t«ntton> -



btlt Proved toHe Could


said theF~-of-Gom~of'ths ex-

|.'s estate, "Itgreat

, the familythere

i waa neithera-steam-

| admlued tocleric

aw flrms of

C^aoford eoH

•nn '!ps% .v'>.o^

waayery| own'steam-

IslandlaJtflougJr tjit waajuatlanglng hla

Jp own-




laea as, Sisson-in-law,

retty macntnmodorer-

ranee .wasthe t work,aa.oppor-

ntntsejftaver beCommo-


1 ,"**ltoM. j r t b *liik omce

Ing to quit the steamboat business.1 bars got to have somebody-that Ican trust In his place, and I want to

next week.'^ . a • fj , , * * ^ ejf

Cotmnodortr.'-'i-proteatedr H- 1s now-ealtid'the' postal-card. " A tcap't Uke Dan's place.' 1 don't knowthe-flrat-thlng-rabout bookkeeping.''

"The Commodore looked qatoslcallyat me for a moment, and then lie toldnie.that he-cojQd find., out to. an In-stant whether 1 had told him'the truthor not when I said, that I didn't knowanything about bookkeeping.

"'Sammy,' he said, J*you knowenough to take-in all the money that'scoming,' and to say how much youhave taken In, don'V youf

Wh I"Why, of course I do, Commo-

pay out what 1 tell you tot*"'Of course. I can do that'•"Well,, you. know enough to pay

over to me all that la left, don't youT'"'Of course; that's easy,' I said.'"Well, thafs all-there Is In book-

keeping; Now, you quit over therewitfc.-.3ao!-Bario«b aa •MA. aa <be-'U-let»you go, and. come over here and takeDan Torrance**- place." -' "Of course there waa nothing: to dobut to accept the Commodore's offer,and that'* why 1 gave up tbe law: forbusiness." * •

(Copyright, mi! by E. J. Edward*. Ail. Rights Reserved.)

Superstition It May Be."Whether it la superstition or aof

'_ _ J _ " 1 ~ 1 '" elevator boy Ina city offlce building recently, <:buTiiav>.yon_«vtc nntlrred boor people rld-Ing la an elevator instinctively turn{beb/, facet toward tbe floor? Wheth-er the* car ia crowded or fall. It Is a*

who, stepping into•fwfUrfitted ear, coatd stand "miafdre j»«ttforUbiy facJng Inward TrillAjttis silMt .vQtiSRa'k anKiad until they

if* loo* straight ahead at the gate.ant qjdta asj iada* women in"

;Tw# reason* for thi* Itint aftfily./ ffaofila- An «Af An

thlg tor safety, foe the ear is Jost aa

: t b k ' a a i a * , a A J. _ - „ „ ,,tajnmj> Mt-ln, ease «*,)c£t aiMWld balk. Nor'to anxiety to"-* -"-"ttii r » t floor the naatnv

net sjoKcltude that th»

As we wajked along I observed thatMr. Hill waa a much larger and heav-

too large to slip into the sleeve of theaverage woman's shirtwaist, so anOhio man- has devised a aleevo Iron-Ing board. This device is mad* oftwo boards, one acting in a baaa andthe other, sbaped'llke a sleeve, bliigedupon It and ^colltpalblii so that the

stjsn frotn the galleries of-tne houseof. representatives. . tie was ' rUanshaven and of large feature*, aad hadespecially dear and penetrating eyes.it * U easy to see In the lines of hisface that patience asd perseverancewere fundamental characteristic* lahie nature, and aa I studied him atclose! range 1 began to realise bow Itwa# that h«. who in 1SSI had

..du^-;;,*:-.;bUl-;-::wtilch;.-nlaughed at alid gsiiVi'sllj1 ., .surd—a bill which called for reduc-tion of letter postage from threecunts to two cents—stuck to thatpurpose until, at teat, be persuaded amajority of congress to agree with Ihim, I asked Mr. Hill wh«n and j

-ho3K-the id«SF<>f-two-ctnt-leU«y--po«t--—age had occurred to him. , . j

-I think that the first: suggestion of j

flatIng up little room. A hook fastenedto the baseboard holds tbe Ironingsection rigid m -whatever position it

while iwas serving tu»"po«rtaaaiw- inmy native town of Boootowa. N. J."he replied. "One of my friends saidto me., one day: 'Why can't »'» cut athree-cent stamp In two. and thenwith each bait send an open letter?Atno

funded that if the government sbonld

Hook Holds It In Place.

or elevated.

7 g ratatap,-they • woald -ha- p w ;enormous quantities,, for they could'be used- either for advertising of foropen letter-writing purposes. :

"The more I thought of that theAiore persuaded 1 was thm -111* Idea

take it up. I began to agitate what

first the. Idee, did not take wltb mem-ber* dt congress, but tt laa't the com-mlttee On pomtoaces and post roadsthought it waa worth while to makethe exnerJnwmt. and la that, way w*got postal cards.-

''What followed made It dear to methat If we were- to reduce letterpostage from three cents to twocents, there would be such an • In-crease in the use of the malls for cor-:reapondence aa would more thanmake, good the lass of one cent. I

willing to stay In congresa. I sacri-ficed everything else to It. I believethat la tbe way to succeed In secur-ing favorable, action upon any meas-ure before congresa—stick to one"thing.

"Well, I stuck to two-cent tetter

variousboles along tn»«ufin)f(ar «ti4 4li» Ifint-

fereot levels. Without a device ofthis kind the laundress can only Ironsleeves out by going over themthey lie stretched Out-on 4tl» board,and this process often causes unslsbt-


Froxan 'Fruit Pudding.Ope pint;rich cream (whipped), one

pint-rich milk, one pint cut peachesor ripe. oeixl«*.,.xnj'*«-*gg* (yolk*only), one and one-half cup* sugar.Beat the eggs Well together with thesugar, tiring tbe milk to a boll, stirIt carefully Into tbe eggs and sugar.Return It to the kettle and stir overtbe fire until It thlckedr'sllgbUy, Donot let it boll, or It will curd)*. Setibe custard aside to cool, thea free**,

friend*, but at last t compelled thecommittee to study nty statistics, aadit w u persuaded that my view wagcorrect Tbat, after all. «aa nothingbut tie adaptation of ordinary busi-ness method*. The obeaper a thing,the greater -fh« sale. Tbe cheaperpostage la, the larger, win be tbe neeof the mall*. JU t were a younger maaI should begin agitation la favor ofuniversal one-cent poatage for all lett«ra. It won't con* ia my day. bat It

jnHaving brought about two-cent

ter postage, Mr. HU1 gradually re-turned, to bis peaceful life a» a bank-er at UQOOIOWB. New Jersey, gratifiedthat hi* name would be Identified

price/ of letter postage to any partof the United Stats*. '

M l b i E l . ,Edwa*aa. AHMgttW JRoam*)

THen On.

"Who la that daantl«M Jura « ! »

In the fruit. 1'ack In a mould,

Olweberry Slump,Take canned berries, more or leas

aa wanted, put In sn Iron satrcwpiH.sweeten with sugar to taste, add.samequantity of water as berries and nut-

'•>*« to.riea»fni» let Jttaam, Ut- m boll;have some dough read/ as for dlirop-tlnga Tno •borl«nlAg>.> drop - ln_, themlxtare until done; don't crowdthem: take the slumps out when doseand krep .the mixture hot} whenready for the? table pour the mixtureover tbe slumps and serve'at once;drop them with a small spoon.

Homemade Liniment* %Dissolve ten cents' worth of gumnpbor tn one reactip of ammonia or

I trafc» in.ll ition «iM tialfa-ptairoi ptntt.ollre oil and ten ewnta*worth of glycerin; shake well beforevain*. This Ilnlmtnt win cure sclstJorheirmsHsm by rubbing tbe part* lapals froa ais to eight weeks, and win•mil return,'-it-wtit tak»-th» swellingfrom a sore throat. ' "- ' .

1 1 1 • • ' ' *

, Oa« |abl«pooa of gelatine, <d!**o!redta * cap et *oJJtng water; best white*rtfirmr fgg| lftlft,,tt»Tl Tftt t h* "'*-

Laura tmersen Taleott, Alee Celered.

Then Transferred Her

3 k ^

Wm5'. s

of both »rma.He aipp«d Ma m"k !.-, M

through a straw HI;.'..R ,,<i<.. , •out of his pwket t» (in- »„> , ,reactiiBg down »tili M» I-XIKII UlhtMrd A a r .bowing Ms ix-iid .inJ Jar

The night was dark and.dlrtr. A(tee misting rain had been tailing ft>rhour* and the ground was aUppeiy un-der foot.

The asphalt streets, as somebody orother said, looked tike a newly caughtcatfish, snd dirty .drops trickled fromthe awnings,

nut in 0i* midst of tbe drlule SamPorter (colored I mMa Ms slipshodway. hla'tare serene anT" his gall aaen»rg*tlo as the gait of dam por-ter (colored) ever, got to bo... Tn gnd out- Kfcy--Bjta VorlwMwIor-ed) was out In the firiitle tt It tnrr«-aary to go back three daya, the Oal-vestop Kews tells Its readers.

Three days before,. Laura GintrvnnTtlcotH alto c6h)r*tl,' but i\»t quite somuch so a* Bam, had be*nH}r*d (rentthe employ of one Major Tanner, milthough they had accused Ijtuni ofstealing a sliver match *af», and tin.)found It «tt her, aha %aa pttiural*)-

turned to uu « J \ I I < P ,1 -..of mlitr l> mtshiy ns« f il •

dlgsant..Oalng tndlsnant, therefore,

had told Ram tbat Major Tanner lint*aa fine alot o( white I'fymjuth Itf**.fowls aa man ever raised; (tint tlui

This wan welcome Information to Wm.ltd wasted no lime In acting upon It..—Through tlin alley back of the Tan-ner home Ham anenkrd, his sodden,hurstout shoes squashed, merrily.Occasionally he paused: to listen, pro-pared, If dlsi-orirpd, to throw away thesack h» rUrrlwl In his shirt front.

Th» alley gate waa Incknd, and flamhail to rllmb-oycr the -ftinter- rThftmajor had. ornamented the fence withnails ifDti barb wire, and as Hsra Jumn-•d, appanmtly ihe-nnlla and barb wireJumped toward him, and heupon.a. pile «f )mmo tumbor,ncratcheil, and torn, with a-noise a*If a house had fallen. Hut nobodycame.— Uncovering- M*-breath,- he' crept to-

Oroplng within. Bam frit evnrr Inrhof din space It inclosed, but there woreno fowls. '

Out In the aftey hn scratched1 hisMr reflectively.' It WHS plain that'something had gone wrong. Hut Bam

II whs thiit ijdiira find dwiftly-trBttir.--;fcrred Jher 'affections '» »

told him about the fowls al*o, ami thisyellow man, seeing dial Sam mightlioaalbly ba it a«f(ft movvr.decldcd tobe like lightning.

And a piualng pollr«man. In a badhumnr becatma of the pnaky ritln, nub-bfd Sam us .,ho nmerged from ihs al-ley, llfl had benn tou badly rattletlto t.lirnw away the sack and tillscaused him to bo stint to thn stationin-the-nieerflew rubber t(re patrol wng-on on'x*ni*r8|i prfnrl^i**s* • '.'.'' .- —

Arid the'next day the major appear-ed Bftoltiit htm. and the sack'and hispresende-ln the alley, coupled wLUi theIons of the major's fine fowls, iavoBariVOO diys on the rock -pfl*r;-— - ~

doesn't uMerstand yet why ho didn'tget those chickens,

; . Th» Wily Wolf,In th# school, of woodcraft • and

ger wolvei pave no four footed equals.The fox Is a dunco ID comparison: thecoyote, or prairie wolf, a fool, and therest .nowhere,

Tbe giant moose. King of tbe Cana-dian wood*, It tno most d.lffl«ult of allIbe deer specie* to *tftk In the fallmonths, but nevertheless It Is often


Knowing tbl*. and that true sportmust combine a maximum of,exertionand even danger to a minimum of de-struction (though nothing would1 .be•aid about the destruction of too manywolves), also that there was moretiubor to'be-gained In outwitting and•hooting one wolf than a doten easily

; torganized a wolf hunt.fgr the winterof mow, built three log cabin* torn*miles apart and invited sportsmen toparticipate.

During tbe tbree'mldwlnter monthsthey -came Into camp In twos andthree* for a week or ten day*' biwLTo all of then the sport wa* new,'bealtbful and exciting, not to say dan-gerous, considering tbe quarry soughtand the risk of breaking through join.lc« pn Jakes and rlvera in If* pursuit.

Wide Wor t* ;

- for ffssl fire Promotion,'To place aa elaborate atandplp*

'•ysteaj In a building U merely to be-gt0-t0*-worfc<«t fire protecUo'n, Mystbe SdentiOa American. To make It

- * fii*,drill* should be prno-ilariy- TU* note «booid be.valve* opened and water

_ — „ . turned on, Blie. wBjn th*fire break* out, valves Mil *Uck

i i i i in • • • • i • i • ii i i • • • nanfc ^MB ^ j ^ i a T a r n r J M I

W. N. U , NKW YORK NO, g*-1»l i . ;

;A half truth nlwitys «.'rm» nu-rrpregnable than u manrurtni m nlib*ml Is l lv tnn il a ill«a<hnn!ai,icontcnilou with u do

AUTOMOBILETIM INTKItMA.TIOHAt, I. ^ . . n l . M >. t l . .r * Ultl.UtIl.il rti.uJmi™1 TIHIMNI) .rh . t

N«V TurS. «hrfr 4.0U4 lD.n UftttMKl In Jllm' ' W t u u l i >i>a t» DIIIVB. r .

M u r h ) j NKtrM*nl ( « »UU<II'l.KI « niiliM "f priacllral •!>.,,, ».,fli, INI I | 'I.MI tKMir imlflNll lf»»n>. f.if 111•i|i*li»»i. Ytet Ifiarh All l»l*<it' IliNITIo

l tl TIIANfMN^

C O M *| ' l > -liirr

• i | * l i .r ( h l l T r h

l N

IIIIUII oil lh» Jlllt, Kii.l'.li <lnsml lwu«i< iiiiirnrlim. raknf r>-

^1WH**W jt v t ^ a A 4 o w i n

The Attny ofConstipationIs Crowing Smaller Ev*ry Day.CARTER'S LITTLE ~LIVER PILLS HI™ -M

slblo-— they pcrmn-nentlycureCes-stlpMi«s. Millions usethentfor

Genuine mutt bear Signature

r 'if»

Pimplesbtackhssda and oily skin may bequickly overcome fy the tVaqusot

uteol .


fimii iq Tm WmUMI Csaisra, « « , |>rareM,1 taltM, dcrrluv** *o&' prtau pmarf Tti l»»

r«> \J i*^ Pnpalit 4). 4>«xl 'of

Um AiPftV CO, tOO Bis A»», H*w YOf*

B a a awTOUHHATDJILa. t* - too*

tnoner* Send foeP.^IXKDJERICK'S SONS.lOOTrroUSf., Albwy,

ron moreCatalotV

„ . , . - . - * • . ? - " - *^ - '


X-» • '


m•rtteta JMUMIIW la s tfclat »• M M tWMl|r WUM from Proof• IferfcAll v a n Mtbnalutie MtmityM ofWUulov Oomer, and *ll, (w*to# bad a«« i t UM futptiotr of twin am? tea andraalisim how dWknlt * u tb* cask,betboutarthan of QMMT, oalj twmtymiln »w«r. now refrrabiaf It wmldbe to bar* a ftlmpM of, UM maa'iwont ID hl« rtodlul Kollr Mir« tbalIt » u not bia <tutom to admit *tno

t p!J«rluif

N. i*7^



1Z-CEIITH-Buys Oliver Typewriter I

What! Actually biy - outrigtirfhe $IWT OliverTypewriter for Seventeea-Centa-a-Day ?

Yes, sir ihut's tlic proposition on the new modelli N 5 h S d d Viibl W

eVisible Writer.

tn mke .idi'iintafc'c of our Sm'nlnn


Oliver No. 5, the Standard"~""E\VV n'ul imlj Tin Hi \mi- rir vr£C ynu-

ffrre-ptim"»TIf~ta f»< il • ior TtiFTri'Tii'M til. Hie many lt|nu«iiiiiTi wliTTwiling imulimrt ur i/nmj; ailhoni them fur fork nl trndy I'anli.•• In HIIIIIK II.II nn Olm r JypiwnKr <*•• nircl you mur* titan lull w:i)A MIIJI (..cli |p:mmm liriii(j» ilie m,irliinr \ \> willingly rein"/ wlnlc you pay attin r$H ni Si^rntfcn-("iiitn n-lX'n •<

\ \ r dunt Miiut .1 i nil >>( Mfiitll> Ju'l ymir proiniw hi pay l» riiuiiuli

Thousands Sold for 17-Cent«-a-Day!— Sitjrt- -wr )>n!nn m-llmjr iqirviTHrnf on itit> 1irojiil-K«iiKc plaif ourTiwinrss liau.inure than

.'*ft'coV«- groop that conuianl at least

on* fall fltdjtrf naltunal amdemlrlaoand Mreral aatoctatM o f .Uut aogurtbod/. They an went lo (tcarhoroucii(t'rout'i Sect], pat dp at Ib* hslel n»dwui Um a joint iofi-, dcolov tlwliu * m « and IwgRldf ttiat be wcmld re-c d r t them. \Vb«n tbe memwjgrr re-turned t6»y read with dUnwf tbalWliulow Homer presented bU romplt»fn(» and bemed to be excused frurnreceding "art •tudent*." The Joko « u•o goad tbtt tbe atorjr wan girni ottfla artMIc clrclw.-'Artbar tlocber hiWorld'* Work. . \

M*ok Bunt.Mock lauf ar* almlUr In point «f

orlcln to tb< mirage* of tliu diwrt,only they occur lo (h« arctic elnrio,Aa Ibo IOOK winter night of tho polari l

Cranford, N. J.

Carriage Repairing and Painting


Expert Horseshoeing. General Jobbing

f wmiiM once trbrf twenty-fourbonr« a illitit glow la ae«o at somepoint on Ihti borltoa.' Oftennylng tDI* glow U i««a OTo IDon of tbo mack •tin*. Bereral de-gmm up lu tbe heaven* aa many a*flro of (•>*»« apectral orba bare been«een at one tlma.> Invariably they are

U 4 M

wbon only one appear* It .la utslakrn.for the real sod of lay . and nqtlreirrrjolco at tho early cod of tho lon«winter nlsht only to ho disappointedna tbo liy«Ko dtnaprxfira. Tbo eipla-natlon of tbe phenomenon la aircn.bjphyilclata a* refraction and reflection

n! j i p v flrtKajige plaif ourTiwinrss liau,tlouhltit. I OIK iipf.n Inns n( tnrtal Imir turn lurtitil iulv Ihouianilr

ol hfrtmtni .mi) Knit .ill u\<r thr wnrUI I." nupply lite demand for .Olivers—atSm-iiUrii IVnU-a Day I Wf haw inii|ili" tapilu) ntiil (miMcnce to nell l ) |n-wrtli-r. on ilu* pl.in Our luwt>. arc iHtimttiwuil TJic public linn jiutilicil our1

ronlulrncr in Mich im iiiiprr<>iir nrtimrr thai liitbiy wr arc jam :i» glail to Ixxikfirilerf mi tin1 "runty 1'l.m" u» wi arc fur all raili m advmire.

Swiftest, Strongest, Simplest $100 TypewriterThe iferil of tlir Oi l i er »ct« u pnee llmt hit) nrvcr yet bfrn excel led ll<

ttrrnfUi ntui fitduranrr arc «.m-li l(i,it n i m n >ou flRneiilh for a hltlimt, Nilmhrt mirhtni ID the $itfi ilu>4 ^umpiiri:* with it in jimpluity fur wit ilu n«ayOTrii-*imifM«rtr"«r-||i3T[i"iflii:tr"i.iT oilHT'iiTatiitaril iypT*irinTr."" • Ttir iir>i • rtfcmodi I of llir ()li\rr T»;ir«mlrr n,i|. Illicit fwyn yi_..ltf_w4}l|4)w||l.r nmj |o l JI vixtittry prtntM>o|ifiunipU-s <'IIIIHH1U<<I in ittviirld

Tile nueliint- wn» n eurirnit fmikiilg fTuir- Init tin-ilrMpi Wire'(I^tinnl m tfi'i'lulliiiiitr llir lyfruvtltr

Of from the'real (tin below "the


rtial or lataTbK-Childrenbar.h

that YoorFowU.™ Free from Lice. Botaradker?Soroa Undaof Uce auck Mood an night and hide In rrarka and fnjricea aU day and

T ' 1 * T F T W J ? * *%*llhl"tD R u M < ***** t**"S* »nd «»«»li>3aU day and night vermin will kerp awnf. RUM1* is tbe hi* , and tbat IT why

AARON D. CRANE, Cranford, N. J /

It A 1 1 1 a a »

« bad,- n*ttb*rh«».Tbla Warolmrl twd IyourchUdr«B'»^M.



peal Estate airfiyChoice'Houses sjnd

Tel. 38. U

n H^rcJ>fyareKKEIE,




g ( w elinrlgon on the mist* In tiie upper at'nuKphero.-Ht. I«uli-Kepubllc,

Croattiip Hie |B.r.Tcnnjnon'a famou* poem "Croulnit

tbe llnr" win written, cald bla *MII.In the poet1* clghty-Dntt year, "on u'day In Ortobur whon ws enmo fromAld-Wdrtli to Karrlngford. Rcforereacljlng fArrtngford he bad bud. the~*m0Qn!n*g~pf"rn0 bar* tn~tifir'nnn4£"a"li(THrfterr<Hfli)iif lim uliugwl UMt OHrpoeuTwritten va\. That la tbo crown ofyour life's work,'" Mid hit aon, whowaa the first man after tbe poet toroad "CroMlng tbe Dar" and whopawed tbe Ont critlclam upon It Inmen fitting and generoua lunguago."It came In n moment." laid the po*t.and hB ««p1nlBea Ufe~pilot~aii "Hie TSF"rlno aud Vnmen, w&« la alwaya guld-

Tjpt&rtikt*H M I

1 1 < f .

Model No. 5 Wins World's Applausenikiu aud >*ioir* of t i t * u ir* ttml jtUt IrrioetiUoiii g u n ft) r^*(l#tkfy< IJir ittw ' c o m ut1 LB1 ta^au 1 * AtAltkAl AAila 1 ^j .^-l..a*fc^ a.fcfcfc*. i t i l i H JC4|44.B( j l . | a . ^i l i l ir ij .4 .wMaail t A I H ^ *t^.4tlU#^ ft J | I K

I • • ' • • ^ • • f**»^*****iit ^ v n m i f T*»rt^ i^iiirf T I U P I t TVV * KlTin^n rTTvTTaTfll alTlLI FTBv|Ttiy 1 Ilr

Auttiinani Miu'a.m muf ihvTiiw HtiU'i atr Twin IUHK^B,—Katii <u^ili-im'<oii>iO«ii> llir Mliri, in lolmUhbilliot McdianlMn, llir ,\ul•xhiT iiiimvaiiunii i«H llir lim>i'»,«cl alt llir»r liiiinrii«tli

poot, calling hlrng to»ldo;«a|d, "Mludyou put 'OroMluir tbeItar1 at tbo end of all edition* of mypocriu."

_ It will be worth your lime to try m« Wfore'buylog ft|s«wlier* aamy nrin*arcliiw and quality the beat. y

CHnqmCteBLpCK^CHAWrtJHD, . - - -DIEORICH KREIE, Carpenter and.Bullder.

iHK, inviilclnE, ami all kliuN i>l "Uiuiu-al yvrinlk i'tiltl I I n g m , HIP I'niwr H r i t A r t , llir

W l i a - i ( n « l i 1 thl l \ n i h l el

k Hie llalnmc| l « k Simrr mill

tliVU/, Whttl Srnn

1I»H It 4>f nrrft**jnn (o ttiU I;" fiuittovf-nifnf«.

Send for Book and"lf Cents-a-Day" Offer NOW!

lu Itllrr ),Mtifi ga,/male ihr Ulu«r ji.ur slim

_, „ ... .., e i t t o l i l l l u u l o JxU fatulfy

. .. . .. .' btClOia Tito bvucdlct whoso Inrviuc

• l>ajr OKrj i,r ilol, jr,«u 'UmM lm\t • co|iy of ttir IlLtvti ... ..aniuniitril iritli ihr li|K-»ijlrf HIM (IA< inftilc itwll mdlilirliuhtr Id»«nl UrvVm atl i<<ciiril< in xlrt. II yuu j.«n "ami ulil InnmrKtr." » • «

II* lirn

and liwoint Ixttrr

«'In "Irii

d li

»^V.'""A«rfr>v-W't'<;i»i<iii(i'ii»w« % < -":-'"~


Oealer In Rour, Peair<iraln,;Hi


BleTttar and; Wanbouw,ROSfimB.PARK, N. J. '

Old Tint* Taxation. /Daring tbe olevon joora from 1003

to 1700 tha Knglluhninu ovut- twentylire who hlrlted inntrimony WOB call-ad on to iwy t-abllUng annually, witha further •um, «qcordlnji_|ii,rajikj. <jjS ablllmgH fur a gcutlomai) and 113Ma; totfk'itbo reveimo ubuut i 1,000 a week. Intlirao/"goud old time*" tbo Drltuu hadto pay a t in when be took a wlfo iiddanotbvr tux vvury time he (lunllflcd. a«« fallipr, Tbui u duko'a nuptial* co«t

ffili 4 .. tiU hnlp rnn Ou unii rnr

Tile bvucdlct wboao Inrviuciraa Iwa-tbau MO a ycur bml'ftrpgyJla. <kl, on hU marrlaga ani) S 'abllllugt

jevary time ho became a. father.—Loo

I- sr^y^-r^fn d ( #SW npi-up IK r*l.'.7(*r-*liV~^l. •»

Sheep Manure for Lawns.fertilizers for Gardens and Lawns..



Summer Blankets and Horse .Ooods,

' Wajjntr a Living Paradax.Aa, uu «rti« Wagner bad uoequaled

tsnlnii Aa a man,.though gvoerou*..temperate awl virtuous to an unuauai4«gmti 'htt AtM bad e»traord|nary^ l Ho. waa ogoUatkal and, proud.1


The Cranford GarageAGENTS FOR




A rnnl will hrinp n ilomonatratUm, with no obligation.Onion plmiHt now will Inmins onrly iii<liv«ry.Cntulngs ftiralalieil upon ref]UMt,

NEWTON A._ BARNETT, Prop. \f f AVfNUP, ra<f. - - - •

t—i >—*


, ^—o»wp» ' *

' \


FRED H. k»


\- . f

SJjku ,, ,„ "-in

th V

. Aayl»a*


' wortfc whili

cM chieb

•likcamaif:1ft* inTn l nnirget oar pricea lot. of «rhactno jrarcwiO pay you

out C t »Gate* andPaddock. Khad upon aj



Paper H«r°^n

ana, OH, Paint/varoi

; WfWfR & MrJUli

MAHT1N (I.-A. 1

MaionWantt Cantraotorso«D, a. i.

iCR*ajro«ot i

K*tlm*(M IromlalUKl nuall r i w w . nf wmk.

I—Nonb -AV6. nuirMnploHr.,¥ n n l N o n bOurwood.N, J.

IWaphon* 1(IW

E. K. ADAMS,|7| D P I UQl^D If aVIaflD

rirvn ikfiouiwiiiiuO.


Cranford NJ

<»M AR U . IIES8 LOV1B M U E 8 8


Heating and Tinning.

—f S . UntAit AvanwiM


;Brkk, 5torand Plait

> Estimates Fun

24 Waa* LineCRANFOf

aAlialll lai<



. VKTERIMIPat Milmala a :

Ke*id«n'ce, I fA~J. c.w:

tehigh Vail

Offlo* 8f«rry JJIwXard:Ontepn la l .






^ ^ t iaj>d Dfl>d

nor»r ma,<U> * manl r f > j IBM* «li«iBtaB. U«waa woMhlp«J and hated ^ k W a^(to aU, mnateailr te atanda aa the moatB»tat)le flgQK ot thla i n . — pole1*fjimow) OtiBspwIeit^

aaid tb* lawyer tor thaln hla'etoqueat and

"a,0I ,«emand ford l l l

I w p , ,0I ,emnd for• i r eltont «H;Sour itanda la loitlcft-

' the pttaclp«i o|( til* djatfict achoolwaa 0* tb» jury, and (b» vwokt waseHUy-wttb a targ* OXJhtctso Trtb-

f ' / \ "' •Manx « t M QutaVan,

Ktta, LoMlr-Vou «ttght to. be «r«-uUKim UarrUvgeUa,aertowmat




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