ita alumni answer 9 burning questions about teaching abroad

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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ITA ALUMNI answer 9 burning questions about teaching


…and here’s what they have to tell you!

Where do I even start?

-Denise L., South Korea

Do lots of research in advance and make sure to speak with an ITA Advisor.”

“Read more about Denise’s time in South Korea here!

Do I need to know another language to

teach abroad?

-Erin L., Italy

I would recommend brushing up on the language of the country before you go, even if most people speak basics English. Don’t let the language scare you off though- you will pick it up a lot when you get there!”

“Read more about Erin’s time in Italy here!

What do I need to know about finances?

-Samantha S., Italy

Although I am making enough money to live, there is so much to do here and between you and the friends you make, you will end up spending more money than expected so save lots of money from working and also BUDGET!”

“Read more about Samantha’s time in Italy here!

Gustavo O., Japan

Before deciding to pack up everything and leave, give yourself plenty of time to plan ahead and save enough money for the move and the first couple of months of living expenses.”

“Read more about Gustavo’s time in Japan here!

How do you make friends abroad?

Do I need to be TEFL certified?

Do you have any advice on

interviewing for teaching positions?

-Cynthia M., Malaysia

Remember in your interviews that the school is interviewing for you as well, not just you for them. Ask them how long their teachers stay at the school on average. Ask what kind of a support network you will have. If they’re not sympathetic to your concerns in the interview, then they may not be willing to help you once you are working for them.”

“Read more about Cynthia’s time in Malaysia here!

What are your students like?

How do you acclimate to a new culture?

Any last words of advice?

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