italy, 1 5 0 0 to 1 6 0 0 high and late renaissance

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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ITALY, 1 5 0 0 to 1 6 0 0 High and late renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci, The Virgin of the Rocks, c. 1491-1508, 189.5 x 120 cm,

oil on panel

Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper, 1498, tempera and oil on plaster (Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan)

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, c. 1503-05, oil on panel 30-1/4 x 21 inches (Musée du Louvre)

Vit-ru-vian Man 1490

Raphael,Marriage of the Virgin, from the Chapel of SaintJoseph, San Francesco, Città di Castello, Italy, 1504. Oil on wood

Raphael, Philosophy (School of Athens),Stanza della Segnatura,Vatican Palace, Rome, Italy, 1509–1511

Michelangelo Buonarroti, Pietà, ca. 1498–1500, Marble, 5 81–2 high, Saint Peter’s, Vatican City,


Michelangelo, David, Florence, Italy, 1501–1504.Marble, 17 high.

Creation of Adam, detail of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel,Vatican City, Rome, Italy, 1511–

1512. Fresco

Michelangelo, Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel Ceiling, fresco, 1534-1541 (Vatican City, Rome)

Donato d’Angelo Bramante, Tempietto, San Pietro in Montorio, Rome, Italy, 1502

Andrea Palladio, Villa Rotonda (formerly Villa Capra), near Vicenza, Italy,

ca. 1550–1570.

Giovanni Bellini and Titian, Feast of the Gods, Italy, 1529. Oil on canvas,

Titian, Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne Italy, 1522–1523. Oil on canvas

Titian, Venus of Urbino, 1538. Oil on canvas, 3 11 5 5

Paolo Veronese, Triumph of Venice, ca. 1585. Oil on canvas

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