jagadguru sri shivarathreeshwara university...0211(1dec 2017 saturday formulative pharmacy...

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Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC UNIVERSITY

Practical Time Table of M Pharm - I Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017

Centre: JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru

Date Day M Pharm Specializations& Practical Subject

30 Nov & 01 Dec Thursday & Pharmaceutics Practical I Pharmacy Practice Pharmaceutical Analysis Pharmacognosy2017 Friday Practical I Practical I Practical I

01 &02 Dec 2017 Friday & Pharmacology Practical I Pharmaceutical Chemistry Industrial PharmacySaturday Practical I Practical I


02 & 03 Dec 2017 Saturday & Pharmaceutical Regulatory Pharmaceutical Quality Cosmeceutics Practical I --Sunday Affairs Practical I Assurance Practical I


Controilaf of Examin;:;tions

Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharm (SSt) - [Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 20t7


Centre: JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru

Date Day Batch -I Batch -II Batch - In Batch - IV Batch - V

09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 P M to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM

041h Dec 2017 Monday Human Anatomy & Human Anatomy & Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutical PharmaceuticalI Physiology-I Physiology-I Analysis-I Analysis-I Inorganic Chemistry

051h Dec 2017 Tuesday Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Human Anatomy & Human Anatomy & Pharmaceutics-lAnalysis-I Analysis-I Physiology-I Physiology-I

061h Dec 2017 Wednesday Pharmaceutics-l Pharmaceutics-I Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical PharmaceuticalInorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Analysis-I

071h Dec 20 I7 Thursday Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Pharrnaceutics-l Pharmaceutics-IHuman Anatomy &

Inorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Physiology-I

A~Controller of Examinations

Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharm (SS) - III Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017UNIVERSITY

Centre: ISS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru

Date Day Batch - I Batch -II Batch - III Batch -IV Batch - V Batch - Vl

09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM

Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical PhysicalPhysical Pharmaceutics-I

041h Dec 2017 Monday Organic Chemistry- Organic Chemistry-It -- --II


Physical Physical Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Microbiology05111 Dec 201 7 Tuesday Pharmaceutics- I Pharmaceutics-I Organic Chemistry- Organic Chemistry-II Microbiology


Physical Physical Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Organic06111 Dec 2017 Wednesday Microbiology Microbiology Pharmaceutics-I Pharmaceutics-I Organic Chemistry- Chemistry-It


--071h Dec 20 17 Thursday -- -- Microbiology Microbiology --

Controller of Examinations

Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table ofB Pharm (SSl) - V Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017UNIVERSITY

Centre: .ISS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru

Date Day Batch - I Batch - II Batch -III Batch -IV Batch - V

09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM

041h Dec 2017 Monday Formulative Pharmacy Formulative Pharmacy Pharmacology-Il Pharmacology-It --

051h Dec 2017 Tuesday Pharmacology-ll Pharmacology- J J Formulative Pharmacy Formulative Pharmacy Pharmacognosy-Il

061h Dec 2017 Wednesday Pharmacognosy-If Pharmacognosy-II -- -- Pharmacology-Il

07111 Dec 2017 Thursday -- -- Pharmacognosy-If Pharmacognosy- n Formulative Pharmacy

Controller of Examinations

Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University f.(Deemed to be University) UNIVERSITY

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharm (S8) - I Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017

Centre: ISS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru

Date Day Batch - I

1.30 PM to 5.30 PM

04th Dec 2017 Monday Human Anatomy & Physiology-I

051h Dec 2017 Tuesday Pharmaceuti cal Anal ysis- I

06d1 Dec 2017 Wednesday Pharmaceutics-l

07th Dec 2017 Thursday Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry

Controller of Examinations

Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table ofB Pharm (SS) - II Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017


Centre: JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru

Date Day Batch - I

2.00 PM to 5.00 PM

04th Dec 2017 Monday Biochemistry

os" Dec 2017 Tuesday Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-I

OGth Dec 2017 Wednesday Human Anatomy & Physiology-Il

Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharm (SS) - IV Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017


Centre: ISS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru

Date Day Batch - I

2.00 PM to 5.00 PM

04th Dec 2017 Monday Pharmacognosy- I

06th Dec 2017 Wednesday Pharmacology-I

071hDec 2017 Thursday Physical Pharmaceutics-I

os" Dec 2017 Friday Medicinal Chernistry-I

A~Controller of ExaminationsControiier of Examinations

JSS UniversitySri ~~hiv;H~athr('[sh\\';,;ra N~lf~(n·


Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of M Pharm - I Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017


Centre: JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty

Date Day M Pharm Specializations& Practical Subject

29 & 30 Wednesday Pharmaceutics Phannacy Practice Pharmaceuti cal Industrial Pharmacy PharmaceuticalNov 20t7 & Thursday Practical [ Practical I Analysis Practical 1 Practical [ Chemistry Practical I

30 Nov & Thursday & Pharmacology Pharmaceutical Pharmacognosy Pharmaceutical PharmaceuticalQuality Assurance Biotechnology Regulatory Affairs

01 Dec 2017 Friday Practical T Practical I Practical I Practical I Practical I

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Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharm (SS]) - I Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017


Centre: JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty

Date Day Batch - I Batch - II Batch - III Batch - IV Batch - V

09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 0] PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM

02nd Dec 2017 Saturday Human Anatomy & Human Anatomy & Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutical PharmaceuticalPhysiology-I Physiology-l Analysis-I Analysis-I Inorganic Chemistry

03,,1 Dec 2017 Sunday Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Human Anatomy & Human Anatomy & Pharmaceutics-IAnalysis-I Analysis-l Physiology-I Physiology-I

041hDec 2017 Monday Pharmaceutics-I Pharmaceutics-I Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical PharmaceuticalInorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Analysis-l

OSlhDec2017 Tuesday Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Phannaceutics-I Pharmaceutics-IHuman Anatomy &

Inorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Physiology-I

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Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharrn (SS) - III Semester Examination - NovlDec 2017


Centre: JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty

Date Day Batch -I Batch - II Batch - III Batch -IV Batch - V

09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM

02,\{1Dec 2017 Saturday Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical PhysicalOrganic Chernistry-Il Organic Chemistry-IT -- -- Pharmaceutics- I

03,d Dec 2017 Sunday Physical Physical Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical MicrobiologyPharmaceutics- I Pharmaceutics-I Organic Chernistry-ll Organic Chemistry-II

041h Dec 2017 Monday Microbiology MicrobiologyPhysical Physical PharmaceuticalPhannaceutics-I Pharmaceutics-I Organic Chemistry-Il

051h Dec 2017 Tuesday -- -- Microbiology Microbiology --

SI"i Shiv<lr.Hi,fcesilwara Nag"rI\IYSORE··57001S

Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharm (SS) - V Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017


Centre: JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty

Date Day Batch -I Batch -II Batch - In Batch - IV Batch - V

09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM 09 AM to 01 PM

0211(1Dec 2017 Saturday Formulative Pharmacy Formulative Pharmacy Pharmacology-If Pharmacology-Il --

03'd Dec 2017 Sunday Pharmacology-Il Phannacology-II Formulative Pharmacy Formulative Pharmacy Pharmacognosy-ll

041h Dec 2017 Monday Pharmacognosy- II Pharmacognosy-Il -- -- Pharmacology-Il

051h Dec 2017 Tuesday -- -- Pharmacognosy-ll Phannacognosy-Il Formulative Pharmacy

Controller of ExaminationsCo n~r0~!:=~r ~~:.~::~.-,~~;;~~J~~!~;l :.

SI-jShivaratiwees!"h'-lra [\Jag::'

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Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University IW.II(Deemed to be University) UNIVERSITY

Accredited lA' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharm (SS) - I Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017

Centre: ISS College of Pharmacy, Ooty

Date Day Batch - I09 AM to 01 PM

02nd Dec 2017 Saturday Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistryr-------

04tll Dec 2017 Monday Pharmaceutical Analysis-I

Sri Shiv2ra~hr·ecsh,\.;!ra Nag"!1M·;'·~Gj{.E·S7no 1~

Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharm (SS) - II Semester Examination - Nov/Dec 2017


Centre: ISS College of Pharmacy, Ooty

Date Day Batch - I

1.30 PM to 5.30 PM

02nd Dec 2017 Saturday Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-I

04lh Dec 2017 Monday Biochemistry

os" Dec 2017 Tuesday Human Anatomy & Physiology-II

Co~_n'Centro il~:rof Examhie;. ::~t,S

Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University W~(Deemed to be University)

Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC

Practical Time Table of B Pharm (SS) - IV Semester Examination - NovlDec 2017


Centre: ISS College of Pharmacy, Ooty

Date Day Batch - I

1.30 PM to 5.30 PM

02nd Dec 2017 Saturday Physical Pharmaceutics-Il

03rd Dec 2017 Sunday Pharrnaco gnosy- II

04lhOec 2017 Monday Pharrnacology- II

os" Dec 2017 Thursday Medicinal Chernistry-l

Controller of Examinations

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