it's my skin

Post on 29-Jul-2016






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Tattoo zine for module 4.6 Graphic Arts & Design at Leeds Beckett University


  • Lloyd Hall 20

  • I got my first tattoo at the age of 19. There was no reason why I got it done I just loved the design and really wanted to experience what it was like getting a tattoo.

    I have not been discriminated for my tattoos as everyone I know loves them.

    The only time I have to cover them up is when the owner of the company I work for comes in, I have not been told to do this. I am also not ashamed of them, I just believes it gives the owner the right impression of me before any discriminative thoughts come about due to my tattoos incase their opinions are different to mine.

    I do plan on getting more, eventually. I would like to have a full sleeve on my left arm, but it is a work in progress. Overall I love my tattoos and I dont regret getting any of them, they make me unique and my own person.

  • Ben Walsh19

  • I got my first tattoo when I was 18.

    Ive always liked tattoos, I have always looked at them from a young age. Im not sure why, because no one in my family has tattoos. I just like the way of showing meaning for family in a different way, some people like to get a birthstone necklace/ring I prefer to get a tattoo...

    All my tattoos have a meaning, and non of them are a clear meaning. I have to explain them before people understand.

    The only time I cover my tattoos up is at work, and that is not at all the time, just when I have meetings etc as my job is quite important, I do that because I respect where I work and think it looks more respectable when I have meetings to cover them up. When I am just around work and general days I dont purposely cover them up. I dont mind getting them out, they are for me so I dont care what others think.

  • Phil Hopwood 41

  • I got my first tattoo when I was 17.

    The reason I got my first tattoo was to regain individuality within a Military environment.

    I have not been discriminated, however feel Ive been judged for my tattoos.

    I wear long sleeves for work, now that Im in management, so not to be pre judged by clients and professionals.

    I plan on getting two more tattoos and re work on existing tattoos...

  • Jordon Cutter 25

  • First tattoo I got was when I was 16 which was a black and grey cross on my right forearm, I always wanted tattoos from a early age really my mum took me for my first tattoo once I had finished Grammar School.

    My reasons for getting them is vast. From beginning of starting Grammar SchooI was teased and bullied making my school years very hard to deal with but once I had got my first tattoo was like a realise of all the pain and hard times I had to deal with during school and the euphoria was amazing from then I knew I wasnt gonna let anyone put me down it was very much a comfort thing a test of my own resolve dealing with the physical pain was like a release from all the negativity I had gone through tattoos helped me deal with a lot during through my life not all have major meaning towards me for the process was the most exciting part the pain and time put in then seeing something beautiful a reminder of emotions during them times.

    Ive never really been discriminated against but have had the most common comments like you will regret that when youre older or how will you look when youre a old man, I have been turned down from certain jobs because having visible tattoos but never really had negativity against me.

  • Between age of 18-21 I grew long hair to attempt to hide some of my neck tattoos which my dad disapproved of as I has a extremely large amount of tattoos. This is because after he left the army he wanted to join police force and was unable due to having visible tattoos on his hands, but now he understands the reasons and why I get them he has accepted that.

    I plan on getting many more its a ongoing process which I doubt Ill ever be finished getting tattoos as its the most visible expression of who I am.

  • Josh Bates21

  • I had always wanted to get tattoos, and have always wanted to try it

    I havent been discriminated for my tattoos, well, not yet. Though people have tried to tell me its a waste of money if that counts

    At interviews I tend to wear a suit and high collar so they arent really visible, but havent had any reason to since I got my hand done

    I intend to cover my whole body in tattoos, so I dont know how many I will end up getting.

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