j v^ sociologists are tom -...

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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'Rajplfi'lJ , Divorce Rfse Menaces Family Ofe Sociologists Are ToM


Chicago— fNO — The appaffiag r i se ©f $t*e$s*5S ia _... United' S t a t e Is e»sl&agenag Amerteaa fao*av § f^ tasted Catholic scholars and ssfeii£te& warned * i tfce djffelh aanaal

convea&an ef the .Asraaissa Cattealte Sivie'ssfeil Ses&sits fcae. .,

• ^sssxresS by Loyola VBtvera-fry of C&tesge, tr.s two-day roost­ing »ttra*tssd 500 delegates, rcjv rweatteg asfcoeia and sas&al to-stituttas from ail secttaa ef. tfes ratioa,

Tte Vswy Ha?. Leo J. Rebin-son, SX, ftsrwtejal of the Ore­gon Prwfejce ©J tho SocteSy of Jeaos, was, elected presWtet of the SaeieJsgicaJ Scsdety, succeed-

a general chapter at the Euro- | J w t e e B^mri U. Rad% ol p*san mother home ef the world-1 the S t Louis Circuie Court wUte eojnniujrfty of 4»03O SJstersL J pote'^d <aH U » dangers o f Use

Matter Jto*y Vets feseassea {raoaoaag u a w t e o | d l s o e w s

te aim au . e.^ ^ l a ^ ^ ^ S f f o ^ t d e wajmanity . suiweedtag v.Bcrtcan femOy tits. M o t t o Mary Aatoto* w h o died | 4 M p ^ ^ j , , , , , ^

Oerelaiad — fKC) — As Otelo tain, Matter Siary Vera, a &i-tfve of T o i ^ o asd for tfee pa^ thros years preslfcat o j Notre Dante CoHe-jje here, has been fleeted superior genera! of Use Sisters of Notre Dame, acarordlns

In July when (be Brazilian steamship Efcjque de CiudM, on which she was bound from Braxll to Rome, bursa} i s the Atlantic o i l Brazil, Motber Mary Vera lad gose to Brazil with oilier United States Sisters ol Notre Dime to consult with Mother Mary Antolne shortly bo-tore bar tragic death.

The new superior general has icollapse of been provincial superior of the | America." Cleveland province oi tfee Sisters j Pointing oat that the of Noijr© Dame since IMS. From 1329 to 1943 she (aught at Sla­ters Collcjro in Cleveland, now known as St. John .College. Sho holds degrees from Notre Dame College, the L*nJvcrstty of Norn? Panic and the University oi

'There h a s been an fra«rc35» of 430 percent la divorce* i n Si. Louis a lone since 1S33 to date," ho cold. "Such increases are noted o v e r the nation. Family life is deteriorating under the avalanche o f divorces, It is Im­perative t£tat something be done. Every oao should bo concerned about what ts happening t o the

family life in

Southern California.

funda­mental reason far tho Increase of divorces ts godlessness, he ' continued: t

"Many American people a r e ' foreeitinff God They seek dl- ', vorces on all kinds of foolish i grounds, T h e divorce laws of '

_ I today, in fact endanger the i •"*"• union of the spouses. Many per-

Oublinites Pledee iMns IWVB tUvorccs today because , , _ • l of lax divorce laws. There must L O y a l t y t O r o p e bo legislative tightening of tfsese

Dublin — (RMS) - Tho Most : •«»». I suggest abolishment of Rev. John C. McQuald. Arch-, " any of the grounds for I bishop of Dunlin, has sent to i divorce." Pope Plus X n a message of lov- ( He also proposed that recon- i ally from Cathoilrs of h i s arch- j eillatton boards be attached to 4 diocese. The loyally pledge fol- , »'• domestic relations courts In : lowed the Pope's recent address , th* nation, and that no divorce denouncing antl-clcricallEm In Italy and urging Catholics to resist "the profaners of the di­vine Church.

caso be tried unless recommend­ed by tho board

Speaking on the same panel, the Rev. Edward Dowling. S J ,

"In this hour gravely sodden- , °t the Institute of Social Order. ed by base attacks an the sacred . S t Louis, said: offlco and august person of i "Perhaps some of the married Your Holiness," tho message j people ought to solve their marl-Bald, "the Archbishop, clergy i tal problems as the members of and faithful of Dublin humbly offer to the Vicar of Jesus Christ in assuagement of his sorrow. Glial adatowlcdcement of our affectionate loyalty.**

'Alcoholic* Anonymous da** Dr. Herbert A. Ratner, of Loy­

ola University school of medi­cine, who spoke on a "Sodo-Medleal Program for Family Living," regretted the fact that many modern families think more" of trie obstetrical charges than of t h e value of the ch i ld

•Jerusalem - fRNSi—Charles H p aiso maintained that good Hellou, of Beyrouth, weB-known, hcal'h *» a great contribution Near East Journalist has been to successful family life, w a m -named Minister to the Vatican ln*- however, that we must re-from Lebanon, it was announced maia human beings Instead of here. He is the first envoy t o the w°rthtpera of x-ray machines - - - - and pills.

Arab State Sends Envoy to Vatican

Holy See from Lebanon has a population.

an Arab state, large Christian

Pope Benedict XV Hcllou's appointment indicates ' » « r . . . B , c

a rapproachment between the , MCrflOf ia,l K i t e s S e t Romp — CRNS)—Churches in

Rome and other parts of Italy win hold commemorative rites

new Lebanese government head­ed by Riad Elsulh, pan-Arab-muided Moslem, and- Maronlte Patriarch Peter Arlda, who has strongly disapproved of pan-Arab extremisro-

Hellou Is the editor of LP Jour, French-language newspa­per published In Beyrouth, and comes from a highly-cstee-ned Maronlte family.

on January 22 for Pope Benedict XV on the 23tH anniversary of his death. Special celsbra^ona will teke place In Genoa, where the Pontiff was born. In Bologna, where he was archbishop at one time, and to Mllano, where he founded the Catholic University.

The year 1941 was crc-mM wit* nlsUry-makiag «rt«U far tJw Catholic wort*. HU Helton* Pep* Pisa XII. « > Is ts* Mmtli

ear of his ponliScate, worked to rtlievs tka w t d l i ef war. ftM .' _ " prMided at aareral caaeidne

lien eerestontct. Bis representative n tfia United States, Arth. bishop Aaslete G. CleorBsni, (3) Papal Relegate, eJrlitrd at the consecration of new Astertaui bUhops anal participated is th» Hawaiian Cathoile centennial. Dean of AaisHein Cardinals. Area-bishop Dennis Dosghtrfy, (3) of Philadelphia, observed his 23th year in the Csrdiaalate and epened the ameal steetiag of the Bishops of the United States at Catholk Unirersity. in Nor.siber. The trial and seatendag of Areahlshep Alaysioi Supine, of ^tyfrS*) b y * / ? , # f i S £ a TJ!f°J?*I *&** Nwiftll protests fr»» the Christian worfiL Dr. Wo, (8) CaUiolic eoHjart, was seat ts ths Vatican to reareteat Calaa. Blikop Joseph P. Barley. («) ef fit. Aagsstine and Biskra AMsis* Mutnch, (7) sf large, assigned •pe«ial mission fa Earap* by Pope Pisa Xfl. Hjrba Taylor. (S) retamed t s Vatican «• s tcsaperary aiwirsment aa President Tru­man's paraosal nprescfttstive to the Halt See. Very Rer. John Baptist Jaaaseas, S. JL <») Belgimi. was elected Bead of tha Society at Jem. ArchMiiJwp John T. MeNlcSolas, Q. I \ (10) of Cintinnstl. resaawd PresJdeal-General «f tka National Catholie Edaeatioaal Anoeiatlsa and chases new chslratan of the Admla-fcitrative Board of Iks National Catholic Welfsra Conference, Of the 32 sew Cardinals nsmsd by Piss XII, 2ft received U»» Red Oat at the Fefaraary Onaistory, fear sf thew American*. (11) Arch-bishop Stritca of Cktcaga, AreUdskop €lennon ef Bt. iouls, who

MOathaed. Matiter Fraseas X. CaWis}, *a# «a#*l* BasUlea, (13) Jaty ?, C^mmadsrs KaWrt 1. W*~ N«ry ehsslsla, ehwes l ^ , * < Arts* «M| N«ty & Oon. Mrs.'Henry Masai*. (14) sjf jf r##*lni, wM;. ef Nations! Cosncil sf CaOwUe WssteauCanHjul^ 113) of (!rs»t Britain paruapatad i s |T#rsiuiii III teanlal celebration. J^^p^mmiJUs^ * MMJHU <A6«ni gaperfa* i


ci7; of cr««fi«i e>*rif Hssss^iaixsrfO^i^W^^^ t*. #«»#* ssirf Calaa «a NC tsrrsf* -6'Coaaar, M. & C« CIS) „

seMeat far Cathelie preea. War ffrnef rVrrJc^H'N/feW* ^ tlstrtd Us hags I n g r a m «f dbrtrlHUag l * # | «a4 *U" war-«(rielrea popolisc* asrosd, Olnnops II , t. JUady , . O.. «nd John F. O'Uars, C. 6. C , af Baf*1#, i»v»t*d. l » (28) where they stadled reconstrsctMi • r . t l e - s »f <h* A«ailiaty fiiahop MartJa I WSmumr, CJ»).«f # * a t « -...-._ rector of North Amerfran College, Rama, «l«f FJersiK* H*m>


foraiarly $595 t o $1175


formerly $325 t o $795 ALL SHAFEK FftfCES INCLUDE TAX

Cardinal Sees Good vs. Evil Will

N'ew Vork"— (NC) — One year aftpr the first peacetinse Christmas "men of 111 and evil irtB are still fighting men of

i good-will, threatening to bear unto the world a stiffbom child of peace" His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of N'ew YorK, declared in * brief address at Midnight Mats in S t Patrick's Cathedral here. .

Expressing c o n c e r n that "vengeful hatreds,*' rampant throughout the world today, may lead to another armed conflict. Cardinal SpeHman called upon each individual to ask himself whether, to his personal life, he was helping mankind on the road to war or the road to peace.

"Win man in .perverse stub­bornness and greed enter again upon the way that leads to bat­tlegrounds where scorefelng scourging* burn and brand the bodies and minds of masses of men, forging new links In the chain of hatreds fetterteg" man­kind?" Cardinal SpeSrnan asked. "Let each of a s this Christmas night promise the Holy CbBd of earth and heaven to follow the light of Bethlehem's star and live the love of Christ**

Many States Planning More Rigid Divorce Laws

(22) ef CU-vtlsaiS, cttessa kras of the NaUentS Conferewa sf o ik Charities. Mon»J#nor Howard J. Carrall, ( » ) ef Plitt renamed Central Secretary «t K C W* C, C»ill*» Rayas, " New York, former Awbamnsdar t* Seals , rerelrad f* i * ^ Medal of ?firtre D a m s l J s l r a ^ y . O r t S w a y Karaf* q&wJE^.,.,. earn, aather and play*rl«ht, diad la Kwasav Very Jtar. VsMM(M| iiduttt, O. V. M,, (2«) . f C!a<-lM»tJt.fc^4 af prd*r ,t rrUra

iwir.w i"i' i ws:iam«^^Wiaslaf*»ss!

Hfaar. ^0*4 Is Rome. cK'C I'hotaa)

New Tforlt — (RNS> - Mca>)tlve sessions and probably win ores relating to marriage ainj, come up m a number of states

during 1947. Such were rejected during UHfl by the legislatures of N e w Jersey,

Ratheniani Seek Haven i t Canada

divorce will be widely Introduced In state legislative sessions throughout the country during B47, a survey Indicates.

Whether South C a r o l i n a should confmue as the only state In tho nation without a divorce law is expected to be revived aa an "tea* fnere.

More stringent laws govern­ing divorce costs and residence period avfll be asked oi the 1S47 Michigan legislature by groups seeking to prevent Detroit from becoming the "Reno of the low-

Louisiana and Virginia, hut Ken­tucky's IIK8 session enacted a law permitting a sane husband or wife to divorce ^a^iismtm spouse if the latter has been confined to an institution for Ave years or longer.

States in which Insanity is not now recognized as a divorce ground include Arizona, Dis-

Montreal — (N$J #~ A «tl»o* random submitted to the C»IW-

measures I dlan govemrnetst t i k i that Mrps be ttfccn to permit part of th* 300,000 L'krsMana mvi Rs££ni. ass now hi displaced person* camps i s Europe to emigrate to Canada,

T?w memorandum was s3rjj«d by Bishop Basil Vladimir Lady. kM, Apoatollo Exarch for Kulh*. rdan Catholics of the Bymnilne Rite In Canada, sed Use head* of the Ukrainian Catholic Coun-cii in Canada.

Tho Bitmber of RuthenUns

TtVsis-r ~ «11*aii - m i '

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iiiZkM jj^±'^JJM~I±; mra hivi aasjast iiiiiilli nf •HiiiUlsri' *iss»fa»sW ^~^&1^^WFI%', "r*1 •^S^Tnra*"jpry^w^r -j^^^^s?w^^rT^W^^r

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fert « h « w» have a s y r e p p d«w£:

«-««„ ,«« uir rveno ox me IOW- ^ ^ o f Colombia. Iowa, Loalsi.' J * ta T S r i X | 7 » X S r t r t

legislation would exU-nd real-, lgafu A a g s o B r , K j f w Hampshire, dence requirements for divorce, N s W , J c m r ^ ( o f i j ( J Oklahoma, from the present one year to Pmsyjvmiaf m ^ h^mAt ^n. present three years and court costs. 'Cooling O r Period

A proposal * advanced

one year to would raise


nesses,- Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The others, ex­cepting South Carolina which

Col- has no divorce laws, recognize

76 EAST AVENUE wV e . _td i 666. 9«Kf£lt fetawV

U. S. Catholic* Thanked At Bu>dapiir Yula Parries

Budapest — (NC) — Ameri­can, Papal and Hungarian flags decorated the Christmas tree at the holiday celebration for 200, workers of Ac£o Catfeol'sa here as Msgr. Sigltmond Mlhalovics, director of the national laymen's organization,, referred gratefully m hL« addres*. at the party to the aid given Hungarians b y War Relief Services— National CafhoSe Welfare Cenferenc*..

A Christmas toter sponsored by the American Catholic relief agmcy for IflO Biembers of fite Cardteal Paaratny Socte*> of Journalists and W r t e v a lso brmjgh* lorQj emrmskms at thantes for tite hSp rstsdereS by

jthe CatboffiSs o t {States.

orado calls for legislation to re-; insanity varying from two tij quire a six-month "cooling off" j to 10 years as grounds far d period before interlocutory de- vorce. Opponents of such legis-crees aa a means of reducing the, latten contend that no one can growing number of divorws, par-; say ^ h e n insanity is incurable, ticularly In w a r marriages.

Stronger divorce laws also have been proposed in Minne­sota. Asserting that the state's present law reouirlng a six month waiting period between divorce and remarriage is being repeatedly violated a commit­tee of the Minnesota State Bar Association has recommended an amendment to provide an In­terlocutory decree, the d r w e e not become Onal untfl lapse of the statutory period.

A special eommlttee which has been studying R h o d e Island's divorce laws 1$ sched­uled to report to that state's 1347 legislative) session. Tax on Divorces

Imposition o f a £5 tax oa di­vorces s a d a doaMfeig of the present raarrjago license fees were rer^nOy j^coaauended in Nevada fn a tax study report «irs^« tm by aat offie&|J commit tee.

W&etfea- '*w«trabJe? fissanlty the Unlfed sftoald he a d r e w * RSroaBd Is a

a,...4»t. Itmaxtaa imm M mte, l^«la.

and cite instances where see»* Ingly hopeless cases rc©jver.

Negro Barred, Game Cancelled

Pittsburgh — CNC) — 8 » fasaJ of Coach Charles Darts* to withdraw Charles Cooper, Negro forward, from the Da-queans rjnlventffy Bne-op, » stand which led to the cancel-latton a His bsakelbsJJ gmm w h k h flie local school m$» to have playsd against fsaujesse* University bun, cmttrnm to Om Unlversitya poltey. offi­cials of the school here have stated.

Cooper, m non-Csthaiie nsvy veteran, ta siiendbig Bhaqtiesno Unirersity tmder the provi*-lotts o f the GI bfll o f rights. Thc^^rlsfting team dernatnded thai only -white pfsyer» he used fa the contest, bat Coaeh Da^-ies stood Omt In hi« «m-tmtkm that, slnee^lw f* * bona fide student, C««>peT tod * ng*fc t o pi*y. .,

about 30&000, mfflit of th«m being Calholles, The Aposlollc Exarchate in Canada embraces 2-43 parishes and 83 fnffaloH* in charge of 115 priests. Emigra­tion of Ruthtnian* to Canada began in 180L Most of them are farmers, hut there I* an increas­ing number of busbies*, and pro­fessional m e n , ptrikulirJy among the ymmgsr feneration. During the last war, 40,000 Ru-thenfan Canadians served wjtb the armed forces.

The total number of Katferal* sm and Ukrainian*, who *tm driven from theft1 hernias during the laat war t s CTUmatcd at about seven aiilHon*. Kajqy o l them died in tmA canemumom

In . pleadiiiir for mem«m to open the rates ot C*n*aa tot the*? homelew persons, thejwev morandtan prottaftt &tm" against their toreed r»*itskU

•• «isiis^a'aajsil,i-iliiji<»iiii;«^

Mother Cabrirti Hospital Started

Al«uwdris - (PwVSl-^r.wnrJ-break&if; «srem<«lea * * $» mflf. tioTj-doiiir s t Wfunm imm Hosltal — first tesipttitt |» h« named tax Amerlca'i. ftorl .«tt' jwsaiat — wtase feeM fern* Dee. 2SS, f**#i day of M«>^i |aJ

The %&$0W wSSI h# ^ n | i p [ k I by tt» Sfegf?# ef f** ^ s l i i l f c (Word m& ^rp^%M»Mm. a>ledcfeilC | f W NejSfi*.

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