i’ve been elected president of my optimist club! now what do i do?

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I’ve been elected President of my Optimist Club! Now what do I do? . President-elect Orientation Pacific Northwest District Convention August 15, 2008. Objectives. Identify the roles and responsibilities of Optimist Club President Learn to delegate, motivate and communicate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



President-elect OrientationPacific Northwest District Convention

August 15, 2008

I’ve been elected President of my Optimist Club!

Now what do I do?


Identify the roles and responsibilities of Optimist Club President

Learn to delegate, motivate and communicate

Understand the connection between growth and service

Plan for a successful year



Congratulations!◦ Your fellow Optimist Club members believe in you.

Thank you.◦ In case they forgot to tell you…they appreciate


Being President is an Honor and a Responsibility


Leader Cheerleader Friend/Confidante Motivator Figurehead Spokesperson Chief cook & bottle


What are some of the roles of Club President?

CEO – Chief Executive Officer of your Club


Serve as a member of your District’s Board of Directors and represent your club at each District and Zone Meeting

Leader and visionary of your Optimist Club◦ Find opportunities and inspire others to do more◦ Preside at meetings◦ Involve others through delegation

Manage the affairs of your Optimist Club◦ Be sure club reports are completed by the S/T◦ Budget conscious

Your Responsibilities


Take a look at the Organization structure of Optimist International

District Board of Directors


Optimist Clubs govern the actions of Optimist International

Optimist Clubs govern District activities

The Club President automatically has a seat on the District Board of Directors

You must be present to participate

What does this mean to you as Club President?


Don’t leave your seat empty You are a member of the District

Board of Directors

You are invited to the table


Manage the affairs of the of your Optimist Club◦ Learn the rules under which your Optimist Club

operates◦ Participate in preparing the budget

What does your budget look like?

◦ Understand the financial obligations that your club has to Optimist International

Leading your team


Collaborate with your Club S/T to be sure that reports are completed and filed on time◦ IRS 990◦ CRA –Club Roster Adjustments◦ Officer-elect report◦ President’s Pride Report – annual activities report◦ JOOI reports – if you sponsor a Junior Optimist or

Octagon Club ◦ Minutes◦ Financial Reports◦ Membership Reports

Leading your team


What other “affairs” might your club have?◦ Reporting to or collaborating with other clubs or

agencies◦ Relationships with government or school officials◦ Helpful media contacts

Leading your team


Appoint chairpersons and committees◦ These individuals will lighten your load

Leading your team


Finding volunteers◦ Use the Member Interest Finder ◦ Personally ask them to help

Tell them what the position entails: Time Resources provided or needed (money, manpower,

participants, sponsors, etc.) If there is a record of what’s been done before If this is a start-up project, let them know the Board

of Directors is behind it Keep a record for others to follow

◦ Periodically touch base with them to see how they are doing

Leading your team


Leading your team Three steps to motivating volunteers1. Satisfy their social needs

◦ Individuals join clubs and organization so they can interact with others - to gain a sense of belonging

2. Provide an avenue for them to accomplish something

◦ Individuals stay involved when they are needed – it boosts their self-esteem

3. Provide recognition and praise◦ Recognition and praise raises self-esteem to self



Motivation Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


The secret to motivating volunteers

◦Understand their needs

◦Find a way to meet their needs

◦Recognize and praise their accomplishments CAUTION: Be sure the praise fits the level

of accomplishment and the personality of the recipient

Leading your team


Presiding at meetings◦ Come prepared

Have an agenda Be hospitable – welcome members and


◦ When you are conducting business Be sure everyone has a chance to be heard Minutes should be recorded whenever

business is conducted Follow procedure – Robert’s Rules of Order

Leading your team


And finally, a club president

Should be a good sport


Why do we communicate? ◦ Expression of needs or wants

◦ To educate or inform

◦ To indicate choices

◦ Protest or reject the action of others

◦ Social interaction



How do we communicate?◦ Verbal

◦ Non-verbal

◦ Written word

◦ Visual images



Different types of personalities

◦ Leadership Styles and Profiles developed by David Morrison, Past Governor, Leadership Chair 07-08

◦ Identifies four Colors of PersonalitiesBrown – BuilderGreen – PlannerBlue – RelaterRed - Adventurer

Do personality types affect communication?


David contends that at any given time, each of us have a different amount of each trait

Our style is constantly changing and so is the style of our listener

The average listener must hear, see or be made aware of something 7 times before they will take action


Communicating in the 21st Century Public speaking

Written word◦ Newsletters and

bulletins ◦ Email

Other typical media outlets◦ TV◦ Radio◦ Billboards

Web Siteso Blogspnwdistrictoptimist.blogspot.com o Social Networking

Telephone Answering machines

and cell phones

Interpersonal Communications


Please take a few minutes with your Lieutenant Governor to look over the Annual Club Planning Conference

Find out what you need to know when you sit down with your Lt. Governor and your Board of Directors to complete the report

Now is the time to begin planning the year



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