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Bert J, Beihoff , B. S.

A Thes is submit t ed to the Faculty of the Graduate Sohool , Marquette University

in Partial Fulfillment of the Re ­qUirements for the DegreE) of

Master of Arts .

Mil waukee , Wisconsin January, 1954



The analysis whioh is to fol l ow is in no way a

compl ete or fina l descript ion of ea ch factor and con­

diti on listed , a.nd shoul d not be considered as an attemp t

of such . Previous l y , to the best of this aut hor's know­

ledge , no study of this nature has ever been made , and

t h is explains the rather appar ent lack of references.

However I this inquir y into the sub j e ct represent.s a

comprehens ive survey of all the avai l able l iterature

on Investments; Bus iness Cycles, and the Stock ~J!arket .



P REF ACE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• p e. 2 .,

CHAt-TER I The Stock Marke t and I t s Yri ce Movcroent s •...•.•.••.•.••.• • ••••.•. p . 5 .

CHAP'rER II The Re l ation betwe en Busines s 'ondit i ons and Se curi t y 1?rices •.•.....•• p .12 .

CHAPTER III Pr i ce Val uat i on and t he Types of Factors and Conditions Affecting I t ••••• p . 2~ .

'HAPTRR IV Fa c tor s and CondItions Affect ln~ Stock Marke t Pric e s ••••.•••..•••••.••••• p . 37 .

CHA?TER V The Concl usion a nd It s Settini:, •••••••••• p . 68 .

BI BLIOGRAPHY •••••••••••••••••.•••••••.••••.•• p . 7 2 .

Approva l •.............•....... ." ............•. p . 7 6 .



The Hi storieal Rel a tion between Business Oonditions and Security Prices ••••••.•.••.•••.. p . 13.


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Be cause 01' the dynamic nature of our economy, and

because of t he many conflictlng forc es in the world to-

. day, it is i nforma tive to eXBlt1i ne t he validlty of the

wide l y a ocepted belief tha,t changes in the stock market

fore cast simllar ohanges in the volume and dir e ction of

business activity. If this relationship is true, an

anal ys is of the fact ors and conditions affecting stock

mar ke t pr i ces would provide an insight into thtl stUdy

of business cyoles.

'fhe role of t he Stock Exchange in our modern economy

is almost an indispensable one, for it provides a mech-

anism for the financinR of American business. The

Exchange 1s a market in the true sense of the word,

since the prices of securities are de termined str i ctly

by the demand f or, and the suppl y of, stoeks . "It may

s ave possiblemlsunderstandlng Iflt is stated a t the

outset that t he StoCk Exchange by itself does not deter-1

mine prices ," but merely records t he various pr ices at 2 which indivIdual inves tors are prepared to buy and sell

s ecurities.

The Bxohange mainta ins a continuous market f or

seour ities , thereby keeping t he vas t capital liquid and

mobile , and ItprQvlding;he mechanism fo r the fl nancln

of new ent erprise and the expansion of old ones.,, 3

lL-~G ~ Whyte, Prinei. l es of Finance and Investment ( Rogh.est er.a. G"B • .a. 949 01. I~ P . 1021 Tfie term Inves t ors useu as I nc uaive of i nvestors and speCUl a t ors. Unless ment ioned otherwise in a speciflc ca se, we will not di f f erentiate between the two f orms of activity, f or bo th in the ir own way , al~e concerned with f u t ure expe e tat ions.

3J'. Mi ndell, The Sto ck :Mar ket ( New York . 1948 ), p. 37",

By mai ntaining this continuous market, it harmonizes

the quoted priess and actual val ues, and in so doin


"enables investors to more intelligently direct the fl ow

of cap ital into profitable channels. Since investment

in securities can be ma.de for short periods of time,

the market affords a h i gh de gree of l iquidity to the

i nvestment capital, and a readily accessible diversifi ­

cation of investment opportunities among the listed

securities . Thus , the existence of the Sbock Exchange

is justified on the basis of its ability to furnish

these useful services to security owne.rs and businesses. 4

Be fore i nqui.ring into t he rela tionship be tween

stock marke t prices and business oonditions, we must

possess a knowl edge of t he vari.ous types of stock market

movements, their amplitude s and l engths, in order to

understand the i.r different natures. Ther e are usually

three price movements in the stock marke t avera..c:es t hat

can be dis cerned. They are the Major or Primary , trend,

the Minor or Secondary movement,. and the Day-tv-D'lY

fluctuat ions .

The Ma jor or Primary t r ends are lithe extensive up

or down swings wh i ch usually last for a ye ar or more,


. and result i n a general appr ecia.tion or deprecia t i on in

values. of more tha.n 20%. ,,6, 'rhi .s trend continues up as

10n3 as each successive rally on the price advance reaches

a higher level · than t he previous one, or continues down

as long as e ach suoces sive decline oarries prices to a

lower level . However, the decline on the uptrend and

the rally on the downtrend must fail to br~ng the movement

back to the top or bott~m of the precedi ng reaction.. It

is t his a;", jor or Primary trend which h as the tendency t o

conform to the business· cycle, and which is r eferred to

as a !tBull 'f or flBear~' market.

The fU nor ~r Secondary movem nts are more frequent

and shorter , l as ting from a couple of wee,ks to several

or ave~ lllauy months . They are the up; down, an.d side­

wise movements of t he avera~es which interrupt the pr o-

ress of the Major trend at various intervals by tem-

porarily moving contrary to it , and they result in the

declines or corrections which occur durinR tl1.e uptrend

and the rallies or recoveries which occur during t he

downtrend . 'fuese Minor movelOOnts gener al l y "retrace

from 1/3 to 2/ :3 of the gain or loss in prices registered

in the preceding swlng,,6of the Ma jor trend.

Due to the duration and amplitude of these Minor

movements , i t seems prob lil ble that they can be attr i buted

oR; Edwards and J. Magee , Technical Analysis of Stock Trends ( Springfield" Massn 1948 ), p . 13.

SIbid., p . 14.


to t he actions of the s peculators operating i n the mar ket.

These specul ators genera lly will over ... expand in attempts

. to t ake advant age of impending price ehanges , a nd then ,

over- contract in t he opposite direction in attempts to

correc t t heir previous errors . For this reason , t he

lnar ke t in t he rU nor or Seoondary movement va c i lla tes in

an at tempt to adjust to t he Ma jor trend .

ne shoul d not thi nk that t he. Minor moveme nts are

independent o f busine ss conditions and prOSp\3cts lor t he

f uture , for t hey ar'e not . However , t hey are set off by

events whose s ignifi cance 18 exaggernted by current

prominence , if the techni cal cond i tion of t he marko t 1s

ripe f or a rea ot ion. After they have r un t he i r oourse ,

so to speal{ , tbe marke t prices will again re SUID.e the

eneral direc t i on of t he Ma jor t rend and t he business

cycle . 7 Thus, when .the stock ma.rke t averages are moving

i n a. direction opposite to t hat of busines s , it is tem­

poraI'11y over .. bought or over - sold , and in time '11111 a gain

ad j ust to the Major or Primary tI'Emd .

The Day- to-Day f luc t uations are the t hird t ype of

stock market p rice movement . They l ast s everal de.y s,

usually l os s t han six, and rar ely as long as t hree weeks . S

"No cy clical pattern can be found for t hese •••• ex cept to

sun:i:j;est t hat extremel y s harp gains or declines f or a few

hours or days seems usually to be ' corrected ' by r ebound ..

7E . G ~ Bra tt , Busines s Cycles and Forocast lng( Homewood , I ll ., 1953 ) , pp . 496- 497.

80p • c it ., Edwards and Magee, pp _ 1 3-14 .


inl-t movements in t h e opposite direction. n9

These fluctu a tions are usually not predi ct able

-except on news of considerable moment ; such as t he thre at

of war or pea ce , the outcome of an election , a. strl~e or

any other event of Such a nature . Na turally ; a s timul us

of this ~y:pe, may be t h e beginni ng of a. SUbstantial Minor

movement , but the Day- t O) .. Day f l uotu..'l t lons , t hemselves ,

onl,y constitute changes of a,ccldental or trans itory

i mpressions of buyer s and sellers , and t hus , are no t of 10

impor t ance for thi~ paper .

In t h e d isoussion of these price moveIllents in t h e

stock Illa.rke t , we have spoken in terms of averages , but

we mu st not for fJ..et tha t Individul:al s tocks st ill have

reta i ned t heir own ind ivid.ual f l uctuations . '!'his mu s t

be noted , for at anyone t1me , at any phas e of t he

bus ine s s cycle or mar ke t movement, qlffer~mt c orporat ions

and industries are a t d Lf i'o::.--on ti sta.ge s of t he i r own

ind ividual cycl es , and not all can be expected t o move

dire ctly parallel t o ,business or even the gener al marke t

trend . Therefore , in times of pr os perity some depl~es8ed

fi r ms and i ndustries can be found , and in times of de -

,pression, some tha t are except i onally pros pe r ous . This

can be understood for the ve.rlous indus tr ie s with t he i r

different products are affect;ed to 0.1 vergent degrees ,

and amplitudes of firm ' s securi ty prices will vary with

' 9J-;C~C-iendenin, Introducti on to Invesbments( New York , 1950 ), p . 2 21

l01b1d., p . 224 .


changes in demand a nd profit s . ll However , the more cyclical

movements of t he s tocks will still reflect t o an i mport ­

ant dee.,ree t he movements of t he busines s dycle , fo r t he

primary basis of their value is in profits , and corpor-

at ions , as a whole , have seldom moved contrary, for an

extended time , to t he main swings in busine ss condItions,

IlG. W. DO\i;rie and D. R. Fuller , Inve s t ments {New York , 1941), pp . 133-134 .


The Relat ion between Bus iness

Conditions and Securi t y Pr i ces



I g ~ 7 t. 0 M id J? 5 3

"'$I - -rHCf)'JA s Itf.,.l!,Jf. ,,~ t'\AW\JPACTlJ~/"'6- PRol.)Vc,rLo W-·".,D - F "PJt<tAI- ~ =~"i: ~~.l" /'("Di!). <J II .xN~lIfiTillt-J_ 1'£(10uc..-"no", I

!J ~s.J - CJ..IU'A J-A,tO T'it".' C(f~~'t Z t.lOfi-.. Cil ZNDI.1,rt."RI.. ~ii>(Jc.rl;'''' (. L. 1v 1\.0$)

P R 1 C E S* . "

,.. . 1) o~: AOAPTIOtl" F"-01'f\. a\) 5 , N' E: S 5 t\ c;1' \ ... '\ T Y - ,~t'i 1\ A'- R E ~ 1! i...,e ,A1C"D OTHE

" 1: ttD.-SOF ::tt<~~~~~ot-r S TOC. ~ P ~ \c.E S -SItSJiiIJ" tl! . pow-:! ot(li-S:to. t<'O\t'-T~ lA L­

" ~ TeG":' A"TiRltfr6S

e are now prepared to inquire into t he r elation

be t we en bus iness conditions and se curi ty pr ices . This

can bes t be a ccomplished by ch arting the h i s tories of

both series over t he past fifty- f ive years,



After examin1ni the chux-t one ean concl ude that

t he iie..Jor t r endaoi' t ll.e snook markQt land to some ext ent

e ven t he rU nor movemonts hQve gen@:r~\lly preceded chanc~e$

in bua ines f.) llct1vi ty • . ~b1le t h is 1s not true in all

OQli.!l e s , es pecially i n t he l ast fi ft een years due to t he

lUul t1p l1cl t y of fac tors which ca.n onus e pric() f l uo t uations ;

t he s tock It'HlU:,k t, t has at!ll sl.lijntly led the b US i n e s s

cycle .

This conC1UtLi on is 611tistant1s t ed by v '~ rl0tlS 3 tudl~s

Which have a l eo exami ned th~ r e lationship between the

tVIO s eries . We s l ey C. Mitohell ocmcl ude s t h a t nstock

Illarlicet t ransaot:tona tlnd pr1ees . . .. riae befor e t he t r ough

in aeneral bUSiness a c tivity 16 reached and fa,ll bet'ore

the peak,r 14t1mes on I\:he ri se and 1 3 t l 111ea on t he tlnll

1. in 19 ~iajor business 01c10$ trom 1'858 to 1933.

Huebner !rta tes th9t:

Without except ion every major busines s depression or boom in this country h ilS been disoounted by our security mar l!;:E'lts f r om six months to two years before t he dull t1mi s or tho pr osper ity be came a r e f.l, l l ty,.

ual-field Drew mention s t lu\ t; i n 26 mfl jor r e vel'sale

in t he past 90 years , o t {)clt pt' 1ces lli3.Ve lajjj,sed in 01.11 y

I; C('iS~iHJ; a nd t h e t hne o f an t i Cipation by t he s t ock market

i n t he o t he r 21 c ases ranged f rom 2 ,to (3 months . :$

Ayres in a study of' 25 cye1es f rOIn 18 129 to 19:38

concl udes t h !!'t in. t he typ1celoyo1e , the top of s took

--Xw. c. ~1tohell . Whn,t Ho:ppf.tns During fjU. S1:r:'l6 I~ S C:r)"oles ( Ne w YOI'k , 19 51), p . ? 2 .

2°12. 0&. Huebner '. p . 39 . 30 . Draw ; Nsw !,~ethode f ol'" Proft t i n t h.e S took tEarke t

( Bos ton , 1948T . p . 19 . ~.-. . --_ . - - -


prices was seven months .in advance of the top of business ,

and tha t in t he downswing ; t he low of t, tock marke t prices

was flve months in adve.nce of the low of busin ess act -4 ivity.

Haney maint a ins t h l) t:

In all history , a t least s i nce 1884 , the r e are no more t han two cas es i n which it oan be s a i d th~ t t h e stock marke t has seriously or persistently i gnored busine s s. Of course , sine e t he 8 tock mar ke t generally aoticlps.te s t he trend of business ac t i vity , a c ross section a t a ny g iven time may reve al stocl{ down and bus i nes :'1 up or vice versa. Such divergencies , however , merely emphasize the inner- rel a tion". and they a r e naturally f ound near the 5u rning- polnt s on the bus iness oyole. ,

Despite t he fact t h At d ifferent figures were noted

in ea ch study , the oonclusions were sUbstantia.lly t he

same , and although thero were exceptions in each , these

excep tions do not disprove t h e general t h eory of t he

rela.tionship . However , since a number of these

exceptions have occurred i n the l ast fif t een years , we

will now speclally examine t he rel ationsh ip between t he

t wo serie s dur ing t hose years .

Stock market prices , a s r epresented by the Dow- Jone s

i ndus trial aver age , rose cont Inually during t h e mi ddle

1930 's, and never rea l l y br oke until after the drop in

the Federal Reserve Index of Indus tri al Pr oduction in

1937- 1938 . Stock prices again f ell aft er t he \\Iar began

4L •. Ayre s , Turning Po i nts in Business Cycles {New Yorlt , 1940 ) J p . 67.

SL . H. Haney, Business Forecast l eg ( New York , 1931), p . :510 .


i n Europe in 1939 , and continued to drop aft er t lle United

St ates entry in 1941. The psychology of the marke t re-. mained pessimistic about conditions until the average

rea ched a. l ow in 1942 . WhUe t his de cline took place ,

industr1.al produc tion , corporate earnin}.!.s and d i vide nds

were 8.dvancing .

I ndus t rial product i on de clined from l a t e 1943 to

early 1946 , but the stock market rose from t he low in

1942 unti l mid-1946 , paying no attention to the post-

war reconvers i on in 1945. s a matter of fact, t he

decline in business act ivity i n 1945 preceded the stock

marke t bre ak of 1946 by a fu l l year . In '~he sprina: of

1946 commodity price controls we r e scrapped , and a sharp

inflation in pr ices took pl ace for the rest of t he year

and continued upward until mid-1948 . It was thouHht that

a depress ion would occur in 1947 , but it never c ame as

conditions continued to improve until l ate 1948 . Stock

prices , on the other hand , s t ar ted to waver a t a l most

t he SRme da te i n 1946 t hat commodity pri ces be~an to

i ncrease. ' In other words , s tock pr i ces broke in 1946

at the same time that t he infla tionar y forces of World

War II began t o show the greatest eff ects in a decontrol led

price sys tem. Thus , although national income , indus tr i al

product i on, cor porGte profits and dividends were i mpr ov-

i ng , investors were pessimistic Bnd sold securitios .

Aft er the break in 1946 , there was no SiGn of a

~lgnlfic8.nt re covery until aft er mid-1949 , and t he 1946


market peak was not recover ed until 1950 . Through the

per i od from 1939 to 1949, industria l produotion r ose

from 109 to 176 , a 61~ increase; corporat e e a rnings

after taxes rose from $ 5 billion to $17. 3 bil l ion , an

i ncreas e of 246~ and dividends incre as ed from $ 3 . 8 billion 6

to $8 . 4 b illion, a gain of 121%.

From 1948 to mld .. 1949 bo'ch corpora te ear n ings and

stock mar kf,t prices fell , but no stat ement comcerninc.

a r e l a tionshI p be tween t he t wo s e r ies can be made , f or it

was only a s econdary drop ; and the break of the marke t i n

1946 coul d har dl y rece ive credit for an t l c ipatinR this

sli ;,tht re ca p- s i on i n busine ss act i vity . These , t hen, are

t he ma jor except ions in the rela tionship tha t have occur red

in the pas t fift een years .

Dur i ng the mi ddle of 1950 sto ck 'market pr i ce s dropped

sharply, wh ile industri a l production . corpora t e e arnings

and d ividends were s till climbi ng . Secondar y movement s

in t he stock mar ke t pre ceded t he drop •. ri s e , and drop

of i ndu s tr i al pr oduction 1n tha t order in 1951 · a.nd 19 52 .

Both s eri es r ose together th:rou~ the end of 19 52 t o t he

begl nni ng of 1953. The s tock ma.rket Dow-JoOt-') s I ndus tria l

aVe r afi: e f el l f rom 288 in January to 266 i n June , 1953.

During thi s peq-' lod, t he Indus tria.l Product ion Tndex of

t he Federal Reserve Boar d ros e 10 points f r om 23:') in

J anuary to 243 in March , but t hen s 11d off 3 points t 'o

240 by June of 1953.

SBoar d of Gover nors of the Federal Reser ve System, Feders.l nesor ve Bulle tin ( Washington , March 1950 ).


Nat ura lly , during the past few years, due to the

proximity of time, it becomes diffi cult to make any

accura te sta tem~nts regar d ing the r e la t ionship be twe en

business conditions and t he M.a jor trend of t he stock

market , a l though the stock market avera~te s have risen to

new h l s;hs exceeded only by 1929 ~ indicating t h e present

high level of prosperity. The corre l at ion of Secondary

movements , espeoially since 1 950 , has been remarkable,

and t he dr'op of t he averages in the early portion of t h is

year of 1953 , if the r elationship would hold true, indicates

a drop i n industrial production below 240 of the June 7

Indust r i al Production Index.

Af t e r examining t hese exce ptions, no po~itive state­

ments can be made RS to t heir causes. From t he 1930's ,

it is perhaps the many ref~ulations whi ch h a ve elimi nated

much of the manipulation of t h e stock marke t pr ices by

insiders, thus causing the prices to be influenced to a

greater degree by t he optimism a.nd pessimism of the

eneral public. This, in t urn, has influenced t he in'"

vestors whos e trading h~s lost its professional ~haracter,

and has t aken on , more o·f an investment nature. Then too ,

a pos s ible cause may be the change in the ratio between

a corporation ' a earni ngs and t .heir distribution to invest -


During the 1940 's the politioal actions , nat i onal

and international, h a.ve pre ::; ent ed an ever- incre6.01ng

'By December of 1953, t he Index of Indus trial Pro­duction had dropped over 10 points from the 240 in June .

t nfl uence over bus iness condit i ons and the e conomic

.worl d , onl y to be f ur thor accentuat ed by t he psycho­

l ?f; ical re actions primarily mot iva t ed by the fe or of

t he future .

Logically, h owever , s t ock mar ke t pri ces should


s til l i ndica t e i mpend lng change s in business, since

security prices ar e t he r esult of a consensus of opi n-

i on re f,l, ardint.l:. t h e prospects ·of' busine s s and t he probable

course of future profit s . 'llhe movements of s tock market

prices .should pr e cede the mor e i mportant changes in

bus ine s s a ctivi t y , f or t he s tock mar ke t is mor e re ­

sponsive t o t h e news of cha n(]!; i ng condi t i ons , e conomic

and othe rwi se. By t he t i me reactions, in the f orm of

chan~lne; demands , ar e re l ayed t hr ough product ive channel s ,

t he s tock lnarke t c an d iscount the ear lier f ormul ated

pl ans of the publ ic . From t h ls we ar e able to conclude

t ha t not onl y should secur i t y pr i ces have a r e l a tionsh i p

with business conditions a.nd pr eoede it in the basic

t urns , but when these Gurns are abou t ·co occur , t hey

should become publicly apparent i n t Il e s e curity ma.rket

before they show up in the bus ines s i ndexe s .

Whenever a.n inves tor buy s a c ommon s to ck , he i m­

medi ate l y becomes an e quity holder in t h e business rep­

re1;'ent ed by t hat s ecur ity. Just as i n any oth er business

he be comes i nt ere s ted i n prof it . In a general, but not

l e s s fundamentDl way , h i s own pr ofi t or loss i n t h ese

s ecurities will depend upon t he pro f i t or l os s of h is

business or company . 8 However , an inve s tor will not

wait for ohant!.es in earni nis , but will attempt to

anticipate t hem by examini ng t he faotors whi ch will

oaus e changes in future earnIngs, which he t hen will

discount to arrive at t he present value of stock.

Throu&l:h th'i.s pr ocess of price determination we arri ve


at another logicnl reason for t he r e lationship be tween

stock ~Brket orices and bus ines s conditions .

From a psycholog,ic tal approach to the probl em of

t he rela tionship, stock mar ket price s should lead.

business conditi ons , for when lt is generally expected.

by the public tha t economic activity and Drofits .vill

increas e in t he future , t h e opt~niBtic a ttitude will

permeate the investor's mind and a f fe ct his val uations .

On t he other hand , if it is generally bel ieved by 't he

public t hat the volume of business and. profits will be

re duced, the pes fc' imism will al so sway the inve s tor's

valut:i tions . Thus , t he state of confidenoe of t he £,eneral

public wil l oons ciously or unconsciously influence the

inves tor in hi s appr a isal of s t ock val ues . Si nce t he

inve stors do at t empt to discount f u ture earnin~s in their

deter mi.n', tion of prices , ' t hese prices should. f l uctuate

prior to cha.nges in busine s s act ivity.

Regar dless , therefore , of t he tremendous number of

factors that can affect st /) ck market prices in t heir

attempt to ant i oipate bus ines s , the psycholo;;l, ical e l ement

8R. W. Schabacker , Stock Market Profits{ New York , 1934 ), p . 29 .


1s always present. This necessitates the examination

of t he state of mind of investors, after e very force

~re aents itself , to see how t hey will react to it .

After t hey h ave made t heir eval Ltatlons , the marke v,

many times , will seemingl y fail to r es pond to important

economic ahan~es , when actually other f actors may be

out we i gh ing th em, and conversely , it may fluctuate

Violently without any traceabl e reason. In as much as

the ma r ket price r e sul ting 1'r'Om evaluations represents

the op inion of Investo~s regarding future expectations ,

the ~ to ck mar ket tends to discount ever yt h ing.

We mi ght note t ha.t pu()l ic op i nion has a t endency

to s way f rom over-optimism to exaggera ted-peasJ..mlsr.t,

and wh ile t hi s could not undermine t he f'undament A.l

economic cond i t ions to any great degra'a in the MSl j or

t r end , it does causa many of the extensive I'llinor r o­

act i ons whi ch deviate from the trend of t he mar ke t.

In t his chapter we have shown th~l t t ho s tock market

prices have h istorically preceded bus i ne s s conditions

and activi ty in most:; cases . When exoep tions to t h is rule

have occurred , e speoially in the mOlfe recent p ast ; there

wer e al ways event s and reasons 6f tremendous i nfluence

wh i ch pro~I:rted the distortion of the rela tionship.

For the f u ture, if conditions, national and i nter­

national, retur n to a more normal keel , t he predictive

ab ility of t he stock market should on a 10 ... 1ca l and


psycholoJ.1.1eal bases cont inue to show itsel f . It 1s o.n

th is assumption, t1 r eturn to a sta t e of nor ma lity , t hat

' we proceed with t h is d i s oussion .


Price Valua tion and the

Types of Factors a.nd

Conditions Affeet ilJ.e It



Stock market prices are an expression of value which

is determined by the total forces of demand for and t he

suppl y of shares in the markt) t . However, ea,oh investor

arr ives a t hi s own appraisal of va l ue by estimating t he

future income , and t hen discounting this income of the

corporation to the present . It is , therefore , t he vnry-

ing opinion of inve s tors regarding discounted fu ture

expect ~rtions that determines the basic for ces of dema nd

and suppl y s ·t every successive r ange in price . Thus ,

t he capi t al value of' a stock "is simply future income

,I discounted ; or in other words capitalized , ' and since

thi s valuation is a human prooess , the dis counted future

exp ectntions will vary with 6a.ch investor ,

In t he market t he prieing process works IilS follows:

01 ven t h e valua tions of al l the inc11 vidlJ.a l investors , we

ar r i va a t the total markot demand and supply . As long

as the price is such t he. t t he quant ity of shares whi ch

t he investors want to sell , do not equal the quantity

which t l1ey want to buy,. there will be a tendency for the

price to change .

If the market pr I ce is such t hat sellers in t he market as a whol e wi sh to sell more t h an t he buyer s in the mar ket wish t o buy , t hen the price mu s t fall. I f the marke t price is Buoh tha t buyers as a Whole );113h to buy more t han se llers wish to sell, t hen the priee must rise . 2

Eventually t her e will be a pr i ce r ea. ched at wh ic h t he

11. Fishe r , The Theory of _fEteres t( New Yor k , 1930) , p .. 12 .

2K. E. Bouldirl{j" Economic Ana lys i s ( New York , 1948 ), p . 60 .


quant i ty t h a t buyers wish to buy e qual s t he quanti ty

t h at s e l lers wish to sell , and t his 1s c a l led an

-equili brium price . However, at this price t h er e s till

are sellers who t h ink t he price is too low, and buyers

who t hink the price i8 too high , and they will not t r a.de

wi t h ea,ch a t 'her until someth.1ng chana es their de s i re t o

rema. in in t he srune financi a l position. lffuen "investor s

ohange t h e ir views , buyers will outnumber sellers or

3 vice ve r s a , and a n ew price moveme nt wi ll be set Up . ff

To r e ite r a te , t h e pr i ce of a s t ock is dete r mined

by the jud AIllents of inves t ors a s to t h e d iscount ed v a l u e

of f u t u r e i ncome . This discounting or ca.pitaliza tion

proce s s comb 1ne s t he t wo f actors of pr ospe ct ive yield

or retur n and t he p r e spectl va course of t he mark et r a.t e

of lntere et . 4 'rhus , t h e value of a s toCk will be t he

capitalizat i on or dlscount ln& by investors of t he

company ' s an t i cipa ted income a t t he current r a t e of

Intorest . 5

The r ate of inter est at whi ch an inves t or d i s counts

earni nR:s include s t he basic interest r a te plus an addition-

0.1 inor exl1 ent for t he r i sk Invol ved in any par t :t cu lar stock .

St a. t ed i n a s i mplif1ed f ashion , t h e va l u e of a sha r e of

st .)ck refle cts principally t he exp e cted futur e earnings

d i scount ed at a r a t e cOmL~ens urate ' wi t h t he r isks involved ,

and then adjus ted for a ctua l div idend prospe c ts .6

0 L. L. B. Angas , Inve st'l'i e~(l{ew York , 1930) , p . 1 43 . 4A• Marg e t , 'r h a Theory o f Pr i c e s( New York , 19 38 ) , p . 240 . bOp . c l t., lUndell, pp . 1 26- 127 . SOp . c i t ., Jordan , p . 113.


An e.xampl e of di scounting or capitalization of

earnings may more clearly illus trate the procedure by

which present vL\lue i s deter mi ned . If t he anticipo. ted

earn:tnR.s on a shar e of stock are $3 . 00 , and t he capital­

i zation rate is 10%, t hen. the valu.8 of the s tock is

$:;0 . 00 , If the ea rnings remain the same , but t he r a te

of capit a l ization -ls r educed to 6%, then the value is

18 . 00 . Thus, the value of the share of a back may change

t hrough t he inf luence of t h e interes t r a te at which

earnings are discounted , despite the outlook for e arn­

Inf~s remaining the same . Oonversely, the capitalization

rate may r emain t h e same whi le expected e arnings change ,

thereby also causing a Change in value of the8tock ,

rPhe description just concluded is d efinl t e ly over-

eimplH'led and many a dd! tional factors whi ch occur in

reality have been ex cluded . In theary we have assumed

only one ca.p italization r ate, wher eas fl there · is no unifor m

rate a t any one time , but r a t her a hierarchy of different

r a.t es de pendine, 7 n d iff e r ent factors." This point will

be e l aborated i n the s ection of Interest Rat e s i n Chap­

ter IV.

Fur t h er more , wben referr i ng to the ex.)octod yie l d ,

we have as sumed one retur n , in spite of the f a ct th1,! t

t here may be sharp d ivergence s between the yiel d estimates

of var i ous i nvostors . CombininJ?: both determin~J.nt s , the

rate of cap italization and t · e y i e l d p r o s pects , we must

70p • cit .; Mindell , p . 119 .


further realize t ha t naIl things were held constant U 1n

our analysis , wh ereas in real ity , changes Bre constantly

t aking pl a ce which would require add itional qualificat ions

1.n t heory.

Havin~ examined t he procedure for detorrnin lnb s t ook

ros.r ket prices , we are now pr epared t o anal yze t he types

of f ac tors fl nd conditions t ha t affec t t h em.

There ar e two types of f actors and conditions whi oh

affect sto~k market prices . First t here are the fun~

damental wh ioh orig inate and ex.i s t outside t he s t , ok

mar ket 1n the economic world . Thes e are t he basic or

unde r l y i ng causes of price changes wh i ch over a. lon

period of time must have t he major i nf l uence on t he

market pr i ces . Se cond , there are t he t echni ca l which

opera te entirely with in t he marke t mechanism or beC ~l'l.lB e

of it , These a f fect s tock market prioes regardle s s of

what t he f undamental oond itions or f aotors may be , but

th e i r eff ects are s!'lOr t - li vad e The s e two types of f a otors

and condit l ons may work together , or as oppos i ng foroes ,

thus causin8 the mar ke t to be "technically weak:' but

"fundo.ment ally strong: or the contra.ry whi oh a lso may

be true .

The funda.ment al fa c t ors and cond ltions are t ho se

economiC , politioal- national and international , psycho­

logi ca l , a nd nat ur al for oe s outs ide t he mar ke t which

control the marke t trends , either fo r ind ividual stocks ,

or for all stock s as a whole . Si noe there are t housands


of investors ope rating in the ma rket , e ach attempting

to f oreca st t he trend of prioes to some degr ee , their

dec i sion , as to the trend , will be primar ily based on

t heir estima te of the strength or weakness of these

fundamental condit i ons as t h ey affec t earn 1. ngs . It is ,

there fore , e arnings that const i tute t he most i mportant

single f aotor in determining stock mar ket prices .

An inve stor , however , mus t eval ua te al l the fun­

damental f a ctors and conditions u s they present them­

selves i n terms of an e f fe ct upon future earning power.

They will , then, attempt to operate in the ma rket on

these val ua tions prior to t he actual changes in e arnings ,

since t hey will d iscount the future to arrive at t he

present value of a s t ook . By doing t his an investor

minimizes oha nge s in diVidends , whi oh he con6ider~s

secondary to earnings , and merely t heir reflect ion, and

so will concentrate upon prospective ohanu:es in earnin

power . By t his reasoning , a fundamen t al condi tion be­

comes any faotor whi ch indicates a change in future

earnln~s , for t h is is the primary basis on which invest­

ors as tablish stock nw.r ket pri ces .

Technical f ac·tors and conditions are t hos e which

arise within t he market meohanism its elf, and are con­

trasted to the f undamental conditions which we h a.ve

just discus sed . We migl:1t indicate a few of the more

important techrlcal conditions whioh allegedly affect

market prices , but no analYSis will be made as t o the


de a.r ee of t h e i r i nfl uence . This mu s t be noted , for'

i f anyone f a ctor or condition had a. part lculareffect .

for a period of time , it is cer t a in t hat traders , attemp t -

in;, to cap italize on it , would des troy its val idity .

It is ~enerally cons idered th ~l t volUlne goes with

t he t reml . If t his were true , volume shoul d increa s e

on the r a.llies in the uptrend and d ecline on reactions ,

while in the downtrend , t he volume would iner e':l se on

r eactions a.nd decline on r a l lies . Also , heavy volume

at the end of a cons i derable movement 1s thought to

indicate the end of the trend a nd a. turn:i.ng point .

It 1s believed t n nt t he rrarke t 1s "t echnically s tron,, 11

when s toele i s accumul a ted by "s tron,ger hands " such as

institu ti ons , i nvestment trusts , and the like . Buyer s

believe tha t t h ey c an hold stock agains t mos t r eactions

for a def ini te rise . On the other hand , when s tock i s

held by "weak ha.nds , " the market is considered "t echnica l l y

wea.k , ft for a l anl;e amount of s t .) ck is be i nn: held on

me.r~ins toosll1all for comfort .

The presence of stop orders to sell 1s cons i dered to

make t he marke t II technically wes,k , II for i f it hits t h a t

l evel , the orders will be thrown into t he mar ket , t hereby

forc in!J: t he prices further down . Short selling also

make s t he mar ket "te chnically weak , " al l othor thln~s

being equa l . Eventually , however , if shor t sell i n -'

decline s and a l ar b6 short interest 1s accumul ated , t he

flU r ke t become s "technically s tronger , II since short sellers


must cover to a grea ter extent .

Resisi:;e nce level s are popular devi ce s with traders

who seek to f ind tldouble and tr i pl e top s fl t h a t are

supposed to indi cate "technical weakness" i n the sens e

t hat the market has been unable to peTI3 trate t hrough

t hem in previous r a l lies . Conversely , the market is

supposed to be ·'technically s t rong" when it f a l l s to

some "double or triple bottom. "

It i 8a180 th.ought that the longer a trend continues

without a react i on in the .oPPosite direct i on , the "t e ch ­

nical ly weaker" t he bull market would become , a nd t h e

"technically stronger" a bear mar ke t Vlou l d become ; for

t r aders will not postpone profi t - t aking much lon~er .

The Dow t heory in its use by i nvestors 1s a t ech­

n i cal f actor for it is often possible t o detect 1n the

mar ket 8. notioable r al l y or de cl ine when the t wo averast8.8

f1co nfirm" a trend . The Dow theory will be discus s e d

i n det ail l ater in this chapter .

~'hi l a t here i s no a c cur ate wily of measuring the

comparative 1nflueneesof the t e chnical and fundamental

conditions u pon the ma rket , a f avorite t heory of finan­

c i al writers i s to re l y upon. the techn i c a l f actor::! to

expl a in t he short-te r m r evers a ls i n the l'1a. rket . However ,

it 1s doubtful if the!'€! ls an ade quate basis for t i1.1s

procedure , We , neverthe l ess, vlill admi t tha t t he tech ­

nical fact ors will more l ikely i nfl uence the a ct ivities

of t he prof es sional and specul a tive i nterests , r a t he r


t~an those of the long-te r m inve s tor , f or t hey seek t o

capture only a few points a t a time , a.nd by doing so

attempt to make profit on the Mi nor or f econdary move -

ments in the mar ke t . Therefor e , t hey care little for

t he lb:l. jor t rend , but a r e gr eat l y concerned with t he

r al l ies and r eact i ons on t h at t r end which mayor may

no t r un paral lel t o I t.

Pr evious l y t hese traders ~ere l a rgely mars i n t r ader s ,

bu t with t he de cline of ma r gin tr A.d inl:.~ many of t hem have

become cash traders , but t he.:tr ob jective is s till t he '. -

s a:lle .

It is def initely true that the t echni oal factor '"

of a pr ofess i onal nature have dec linod substant ial l y in

i mportance a s compared wi th the conditions prior to 193..; .

Manipul at ion was once a ma jor t echni cal foroe alone:; wi t h

corners and pool activi ty , both of wh i ch ha ve been the ·

oretioally e l imina t ed . In addition , many r egul at i ons

by t he New Yor k Stock Exchange and t he Securi t ie s Exchanbe

Commi ssion h ave r educed other technical force s s o i mportant

in ear lier years , and in do! so h as helped the ma r ket

t ake on more of nn i nvestme nt character .

In c?ncludillt.> the discus sion on the t e chnical factors ,

we feel obl i gnted to note the i mportance of t he Dow theor y ,

whi ch has pl ayed in t h e past , and doe s pI ny i n t he present ,

a. definite t e chnical r ole in t he s tock marke t . It is

with~ut que s t i on t he most widely a ccepted indica t or of

oarket moveme nt s by bot h i nvestors and inves t ment servi ces ,


a.nd t herefore should be oonsidered her e .

The Dow t heory was originally simpl e and wholl~

empirica l f It was based entire ly on Charl e s Dow's study

of t he stocks whi ch comprised the Dow- Jones averabes ,

w!1 i ch he al so originated .. At no time d id Dow himsel f

attempt to define his t heory , but he wa s merely content

to present observa tions in the Wal l Str eet Journal alon-

wIth t h o8e of his associa te , S. A. Nel s on . The t heory 's

princ i p le s were l at er formul a ted and popularized by

illiam Hamilton during h is ed i t orship of t he J our nal

until 1929.

rrhe t heory does have a very oonside r able fol l owinf:) ,

and 1s without qU6 ;,J t:!.on t he best known of all systems f or

i ndi ca ting stock marke t t r ends . It ha.s been extensivel y

defended and widely critized , but 1 t is still not a

system for beating the mar ke t , a.nd WfiS not so cons i dered

by e l t h er Dow or Hall'l ilton. Irrespec tive of its soundness

or wor kability , no s t udent of the s t ock mar ke t can be

s a i d to be well-versed, if he does not know its essential

f ea tures , and for t h i s reason an expl ana t i on of t he t heory

finds n pl a ce 1n thi s t hests .

Much has be en written a bout t h is t heory, and several

men have amplifi ed , extended , or modified the or161nal f ollows, h owever , wi ll be

theor y . The discussion whioh . confined a s far as possible to t he ori&lnal t he ory , a s

it was pre sented by Dow and Ne lson, and developed by



Both Dow a.nd Hamil ton believed that t he theory

could forecast ch anRes in businoss. In f qct, that appoars

to have been i t s ori~inal purpose , rat her t han to indica.t e

stock mar ket trends . Lat er the t heory developed wlde ­

sprea.d popul arity becaus e of i ts alleged a.bil ity to

f orecas t t he stock market . Tha t t he theory could f ore -

cast business vms t hor oughly believed by both men . Said

Hamilton , fl our barome t er do e s pr edict the cond it i on of

business mnny months ah ead , and no othor index or com­

blnat.i on of indexes Oan do that . fl8

AlthOUfi!h Hamil t on wa s convinced of t he ability of

t he t h eory t o a l s o forecas t t ie r ke t, he deni ed t ha t

it was a s cheme for flbnating the marl{o t. fI He r ather

cons i dered it t o be a t heor y whi ch could benef it t he

i ntelligent investor ·'1'/1:10 would find i n it a method of

protect in~ himsel f a~-l;ains t cban;.:;es in the t r end o f the

1.1ar l{ot by a careful s t udy of t he ac tion of the I'lver ns..;e s ..

The theor y is b8. sed on the fundament al premise

that at all t i mes there are t hree movements i n t he s tock

mar ket ; the primary , t he secondar y , and t he da ily , all

of wh i ch operate Simul taneously. Thes e movement s corres -

pond in t ype and action to those enumerated i n t he f t r st

chapter . Another assump tion of the the ory is t hat the

stock mar ket cyc le will be irregul ar, and t he us e of t he

t heor y will i nd icate when e i t h er a bull or a bear market

has begun . but it will not pred ict how lon~ it will l as t .

8~;1~: H : ~ii~il ton , The Stock MaI'ke t Ba rome t er( New Yor k , 1922 ) , p . 56 .


Both Dow and Hamilton used 'ehe Dow- J ones industria.l

and r ail a.verages a s t he key to t he market interpre t '. tion .

To g ive a posit ive i ndi cation of the trend , these t wo

uver at:>e s nm s-t cor.roborate each o ther . The manner in which

th i s hanpens will soon be dis cus aed .

Business conditions and t he bus i ness profits depend

not onl y on present orders and back or dors , but also on

pT'ospects f or f uture or ders . The indus t r i al stock

uver!tw.e should r efl ect t he investor's appraisal of

f ut ur e earnings of the r e spective compan i es , wh ile t h e

r a il averac e should show t he sa.me for the f u ture e arnings

of t he var ious roans compris ing t hat averae "" . The I'a ils

will show t h e mo¥ement of boods in commercia l and indus t-

r ia.l channe l s , although they are less copabl e of do i n

this accurately today , since many compet l n£'l: B.Jl:enc ies

now carr y a large volume of tra ffic formerly handlod by

t he roads . Hence, the two aver ages , i n theor y , wil l

show t he investor 's di s counting of fut ure earni ngs ,

production , and t he movement of goods ~

The other basi c premise of the Dow t heory i s t hat

a movement is indicated onl y a f ter a conf i r ma tion t akes

pl ace . This happens when one aver a·ga f ollows t he other

in the same direction, and only \-men t h i s occur s is a new

moveme n t e stabl i sh ed . The confirma tion may t ake t he for m

of e i t her a "mak ing of a l :1. ne and br eak "' out , II or II no,'

h i ghs or new lows;! by t he averages .

Technically speaking , rtm'1k1ns a line n is an action


which occurs when an average fluctuat es within a narrow

r artN.e f or a number of weeks . This r ange may be al t haI'

three or four po ints . Dur i ne; t h i s time and spr ead the

market is in a period of indecision , for t \· ,e buying and

sell inll. f orces are approximately equal. It should be

pointed out that both averA~e s neEi'd not m.alie t he 11ne

at t he same time , but may be days or even we t1ks apar t .

Once both averages push above this line or narrow band ,

however , a bul l i sh signal is g iven . On t he other band ,

if bot h averages break out of the so- ca lled IIdown- side , "

the indi cat ion 15 bearish . Unfortunately , the average s

do not indicate if this confirms.tion i s of a primary

or se condary movement.

The other .manner in which a confirmation is pos s i ble

is by both indus tr :l al and rail a verag,es e xceeding t heir

respective previous highs or f al ling below t he ir previous

lows. Ac cording to the t heory t h en , the bull market

will continue as long a.s eachllverage ma. kes a. new h igh

as compared t o previous pea.ks , or oonverse l y , a bear

Il'.arke t will continue as lank!. a.s e ach low point is lower

than t he previ ous low point.

Ac cordi nb to Hamilton , as expl a i ned by Robert Rhea ,9

the mar ket i s said to fore ca st solely by movements of t he

e.ver9 ~es whi ch d i s count everyt h ing . There fore, t here is

no ba.sic need to consider volume, t o intDoduce other

series, or us e extensive charts or recor ds . Ne i t h er are

studies of doubl e tops or bottoms and like forma tions

9Ft ; Rhea , The Dow Theory( Blnghamton , N. Y., 1932 ).



These are the basic principles of '\:;he Dow theory ;

and without cr1 ticizln~ or defending them,. we will

mere l y ma.int a. in tha.t in spite of any short-comings it

ma.y possess , it still is the mos t gener ally accepted

a.nd widely- used t heory of indica t ing changes in the a t.oak

ma.rket price movement s .


Factors and Condltions

Affectin}! Stock Market Prices



The f a ctors and conditions which affect stock ,

market nrices were previously d ivided into t wo gener al

·cate lZ.orie s - fundament al and technical . I n t h i s chapter

we will list and d iscu s s t he diffe r ent fundament al f '\ ctors

i nfl uencing stock market pr i ces under four sub-divisions ,

beginning wi th economic , t hen considering the politi cal-

nationa l and lnternation~ll , psychol ogical and natur al i n

that or der .



EarninJ.'(8 must be regar ded as t he fundament al bas i s

of marke t val ue. No other faotor has as much direct

influence on stock marke t price s a s t h e net pr of i t of a

corpol'ation, and al mos t all other factor s are viewed i n

t he ir r e l a tion to , and af f ect on earnings . Becau s e

earnings are more s ens i tive to chang :tng condit ions t han

any ot her f actor in price de t ermination , t hey ar e likel y

to r eflect , more .accurately, t he improvement or dec l i ne

in t he pos i tion of a compan¥ ' s stoCk , l

Na t ur ally , t hen , a company which cons i s t ent l y '::min-

t nins ne t pr of it s i8 l ess vulner able to pr ice drops i n

t heir s tock , even when o t hel" r a ctors a.r e f orcinr.: t h e

lI1a l"ket i n t o sha.rp decline . A gr owth s t ock is more s t a.ble

and commands a pr emium i n price , for inve s t ors are con-

slder inR t he fut ur e potent ial s and o r e wi ll i ng to pay

T See f or ·thi s view, E. Me ad and J . Grod l ns ky , The Ebb a nd Pl ow of I nve s t ment V9l ues( Uew Yor k , 1939 )-. -


on the anticipa tion of the f u ture increase in pr ofits .

However , d i ffi culties confront one in an evaluat ion

of' a particul ar s tock , for e arning s a r e not mCHsured by

an absolu t e s tandard . The net inc ome 1s alway s a. r e ­

sidual amount , but 1s only ob tained uft er incl udinI.J: and

deductin~. other items , many of whi ch depend on mamit"er iHl

di scretion. Thus t he accountin~ pr a cti ces of the firm

ca.n resul t in the over or under-vnlua t ion of net income ,

and conseauentl y , t h e over or unde r - eva l uation of its

8took ~

Even if net income were properl y determined , the

apprais als of indi vidual s r egar ding it wou l d di ffer , and

t he r e woul d be 8 l a ck of agreement over its r e l ative

sibnificnnce . Since investors a ttemp t to dis count futuI1e

earnings , before t hey are announced or even made , e a ch

investor will arrive at his own valuation . Only aft er

this is added to the remaining vrtluntlons in the marke t

will the total forces of demand and supp l y det ermine t he

stock pri ce . Thus , it is the varying opinion of invest­

ors re~ " rdin~ discounted future expectations t ha t deter­

mines the demand fo r and the suppl y of securities a t

every success ive r ange in price .


Dividend s are anoth er i mportant f ac tor which can

exert an influence on stock market pr i ce s . Or dinarily

dividends a re payments out of pr esent e nd/or pas t


earninlls , 2and , since undistributed corpora te earninks

oannot be spent by t he stockho l der , dividends wer e (it

one t i me regarded as the domi nant f actor in t he val uation.

However , in r e cent years t h i s t heory h as lost ground for

dividends are t he produ ct of e arnings , end over a peri od

of time they must/be adjus ted to changes i n earninb power

despite a possibl e lag in t h e i r d istribution . Then t oo ,

"dividend policie s may r ef l e c t , numerous additional fac tors , tl 3

like t he plowing- ba ck of s arnine s into the corpora t i on ,

wn i ch would eD-hance t he fu t ur e value of the stock re ba r dl e s s

of t he present l a ck of dis tr ibu t ed d i vi dends .

I t is of course to be expected that a stock of a

more specu l at ive na ture wi ll r e quire hi fl.her d:l.vidend s

t o maint a i n a price level , than wou l d a s t ock of a time -

pr oven quality or investment t ype .

'rhe antiCipated or increA~ ed dividends of one company

or i ndustry can pr oduce a subst an t i al increase in t he ir

stock prices , and can also affect t he s t ock price s i n

similar or r el ated lines . I nversely , a s t ock pr ice may

subs t anti ally drop when a d i vidend ,i s r educed or an e x-

Dected increase does not ma.teriallze . 'rho s ame is true

when rumo r s spre ad reg ar ding a de crease of a dividend .

However , in the l a st sta, e s of a bull mar ket div idends

and even earnings !llr e somet i mes i gnored by overly o ;J t l mistl c

specula tors who s till hope to sell a t a still higher price . 4

ZOp . cit ., Ol endenIn , p . 47 . :!lOp . cit ., Dow-r ia and Fullor , p . 534 . 4R. E. Badger and H. G. Gutl1mann , Investment Princi ples

And Pr nctices ( New York , 1942 ), p . 823 .


Thus , div i dends will affec t the va.luo.tion of investors ,

for buyers a r e generally influenced by t h e return on t heir

investment .

Interest Rates

"Once earnings are deter mined and dlvldend<1 are

paid , t he r a te of i nterest be come s an i mportant long ­

t erm determinant of conmlon s tock marke t pri ce s . ,,5 liThe

rate of interest may be regarded n ot only a s a ' cont ­

factor ,' but a lso as a 'c apitalization f ac tor' . ,,6 In

t his discuss ion we will first treat the latter function

of the rate of interest , and. by do i ng so , ca ll f urthe r

attention to t he difficulties encountered in attempting

to es t ablish "t hen rate .

Norma. l l y , t he usua l a ns wer to t he que s tion: at

what r a te sh ::m1d f u t ure income be capi t ~lized ?-1s t h e

current r a te of intere s t . But wher e is this r a te to be

found? What e conomi s ts p;snerally ca ll the l ong - term

r ate of intere s t is i n .re a l i t y not one r a t e , but a

varie ty of diff erent r a tes . There is a d ifference between

the r a te of return on capit a l o.ll'"'e ady inv€ls t ed and t he

rate at which new funds arc a va ilable for i nves t ment .

Thero i s a lso a wide spread between t he various r ates

at which funds fire a vailable for various use e a t any one

time , 1l1ons with t he f a ct that r a\.; es wi ll vary on any

part i cular investmen t a t di f fe r ent times . In other

-- OJ . Grodinsky , Investmen t s ( New York , 1953 ), p . 37:? 60p • cit ., Marget , p . 232 .


words , there is no singl e r a te whicb a r.m be churac t er-

l zed as the current r ate of interest .

The so lution to t he probl em seems to l ie in what

is t ormed t h e natur a l r a.t e of interest ffwhich is neutral

i n r espect to commodity prices , and tends neither to

r aise nor to lower t h em. 117 I t i s the ro.te a t which the

demand for loan capita l and the s upp l y o f savings exa ct l y

rlLree or which more or l es s corresponds to the expected

yiel d on the ne wl y cr eateti caPi t a l . B

At any p articu l ar time t he deviat i ons of actual

rates from t h e natura l rate on t he d ifferent investments

are due primar ily to t wo f aotors - the difference of risk

and the vnr i anoe in the demand for and s up .,l y of savinlts .

The form.er i s true bec ~mse t here will always be rel a tlve

pOS itions of pre f erence a ccordinG to r i s k , and t he l a tt er

i s t rue due to t he difference be t we en the amount of

i nvestment funds actually offered from the a va ilable

su pol y of sav ings , and the tot a l amoun t o f f unds demanded .

If the total amount o f f unds offered are breste r t h an

t he sup ')l y of s a Vings , the additiona l nortlon 1s pr ovi ded

by bank cred it , while if the s av ln~s fi re hoar ded r a t her

thnn invested , and if t here 1s no call for credi t ex-

oan$10n, t h e t<l> tal supp l y of funds may fall short of

t ho s e demanded . We have t h e natur a l r ate of intere st

only s t t h e p .)i nt where the suppl y of ss.vinlJ:s and the

de~a~d for loan capi t a l i n ters ect .

'7K. Wtcksell , Intere st and Pr i ces ( London , 1936 ) , p . 102 Sct . N, Ha.lm , Mone t ary Theory(York;" Pa ., 1948 ) , p . 330 .


It is to be expect ed t h l'l t t he market r at e of interes t

will devi at e from the natural r a te of interes t owin

t o the l ack or over - suppl y of s avi ngs , but i t will a lwa.ys

tend to coinci de wi th t h e e ven , ever-chane,ing natur ell

r ate . 9

The influence o f t he interes t rate as a "cost - f act oI' ll

i n doing business is generally minimi zed for it is felt

t hat t he cost of borrowed money 1s generally smal l 1n

r olation to t he prof i ts derive d from bus iness or price

l evel change s , exoept perhaps in the heavy indus tri es .

The range of possible varia t;ion in the otber f a ctors t h Rt enter i nto t he calcu l at ion of expected prof it and i n t he es timates of the pr obability t hat t ho given expected profits will materi ­a l Ize , a re so wi de , in mos t fields , that ohanss e in int erest cosbs are u s uall y too small re l 9.tive to t hese other sources of

10ariat i on to have a

major i nfluence .

The influence of i nteres t rates a s a cost-fac tor

1n stock s pecul at i on has been c a st i nto doubt . The

t he ;)r y was thAt cheap !!loney made funds ava i1aol e for stock

po cul a tion a t f avorable r ates . 1'he spe cul a t ors vnul d

t)or ro Vt' fund s a t low rates a nd receive a. hIgh return

from t he i r stock ownersh ip , and becaus e of the d ifferentia l

between t he stock yield and t h e cos t of call rooney , t hey 11 would no t a hands ome pr o f 1 t •

As a mq tter o f fa ct , however , t he cost of borrowed

funds is luuch less i mport 'mt i n s pe cul at ion tha n has

90D• cit . , Wlcke ell , p . 117 . l OOp . c i t ., Mindell , p . 124 . 11G. L. Leff l er , The Stock Market( ~e w York , 1951 ) , D. 477 .


Lenernlly ceen su:p')osed . The spocul ator who borrows

money to buy dl v1dend- pRying stoc ks r a ce! V€HI only

slight. profi t when commiss1ons snd t <:lx (:. s are doductEH.;. ,

and a (iseline of 11 fe w potnts in the price of the s tock

w~uld wipe it out complet ely. It is only wben a spec ­

ul a tor expec ts tis. con sldo!,tli:J l e r i ne in s eourity p rloes tr

hat he !l ow1ll hardl y be deterred by 11 hiM interes t rate . ,f1 2

Thon , evon n high intor e s t r a te , pn i d onl y for a fe w days ,

Is fa small item of eos t compared to a sul.>s t ant1al rise i n

stock pr ices .. This expl Q1ns in part the failuro of a

hh,l1 i n t erest rate to check specula tion l>

A etDtls tlcal examina tion of interest r~tes and

stock prices foi" t he poriod from 18 71 to 1922 was mlide

by Owens and H.~I'dy~3 he two series were compared from

the view of t h e d1ffe t'ent movements- day- to- d ay ,

seasonal vurlutlons , aIrl cyclical chan~es . For the firs

two 1tems , t here was no evidenc e o f an influence of

interest r~.tos on stock Ilarket prices , but i n the last

Ii C(~t'tctin d elJ.X"{l)e of corre l a tion was f ound . 'l'b.e o.u thOl?8

concluded , howe ver I thqt this implied no c a us a l I'elat1on-

ship , but t h " t both interest r a tes and stock lT1'lrknt

pr tces v;ere influonc ed by outside f ac tors t:1ore t h an

t hey wero i nfluenced by each othar .

12~, I:' •

fi'Or' I'1A t 1

We do not con t end t h'l t t hore is no r f>la tlonship botwElon thes e m8!'kots , but we fee l oe1'\; '1 1n thnt lnt(n~est r'o. tea arc only one of emny fac tors

"._,.. .. _ _ • Cred1 t and CHp1 t D 1 h i t iW O Y) Z: ....

I SH. H. owe ns Spoculation( lle w

erest 11a. t es and_S~;>.£J! 5' ., "~

whi ch deter.r.1ine t he c~urse of p11i oes i n the stock mqrket . l


ita mi gh t note hero tha t r'i sing inter est r ates Are

,considered de f l a tionar y , end much of the !le.r ke t r ise

of recent year s has bean based on the f act tha t i nfl a tion

las ;...ripped our economy . An inf l at i onar y t endency wi ll

al so a ffe c t the s to ck market , s ince sto cks j especially I t hos e companies possessing natural r e sources , are con-

iderod i nflationary hedges t o protect t he purchasin

power of c~p i tal .

Disposabl e Income

Change s i n the l evel of d isposable i ncome have a

dire ct and indirec t i nfl uence on stock market price s .

and also the entire e conomy . Directly , it wi ll a ffe ct

11 prices , stock and otherwise , t hrough the change s in

purchas inQ power wh i ch s ometimes r esult s ; indirectly, i t

will affect t he whole economy by the changing Inter -

relations o f its components .

Di sposabl e income is divided i n to consump t ion and

savi ngs , so that by de f i nit i on the part of i ncome no t

consumed. will be saved . The St o ck mar ke t and the price

structure of t he country is directly inf l uenced by the vol-

urne or amount consumed and saved by t he public . The

Gmount consumed will present it s elf i n the form of chang-

i ng dem'lnd s f or con sumers ' products , and t he amount s aved ,

along wi th pos s ibl e credit cr e a tion , will provide t he main

14I bid ., P . 1 3:"> .


source of loanabl e f unds .

'rhe availab i lity of t hese l oanabl e funds affects

th~ leve l of pri ces of all Roods and the dellmnd for t hem.

Here a bai n t he intere s t rate pl ay s an important ro l e f or

it equF.l, t; e s t h e demand and supply for t hese funds , a.nd

yet is i tself grea t l y det er mined by t hem, and in so do i n&,

dire ct s t heir use into the various chnnnel s .

I n a nar r ower sense t h e supply of the se funds a t

t he disposal of t he i nvestor affe ct s his willinaness to

buy and sell securities , and hence influence s stock

mar ket prices . Thus , t hese loanable funds ar e the po t ent-

1<> 1 source of investment funds ovall able for the purcha sin

of securities .

Thel"e is still another as pec t of t h is problem, and

that is the ind i r ect inter- r elationship of savin.!':s and

consump t ion as t hey i nf l uence t h e level of all prices .

Shift5 from consump t i on to saVi ngs , or vice ve r s a , l ead

to correspond ing shi ft ~~ in t h e dem.and for capt t al boods

or for consump t i on good s and ser vi ces . Consumptlon-

~oods industrie s may r e spond to an expans ion in di s posa ole

income oy i ncreasing production and inventor i es . Con­

sumer s , however , may dec ide t o use le ss of t heir i ncome

for consumption , and may t hen tran s f er more to banks or

ot her savin~s institutions . A sudden increase in savina

may lead to a de cline :1.n de ':land for , and t he prices of ,

many consumer- goods sto cks by i mpairing the ea,rni n '

nd d ivide nd ou tlook . On t he othe r hand , t he reverse

may be t rue . C::m sumer s may consume more a s t heir incomes


i ncrease , thus caus i n <.;:, a decline i n s avings , whi ch roLlY

t hen r esult in an i n cr e a s e in profits and dividends i n

consumer· v.ood s i ndus t r i es e spo ci a lly t hos e o f a dur able

na ture .

Aba1n in this i nt e r - r e l a tiol'1 s::1i p quest ion , i nt erest

r a tes and changes of t h em, help determine 't he dec is ions

of consumer s . A h igh rat e of int e r es t shoul d divert t h e

ava,l l able f und s from consumpt ion to s avings and hence

inve s t ment , while It a l ow r a t e shoul d dis courat,e risk ­

t ak i ng ond encou~a~e con ~umpt ion . ~he ac t ual e ffe c t ,

h)wever , i s no t easy to trace , and much dep end s upon the

i ndiv idual. 11 1 5

I nvestment

The e bb and flow of investment expend iture s a s a

cause of business cy cles has ~ttained wide ac ceptance

and undou nted l y i s , under nor ma l conditions , the dynsmtc

f ac t or i n de t e r mi n i n.,; t he l eve l of n 'l tiona l income and

production . 'rhe su ppl y of loanab l e funds arising ma i nly

f rom s avi ngs and credi t cree.tion is the potent ial source

of invcstmt~n t cap i t a l . fl.' ) pl'esen t a more comple t e p ictur e ,

t he s upply of .funds and the demand fo r t h em is equAted ,

yet a l s o partillu l y de t er mined by the interest r a te as

we have pr evious l y ment ioned .

I n t h i s s ect i on our chief concern is priVa t e domes t ic

i nves tment whi ch emhr a ces t h e funds expended for producer s '

plant and durable e quipment , r e s i dentia l and ot he· ...

l 50p • cit . , DOVirie and Ful ler , p . 34 .


construction , and net ch ange s in inventory . irhese items

inc l uding net for eign investment make up wha t is termed . r eo l investment or the purcha.se of new capit 13 1 t:l:oods .

This definit ion excludes any f inancial i nves t ment wh i ch

1s mer ely t he transfer of existin& c apita l a...mong differ-

ant owner s . Thus , part of this r e 8.l inve s t ment may b e

f i nanced by the iss ue of new securities in the stock

market , but this is not t o be confused with t h e tradln'·

of exl s tin~ shores of stoCk . l S

In r isinp.: markets , the oompa nies who h ave the l ar ge

increases in capi t a l investment generally ha.ve the ,Dea t -

est increa s e i n va l ue , whereas , in the falling mar ket s ,

cRpit e l investm.ent can reduoe e arnings by increasln

t be cost of oper a t i ons , and t his will produc e a. furthe r

drop in vta lue . Al so , new security issue s may especially

a f f e c t the s tock marke t , when t here is a shortage of

invostment funds or when new is sues do not f i nd i mmed iate

subscribers or buyers . Thus , a.s 10n/.1; as t he flow of

investment · continue s to increas e , busio(:s s wi ll inovit -

a1) l y expand , and a s it slows down and dr ies up , business

will cont r oct .

Popu l a.tion

Ghantt.es in the popul a tion of the nation and t ho s e

of the wor l <l will have a continued influence on the stock

ma r ket , bB cBus ~ t he demand for ods and services whi ch

IOA•lI• Hansen , Businoss Cyc l e s a nd Na t ional 1nco "16 ( New York , 1951) , p . 77.


continually affe ct s t he leve l of na Ciano.l produc tion

i s dependent on these cbanges . 'rhe popul a tion a lso affects

and j;.,ra otly controls t he supol y of sav ings , and bank

cr edit , and thus , the /1,cneral price level.

t\ 'rheas effecUil c an be c Bu sed , to a l es ser degr e e , by

chanl-o.a s in i mmi gr a tion and birth rat e s along wi th t he

composi tion among age groups , cheir geot!,r aphlca l dis -

pers i on , and even from shif t s from one r egion to anot h er . 'I

S ~nce all t hese chan ... 8s wil l have an effect on t he s truc ture

of t he economy , t hey will a l s o affe c t earnini!,s of t h

varIous compani a s who will profit or lose f rom t her,. .


Cha,nges i n the l evel of employment shoul d normally

e,ffect stock pr ice s becau s e of t h e cb anlSe in buyi ng

power r esulting. from s uch empl oyment . While t here wi ll

al 'liays be a ce r t ain pepcentab6 of unempl oyed people , an

i ncrease in t hi s number can seriously a ffe ct t he economy

as a whole . Eve n the pr e sently ava il able Unempl oVTnent

Insur anoe cannot completely subt~ t 1 tute for wa ge pay-nents

even dur lng t h e bene f it weeks , and the eventual resul t 1s

reduction in t he nat ion's purchasing power . 'l'h ls

'7lsans both savin J2'. s and consumptive expenditure decreases ,

and s o l ess for investment s and smaller earnir~ 8 for

corpora t ions , especlally thos e more he8 ~ ily concentrated

in consumer ~oods . Thus , t hese chanbes alon~ wi th the

psycholobiclll a t ti t udes r esultins [ rom t hem , will i nfl uen ce

stock marke t pri ce s .


Commodity Price s

The l eve l of commodi ty pr ices a t the var i ou s .sta.c,e s

of d l-s tribution have a d i r e ct i nfluence on t he e urnin£;, s

of corpor a t i ons concer ned , for every pri ce of a selle

ls 13, cost t o some buye r . These cost - pri ce relat ionships

9re the primary bas is fo r profi t abl e operation , sinc e

t he price or cost of pr oducts do not vary with t h e s ame

amplitude and timi ng a t the various s tages of di s t r i bution .

Thus , the e arnings of firms may be r educed or expanded

by onl y small changes i n the 'Or i ee level.

Statis tical ly, t he ava i l ab l e commodity price indexes

ar e usual l y r e l a t ed only to prices at t h e f a r m, at whol e ­

sale , and a t re t a il , but t h e pri ces at any point will

affe ~ t t he stock marke t direct l y t hrough t h e e arn i nRS

of f irms , and i ndir ect l y , t hr oubh the con sumption , savinRs

and nonce i nvestment of the publi c .

Farm In come '>ud Production

The i:lcorne of farmor s and their r e s ultant degree of

pros per ity or d '}r ession , has an i ndir e ct inf l uence on

stocl{ mar ke t pl~ic e s . Thi s is true oy vi rtue of t he ir

purcha.s es , which i n cl udes not only fa.rm machiner y a nd

ne cess i ties , but an e ve r - increaSing amount of luxury

goods . Thi s purcha.s ing power reflects it se l f in the

ear ni nf,l; s of 911 indus t rie~ nff ected by t he farmer 's

spendlrlb o

The government ' s s upport of f ar m pri ce s has f;rea tly

st a.bilized t h e f armer ' s income s i nce the 1930 ' s . Shoul d


the t.,0ven'llUent s top subsidizing or support ing farm prices ,

a dro'P in production and income woul d resul t . Wi t hout

ue s tioninl:, the advi sab i lity of such a move , we c an

concl ude t hat it woul d advers ely affoct earnings and

sto ck market pr i ces .

Foreign Tr ade

~'he a otul'i.l volume of f orelon trade , i tsalf , has

limited i nfl uence on stock mar k e t pr ices , e xcept as it

affects t h e tota l of i ndustria l production and t h e suppl y

of loana.ble funds . noweven, the earniniSs of luany indus tries ,

dependent in part or entll'el y upon f ore i gn f;rade , will be

s eriously affected by any l a r ge change in vol ume of either

expor t '" or i mports . 'rhe for mer w')uld be t l'lue ch i e f l y

due to t he chanv.:es i n t he potential market , and t he latter,

to the pos s ibility of a change in the intens i ty of

cOlllpet l tion f rom foreign fi r ms .


Taxa tion is not only tremendously influent ial as

it breatly af fec ts t he level of d isposabl e income , but

al so to the degre e t h qt it affe c t p the inveAtor ' s val ­

uation of s tocks and the earn ing,s of the comp '; n i es . The

impact of taxa tion, therefor e , can reduce avrd l abl e

i nco:Tle for r onsumpt ion , s avings and investment, but a lso

di minish the incentive to invest , especia l ly f'hort - t e rm,

and t he potential s ource for d l vidends . Natura l l y t axe s

make cert Hin investors decide be t wee n t a x - e xempt and

hieher -yie i d ing t axable investment s , 1-110nt.: wi t h the

a~tractivenes s of se cure or hazardous investme nt , i n

vi ew of the hi;a.h income taxes . Because of these many

as pec ts , t axBtion will a l ways gr eatly infl uence th~

price val uations of investors .


Ne might ment i on here t he i nfluenc e of the exce ss ­

ryroflts t ax , f or i ts ten t ative expiration date i s Jan­

uary 1 , 1954 . In t he pa st this t ax has par ticul arl y

affected s t ock ma rkot pr i ces for it s h f.' av i l y t axed

corporqt lon earnin[,s over a specifi ed amount . While

at one time i t VOlaS do signed to eliminate excess war - time

pro f its , i t has caus ed a hardship on ~rowth compani e s

whose profits did no t r esult · from t he war , and they .

therefore , will benef it substantially fr om its eliminat i on.

I nventories

When s a les a re maintained at t he re quired pa ce ,

Inventori e s are no burden to t he bUSiness , and , hen ce ,

t he influence of them on the e to ck market is i ndeed

limited .

f Ail t

Howe ve r , when bus i ness slows up , !:'I nd inventories

hl'lve a normal t urn. over , when deb t s on them

mature Bnd credit r es tri c t ions are ti8ht , t hen inventories

be come a IJI'ominent ftlc t or i n t he determina tion of profits .

If pr i c es rise , inventorie s may be sol d a t higher

levels t han pr e vail ed when they were pu r chase d , thus

increas i m', the m9r e,in of profi t . ')n the other hand , i f


price s fa l l , the inventory l osse s must oe assumed and

normal prof it mar g ins r educed or even eliminatfld , thus ,

affec tIng earn ings and s t oek market pr i ces .

Construct ion

The bul1dinb, i ndus try is one of the l ar bss t bus ine sse s

i n t h is country , besides beinv.: one of the m03t f ar - re l'lch­

i ng , sin ~ e it involve s so mr.my f i rms whose pr incipl e

activi t y is non - re l Rted . Becaus e of t his , not only will

t he profit s of th i s industry exert a.n i n f luence on t he

prices of specific stock , bu t a l s o on t he mar ke t i n general .

PJe mi bht note t h a t bui l dint:; statis t ics whi ch $.re

r eadil y a va ilabl e are an ex cellent indica t or a s to t he

activi t y i n this f i e l d . The se f i gur es c ~n fre quen t l

f .)r et ell bus i ness eondi tion a and even s t ·.)ck mar ket pri ce s ,

s i nce t hey are an excellent gauge of expans ion and future

prof its . Thi s is due t o t h e time l ag from t hr e e months

t o over a year be t ween t h e is su ing of the pe r mit t o t he

compl e tion of t h e buildi ng . Thus , postponed prof it s

can be antic i pa t ed f rom the volume of t he !)e rmi ts .

Technological AdVance s

New i nvent ions , new methods and t echniques , ne w

materi a l s , and new i ndus l;rie s , all i n t heir own way can

exert an i nf luence on oarni ns;t; s and stock mar ket ? r ices .

While t he announc ement of some thing new can increase t h e

stock of some specific company or even an industry , the


influe nce of thes e d i s coveri e s can aff ect t he marke t a s

a r.hole wh en t h ey produ ce an i n crease in profit s . An

exampl e of t h is r e cen tly h a s been t e l e vis i on wh i ch has

cres ted new opportunit i e s fo r incre ,a s ed employment and

new l:)Us inesse s a l lover the na tion . In this one mus t

i nc l ude t h e manuf a ct ur e s , th e j ob :)e r s , t h e r et 'lil stor e s

al ono with t he t e chnI c i an s , the r e pairmen , the wri t ers ,

t he per f orme r s , and advert is i ng age n c i e s . Not onl y

wer e i ndividu Al s to ck s a ffected , bu t t h r ough its medi um

of adve r t is i n t" changes h ave o c cu rred i n many s t ocks .

It al ~ o f oll ows t ho,t s ome stocl{s may drop rap i dly

\,1hen t he ir i n come s ar e r educed by a d evelopmen t in a

competi t ive i ndu.s try . By again r e f e r rinJl t o the t e levis i on

industry , we can readily unders tand t he advers e effec t

it hlld upon the earn i ng s of t he motion pictur e i ndustr y .

'l'hue , 1 t be come s appa rent t h a t t h e ne w deve lopment s in

t h is s cientific age !'la ve an e f f e ct on earn in!ts and t her·;:l -

oy t he stock pr I ces of var i ous compani e o.

Bankrup tcie s

Th0 bankrup t cy r a t e w111, to a cer t a in limite d degr ee ,

aff e c t tbe g f'o eral ma r k e t . Wh ile very r ar o l y do l ar • . e

compant es go i nto bankr up t cy , the e xceptions have created

nat ional s Cf1nd al. It i s t he s mal ler bus i nes s e s t h a t

us ua l l y compri s e t h e number a nd typ e of bu s i ness fa il­

ures, and these t hen aff e c t t h e vn~olesal ers and manu­

fa ctures when t he increas e i n fai l ure s p a s s e s alont!, an


incraa ~' e in t he cos t of busines s . Th i s ma.y refl ect

it se l f in an i n crease in pr i ces and /or a r educt i on in

profits , and so wi l l a f fe c t the earnings o f t h e business ­

es whi oh are invol ved .

Strikes and Union Aotivi t ies

Whil e a p r olon,ged str ike can a.ffe c t the earnings

of a partioular company , s ome s trikes 1n industries

l ike coal , s teel , or t ransporta tion , may har m e O.rninlIs

directly , and t he entire "l'Iarket indirectly by the pe!" ­

simism amonb the publ i c and investors . Short strikes ,

eneral l y , do not advers e l y a f fec t the market , and the

ol d axiom of "do not sellon strike news" 1 s usua.l l y

i nter preted a s ordinary str i ke news , s ince los ses in

produc tion , s a l es and profits durinf'- the strike wi l l

soon b e re covered .

Strikes whi ch re su l t in an i n cr ease of wage s wi l l ,

more or l ess , re duco the prof i t of the company unt il

adjustments t ocompene a t e f ', r the increased costs can

be made . 'femporar l 1y , thi s will a ffect t he ear n ings ,

and so t he prices of stocks .

The devol opment of unions , t h e i r position of power

and prestil1;e , t he i r incr eas ed s trengt h and membership ,

and pol it ic al inf luence , all p l a.y an important part in

the determinqtion of earnings and the forma t ion o f

inv0~tor t s pr i ce va lua tions .


Trust Funds

(rne i nvestment policy o f trust f unds and the tot a l

moun t of money i nvested , i ncr ea s i n g because of hit..;h

t ax. ratos , both i n come a nd i nherit ance , h ave had a

st lbll1z1nJ1.. i nfluence on t h e stock mHr kc t . Investme nt

t r tlst s , seneraIly , purchas e stocks in large t1uant t t ie s

for port fo l i os , and dispose of them onl y when the ind ivid-

unI stock seems comp~ratlvely unat t raotive .

'rbe admini s t r a t ors of t he i nvestment t r us ts ',) r e

experienced i n m ark(~t fundp.Jllent;a l and t e chn ica l fac tors ,

and in for ecastlnw. , and he cause of t heir ab i l ity h ave

t i med t he buying and sel linh of s t ocks t o their advant aGe .

Wh i l e investment trust s C"lnnot under mine the ma j or

t renu of t he ma r ke t , t heir inf l uen ce on the Mi nor

tn w ement is great , for shoul d t h ey d ec :"de t o d i s pose or

incr ea r- a t heir hol d i nbs , t hey can r apidly chan~e t he

pr i ces of t he s tocke con cerned .

Investment Couns elors and Service s

'l'he bu sines s of couns eling in investment s has resch -

ad a h 1!1:h degree of professional diGn i t y and f:l o ceptanc t~ .

i'he i nfluence o f i~he counselors , and of course , ser Yiae s

whi oh deal in counse ling , can aff e ct stock ma r ke t prices .

A re commendation by a s e r v i ce can a c tual l y make a stock

price rise one or more po i nts , and the coi n cidence of

sever al services s e l ectinE t he i denticMl s to ck can

even cr eate a s l 1J"ht boom in t ha t st ock . However , t he


advi ce of e i t her t he coun se lors or services is al ways

tempered by the genera l condi t i on of t he ma.rket and of

t he existing trend .



Gover nment Rebul a t i ons

Government r egul Rti :ms can a ffee t t he earnings of

an i ndividual cor pora tion or the entire i ndus try by

cr ea t i nb o b s t~cle8 and pr oblems f or one busines s or by

f avori nb another . The s e tj,a.y be consc i ous or o t hor wi s e ,

tbr many t i me s a r ebu l at ion meant for t he hood of one

i ndu s try can ad\rer sel y a ffo c t ano t h e r , and by this penal t y

cnu se s. pr i ce drop i n t ha t i ndustry ' s stocks .

Some !::,overl'l!1lent r e gul at ion s can affe ct t h e entire

market , but not genera lly , f or ove r a period of ttme ,

other f actors are usual l y more power f ul . Ra t e de c i sions

affe ctl~ corpor a t ions , anti- t rus t sui ts , l abor l aws , and

t llrif f s , on l y t o mention a f ew of the many fie l ds wh i ch

Dr 6 infl uenced by the A,overruucn t .

While th i s i s har d l y a. compl ete anal ysis of t he

scope ond weight of e,ove rrunent inter vention by re~.ula t ions

and l aws , i t sh ould ,nake one consc i ou s of t h e f a c t t h a t

the s tock market sh ou l d a l ways be i n t er pre t ed wi th a

view t o t he poli t i ca l f a c t ors whi ch aff e ct s t ock prices ,

as wel l a f' the Ren er a l economi c ~'tnd bus ine As factors .


Gover'nment Ownel' sh i p

In the pa st t wenty y ear s , the fede ral bove pnruent

has incr oj;lsed its ownersh ip of various en t erpr ises ,

un til the ~overnment is now t h e nation ' s lart o s G insurer ,

elec t r ic power producar , lende r , l andlord , gr a in owner ,

wareh ouse operat or , and ship owner . l ?

Th i s e ncroa ch'Ylent of ou r Government i nto t he fi e l d s

of over 100 typo s of bus i ne s s ent erprises has g r ea tly

affected t he lndustries whi oh a re compe titive to t h e

overnment . Wh ile some are a. s of business mus t b e run,

of nece s sity , by the govermnent , other s Vlould be more

economically manaf,e d under pri va te ownership . Because

the kovernment i s owning these operations , i t i s 108in

revenue in taxes , a nd i s depress! companies and even

i ndustries , whi ch f i nd it increas ingl y d iffi cult to

cmnpete with a l>2:overnment - owned business .

Governmen t Budbet

For lnliny years t h e l a r ge s t expenditure of the

bovernment has b een t hat f or defense . It has h ad a

tremendous i n f luence on the nation ' s eC Jnomy , but e ven

a breate r affect on t he ear nings of t he cor porations

which suppl y the required ma t erial s . A r educ tion of

e;,overnment s pendinb for defen se purposes would e specially

af fect t h e many heavy i ndus tri e s , a nd t h ey , in t urn , the

su.ppllers of raw ma terials . I f this r educt i on wou l d

l?Ti me Maga zi ne , J ul y 13 , 19 5~ , p . 8 4 .


occur on any large scale , and i f priva t e demands could

not f ill the gap , the bovernment VJould , of necessity ,

have t o supply s ome prot~ram to coun t er - bal anc e the

decr'ease in i nvestment to pr event a re ces sion or poss i ble

de pression .

The continued incr oase i n fe der;al debt , by ha.viniT

expHnditures l a r ger t han r evenues , has been i nfl at i onary.

However , de ot ret irement on a.ny l arge s c ale , a fte r I;h is

prol onged r ise , might s pell de f l a tionary trouble f or

the economy . Ei t her cours e of a c tion will a ffe ct stock

t:1a r ket pr ices .


Cris e s

An i nternat i ona l orisis oa n ha.ve a. t remendous i mpa.c t

on s tock market pr i ces . The mar ket , in t he past , ha s

us ual ly d iscounted t hese events i n t he l ong- run , but ,

never t heles s , t he news will br ing about a sudden .chan.;,e

in evaluation s and causo , if disastrous , owners to di s ­

~os e of stocks a t a l mont any price .

Dur:tno wa:i:Js , t he war r equi rements gr e a t l y increaso

nationAl produc tion , a nd t hi s fo r ce s a. r e - appr a. i s a l of

t he 8 t oo){S in t h e ma.rke t , where in cer t a in indus trie~re

benefited . Then too , wars which · i nvolve othe r coun tries ,

a.nd no t our own , s t i ll in.ay have an eff ect on the mar lce t ,

fo r t he t ota l volume of export business OAn either be

adversel y or advs nt s 0 eously aff ec ted , t hus c Bus ing chanbes

in t he l eve l of p r oduction and Barnin[,s .



Public Op i nion- Optimism and Pessimism

The stock marke t or1cos ca.n be affect ed by publi c

opinion i n the form of o ) timism or pessimi sm which may

bring An incre 9s eo number of tmyers into the market , or

inversely persuade investors to dispose of t heir stoci{s ,

t he r eby causin~ a. decided dl'OP i n prices . As previ m sly

di scussed , while this Goul d not undermine the Major trend

of t he ma.rket , it may cause rises and f a l l s whleh a r E:

merel y t he result of ma ss emotionalism on t he p ar t of

t he buying publi c , a.nd which a t times in the past , has

even risen to &. point of hyst er i a . Na.turally , t he op i nion

of the publ ic may further a ccent ua te or weaken a trend

when it is continually movi ng opposite to it .

Business men , t hems elves , can devel op either opti ­

mistic or p e s s i l1 i s tic expectnt ions rega.rding t he fut ure

outlook f or pr ofits , and whi l e t h is is usually associ ri ted

with the J<:enera l f ee l in;" of t he public , i t moy be thn t

bus iness me n are looking a ~reater di stanc e into the

f uture . They may then e xpand or curtail pr oduct ion ,

i ncreas e or decra ~se inventories , plant facilit i es and

even prices .

'l'hus , the attitude of the general pub l ic and especial ­

ly bu.sines s men will i nfluence t h e a ttitude s of i nvestors

in t he ir desire to buy and 1:. e11 , and s o 1n t urn, stock

ma rke t pr ice s .


'l'he day-to- day market r eact i ons usual l y r efl e c t . 18

tlie e bb and fl ow of emotiona l f eelin.v.8 to t he news .

Si nce s tock market p rices are e x()cptionally semli tl va

t o t h e re acti0ns of peopl e who ar e i ntere s ted i n the


trend of bus i ness , t he manne r i n which news is r eport ed

and pr esent ed may have a definite effect on stock mar ket

prices .

Some news i s di s count ed by a suf f i c iently l a r a s

number of buyer s whose long- t erm pl ans wil l ignore

f actors which at o cher t imes coul d h ave a tremendou s

i mmedi a t e i nfl uence upon t he marke t ~ or which are out ­

weltJ1ed by oth er , pos s i bl y e ven hidden , factors . Some -

t i mes (jood news wi l l advers e l y af f ec t the mar k (; t, Just

as it Clia when t h e Korean tru ce wa s sifjned , for' i nve s tors

bel ieve t hat t he earn inbs of corpora t ions may de cline .

One row t a lways rem(~mber t hat t he financinl

developments ns they become news a ctually r epresent a

l a ter stage of t h e un folding· of a con s t fm tly f l owin!<l'

e00nomic process . Before t his s t age emerge s a s news ,

s ome i nvestors a re abl e to fore t ell the changes , and t h en

will Bert prior t o t h e publication if:' a t a l l possibl e .

St at ement s bx Gover nment Officia ls

Stn te tl'lents by ebovernment off i cia l s on t he pres ent

ous iness conditi "ns , on f utur e cond i t ions , on the s t ate

1 8 01' . eH ., Mi ndell , p . 65 .


of the nation , and the l il{e , all i nfluence the public ,

hence invostors and s tock market prices . The general

public are apt to be lieve a Gr e nt porcent au8 of such

information , since it come s from offi c ials of our t>overn-

TIent who they think are weil- informed , and would not

bive <my infor ma tion which \\ould do injustioo to t heir

position . Such informqtion , wh en well - a round ed ca n

affect -th e market considerably , but unfortunatel y , many

s t atement s a.re made wi thout t h e necessar y study 'lnd for

poli tical reasons . 'l'h ose , too , affect t he market prices

of stock , but withou t justifi cation.

On the other hand , off icia l rep~rt ~ are u suc lly

t he ac cumul a t ion of informa tion by various government al

bureaus whose j ob is to collect such infor ma tion , and

then officia. l l y announce i t , mtmy t lmes in sta tlet lca l

form. '!'hese r eports and statistics !'I re va l uabl e f or

invest ')r ' s appraisa l s of 'ms i nes s a ctivity , lnl~pite of

t he t ime l ag s between the occurrence , the ga ther i ng ,

and t he publishing of the data .

St at elncnts bl BUsiness Men

statement s by r eco&nized l e aders of our nat i on' s

businesse s are usual l y received with even br e Bter accep t-

ance by inve stors, for t h ey are se l dJm u l tGr i :')rly motiva ted .

'fhe effec t s , howe ver , are b'1si cal l y t h e s ame a s thos o of

overnmen f f icials .


With reference to bo t h , we mi ght say tha I:, spe c i a l

de f erence will always be paid by t he public and i nves tors

to those men whose positions onabl e t hem , or so it i s

t hOUbh t , to more a ccurut e l y Hppr a ise t he f u t ur e . The

e XDreas lons of the i r opinions t hen wi l l a f f ect t he

valuat ions of the investor s of t he va r ious stocks i n

t he marke t .

Scandal s

In r e cent ye '"l rs the :ro have been no na tional s canda l s

8uf f:tciently f a r re a ch i nJt to a f f ect t he stock roa I'ke t a s

Ii whole , although s candals i nvolv i ng offic ials of oertain

compani e s have af fe cted t he st :)ck pri ces of t ha t par­

t icul ar firm.

However , t he pol itioa l a nd t ax s canda.ls of the l as t

doo.<>cie ha ve frequen tl;! i nvolved of fi oia ls t o t he det r i ment

of t he cOll'lp(my by whom t hey were employed . Approxi ma tely

a s COrO of years af:!..o , t he r e we r e 8. numbe r of s candals

f such mabnltude t h nt t h ey not only a f f ected t h e pr inci pl e

company i nvolved , bu t a l s o many companies in r e l " ted

indus t rie s .

Genernl Buyi ng Sprees

Ne ws and op i n i ons have f requentl y orea t ed buyin&

sor ees on t he pant of t h e gener al pub l i o . These natUr al l y

star t an art ificial shortu."e of merchand ise , and so

infl uence the produc tion whe n t ':1 8 aoce ler a ticm of purchases


i s f ar in exce s s of pr e sent or future needs . The

increa s e s in d ema nd encour qge i ncrease s 1n production

whi ch , when demand l eg "ens , will f orce los s e s especia lly

on the m'1nufactures , bu t a lso to a l es s er 6 0sX'es on job ­

bers and r eta i l ers . Thi s , t hen, e ff ect s the individual

stock price s of certain firms and indus trie s throu~h

chanbes i n e ~rni ng8 , and even the marke t to a s light

deLree due to t he clmnbe s in the d isper s ion of d ispos ab l e

i ncome .


Al though shortAge s are an e conomic f a c tor , t hey

are caused , a s jus t expl a ined , by other fac t ors e1 t he r

psycholoGica l or na tura l , Rnd henc e will be trea ted

betwe en t hese t wo s ections of the pa per .

Sh )rt p ~cs s eem to i n fluence t h e puoli c to t he extent

t .la t , upon t heir r e cogni tion t h nt a shorta6e eXists , it

w11l be furthe red by additional unne c es s ' r y purcha8 e s

of t he Lood conccrne(i , and so add to the actua l sh ort r".R,e .

Creeted short llt.l:6S oc cur when manufactu res , especially

t hose prod1.lcinb a t ype of product which by over- oroduc t ­

i on mi ght cause a hardsh i p to t he producers , del:l.ber ate l y

con t ro l t he volume of production to bnl ance , as much as

pos s i b l e , t he d e:nDnd and supply . This a ction a t t empt s

to over - come any natura l t endency in the ~eakness of

price s becaus0 o f the over - production . For example ,

oil comD~n:l.es are controlled by s t a te l aws in cer t a i n

state s , And the d i amond i ndustry has an internationa l

control ove r pr oduction.

Natural shor ta,ges a lso occur and pr e sent mu ch of


t be same infl uence on prices . An example of thiS is when

t he t.,. ovornment needs b flso l ine Cor warfare , or when su;.;:ar

or butter is 8car ce . I t is onl y natur a l t hat a shortaao

of t h is type wi l l , w~thou t price con t rol ~ r at ionine ,

,ffect t he price s and earnings of t h e compan i es con cerned •.

W1 til respect to any short age , t hey VJ i ll p l ay a ce:et ain

)!lr t in a ff e ct ing uroflts , and s o the pricos of t h e

part icul ar stoc \{ , bu t ')nly in a vor y limited way , will

t hey a f re ct t J1 8 stock marke t in Il,ener ::tl .


Ca t as trophe s and Ac t s of God

'rhe e f fe ct on tho ~l tock ma r k e't o f a catas trophic

s ituat i on or an a c t of God is read i l y s e en and unde r ­

stood , whe n one conside r s t h e l o sse s wh i ch can occur

t o companies advers e l y affe c t ed by such mis f ortunes .

Fl oods have damaged plants and have r educed t he

pr ofit s of s ome companies s o breatl y that the s t. ock pricos

dropped very 8ubs t 'mtla l l y , wh e n the news o.f this dis­

aster re ~ ched t~e publ ic .

Tornadoes ean affec t t h e earninhs of a numbe r of

comoani e s in a par ticul ar ar ea , and t he r e;.uction of

oarn lm,s will cause a drop in mar k e t val ue s .

Mi sfort unes , A.S t he drough t i n Texa s , the h oof-and -



mouth disease , gr ea t forest f ires , epidemics of pol i o ,

and the l ike can r educe the a Stl' ets of orp:anizut ions ,

destroy capi t al and pUI'chasing p ower of firms and

i ndividuals , a ll have a definit e par t i n a f fe oting

earni '1.tt. 6 and stock market Dr i ces .

Wea.the r

Weather wh:tch :ts unfavorabl e for crops wi l l defi nitely

affoct the busine sse s whose profits are determined by

the cost s f or produce- goods . The effect s can r each

f urt;he r thD.n jus t t hese compani es 'Who s pecinlize i n

canning produce , by actually affect l ne; compani es whos e

pr ices of' cat tle and po.rk 'May a c tually depend on the

desire of the farmer to dinpos e of livestock because of

t be cost of fee d . This , t h en , demonstrates t ha.t ~cather

Crl n 110 tuall'y chan ge for b otb t h e f armers and compani es

t hoil' profits and income , a nd s o affect stock mar ke t

prices .

Seas ons

'rhe various seasons o f t he ye a r have been shown

bit~t o r:i. cally to have an i n f luence on s t oclc marke t pr i ee s .

In compar l ne; t h e seasons f rom y e a r to yean , s o h igh a

d€l £tr ee of parallel action is ind i c a t ed that the season

seems to prove i t does have I'm influence by i t s very


Nat ural l y certain bus i nesses are especia lly a.ffect ed

by s eusons , and a l s o ce r t ain firms t ha t r eport t h e i r

pro f it s by t he quar t er may show Rrea ter e arni na.s a t

6 7

ne spec i f ic part of t h e year , a nd i n b ot h cases , t he

prices of their s tocks may be i nfluenced in this mS.nner .

Re s ources

A d i s covery of na t ur a l res ources may af f e ct on e or

more co.npani c s in s.n indus try , bu t i f such discover i e s

ar e of a very wide s cope , t hey may actua lly af fe ct lii ll

r e l s.t ed lndus t r i e s .

An example of the forme r \"la s t he dl s eover y o f a l l

on t he l and own ed by 20 t h - Centur y Fox, or t he d i scovery

of urani um on the l and of t h e Can ad i ruL- Pa cif ic r a il ­

ro ad which d i d affect those par t i cu l ar s t ocks .

Wherea s , an example of t he l a tter was t he d i s covery

of ti t an i um, a new strong met a l , a nd this no t onl y

a ff ect ed many fi rms , ou t added Iii d e f i nit e i mpe t us t o al l

s t)ck s whose bu s i ne s s e s bene fi t ed f rom t he d i scover y of

t his new n Qt ur a l r e source .

co c.o


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8 <. ~



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In t h i s paper we have t es ted and substant iat ed t h e

bel i e f t h at chanr;c s :tn s t ock mar ke t price s generally

f ore cast s i mi l ar cl~aage s i n the vol ume and d i r ection

of bu s lness a c t ivi t y . Th e next 108 ical step was t aken

when we analyzed t h e f a ctors and conditions a f f ect in

stock market pri ces . We must conclude from thi s anal ys i s

t h a. t t he cross cur r ents of these f a c tors can exert th.sir

i nfl uen ce eithe r col l ectivel y or as opposing f orce s .

Si nce t hero are s o many of them inter- l ocked and i n t er -

'/'Ioven i nto our national economy , the emerRence of t he

stronger or a cO.tnbina. tion of the s tron8~r wi ll f i nal l y

show t he ir i nfluence on earnings , and on the va l uations

pl a ced on stock by the buyers and sellers 1n t he market

who actually e st£lol ish the s e cur ity pr i ce .

To understand t h e f orces unde r l y i ng mark et prices of common sto cks , it is ••• ne ce s sary t o l earn how such price s adjust t h e li1s e lvo s t£ the Charl£1:i n g f low of e arning:s ,

a.nd t he e s t i ma t e s of i nve s tors fl ba.sed on human de c is ions ,

which t hemselves res t on pers is t ent , though var i eQ:a t ed

f actors . 1't2

Economic activity 1s gear ed to prof it maki ng, and

becau s e of this 111n our anal ysis ••• we must recogn i ze that

profit mak ing 1s the central proc e s s among t h e conge ries 3 t hat const itut e t he a c t i vities of D. bus ine ss e con vmy . 1I

Economic ac t i vi t y and t he f u ture of busine ss , t her ef or e ,

wil l depend on t he va l ua tion of pr ofit expectations .

I Op e cit ., Grodlnsky , p . 371 . 20p . cit ., Mindell , p . 83 . 3W. C. Mi tch e l l , Bu sine ss Cy cles :

Se tt i ~b ( "ew York , 1927 ) , D. 183 . nd I t s


FBvorable profit expectations depend upon t he profi t able

rela tionships between cost s and prices in the r e cent

past , the pr esent , but mainly on t hos e o f t h e f utur e .

'rhus , t h e study of t he fa ctors a nd condi ci ons af'fectin

prof it expe c tations has l ed u s to the net work of 1nter-

r elationships wh:1.ch hold toge t her the entire economi c

system .

Thi s net work of inter - re l a tionships , however , 15

continually changing , and t he i nfluence of the various

forces ol1 n show its , effect in sudden , easily expl a inai)le

or al?parently une xpl a inable flu ctuations in t he stock

market a verages . It 1s t hese flu ct uations , when abbrega ted ,

t ha t cause t he .rise , f al l or cont i nued trends a s the

appraisal of t he se f orces 1s made by the buyer~ and

s elle r s i n the m r ket .

Becaus e st ock marke t price s Bre always more or le s s

dependent on f u ture earn ings of' cor pora t ions , the ch ief

consideration must always be direct ed to t h e i nfluence

of the vf.lr iou8 factors and condi t i ons whi ch we have

dis cussed in this thesis .

Many conflictint=, f orce s a ct on the format ion of stock prices at anyone time , and it is d i ff icult to unravel t he ir respective i nfluen ce s . Expl an-tions mus t b e t en t At ive , and mus t be

801.16h t in terms of changing cOlnbin­a t ions of these forces , and t heIr ever v "r ying rel ative i mportance . 4

It i s i mpossibl e to accurately determine t he we i bht

of al l the cro ss cur rents Iilld t he qualifyim, factors

4tlp . cit ., blindell , p . 286 .


which eIther contra c t or lengt hen the movements of the

stock mar ket , or which otherwise chan~e t h e cOlllPosition

of the i nfl uences . Ther'afore , beoause of thi s galaxy

of forces , it is best to observe the factors and condit i ons

carefully , <lnd t hen s ummarize t hem to ob t ain t he general

t rend .•

Thus , the countl e s s e cono.r8.i c, poli ti ca l - national

and Int~!'(lat ional , psy(~hologi c al , natural and t eohnical

f actors and condit ions affect e ither cor oorate oarnin~s

and/or t he opi nions of t l1e ind ivIdual i nvestors , and

t her eby his di scounted futur e expectations . He , then ,

with h is val uat ion an d wi th t hos e of a.ll t he other invest­

ors i n the m'~ rket wil l determine s t o ck prices . Since

t he se stock ma.rke t ,)ri 006 generally f orecast cha nu:es in

business ncti vit y , the anal ys i s of the f ractors and

conditi )ns a ffecting t hem do t',i lve an economi s t additional

inf orm!'l t1on f or t he study of bus iness cycles .

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