ivy road primary school prospectus

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Why choose Ivy Road Primary School?

Our AimsWe believe our school is a happy place…..

where we respect and value everyone.where we have high expectations and high standards of …achievement.where we celebrate personal and shared success.where we feel positive, confident and comfortable.where the work we do is worthwhile, stimulating and exciting.where it is safe to express worries about things we can’t do or don’t …understand.which is bright, attractive, cared for, safe and welcoming.

These aims were confirmed in our annual parental questionnaire.Parents are welcome to visit our school to look round and meet the staff. Please phone to arrange a walkabout.

Admissions to our schoolWe run a morning nursery at Ivy Road – an application form is available from the school office. If you would like to look round and meet the staff please make an appointment.Up to 30 children are admitted each year to our Reception class. Children begin school in the September of the school year in which their 5th birthday falls. We also welcome older children wishing to join our school as long as there is a place in the relevant class.

Equal OpportunitiesAt Ivy Road everyone is treated fairly. We welcome people regardless of gender, sexuality, race, culture, nationality, religion, social / economic background and special needs.

Why choose Ivy Road Primary School?

The views of our children…

“I really enjoy coming to school because I have good friends and the teachers are helpful and teach me new things!”

“I love the fun trips that we get to go on with new learning experiences.”

“My favourite subject at school is maths because it is always challenging!”

“In school I love to read and am enjoying all the new books.”

“I love playing outside with my friends.”

“I love the creative art that we do in our topics.”

“My favourite subject in school is PE because I love all the different fun sports we play and also the competitions against other schools.”

All about us.

Our building and groundsOur school is a spacious, light and airy building which benefits from a large hall with stage, gym, music room, ICT suite and art room. Externally we enjoy large grounds with a wildlife garden, outdoor classroom, playing fields and outside play equipment.

Our teamHeadteacher Mrs S.WattsDeputy Headteacher Mr K. MoloneyNursery Mrs B YhearmReception Miss N. HuttonYear 1 Mrs J. SawyersYear 2 & Foundation/KS1 Mngr Miss E. TaylorYear 3 Mr G. PeaseYear 4 Miss L. StephensonYear 5 & Assessment Manager Mrs K.EdwardsYear 6 Mr K. MoloneyEvery Child a Reader Mrs L. MullenWith help from teaching assistants – Ms Breckons, Miss Richards, Mrs Meehan, Mrs Sweeney, Mrs Goodfellow, Mrs McLeod, Mrs Butcher, Mrs Casey and Mrs Buxton.Office Manager Mrs C. LattyAdministrative Assistant Mrs L. ClarkCaretaker Mr K. StephensonAssistants Mrs S. Rackham

Miss T. ScottMrs H. Hayes

Lunchtime and Mrs L. ButcherBreakfast Club Staff Mrs J. Blacklock

Mrs A.Hodgson

All about us.

Our GovernorsChair / Community Gov Mrs R.DoddParent Governors Mrs L. Clark, Mrs M. Moss

Mrs N ChaplinVice Chair / Authority Gov Mr M. SlassorAuthority Governors Rev. P. Rand, Mrs S. DrummondCommunity Governor Mr R. ThurmanStaff Governors Mrs S. Watts, Mr K. Moloney,

Mrs K. Edwards, Mrs A. MeehanClerk to the Governors Mrs E. Stephenson

Extended School provisionOur school provides a free Breakfast Club for its pupils from 8.15 am until 8.55 am. We also provide a variety of after school activities which run for one hour on certain days.

Charges and RemissionsOur school invites parents and others to make a voluntary contribution towards Educational school visits.After school clubs require a small fee.

Your child’s day at Ivy Road.

Opening hoursThe school day starts at 8.55 am and ends at 3.15 pm.Morning break is for 15 minutes from 10.35 am.Lunchtime is from 12 noon until 1 pm.The morning Nursery opens at 8.55 am until 11.55 am.

Food and DrinkOur school provides children up until Year 2 with free fruit each day.Daily milk is provided free for Nursery and is available to other pupils up until Year 2 at a small charge.Children can have either a school dinner or bring their own packed lunch (this does not apply to Nursery). Please give 1 week’s notice to switch between the two. School dinner money needs to be paid in advance on a Monday morning in the special envelope provided.

School UniformOur school uniform consists of:

-Dark Red sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school badge-White polo shirt-Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore-Sensible black shoes

In the summer -Red and white checked or striped dress for the girls-Black or grey shorts for the boys

PE kit -Navy blue shorts, white T-shirt, sandshoesOrder forms for our school uniform are available from the school office.Please ensure all items of your child’s uniform have their names on.

Your child’s day at Ivy Road.

Absence and sicknessPlease ring the school as soon as possible if your child is ill and unable to attend school.Other absences need to be agreed with the Headteacher. Please fill in a holiday request form available from reception.

Medical arrangementsIf your child is taken ill during the day the school will ring the relevant contact number. You may need to collect your child from school.The school has trained first aiders on site should they be needed.If your child requires ongoing medication but is well enough to attend school you will need to fill in a form in order for the medicine to be given.

How to contact the schoolTelephone 0191 200 8346Fax 0191 200 8454e-mail ivyroad.primary@northtyneside.gov.uk

School Address:Ivy Road,Forest Hall,Newcastle upon Tyne.NE12 9AP

Your child’s learning at Ivy Road.

CurriculumOur curriculum at Ivy Road is designed to encourage the children to enjoy learning. English and Maths are taught according to the requirements of the National Curriculum.Our school has developed a Creative Curriculum approach, which involves the other subject areas being taught around a theme. This has proved to be very successful in engaging, challenging and developing the children.We also believe in recognising and celebrating each child’s achievements through special assemblies, house points and positive reinforcement.R.E. is taught weekly through our multi-faith approach.In P.E. we provide a varied programme which includes gymnastics, dance, games and swimming.

Your child’s learning at Ivy Road.

HomeworkThroughout the school children are given work to do at home. This will include reading and spellings to learn. We encourage you to support your child with their homework.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)More Able Children (MA)We value, respect and welcome your child into our school whatever their additional educational need. We will support their learning and ensure that they are fully included in all school activities.Our procedure for identifying and assessing the special needs of individual children involves you and your child as well as teaching staff and external agencies. We have co-ordinators for SEN and MA children. They monitor the children along with the class teacher in order to meet your child’s needs both in and out of the classroom. Parents are kept fully informed of extra support as well as external support at all times.We have a designated Child Protection Officer.

BehaviourWe expect every child to behave well at school, moving around calmly and acting with courtesy, consideration and respect for others and the environment.No child may leave school without the permission of the Headteacher or a member of school staff.We want every child to learn to co-operate with others, to be fair, to keep promises, to be tolerant and sensitive to the needs of others and to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.We will help children to learn these things in positive ways, giving praise for achievement and rewarding good behaviour. Individual teachers will have their own ways of doing this, and the whole school has a weekly awards assembly to recognise good things.Wrongful behaviour will usually be dealt with in class by individual teachers, but serious incidents will be referred to the Headteacher.

SATs Examination Results 2012By the time children leave our school it is expected that they achieve Level 4 which is the National average.

Level 4’s of which Level 5’sReading 75% 50% (SATS)

Writing 65% 20% (teachers assessments)

Maths 85% 40% (SATS)

Well done year 6 for all your hard work!!

Your child’s learning at Ivy Road.

Friends of Ivy RoadThere are many ways in which you and your family can be involved in the school. These include:

Helping with Summer and Christmas FairsAccompanying classes on school visitsComing into school to hear children readHelping in the classroom with subjects such as Art or MusicBecoming a School Governor

Any help is greatly appreciated. Please contact the school if you wish to help out.

Visitors into School and Educational VisitsWe want life at Ivy Road to be exciting, enriching, fun and enjoyable.To enable this we invite a wide variety of people into school and arrange educational visits to many different places.

Your child’s learning at Ivy Road.

School Term and Holidays 2012 – 2013

School starts on Tuesday 4 September 2012.

Holiday Last day at school Date pupils return to school

Autumn half term Friday 26 October 2012 Monday 5 November 2012

Polling Day School closed all day Thursday 15 November 2012

Christmas Friday 21 December 2012 Monday 7 January 2013

Spring half term Friday 15 February 2013 Monday 25 February 2013

Easter Thursday 28 March 2013 Monday 15 April 2013

Bank holiday School closed all day Monday 6 May 2013

Summer half term Friday 24 May 2013 Monday 3 June 2013

Summer Thursday 18 July 2013

School will be closed on the following dates for Training days

Monday 3 September 2012

Thursday 15 November 2012

Friday 19 July

What OFSTED have to say...

Ivy Road Primary OFSTED inspection – November 2011

Ivy Road Primary “is a good school.”

Nursery & Reception classes “develop skills in singing, counting, speaking and listening and linking sounds and letters, so that children make good progress.”

“The curriculum provides a range of memorable experiences.”

“The curriculum contributes to pupils’ good progress by offering a range of stimulating activities.”

“All staff provide good care and support which ensure that pupils are happy, feel safe and show good awareness of how to stay fit and healthy.”

“The sense of community in the school is exceptionally strong and there are well-developed links with the local community.”

This letter is provided for the school, parents and carers to share with their children. It describes Ofsted's main findings from the inspection of their school.16 November 2011

Dear Pupils

Inspection of Ivy Road Primary School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE12 9AP

On behalf of the inspection team, thank you for making us so welcome when we inspected your school and talking to us so freely and courteously. You go to a good school and your teachers know how to make it even better. The team was impressed by the work of the school council and your work in history and art. Your behaviour, politeness and the great care and respect you have for one another are admirable. Your teachers take good care of you and make your lessons fun. You told us that you look forward to coming to school because you like your teachers and appreciate the activities the school provides for you, such as visits and clubs. Your parents and carers like the school very much. Your teachers have agreed with me that they should do the following things to help your school to improve even more:

■ help you reach higher standards at the end of Year 6, by making sure that all the information that teachers have about how well you are doing is used to plan work that is at the right level of challenge for all of you■ make sure that you have clear targets to help you to improve your work ■ make sure that you have opportunities to act upon the advice your teachers give you when they mark your work.You can help by continuing to do your best and attending regularly. We wish you every success in the future.

Yours sincerely

Gordon PotterLead Inspector

What OFSTED have to say...

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