jack's truck plan

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

Alejandra ElosuaAndrea LaiElba GonzalezSerra ErkalStephane Safar


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

Table of Contents1. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………...4

1.1 Mission 1.1.1 Mission Statement

1.2 Keys to success1.3 Objectives

2. Organizational Summary………………………………………………………………………...5

2.1 Legal Entity2.2 Start-up Summary2.3 Location and Facilities

3. Product/Service Description……………………………………………………………………...6

3.1 Our Product3.2 Our Service

4. Market Analysis Summary………………………………………………………………………..7

4.1 Market Segmentation4.1.1 Our Customers4.1.2 Customer Demographics4.1.3 Customer Psychographics

4.2 Target Market Strategy4.2.1 Market Trends4.2.2 Market Growth4.2.3 Meeting Our Consumers’ Needs

.3 Main Alternatives4.3.1 Our Competitors4.3.2 Our Strengths4.3.3 Our Weaknesses

4.4 Promotion Strategy4.4.1 Advertisement4.4.2 Marketing Costs4.4.3 Costs Breakdown

5. Strategic Pyramid……………………………………………………………………………….13

5.1 Marketing Strategy5.2 Pricing Strategy

5.2.1 Pricing Breakdown5.3 Sales Strategy

6. Web Plan Summary…………………………………………………………………………….14

6.1 Website Marketing Strategy6.2 Development Requirements

7. Management Summary…………………………………………………………………………16


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

7.1 Organizational Structure7.2 Management Team7.3 Personnel Plan

8. Financial Plan………………………………………………………………………………….....17

8.1 Important Assumptions8.2 Break-Even Analysis

8.2.1 Variable Costs8.2.2 Fixed Costs Year One8.2.3 Total Costs Year One8.2.4 Calculating the Breakeven Point

8.3 Projected Cash Flow9. Appendix……………………………………………………………………………………….23


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

1. Executive Summary

Jack’s Truck is a food truck located at Georgetown University’s main entrance that features crepes, smoothies and ice cream. We expect to gain a regular customer base, made up mostly of students and staff members who visit the area frequently. We also plan on offering competitive and low prices in order to meet the demand for quality and cheap food that students can afford and would pay for regularly.

1.1 Mission

After conducting various interviews throughout Georgetown University, we found that most students feel that there are limited food options that are both convenient and inexpensive. Jack’s Truck is based upon this fact- we want to provide a better choice for our typical customers; one that will meet the needs and demands of students at Georgetown. Our establishment will provide what students have asked for: a fast, quality and fresh food service that is affordable for a typical daily meal.

1.1.1 Mission Statement

We will provide our customers with the best and most efficient service, along with the freshest and healthiest beverages and crepes.

1.2 Keys to Success

Locationo Our business will take place outside of the main entrance,

making it convenient for both students and staff members to purchase any of our products.

Advertisingo We will promote our business through the vibrant Internet by

creating Facebook and Twitter pages and a webpage. We will also use the traditional method by posting flyers throughout the university.

Serviceo Our success will be based on providing a fast and efficient

service that will allow our customers to purchase food products when they are in a hurry.

Product Qualityo Our crepes and smoothies will be all natural and healthy for our

customers. They will be freshly made in front of their eyes. Efficiency

o The making and serving of the food will be quick, allowing our


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

customers to save time. Price

o Apart from being efficient and healthy, we strive to have low prices that are affordable for students who have low budgets, or for staff members who wish to spend a reasonable amount of money on food.

1.3 Objectives

i. To make getting breakfast or lunch a fast and enjoyable experience ii. To get our customers to experience the freshness of our natural

smoothies and crepesiii. Satisfy the needs of our customers and getting them to leave Jack’s

Truck with a smile knowing that their breakfast or lunch was made using the freshest ingredients as well as with care

iv. To create a profitable business that strictly follows work ethics and conditions for our employees

v. To expand in the long-run to other university campuses

2. Organizational Summary

2.1 Legal Entity

Jack’s Truck is a Limited Liability Corporation. All membership shares are equally and proportionately owned by Alejandra Elosua, Andrea Lai, Elba Gonzalez, Serra Erkal, and Stephane Safar. The total percentage owned is 100% by the five shareholders. The plan calls for the sale of 49% in the company to investors. Each membership unit in the company is priced at $5,000, with a minimum of five units per membership certificate, or a minimum investment of $25,000 per investor.

2.2 Start-Up Summary

Jack’s Truck start-up expenses require a minimum investment of $220,000 to provide for the business infrastructure, i.e., truck, awning, as well as marketing materials, media space in the school newspaper and radio, and wholesale food and food supplies. To acquire capital, each of the major shareholders will invest $44,000 according to the number of shares purchased. The combination of investments, assets, and loans will be $220,000 in order to start Jack’s Truck.

Start-up RequirementsStart-up ExpensesKitchen and Fixtures (Truck) $90,000.00Marketing Costs $2436.04Car Insurance $2,700.00


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

Parking Fee $7,300.00Total Start-up Expenses $102.436.04Start-up AssetsCash Required $24,140.00Total Assets $24,140.00Total Requirements $126,576.04 *To see total costs for the first year, please refer to the finance section. This does not include variable costs.

2.3 Location and Facilities

The five co-owners of the company will take care of Jack’s Truck’s strategic planning and development. As of now, there will be no facility or office building for them, given that they all have easy access to Georgetown University’s facilities. After the fifth year, we plan on expanding the business and leasing an office building, given that we will have more staff members by then.

Jack’s Truck will open its first mobile facility near the main gates at the Georgetown campus. Expected foot traffic is 20,000 people per day; we expect to capture about 3% of the foot traffic.

The demographic requirements for our location include: 20,000 pedestrians per day Easy access Mature neighborhood Freshness and appeal


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

3. Product/Service Description

3.1 Our Product

The main aim of Jack’s Truck will be to provide students with healthy, inexpensive, and accessible food.  While the main products are crepes and smoothies, basic products such as water, juice, and Italian ice cream will also be sold. Products such as hot chocolate and coffee will be available according to the season.

Both sweet and salty ingredients will be available in the menu.  The customers will be able to choose the ingredients they want, and will be charged accordingly.  Basic breakfast crepes will have 2 toppings and will cost $4.99.  Each additional topping will cost $0.99.  Basic lunch crepes will have 1 topping with the option of adding cheese, and will cost $6.99.  Each additional topping will cost $1.99.


1)Afternoon (2-

9)Morning (6-

1)Afternoon (2-

9)SAT (7-

2)SUN (7-

2)Cashier 1 X XCashier 2 X XCashier 3 X XCook 1 X XCook 2 X XCook 3 X X

Sweet crepe ingredients will include fruits such as bananas, strawberries, peaches, mangos, kiwis, apples, blueberries; and other sweet ingredients like marshmallows, chocolate chips, Oreos and Nutella. Salty crepe ingredients will include chicken, steak, cheese, vegetables, ham and turkey.  Ice cream flavors will include vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cookie dough and caramel.

3.2 Our Service

The success of Jack’s Truck is based upon our efficient, quick, rapid and convenient service. Our goal is to obtain regular clientele that consumes our products daily or weekly, and we will do this by providing impeccable service that pleases our customer’s needs. For the convenience of our customer, both a cook and a cashier will be working. This measure will be taken in order to avoid long lines and waiting time for the crepes and smoothies.


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

The following is the schedule for our workers:

*Note: Each employee will arrive/leave one hour before opening/closing time to ensure that the truck is clean and to prepare materials.

4. Market Analysis Summary:

The food industry has proved to be one of the world’s most dominant markets, accounting for over $5.7 trillion dollars of value in 2008. Since the beginning of human civilization, this industry has begun to grow exponentially and has branched out into smaller industries, one of them being the fast-food market. In the beginning of the 1900s, this was created in attempts to satisfy the demand for cheaper food that could be consumed in a faster and more convenient manner. Today, there are over half a million fast food chains available for customers, serving over 25% per cent of Americans who consume these products on a daily basis. Jack’s Truck aims to fill the demand for fast food at Georgetown University, while also promoting a healthy life style.

4.1 Market Segmentation

Jack’s Truck is specifically designed for the convenience of students and faculty at Georgetown University. Our main goal is to provide healthy food in a small amount of time for students and professors who seek quality items but don’t have the luxury of eating at regular sit-in restaurants. We also aim to attend tourists that want a fresh and easy place to eat at or to find refreshments in.

4.1.1 Our Customers

We will be focusing on three major consumer groups: students, faculty, and tourists.

Students :o Jack’s Truck will be located on campus, near the main gates of

the university. We estimate that a great amount of students will purchase our products, given that our location is a convenient place for them to get a drink or a bite before or after class. According to recent polls, students at Georgetown University spend around $25-30 dollars a day on food. Jack’s Truck will offer lunch starting at $6.99, an affordable price for a typical consumer.

Staff Members :o Staff members are often hard pressed for time, thus needing a

quick meal to keep them going throughout the day in order to teach and work effectively. With around 3500 staff members and


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

limited time in the day, Jack’s Truck will be an instant hit with these customers at Georgetown University.

Tourists/Locals :o Georgetown University offers tours for visitors to learn more

about the university. These are guided by students and last about 2 hours. Within this time, we expect tourists to get hungry and/or thirsty. Given that most tourists walk along the main gates, the most popular site at Georgetown, Jack’s Truck would be a great option for them. It offers a fast and convenient product that will allow them to enjoy a snack while they tour. We also expect to capture some customers that are locals and that discover Jack’s Truck through advertisement.

4.1.2 Customer Demographics

Age: 18-22, 40 and upo Students, faculty

Gender: Botho Expect more females, they tend to go out for snacks with friends

Socioeconomic Status: Middle-Higho Probably studying or teaching at Georgetown University

Income: Low-Higho Students with tight budgetso Faculty with larger budgets

Occupation(s): Students, Faculty, Staff, Officers, Other Georgetown Employees

4.1.3 Customer Psychographics



Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

Busy Always rushing Desire for cheap, quality food Physically active

4.2 Target Market Strategy:

4.2.1 Market Trends

As a result of health concerns worldwide, customers within the food industry have started demanding nutritious products. Society has begun consuming more and more organic and low-calorie goods, leading many food chains, including fast food restaurants like McDonalds, to update their menu in aims please these needs. Jack’s Food Truck recognizes this recent market trend and plans to take advantage of it. We will be providing food that is the “healthier choice” for our customers, given that most of our competitors, including the dining hall and the Leavey food center, fail to offer a variety of these options.

Given that we will be selling only crepes, smoothies, and ice cream, seasonal changes will play a strong roll in the consumption of our customers. During the winter and fall the consumption of cold products will probably decline, and the demand for them will increase during summer and spring. We will offer certain beverages (including hot chocolate and coffee) in the fall and winter to make up for the losses in the demand for smoothies.

4.2.2 Market Growth

Jack’s Truck will open as a single food truck in August 2012. If projections go as predicted, it will hopefully expand to other locations. Depending on its popularity, we would like to open another truck in other universities such as GW or American University. The following are our goals:

Have at least 50 customers per day Add 15% of our customer base each month Open another food truck in 6 years

o Analyze Georgetown to see if another food truck will gain profit Consider the possibility of opening a food truck in other Universities

o Adapt to their mascot(s) George Washington University American University

4.2.3 Meeting our Consumers’ Needs

Jack’s Truck is yet another fast food restaurant- but with a slight twist. We aim to provide the efficiency of any other chain, while also promoting a healthy eating style for students and faculty at Georgetown University. Our potential customers need a restaurant that is…


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

Healthy Fast Affordable Efficient Delicious Available at rush/convenient hours

4.3 Main Alternatives:

4.3.1 Our Competitors

Keeping our competition in mind is very important in order for us to succeed. The following businesses are substitutes that our customers can turn to:

Leavey Center Food Court Includes Subway, KFC, Pizza Hut, Cosi, and Starbucks. Located inside the Leavey center.

o Strengths: Fast Close to hospital Cheap Lots of options

o Weaknesses: Unhealthy Closes early (5pm) Far from the dormitories

Epicurean and Co. Self-serving restaurant that is adjacent to Darnall Hall. Also offers a Japanese Teppanyaki service.

o Strengths: Healthy food Close to hospital/medical entrance Convenient for local people

o Weaknesses: Expensive Far from dormitories

Hoya SnaxaStore located adjacent to Kennedy Hall. Offers snacks, including sodas, chips, candy, coffee, power bars and more.

o Strengths: Close to dorms Cheap Accessible Long service hours

o Weaknesses:


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

Always maxed out Unhealthy Offers no variety Weak selection

Muncheez Mania Crepe store located on Wisconsin Avenue between M & L streets.

o Strengths: Affordable Delicious

o Weaknesses: Far from the university Can’t use GoCard

Leo O’Donovan HallGeorgetown University’s cafeteria. Students have to lease their meal plan here.

o Strengths: Close to dormitories

o Weaknesses: Expensive Unhealthy food No quality food Can’t take it outside

4.3.2 Our Strengths

We are located on campuso Student’s don’t have to walk to M Streeto Local

Low prices Healthy for customers

o Fresh ingredients Convenient

o Nearby, cheap Mobility to various places No rent To-go

4.3.3 Our Weaknesses Limited money

o Need investment No places for customers to sit Weather

o Rainy/snowy days Unattractive to customers

Limited menu


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

o Only crepes, smoothies, and ice cream Limited locations

o Only on street

4.4 Promotion Strategy:

4.4.1 Advertisement Facebook page

o www.facebook.com/thejacktruck Twitter page

o www.twitter.com/thejacktruck Website

o www.wix.com/aleelosua/jackstruck Purchase domain name

Instagramo Pictures of crepes and smoothies of the day

Pamphlets around university Flyers Coupons

o Buy 10 smoothies, get 1 free Punch card (Jack’s head stamp)

Saleso Announcement through Facebook

Special dealso Jack’s birthday

April 13th o Holidays

Sponsoring school eventso Catering

Hoya Newspaper

4.4.2 Marketing Costs

Printing Costso Flyerso Pamphletso Coupons

Internet-Related Costso Website Domain name

4.4.3 Costs Breakdown

Qty Product Description Unit Cost Yearly Cost1 Website Domain Name $14.04 $14.0450 Graphic Design Hours $40.00/hour $2000.00


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

3000 Coupons $0.014 $42.001000 Flyers $0.12 $120.001000 Brochures $0.26 $260.00

Total $2436.04


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

5. Strategic Pyramid

5.1 Marketing Strategy

Jack’s Truck is to be marketed to the Georgetown University community, including professors, students, faculty, and others, including staff, tourists, and Washington DC officials who frequent the campus. We will show consumers a nutritionally viable alternative to the typical fast food joint through newspaper ads, coupons, special taste-testing promotions, and daily deals.

5.2 Pricing Strategy

Jack’s Truck pricing will be competitive with other fast food outlets and competitors on campus, but our products will be provided much faster and cheaper, with the best quality. Given the nutrition-conscious consumer, each meal will include healthy ingredients and a low-caloric value.

Our pricing strategy is also based on what our competitors have to offer. After conducting a survey to students at Georgetown, we found that on average, each student spends from $12-$15 per meal. Our prices are based on this- we offer lower rates than our competitors, giving us an advantage. One of the most important characteristics that students consider when buying food is price, given that they are on a tight budget.

5.2.1 Pricing Breakdown

Our goal is to provide food at a reasonable and affordable price. The following will be our rates:

Sweet Crepeso Basic will include two toppings and will cost $4.99o Each additional topping will be $0.99





Marketing CostsDesign Internet CostsPrinting Analysis


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

Bananas, strawberries, peaches, mangos, kiwis, apples, blueberries, marshmallows, chocolate chips, Oreos and Nutella

o Basic will include one topping and cheese and will cost $6.99o Each additional topping will be $1.99

Chicken, steak, cheese, vegetables, ham and turkeyo Each smoothie will be $3.99

Italian Ice Creamo Sold per scoopo $0.99 per scoop

Beverageso Water, Juice, Hot Chocolate, Coffeeo $1.99 per item

To see the menu, please refer to the appendix.

5.3 Sales Strategy

Our sales strategy is based on the freshness and appeal of our food: the crepes and smoothies are being prepared in front of our customers’ eyes. We will not only sell the actual product, but also convince our customer that Jack’s Truck is the healthiest and most advantageous option. We will be known for our employees’ friendliness and their efficiency as well.

6. Web Plan Summary

Due the increasing popularity and influence of social media on today’s youth, Jack’s Buddies Corporation sees the Internet as a dynamic marketing tool, which targets the company’s fundamental customer, Georgetown students. Due to the easily accessibility of the Internet through phones and other popular student devices; Internet marketing is the most suitable and cost-saving advertising tool. Jack’s Truck will have its own website, as well as its own Twitter and Facebook accounts. Although considered, direct e-mail will not be practiced, as a survey was conducted in which 100 Georgetown students, randomly picked, were asked whether they viewed daily coupons and sales as bothersome, 89(%) answered yes. 6.1 Website Marketing Strategy

The goal of the website [www.wix.com/aleelosua/jackstruck] and the two web accounts [Facebook and Twitter] are to publicize the company with the aim of increasing sales. Furthermore, the company’s websites will serve as reliable sources of information, with directions and maps, as well as the company’s menu and product lines. As the business expands and adds both new locations and flavors, the website will will be continuously updated. Our


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

goal is to maintain a positive, interacting relationship with the surfing community.

With the aim of increasing sales the company has decided upon a marketing strategy to increase Jack’s Truck’s clientele. A daily not-on-the menu smoothie flavor will be posted on both accounts at 7:00 am. 25 smoothies of this flavor will be given at a 50% discount to the first 25 customers who order the secret flavor. The daily secret flavor will be announced as Jack’s favorite smoothie flavor of day, using the company and university’s mascot. The daily announcement will therefore read as following:

Today’s Jack’s favorite not-on-menu smoothie flavor is ________!!! The first 25 to order it by name will receive a 50% discount.

Order it ‘Cause Jack likes it! 6.2 Development Requirements

This virtual marketing tool will be mostly cost-free since both Twitter and Facebook accounts are free social media sites. Although the sites are free or charge, time will be dedicated to the development of these accounts. The addition of photos and other announcements are vital marketing strategies that will keep these tools effective. We will also update and use our own website, which has a small fee of $14.04 per year. The design(s) of the company’s virtual presentations will mirror the design of Jack’s Truck, along with its branding elements.  

Andrea Lai was chosen to manage web development, due to her previous experience with both social media sites and website management. The innovating design of Jack’s Truck’s Facebook and Twitter accounts will be handled by Alejandra Elosua, because of her skill on web design and expertise on graphic design. Elosua is responsible for conceptualizing the web’s account, as well of the future redesign of the website.

7. Management Summary

7.1 Organizational Structure


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

7.2 Management Team

Jack’s Buddies Corporation is ran by experienced, professional management team of co-owners, including Alejandra Elosua, Serra Erkal, Elba Gonzalez, Andrea Lai, and Stephane Safar. Each team member will bring his or her own area of expertise to the development of our business. The decision-making concerning Jack’s Truck will be divided as following:

Serra Erkal: As the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Erkal will be in charge of cash forecasting and numerical analysis of the Company’s profits and expenditures. Cash flow is crucial for any company, thus Erkal will be in charge of establishing a cash-forecasting model, which must be regularly improved [in accuracy] by instituting daily cash reconciliations, upcoming debt payments, and capital expenditures. Erkal will furthermore be responsible for the company’s financial strategy based on the company’s strength and weaknesses from a numerical perspective.

Alejandra Elosua: As the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) Elosua will oversee merchandising and branding; hence, she will be in charge of coordinating the production of public relations, media, and advertising. Elosua will also be in charge of marketing the company’s service and image to the targeted audience {Georgetown students} to meet sales objective. Lastly, her task also includes designing Jack’s Truck social media sites and website.

Elba Gonzalez: being the COO (Chief Operations Officer) Gonzalez will be in charge of operations management, thus she will be responsible for the improvement of the company’s operating systems [including computer systems and accounting software]. Furthermore, she is in


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

charge of maintaining order within the lower ranking staff as well as monitoring their work. She will be in charge of developing organizational strategies for the rest of the staff and will also implement appropriate rewards and corrective practices to align employees with the corporation’s goals.

Andrea Lai: being the CBDO (Chief of Business and Development Officer) Lai is responsible for the design and development of the company’s operating systems. She is responsible for developing business opportunities in order for Jack’s Buddies Corporation to grow based on the market. Lai will also be in charge of proposing a strategic direction and planning for Jack’s Truck’s business development and sales activities. Moreover, Jack’s Truck’s web development will form part of Lai’s responsibilities as CBDO.

Stephane Safar: being the CEO (Chief Executing Officer) Safar will oversee the company’s day-to-day jobs, including store planning and organization.  He will supervise the decisions and reports of fellow chief officers, coordinating and maintaining a smooth flow within the company’s operations. Lastly, Safar will be in charge of employee policies, customer services and policies, as well as hiring new staff members.

7.3 Personnel Plan

Jack’s Buddies Corporation’s aim is to increase employee’s salaries and compensations as the business expands. This is expected to happen until Jack’s Truck’s sixth year of business, since it will be when all loans are paid off. The personnel cost chart figure is subject to change, as the business demands it. Furthermore, if the company’s sales grow as predicted, a new Truck and or additional employees will be considered to assist the increased administrative and market demands.

8. Financial Plan

8.1 Important Assumptions

The financial plan depends on important assumptions. The key underlying assumptions are:

Economicalo We assume a stable economy, without major recession.

Technologyo We assume that there are no unforeseen changes in technology

to make equipment immediately obsolete. Financing


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

o We assume access to equity capital and financing sufficient to maintain our plan. We assume we will be given $220,000 at a 5% fixed interest to start our business. This money will be used to purchase the truck, décor for the truck, equipment to make the food, and ingredients and utensils to serve the food.

Each year, we will pay $44,000 in capital and the respective interest.

Student Lifeo We will assume that students and faculty are our main

customers; hence our estimates will be based on 16,437 students and 3673 staff members, including academic teachers and administrative staff.

Fluctuationso Seasonal changes will have an impact on our business. We will

assume that smoothie sales will drop in winter and spike in summer.

Inflationo We will assume that the economy is experiencing low inflation

rates, and therefore our loan will be fixed. Other

o We assume that we are given permission from Georgetown University to allow the truck to sell food and beverages on campus.

8.2 Break-Even Analysis

A break-even analysis serves to calculate how much money a company needs to earn in sales in order for the revenue minus the expenses to equal zero. We will analyze each part of the formula in the following sections:

8.2.1 Variable Costs

Monthly Monthly Total YearlyCashier $9/hour $756 $9,072.00Cook $11/hour $3,696 $44,352.0

0Gasoline $300 $300 $3,600.00Maintenance/Cleaning

$200 $200 $2,400.00

Food/Materials $2,000 $2,000 $24,000.00

Marketing $2,431.89 N/A $2,436.04Total $85,860.0



Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

*We are assuming that cashiers and cooks work a total of 84 hour a week each altogether.

8.2.2 Fixed Costs Year One

Cost Unit TotalTruck $90,000 1 $90,000.00Parking Fee $20 365 $7,300.00Car Insurance $2,700 1 $2,700.00

Total $110,000.00

8.2.3 Total Costs Year One

AmountFixed Costs $110,000.00Variable Costs $85,860.00

Total $195,860.00

8.2.4 Calculating the Breakeven Point

Expenses: $89,860.00*This does not include the $24,000 on food because it is variable, this will be included in the proportion. We included the proportion because food costs vary.

Expenses = Sales * [1 – (24,000/136,577)]

Sales = Expenses / 0.824

Sales = $109,053.39

Therefore, the company needs to sell $109,053.39 to break even.

8.3 Projected Cash Flow

We expect to manage cash flow over the next five years with minimal new investment required over the first two years. It is our expectation that revenue beyond projected sales will be invested in retiring long-term debt early.  

Year 1


Description Unit Cost Total


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

Revenues- SalesCrepes, smoothies, ice cream, other $136,577.00

Expenses1 Food/Materials $2000/month $24,000.0084 Hours of cashier per week $9/hour $9,072.0084 Hours of cooks per week $11/hour $44,352.0088 Gallons of gas per week $300 $3,600.0012 Maintenance per month $200/month $2,400.00

360 Parking Fee $20 $7,300.001 Car Insurance $2,700 $2,700.001 Marketing Costs $2,436.04 $2,436.04

Total Expenses $95,860.04Net Income- Earnings

$40,716.96Cash Flow

1 Income Loan $220,000 $220,000.001 Loan Payment (Capital) $44,000 $44,000.001 Food Truck $90,000 $90,000.001 Loan Interest Payment $11,000 $11,000.00

Cash Balance$115,716.96

Year 2


Description Unit Cost Total

Previous Cash Balance$115,716.96

Revenues- SalesCrepes, smoothies, ice cream, other $163,872.00

Expenses1 Food/Materials $2400/month $28,800.0084 Hours of cashier per week $9/hour $9,072.0084 Hours of cooks per week $11/hour $44,352.0088 Gallons of gas per week $300 $3,600.0012 Maintenance per month $200/month $2,400.00

360 Parking Fee $20 $7,300.001 Car Insurance $2,700 $2,700.001 Marketing Costs $2,679.64 $2,679.64

Total $100,903.64Net Income- Earnings

$62,968.36Cash Flow

1 Income Loan N/A 0


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

1 Loan Payment (Capital) $44,000 $44,000.001 Loan Interest Payment $8,800 $8,800.00

Cash Balance$125,885.32

Year 3


Description Unit Cost Total

Previous Earnings$125,885.32

Revenues- SalesCrepes, smoothies, ice cream, other $173,545.00

Expenses1 Food/Materials $2200/month $30,500.0084 Hours of cashier per week $9/hour $9,072.0084 Hours of cooks per week $11/hour $44,352.0088 Gallons of gas per week $300 $3,600.0012 Maintenance per month $200/month $2,400.00

360 Parking Fee $20 $7,300.001 Car Insurance $2,700 $2,700.001 Marketing Costs $2,679.64 $2,786.80

Total $102,710.80Net Income- Earnings

$70,834.20Cash Flow

1 Income Loan N/A 01 Loan Payment (Capital) $44,000 $44,000.001 Loan Interest Payment $6,600 $6,600.00

Cash Balance$146,119.52

Year 4


Description Unit Cost Total

Previous Earnings$146,119.52

Revenues- SalesCrepes, smoothies, ice cream, other $183,787.00

Expenses1 Food/Materials $2200/month $32,300.0084 Hours of cashier per week $9/hour $9,072.0084 Hours of cooks per week $11/hour $44,352.00


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

88 Gallons of gas per week $300 $3,600.0012 Maintenance per month $200/month $2,400.00

360 Parking Fee $20 $7,300.001 Car Insurance $2,700 $2,700.001 Marketing Costs $2,679.64 $2,679.64

Total $104,403.64Net Income- Earnings

$79,383.36Cash Flow

1 Income Loan N/A 01 Loan Payment (Capital) $44,000 $44,000.001 Loan Interest Payment $6,600 $4,400.00

Cash Balance$177,102.88

Year 5


Description Unit Cost Total

Previous Cash Balance$177,102.88

Revenues- SalesCrepes, smoothies, ice cream, other $196,987.80

Expenses1 Food/Materials $2200/month $34,620.0084 Hours of cashier per week $9/hour $9,072.0084 Hours of cooks per week $11/hour $44,352.0088 Gallons of gas per week $300 $3,600.0012 Maintenance per month $200/month $2,400.00

360 Parking Fee $20 $7,300.001 Car Insurance $2,700 $2,700.001 Marketing Costs $2,679.64 $2,679.641 Rent for Headquarters $16,704 $16,704.00

Total $115,207.64Net Income- Earnings

$81,780.16Cash Flow

1 Income Loan N/A 01 Loan Payment (Capital) $44,000 $44,000.001 Loan Interest Payment $6,600 $2,200.00

Cash Balance$327,890.68


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

9. Appendix

9.1 The Menu


Georgetown University- Jack’s Truck

9.2 Sources

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