it’s hard to imagine that w riting, i can’t tell you how …...dear lovely pupils of 5r, it’s...

Post on 09-Aug-2020






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Dear lovely pupils of 5R,

It’s hard to imagine that we have now completed week 7 of lockdown and I continue to be impressed with the

quality of work that is being emailed to me, as well as the range of activities you are taking part in. It seems we have lots

of talented bakers in our class, as well as gardeners, writers, mathematicians, artists, scientists and fitness experts! The

biscuit challenge set by Mrs Smith was a great excuse to eat bisuits in the interest of science and some of you did a great

job of this! Those of you that have sent me pieces of writing, I can’t tell you how much I have thoroughly enjoy reading your

work and seeing what you are doing during lockdown. As I mentioned last week, learning at home is not easy for everyone, so

it is wonderful to see you all continuing to persevere in these unusual times and your parents too- don’t forget, they are not

all used to having to do a lot of the things they are having to recently so it might be challenging for them too!

Don’t forget to keep sending in any work you have completed to the Year 5 homework email address. I have included some

samples of your work again at the end of this letter. Thank you for all the work that has been submitted so far; I continue

to enjoy reading your work and I’m sure you’ll love to see what your friends are up to too.

Just a reminder that your weekly home learning tasks will be available on the school website under children/year 5/Home

Learning. There is an overview of all the tasks for the week on one sheet, as well as the individual tasks. As we have

mentioned before, just do what you can; do what is practically possible. I know, having spoken to or had emails from some of

your parents, that everyone has different circumstances at home so please do not feel stressed or compare yourself to

others if you can help it. Everyone is doing their best! If someone has done everything, and you have only completed 3 tasks

it is probably for a reason that is unavoidable!

What I have really noticed through some of your emails and from talking to some of you and your parents how much you are

missing your friends. This is completely understandable as school provides so much more than just academic learning; it’s a

place where you form friendships which last for many, many years. I know that some of you are finding it particularly

difficult being away from your friends and are missing them dearly. I know how you feel as I am missing the lovely staff –

who are also my friends –from Warren. What I try to do though is remember that this current situation will get better and

you will be reunited in the future. I know that some of you are staying in contact over the phone, or through WhatsApp or

Zoom, which is wonderful. With this in mind, Ms Lewis is going to share this poem with her class and I thought, because you

have a poetry lesson set for you this week and that you are experiencing similar feelings to 5L, this could be useful for you

too! (More about poetry below).

Best Friends, Bill Hoeneveld

To be best of friends,

Is a true gift,

To share things together,

To care and uplift.

In good times and bad,

The bond will endure,

Whether happy or sad,

The love will be pure.

True friendship spans distance,

None is too vast.

True friendship spans time,

Forever it will last.

Whether living close together,

Or being far apart,

Your friend is always with you,

In your mind and your heart.

Remember to stay strong and you will be reunited with your friends soon.

VE DAY Celebrations:

With VE DAY occurring on Friday, I’m sure you have many photos that you could share with me of your street parties (at a

social distance of course) and your parties. I’d love to see them and perhaps I can put them in the letter next time so

everyone can see what you did. There was a lot of noise down my road: parties, singing (not all good voices), music playing and

in my house we had afternoon tea and a lot of singing too – again not all great voices!

I’m sure whatever you did, you celebrated in style!

Calling all poets!

If you are feeling particularly creative and have a passion for poetry, Ms Lewis is setting a whole school activity, which is

launching on Monday. I’ve added it to the bottom of this letter, so take a look and I can’t wait to read your wonderful

writing! I can imagine – after seeing your creative poems and song writing – that this will be a great way for all of you to

show off your skills!

TT Rockstars!

Sadly, it was not our week to win the TTRS Battle of the Bands this week, but a huge well done to our 4 lone wolves, Evie B,

Tyrone, Russell and Callum! Remember it is a weekly event, so if you have access to an electronic device at 10.30 on a

Tuesday, it would be amazing to see as many children taking part as possible.

Remember that your login details should be in your homework diary with all your other logins, but if you cannot find it, ask

your parent/carer to email me and I will let them know your details. Our school is 17th on the leader board, so we need to

try to improve that position if we can.


Well done to those of you who are continuing to use Oddizzi. Sadly for this week, we are not on the top 3 leader board but

I know some of you are working really hard with this so keep it up. Those of you who have nt logged on yet, please do so – we

need to have a group effort to hit that leaderboard if we can but we all need to work together!

And finally… Remember to try to stay motivated and do whatever work you can. Please continue to keep in

touch with me. It was lovely to speak to a few of you and your parents last week – hearing your voices was

really lovely – but I love to receive your work too. You can send me your work or just if you want to say ‘Hi’

and let me know what you’ve been up to by email, that’s great too. Remember that if you have any

concerns, or any issues with home learning, anything at all, just email using the Year 5 email address


Take care of yourselves and your family.

Stay safe and I will be in touch soon!

Love and best wishes,

Mrs Redmond

5R’s Lockdown Lowdown

Here is just a selection of the amazing photos I have

been sent over the past week

Amir has been busy writing a story based on one of the Pobble pictures about a cheetah that escapes from the zoo and goes on the rampage! He also did a pen and ink drawing of a flower aswell as also completing lots of the Maths sheets and grammar sheets.

Well done Amir!

Jude created a lovely VE poster with lots of images to

commemorate this spectacular day,

Viyashan has been working hard at home with grammar activities

and labelling parts of a flower for science

Anna-Grace is working hard on 11+ work and taking some looonnngg

exams! I’m amazed, Anna! Hope you did well!

Tyrone has been working on his 11+ work and is following his

amazing daily work routine! Keep it up, Tyrone!

Gracie is reading EVERYTHING and keeping busy with all of her

Home Learning work. Great to hear it, Grace – I’m sure Ms LEzis

will be excited to hear!

Holly is keeping busy at home and is keeping in touch with her

friends. It’s really important so keep this up, Holly!

Maddie is working at home and enjoying the sunshine with her

forever-growing hedgehog! Well done to you, Maddie!

Tobi is well and busy at home – keep up the good work Tobi, and

stay safe with your family!

Darcey and Zara completed their biography together (thanks to

facetime 😊) and Zara has also doing bit of French everyday via

Duolingo app. Tres bien!

Henry has been working hard with his Home Learning and is staying

in touch with his friends. He’s definitely keeping busy and spending

lots of time pampering his dog!

Darcey has done lots of work this week: dissecting a flower,

completing some art work, and CPSHE wordart. Impressive! Well

done, Darcey!

Zara has completed lots of 10 minute maths as well as White Rose

Maths questions and ha written a fantastic Percy Fawcett

biography (with Darcey!).

Enoch has been busy completing some of his Home Learning work:

here is some maths he’s been busy with!

George has completed a lovely piece of pen and ink drawing and

even signed it like a real artist!

Mariam sent me a collage of all her work this week! You can see how busy she

has been. She also has been inolved with Ramadan with her family and has

completed lots of maths activities! Great work, Mariam!

Evie N. has completed lots of Oddizzi Geography work and has done lots of

writing – what beautiful presentation as always, and attention to detail in your

maths. Keep it up, Evie! She has also been a real asset to her family in these

unusual times! You are a star, Evie!

Can you rhyme like Roald Dahl?

Do you have the rhythm of Michael Rosen?

Can you paint pictures with words?

Writing poetry is a great way to express your emotions. In these uncertain

times, writing can help you process what is happening around you and ease the

feelings of anxiety. It’s also a lovely way to capture your thoughts and feelings

and create a time capsule of memories.

We want you to write a poem about life in lockdown. Think about the focus

of your poem – will it be an expression of your emotions about how you are

feeling, or will it be about the positive news stories that are emerging? Will it

be about front-line workers?... Or family and friendships?... Or perhaps

nature?... Or the importance of staying positive?

Remember, there are different forms of poetry – it doesn’t have to rhyme but

should share your ideas, express your emotions and create imagery! Once

you have written your poem, email it to your class teacher’s homework account

and they will forward it to Ms Lewis, English coordinator. We hope you will

enjoy writing the poems as much as we will enjoy reading them!

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