ivol no-13 announces one-fourth may killed,

Post on 07-Nov-2021






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WarDepartmentAnnounces34JapaneseAmericansKilled,162Wounded i nAction

WASHINGTON—Th eWarDepartmentannouncedth i sweek■th at34AmericansoldiersofJapaneseancestryh avebeenk i lled9lid162wounded i n recentcombataction.

Th eannouncementi ncludednoticeofth edeath i nactionofSi Japanese

American,Tech .Sprt.Yuk i tak a Mi zutari ofHilo,XHawai i ,i nth eSouth westPacifi cth eatre.Alloth ercasualtiesI«rereportedfrom th eMediterraneanarea.Nextofk i n h aveIbeenpreviouslynotifi ed. t

OnSept.28th eWarDepartmentannouncedth atth efol-Ilowingsoldierswere k i lled i naction i nth eMediterraneanarea:

KOJAKU,PfcSh aw—Mrs.MasueKojak u,moth er,WRAIcenter,Ri vers,Ariz.

TAKAGI,IstLieutBoonX—Mrs.Wini fredS.Tak agi ,wife,IGriffi th sri lle,Ark ansas.

MURANAGA,Pfc Kiyosh i X.—Mrs.Ki k uyo Muranaga,Imoth er,WRAcenter,Amach e,Colo.

KAWAGUCHI,Pvt.Joh nR.—Mrs.MitsuKawaguch i ,moth -IerWRAcenter,Hunt,Idah o.

HANA,Pvt.Clifford H.—Mrs.Elizabeth Hana,moth er,I2DepotSt.,Ch ateaugay,N.Y.

KAJIWARA,Pfc Nobuo—Yuj i roKaj i wara,fath er,WRAIcenter,Topaz,Utah .

TERRITORY OFHAWAIIFUKUHARA,Prt.HerbertM.—MissBetsy H.Fuk uh ara,

I sister,1813RepublicanSt.,Honolulu.HAYAKAA,PfcHarryM.—Mrs.TsuyaHayak awa,moth -

[ er,DoleSidi ng,CampWah i awa,Oah u.HIGA,Pfc.EddieX.—Mrs.Ush i yaHiga,moth er,Box 15,

Pepeek eo,Hawai i .HIGA,Sgt.WilsonE.—Mrs.Ush i Higa,moth er,Aiea,Oah u.HIRAMATSIT.Pfc.Kazuo L.— Mrs.Yuk i k oHiramatsu,

■oth er,435-1Lili h aCourtLane,Honolulu.HIRAOKA,Pfc Genieh i W.—Tsutomu Hiraok a,broth er,

KeoleRd.,Kaneoh e,Oah u.HIRAYAMA,Pvt.Yasuo—Mrs.Kimi k o Hirayama,moth er,

354AKuk uauSt.,Hilo,Hawai i .HISANO,Pvt.Masao—HiranobuHisano.broth er,Box425,

Hana,Man!.INOUYE,Pfc.Masato—Mrs.Tatsuk oMatsuda,moth er,2123

AlgarobaSt.,Honolulu.\ ITO,Pvt.Tetsuo— Kamesuk i Ito,fath er,449 Koula St.,Honolulu.KANESHIRO, Pvt. Yasuo—Yasuk i ck i Kanesh i ro, fath er,

Hak tUu,Hawai i .KIMURA,PfcMatsuich i —Ki yosh i Kimura,fath er.715Bi rch

St.,Honolulu.MATSUMOTO,Pvt.Sadao—Mrs.AsayoMatsumoto,moth er,

Box144,Wai amanalo,Oah u.MATSUSHIMA.PvLKazuo—Toyoich i Matsush i ma,fath er,

Camp1Mak aweli,Kaual.MIYAKE,Pvt.Tetsuo—Mrs.SonoeMiyak e,moth er,Box

1483,Li h ue,Kauai.MORISHITA,PfcTak eo—Moh ach i Morish i ta,fath er,2059

North KingSt.,Honolulu.NAKAMINE,Prt.Sh i nyea—Mrs.Ush i Nak ami ne,moth er,

Box126,Waianae,Oah u.NIIDB,Pfc Sh i geto—Sieh ach i Kozawa,uncle,Pepeek eo,

Hmi i . -NISHIKAWA,Pvt.Ak i o — HeigoroNish i k awa,fath er,Paia,Maui.NOZAKI,Sgt.AlV.—Mrs.Kimi yoNozak i ,moth erBox524,

Waialua.Oah u.OKAMOTO,PfcTomiso—MissFumieOk amoto,sister,Wai-

lak n,Maui.\OTSUKA,Pvt.Jiro— Mrs.SanoOtsuk a,moth er,Tbrh nerKaaai.,SHIGIHARA,Pvt.Tak esh i —Matsusuk e Sh i gi h ara,fath er,Putmene,Maui.TERADA,PfcHenryMl—Mrs.Ruth S.Terada,moth er,211North Sch oolSt.,Honolulu.TOKUSHIMA,PvtPatrick M.— Masafude Tok ush i ma,

Wh er,98South Sch oolSt..Honolulu.TOMIKAWA,Pfc Calvin T.—MissMarionT.Tomi k awa,

IMter,Rear174North KingSt.,Honolulu.TSUTSUI.Pfc.Kazumi—Tamak i Tsutsui,fath er,Box 365,P»h oa,Hawai i .OnSept.28th eWarDepartmentannouncedth edeath of

■h efollowingJapaneseAmerican i naction i nth eSouth westPa-cifi carea:MIZUTARI,Tech .Sgt.Yuk i tak a— Mrs.SuemeMizutari,

Both er,Kaumana,5Miles,Hi lo,Hawai i .OnSept.25and 26th eWarDepartmentannouncedth e

"amesofth efollowingsoldierswounded i naction i nth eMed-i terraneanarea:IKARI,Pvt.Norman S.—Mrs.Sumi Ik ari ,moth er,WRAwiter,Poston,Ariz.NUMAMOTO,Tech .sth Gr.KazuoD.—Mrs.Hisano Num-

|«oto,moth er,WRAcenter,McGeh ee,Ark .SHIBATA.StaffSgt.Kenneth X.—Mrs.Sak i no Sh i bata,S_Bo"W,Haybro,Colo.'TOGASHI,PfcNaoye—Sh i nsaburoTogash i ,fath er,WRA».Amach e,Colo. ..KAWAHARA,PvtTak ash i —Mrs.ViolaY.Kawah ara,wife,ClintonAye.,Brook lyn 16,N.Y. , ~YAMADA,Pvt.Wi i li am M.—Mrs.Hisa Yamada,moth er,WRAcenter,Poston,Ariz. __. ,

°HKI-Pfc.Edwin—Mrs.YayeOh k i ,moth er,WRA center,

NAGAOKA,PfcMlnoru—Mrs.MumeN.Nagaok a,moth er,Hunt,Idah o. ..

NAKAGAMA,PfcYuj i —Mrs.Sach i yeNak agama,moth er,"44,Lak evi ew OreYOSHII,Pvt.Kiyosh i —Sei suk eYosh i i ,fath er,WRA center,«.Utah .«..„ TERRITORYOFHAWAII£NDO,Pvt.Masah aru—Koich i Endo,fath er,14Wi h k i naSt.,*"■»Oah u.

WorldWarIIVeteransBackRigh tsofNiseiLOS ANGELES—Anorgan-i zed groupofveterans ofWorldWarIIatth eUniver-sityofCaliforniaatLos An-geles,th eCalVets,passedaresolutiononSept.28pledgingfullcooperationwith JapaneseAmericanveteranswh oareper.mittedtoresume th ei rstudiesatUCLA with Armypermis-sion.

CaliforniaWinsFi rstCaseonAnti-Ali enLawJudgeRulesTitleOfStock tonPropertyToReverttoState

STOCKTON Inwh ati scon-sideredtobeaprecedent-settingdecisi on, Judge Raymond M.Dunneruled onSept.20 i naStock tonsuperiorcourti nfavorofth eStateofCaliforniaesch eat,i ng lands allegedlyowned byaliensofJapaneseancestrybutregisteredunderth enameofanAmerican-born citi zen ofJapa-nesedescent.Judge Dunne found i n th e

State'sfavori nth ecaseofKiyo-sh i Watanabe,allegedowneroftruck farm lands nearFrenchCamp,Calif.Th edecisi onwasi s-suedongroundsDistri ctAttorneyCh esterWatsonofSan Joaquinh ad provedbenefici alownersh i pofth elandwas i nth e h andsofWatanabe,alth ough th epropertywasdeeded i nth enameofh i sson-in-law,Hidenori Asano.Th edi stri ctattorneyi ntroduc-

edbank accounts,landrecordsandoth erevidencetosh ow th atWatanabe,now i na relocationcenter,wasth ebenefici alownerand Asanowas owneri nnameonly.Watanabewasnotpresentat

th e h eari ngh eld i nAugust,butArmyofficerstestifi edth ateveryeffortwouldbemadetobringh i mtoStock ton i fh edesiredtoat-tendth etri al.UnderJudgeDunne'srulingth e

land,about30acres,becomesth epropertyofth eState.Watson declaredth esui twasconsideredatestcaseand th atnftmyoth ersuitswouldbefiled.

McWilli amsBelievesManyEvacueesWi llNotReturntoCoast

LOS ANGELES—Th ousandsofpersons ofJapanese ancestryevacuatedfrom th ePacifi ccoasth aveestablish ed h omesaridbusi-nesses elsewh ere.CareyMcWil-liams,formerStateCommissi onerofImmigrationandHousing,toldth eLawyer'sClubonSept.20."Ifth eproh i bi ti onagainstth e

Japanesei nCaliforniawereliftedtomorrow,"h epredicted,"onlyafewwouldtrick leback ."

Th reeArrestedonDraftCh argesatCentralUtah Camp

Th reeevacueeswh oh adappliedforexpatriati onwith th ei rfami-li eswerearrestedatth eTopazrelocationcenteri nUtah onSept.26onch anresofselectiveserviceviolation by Demity Marsh alGeorpeM.Bak er,i twasreportedinSaltLak eCi ty.Th eth reeareSak ayeYosnida.Hirosh i TsuyumiTi e and Satoru.Top Nak ah i ra.Yosh i da, 18. i sch argedwith failuretoregisterforselectiveservice,wh i le th eoth ertwofacech argesoffailmetorenortfor i nduction atFortDouglas,Utah ,onSept.13..

One-Fourth ofEvacueesMayNotReturntoFormerCoastHomes,SaysWRADirectorMyerBelievesAgencyMak i ngSuccessofRelocationProgram

DENVER— Aboutafourth ofth epersonsofJapanesedescentwh oarei nrelocationcentersorwh o.h avetak en j obsi nColoradoandoth erwesternstateswi llstayi nth i sregionafterth ewar,DillonS.Myer,WarRelocationAuth or-i tydirector,predictedonSept.24i n an i nterview with DuncanClark ,staffwriterforth eRock yMountainNews.Th eeigh tremaini ngrelocation

centersi nth enationwillbeclosedassoonaspossibleafterth ebanonth ereturnofpersonsofJapa-neseancestrytoth ewestcoasti slifed,Myeri ndi cated.Mostofth osei nth ecampsor

wh oh avebeenrelocatedth enwillreturntoth ewestcoast,butaboutafourth willWanttostaywh ereth ey h aveformednew businessconnectionsandassociati ons, h edeclared."Th atsh ouldn'tbeacausefor

concern to business i n th esestates,"th eWRAdirectorcontin-ued."Th enumberofpersonsofJapaneseancestrywh owillwanttostayi n'th ei rnew h omeswillbesuch adropi nth ebuck et,com-paredwith th etotalnumberofresidents,th atanyfearsofbusi-nesscompetiti onaregroundless."Fewerth an 20,000 persons,

scattered th rough outth e nationare i nvolved. Th erewon'tbeamass settlementofpersons ofJapanesedescenti nColoradooranywh ereelse,alth ough th eper-centageofth em i nth estateprob-ablywi llremainalittleaboveth epre-warfigure."Th esepeopleh avemadeareal

contributi on to th ecommuniti eswh ereth eyh avesettledduringth ewar,andth eywi llbeusefulciti -zensafterth ewar."Wh eth erth eexclusionofper-

sonsofJapaneseancestryfromth ePacifi ccoastwillberescindedbeforeth ewari sover"isentire-lyuptoth earmy,"Mr.Myersaid.Afew indi vi duals h ave alreadybeenpermittedtoreturn.Th eNewswri tercommented:"Mr.Myeri sagray-h ai red,un-

pretentiousmanwh osecalm seemsto h averemainedunruffleddes-piteth estormsofcriti ci sm WRAh asfacedduringsomeperiodsi ni tsexistence."Hetalk sas i fth ewelfareof

each ofth eresidentsofth erelo-cation centers was h i s personalconcern,andh ech aracterizesth emas'unfortunate people wh ogotcaugh ti nth emi ddle i nth ewar.'He'squick todefendth ei rloyaltyand h epointstoth erecordofJapaneseAmericansoldiersi nth ewar."Mr.Myerwasi nDenvertocon.ferwith projectdirectorsofth ewarrelocationcenters."Th i ngsarealotquieternow,"

h esai dwith asmile."WRA h asbeeni nvestigatedandcriti ci zedasmuch asanyoth ergovernmentaerencv.buti th assurvived,andi t'srioi newh atweth i nk i sasuc-cessfulj ob.Webelieveth eAmeri-canpeoplearerealizi ngth atmoreallth eti me."We'rerelocatingnbout450per-

sonsaweek .Atotalofmoreth an31.000 h avebeenlocated,wnicfameansth e j obi smoreth anath i rddone."Weh aveh advirtuallynore-sentmentagainstsettlementofpersons ofJananeßftdescenti nfomrnnniti eß.Oh .we'veh adafewi nci dents,butnearlyallAmfi-cansrealizi ngth esayiner.'AJani saJap'i snotneeessarilvtrueJapanese American servicemencertainlyarefleetingforth eAm-ericanwnvoflife."Ourbigproblem h asbeen,notpettingcommuniti estoaccept,peo-plefromrelocationrenters,buttoconvinceth epeonlei nth ecenters,esnec'alivth eolderones,th atth eywj»lp«.acceptedwith outresent-ment."

Nisei VolunteerWoundedforSecondTime i nItalyTOPAZ,Utah —Pfc.Tak esh iYatabe,wh o volunteered formili tarydutyfrom th eTopazrelocationcenteri n1943,waswoundedforth esecond ti mei nth eItalianwarth eatre,ac-cordingtoWarDepartmenti n.formationreceivedby h i swife,Kuni,wh oresidesat26-3E,Topaz.Itwas alsoreported th at

Sgt.Tadami Naito,neph ewofMr.andMrs.TadaoHori,38--9-E,wasalsowounded i n ac-tionrecently.

HuntSoldierKilledRecentlyOnItalyFrontPfc.Ak i raKanzak iVolunteeredforCombatDutyfrom CenterHUNT,Idah o—Th edeath i nac-tionofPfc.Ak i raKanzak i onAug.29 i nItalywasreportedbyth eWarDepartmenttoh i spar-ents,Mr.andMrs.K.Kanzak i ,42-6-B,onSept.19.Pfc.Kanzak i ,oneofth e207JapaneseAmericanstovolunteeiforth eCombatTeam from th eMfnidok arelocation center,wasth eoldestoffoursons,allofwh am are i nth earmedforces.Hewas22yearsofage.AformerresidentofTJeattle,h e

wasagraduateofBroadwaynighsch ool.Hi s oth erbroth ers arePvtß.Tsutomu,GampSh elby;Hitosh i ,FortSnellingandSatoru,ERC.


LOSANGELE&—"ArizonadoesnotwantanyresidentsofJapa-neseancestrynowori nth epost-warperiod,"Gov.Sidney0.Os-bornofArizonadeclared i nLosAngelesonSept.22."Th i si saCaliforniaproblem,"

Gov.Osbornsaid."Beforeth ewarweh adonly700Japanesei nAri -zonaandmostofth em were i nth eSaltRivervalley.Californiah adth ousands."Origi nally,Californiaencour-

agedth emigration,th i nk i ngth eJapanesewouldbech eapcooliela-bor.Wh enth eyfoundoth erwi se,th eydidn'twantth em.Well,wedon'twantth em eith er."Gov.Osbornreportedth atno

evacueesfromwarrelocationcen-tersarebeing-permittedtorelo-catei nth estateofArizona.

WoundedHollywoodNisei BeingTreatedAtUtah HospitalHEARTMOUNTAIN,Wyo.—Pfc.Nomura,27,formerlyofHol-lywood,Calif.,i snowunderspe-ciali zed treatmentatBush nellGeneralHospital,Brigh am City,Utah ,for,wounds sufferedi nth eItaliancampaign,i twasreportedh ere.Heisabroth erofMrs.Naoye

Sak oofHeartMountain.Pfc.Nomura,aveteranof38month sservice,wasoverseasforfourmonth s.Hewasflownfrom ItalytoBrigh am City.

■ (Continuedonpage2)

HASBGAWA,Cpl.Tamatsu— JintaroHasegawa,fath ,,Koah ua.Maul. er>HAYASHIKAWA, PfcFumio—Mori Hayash i k awaf.n,..

Box421,Pah oa,Hawai i . " 'laUler-KOHARA, Pfc. Hitosh i —Ri h ei Koh ara,fath er,Box 2*7

Naaleh u,Hawai i . *"'MATSUMOTO, Sgt.Goro—Sh i geru Matsumoto,broth er759-G Laniwai i St.Honolulu. lner>NAGAI,Pfc.Hideyuk i — YonezoNagai,fath er,Box212CaptainCook ,Hawai i .OKAZAKI, Pfc.Rich ard M—Tom N.Ok azak i ,broth *.

BoxA,Kuk ui h aolo,Hawai i . nw>SEKINE,PfcJoeV.—Mrs.Kimi Aida,sister,58Kamah n

St.,Hilo,Hawai i .SERIKAKU, StaffSgt.Stanley S.—WalterS. Seri k ak u

broth er,Kaneoh e,Oah u.YAMAUCHI, Pfc.Tak etosh i —Mrs.Tok uYamauch i ,moth er

221Walk erAye.,Wah i awa,Oah u."YOSHIWA, Pfc. Yosh i masa—Otomatsu Yosh i wa,fath er

Pah oa,Hawai i .OnSept.30th eWarDepartmentannouncedth enamesof

th efollowingsoldierswounded i naction i nth eMediterraneanarea:

INOUYE, Pfc.Susumu—Utaro Inouye,fath er,WRAcen-ter,Amach e,Colo.TATSUDA,SgtJimmyT.—JamesK.Tatsuda,fath er,WRA

center,Hunt,Idah o.NAKATANI,Pfc.Nobuo—Mrs.JessieH.Nak atani,wife.

5450South EastViewPark ,Ch i cago.TANAKA,Pvt.Ch esterG»—Mrs.GinTanak a,moth er,4984

Berth oleAye.,St.Louis,Mo.NAKAGAWA, Sgt.Tom T.—Mrs.TsuneNak agawa,WRA

center,Topaz,Utah .NAITO.PfcRich ardH.—Mr».HelenH.Naito,wife,Box

636,Pasco,Wash .NAKAMA,PfcJiei —Mrs.Ush i Nak ama,moth er,WRA


AKAMINE,Pfc.GeorgeH—MacS.Ak ami ne,broth er,909Hi k i naLane,Honolulu.AKAMINE,Tech .sth Gr.HerbertH.—KamaAk ami ne,fath -

er,Waiak eauk a,Hi lo,Hawai i .AKIYAMA,PfcHideo—Hisato Ak i yama,broth er,Heele,

Kauai.ANZAI,Pfc.Yosh i o—Mrs.Yosh i noA.Tak ah ash i ,si ster,

3229ManoaRd.,Honolulu.ARAKAKI,Pvt.Seiyei —Mrs.MatsuArak ak i ,moth er,Brodie

2,Box142,Wah i awa,Oah u.AKAKAWA,Pfc.JamesY.— TogoruArak awa,fath er,

2845-A 1HenrySt.,Honolulu.EBISUYA,Pvt.Kich i o—Yosh i toEbisuya,broth er,Waianse,

Oah u.EMOTO,Pvt.Tok uj i —Mrs.Sh i zuk oEmoto,moth er,Waipah u,

Oah u.ENDO,Pfc.Eich i —Sak uj i Endo,fath er,Box 516,I'aia,

Maui.FUJII,Pfc.Lawrence T.—Ki k umatsu Fuj i i ,fath er,1322

Ri ch ardLane,'Honolulu.FUJIOKA.Sgt.Mitsuru—Mrs.Fuj i ok a Fuk usawa,sister,

1802Kaewai PI.,Honolulu.FUJIYAMA,PfcHisash i —RobertI.Fuj i yama,broth er,630

Wai nak uAye.,Hilo,Hawai i .FUKUJI,PfcMasaoC—Mrs.OtomeT.Fuk uj i ,wife,Box

222,Puunene,Maui.FUKUSHIMA, Pvs.Tsuneh i sa—NobuoFuk ush i ma,broth er,

17331AlgarobaSt.,Honolulu.GORA,Pvt.FrancisP.—Mrs.Elizabeth K.Gora,moth er,

942AlewaDr.,Honolulu.GOYA,Pfc.Edwin S.—SanraGoya,fath er,Box487,W»i

pah u,Oah u.HAMADA,PfcErnestX.—Mrs.Li lli anA.Hamada,wife,

2208Booth Rd.,Honolulu.HAMADA,Pfc.Kaneich i —Mrs. Ch i eno Hamada,moth er,

Box16,Kapaa,Kauai.HAMADA,Pvt.Tetsuo—Mrs.Tok i Hamada,moth er,Box48,

Hi lo,Hawai i .HANDA,Pfc.David M.—Ralph K.Handa,broth er,1028

Pi i k oi St.,Honolulu.HARADA,PfcNorio—Haj i meHarada,broth er,430Lani

k aulaSt.,Hilo,Hawai i .HARAGUCHI,PfcTak ao—Sei j i roHaraguch i ,fath er,Bw

131,Pepeek eo,Hawai i .HAYASHI,Tech .Sgt.Tetsuo—Mrs.Ch i yonoHayash i ,moth -

er,Waialua,Oah u. „HAYASHIDA,Pfc.HenryV Yuh ach i Hayash i da,fath er,

Box11.Mountainvi ew,Hawai i .HEIRAKUJI,PfcWalterI.—Jack T.Heirak uj i ,fath er,Boi

20,Hawi,Koh ala,Hawai i .HIGA,Pfc.Haruo—TaruHiga,fath er,Kek ah a,Kauai.HIGUCHI,Sgt.Kak uto—Kak uzo Higuch i ,fath er, Hon«e

No.23,Aiea,Oah lfcsHOKAMA,PfcNoboru—MissHarueHok ama.sister,Box

46,Lanai City,Lanai.HONDA,Pvt.Mitsuo—EizoHonda,fath er,128BCaneSU

Wah i awa,Oah u.HONMA,Cpl.Sh i gemi —Yosh i oKondo,broth er,c/oBish op

Museum,Honolulu.ICHIMURA,StaffSgt.Yosh i o—Sh i zuoIch i mura,broth er,

3625Pah oaAye.,Honolulu.IDA,StaffSgtFredS.—Mrs.UmeIda,moth er,Box6,

Lanigai ,Oah u.INADA,Pvt.Th omasT.—Mrs.Ritsu Inada,moth er,1128

AuldLane,Honolulu.i ,INA,KB>lNA,KB> SgtJames J—MissMatsue Inak e,sister,909Lok ah i St.,Honolulu.ISHIGURO,Pvt.Fusao—lch i ro Ish i guro,broth er,Box8,

Kalah eo,Kauai.nw 18"AWA,Pfc.Kini ch i —Ki ntaroIsh i k awa,fath er,Pe«lCity,Oah u.k *JSHIoAWA> Staffs**-Sh i gek i —HappyY.Mitsuh i ro,h alf-broth er,2245StarRd.,Honolulu.KauaiS°DA> Pvt*Seish i ~lh ei Isoda'fath er.Box 279> Koloei

«f i °\P7LRobertM.—YoemonIto,fath er,1248North KingSt.,Honolulu.Li AMOTO,PfcHirosh i -HaruoIwamoto,broth er,Box1585,IWANAGA Pvt.Tadash i —GeorgeI.Iwanaga,fath er,1878

Lri i si tana, i st,Honolulu.«i.t.r<>iA£AY«?IlirLleut'WalterM.—MissKiyok o M.Iwas*,sister,Box527Wah i awa,Oah uIZUMIGAWA,PfcStanleyV.—MissKayKameyoIzumi-

ArmyHearingBoardDeniesPermittoDr.Och i k ubotoReturntoEvacuatedAreaInjunctionHearingContinuedforWeekByFederalJudge

LOSANGELES— Dr.GeorgeOch i k ubo,an.AmericanofJapa-nese ancestry,was denied th erigh ttoreturntoth ePacifi ccoastbyamili taryh eari ngboardofth eWesternDefenseCommand,i twasdisclosedonSept.26 i nanaffadavitfi led i nFederalJudgePiersonM.Hall'scourtwh ereDr.Och i k ubo seek san i nj uncti ontopreventth eArmyfromcontinui ngh i sexclusion.Th eaffidavi tstated:"Th epresence ofDr.George

Och i k ubo on th ePacifi c coastwouldconstituteapotentialdan-gertomi li tarysecurityandmili -tarynecessityrequiresth econtin-uanceofh i sexclusion."Itwas signedbyLieut.Col.

HaroldW.Sch wei tzer,executiveofficerofth eCivi lAffairsDivi -sion,WesternDefenseCommand.Judge Hallcontinuedth e i n-j uncti onh eari ngoneweek toper-mitDefenseAttorneyA.L.Wiri ntimetopreparearguments.Mean,wh i le,U.S.AttorneyCh arlesH.Carrannouncedth atoth eri mport.antaffidavi tspreparedby th eArmymaybepresenedatth eti meofth eh eari ng.Simi larproceedingsi nFederal

JudgeBenHarrison'scourtalsowerecontinuedforth esamerea-son,i twasstated.Th esixevac-ueesbringi ngth eactionareElmerS.Yamamoto,Todoyuk i Toda,Ki.yosh i Sh i gek awa,Ch arlesT.Tak -eda,Yosh i oEk i motoandMaryDuco,allofth eColoradoRiverre-locationcenteratPoston,Ariz.Dr.Och i k ubo i saresidentofTopaz,Utah .

CaliforniaCiti zensReportedUninterestedi nPersecutionOfJapaneseAmericanGroup

MonitorCorrespondentPointstoFailureofAttempttoGetSignaturesforIniti ati vePetiti onsToTigh tenPresentAnti-Ali enLandLaw

"Th erei sstrongevidenceth atth erank -and-fileciti zensofCal.i forniaarenoti nterestedi nwag-i ngbittereconomicandpoliti calwarfare againstJapanese.resi-dentsofth i sCoastwh enth emili -tarywari sended,"RodneyL.Brink ,Californiacorrespondentofth eCh ri sti anScienceMonitor,de.claredi nareportpublish edi nth enewspaper'sSept.22i ssue.Mr.Brink basedh i sconclusionsonth efai lureofani ni ti ati vepeti-tion,aimi ngtoli mi tfurth erth epeaceti meactivi ti esofalienJapa.nese,towinaplaceonth eNo-vemberballotbecauseofi nsuffi-cientsignatures.Th eproposed i ni ti ati velaw i n-tendedtoextendCalifornia'santi.alienlandlawfromth erealmofagricultureto i ncludecommercial,i ndustrialandresidentialproper-ties,Brink added.Itsadoption,h esaid,wouldh avereducedallalienJapanesetoth estatusofh i re-lings,sinceth eycouldnoth aveownedorleasedth ebasicpropertyonwh i ch toconductanybusinessofth ei rown."Th erei sgreatquestionastoth elegalityofth eproposedlaw,"th eMonitorcorrespondentsaid,al-th ough noti ngth atth e State's1913anti-ali enlandlaw h asbeentestedth rough th eUni tedStatesSupremeCourt.''interpreted,th efai lureofth eproposed i ni tati velawtosecureenough si gnerstoplaceItonth eNovember'ballotappearstomeanth atth esoundandfurywh i chh avebeenwh i ppedalongbycer-tainnewspapersandafew h i gh lyvocalorganizati onsh avefai ledtoimpressth epublicwh i ch doesth evoting."Mr.Brink declaredth atalth ough

"manyalienJapanese"maywishtorepatriateafterth ewar,manyoth ers,!indeed,donotwish togoback anddonoti ntendto."Th ei rfutureisboundtoth atofth ei rch i ldren,borni nth i scoun-try,Americanci ti zens."

IIEvacueesVolunteerforTooeleJobsHeartMountainNi seiSignUpforArmyOrdnanceWork

WASHINGTON—Twodaysbe-foreaWarDepartmentannounce-mentrevealedth atth eArmyi sre-cruiti ngqualifi ed maleevacueesfromth eeigh trelocation centersforemploymenti nArmyordnancedepotsatTooele,Utah andSioux,Nebrask a,ProjectDirectorGuyRobinsonreportedth at11HeartMountain famili es h ad alreadysigneduptowork atTooele,th eWRAreported."Itlook s,"Robinsonsaid i na

reporttoWash i ngtononSept.9,"asth ough HeartMountainwillsupplyth equotaallottedth emforth i sdepot.",With ti h ereturn ofseasonalwork erstoth eprojectsi ti sh opedth atth erecruitmentforth i svitalwarwork willproceedrapidly.In-dicati ons h avebeen madeth atmanywork erscanbeusedatth eseandoth erArmydepotsi fth eem-ploymentofevacueesprovessuc-cessful.

JapaneseAmericanSeamanReturnsfrom InvasionCoastJoeYosh i no,formerlyofAla-

meda,Calif.,wh ovolunteeredfoith eJapaneseAmerican CombatTeam i n1943,wasamemberofth ecrewofoneofth efirstmer-ch antsh i pstoenterCh erbourg,followingth e li beration ofth estrategicFrench ch annelport,accordingtoaletterreceivedbyamemberofh i sfamily.Yosh i no,wh otrainedwith th ft442ndCombatTeam,wasreleasedbyth eArmysoth ath ecouldre-sume h i spre-waroccupationofengineeronamerch antsh i p.In h i sletterYosh i no toldofseeingflyingbombsfi redbyth eGermansagainstEngland.Hede-clared i nJi i sletter:"Arrivedback i nNewYork i nonepiecelastweek .Wewerei nIreland j ustafewdaysbeforeth e

openingofth esecondfront i nFrance. Aftergoingtoseveralportsi aScotland,Wales,andEngland,wewentth rough th eStraitsofDovertoth ebeach h ead,andth enontoCh erbourgl.

"InLondonwe h adairraidsseveraltimeseverynigh t.Wesawmanyflyingbombs;wh i legoingth rough th estraits,severalofth ebombscameclosetons.Wesawafewsh otdown. Wh i le i nth eNorth Seawepassedapointj ust38mi lesfrom occupiedBelgium.Th eareawasvirtuallyagrave-yard,forth egreatsh i pswh i choncesailedth eseven seaswerelefttorotaway.Ievensawonesh i psunk beforemyveryeyes.NowIcanunderstandth emean-i ngofairsupremacy."Having come th rough suchdangerouswaters,wh erei n th «treach erousenemylurk s,Icon-sidermyselfveryfortunate.

TtI"8sh o<*lng,painfulnewsIh eardonmyreturn,ofth edeathi nactionofsomanyofmybud-di esofth e442ndInfantry.Ih opeth eyh avenotdiedInvain."Joe Yosh i no i sone ofmanyJapaneseAmericanmerch antsea-menwh oarenow i nAtlanticser-vice.

ReportRaceRi otBalk edbyPoliceInCanadianCity

INGERSOLL,Ont— Racialstrifewasblamedforanear-riotonSept.24duringwh i chpolicewereforcedtouseth ei rbatons and fi reone sh ottobreak upamobofmoreth an200 personsattempting tostorm th e quartersofnine-teen JapaneseCanadaians i nIngersoll.Th emob,armedwith stonesandclubs,begangath eri ngi nth ebusinesssectionofth eOn-tari otownabout7p.m.,andtriedtoreach th eJapaneseCa-nadians,wh owereprotectedbyafive-footfactoryfence.Th emobgaveupwh en,accordingto Ch i efConstableAlexCollander,th ecrowd saw "th atwemeantbusiness."Th eJapaneseCanadians,wh owereevacuatedfrom th ecoast-alareaofBriti sh Columbia,ar-rivedi nIngersollrecentlyfromawesternevacueecenter.

Th omasHitsCoastRacismAgainstNiseiSociali stCandidateDiscussesAttitudesTowardEvacuees

SAN FRANCISCO — Califor-nians wh oopposeth ereturnofJapanese Americans to th ei rh omes i nCalifornia"legally,i fpossible,i llegallyi fnecessary,"donotbelievei ndemocracy,NormanTh omas,presidentialcandidateofth eSociali stparty,declaredi nacampaign speech before a SanFranciscoclub on Sept.26,ac-cording1toth eAssociatedPress."Iam compelled to assert,"

Th omaswasquotedbyth eA.P.assaying,"th atCalifornianswh osti llsupportti h e i nternmentofth ei rJapaneseAmerican fellowciti zens,with outtrialorh eari ng,donotbelievei ndemocracy."Th omassaidth eflareupof"rac-i sm"againstth eCalifornia-bornJapanesei s"afargreaterdan-gertoAmericanlibertyingen-eralth antoth eJapaneseAmer-i cans i nparticular."Th eSociali stcandidateadded,accordingtoth eA.P.:"PresidentRoosevelt'sorderofFeb.19,1942,th eArmy'sactionpursuantto i t,andth edecisi onofth eSupreme£ourti nth eGor-donHirabayash i caserecognizi ngth erigh tofgovernmentoffici alstodiscri mi nateamongciti zensonth egroundofth ei r'raoialaffili -ation,'constituteth epurestsortoftotalitari an j usti ceori nj usti ce.Wh atwas doneonth ewest

coastwas,asJusticeMurph yad-mitted,painfullysimi lari npri n-ci pletoth eGermantreatmentofth eJews."Th eSociali stcandidatemadeh i sstatements before th e Common-wealth ClubofSanFrancisco.Th omasi nsi stedth at"greedforj ,mvadefertilebyJapanesesk i ll££%"?MJJmrUyatth «tot-tomofth eh erdi ngofth eseAmer-

i can citi zens i nto concentrationcamps. Th omasarguedth ati fmili tarynecessity dictated th etreatment accorded th em,th eysh ouldbepaiddamagesforwh atwasdonetoth em,"justaswet£LV)r'?pert?owneretemzgeforth i ngsdonetoth ei rpropertyun-dermili tarynecessity."

Roh werBuddh i stsPlanPack agesForServicemenROHWER, Ark .-*For one ofitsmajorprojectsth i syear,th eRoh werYoungBuddh i stassocia-tioni snow-planningtomak eriftpack agestobesenttoth e ser-vicemen overseas.Aimedatth eh eartsandmoraleofth esoldiers,nrtST11,,1*■"*asPartofth e"Bodh i -day"programAtpresentth enamesarid ad-dresses"of200 overseas service-men wh oseparentsorrelativesareresidi ng i nRoh werh avebeenturned,ntoth eYBAofficebyblock representatives.th "*IFlt*i sh Sngcarried<>«trtlvAth eoc0effortsof£%IBt.A~Seniors and Juniorsh eadedbyMasaoWak ai with th esupervisi on ofth eadvisers,th eRevD Hayash i maandth eRev.i .Kouch i .

PACIFIC CITIZENSaturday,September30 i oj j





gjgter,1470LusitanaSt.,Honolulu.% KADOWAKI,2ndLi eutRobertN.—MissGraceTK«H«.k LVtater.2025Kealoh a St, Honolulu.

RKado"Ka°rU-Yuri i i roKa*"a,fath er, 856

Pfc George—KamaKak azu,fath er,Box 167,LtfKANOURA,PfcTatsuo—Miss Tamak o Kanoura,sister«i(lPapalaSt.,Honolulu.

BlBier>KATO, Pvt.Satoru—Tadash i Kato,broth er,3228 Winam

»...,Honolulu.KAWAMOTO,IstSgt.Masayosh i —ToruKawamoto,broth --1246CenterSt.,Honolulu. "roin

*'KAWAMOTO,StaffSgt.Noboru-Kenneth K.Kawamoto,broth er3537KeanuSt.,Honolulu. 'KAWATE,Pfc.Suematsu— MasatoKawate,fath er 631

Sooth HotelSt.,Honolulu.KAZUMURA,Pfc Tak esh i -TadaoKazumura, broth erU4j GLUi h aSt.,Honolulu. "

"mer'KIMOTO,PfcSanj i —Mrs.KinuyoKimoto,moth er,BoxG

Kaltui h aele,Hawai i . "'KIMURA, Prt.Ch i mata—Mrs.HatsuyoKimura,moth erWaimea,Kauai. 'KINOSHITA,Pvt.Fuk uo—MissNobuyoWada, h alfsisterKoloa,Kauai.KINOSHITA Tech .Sgt.Tak ej i R-Torak azuKinosh i ta,

broth er,Box55,HalaulaCamp,Hawai i . 'KIBIHARA,PfcHenryH.—MissJanetF.Kiri h ara.sister1642HomeRuleSt, Honolulu. 'KOBASHIGAWA, 2nd Lieut.Yei k i —Howard Sh oei Koba-sh i gawa,broth er,Box123,Waianae,Oah u.KOKAMB,StaffSgt.Nobuo—lsoKok ame,fath er,Box77

Waimea,Kauai.KONNO,StaffSgt.RexH—YosaburoKonno,fath er,458

R Rd.,DamonTract,Honolulu.KUBO,Pvt.SadaoH.—MissHi sak oKubo,sister,Kaneoh e,

Oi h u.MATSUMURA,Pvt.Renk i ch i — Den Matsumura,broth erT1424Kam Aye.,Hilo,Hawai i .MATSUNAMI,Pfc Hirosh i —Masaru Matsunami,fath er.

Box22,Hai na,Hawai i .MATSUURA,Pfc.Hirosh i —Ok uh ei Matsuura,fath er,Box

74,Kah uk u,Oah u.MEZURASHI,StaffSgt.Noboru—Willi am T.Mezurash i .

broth er,1227Ki rn St.,Honolulu.;MITA,PfcJoh nT.—Riyunosh i nMita,fath er,910Wili wi liSt,Honolulu.MIYAMOTO,PfcHaj i me—Ki ch i uemonMiyamoto,fath er,

Kawaninui ,Pepeek eo,Hawai i .HIYASHIRO,Sgt.Jini ch i —Ji ngi u Miyash i ro,fath er,Wai-

k apu,Wailuk u,Maui.MIYASHIRO,Pfc Minoru—David J.Miyash i ro,broth er,

733Mi li lani St.,Hilo,Hawai i .MIYASHIRO,2ndUeut.Tak ei ch i T.—Mrs.Ush i Miyash i ro,

Both er,Box87,Honok aa,Hawai i .MIYATA,PfcRobertS.—Ch arlesA.Miyata,broth er,3840

PaidAye.,Honolulu.MORIMOTO,Sgt.Kaneich i —Mrs.Sue Morimoto,moth er,

Box223,Kealek ek ua,Kona,Hawai i .MORISAKI,PfcHaroldH.—Yoh ei Morisak i ,fath er,1749

Waioli St.,Honolulu.HORIWAKI,PfcTak eo—Mrs.OtsunaMoriwak i ,wife,1144HiltDr.,Honolulu.MOTOOKA,Pfc.Katsumi — FuyusaburoMotook a,fath er,

1232North KingSt.,Honolulu.MURAKAMI,Pvt.Atoush i —Tak ash i Murak ami ,broth er,

Honomu,Hawai i .MURAOKA,Pvt.Hideo—Mrs.UmeMuraok a,moth er,1462

Ktmeh ameh a St.,Hi lo,Hawai i .MURAYAMA,PfcLarry S.—Sh i zuo Murayama,broth er,

198KapaluSt.,Honolulu.NAKAGAWA,PfcKiyosh i —Mi noru Nak agawa,broth er,

Box66,Wai alua,Oah u.NAKAMOTO,PfcRaymondK.—Kanich i Nak amoto,fath er,

Box8,Kamuela,Hawai i .NAKAYAMA,PfcSek i j i —Sek i i ch i Nak ayama,fath er,La-

luiu,Maui. ,NISHIDA,PfcKusuo—Mrs.Hatsuk oR.Souza,sister,Wai-luk u,Maui.NISHIDA,Tech .Sgt.Sadao—Mrs.BessieY.Nish i da,wife,

2765Pacifi cHts.Rd Honolulu._NOBORIKAWA,StaffSgt.Mfisao—Ryosei Nobori k awa,fath -

er,909CoolidgeSU Honolulu.NODA,PfcKaoru—Mrs.Mi k aNoda, moth er,531-A Kil-uea,Are.,Hi lo,Hawai i .NOHARA,PfcYobun—Yush i nNoh ara,fath er,Box213,

Mak awao,Maui.NOJI,Pvt.JamesN.—MissNobueNoj i ,sister,2954Kah a-»»Dr,Honolulu.NUMA,PfcTosh i o—Masami Numa,broth er,1370-ACunh aLine,Honolulu.ODA,Pvt.JamesS.—Haruk i ch i Oda,fath er,Box44,Hon-uuau,Hawai i...OGAWA,Pfc.CarlX.—Mrs.Ei k oOgawa,moth er,2128A«luSt.,Honolulu.OKAMOTO,PfcJamesT.—Mrs.DaisyM.Nak ano,moth er,**66,Hi lo,HawaiLOKAMURA,Pfc.Paul—MissEleanorK.Hamamoto,guar-*».Box62,Kalah eo,Kauai.OKAZAKI,PfcJoN.—Sh eanOk azak i ,fath er,106DGreen9|i Honolulu....OKINAKA,StaffSgtRich ardT.—Arth urMcDuffie,friend,102Jl*Aye.,HonolulH.ONO,Pvt.Nobuo—Ch i uk i ch i Ono,fath er,House 140,NewmCamp,Aiea,Oah u.ONOUYE,StaffSgt.Tetsuo—Tomi k i ch i Onouye,broth er,n«mloKurtUtowll'Hawai i .XH«S'Pfc*Tak eh i ro--Royei Osh i ro'fath er'2326KamUJ*TAKE,.CpLMasayuk i — Mrs.Ki k unoOTak e,moth er,

h VYE> SgtlSeiJ>—Hamaich i Ouye,uncle,Box234,Kak ah a,

2221SAKA,MOTO'PfcSh i tomi T.—Mrs.Sugi Sak amoto,moth er,Smr£xTHts-Rd"Honolulu. .t.

eri «,G!:NAGA'pfc-RaymondX.—Jack K.Sh i genaga,broth -

'Him..ram Lane.Honolulu.1(S«'MABUKURO,PvtTomoak i —Ei k oSh i mabuk uro,broth er,Ul*Lane,Honolulu.EM.vZU'Pfc-I»ao—Mrs.Tomiye

Yanagimoto,moth er,

"''"Kauai.IWmAl'Pv*»Th omasH.—Mrs.Yosh i k oSh i rai ,wife,3210SiTwu?oaRd-Honolulu. tvoS 'Pfc*M*B**®—Mrs.MasunoSueh i ro,moth er,Kan-

Ui IMORI,Pfc.Sh i geo—TadaoSuemori,broth er,Box1333,*'W6GLf

RA'St*ffSgt>Masa°—rrh omM H-Sugi h ara,broth -

«iaolUGnYA]\lA'Pfc-TsStomu—lch i j i Sugiyama,fath er,Box13,

3Hawai i .'AKAHASHI,Pfc.Sh i ngo-i nsh i ch i Tak ah ash i ,fath er,Pu-

unene,Maui.TAKASAWA,Pvt.Sh i geo—MissMatsueTak asawa,sister,

Box33,Hanapepe,Kauai.TAKEMOTO,StaffSgt.GeorgeT.—Rich ard Y.Tak emoto,

broth er,Waialua,Oah u.TAKEMOTO,PfcKaname—Yutaro Tak emoto,fath er,Box

428,Kapaa,Kauai.TAMANAUA,Pfc.MasaoH.— KamaTamanah a,fath er,

GreenCamp,Puunene,Maui.TAMAYORI,Pfc.ClarenceY.—Matsusuk eTamayori,fath er,

BrodieNo.2,Wah i awa.Oah u.TAMURA,Pfc.PaulT.—Ch ej i roTamura,fath er,759JLan-

i wai St.,Honolulu.TANDO,Pfc.Isamu— Hirok i ch i Tando,fath er,910B.

Kapaak eaLane,Honolulu.TANIGAWA, PfcKimi wo—Ki j i ro Tanigawa,fath er,528

LibbySt.,Honolulu.TANJI,PfcMitsuo—Mrs.MatsuTanj i ,moth er,908Kilani

Aye.,Wah i awa,Oah u.TAYAMA,Pfc Tosh i mi —Kazuo Tayama,broth er, 920-A

Ah anaLane,Honolulu.TODANI,PfcRobertH.—KenzoTodani,fath er,84Mak ani

Are.,Wak i awa,Oah u.TOKESHI,Pvt.HaroldG.—Mrs.UtoTok esh i ,moth er,Ch i n

Ch uck ,Mauk a,Hak alau.Hawai i .TOKUSATO,Pfc Masaich i—Mrs.Sonok o Tok usato,wife,

Camp6,Waiak eauk a,Hawai i .TOMATANI, Pvt.Yosh i mi —Tak esh i geTomatani,broth er,

713Poh uk ai naSt.,Honolulu.TOMOMITSU,PfcKensh i — Nobuich i Tomomitsu,fath er,

Mana,Kek ah a,Kauai.TOYOFUKU,Pvt.Tsutomu—Mrs.Ki k ueToyofuk u,moth er,

1221Oili Rd.,Honolulu.TSUHA,Pfc.Harold H.—Kana Tsuh a,fath er, Box 144

Ninole,Hawai i .TSUJI,PfcIsamu—Ni h i k oTsuj i ,fath er,Box114,Hai k u,

Maui.TSUKAMOTO,Pfc.DeemsS—Kisak uTsuk amoto,fath er,

Box136,Kah uk u,Oah u.UEDA,Pvt.Yosh i o—Mrs.Yosh i Ueda,moth er,Kah uk u,

Oah u.UYEHARA,Pvt.Masao—Mrs.Hidek o Uyeh ara,moth er,

WATABAYASHI,PfcTadao—Mrs.Sh i zuno Watabayash i ,moth er,981Ah anaLane,Honolulu.WATANABE,Pvt.Isamu— Mrs.Sue Watanabe,moth er,

Kah ek a,Pai a,Maui.YAMAMOTO,Pvt.Yuk i o—Mrs.MatsuYamamoto,moth er,

Box1,Wah i awa,Oah u.YANAZAKI,Pfc.Hisao—Mrs.Tak aYanazak i ,moth er,Box

96,Olaa,Hawai i . „_.j ».

JapaneseAmericanArtilleryMaintai nsYank Reputation

WITH THE FIFTH ARMY,ITALY— Inth ei rfi rstweek sofcombat,JapaneseAmericanartilLerymenonth eFi fth Armyfronti nItaly h avedemonstratedth eyh aveallth espiri tandeffici encynecessarytomaintai nth ereputa-tionofYank artillery."Th eboysarelivi nguptoour

expectations— andth at'spraiseenough from th oseofuswh owork edwith th em back i nth eStates,"saysLieutenantColonelBayaM.Harrison,Jr.,FieldAr-ti llery,3009SanMiguelAvenue,Tampa,Florida.Formerlyartilleryi nstructoratFortSill,Ok lah oma,ColonelHar.risoni wasplaced i ncommandofth eartillerybattalionofth eJapa-neseAmericancombatteamform-edlastyearatCampSh elby,Mi s.sissi ppi .Li k eallunitsi nth espe-cialcombatteam,h i soutfiti scom-posedentirelyofAmericansofJapanesedescentwh ovolunteeredfrom Hawai i andrelocationcen-tersi nth eStatesforcombatduty."Wh enyou h aveanentireunitofvolunteersmoralei snoprob-lem,"th ecolonelpointedout."And

wefindth ati ncombatth ey'reth esame bunch th eywere th roughth eLouisi anamaneuvers—warm,friendly,spiri ted and smartaswh i ps."Th eJapaneseAmericans h ave

provedparticularlyk een i nartill-erywork ,wh ereobservationsandcalculationsareofprimeimport-ance.Aboutone i neveryfouri nth ecombatteam h ash adcollegeoruniversitytraini ng.Th emenatth eguns j usti fyth ei rofficers'enth usi asm."Man-euvers were plain disgusting,"saysPrivateFi rstClassMamoruYonash i roofHawai i ,h usk ylittleleaderi nth epitofagiant105h owi tzer*Strippedtoth ewaisti nth eh otsun,h e slams42poundsh ellsi ntoth ebreach ofh i sgun."Uph erei nth i sdraw,"h eadded,"we'vebeenfiri ngover400real,liveroundsaday—and h alfofth eseatnigh t.Th i si smoreli k ei t!""Th efellowsh avebeenwaiti ngforth i squiteawh i le,"saidMas-terSergeantKozo Kuroda ofNampa,Idah o,sergeantmajorofth eartilleryh eadquarters."It'sourfirststeptoTok yo."

...W 1THTHEFIFTH ARMY,CASTRELLINA SECTOR,UALY—Inth efiredirectioncenterofth e522ndFieldArtilleryofth e442ndRegimentalCombatTeam,Lieut.GeorgeS.Meany,Greenwich ,Conn,(left)work swith h i sJapaneseAmericancrtw.Inth ecenteri sTech .Sgt.Sh ui ch i Sak amoto,Li h ue,Kauai,T.H-calculatingverticalcontrolandStaffSgt.Yuk i Amak i ,ModestoCalif.,ath ori zontalcontrol,formassingartilleryfireonth eenemy."American-bornJapaneseofth ei nternationalFi fth Armyare h i gh lyrespectedbyAlliedfigh ti ngmen,"th eU.S.ArmySignalCorpscaption declares.

Sen.DowneyHasPost-WarNisei ProgramUrgesDistri buti onOfJapaneseAmericansTh rough outCountry

WASHINGTON—Sen. Downey(D.,Calif.)Fridayproposedana-tionalpostwarprogramforexpul-sionof"disloyal"Japaneseandavoluntarydistri buti onofth ere-mainderamongth estates.Some125,000personsofJapa-

neseancestry,mostofth em Am-ericanciti zens,wereconcentratedonth ewestcoastbeforeth ewar,Downeysaid. Mostofth emarenow i nrelocationcenters."Iti smyh opeth atsome mu-tuallyagreeable basis can befound,oneth atwouldbefai randacceptableto Japanesewh oareciti zens,fordispersing th emth rough outth ecountry,"h e de-clared."Afew h undredorafewth ousand i nNewYork wouldnoth urt,orafewth ousand i nNewEnglandori nIllinoi sori nOh i oorsomewh ereelse. Th enth erewouldnotbeanyproblem."

THREETULELAKENISEIKILLEDINACTIONINITALYNEWELL,Calif.— Th reeJapa-neseAmericansoldierswinnextofk i nresidi ngi nTuleLak ecen-terwere k i lled i n,action i nth eItalian campaign during th emonth sofJulyandAugust,withtwooth ersreportedwoundeddur-i ngth esameperiod,th eNewellStarreportedlastweek .Th ecasualtieswere listed asfollows:

KILLEDINACTIONT/Sgt.ZentaroAk i yama(Sac-ramento,California),k i lled i nJuly.Yuk utaroAk i yama,fath er,3701-AB.Pfc.Genich i Hiraok a(Koneoh e,Oah u,T.H.)onJuly11. Mrs.Tsunek oKomori,sister.7905-BCD.Pfc.GordonSh i mi zu(Honolulu,T.H.)onAug.25.Sei i ch i Sh i mi zu,broth er,7918-D.

WOUNDEDINACTIONT/Sgt.JamesKazuto (Court-land,Calif.)onJuly6.Tetsuj i roAdach i ,fath er,2516-B.Pfc.RoyS.Kunitak e(Fresno,Calif.)onJuly17.JamesKuni-tak e,broth er,1019-A.

TopazEvacueeLostPropertyi nRecentFireatFlorinWASHINGTON—PersonaIprop-ertybelongingtoMaryKawamufaofTopazwaslosti nafirewh i chdestroyedseveralbuildi ngsJuly20,atFlorin,Calif.,th eWRAre-ported.Th epropertywasstoredi nasmallbuildi ngbelongingtoMrs.AnnNelsonofFlorin.Th i slosswasdiscovered i nani nvestigati on,conductedbyG.F.Castleberry,Wash i ngtonEvacueePropertyOfficer,wh i ch followedseveralconflicti ngreportsofafireatFlorinonJune21.Ch ester W. Hatch ,EvacueePropertyOfficeratSacramento,reportedtoMr.Castleberryth ati nsofaras couldbe determinedth erewasnofireatFlorinonJune21andth atMissKawamurah adsufferedth eonlyevacueelossi nth efi reofJuly20.

DeweyDodgesNewsQueryonCoastEvacueesSANFRANCISCO— GovernorTh omasE.Dewey,Republicancan-didateforPresident,sidesteppedattemptsbynewspapermentoputh i monrecordregardingth eprob-lem ofJapaneseAmericanevac-ueesduring h i spressconferencei nSanFranciscoonSept.21.GovernorDeweysaidh econsid-eredth ereh abi li tati onofJapaneseAmericans a problem "moreacute" i nth i sStateth anelse-wh ereandannouncedh i si ntentiontoconferonth esubjectwh i lei nCaliforniawith GovernorWarren,Lieut.Gov.Frederick Houseranaoth ersdirectlyconcerned.

I September30,1944PACIFIC CITIZEN


EDITORIALS:ACiti zen'sRigh tPersonswh oofferresistancetoth epro-

gramofresettlementofJapaneseAmericans,citi zensoraliens,areviolatingth efunda-mentallawofth eland,MiltonR.Konvitzdeclares i n th eAutumn, 1944,. i ssue ofCommon Ground.Mr.Konvitz notes "th ei mpression h asb«encreated i nsome quar-tersth atastateorcityh asth erigh ttobari tsdoorsagainstth eentryof, Ameri-canciti zens."Sinceth ecaseofEdwardsv.California

wasdecidedbyth eUni tedStatesSupremeCourti n 1941,th ereh asbeennodoubtcon-cerningth erigh tofanAmericanciti zentomove freelyfrom state to state and toestablish h i sh omeatanyplaceofh i sch oi ce.Edwards,aresidentofCalifornia,h adbeenconvictedofviolation ofaCalifornialawwh i ch made i tamisdemeanortobringi ntoth estatean i ndi gentpersonwh owasnotaresidentofth estate.Hisconvicti onwasre-versedbyth eSupremeCourt.Ina con-curring opini on,JusticeDouglas declaredth atth erigh ttomovefreelyfrom statetostate i san i nci dentofnationalciti zensh i pand i sprotectedbyth epri vi legesand i m-muniti esclauseofth eFourteenth Amend-ment.Th i srigh t,JusticeDouglassaid,i senj oyedbyallciti zens.Mr.Konvitz cited""th e earliercase of

Truaxv.Raich i nuph oldi ng th eri gh tofalienstomovefreelyfrom statetostate.Inh i s opi ni on JusticeHugh esdeclaredth atsince aliens are admitted to th eUni tedStatesunderFederallaw,th ey h ave th eri gh ttoenterandabide i nanystatei nth eUni on.Citi zensandaliensofJapaneseancestry

areatth epresenttimeproh i bi tedbyawar-timemili taryregulation from residi ng i nth ePacifi ccoastevacuatedarea,exceptwithth epermissi on ofth emi li tarycommander.Wh enth eArmyrestricti on i slifted,h ow-ever,th edecisi onsofth eSupremeCourti m-plementth ei rrigh ttoreturn toth ewestcoast.

Glsandth eNiseiDemocracy i snotanemptywordtoGI

Joe.Th eAmericansoldierofWorldWarIIh assh own i nmanywaysadeepandcompel-li ngconcernfordemocracyath ome.Lettersfrom servicemenoverseas i ndi cateash arpi nteresti nth ewayth emach i neryofde-mocracyi srunningath ome.Oneofth e h omefrontproblemswith

wh i ch th efigh ti ngman h assh ownconcerni sth atofth etreatmentaccordedAmerica'sciti zensofJapaneseancestry.GIJoeh asexpressed h i mself i n th e "letterstoth eedi tor"columns ofourdailyand week lynewspapers,and i n almosteverycase h eh asspok enoutfordemocracyregardlessofcolor,race ornationalorigi n.Th ePacifi cCiti zenh asreprintedsomeofth eseletters.Th ereh avebeenmanymore.Wh enth eci tycouncilofSunnyvale,Calif.,and someofth eci ti zensofKent,Wash .,took acti on i noppositi ontoth ereturnofJapaneseAmer-i canstoth esecommuniti es,th eywererep-ri manded bymenfrom th esecommuniti eswh owerefigh ti ngoverseas.Th eGlsfrom th ewestcoaststatesgrew

upwith th eNisei ,andaretodayfigh ti ngalongsideNisei soldiers,wh i lesomeofth ei rparentsandsomeofth ei relderspassres-olutionsagainstth esesameNisei .Andth eyoungveteransofth i ssecond World Warh avecarriedth i si nteresti nawork i ngde-

mocracyback i ntocivi li anlife.Th ereat-

titudeh asbeen,indeed,atvariancewith th e

majorveterans organizati ons ofth e i i rst

World War,li k eth eAmericanLegionandth eVFW,wh i ch h avebeen i nth eforefront

ofacampaign ofpersecutionofaciti zengroupon th egroundsofth elater'sracialancestry.Wh i leGl'Joeh asbeenfigh ti ngth eenemiesofdemocracyabroad,th eAmericanLegionandth eVFW h avebeentilti ngwith

th e i magi narygh ostsofanon-existentYel-lowPeril.Wh enrace-baitersbrough tth ei rh ate i n-

citementtoth ecampusofawestern uni-

versitylastspring,th esoldiers i ntraini ng

atth esch oolandth ewarveterans,someofth em woundedand disabled,were th eones wh odefendedth erigh tofJapaneseAmericanstudentstoattendth atuniversity.Th eAmericanfigh ti ngman h asnotbeen

sobusyfigh ti ngth eAxi senemiesth ath eh asi gnoredwh ati sh appeningath ome.

"One-ManCrusade"Th emerefactofth eenrollmentofa

studenti nacollege i san i nci dentth eli k eofwh i ch i srepeatedseveralh undredth ou-sand times th rough outth e country.Butwh enth atstudenti saJapaneseAmericanand th esch ooli s i nCalifornia,a h ornet's■esti ssti rredandeverybody,i ncludingacertainGeorgeKelley,wantstogeti ntoth eact.Itapparentlydoesnotmattertocertain

peopleth atEsth erTak ei h asreturnedtoPasadenawith th epermissi onofth eArmy,north atth i sli ttleslipofagirli sth orough lyloyaltoth ecountryofh erbirth .Nordoesi tseem tomatterth atninetypercentofh ersch oolmates h avewelcomed h er.Such factsas th ese don'tdeterth e GeorgeKelleyswh o,wh enfacedwith factsnottoth ei rli k -i ng,appearperfectlywilli ngtogoouttospendgoodtimefindi ngoth ersofsimi larpersuasion.Wedonotk now wh atGeorgeKelley i s

doingtowardth ewareffort.Butwedok now th ath i scurrentactivi ti es,i ncludingh i sannouncedattempt,wh i ch di dnotma-teriali ze,toleadamarch of"outraged"tax-payersontoth ecampusofPasadena J.C.,and h i sattemptto i ni ti ate h i s own pollofstudentopini on,arenotcontributi ngto-wardvictory,towarddemocracyortowardanyth i ng i nparticular,exceptperh aps to-wardth esomewh atsi ni stersatisfactionofth osewh owouldforceracistconflictstode-featth oseverypurposesforwh i ch wefigh taglobalwar.Wecanth i nk ofagoodmanyways i n

wh i ch a goodcivi li an American can h elpwin th e war.Butth eydotak estraigh tth i nk i ng,clearactionandgoodsense.Andth ere h asnotbeenmuch ofth esequaliti esexh i bi tedbyMr.Kelleyandth oseli k e h i mi nth ei rattack upona nineteenyearoldco-ed.Mr.Kelley h asno doubtach i eved th e

purposeofh i ssh amefulperformance,th atofbecomingsometh i ngofapublicfigureand getting h i sname i nth epapers.Butasfarash i s"one-mancrusade"i sconcerned,i ti s apparently j ustth atTh eLosAngelesTimesreportedonSept.27th atth ePasa-dena sch oolboard h adreceived 98letterson th e board's action i n accepting Mi ssTak ei asastudent.Ninety-sevenlettersap-provedth eaction.Th erewasoneletteri noppositi on—fromMr.Kelley.Th atj ustabouttellsth estoryofth epublic'sreaction.

Th eNativeSonsTh eNative Sons ofth eGoldenWest,

twentyparlorsful,h avemade i tk nown i fJoseph R.Farrington,territori aldelegate,i scorrecti nstatingth atHawai wantsnopartofth eJapaneseexclusioncontroversy,th enHawai i h ad.bestdiscardallh opeofattaini ngstateh ood,andth atsh emustfirst"bepre-paredtoacti nconcertwi th th ewh oleNa-ti onandnotattemptlocalsolutionofnation-alproblems."Th eNativeSonsmigh tberemindedth at

th eyareattemptingalocalsolutionofana-tionalproblem i n anti-Japanese Americanpropaganda,i nth ei rwi lfuli ndi scri mi natecriti ci sm ofth e'WRA,i nth ei rattemptstopropagandizeth eentirenation with th ei rbi tterracism,i nth ei reffortstopush anti-American legislationconcerning JapaneseAmericans th rough th e Congress ofth eUni tedStates.

niseiUSAbyLARRYTAJIRISTREETINCIDENTTh eoth erdaywesawaracistcrack poti naction.Hewasstand-i ngonastreetcornerattemptingto i mpressuponafewpassers-bywh owouldstoptolistentoh i mofth emenacetoAmericaofper-sonsofJapaneseancestry.Th ei n-cidenti tself i sofli ttle i mpor-tance,forh e wasso consumedwith race h atredth ath e h adth esameeffectth atanyranting,rav-i ng,angrymanwouldh aveonagroupofAmericans wh o weregoingatymtmindi ng th ei rownbusiness.Andi nci dentally,h ewasreportedlypick edupth enextdayfordisturbingth epeace.Wh atcallsth i si nci denttomindi sth atoneblock awayfrom th i sstreetcornerrace-baiterwemetth reeJapaneseAmericanveteransofth e Italiancampaign.Th erewasth atgreatgulfbetween i g-noranceandreason,betweenh ateandgood-will,wh i ch separatedth eracistonone streetcornerandth e JapaneseAmericansonth eoth er.Andasth esoldierswalk edaway,youwouldnoth avenoticedunless you look ed closely th ateach walk edwith asligh tli mp.Butunlessyouk newth esoldiersyouwouldnoth averealizedth ateach ofth eth ree h adleftalegsomewh erei nItaly.

""*.PROPAGANDATh ere i sonlyonefilm aboutWorldWarIIamongth e40fea-tureswh i ch Hollywoodh asdubbedwith French dialogueandsenttoth e movie h ouses ofliberatedFrance.Iti sunfortunateth atth i sone film aboutth i swari sth eWarner Broth ers feature, "AirForce."Th epeopleofFranceh avebeen i nsulated from th etruthth rough fouryearsofNazi occu-pation.Itnowappearsth atth eFrench willgetanoth erdietofficti oni f"AirForce"i sth eonlypicturewk i ch willtellofth eglo-balwar."AirForce"purportstotellaboutDec.7, 1941, i nHawai i .Th ereare Scenes ofafifth columnattack byresidentJapanese i n Maui onanArmyairfi eld. In th e film th e com-manderofHick am Fieldblamesth edamageth ereonsabotagebyJapaneseAmericans (wh o,accor-dingtoth epicture,ch oppedoffallth etai lsofth epursuitplanes,aswellasblock i ngth ereadslead-i n,?toth eairfi elds.)Th eh atredofoneofth efi lm'sch aractersforth e enemyi smotivatedbyth efactth ath i ssi sterwasrundownandsh otbyaJapaneseAmeri-can...Nobaserfalseh oodsh avebeenpropagatedaboutanyAmeri-can minori ty.Now th ese Holly-woodliesarebeingtoldtoalib-eratedEurope.

"""RED BULLDIVISIONTh e34th "RedBull"divi si ontowh i ch th e JapaneseAmericanCombatTeam h asbeenattach edi nrecentfigh ti ngi nItalyi soneofth e mostfamous Americanunitsofth i swar.Th e34th h asbeenoverseaslonger,andh asbeeni nth eli nelonger,th ananyoth erU.S.divi si on.Itwas th e RedBulldivi si onwh i ch provedwh ati stodayan h i stori cfact.Inacriti calperiodofth efi gh ti ngforTunisi a,th eAmericanswith th eRedBullsh oulderpatch metth emenofRommel'sAfri k aKorpsinafigh tforastrategich i ll.Th ebattlelastedth rough anigh tanda day.Wh en i twas overth eAmericans h adprovedth atth eyweremoreth anamatch forHit-ler's vaunted "supermen."Writ-i ngi nth eCh ri stmas,1942,i ssueofLife Magazine,Joh n Herseydescribesi tasaturningpointi nth ebattleagainstth eNazis.

"" "GOPNOMINEEIn San Francisco lastweek

Tom Deweydeclinedtocommentwh en ask ed h i s opini onon th epossibi li tyofareturnofJapa-nese American evacueesto th ewestcoast,excepttosayth ath econsidered th equestionofpar-ticulari mportancetoCalifornians.Hepromisedtoconferwith Gov-ernorWarrenandLieut.GovernorHouser,both ofwh om h avebeenvocallyantagonisti ctoth ereturnofth eevacuees.However,Deweydidnoti ssueanystatementonth equestionwh i le i nCalifornia,alth ough i nacampaignspeechlastMay h i srunningmate,Gov.Briek erofOh i o,th en stumpingth e countryforxth e Republican

presidentialnominati on,madetk .questionrevolvingaroundAmericans ofJapaneseancestryth »main featureofh i saddress i .Los Angeles Alth ough Brick edcallforlocaloptiononth erigh tofevacueestoreturn mayh amwonth eapprobationofth eHear*pressandsomeracistdieh ard.h i sspeech h adbadrepercussio"nationally.ExceptforonebbutatSecretaryIck es,Brick erh asavoi dedth i sparticulari ssuesina>th attime.Alth ough someRepublicancan.didates i n Californiali k eLi eutGov.Houserarecampaigni ngagainstth eNewDeal's"coddlingofJapaneseAmericans,th ereh asbeennoi ndi cati onofanyattemntbyth eRepublicanstomak eans.tionalcampaigni ssueofth eevac-ueesorevacuation.Onereasonforth i smaybeth atth eGOP j ,mak i ngspecialeffprttowinth eNegrovote,wh i ch conceivablycanh old th e balance ofpoweri ntwelvelarge populationcenterseastofth e Missi ssi ppi .An at-tack onanyminori tygroupwillh ayeanegativereactiononth eNegrovote,i nviewofth e con-cernwith wh i ch th eNegropressi nAmerica h asviewedth eevac-uationandrelocationofJapaneseAmericans,aswellasi tsinteresti n,th eproblemsofoth ernon-Can-casi angroups.

♦ ♦ *RACEVS.RACEOne ofth e arguments h eart

mostfrequentlybefore th e 1942evacuationwasth atth eremovalofth ewestcoastpopulationofJapaneseancestrywasnecessarylorth ei rownownprotection,th epropagatorsofth i svi ew citi ngcases ofviolenceby Fili pi nosagainstpersonsofJapanesean-cestry.Rumorsh adi tatth attimeth atth erewerescores ofsuchcases,alth ough onlyafewwereactuallyveri i i ed.One CaliforniaStateoffici ali sreportedto h avedeclared i nLosAngelesinFeb-ruary,1942,th atalargeCalifor-ni afarm organizati onh adreport-edmoreth anone h undredcasesofviolencesincePearlHarbor,al-th ough th enumberofcasesveri-fi edatth attime,mostofth emminori nci dents,waslessth anh alfah undred.With th epossibi li tyofanearlyreturnofth eevacueestoth ei rh omes,th erearerumorsagainofth eth reatofsuch vi o-lence.Byth efactofcircumstancesorbydesignth e h i storyofCalifor-ni a's i ndustrialagriculture h asbeen mark edbycompetiti onofvari ous i mmi grantgroupsi nth efield oflabor,wh i ch h ash adadepressingeffecton th ewagestructure.Race h as beenpittedagainstrace andnationalgroupsagainstnationalgroupsonth eh uge absentee-owned farms ofsunnyCaliforniavalleys.Th e stratifi cati on ofminori tygroupsaccordingtoancestryben-efi tsonlyth osewh owouldexploitth eeffectsofsuch disuni ty.Th erecently announced objecti veofth e Fili pi no InterOommuh i tycounciltowork forth eperman-entexclusionofpersonsofJap-aneseancestryatteststoth e i n-

fluenceofth osewh owouldunu«th eFili pi nosasan i nstrumentofpossible violence.Th e situationcalls forstatesmansh i p on ue

partofFili pi noAmericanleaderwh orealizeth atth esecurityoth ei rminori tycannotbei gaineoatth e expenseofanoth er,


th i sregard, i tsh ouldbe nowth atth ereh asbeena«*""*efforton th epartofnationalFi li pi noAmericanleaderstopre-sentaccurate i nformationonwevacuationandrelocation«*aneseAmericans,andtoms**disti ncti onbetweenth eJ»P"f,Americanand th e enemyJ«P

nesewh o h aveoverrunth emi ppi nes.


Sexson,superintendentofsenw ■inPaaadena,reportedon*gjth at90percentofth e"""JB,atPasadenaJuniorCollegendJ■i ng100warveterans,nave ■corned th e admissi on of««Esth erTak ei ,19-y€«oldZ%MofJapanese ancestry,wsch ool.

PACIFIC CITIZENSaturday,September3Q. j l

PACIFICCITIZENOffici alPublicati onofth e <*@*>

J»HMi i AmericanCi ti MM T——r

NationalHeadqaarten:418-15Baawm Build-i ng,25EaatSecondSouth Street,SaltLak eCity,Utah .Edi tori alandBusinessOffice:415Reason

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Subscripti onRates:JACLmembers,$2.00year.Non-members,$2.60year.

Enteredassecondclassmatterinth epostofficeatSaltLak eCi ty,Utah .Publish edweek ly,underth eactofMarch 8,1879.



VagariesOutofBoundsA j i paneseAmerican


veteranofth eItaliancampaign,'i vedmawesternci tyrecently""Cough .Inth efoxh oles oftalvh eh addreamedofsuk i -yak i ,Somesuch di sh .Hewentto1ofth eseveralJapaneseop-ntedrestaurants i nth ecity—?dwasrefusedservice.HewasSi th atth eJapaneserestaurantsh Artcitywere"outofbounds"*„"wh i te"soldiers,th eserviceLgonnelservedbeingrestrictedtoNegroes.Alth ough h e h ank er-dforOrientalfood,h ewastoldSath emusteati nth erestau-JJJts wh i ch catered to "wh i te"j erri cemen.

GIPropertyIt'i Announced th atth eprop-ertyrigh tsofAmerican soldiersofJapaneseancestryi nCaliforniawillbeprotecteddespiteth epre-j entState-sponsoredli ti gati ontgunstallegedviolationsofth estate'santi-ali enlaws...InoneCalifornia county according toth e Ch ri sti an Science Monitor,h owever,th estate i nsti tutedes-ch eatproceedingsagainstayoungNisei woman-with onebroth eri nth eArmy,now h ospi tali zed,an-oth erabouttobedrafted,asis-teri nth enurses'cadets,andan-oth er(th ewifeofaserviceman)work i ngforth eUnitedCh ari ti esi nCh i cago...

"""CoastReturnTh e San FranciscoCh roni cle'sTh i sWorldmagazinelastSundayreported: "Allalong th e WestCoastloyalJapaneseAmericanswere slowlybeingreturned toth ei rh omesand j obsandsch ools."Th e account was titled "Th eNatives'Return."...However,th ereh asbeennolarge-scalere-tarnofevacueesto th ePacifi ccoast.Only a h andfulh ave re-ceivedth e permissi onofth eWestern Defense Command,and

'i nch permissi oni sbeingi ssuedonan i ndi vi dualbasis...It'sh i nt-edth atth ereh avebeenstrongundercoverpressuresonth eArmytowith drawpermitsgi venJapa-neseAmericans toreturntoth ecoast.Afew h oth eadsandracistcrack potsareopenlysh outi ngagainstth ereturn ofeven th eNisei ofunquestionedloyalty,butth erealpressures arebeingex-ertedbeh i nd-th e-scenes...Mean-wh i le,moreandmorenewspapersandcommunityleadersareback -i ngth erigh tsofloyalJapaneseAmericans.

* "*CampaignBiyRegionliberals jnCalifor-»»«reouttodefeatRepresenta-UveAlbert Carterbecause ofwrter'g reactionary record i nundress.Li k emanyoth erCoastreactionaries, Carter i sviolentlyanti-Ni sei .Runningforre-election«i th eCalifornia6th Di stri ctIwntraCostracounty,)Carter'scampaign pamph letcarries th enwtto "Sendth e Japs Back to"Pan. Carter'scampaignlitera-

also decla«»:"He iscon-i nga Constituti onalamendwntth atwilldenyth erigh tofciti zensh i ptoa Japanesesimply"cause h e i sborn h ere.".....'m'vIs°PP°s«i byunitedlaborndliberalgroups,i ncludingCIO-i ?"Liberals are back i ng h i sdemocraticopponent,GeorgeMil-former Alameda assembly-

♦ ""EvacuationTh erecentdemandbya Maz-Mm?n/wspaperforth e i ntern-Z?°?PersonsofJapanesean-««ryi ndi catesth atMexico h asel,,Ti ed out***larse-scaleTmi i Onandrelocation ofi tsi 7?PonsofJapanesedescent.wL tlmeofth eevacuationof*estcoastresidentsofJapanesePMMitage i n th eUni ted Statesm2°»moved■Mneofi tsJap-Sr-t

an i nteri °rcampnear«eacoCity...ManyJapaneseL"°h »ve i ntermarried,andtioth a\e h eld i mportantposi-Sn«llnMexicancommuniti es...peak i ngofevacuation,th ereare■cX,r!?urrentPressuresforth eRationofBrazil's200,000Japffi mostofwbom Uve i nSeM22?Province wh ereth eyawtto*fannersandabajfk mmn.

Notetoth eHotHeadsFromth ePaloAltoTimes:k . ■

SSLSZ ASedPerBOnalWOrth i n-W erwh i £citi zenpitti ng h i sownprejudi ceagainstth esoberandcarefuljudgmentofth eauth ori ti es,migh tassumeth encr

&&£*£&*<?"=£Iti saparadoxicaltraitth atisexposedwh enci ti zenswh ocondemn"th eJaps"becauseofth ei rracialcoh esi ^nessandfailuretobecomeassimi lated i ntoAmericanli fepersistalsoi nclosmgtigh tth edoorsi ntoAmericani zati oni ndi scri mi natelyagainstallNisei onth eth eoryth at"ai tni M i ap; rfunto■ccwditaNisei >BUnitedStateswh enh e h asdemonstratedth atattitudebyacleanrecordofconductandservice,wewi llbegivi ngh i m nooptionbuttoalign h i mselfonth eenemyside.Wesh ouldnotallowth atto h appen.—Aneditori ali nth ePaloAlto,Calif.,DailyTimesofSept.25.

THEGARDENInth eWinterof1941

ByTosh i oMori

ASh ortStory

h verynowandth enTom Yamash i tagotupfrom h i sch ai randlook edoutofth ewi ndowtosee i fi twerestillraini ng.Each time,notingth eh eavydownpour,h epausedbyth ewi ndowandcluck edh i stongue."Wh ymusti train?Itsh ouldn'train.Ih aveplentyofwork piledupnow.Wh ydon'tth i ngsgosmooth lyforme?"h ecri edti meandagain.Hisfath er'sfriend,PapaHarada,ch uck ledandslowly

sh ook h i sh ead."Th eweath er,career,th eworld...allth esame.Iti sonematter.Sometimes i tdoesnotj elli nth eman-neryouwish ."Tomrejoi nedth eoth ersbyth efi resi de.MamaHaradaplac-

edanoth erlog i nth efi re.Hersecond daugh terJeancameh urryi ngi nwi th h otcoffeeanddough nuts."Comeon,Tom,"criedMi noruHarada,slappingh i sfri end

onth eback ."Sh ak eoffth eblues.Th i s i sourh oli day.Youk now,th egardeners'vacation."

Th etwooldmenlaugh edandnoddedth ei rh eadsapprov-i ngly."Th at'si t,boy,"agreedTom'sfath er."It'spartofth egame.Tak e i tas i tcomes.Sureenough ,th reestraigh tweek sofraini stoomuch buti twillstop.Somedayth esunwillcomeoutandyouwillh aveenough work ."

JeanpouredacupofcoffeeforTom."Th ey'rerigh t,Tom.Ch eerupandmak eyourselfcomfortable.Myboyfriendmusn'tbeasourpuss."Tom didnotsmile.Heacceptedth ecupandplaced i ton

th etable.Hiseyesturnedi nth edi rectionofth ewindow."Iti sn'tj ustth erain.It'ssometh i ngmore,Jean.I'mworriedaboutyourgardenandmygardenandeveryoth ergarden.Th ei rfateisgoingtoaffectourlives.""Wh atdoyoumean,Tom?Th egardenswi lltak ecareof

th emselves,"laugh edPapaHarada."Rain,sun,wind...th eycannotk i lli t.Howwilli tberuined?"Th eoldfolk sandth eyoungturnedcuriouslyonth eyoung

man.Georgie,th eth i rteenyearoldboywh oli k esGeneAutrypictures,dimmed h i sfavoriteradioprogram."War,"Tom saidquietly."Bywar."Th eroom becamesi lent.MamaHarada'sfaceturnedatrifle

sallow,th i nk i ngofh eroldestson i nth eUni tedStatesArmy.Jeanlook edath ermoth erwith concern.Finallywith gustoTom'sfath erbrok eth esilence."Th erewillbenowari nth ePacifi c.Neveri nourlifeti me.

Myboy'scrazy.He'stoomuch ofapessimi st,"h edeclared."Tom doyouth i nk th erewillbeawarbetweenth eUnited

StatesandJapan?"MamaHaradaask edanxiously.Tom look edath i sfath erandth enpapaHarada.Idont

nC""Iprayforpeace,"Minorucriedfervently."Givemeth i rtyyearsofpeaceandI'llgeton i nth eworld.WeNisei areth eluck i estguysi nth eworldtobebornandraisedi nth eUni tedStates.Wegotafigh ti ngch anceh ere.Betterstak eandoppor-tunityh ereth ananywh ereelse i nth eworld."Li ttleGeorgielaugh ed."He'sgoingtobeagreatsinger/"Allrigh t,Georgie.You k eepstill,"orderedMinoru.He

eagerlyturnedonTom."I'mgoingtotrymyh ardestandbe-comeasinger.Myteach ersaysIgotagoodvoice.Idon't

li k egardeningth ewayyoudosoI'm quitti ngatth efi rstch ance.LM[studyafewyearsI'lldevelopi ntoagoodsinger."MamaHaradasmiled."Minoruwantstobeasingermore

*an"Bnetteri nh eesh ouldstick toth efami lytraditi on.. garden-

i ne"PapaHaradasaid."Betterh esh oulduse h i svocalch ords

on'h i s h i red h elpandmak emoneyrigh taway.Tom rose once morefrom h i sseatand approach edth e

wi ndow Hisfath er'seyesfollowedh i smovementswi thconcern.

mSMmmmand«?TeS'forKeti tsdangerandpossibi li ty,"criedTom."It

ortwoofrelaxationth i safternoon...to

forgetawh i le,"h i sfath ersaid.Tomreturnedtoh i sseat,leavingJeanalonebyth ewindow.

"Pop,areyoutak i ngth i swarpossibi li tyligh tly?"Hisfath ersh ook h i s h eadand h i sfi gureslumped i nth e

ch ai r.PapaHaradaaddedanoth erlog inth efirewith outacomment.Minoruperk edupbrigh tly."Well,IguessIh ave th eonlych eerfultopic,"h e sai d.

"Let'stalk aboutmysingi ngcareer.Itwon'tcostanyth i ngorh arm anyone.""Fine!"criedTom'sfath er."Th at'sth espiri t."JeancameovertoTom's sidewith ach eck erboard table.

"Please,Tom,formysak eandyourdad's.We'llplaych eck ersagainandseewh owill-winth i stime.""I'llwinagain!"criedLi ttleGeorgiebringi ngh i sch ai rup."Allrigh t,Jean,"Tom agreed.Th eydrewlots,andLittleGeorgieandMinorustartedth e

eli mi nati on game.Jeanwentaroundofferingcoffeeanddough -nuts.Wh enTomfini sh ed h i ssecondcuph egotupi nsearch ofamatch .Jeanwatch ed h i m movi ngftvertoth ewi ndow andlook i ngout."Is.itstillraini ng,Tom?"sh eask ed.Tom nodded."Plenty,"h esai d.Sh ecrossedth eroom and j oi nedh i m,andth eeyesofth e

youngandth eoldwaitedth ei rreactionwh i leth eroom becamesti ll.


Elementsbeh i ndth ewestcoast'spersecutionofJapaneseAmericansh adadominantfingeri nth epieatth eAmericanLegionnationalconventionlastweek i nCh i cago,j udgi ngfromth eresolutions th atwerepassed.Th eLegionasabodyh asbeenperennialabouti tsreso-

lutionsdi rectedagainstAmericanresidentsofJapanese'descent,butth i sti meth eresolutionswerenotable i nth atth eycarrieddeliberatemisrepresentationsaboutth efunctions ofth eWarrelocation auth ori tywh i ch h avebeen h eardrepeatedlyonth ePa-ci fi ccoastdespitefrequentoffici -alcorrections.Th elegionnairesurgedcongresstoabolish th eWarRelocationAu-th ori tyandturn controlofall"Japanese"i nAmerica overtoth earmy.Th eyalsocalledupon

WRAto h altrelocationfrom th eTule Lak e centerwh i ch , th eypointedout,i slorJapanesewh oexpressedadesireforrepatriati ontoJapanorwh orefusedtopledgeallegiancetoth eUnitedStates.anoth ermeasuresough tto

guarantee th atno Japanesena-tionalswouldberelocatedfromWKA centers with out"exh aus-ti ve"i nvestigati onand h eari ngs.Actually,as anyone wh o h as

poth eredtoseek th efactsk nows,th earmyh asonseveraloccasionsdeclined to acceptresponsibi li tyforoperatingth erelocationcen-tersand i ndi cated i tswilli ngnessco h ave th e WKA continue i tsfunctions.Th e WRA h as nevermade i tapolicytorelocateper-sonsfrom th eTuleLak esegrega-ti on centerexcept i n i solatedcaseswh ere,afterth orough i nves-tigati on,i th asbeenprovedth atsegregationwas i nerror.Asforth eexh austivei nvestiga-tionofJapanesenationalspriortorelocation,certainlynooth ersegmentofth eAmericanpopula-tionh asbeensoth orough lycross-examined,finger-printed,cata-logued, ph otograph ed,question-nairedandoth erwi sei nvestigated.With outmak i ngth eri di culous

ch arge ofcoddling i n j ustsomanywords,th eLegion i mpli esby i tsresolutions th atWRA'spolicy i snotconsistentwith th eLegion'si deasofAmericani sm.Unfortunately,despiteth elib-

eraloutlook ofmanyleadingLeg-i onnai res,th e Legionoften h asbeen i denti fi ed with th e forcesofreaction.Th i s latestsetofresolutionsdonoth elptodispelth i s i mpression.Infact,th ereso-lutions are practically i denti cali n i ntentwith th emouth i ngsofth e Costello sub-section ofth eDi escommitteeandoth ernotor-i ousrace-baiti nggroupson th ewestcoast.Ifth eLegionwere actingonth e h i gh motives enunciatedbyGen.Th eodoreRoosevelt,Jr.,andoth ersofi tsfounders,i twouldh avedenouncedandcalledforani nvestigati onofth egroupsandintereststh atdemand continuedrestricti onsofth erigh tsofAmer-i canci ti zensofJapaneseorigi n.Itwould demand th e endofprej udi .ee and discri mi nati onagainstJapanese Americans onaccountofraceorancestry,andwould urgerecogniti onofth ei rloyalcooperation i n th eevacua-tionandth evi talrolesth eyh aveplayedoneverybattlefrontandath ome.Many i ndi vi dualLegionnaires,andanumberofposts,publiclyh ave recognizedth epositi onofJapanese Americans and h avegoneoutofth ei rwaytoletth etruth bek nown.Butth ei rposi-tions cannotbutbe weak enedwh enth enationalorganizati oni stak eni nby,andpublici zes,dam-aginguntruth s.Iti snotpossibleforth eLe-giontopleadignoranceofth efacts ormisunderstanding.Th ei ssues h avebeen madetoowellk nown.Th erefore i tonlycanbeconcludedth atth eLegion,sofarasth eJapaneseAmerican prob-lem i sconcerned, h as j oi nedth eracistsagain i nespousingadan-gerouslyun-Americanprogram.



Th e i nfluentialSan FranciscoCh roni cleonSept.25 ask edforanexplanationofastatementbyGovernorOsbornofArizonath ath i sstateandth eWarRelocationAuth ori ty h ave an agreementwh erebyno JapaneseAmericansaretobereleasedfromArizonaforresettlementwith outth estate'sapproval."AnypersonofJapaneseorigi nwh owouldbereleasedfrom Ari-zonacampsforresettlementareciti zensofth e Uni ted States,"th e Ch roni cle asserts. "We donotk now wh atrigh tanystateh astosaywh ereciti zensofth eUni tedStatessh allorsh allnotlive."Iti sforth eArmytosayi fth e emergency i soveras farasth ese i ndi vi dualsareconcern-ed,andnostate h asanycolorofrigh ttomeddle."Wh atrigh th as th eWarRe-locationAuth ori tytoletanystateth usi nterferewith th erigh tsofcftizens?" th e Ch roni cle ask s."Wh atrigh th as i tto'h oldupth ereleaseofciti zenswh om th eArmy i s willi ngto letgo? IfWRA i sdoingth i s,i ti s i mpri s-oningciti zensofth eUnitedStateswith outash adowofauth ori ty."

" * *PALO ALTOTIMESStraigh t"Th i nk i ngTh eDailyPaloAltoTimesofSept.16denounced"th ei ndi scri m-i nati ngraceh atredrepresentedbyth e'a Jap'saJap'attitude"i nan editori altitled,"Atimeforstraigh tth i nk i ng.""In view ofth e i ncreasingnumberofJapaneseAmericanswh o,foronereasonoranoth er,arebeingallowedtofilterbacktoth ePacifi ccoast,i ti s i mper-ativeth atstraigh tth i nk i ng i nter-vene to preventi nj usti ceofamostflagrantsort,"th e Ti mesdeclared."Tosayth ataNisei wearingth ePurpleHeartisnodifferentfrom abanzai-sh outi ngmemberofTojo'sarmy i sasignofbig-otryofwh i ch anyAmericansh ouldbe ash amed—and bywh i ch allAmericans sh ould be alarmed,"saidth eTimes."Noristh ewearerofaYankmedalth eonlyJapaneseAmeri-canwh oh asdemonstratedloyaltyand earned respect.Th ere areth ousandsofth emwh o h avenotonlytak enbanish mentfromth ei rh omesi nafinespiri tbuth avedevotedth ei renergiestocombat-tingbitternessamongrelocateesand h elpi ngwith th edi ffi cultad-j ustments—allwith a view tobuildi ngaunifi edpostwarAmer-i ca."

PACIFIC CITIZENLaitJey,September80,1944


ANNNISEI'SCOLUMNHome-MadeFoodForMenOverseasTh i sweek andnextyou'llwanttoprepareoverseasfoodpack agesforyourfriendsi nth earmy.Sinceh omemade cook i esandcak earei nfi ni telypreferableto commer-cially-madefoods,trytomak eev-eryth i ngyourself.Yourfood pack agemigh tin-

cludefruitcak e,ch ocolatebrown-i es,andcandiedorangepeel,allofwh i ch willk eepverywelli fcarefullypack ed:

FRUITCAKE8cupssiftedflour1teaspoonbak i ngpowderV*teaspoonsaltIV6teaspoonscinnamon1teaspoonallspice1teaspooncloves1teaspoonnutmeg1cupsh ortening2cupssugar6eggs,well-beaten% cupsh erry4cupsnutmeats1pack ageraisi ns

3% cupßfruitcak emixFruitcak emixcanbebough tallreadytogoi ntoyourcak e,oryoucanusecandiedorangeandgrape-fruitpeel,candiedpineappleandcitron.Directions:Mixflour,bak i ngpowder,saltandspices,andmixth ree times.Cream sh ortening,addsugargradually,beatingun-tilligh tandfluffy.Beati neggs,th ensh erry,nutsandfruit.Sifti nflourmixture. Turn into2greased,paper-linedloafpansandbak e1toVA h ours,oruntildoneat300degrees.Removepaperandcooloncak erack .Wrapcold cak e i nwaxedpaperandstorei ncoveredcon-tainers.Recipemak estwogood-sizedlloaves.'

CHOCOLATEBROWNIES% cupsiftedflour% teaspoonbak i ngpowderJ/2 teaspoonsalt1cupch oppednutsVscupsh ortening1cupsugar2eggs,wellbeaten% teaspoonvanilla2squaresch ocolate,meltedMixandsi ftflour,bak i ngpow-derandsalt;stiri nnuts.Creamsh orteninguntilsoft;graduallybeati nsugar,th eneggs,vanillaandch ocolate. Stiri nflour-nutmixture.Turnintogreased,sh al-low 8-inch squarepanandbak ei nmoderateoven(350 degrees)for30-36mi nutes.Cuti nsquaresbeforeremovingfrompan.Mak esapproximately16squares.CANDIEDORANGEPEELPeelfrom 4oranges2cupssugarRemovepeelfrom oranges i nlength wi sesections.Coverwithcoldwater,bringtoboilandcookunti ltender.Drain,savingwater.Scrapeoutwh i tei nnerportionofpeelwith teaspoonandcutpeeli ntoth i nstri pswi th scissors.Dis-solvesugar i n 1cupwateri nwh i ch peelwascook ed,boilun-tilsyrupth reads. Addpeelandcook unti lmostofsyruph asbeenabsorbed.Drain,spreadonwaxedpaperandletdryovernigh t.Rolli ngranulatedsugar,sh ak etore-moveexcesssugar,th enstorei nti gh tlycoveredcontainer.

ColoradoGroupTo Open Figh t

OnAmendmentAnti-Ali enIniti ati veAimedatPersonsofJapaneseAncestry

DENVER,Colo.— Formedforth epurposeofcombattingracialdiscri mi nati on,th eColoradoCom-mitteeforFairPlayfiled i ts i n-corporationpapersonSept.22.Itwasannouncedth enew or-ganizati onspecifi callywouldcom-batth e "vici ous,discri mi natoryandun-Americanprinci ples em-bodied i nAmendmentNo.3,th eanti-Ali enAmendment."Itwasalsostatedth atfactualdatawillbecollected,andapub-li ci tycampaignwillbeconducted"toaidth eelectorsi nunderstand-i ngth erath erambiguouslyword-edamendment,wh i ch aimstode-privealiens i neli gi bletociti zen-sh i pofth erigh t'toacquire,h old,ordisposeof'realproperty i nth eStateofColorado."Th eamendment,wh i ch i sonth eNovemberballotbypopularini ti a-tive,i saimedatpersonsofJapa-neseancestryi nth eState.Th edi rectorsofth eneworgan,izati onareProf.W.LewisAbbott,ColoradoSprings;Prof.W.D.Ar-mentrout,Greeley;SaraRoeBau-er,Pueblo;FarringtonCarpenter,Hayden;Clark P.Garman,Den-ver; Donald Mitch ell, Delta;JamesPatton,Denver;R. B.Spencer,FortMorgan;and,BenStauffer,Rock yFord.Th eofficesofth ecommitteeareat621 Mack Buildi ng,Denver2.C.P.Garmani ssecretary-treas-urer.Sponsorsofth ework arebe-i ngsolici ted,aswellascontribu-tionsforth epublici tyfund.


castingforth efi rsttimeoveranyofth e localradio stations,th eHawai i anSerenadersofth e171stInfantryBattalion,Sep.,wereguestentertainerson th e "Rev-ei lleNews"broadcastonWFOR,Hattiesburg,Miss.,on Sept.20.Ledby Pfc.Steve Watanabe,membersofth e Serenaders i n-clude StaffSgt.Ken Ok amoto,StaffSgt.RobertSh i mabuk u,T/5Frank Suzuk i ,andPfc.Rob-ertTerauch i .

Milwauk eeNiseiHonorVeteranOfItalyCampaignMILWAUKEE,Wis.—Th emil-

wauk eeNisei Councilh onoredatadinneronSept.27areturnedwarveteran,Capt.Mitsuyosh i Fu-k udaofth e100th InfantryBattal-i on,wh oi sspendingh i sfurloughwith h i swi feand i nfantsonatth ei rh ome i nMilwauk ee.Capt.Fuk uda,anativeofHa-wai i ,wasrecently awarded th eSilverStarforgallantryin ac-tion.ElmerL.Sh i rrell,formerCh i -cago area supervisorforth eWRA,wasth emai nspeak eratth edi nnerwh i ch wasattendedbyJapaneseAmericansrelocated i nth eMilwauk eearea.HenrySak emi ,formerlyofPos-ton,wasch ai rman,and wasas-sisted i narrangementsbyMak iIch i yasu,SamMinami ,RioKash -i wagi ,Masao Satow and Mrs.GeorgeSaito.

JACLPresidentWillVisi tNi sei GroupsInMidwest,East

Sab.uroKido,nationalpresidentofth eJACL,leftSaltLak eCityonSept.23onanextendedtourofMiddleWesternandEasterncommuniti es.Mr.Kido,wh owillattendth e

SupremeCourth eari ngson-th eEndo and Korematsu cases i nWash i ngton,willvisi tJACLmem-bersandgroupsduring h i ssix-week stour.Heexpectstomeetwith groupsi nNewYork ,Cleveland,Cinci n-nati,Ch i cago,Milwauk ee,Minne-apolis,St.Paul,Detroit,DaytonandBoston.

CALLINGAllCh apters!

ByHitoOk ada

CONTRIBUTIONSWe wi sh to ack nowledge th efollowing contributi ons receivLatNational Headquarters3week : Mr.HenryT Tanimi ."$5.00,Topaz,Utah ;Mr.A&Bonus,$1.00,Seattle,Wash andDr.andMrs.Rich ardHori oSLincolnAvenue,Detroit8,MioMgan. ' cm"

Th ePacifi cCi ti zenreceivedananonymouscontributi onofj i nnnfromasoldier,APOSanFrand"JWecertainlyappreciateth econtnbutionasi twi llcoverth ecostofanumberofcopiesofth eP«cifieCiti zennow goinggratistomanylocaliti esasapublicre]a.tionsmedium.OVERSEASGIFTSNational(Headquartersh asbeenwork i ngonaCh ri stmaspresentprojectforth eboysoverseasbuttodateh asnotreceivedareplyfromth eh eadquartersofth eFifthArmy,grantinguS permissi ontosendgifts.Th etimebeingsh ortth i sprojecth astobeabandonedbutarrangementsh avebeenmadetosh i pbook stoourboysi nth eh ospi talsandth efi rstbatch h asgonewith th ebook sbeingpur-ch asedbycontributi onsofSlOfleach from th eofficestaffandth ei rfamili es.Th ei ni ti alcontrib-utionswerefrom,LarryTaj i ri ,Saburo Kido,MineKido,HitoOk ada,HanaOk ada,Th elmaTak -eda,AliceKorenaga,Kimi ToyotaTamaSak ai ,andAtsuk oMori.Ifyouare i nterestedi n j oi ni ngth i sprojecttorememberourboys i nth eh ospi talsoverseas,yourcon-tributi onswillbeappreciated,butsend i ti npromptly.MANYTHANKSWe h avebeenadvisedth atMr,Jack Aramak i wasth eh osttoouitouringlectureduo,Pfc.Th om-asHigaandJoeMasaok aonth ei rrecentvisi ttoPrice,Utah . Wearei ndebtedtoh i mforth emeet-i ngplace,banquet,andmanyoft.erfavors.

Saturday,September30lulPACIFIC CITIZEN6


SoySauce,Miso,Tofu,Riceandallk i ndsofOrientalFood

149W.Divi si onSt.CallDELaware 1816

T.N.Asato Ch i cago10,111.


ForJapaneseProvisi onsCALLFUJIMOTO'S909 E.43rdStreetTeleph oneDRExel3303DeliveryService"


Jess Kalawaia'sHOME STUDY COURSEIncludes:aguitar,pick s,bar,music,and instruc-tionsei th erbynotesornumbers.

I Complete artqcaCourse

_ tfJ-.UIPlussalestaxandsh i ppi ng

ch arges

"""*We Also Stock

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"MARTIN UKELELES$12.00plussalestaxandsh i ppi ngch arges

JessKalawaiaHawai i anStudio42y2 S.MAINST.|SaltLak eCity 5-8380


MOTORS-New&RewiredNEW FAN -(16-in.)fi tssh aftsizesy2-in.— >/4-in.

Also5/8-in.RealJapaneseAj i nomotoJAPANESEFOODS



Room andBoardRelocationServiceto



3608 S.Ellis.AyeTeleph one:ATLantic4669CHICAGO.ILLINOISTom M'aeda,Mgr.




NEW YORKLIFEINS.CO.AssetsoverSBi lli onDollars(AMutualCompany)Inquiri esWelcome

325Walk erBank Bldg.SaltLak eCi ty,Utah

Ph ones:Office5-2841;Rn.S-6675



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100% Virgi nWoolJersey,52 i n.wide,$1.95peryardCompleteRangeofColors

Warm Woolens,HeavyNapforCoats,Firm Mannish WoolensforSuits—Easy.to-Mold,Ligh t-Weigh tWoolens,SoftandFineforDresses.— Sk i rtEnds,PantsLength s.

"""BIE9O"«tNewStrutters,Luanas,Crepes— forSlack s,DressesandSportswear

"L.B.WOOLEN&TRIMMING CO.530S.LosAngelesStreetLosAngeles13,California




IPortrait,Wedding,Panorama,IPh otoCopies,Enlargements



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DENVER,COLORADOClosedMonday KB900611a.m.to12Mi dni gh t



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Fi neFoodsaSpecialty"MeetYourFriendsHere"


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_ _...$1.60BeginnersReaderi nKanaandPracticeBook $«W

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JOZO SUGIHARA1775XeniaStreet Ph one:East4923


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Dr.Deutsch QuestionsDeweyStatementonCoastEvacuees0/itryCommanderH,,FullAuth ori ty,HeWrite*Ch roni cle

cufFRANCISCO—Dr.Monroe.Deutsch ,provostofth eUniver.1ofCaliforniaandprominent\lberofth eCommitteeonAm-

andFai rPlay,

i i week questionedastatement"Lby presidentialcandidatemaE Deweyregardingth eSTmofpersonsofJapanesean-i Ltoth ewestcoast.Th eSanFranciscoCh roni cleofJit.19reportedDeweyassay-LJth at'h e"expectstogetfirst-Li i nformationonth equestionTh ereturnofwartimeevacuat-h DanesetoPacifi cstates'from»oeoplewith wh om Iconfertoweek 'i nCalifornia."Iti salittlediffi culttounder-bid wh at th i s means," Dr.Bitsch declaredi nalettertoth eCh roni clepublish edonSept.25."Sinceth eJapaneseandAmer-i anJapanesewereremovedfromtoareabyth emili taryauth ori -tyth ei rreturnwillnottak e

PlacenMtHth emi li taryauth ori ti espermit.Butwh entt/mili ta"

Statingth ati ti snotlegallypossibletopreventAmericaSzens, wh atever th ei r ancestryfromreturningtoCaliforniaafterwnr«T eilmovementh asbeenlifted,Dr.Deutsch ask ed i fDeweywere"followingth ep\thth ath e favored allowing eachcommim.tytodeterminewh eth erLE»sh ouldbeallowedto"Iamsureth atGovernorDewevwouldbeoneofth efi rsttoem-ph asi zeth e i mportanceoflivi ngfullyuptoth eConstituti on,"saidDr.Deutsch ."Th i ssh ouldbedone,h owever,notmerelyi nth ose i n-stanceswh erepopularsupporti sreadilyobtainable,butevenforth osewh omaymomentarilybeunpopulari nth eeyesofsomeofourpeople.Surely,wh enonereadsofth eh eroi cdeedsofth eAmeri-cansofJapanesedescenti nItalyandseesth ecommendationgiveni ?,eJ2 yLieutenantGeneralMark Clark ,wh enonescansth elistofJapanesenamesamongth ewoundedandamongth edead,h eh asnorigh tto treatth em asth ough ttieyare anyth i ngoth erth anloyalciti zensofth eUnitedStates."

GilaRiverNiseiOrdainedasPastorRIVERS,Ariz.—CliffordNak a-deerawawastobeordainedamin-!Rter i nth ePresbyterian ch urch<»tCh anel59onSunday.Sept.24,accordingtoth eGi laNews-Cour-i er.

VitalStatisti csBIRTHS

(918-M,TuleLak e)agirlonSept.

M,Tr°<,,¥&AanlMrs-Katsush i geSes*12' LBk B)a**"To Mr.and Mrs.Kazuyosh i

ToMr.andMrs.Sh i getoYama-fWn-KT»,eli k e,.*„"T°yZn£&Mrs-Yosh i toKosh i -TLSun*"cUk e)aboy(2418-P,Tule Lak e)aboyonoept.4.JF%}&»ni Mrs-MitsuoMatsuna-Sept!4 ' Lak e)aboyonT°%n\anLMrs-Matsuj i Han-zawa(8011-CD,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.5./Jo a,ndTMrs-FredSuk i moto(518-CVTuleLak e)aboyonSept.ToMrandMrs.Yosh i ak i Hira-onVSe 02"E>TnleLak e)aPrlToMr.andMrs.Unosuk eKoy-ama(7618-1,TuleLak e)aboyo*Sept-6.i '

To Mr.and Mrs.NobusuguSasano(2604-A,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.7.ToMr.andMrs.IsamuKane-tomo(6814-D,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.7.,ToMr.andMrs.Yosh i mori Kur-ok awa(5315-E,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.7.ToMr.andMrs.WataruSue-on (t44(M'A

'Tnle****'>a*»**ToMr."andMrs.Yosh i o Sugi-ok a(515-B 1,TuleLak e)aboyon Sept.9.,T?Mr.andMrs.JoeNak ao(47--13-B,TuleLak e)aboyonSept.

/J!?-dMrs"SMnobuTak eta£S?6 Lak e)a>drlf1ToMr.and Mrs.Tomio Ok a-moto(5312-A,TuleLak e)agirl

onSent.11.ToMr.andMrs.Yosh i oTok u-sh i ge(308-5-C,Poston)agirlonSent.15.ToMr.andMrs.CyrusSatosJifTwasak i (215-7-B,Poston)agirl

onSeDt.15.ToMr.andMrs.Fuj i mura(13-

-8-l>.Rah wer)aboyonSept.8.ToMr.andMrs.K.Asewa(20-

-4-F.Roh wer)aeirlonSept.10.ToMr.and Mrs.HenryTTsuiMO-3-D,Roh wer)agirlonSept.

ToMr.andMrs.Tom Mak i no(13-2-A,Roh wer)agirlonSept.14.ToMr.andMrs.M.Eei (24-8-

TD.Roh wer)aboyonSept.14.ToMr.andMrs.S.Kozesa(A-

-8-K.Roh wer)aerirlonSept.15.ToMr.andMrs.N.Kabash i ma(4-3-F.Roh wer aboyonSept.16.ToMr.andMrs.Tominaea(23-

-3-V.Roh wer)aenrlonSepfTl9.ToMr.andMrs.Kivosh lAso(29-9-B,GilaRi ver)agirlonSept.17.ToMr.andMrs.K>i i oh i Naica-

'mura(52-R-D,GilaRiver)aboyonSept.14.ToMr.andMrs.Yosh i oRich -ardNisli i h ara(10H-BE,Granada)aboyonSept.16.ToMr.andMrs.GeorgeTTosh i -vama(7TT-48,Granada)aboyonSent.15.ToMr.andMrs.KayKinosh i ta

(17-16-D,TTeartMountain)aboyonSept.15.ToMr.and Mrs.AlbertTan-

ouve(24-19-A.HeartMountain)agirlonSept-19.ToMr.andMrs.Masami Sh i m-'

ok on (44-1-G,Hunt)agirlonSept.16.ToMr.andMrs.TsaoSh i ro*"!

(21-6-F,.Hunt)«eirlonSept.17.ToMr.andMrs.Ak i vama(29-

-1-T\.Hunt)aboyonAnc.28.ToMr.«ndMrs.Kani h i Iwami(?<*-l-H.Hunt)apirlo* Aue.31.ToMr.an<llVTrs.Tak nh asMMiz-nU (S4-11-C. Hunt)agirlonSent.1.ToMr.andMrs.TTpi i i roMivao(13-10-T),Hunt)atn onS«»pt.4.ToMr.andMrs.Sh ?eeoVRbu

?aVi ofHuntn h vonSept.7.ToMr.si"JMrs,Ipami TTch i -

■ani o Poston)agirlonSent.19.ToMr.andMrs.Genre*J.Mat-

sn?a h oyonS«nt.20 i nDover.ToMr.andMrs.Jimmi eF.Hig-uch i aboyi nDenver,Colo.

DEATHSKuni h i k o Hattori,58,1716-C,TuleLak eonSept.5.KasutaroHirosawa,69,(3418-E,TuleLak e)onSept.9.TBuruk i ch i Moriyama,78,(5016-

C,TuleLak e)onSept.9.SasanoKanetomo(73-3-B,Gi laRi ver)onSept.13.InfantsonofMr.andMrs.Ha-j i meDoi (52-3-A,GilaRiver)onSept.12.Mrs.Kinu,Ok u,50,(27-24-D,HeartMountain)onSept.21.

MARRIAGESMiek o Fuj i h i ro to Sh i genobuMurak ami on Sept.14atTaleLak e.Tosh i yeMiyatatoMasatoNa-

k anooni Sept.2atTuleLak e.Mi ch i Yasuk ouch i toMasanobuMiyasak i onSept.16atPoston.AliceMatsui toNobumitsuTak -

ah ash i onSept.8 i nCh i cago.Sh i zuk oTak euch i toSei j i Ik e-daonSept.20i nBi lli ngs,Mont.MaryOk abetoPvt.Joseph Hi g.uch i onAug.16 i nAnn,Arbor,Mich .RubyAyak oOk awak i toKiyos-h i Yasui onSept.1 i nMich ell,Neb.TeruKusak atoMarch Dobash ionAug.17i nSaltLak eCi ty.Hamk o Tsuboi to Pete IsaoYosh i tomi i nAnnArbor,Mich .RosemaryKayamatoLt.Sh i g-eruTsubotaonAug.20 i nCh i -cago.CJuyek o Yosh i k awa to Sgt.Ak i raNak amuraatFortSnelling,Minn.,onSept.16.AnnOnoderatoCpl.Ak i raYat-



RoseM.Mori k awai nDenver,Colo.

Anti-Admini strationFiguresPush Joh nsonDeportationBillCh argeNewDealers"Protecting"PersonsOfJapaneseDescent

WASHINGTON—Itwasreport-edh erelastweek th attermsofaj oi ntHouseandSenatemeasureprovidi ngforth edeportationofallegedlydisloyalJapaneseAmer-i canah avebeenagreedonbySen-atorErnestW.McFarland,D.,Ariz.,andRep.LeroyJoh nson,R.,Calif."Th ereportaddedth atth eMc-Farland-Joh nsonbi llwillbei ntro.

ducedwh enCongressreconvenesafterth eelections.Ananti -admini strationsourcedeclaredth atth ebi ll"willserveasanamendmentwipi ngoutaNew Deal Japanese protectivemeasurecarriedth rough th eCon-gressearlyth i syearbyth eNewDealcongressionalvoting ma-ch i ne."Itwasalso indi catedth atth ecampaignforpassageofth ebillwillbecarriedonasananti-NewDealfigh t,onth egroundsth atth eRooseveltadmini stration h asbeen"protecting'"personsofJapaneseancesry.Th e anti-admini stration reportdeclared:"Joh nsonlastwinterintroducedabillwh i ch wouldh avemadeorig-i naldisloyaltystatementsi n1942groundsfor,postwardeportationofJapaneseAmericans."Th eNewDealcounteredwithaDepartmentofJusticemeasurerequiri ngth edisloyaliststomalcenew statementsbeforeth eycouldbedeported."Th eballotingi n!th eHousewas

so narrowadmini strationleaderssentacallth rough Capi tolcorri-dorsforabsentNew Dealcon-gressmen.Th eDepartmentofJus-ti cebillcarriedbyninevotes.""Enormousevidence h aspiled

uptosh owth atth eJapaneseareanundesirableelementatbest,averydangerousoneatworst,"Joh nsonwasquotedassaying.Joh nsonalsoattack edth eWRAinh i sstatementi nsupportofh i sbill.

EvacueeGelsPermissi ontoReturnHomeTOPAZ, Utah —Ryuj i Adach i ,

5-12-B, Topaz,an American,ofJapaneseancestry,h asbeengrant-edpermissi onbyth eWesternDe-fense Commandtoreturntoh i spre-evacuation h omeatRedwoodCity, Calif.,according to th ewelfaresectionofth eTopazpro-j ect.Adach i ,wh o h as passed h i sph ysi calforth eArmy,wi llbepermittedtoresideth ereuntilh ei scalledfori nductionafterth eexpirati onofh i sdeferment.He i sanapplicantforth epo-siti onaslanguagedrillmasteratth e Ci vi li an Affairs Sch oolatStanforduniversityi nPaloAlto.

Lgrday,September80,1944 PACIFIC CITIZEN7




1053South Bth EastSt.SALTLAKECITY

Ph ones:5-8040;Res.5-1155


P.0.Box2031SaltLak e City,Utah



CLASSIFIED ADSMBCHANIC"WANTED~ST7OOh ourtoRtart:plentyofovertime—WriteFred Yamamoto,P.O.Box787,Price,Utah .HELPWANTED:We~nee~danop-eTatorforasuitnresser.Georg*H.Hak ata.Sr.DeLuxeClean-ers,511 RailroadStreet,Elk o,Ner.WANTED: Experienced truckdri verwith mech ani calexperi-encetodrive10toncoaltruck .*200amonth tostart.OpentoWRArenterresidents.Giveper-sonal h i storyandexperience.FredYamamoto,P.0.Box787.Price.Utah .WANTED:Experiencedand de-pendablelaundrymanbetweenacres27-35.Mustbesingle.Goodnay,h oardandroom. InanireCrystalLaundry.BonnersFer-ry.Idah o.WANTEDTOBUY:Automobilesortruck s,directfrom owners.Also i nterested i n purch asi ngh ouseh old Roods ofalltypes,eith erstored privately or i nwareh ouses.Willbuy i mprovedCityorCountypropertyorany-th i ngyou h avetoselli nLosAngelesandterritory.Ipayallcash . W.M.Sh eumak er,1107South AlvaradoSt.LosAngeles6California.



23225th Street




WALLY TOMA137Ja. MANAGER AND DESIGNERJ'1Stree* SaltLak eCity Res.Ph one4-86248»«th Mai n LAMBOURNEFLORIST Ph one3-554

WANTED SECRETARYWh oMajored i naCommercialCourseSalaryPlusRoom andBoardAGoodSteadyPositi on


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»no9f?ce:MJ Residence:202,AtlasBldg. 9i B2ndAvenue36% W.2ndSouth Ph one:4-6211Ph one:4-2411

" OfficeHours:10-12a.m.;2-5p.m.

DR.BENT.CHIKARAISHI,O.D.FormerlyofStock ton,Calif.


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OfficeHours:9a.m.to9p.m.Ph ones:Office -Midway8363— Res.-HydePark 5468

"One-ManCrusade"AgainstNisei GirlStudentReportedMinorAgitati ononReturnofEvacueeToPasadenaTold

PASADENA,Calif.—Nineteen-year-oldEsth erTak ei continuedh erstudiesatPasadena JuniorCollegeth i sweek ,despiteminoragitati onforh erdi smi ssal.Herpresenceatth esch oolandth epositi onofth esch oolboardonh ercaseweredefendedbyDr.Joh nA.Sexson,superintendentofsch ools,wh o-'fermedasun-Amer-i canth espectacleof"th resh i ngth ematteroutoverth esh buldersofasch oolch i ld,"andwh owarn-edth atcontinuedagitati onoverh erenrollmenth ad created a"dangeroussituation."Inastatementonth esituation,Dr.Sexson declaredth atEsth erTak ei wasadmittedi naccordancewith th emandatoryprovisi onsofth eSch oolCodeofth estateofCalifornia,andth ath eauth ori za-tiontoresidei nPasadenawasi s.suedby"th eh i gh estmili taryau-th ori tyi nth i sarea."ItwasrevealedbyMrs.GladysRineh art,presidentofth eboard,th at97lettersi nsupportofth eboard'sacion h adbeenreceived,wh ereasonlyoneletterofprotesth adbeenreceived.Th eletterofprotest,i twasde-

clared,was sentbyGeorgeL.Kelley,onlyi ndi vi dualsofarfig-uringprominentlyi nth e-agitati onagainstth eNi sei sch oolgirl.Kelleyappearedbeforeth ePas.adenaBoardofEducationonSept.26andth reatenedcourtactioni fth eboardrefused to h eedpro-,testsbyh i mselfandh i ssupport-ers.Kelleywas describedbyth ePasadenaIndependent,dailyPasa-dena newspaper,as th e "self-styled'ch ai rmanofth ePasadenaSafetyCommissi on.'"

Ask sCaliforniansToDisti ngui sh ]BetweenGroupsPASADENA,Calif.—"WemustdifferentiatebetweenloyalfellowAmericansofalienancestryandth eenemyJapanese;tofailtodoso i sgrosslyunfair,un-Americanandun-Ch ri sti an,"Dr.Joh n F.Scott,rectorofth eAllSaintsEpiscopalch urch , declared onSept.24daringth emorningserv-i ceatth ech urch ."Manyh adask edmypositi oni namatterwh i ch i scausingcon-siderableagitati oni nourcom-munity,"saidMr.Scott."ACalifornia-borngirlofJapa-

nese parentage(butofwh oseloyaltyth erei snoquestion)withth epermissi onofmili taryauth or,i ti esh asenteredPasadenaJuniorCollege,wh eresh ei swelcomedby90percentofth estudentbody.Someciti zensaredisturbedandareseek i ngto h aveh erremoved.Wh yandfromwh atmotives,Idonotk now."ManyAmericanyoungmenofJapaneseancestryarelayingdownth ei rli vesforourcountry.Th eyandth ei rsi stersand wivesareAmericanciti zens.Ifth eauth ori -tiesareconvincedofth ei rloyal-ty,th eysh ould h ave th e sameprivi legesasth erestofua."Dr.Scottaddedth ath ei scon-

vincedth ata"greatmajori tyofourciti zensi nPasadenaareAm-ericanenough toseeth atj usti cei sdone."

LetterSupportsStandTak enbySch oolBoard

HUNTINGTON PARK,Calif.—"Oursch ools h ave alwaysbeenth ebulwark ofdemocracy.Let'sk eepth emopenforallourciti -zensalways,"i twasdeclaredi nalettertoth ePasadenaBoardofEducationbyi Ch arlesVanWink leofHuntingtonPark ,California,i nregardtoth eEsth erTak ei casei nPasadena."Weoweatleastth i smuch toth efamili es,toth ebroth ersandsisters ofourJapaneseAmeri-cans i nth earmedforcesofth eUni ted States wh o poured outth ei rlife-blood forlibertyanddemocracyonth ebeach atAnzioand th eslopesofSalerno.Any-th i nglesswould,beacompletede-ni alofeveryth i ngAmerican,de-centandCh ri sti an,"saidMr,VanWink le.Mr.VanWink le'sletterwasoneofmany lettersofapprobationsentth i sweek toth ePasadenaboard,wh i ch h asuph eldth ead-mi ssi on ofEsth erTak ei ,Japa-nese American student,to th ePasadenaJuniorcollege.

Th wartKelleyInAttempttoPollStudents"OneManCrusade"IsGuidedOffofJ.CCampusatPasadena

LOS ANGELES— GeorgeL.Kelley,Pasadena'sone-mancom-mitteeofprotestagainstth ere-turnofJapaneseAmericanstoth ewestcoastandagainstth ereturnofEsth erTak ei toPasadenaJun-i orCollege,was"guidei !"fromth ecampusofth atsch oolonWednes-daybyAssistantPrinci palArch i eM.Turrell,accordingtoareporti nth eLosAngelesTimes.Kelleywasescortedfrom th ecampus,wh ereh eh adgonetocon-ducth i sownpolli nanattemptto disprove SuperintendentofSch oolsJoh nA.Sexson'sreportth at90percentofth estudentbodyapprovedth eenrollmentofth eNi sei student.Meanwh i leCarlPalmberg,stu-denteditorofth eCh roni cleandh i mselfadisch argedveteran,saidth at90percentofth estudentbodyleadersapproveMissTak ei 'spresenceatth atsch oolandth ataneditori altoth ateffectwouldappeari nth e(Ch roni cleonFriday,Sept.29.Apleaagainstraceprejudi cei nth ematterwasmadebyMrs.Wil.lardJ.Stone,ch apterexecutivecommitteewomanofth e Pacifi cCoast Committee on AmeircanPrinci plesandFai rPlay."Wh enaciti zen such asth i sgirli sclearedbyth emili taryau-th ori ti es,sh e h as allth e ci vi lrigh tsofallAmericanciti zensandsuch righ tsmustbeallowed,"safdMrs.Stone.

Nisei ServicemenNotEligi blefToVotei nWyomingElectionCHEYENNE,Wyo.— JapaneseAmericanservicemenwh oseh omesareatth eHeartMountainrelo-cationcenterarenoteligi bletovotei nth estateofWyoming,i twasreportedth i sweek byth eAP.Th erulingwasmadeSaturday,Sept.23,bySecretaryofStateMartT.Ch ri stensen,wh oreport-edth attwosoldierswh oh adli vedatth eHeartMountaincenterandarenowstationed i nMi ssi ssi ppih adappliedforsoldierballots.Th ei rapplicati onswerereturnedwith th eadviceth atth eyapplyi nth estatefromwh i ch th eycametoWyoming,Ch ri stensensaid.Th erulingwasmadei naccord-

ancewith alawpassedbyth e1943Wyominglegislaturewh i ch pro-vi ded:"...Th ateach ci ti zenofth eUni tedStateswh oh asbeenoni sh ereafterbrough t,orcausedtobebrough t,i ntoth estateofWyo.

mingbyth ewarrelocationauth or,i ty,oroth ersi mi laragency,andwh o i snoworh ereafterinternedi narelocationcenterorconcen-trationcamporanyoth ersi mi largovernmentalfacili tyestablish edi nWyomingunderanynationalemergencywh i ch h asbeenori sh ereafterproclaimedbyth epresi.dentofth eUnitedStates,sh allbeproh i bi tedfromvotingi nanyelectioni nth estateofWyominguntilaftersuch affectingnationalemergencyh asbeenterminatedi nanactofcongressofth eUnitedStatesandsaidci ti zenth ereafterqualifi esasanelectorunderpriorprovisi ons...."Ch ri stensen said h e regrettedth elawmak esi ti mpossibletoal-low Nisei servicementovotei nWyoming,declaringth at"ith ard-lyseemsfairtorequireth emtoflgh t,butbarth emfromvoting."

Nisei SoldiersGivePicni cforGirlsi nCapitalWASHINGTON,D.C.— Niseisoldiersfromnearbycampswereh oststomoreth an100girlsonarecentSunday,atawell-plannedandenjoyablepicni ci nth efamousRock Creek Park i nth eNationscapital.Th eguestswereverysur-prisedto see such deli caci esasch i ck en maze-goh an(wh i ch i n-

cludedevengobo,tak enok o,waterch estnuts,andbeni-sh oga),tama-goyak i ,pork and beefteriyak i ,andonmsubi.Inth eafternoonentertainmentwasprovidedbyth esoldiers,wh oweremostlyfromHawai i .Severalnoveltieswerepresented,such ash uladancesandwarch ants.Th eboysandgirlsth orough lyenjoyedeveryminuteofth eday,i ndulg-i ngi neveryth i ngfrom baseballtofolk -dancingonth egrass.Th efoodwaspreparedi nth e

h omesofth reeIssei fami li eswh oh ave li ved i n Wash i ngton formanyyearsandwh oaregoingmuch outofth ei rwayth esedaystomak eWash i ngtonasmuch li k eh omeaspossibleforresettlers.

TopazEvacueesWillTak eAvi ati onCourseatDelta

TOPAZ, Utah —Arrangementsh avebeenmadefortwentyTo-pazresidentstotak eanaviati onmech ani cscoursetobegivenatth eMunici palai rporth angarlo-catednorth westofDelta,th eTo-pazTimesreportedrecently.Th e course willgivetraini ngi naircraftenginesandmech ani cs,andpersonscompletingth ecoursemaybeemployed as j uni orme-ch ani cs i naircrafti ndustry.

EvacueeResettlers i nEastEmployed i nVariedFi eldsNEW YORK—Th emajori tyofth e156resettlerswh owereguestsofth eGreaterNewYork Reloca-tionHostelduringi tsfirstth reemonth sofoperationfoundworkandh ousi ngi nNewYork orvici n-i tyafteranaveragestayofeigh tdays,accordingtoareportrecent,lyi ssuedbyth eWRArelocationofficei nNeVfYork City.Copiesofth ecompletereport,wh i ch i ndi -catesth at43Issei and32familygroupswereamongth eh ostelres-i dents,canbeobtainedfrom th elocalrelocationprogramoffice.Th ereportgivesi ndetailsometypicalexamplesofh owfamili esand indi vi dualswereassisted i nfindi ng j obsand h ousi ngbyth eh ostelstaff,WRArelocationoffi-cers,andoth ercooperatingagen-ci es.Gi la Ri ver h ad th e greatestnumberofformerresidentsfromanyonecenteratth eh ostel,fol-lowedbyCentralUtah andMan-zariar.Th ecompletelistofh ostel-ersbycentersfollows:GitaRiver,49;CentralUtah ,24;Manzanar,22;Colorado River,17;HeartMountain,15;Mini dok a,6;Rph -wer,Granada,andJerome4each ;andTuleLak e,1.Inadditi on,apa-roled interneecametoth e h ostelfromDenver,fourevacueescamefrom Ch i cago,fouroth ersfromCinci nnati,andonefrom Boston.Fifty-five h ostelersestablish edpermanentresidence i nNewYorkCityand46 oth ersresettled i noth ercommuniti es i nth eMi ddleAtlanticArea.Hostelresidents included 54

married and 102singlepersons.Th eyoungesth ostelerwasth reemonth sold,andth eoldestwasanIssei of71 wh otook apositi onasanoperatorofanelectricdis-wash i ng mach i ne atMt.SinaiHosnitalsh ortlyafterh i sarrivali nNewYork .Th erewere15ch i l-drenunderth eageof16.Amongth e32familygroupswerenineconsisti ngofboth parentsandonetofourch i ldren;seven familyj rroupsofoneparentandonetoth ree ch i ldren; eigh tmarriedcouples; and eigh tgroups ofbroth ersandsisters.With th eai dofth eWRAre-

locationofficesi nNewYork CityandNewark .N.J.,h ostelers se-curedpositi ons i nth efollowingfieldsofemployment:beautici an,silk screenartist,dressdesigneraccountant,filmprojecti oni st,gar-dener,domestic,secretary,seam-stress,studentnurse,draftsman,

sh i ppi ngclerk ,producemanager,toy-animalstuffer,typewriterre-pairman;drycleaner,mech ani c'sh elper,andph ysi calth erapist.Alth ough th erewassomecon-troversyprecedingandimmediate-lyfollowingth eopeningofth eh osteli n Brook lynonMay 10.1944,"h ostelers go abour th enei gh borh oodwi th outfearorem-barrassment,"Rev.Ralph E.Smelt-zer,untilrecentlydirectorofth eh ostel,declaresi nth ereport."Ournextdoorneigh borsare congen-i al.Th e h ostelh asreceived noprotests,andnounfriendlyactsh avecometoourattention.Toallappearancesth e h ostelh asbeencompletelyaccepted."Th eh osteli soperatedonanon-sectarianbasisbyth eBreth renService(Committeeofth eCh urchofth eBreth ren.Cooperatingor-ganizati ons i ncludeth eJapaneseAmericanResettlementCommitteeofth eBrook lynCouncilforSocialPlaiui i ng,th eNewYork Ch urchCommitteeforJapaneseAmeri-cans,'andth eAmerican BaptistHomeMissi on'Society,wh i ch alsomadeafinancialcontributi on toth eh ostel.

NativeSonsGoonRecordOpposingHawai i anStateh oodOnJapaneseAmericanIssue

SAN FRANCISCO—Representativesof20parlorsofth eNativeSonsofth eGoldenWestwereonrecordonSept.26asopposingstateh oodforHawai i asaresultofastatementmadei nSanFranciscorecentlybyJoseph R.Farrington,territori aldelegate,toth eeffectth at"Hawai i wantsnopartofth eJapB.neseexclusioncontroversyofth eWestCoast"Th e j oi ntresolution assertedth ati fFarringtoncorrectly

representedopini onsofth emaj ori tyofpeople i nHawai i th atHawai i h adbestdiscardallh onesofattaini ngstateh ood,"th atfITwai i fi rstbepreparedtoactinconcertwith th ewh oleNationandnotattemptlocalsolutionofna.tionalproblems,"th eSanFranciscoCh roni clereported.Itadded "Hawai i mustbe.protectionandnota menacetoth e h omeland,"afterassertingth atth eJapaneseproblem i snotawestcoastproblem"butanationalproblem,with Hawai i ,Ne»York ,Missouri andAlask anolessaffectedth anCalifornia ascom-ponentunitsofth i sNation."Th eresolutionwasdraftedbyWebsterK.Nolan,presidentofStanfordParlorNo.76,and ore-sentedbyWaldoF.Postelofth eparlor'sJapaneseExclusionCom-mi ttee.Congresswascalleduponi nth eresolutiontoadoptlegislationnowapplying to th e wh ole UniedStatesandmak i ngmandatoryth edeportationofallalienJapaneseandth ecancellationofAmericanciti zensh i pfor"disloyal"Ameri-can-born Japanese,togeth erwithth ei rdeportation.

EvacueesAidHarvestingonWesternFarmsSAN FRANCISCO — AlargenumberofevacueesofJapanese

descentarenowseasonalwork ersonth efarmsh elpi ngi n£h efoodforvictoryprogram,accordingtoRobertB.Cozzens,assistantdirec-torofth eWarRelocationAuth or-i ty.Becauseofth ei rexperienceanaaptitudeforfarm work ,evacueework ersaremuch sough tafterbylargenumbersoffarmers i nth eRock yMountainandMi ddleWest-ernstates,Cozzensdeclared."Th i si sadisti nctcontributi on

toth ewareffort,sinceth elaborsh ortage i soneofth emostdif-fi cultoffarmers'problems,"h eadded. "Evacueesch oolch i ldrenh avesometimesbeenused i nth epastbutunlessth eyareofh i ghsch oolage,th eyh avebeenfoundtobenotfullyadequate.However,th eexperiencedassistancenowbe-i ngofferedbyevacuees i stodaywelcomedon h undredsoffarmsand i s,ofcourse,ofmaterialaidtoth ewareffort."

Mrs.TamaoTak ayosh iDiesi nIndianapolisINDIANAPOLIS,Ind.-Mrs.TamaoTak ayosh i ofIndianapolispassedawayonSept.20atth eageof70afterani llnessofth reemonth s.FormerlyofSeattle,sh emo*

ed to Indianapolisfrom PerthAmboy,NewJersey,toth eh omeofh erson,Yosh i ,th ree weetapriorto h erdeath .Sh e leavesfoursons,Keifto,

Tomeo,Yosh i tak a andTai j i ,wh oi snow servingloverseaswith th earmedforces,andfourdaugh ter):Yurino,Masak o,Mrs.GeorgeIsh i h araandMrs.HaroldLewi i

PACIFIC CITIZENSaturday.September30,1944



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