jack sicilians poem project

Post on 06-May-2015



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By: Jack Sicilian

C’est La Vie: by Miroz

If only I knew how's it going to beIf only when I try to fix things, they became betterIf only I was certain of how others feelAnd if only people believed what I say... If I knew how to show what I really feltIf I knew how to make people understandIf I knew how to make them believeIf I knew how to make them happy If making people happy doesn't leave me sadIf making them understand doesn't make me an ignorantIf making them believe doesn't make me a liarAnd if letting them know how I feel doesn't leave me numb Things would've never reached that pointI know I would be in a much happier placeNo one would ever blame me for not caringNo one would blame me for not thinking That's life ....You're never certainYou never know, you're never sureYou're not going to live that dream of yoursAnd life would never be "trouble free" You have to live with what you haveYou try to fix the broken glassYou try to collect the shattered piecesYou make the best of everyday It's like a train that never stopsKeep going through life without pausingJust live each day and throw it behind youDon't look back or you'll break your neck !

The mood of this poem is depressing. The author talks about how if he

would have known things he knows now he would be living his life

much better and he would be happier. It talks about how you can’t live

in the past and have to fix yourself when you’re broken. This poem is a

free verse. It also uses a simile that compares life to a train that is

constantly moving.

Carefree: by Nordica D Lindgren

Young, carefree, innocentYou sing, laugh and danceTaking in all Gods' gloryAt every single chance. Grown upYou ignore the wondersthat you cherished as a childGone is the carefree, honesty and mild. You walk around with blinders on, Into the race of money and greed.Not caring who gets hurtJust to fulfill your selfish needs. Stepping over the line of moralsto have wealth and material thingsIgnoring all Gods giftsLike the first rain in Spring Keep that little child inside!Hold her close to your heart,We're only here for a brief timeThen with this world, we must part For a moment each dayIt's OK to get sillyto laugh and dance. Take in all Gods gloryAt every single chance. 

This poem is about growing up. It talks about how much you change, and how you do

things you probably never thought you would. It also talks about how you loose sight of

what is really important while you blindly chase wealth. To me this poem tells the

importance of always staying in touch with your inner child and remembering what it was

like to be young.

Through it All: by Destinee Snuffer

Friends come and goLife flies by right before your eyes.You loose ones you loveYet through it all you still love your life. People leave you to fight aloneYou put on a fake smile to hide all your painYet someone still knows your hurt. Through it all you still put on a front to satisfy those around youThorough it all you wouldn't change a thingThrough it all you wouldn't trade your life for fame. You build a wall to try to keep from getting hurtYou lock up you heart and throw away the key to see who cares enough to look for the keyThrough it all there's not many people that got you to open up yet still you love it all. Struggles meet you in the face to watch you slip upYet through it all you wouldn't change a thing. Through it all you wouldn't change a thingThrough it all you wouldn't trade your life for fame.

The author begins the poem by talking about how people come and go

throughout your life, and how you will lose people you love, but you still

need to love your life throughout it all. It talks about how no matter how

rough your life gets and no matter what it throws at you, you should still

be content with it. This poem is a free verse.

The sun is settingThe leaves fall-fall is setting inThere's a slight breeze outsideIt's getting coldI walk outside to feel the breeze against my faceI close my eyes and listen...I live in a world where there's so much life around meBut for that moment I feel like I'm the only oneThe only one, and for that moment I picture myself in another placeMy SanctuaryI go over and sit on a bench and can hear the birds overheadMy mind starts to wander Life wouldn't seem so bad as a birdThey get to see the worldI would like to see the worldSo much I have yet to seeSo many people I have yet to meetI open my eyesI go back insideBack to reality 

My Sanctuary: Marci Corbett

This poem is about finding your special place in the world. The

author talks about how they realize how beautiful the world is

and find sanctuary in the fall. The mood of this poem is gloomy

in a way because the person realizes they cant sit outside in peace

forever, but that they have to face reality eventually. This poem

uses good visualization when the author talks about the weather

and the breeze upon their face.

We were put on this planetTo live and to love.To cherish the ones in our lives.And never let them get hurt.......Safety is a priority But danger is an outcome.Why is it, that we work so very hard?For something that will still happenin the end........Should we care about our lives,Or sit and waste it away."It doesn't matter, were all going todie someday!"These words fill our headsWith sad confusion. There's no endWe get lost with the loveWe want to have.There is no conclusion to all this pain.But an answer that comesJust the same.The negative side seems to win,But the positive side seems to Glow.We are who we choose to be,So be careful who you choose.Love everyday like there is no Tomorrow....And give to others the joy of lifeSo no one will hurt.Love, And love will love you back.Open your arms to lifeAnd life will hug you back!Don't be scared!Life is still a one time thing!

This poems mood is somewhat sad because it talks about how no

mater what, one day we all die. The author also talks about how

sometimes we seem to be negative, even when our life seems to

be going positively.

Before: Mitchell Browder

before the bullet is bitbefore the candle is litbefore the last callbefore the curtain fallsbefore the grave we praythere is something I must say before taps is playedbefore the jazz paradebefore 21 guns soundbefore the final roundbefore the fiddler we paythis I must convey before the sweet by and bybefore the tears we crybefore the bells are rungbefore the reaper comebefore angles wingI have to tell you everything....everything...everything 

This poem is about a military funeral, and someone saying

that there is things they need to tell their loved ones before its

too late, because they fear they will die in combat. The mood

of this poem is very sad. There is a rhyme scheme in this

poem in which every other two lines rhyme with each other.

It also uses end rhymes.

In A Blink of an Eye: Hana Kent Everyday I wonder and thinkHow much am I missing with every blink  Is the world spinning so fastOr is it the time to forget the past ‘Cause with every spineThere were happiness and moments that stood still Many questions poured everyday into my head Why don't the people care who is alive and who is dead  Why don't they open their eyes and seeThat the world is changing while they are sitting in front of the TV I guess we are drowning in our desiresWithout knowing that there are some countries that are still on fire

This poems theme is sad in a way. The author talks about how time is

going by so fast and people miss the things that are truly important.

She talks about how people are to caught up in what is on tv and in

their on greed to realize the truly important things in the world. This

poem uses rhyme scheme.

Too Late: Heather Hauge I feel like it's to lateto apologize for everythingthat I've ever done wrong I feel like it's to lateto change who I've becomeback to what I was I feel like it's to latebecause I've probably giving upand "I don't care" I feel like it's to latetoo many tears have already been shedand the past can't change they say it's never to latebut then why does time exist

This poem has a depressing mood. The author feels that its becoming to late for

her to become a better person and be forgiven.

Life: Anjali Life is full of surprises and shockswhile we are planning and deciding our next move, our course of actionIt moves in opposite direction,without warningwhile we spend a lifetime, thinking and planningabout our future, our loved onesIt takes a step further beyond our thinkingeverything about life is always uncertainthe only thing constant thing about it is it is always movingso keep moving, keep smiling always

This poem is about the future , and how we spend so much time

thinking about it. The author is saying if we spend so much time

thinking about the future, it”ll be the future before we know it

because the present keeps moving. This is an example of a free


Life Taught Me: Kesihanna Mckenzie  Yes life taught me to loveYes life taught me to be hatefulYes life taught me to be negativeYes life taught me to be gratefulYes life brought me great painYes life brought me pleasureYes life brought me rainYes life brought me joy that could not be measured

Yes life gave me friendsYes life gave me enemiesYes life gave me good timesYes life gave me memoriesYes life gave me a chance to loveYes life gave me butterfliesYes life made me understand thatYes life is life because all I was fed was liesYes life took the good awayYes life gave me that badYes life gave me a sunny dayYes life took the light away and made me madYes life gave me talentYes life never made it exposedYes life taught me to be patientYes life made me believe my talent must be disposedYes life controls me!

This poem is simply about all the things that will happen in life. It talks about what life

will give you, teach you, and take from you. I think that the author of this poem is

going through a tough time in their life, because they say that life gave them the bad

and took the good away. This poem uses end rhyme in every other line in some cases.

I am

Hopeful , calm, odd.

I enjoy being with friends.

Common sense is important to me.

Respect is important to me.

Having an open mind is important.

Music keeps me calm.

Destruction is bad, but can lead to a good beginning.

People are too soft.

Governments are corrupted.

With summer comes happiness.

This is me.

I am poem

Just because I’m funny

Don’t hate me because I crack jokes

Don’t get mad

Still, take the time to laugh

Just because I’m funny

It doesn’t mean I’m rude

It doesn’t mean im not shy

It doesn’t define me

Just because I’m funny

Still I’m angry

But, I can be happy

Just because I’m funny-

I am strange.

This is a flabalabagail.

Flabalabagails flourish in flower fields furthest from Finland.

Flabalabagails feed on fresh fruit, fake ferns, foreign fiddlers, and former first ladies.

Flabalabagails fight for fun, fiend for fries, fly to frankfort, and have food fights on Friday.

Flabalabagails teach French, frequently fart, and find fires frightening.

One flabalabagail fried a fish on my front porch then fled fastly, all before phoning the fire



Powerful breeze

Rushing through the window

Tires on the road

Is the noise I hear

Trees rush by as I drive.

There Once was a man named Lyle,

He came from the state of Ohio.

He robbed a bank,

And pulled a prank

And now hes got a file


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