jakub karlec - intuition over analytics

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Web analytics is far from perfect. Relying too much on it can slow or even kill your business. Decisions based on expert intuition can be more effective. Moreover, you will never change history, if you rely solely on analytics. So, do you have the balls to embrace intuition–driven design?


Intuition over analytics

Conversion optimization…

…has limits and drawbacks

I failed because I focused on the wrong thing

Facebook Login Reduces Ecommerce Sales(Case Study)

Without Facebook Connect:Conversions ↑ 3%Revenues ↑ $10,000

“The a/b test just shows, that THIS version of form is bad, not that Facebook login reduces sales.”

Misinterpretation of analytical data is a common mistake

Not the tools,but the people matter

Biases and assumptions

“A person can make himself happy, or miserable, regardless of what is actually happening outside.”— Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Never trust anyone with a mortgage

Good data in wrong hands can do a f*** harm.

Intuition–driven designvsAnalytics–driven design

You can't measure everything


Can you measure the impact of shutting display advertising down?

Long term effects

Overhauling Facebook’s user interface

You can’t make strategic business decisions based on short term AB tests

Benefits of intuition–driven design

You will never change history, if you rely solely on analytics data.

“True leaders have the ability to make the right decision even with limited information.”— Warren Bennis

It's way cheaper and faster

Waiting for relevant and statistically significant data can do more harm than living without analytics at all.

The story of Marissa Mayer

When designers wanted to change the blue colour on Google's homepage, they had to do multivariate testing of 41 shades of blue to see which one performs best.

"[…] data eventually becomes a crutch for every decision, paralyzing the company and preventing it from making any daring design decisions."– Doug Bowman

“We let the math and the data govern how things look and feel.”— Marissa Mayer

Year after Mayer took over Yahoo, the company’s stock price was up 100 percent.

“True leaders have the ability to make the right decision even with limited information.”— Warren Bennis


Jakub Karlec



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